simATACCount: The simATACCount class

Description Parameters


S4 class that holds parameters for the count matrix of simATAC simulation.


simATAC simulation parameters:


The bin number to simulate.


The cell number to simulate.


Seed to use for generating random numbers.


The logical variable whether to use default parameters (TRUE) or learn from data (FALSE)


An string indicating the species of the input cells. simATAC supports "hg38", "hg19", "mm9", and "mm10" in the current version.


The address of the file containing bins' coordinates including three columns in the format of "chr start end". The file must have a header of "chr start end" at the first line. If your data does not match the genome coordinates provided by simATAC, and you do not have the file containing bin information, use the "None" value.

Library size parameters

Mean parameter for the first component of library size bimodal Gaussian distribution.


Mean parameter for the second component of library size bimodal Gaussian distribution


Standard deviation parameter for the first component of library size bimodal Gaussian distribution.


Standard deviation parameter for the second component of library size bimodal Gaussian distribution.


Probability parameter for the first component in bimodal Gaussian distribution. The probability for the second component is 1-lib.prob.

Non-zero cell proportion parameters

The proportion of non-zero cells per bin in the original count matrix


Estimated coefficient of power zero variable in the polynomial function


Estimated coefficient of power one variable in the polynomial function


Estimated coefficient of power two variable in the polynomial function


Gaussian mean to be added as noise to the final simulated counts


Gaussian standard deviation to be added as noise to the final simulated counts


Sparsit factor to be multiplied to the input of Poisson distribution on the final simulated count matrix

The parameters not shown in brackets can be estimated from real data using simATACEstimate. For details of the simATAC simulation see simATACSimulate.

bowang-lab/simATAC documentation built on Jan. 28, 2021, 1:22 a.m.