
Defines functions .getFixed .switch.phen selectBiallelicSNP .is.odd .is.even .is.integer0 removeFirstN removeLastN keepFirstN keepLastN .substrLeft .substrRight table.matrix get.tip.order get.unique.matrix ggplotbg set.args get.binary.snps memfree

Documented in get.binary.snps get.tip.order get.unique.matrix ggplotbg keepFirstN keepLastN memfree removeFirstN removeLastN selectBiallelicSNP set.args table.matrix

## utils.R ##

## useful little functions that get used within other functions

## NOTE: for package release should change all fns to .fns
## here and within all other fns s.t. no documentation required
## (unless we want to release these for public use?)


## memfree ##



#' Get the current amount of available memory.
#' Function to determine how much memory (in GB) is currently available for use
#' on your PC.
#' @param OS A character string indicating the operating system of the machine in question.
#' Can be one of "Windows", "Mac" (or "Darwin"), or "Linux". If OS is NULL (the default),
#' OS will be set to Sys.info()["sysname"].
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


## memfree ##
memfree <- function(OS = NULL){

  mem <- NULL

  if(is.null(OS)) OS <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
  OS <- tolower(OS)

  if(OS == "darwin") OS <- "mac"

  if(OS == "Windows"){
    mem <- as.numeric(shell("wmic OS get FreePhysicalMemory",
                                intern=TRUE)[2])/1000000 # (KB -> GB)

  if(OS == "linux"){
    ## WORKS ON LINUX: ##
    mem <- as.numeric(system("awk '/MemFree/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo",
                                 intern=TRUE))/1000000 # (KB -> GB)

  if(OS == "mac"){
    ## WORKS ON MAC: ##
    mem <- system("vm_stat", intern=TRUE)[2] # [2] = "Pages free:    #."
    ## Remove text before and (.) after
    mem <- removeLastN(mem, 1)
    mem <- removeFirstN(mem, nchar("Pages free:"))
    ## Convert to numeric:
    mem <- as.numeric(mem)
    ## Must convert: 1 Page = 4096 bytes --> GB:
    mem <- mem*4096/1000000000

  # mem
  ## Units = GB


} # end memfree


## get.binary.snps ##



#' Reduce a genetic data matrix to only necessary columns.
#' Function to reduce a genetic data matrix containing multiple columns per locus
#' to one column for each binary locus and N columns for each N-allelic non-binary locus.
#' @param snps A genetic data matrix.
#' @details This funtion identifies the number of alleles at each locus by assuming that
#' the allele of each column is contained in the last two characters of each column name.
#' We recommend that the columns of \code{snps} be labelled using the following four suffixes:
#' ".a", ".c", ".g", ".t" (e.g., "Locus_123243.a", "Locus_123243.g").
#' If you are using an alternative naming convention,
#' but the allele is also always being denoted using the last two characters
#' (e.g., "Locus_123243_1", "Locus_123243_2"),
#' the function will still work if you set the argument \code{force = TRUE}.
#' Please also be careful not to accidentally remove any purposeful duplications with repeated names;
#' for example, if you have deliberately duplicated unique columns
#' (e.g., by expanding according to an index returned by ClonalFrameML).
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


get.binary.snps <- function(snps, force=FALSE){

  suffixes <- keepLastN(colnames(snps), 2)
  suffixes <- unique(suffixes)

  if(all(suffixes %in% c(".a", ".c", ".g", ".t")) | force == TRUE){

    noms <- removeLastN(colnames(snps), 2)
    tab <- table(noms) ## note: tab in character order of colnames!

    ## if any non-binary loci, set these columns aside and keep all N of them:
    if(length(which(tab != 2))){

      ## For NON-BINARY loci, KEEP all columns, PLUS EVERY OTHER BINARY column:
      toKeep <- names(which(tab != 2))
      cols.toKeep <- which(noms %in% toKeep)
      ## make a cols.toKeep remaining vector:
      cols.nonBin <- cols.toKeep

      ## Identify number of columns to be in reduced matrix:
      cols <- c(1:ncol(snps))
      cols <- cols[-cols.toKeep]
      ncol.red <- (length(cols)/2) + length(cols.toKeep)

