
# makeqtl.R
# copyright (c) 2002-2011, Hao Wu and Karl W. Broman
# last modified May, 2011
# first written Apr, 2002
# Modified by Danny Arends
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: makeqtl, replaceqtl, addtoqtl, dropfromqtl, locatemarker
#           print.qtl, summary.qtl, print.summary.qtl, reorderqtl
#           plot.qtl
#           print.compactqtl, summary.compactqtl, print.summary.compactqtl

# This is the function to construct an object of class "qtl"
# The phenotype data and genotype data for a given list of
# chromosome and locations will be extracted from the input
# "cross" object
makeqtl <-
function(cross, chr, pos, qtl.name, what=c("draws", "prob"))
  if( !sum(class(cross) == "cross") )
    stop("The first input variable must be an object of class cross")

  # cross type
  type <- class(cross)[1]
  chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
  names(chrtype) <- names(cross$geno)
  sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
  what <- match.arg(what)

  themap <- pull.map(cross)

  # try to interpret chr argument
    chr <- as.character(chr)

  # chr, pos and qtl.name must have the same length
  if(length(chr) != length(pos))
    stop("Input chr and pos must have the same length.")
  else if( !missing(qtl.name) )
    if( length(chr) != length(qtl.name) )
      stop("Input chr and qtl.name must have the same length.")

  # local variables
  n.ind <- nrow(cross$pheno) # number of individuals
  n.pos <- length(chr) # number of selected markers
  n.gen <- NULL

  # initialize output object
  qtl <- NULL
  # take out the imputed genotypes and/or genoprobs for the
  # selected markers (if there are there)
  if(what == "draws") { # pull out draws
    if(!("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]]))) 
      stop("You must first run sim.geno.")
    # take out imputed genotype data
    n.draws <- dim(cross$geno[[1]]$draws)[3] # number of draws

    # initialize geno matrix for selected markers
    geno <- array(rep(0, n.ind*n.pos*n.draws),
                  dim=c(n.ind, n.pos, n.draws))

    for(i in 1:n.pos) {
      # get the index for this chromosome
      i.chr <- which(chr[i]==names(cross$geno))
      if(length(i.chr) == 0) # no this chromosome in cross 
        stop("There's no chromosome number ", chr[i], " in input cross object")
      i.pos <- pos[i] # marker position

      # make the genetic map for this chromosome
      if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws)))
        map <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws,"map")
      else {
        stp <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "step")
        oe <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "off.end")
        if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws)))
          stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "stepwidth")
        else stpw <- "fixed"
        map <- create.map(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)

      # pull out the female map if there are sex-specific maps
      if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,]

      # locate this marker (given chromosome and position)
      marker.idx <- locatemarker(map, i.pos, i.chr, flag="draws")
      if(length(marker.idx) > 1) 
        stop("Multiple markers at the same position; run jittermap.")
      # if everything is all right, take the genotype
      geno[,i,] <- cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws[,marker.idx,]
      pos[i] <- map[marker.idx]

      # no. genotypes
      n.gen[i] <- length(getgenonames(type,chrtype[i.chr],"full",sexpgm, attributes(cross)))
      # Fix up X chromsome here
      if(chrtype[i.chr]=="X" && (type=="bc" || type=="f2"))
        geno[,i,] <- reviseXdata(type,"full",sexpgm,draws=geno[,i,,drop=FALSE],
    # give geno dimension names
    # the 2nd dimension called "Q1", "Q2", etc.
    dimnames(geno) <- list(NULL, paste("Q", 1:n.pos, sep=""), NULL)
    # output 
    qtl$geno <- geno
  else { # pull out probs

    if(!("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
      stop("You must first run calc.genoprob.")
    # initialize prob matrix
    prob <- vector("list",n.pos)

    # locate the marker
    for(i in 1:n.pos) {

      # get the index for this chromosome
      i.chr <- which(chr[i]==names(cross$geno))
      if(length(i.chr) == 0) # no this chromosome in cross
        stop("There's no chromosome number ", chr[i], " in input cross object")
      i.pos <- pos[i] # marker position

      if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob)))
        map <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob,"map")
      else {
        stp <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "step")
        oe <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "off.end")
        if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob)))
          stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "stepwidth")
        else stpw <- "fixed"
        map <- create.map(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)

      # pull out the female map if there are sex-specific maps
      if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,]

      # locate this marker (given chromosome and position)
      marker.idx <- locatemarker(map, i.pos, i.chr, flag="prob")
      if(length(marker.idx) > 1) 
        stop("Multiple markers at the same position; run jittermap.")

