
Defines functions WebGestaltRGsea

#' @importFrom dplyr select distinct left_join arrange %>% mutate
#' @importFrom readr write_tsv
WebGestaltRGsea <- function(organism = "hsapiens", enrichDatabase = NULL, enrichDatabaseFile = NULL, enrichDatabaseType = NULL,
                            enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = NULL, interestGeneFile = NULL, interestGene = NULL,
                            interestGeneType = NULL, collapseMethod = "mean", minNum = 10, maxNum = 500, fdrMethod = "BH",
                            sigMethod = "fdr", fdrThr = 0.05, topThr = 10, reportNum = 20, setCoverNum = 10, perNum = 1000, p = 1,
                            isOutput = TRUE, outputDirectory = getwd(), projectName = NULL, dagColor = "binary", saveRawGseaResult = FALSE,
                            plotFormat = "png", nThreads = 1, cache = NULL, hostName = "https://www.webgestalt.org/", useWeightedSetCover = TRUE,
                            useAffinityPropagation = FALSE, usekMedoid = FALSE, kMedoid_k = 10) {
    enrichMethod <- "GSEA"
    projectDir <- file.path(outputDirectory, paste0("Project_", projectName))

    ######### Web server will input "NULL" to the R package, thus, we need to change "NULL" to NULL ########
    enrichDatabase <- testNull(enrichDatabase)
    enrichDatabaseFile <- testNull(enrichDatabaseFile)
    enrichDatabaseType <- testNull(enrichDatabaseType)
    enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile <- testNull(enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile)
    interestGeneFile <- testNull(interestGeneFile)
    interestGene <- testNull(interestGene)
    interestGeneType <- testNull(interestGeneType)

    ################ Check parameter ################
    errorTest <- parameterErrorMessage(enrichMethod = enrichMethod, organism = organism, collapseMethod = collapseMethod, minNum = minNum, maxNum = maxNum, fdrMethod = fdrMethod, sigMethod = sigMethod, fdrThr = fdrThr, topThr = topThr, reportNum = reportNum, perNum = perNum, isOutput = isOutput, outputDirectory = outputDirectory, dagColor = dagColor, hostName = hostName, cache = cache)

    if (!is.null(errorTest)) {

    ############# Check enriched database #############
    cat("Loading the functional categories...\n")
    enrichD <- loadGeneSet(organism = organism, enrichDatabase = enrichDatabase, enrichDatabaseFile = enrichDatabaseFile, enrichDatabaseType = enrichDatabaseType, enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile, cache = cache, hostName = hostName)

    geneSet <- enrichD$geneSet
    geneSetDes <- enrichD$geneSetDes
    geneSetDag <- enrichD$geneSetDag
    geneSetNet <- enrichD$geneSetNet
    databaseStandardId <- enrichD$standardId

    ########### Check input interesting gene list ###############
    cat("Loading the ID list...\n")
    interestingGeneMap <- loadInterestGene(organism = organism, dataType = "rnk", inputGeneFile = interestGeneFile, inputGene = interestGene, geneType = interestGeneType, collapseMethod = collapseMethod, cache = cache, hostName = hostName, geneSet = geneSet)

    if (organism == "others") {
        interestGeneList <- unique(interestingGeneMap)
    } else {
        interestStandardId <- interestingGeneMap$standardId
        interestGeneList <- interestingGeneMap$mapped %>%
            select(interestStandardId, .data$score) %>%

    ########## Create project folder ##############
    if (isOutput) {

        ###### Summarize gene annotation based on the GOSlim ###########
        if (organism != "others") {
            if (databaseStandardId == "entrezgene") {
                cat("Summarizing the uploaded ID list by GO Slim data...\n")
                goSlimOutput <- file.path(projectDir, paste0("goslim_summary_", projectName))
                re <- goSlimSummary(organism = organism, geneList = interestGeneList[[interestStandardId]], outputFile = goSlimOutput, outputType = "png", isOutput = isOutput, cache = cache, hostName = hostName)
            write_tsv(interestingGeneMap$mapped, file.path(projectDir, paste0("interestingID_mappingTable_", projectName, ".txt")))
            write(interestingGeneMap$unmapped, file.path(projectDir, paste0("interestingID_unmappedList_", projectName, ".txt")))
        } else {
            write_tsv(interestGeneList, file.path(projectDir, paste0("interestList_", projectName, ".txt")), col_names = FALSE)