      ## make reduced snps matrix...
      ## (with one column for each binary SNP and N columns for the non-binary loci):

      COLS <- list()
      if(cols.toKeep[1] > 1){
        COLS[[1]] <- c(1:(cols.toKeep[1] - 1))
        COLS[[1]] <- COLS[[1]][seq(1, length(COLS[[1]]), 2)]
        ## Isolate non-binary columns to add here:
        cols.toAdd <- which(noms %in% noms[cols.nonBin[1]])
        ## Append these columns to current sequence:
        COLS[[1]] <- c(COLS[[1]], cols.toAdd)
        ## Isolate non-binary columns to add here:
        cols.toAdd <- which(noms %in% noms[cols.nonBin[1]])
        ## Append these columns as current sequence:
        COLS[[1]] <- cols.toAdd
      ## Remove cols.toAdd from cols.nonBin:
      cols.nonBin <- cols.nonBin[-which(cols.nonBin %in% cols.toAdd)]

      ## FOR LOOP: ##
      if(length(toKeep) > 1) for(i in 2:length(toKeep)){
        ## Isolate non-binary columns to add here:
        cols.toAdd <- which(noms %in% noms[cols.nonBin[1]])
        ## Get sequence from end of last COLS element to start of cols.toAdd
        from <- COLS[[(i-1)]]
        from <- (from[(length(from))] + 1)
        to <- (cols.toAdd[1] - 1)
        ## Append non-binary columns to binary sequence:
        ## (Unless there are two non-binary columns in a row!)
        if(to > from){
          COLS[[i]] <- seq(from, to, 2)
          COLS[[i]] <- c(COLS[[i]], cols.toAdd)
          COLS[[i]] <- cols.toAdd
        ## Remove cols.toAdd from cols.nonBin:
        cols.nonBin <- cols.nonBin[-which(cols.nonBin %in% cols.toAdd)]
      } # end for loop

      COLS.ori <- COLS
      COLS <- as.vector(unlist(COLS))

      ## Finally, add seq to max new ncol(snps)...
      if(length(COLS) < ncol.red){
        from <- (COLS[length(COLS)] + 1)
        COLS <- c(COLS, seq(from=from, by=2, length.out=(ncol.red - length(COLS))))

      ## Get the appropriately reduced set of loci:
      snps <- snps[, COLS]

      ## For only BINARY loci, REMOVE 2nd column:
      ## Keep every other snps column:
      toKeep <- seq(1, ncol(snps), 2)
      snps <- snps[, toKeep]
    warning("This function requires column names using these suffixes:
            '.a', '.c', '.g', '.t' (e.g., 'Locus_123243.a').
            If there are redundant columns, please remove these by hand,
            or see ?get.binary.snps for more.")
} # end get.binary.snps


## set.args ##



#' Set a list of arguments.
#' Function to set a list of arguments without having to remove commas.
#' Useful for troubleshooting. For example, if attempting to run a function
#' (particualrly one with many arguments) line by line,
#' \code{set.args} can be used to set a list of arguments in one go, by copying a
#' comma-separated set of arguments from an existing function call or a new call to \code{args(fn)}.
#' @param args A named list of arguments.
#' @param envir The environment in which these arguments will set.
#' @details Please note that unless the \code{envir} argument is changed from its default (\code{sys.frame}),
#' any arguments set with \code{set.args} will \emph{over-ride} any values currently assigned to those names.
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


set.args <- function(args, envir=sys.frame(which=0L)){

  if(!is.list(args)) args <- as.list(args)
  if(length(names(args)) != length(args)) stop("All elements of the args list must be named.")

  sapply(c(1:length(args)), function(e) assign(names(args)[e], args[[e]], envir=envir))

} # end set.args

## ggplot.bg ##



#' Mimic ggplot2 Background
#' Get an imitation ggplot2-style background for plots made outside ggplot2
#' @details This function must be sandwiched between two instances
#' of the function used to generate the (foreground) plot
#' to which you are hoping to add this background.
#' \emph{Before} running the \code{ggplot.bg} function, you need to run your plot function
#' so that \code{ggplot.bg} knnows how to set the axes.
#' \emph{After} running the \code{ggplot.bg} function, you need to run your plot function
#' again \emph{with the added argument} \code{add=TRUE}
#' so that your plot can be overlayed on top of the background.
#' @param bg The background colour, by default ``lightgray'' with 50\% transparency.
#' @param x.ax A logical specifying whether to re-draw the x-axis.
#' @param y.ax A logical specifying whether to re-draw the y-axis.
#' @param box A logical specifying whether to draw a box around the plotting area.
#' @param grid A logical specifying whether to draw a grid across the background within the plotting area.
#' @param grid.col The color of the gridlines, ``white'' by default. Only used if grid is set to TRUE.
#' @param grid.nx An optional integer to specify the number of gridlines to be drawn along the x-axis.
#' @param grid.ny An optional integer to specify the number of gridlines to be drawn along the y-axis.
#' @param grid.lwd An integer specifying the lwd (line weight) of the gridlines; by default, set to 1.
#' @param grid.lty An integer specifying the line type to be used for the gridlines; by default, set to 1 (i.e., solid lines).
#' @importFrom adegenet transp
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