      # take genoprob
      if(chrtype[i.chr]=="X" && (type=="bc" || type=="f2")) { # fix X chromosome probs
        prob[[i]] <- reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm,
        prob[[i]] <- cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob[,marker.idx,]

      pos[i] <- map[marker.idx]

      # no. genotypes
      n.gen[i] <- ncol(prob[[i]])
    qtl$prob <- prob

  if(missing(qtl.name))  { # no given qtl names
    dig <- 1

      step <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "step")
      step <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "step")
    if(!is.null(step)) {
      if(step > 0) dig <- max(dig, -floor(log10(step)))
    else {
        stepw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "stepwidth")
        stepw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "stepwidth")

      if(!is.null(stepw) && stepw > 0) dig <- max(dig, -floor(log10(stepw)))

    # make qtl names
    qtl.name <- paste( paste(chr,sep=""), charround(pos,dig), sep="@")

  # output object
  qtl$name <- qtl.name
  qtl$altname <- paste("Q", 1:n.pos, sep="")
  qtl$chr <- chr
  qtl$pos <- pos
  qtl$n.qtl <- n.pos
  qtl$n.ind <- nind(cross)
  qtl$n.gen <- n.gen
  qtl$chrtype <- chrtype[qtl$chr]
  names(qtl$chrtype) <- NULL

  class(qtl) <- "qtl"
  attr(qtl, "map") <- themap

# This is the function to replace one QTL by another.
replaceqtl <-
function(cross, qtl, index, chr, pos, qtl.name, drop.lod.profile=TRUE)
  if(class(qtl) != "qtl")
    stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

  if(any(index < 1 | index > qtl$n.qtl))
    stop("index should be between 1 and ", qtl$n.qtl)

  if(length(index) != length(chr) || length(index) != length(pos))
    stop("index, chr, and pos should all have the same length.")
  if(!missing(qtl.name) && length(index) != length(qtl.name))
    stop("index and qtl.name should have the same length.")
  if("geno" %in% names(qtl)) what <- "draws"
  else what <- "prob"

    newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, what=what)
    newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, qtl.name=qtl.name, what=what)
  if(what=="draws") {
    qtl$geno[,index,] <- newqtl$geno
  else {
    qtl$prob[index] <- newqtl$prob

  qtl$name[index] <- newqtl$name
  qtl$chr[index] <- newqtl$chr
  qtl$pos[index] <- newqtl$pos
  qtl$chrtype[index] <- newqtl$chrtype

  if(qtl$n.ind != newqtl$n.ind) stop("Mismatch in no. individuals")

  qtl$n.gen[index] <- newqtl$n.gen

    attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- NULL


# This is the function to add a QTL to given qtl object

addtoqtl <-
function(cross, qtl, chr, pos, qtl.name, drop.lod.profile=TRUE)
  if(class(qtl) != "qtl")
    stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

  if("geno" %in% names(qtl)) what <- "draws"
  else what <- "prob"

    newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, what=what)
    newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, qtl.name=qtl.name, what=what)
  if(what=="draws") {
    do <- dim(qtl$geno)
    dn <- dim(newqtl$geno)
    if(do[1] != dn[1] || do[3] != dn[3])
      stop("Mismatch in number of individuals or number of imputations.")
    temp <- array(dim=c(do[1], do[2]+dn[2], do[3]))
    temp[,1:ncol(qtl$geno),] <- qtl$geno
    temp[,-(1:ncol(qtl$geno)),] <- newqtl$geno
    colnames(temp) <- paste("Q", 1:ncol(temp), sep="")
    qtl$geno <- temp
  else {
    qtl$prob <- c(qtl$prob, newqtl$prob)

  qtl$name <- c(qtl$name, newqtl$name)
  qtl$chr <- c(qtl$chr, newqtl$chr)
  qtl$pos <- c(qtl$pos, newqtl$pos)
  qtl$n.qtl <- qtl$n.qtl + newqtl$n.qtl
  qtl$altname <- paste("Q", 1:qtl$n.qtl, sep="")
  qtl$chrtype <- c(qtl$chrtype, newqtl$chrtype)
  if(qtl$n.ind != newqtl$n.ind)
    stop("Mismatch in no. individuals")
  qtl$n.gen <- c(qtl$n.gen, newqtl$n.gen)

  attr(qtl, "formula") <- NULL
  attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- NULL

    attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- NULL


# This is the function to drop a QTL from a given qtl object
dropfromqtl <-
function(qtl, index, chr, pos, qtl.name, drop.lod.profile=TRUE)
  if(class(qtl) != "qtl")
    stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

  if(!missing(chr) || !missing(pos)) {
    if(missing(chr) || missing(pos))
      stop("Give both chr and pos, or give name, or give a numeric index")
    if(!missing(qtl.name) || !missing(index))
      stop("Give chr and pos or qtl.name or numeric index, but not multiple of these.")
    if(length(chr) != length(pos))
      stop("chr and pos must have the same lengths.")