    ############# Run enrichment analysis ###################
    cat("Performing the enrichment analysis...\n")

    gseaRes <- gseaEnrichment(hostName, outputDirectory, projectName, interestGeneList,
        geneSetDes = geneSetDes, minNum = minNum, maxNum = maxNum, sigMethod = sigMethod, fdrThr = fdrThr,
        topThr = topThr, perNum = perNum, p = p, nThreads = nThreads, saveRawGseaResult = saveRawGseaResult, plotFormat = plotFormat, isOutput = isOutput
    if (is.null(gseaRes)) {

    enrichedSig <- gseaRes$enriched
    insig <- gseaRes$background

    clusters <- list()
    geneTables <- list()
    if (!is.null(enrichedSig)) {
        if (!is.null(geneSetDes)) { ####### Add extra description information ###########
            enrichedSig <- enrichedSig %>%
                left_join(geneSetDes, by = "geneSet") %>%
                select(.data$geneSet, .data$description, .data$link, .data$enrichmentScore, .data$normalizedEnrichmentScore, .data$pValue, .data$FDR, .data$size, .data$plotPath, .data$leadingEdgeNum, .data$leadingEdgeId) %>%
                arrange(.data$FDR, .data$pValue, desc(.data$normalizedEnrichmentScore)) %>%
                mutate(description = ifelse(is.na(.data$description), "", .data$description))
        } else {
            enrichedSig <- enrichedSig %>%
                select(.data$geneSet, .data$link, .data$enrichmentScore, .data$normalizedEnrichmentScore, .data$pValue, .data$FDR, .data$size, .data$plotPath, .data$leadingEdgeNum, .data$leadingEdgeId) %>%
                arrange(.data$FDR, .data$pValue, desc(.data$normalizedEnrichmentScore))

        geneTables <- getGeneTables(organism, enrichedSig, "leadingEdgeId", interestingGeneMap)
        if (organism != "others") {
            enrichedSig$link <- mapply(
                function(link, geneList) linkModification("GSEA", link, geneList, interestingGeneMap, hostName),

        if ("database" %in% colnames(geneSet)) {
            # add source database for multiple databases
            enrichedSig <- enrichedSig %>% left_join(unique(geneSet[, c("geneSet", "database")]), by = "geneSet")

        if (organism != "others" && interestGeneType != interestStandardId) {
            outputEnrichedSig <- mapUserId(enrichedSig, "leadingEdgeId", interestingGeneMap)
        } else {
            outputEnrichedSig <- enrichedSig

        if (isOutput) {
            write_tsv(outputEnrichedSig, file.path(projectDir, paste0("enrichment_results_", projectName, ".txt")))
            idsInSet <- sapply(enrichedSig$leadingEdgeId, strsplit, split = ";")
            names(idsInSet) <- enrichedSig$geneSet
            pValue <- enrichedSig$pValue
            pValue[pValue == 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
            signedLogP <- -log(pValue) * sign(enrichedSig$enrichmentScore)
            apRes <- NULL
            wscRes <- NULL
            kRes <- NULL
            if (useAffinityPropagation) {
                apRes <- affinityPropagation(idsInSet, signedLogP)
            if (useWeightedSetCover) {
                wscRes <- weightedSetCover(idsInSet, 1 / signedLogP, setCoverNum, nThreads)
            if (usekMedoid) {
                kRes <- kMedoid(idsInSet, signedLogP, maxK = kMedoid_k)
            if (!is.null(apRes)) {
                        writeLines(sapply(apRes$clusters, paste, collapse = "\t"), file.path(projectDir, paste0("enriched_geneset_ap_clusters_", projectName, ".txt")))
                    error = function(e) {
                        cat("Error in writing ap clusters.\n")
            } else {
                apRes <- NULL
            clusters$ap <- apRes
            if (!is.null(kRes)) {
                        writeLines(sapply(kRes$clusters, paste, collapse = "\t"), file.path(projectDir, paste0("enriched_geneset_kmedoid_clusters_", projectName, ".txt")))
                    error = function(e) {
                        cat("Error in writing kmedoid clusters.\n")
            } else {
                kRes <- NULL
            clusters$km <- kRes
            if (!is.null(wscRes$topSets)) {
                writeLines(c(paste0("# Coverage: ", wscRes$coverage), wscRes$topSets), file.path(projectDir, paste0("enriched_geneset_wsc_topsets_", projectName, ".txt")))
                clusters$wsc <- list(representatives = wscRes$topSets, coverage = wscRes$coverage)
            } else {
                clusters$wsc <- NULL

    if (isOutput) {
        ############## Create report ##################
        cat("Generate the final report...\n")
        createReport(hostName = hostName, outputDirectory = outputDirectory, organism = organism, projectName = projectName, enrichMethod = enrichMethod, geneSet = geneSet, geneSetDes = geneSetDes, geneSetDag = geneSetDag, geneSetNet = geneSetNet, interestingGeneMap = interestingGeneMap, enrichedSig = enrichedSig, background = insig, geneTables = geneTables, clusters = clusters, enrichDatabase = enrichDatabase, enrichDatabaseFile = enrichDatabaseFile, enrichDatabaseType = enrichDatabaseType, enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile, interestGeneFile = interestGeneFile, interestGene = interestGene, interestGeneType = interestGeneType, collapseMethod = collapseMethod, minNum = minNum, maxNum = maxNum, fdrMethod = fdrMethod, sigMethod = sigMethod, fdrThr = fdrThr, topThr = topThr, reportNum = reportNum, perNum = perNum, p = p, dagColor = dagColor)

        cwd <- getwd()
        zip(paste0("Project_", projectName, ".zip"), ".", flags = "-rq")

        cat("Results can be found in the ", projectDir, "!\n", sep = "")
bzhanglab/WebGestaltR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 12:15 a.m.