## importFrom adegenet transp

ggplotbg <- function(bg=transp("lightgray", 0.5),
                      x.ax=FALSE, y.ax=FALSE, box=TRUE,
                      grid=TRUE, grid.col="white",
                      grid.nx=NULL, grid.ny=NULL, grid.lwd=1, grid.lty=1){

  ## get user plotting parameters:
  lim <- par("usr")
  rect(lim[1],  lim[3], lim[2], lim[4], col="white")

  # rect(lim[1],  lim[3], lim[2], lim[4], col=bg)

  ## add axes back
  if(!is.null(x.ax)) x.ax
  if(!is.null(y.ax)) y.ax

  ## add grid:
  if(grid == TRUE){
    grid(nx=grid.nx, ny=grid.ny, col=grid.col, lwd=1, lty=1)

  if(box == TRUE) box()   ## and the plot frame

} # end ggplotbg

ggplot.bg <- ggplotbg


## get.unique.matrix ##



#' Get unique rows/columns of a matrix with an index vector.
#' A wrapper for the \code{table.matrix} function that assigns consecutive
#' row or column names to the output matrix's unique rows or columns.
#' @param data A matrix or data.frame, potentially containing
#' non-unique patterns in its rows or columns.
#' @param MARGIN A single integer specifying the array margin to be held fixed.
#' (To get unique \emph{rows}, select \code{MARGIN} = 1;
#' for unique \emph{columns}, select \code{MARGIN} = 2.)
#' @details An extension of the base \code{unique.matrix} function,
#' \code{get.unique.matrix} returns a unique matrix
#' (by removing duplicate rows or columns), as well as
#' an index vector that maps each row/column in the original matrix
#' to the corresponding unique row or column in the deduplicated unique matrix.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{index} \item{An index vector containing the indices (row numbers),
#'          in a matrix composed only of unique rows,
#'          to which each row in the original matrix maps.}}
#'    \item{\code{unique.data} \item{A new matrix
#'          containing only the unique rows of the input matrix.}}
#' }
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export

## get unique SNPs column patterns: ##
get.unique.matrix <- function(data, MARGIN=2, silent=TRUE){

  ## Identify unique SNP row/column patterns:
  tab.out <- table.matrix(data, MARGIN=MARGIN)
  unique.data <- as.matrix(tab.out$unique.data)
  index <- tab.out$index

  if(MARGIN == 1){

      row.names(unique.data) <- row.names(data)[!duplicated(index)] ## TO DO: CHECK
      row.names(unique.data) <- c(1:nrow(unique.data))
    if(length(unique(index)) == nrow(data)){
      if(silent == FALSE){
      warning("Data inputted was already unique along the selected MARGIN.")
  if(MARGIN == 2){
      colnames(unique.data) <- colnames(data)[!duplicated(index)]
      colnames(unique.data) <- c(1:ncol(unique.data))
    if(length(unique(index)) == ncol(data)){
      if(silent == FALSE){
      warning("Data inputted was already unique along the selected MARGIN.")

  ## Get output:
  out <- list(unique.data=unique.data,
} # end get.unique.matrix

## assign new name to old name (NOT SURE THIS WORKS... CHECK!)
get.unique.snps <- get.unique.matrix

## get.tip.order ##
## fn getting order of tips as plotted



#' Get the order of the tip labels of a phylogenetic tree as plotted.
#' Longer proper discription of function...
#' @param tree An object of class phylo containing a tree
#' whose tip order is desired to be known.
#' @param original.format A logical, indicating whether to use the original
#' format of this function (kept for consistency's sake) or the new format.
#' (For now, if you find one isn't giving you sensible output,
#' please try changing this argument.)
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @importFrom Hmisc all.is.numeric


get.tip.order <- function(tree, original.format=TRUE){

  tree2 <- read.tree(text=write.tree(tree))
    if(original.format == TRUE){
      ## keeping this, for consistency's sake
      out1 <- as.numeric(tree2$tip.label)
      out <- rev(out1)
      ## although I think I prefer the returned order to be bottom to top...
      out1 <- as.numeric(tree2$tip.label)
      out <- rev(out1)
    # if(!identical(tree$tip.label, sort(tree$tip.label)))
    if(original.format == TRUE){
      ## keeping this, for consistency's sake
      out1 <- sort(tree2$tip.label)
      out <- sapply(c(1:length(tree$tip.label)), function(e)
        which(out1 == tree$tip.label[e]))
      ## although this seems to be more generally applicable (?!)
      out1 <- tree2$tip.label
      out <- sapply(c(1:length(tree$tip.label)), function(e)
        which(tree$tip.label == out1[e]))