    todrop <- NULL
    for(i in seq(along=chr)) {
      m <- which(qtl$chr == chr[i])
      if(length(m) < 1)
        stop("No QTL on chr ", chr[i], " in input qtl object.")

      for(j in seq(along=m)) {
        d <- abs(qtl$pos[m[j]] - pos[i])
        if(min(d) > 10) stop("No qtl near position ", pos[i], " on chr ", chr[i])

        wh <- m[d==min(d)]
        if(length(wh) > 1)
          stop("Multiple QTL matching chr ", chr[i], " at pos ", pos[i])

        if(min(d) > 1)
          warning("No QTL on chr ", chr[i], " exactly at ", pos[i],
                  "; dropping that at ", qtl$pos[wh])

        todrop <- c(todrop, wh)

    todrop <- unique(todrop)
  else if(!missing(qtl.name)) {
      stop("Give chr and pos or qtl.name or numeric index, but not multiple of these.")

    m <- match(qtl.name, qtl$name)
    if(all(is.na(m))) # if no matches, try "altname"
      m <- match(qtl.name, qtl$altname)

      warning("Didn't match QTL ", qtl.name[is.na(m)])

    todrop <- m[!is.na(m)]
  else {
      stop("Give chr and pos or qtl.name or numeric index, but not multiple of these.")
    if(any(index < 1 | index > qtl$n.qtl))
      stop("index should be between 1 and ", qtl$n.qtl)

    todrop <- index

  # input drop is an integer index
  # get the index for exclusing drop QTL
  idx <- setdiff(1:qtl$n.qtl, todrop)
  # result object
  qtl$name <- qtl$name[idx]
  qtl$chr <- qtl$chr[idx]
  qtl$chrtype <- qtl$chrtype[idx]
  qtl$pos <- qtl$pos[idx]
  qtl$n.qtl <- qtl$n.qtl - length(todrop)
  qtl$altname <- paste("Q", 1:qtl$n.qtl, sep="")
  qtl$n.ind <- qtl$n.ind
  qtl$n.gen <- qtl$n.gen[idx]
  if("geno" %in% names(qtl)) {
    qtl$geno <- qtl$geno[,idx,,drop=FALSE]
    colnames(qtl$geno) <- paste("Q", 1:ncol(qtl$geno), sep="")
  if("prob" %in% names(qtl))
    qtl$prob <- qtl$prob[idx]

  attr(qtl, "formula") <- NULL
  attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- NULL

    attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- NULL


# locate the marker on a genetic map. Choose the nearest
# one if there's no marker or pseudomarker one the given
# location
# This is the internal function and not supposed to be used by user

locatemarker <-
function(map, pos, chr, flag)
  marker.idx <- which(map == pos)
  if( length(marker.idx)==0 ) {
    # there's no this marker, take the nearest marker instead
    # if there's a tie, take the first nearst one
    m.tmp <- abs(pos-map)
    marker.idx <- which(m.tmp==min(m.tmp))[[1]]

  if(length(marker.idx) > 1)
    marker.idx <- marker.idx[sample(length(marker.idx))]

# print QTL object
print.qtl <-
function(x, ...)   

# summary of QTL object
summary.qtl <-
function(object, ...)
  if(is.null(object) || length(object) == 0) {
    class(object) <- "summary.qtl"

  if("geno" %in% names(object)) {
    type <- "draws"
    n.draws <- dim(object$geno)[3]
  else type <- "prob"

  output <- data.frame(name=object$name, chr=object$chr, pos=object$pos, n.gen=object$n.gen, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  rownames(output) <- object$altname
  attr(output, "type") <- type
  if(!is.null(attr(object,"mqm"))) attr(output, "mqm") <- attr(object,"mqm")
  if(type=="draws") attr(output, "n.draws") <- n.draws
  class(output) <- c("summary.qtl", "data.frame")

  if("formula" %in% names(attributes(object))) 
    attr(output, "formula") <- attr(object, "formula")
  if("pLOD" %in% names(attributes(object)))
    attr(output, "pLOD") <- attr(object, "pLOD")


# print summary of QTL object
print.summary.qtl <-
function(x, ...)
  if(is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) {
    cat("  Null QTL model\n")
  else {
    type <- attr(x, "type")
      thetext <- paste("imputed genotypes, with", attr(x, "n.draws"), "imputations.")
    else thetext <- "genotype probabilities."
    if(!is.null(attr(x,"mqm"))) thetext <- paste("model created by mqmscan")
    cat("  QTL object containing", thetext, "\n\n")

    print.data.frame(x, digits=5)

  if("formula" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
    form <- attr(x, "formula")
    if(!is.character(form)) form <- deparseQTLformula(form)
    cat("\n  Formula:")
    w <- options("width")[[1]]
    printQTLformulanicely(form, "               ", w+5, w)

  if("pLOD" %in% names(attributes(x)))
    cat("\n  pLOD: ", round(attr(x, "pLOD"),3), "\n")