} # end get.tip.order

## table.matrix ##



#' Cross-tabulate the rows or columns of a matrix.
#' A version of the base \code{table} function designed for matrices.
#' Taking a matrix as input, \code{table.matrix} returns a contingency table,
#' index vector, and unique matrix.
#' @param data A matrix or data.frame, potentially containing
#' non-unique patterns in its rows or columns.
#' @param MARGIN A single integer specifying the array margin to be held fixed.
#' (To get unique \emph{rows}, select \code{MARGIN} = 1;
#' for unique \emph{columns}, select \code{MARGIN} = 2.)
#' @details To apply this function to the \emph{columns} of a matrix, simply
#' transpose the matrix before executing the command, as in:
#' \code{table.matrix(t(data))}.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{table} \item{A contingency table of the counts of the
#'          number of occurrences of each unique row in the matrix.}}
#'    \item{\code{index} \item{An index vector containing the indices (row numbers),
#'          in a matrix composed only of unique rows,
#'          to which each row in the original matrix maps.}}
#'    \item{\code{unique.data} \item{A new matrix
#'          containing only the unique rows of the input matrix.}}
#' }
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load example data:
#' data("snps.ace")
#' x <- snps.ace
#' ## basic use of fn on rows of x:
#' tab.out <- table.matrix(x)
#' ## apply fn to columns of x:
#' tab.out <- table.matrix(t(x))
#' }
#' @export


table.matrix <- function(data, MARGIN=1){

  ## handle MARGIN argument:
    MARGIN <- tolower(MARGIN)
    if(MARGIN %in% c("row", "rows", "r")){
      MARGIN <- 1
      if(MARGIN %in%
         c("column", "columns", "col", "cols", "c")){
        MARGIN <- 2
        stop("MARGIN argument should be either 1 or 2;
             or, 'rows' or 'columns'.")
  ## for columns, transpose matrix at beginning and end:
  if(MARGIN == 2) data <- t(data)

  ## get df
    data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ## concatenate all rows into single elements
  dat <- do.call("paste", c(data, sep = "\r"))
  ## get unique rows
  unique.inds <- !duplicated(dat)
  ## keep only unique rows
  levels <- dat[unique.inds]
  ## make a factor in which each level
  ## is the smushed single-element vector
  ## of each unique row
  fdat <- factor(dat, levels = levels)
  ## get n. unique levels
  n.levels <- length(levels(fdat))
  ## get the unique index that
  ## each original ind/row should map to:
  map.to <- (as.integer(fdat) - 1)
  map.to <- map.to[!is.na(map.to)]
  if(length(map.to)) map.to <- map.to + 1
  ## get the number of inds at each unique level:
  tab <- tabulate(map.to, n.levels)

  ## get output
  if(MARGIN == 1){
    out <- list(table = tab,
                index = map.to,
                unique.data = data[unique.inds, ])
  if(MARGIN == 2){
    out <- list(table = tab,
                index = map.to,
                unique.data = as.data.frame(t(data)[, unique.inds]))


} # end table.matrix

#########   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   #########
#########   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   #########

## AND REPLACE THE OLD FN NAMES W THE NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

## .substrRight ##
## truncate character string from right
## ie. keep the LAST n characters of
## (each element of) x

#' @export

.substrRight <- function(x, n){
  sapply(x, function(e)
    substr(e, (nchar(e)-n+1), nchar(e))
} # end .substrRight

## .substrLeft ##
## truncate character string from left
## ie. keep the FIRST n characters of
## (each element of) x

#' @export

.substrLeft <- function(x, n){
  sapply(x, function(e)
    substr(e, 0, n)
} # end .substrLeft

#########   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   #########

## keepLastN ##



#' Truncate to keep only the \emph{last} N characters.
#' Truncate an element, or each element of a vector, by
#' removing all but the last N characters of each element.
#' @param x A vector whose element(s) will be truncated.
#' @param n An integer specifying the number of characters to \emph{keep}.
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


keepLastN <- function(x, n){
  sapply(x, function(e)
    substr(e, (nchar(e)-n+1), nchar(e))
} # end keepLastN