# plot locations of QTLs on the genetic map
plot.qtl <-
function(x, chr, horizontal=FALSE, shift=TRUE,
         show.marker.names=FALSE,  alternate.chrid=FALSE,
         justdots=FALSE, col="red", ...)
  if(!("qtl" %in% class(x)))
    stop("input should be a qtl object")

  if(length(x) == 0) 
    stop("  There are no QTL to plot.")

  map <- attr(x, "map")
    stop("qtl object doesn't contain a genetic map.")

    chr <- names(map)
  else {
    chr <- matchchr(chr, names(map))
    map <- map[chr]
    class(map) <- "map"

    plotMap(map, horizontal=horizontal, shift=shift, 
         show.marker.names=show.marker.names, alternate.chrid=alternate.chrid,
         ylim=c(length(map)+0.5, 0), ...)
    plotMap(map, horizontal=horizontal, shift=shift, 
         show.marker.names=show.marker.names, alternate.chrid=alternate.chrid,
         xlim=c(0.5,length(map)+1), ...)

  whchr <- match(x$chr, names(map))
  thepos <- x$pos
  thepos[is.na(whchr)] <- NA

  if(any(!is.na(thepos))) {
    whchr <- whchr[!is.na(whchr)]

    if(shift) thepos <- thepos - sapply(map[whchr], min)

    if(is.matrix(map[[1]])) whchr <- whchr - 0.3
    if(length(grep("^.+@[0-9\\.]+$", x$name)) == length(x$name))
      x$name <- x$altname

    if(!justdots) {
      if(horizontal) {
        arrows(thepos, whchr - 0.35, thepos, whchr, lwd=2, col=col, length=0.05)
        text(thepos, whchr-0.4, x$name, col=col, adj=c(0.5,0))
      else {
        arrows(whchr + 0.35, thepos, whchr, thepos, lwd=2, col=col, length=0.05)
        text(whchr+0.4, thepos, x$name, col=col, adj=c(0,0.5))
    else {
        points(thepos, whchr, pch=16, col=col)
      else {
        points(whchr, thepos, pch=16, col=col)


# This is the function to reorder the QTL within a QTL object
reorderqtl <-
function(qtl, neworder)
  if(class(qtl) != "qtl")
    stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

  if(missing(neworder)) {
    if(!("map" %in% names(attributes(qtl))))
      stop("No map in the qtl object; you must provide argument 'neworder'.")
    chr <- names(attr(qtl, "map"))
    thechr <- match(qtl$chr, chr)
      stop("Chr ", paste(qtl$chr[is.na(thechr)], " "), " not found.")
    neworder <- order(thechr, qtl$pos)

  curorder <- seq(qtl$n.qtl)
  if(length(neworder) != qtl$n.qtl ||
     !all(curorder == sort(neworder)))
    stop("neworder should be an ordering of the integers from 1 to ", qtl$n.qtl)
  if(qtl$n.qtl == 1)
    stop("Nothing to do; just one qtl.")

  if("geno" %in% names(qtl))
    qtl$geno <- qtl$geno[,neworder,]
    qtl$prob <- qtl$prob[neworder]

  qtl$name <- qtl$name[neworder]
  qtl$chr <- qtl$chr[neworder]
  qtl$pos <- qtl$pos[neworder]
  qtl$n.gen <- qtl$n.gen[neworder]
  qtl$chrtype <- qtl$chrtype[neworder]

  attr(qtl, "formula") <- NULL
  attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- NULL

  if("lodprofile" %in% names(attributes(qtl))) {
    lodprof <- attr(qtl, "lodprofile")
    if(length(lodprof) == length(neworder))
      attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- lodprof[neworder]


# print compact version of QTL object
print.compactqtl <-
function(x, ...)   

summary.compactqtl <-
function(object, ...)
  class(object) <- c("summary.compactqtl", "list")

print.summary.compactqtl <-
function(x, ...)
  if(is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) 
    cat("Null QTL model\n")
  else {
    temp <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    rownames(temp) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(temp), sep="")
  if("formula" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
    form <- attr(x, "formula")
    if(!is.character(form)) form <- deparseQTLformula(form)
    cat("  Formula:")
    w <- options("width")[[1]]
    printQTLformulanicely(form, "               ", w+5, w)

  if("pLOD" %in% names(attributes(x)))
    cat("  pLOD: ", round(attr(x, "pLOD"),3), "\n")

# end of makeqtl.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.