## keepFirstN ##



#' Truncate to keep only the \emph{first} N characters.
#' Truncate an element, or each element of a vector, by
#' removing all but the first N characters of each element.
#' @param x A vector whose element(s) will be truncated.
#' @param n An integer specifying the number of characters to \emph{keep}.
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


keepFirstN <- function(x, n){
  sapply(x, function(e)
    substr(e, 1, n)
} # end keepFirstN

## removeLastN ##



#' Truncate to remove all of the \emph{last} N characters.
#' Truncate an element, or each element of a vector, by
#' removing the last N characters of each element.
#' @param x A vector whose element(s) will be truncated.
#' @param n An integer specifying the number of characters to \emph{remove}.
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


removeLastN <- function(x, n){
  sapply(x, function(e)
    substr(e, 0, (nchar(e)-n))
} # end removeLastN

## removeFirstN ##



#' Truncate to remove all of the \emph{first} N characters.
#' Truncate an element, or each element of a vector, by
#' removing the first N characters of each element.
#' @param x A vector whose element(s) will be truncated.
#' @param n An integer specifying the number of characters to \emph{remove}.
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


removeFirstN <- function(x, n){
  sapply(x, function(e)
    substr(e, n+1, nchar(e))
} # end removeFirstN

#########   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   #########
#########   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   #########

## .is.integer0 ##
## mini fn testing for output==integer(0)

#' @export

.is.integer0 <- function(x){
  is.integer(x) && length(x) == 0L
} # end .is.integer0()

## Parity-testing fns ##

#' @export

.is.even <- function(x) x %% 2 == 0

#' @export

.is.odd <- function(x) x %% 2 != 0

## selectBiallelicSNP: ##
## fn that returns the alternative nt| the nt input

## NOTE-- while this is not inherently the
## definition of a biallelic SNP,
## it is currently suiting my purposes
#### by fulfilling the function of
## ensuring that sites always revert
## back and forth between one state and ONE other,
#### hence never creating any
## triallelic sites or tetralellic sites
## --> binary encoding guaranteed to work fine.



#' Short one-phrase description.
#' Longer proper discription of function...
#' @param x A character vector of length 1 containing a nucleotide to be converted.
#' @param DNA logical; if TRUE (default), uses DNA bases (ACGT), if FALSE, uses RNA bases (ACGU).
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export


selectBiallelicSNP <- function(x, DNA=TRUE){

  out <- NULL


    x <- as.character(x)

    ## for DNA encoding:
      if(x=="a") out <- "t"
      if(x=="t") out <- "a"
      if(x=="c") out <- "g"
      if(x=="g") out <- "c"

      if(x=="A") out <- "T"
      if(x=="T") out <- "A"
      if(x=="C") out <- "G"
      if(x=="G") out <- "C"

      if(x == "0") out <- "1"
      if(x == "1") out <- "0"

      if(x == FALSE) out <- TRUE
      if(x == TRUE) out <- FALSE
    } # end DNA

    ## for RNA encoding:
      if(x=="a") out <- "u"
      if(x=="u") out <- "a"
      if(x=="c") out <- "g"
      if(x=="g") out <- "c"

      if(x=="A") out <- "U"
      if(x=="U") out <- "A"
      if(x=="C") out <- "G"
      if(x=="G") out <- "C"

      if(x == "0") out <- "1"
      if(x == "1") out <- "0"

      if(x == FALSE) out <- TRUE
      if(x == TRUE) out <- FALSE
    } # end RNA
  } # end !is.null(x)


} # end selectBiallelicSNP

## .switch.phen fn ##

#' @export

.switch.phen <- function(x){
  out <- NULL
  ## A/B coding
  if(x == "A") out <- "B"
  if(x == "B") out <- "A"
  ## R/S coding
  if(x == "R") out <- "S"
  if(x == "S") out <- "R"
  ## 0/1 coding:
  if(x == "0") out <- "1"
  if(x == "1") out <- "0"
  ## T/F coding:
  if(x == FALSE) out <- TRUE
  if(x == TRUE) out <- FALSE
} # end .switch.phen

## .getFixed ##

#' @export

.getFixed <- function(locus, posi,
  vec <- as.character(locus)
  vec[!vec %in% exp.char] <- NA
  N <- sum(!is.na(vec)) # N: number of sequences
  if(N==0 || sum(table(vec)/N >= polyThres )<2){
    return(TRUE) # escape if untyped locus or no SNPs
} # end getFixed
caitiecollins/treeWAS documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 8:23 a.m.