
Defines functions make.barrier make.map read.sds read.means pval calc.ssmd ssmd2xlsx iter.folders

Documented in calc.ssmd iter.folders make.barrier make.map pval read.means read.sds ssmd2xlsx

#' Detect iteration folders
#' This function is used by a number of HexSimR functions to create a list of 
#'   path where results for each iteration are saved.
#' @param dir.path The path where the 'Results' folder is located 
#' @param scenario Scenario to be processed. This is normally passed with lapply()
#' @return A list where each element is the path to the replicates of a scenario
iter.folders <- function(dir.path, scenario) {
  folders <- list.dirs(path=paste(dir.path, scenario, sep="/"), 
  indices <- grep(pattern=paste0("^", scenario), x=basename(folders))
  scen.folders <- folders[indices]

#' Save SSMD results to xlsx file
#' Two tabs are saved for each scenarios: SSMD and p values.
#' @param i Numeric vector with seq 1 to number of scenarios
#' @param scenarios Character vector with names of scenarios
#' @param ssmds data.frame with SSMD values
#' @param pvalues data.frame with SSMD values
#' @param wb Workbook where to save the tabs
#' @import XLConnect
#' @export
ssmd2xlsx <- function(i, scenarios, ssmds, pvalues, wb) {
  if(nchar(scenarios[i]) > 25) {
    scenarios <- substr(scenarios, nchar(scenarios) - 24, nchar(scenarios)) 
  createSheet(wb, name=paste0("SSMD_", scenarios[i]))
  writeWorksheet(wb, ssmds[[i]], sheet=paste0("SSMD_", scenarios[i]))
  createSheet(wb, name=paste0("pval_", scenarios[i]))
  writeWorksheet(wb, pvalues[[i]], sheet=paste0("pval_", scenarios[i]))

#' Calculate SSMDs given a df (or equivalent) of means and stds
#' Calculate SSMDs given a df (or equivalent) of means and stds.
#' Checks whether the two dfs have same column names and attempt to re-order the 
#'   columns if not.
#' @param mdata Data containing mean values
#' @param mbase Data containing mean values for base scenario
#' @param sddata Data containing standard deviation values
#' @param sdbase Data containing standard deviation values for base scenario
#' @param scenario The name of the scenario for which SSMDs are being calculated
#' @import data.table
#' @export
calc.ssmd <- function(mdata, mbase, sddata, sdbase, scenario) {
  mdata <- data.table(mdata) 
  mbase <- data.table(mbase)
  sddata <- data.table(sddata)
  sdbase <- data.table(sdbase)
  if(!identical(names(mdata), names(mbase))) {
    if(identical(sort(names(mdata)), sort(names(mbase)))) {
      message(paste("Column names in the census file from", scenario,
                    "do not match base scenario. Reordering the columns..."))
      setcolorder(mdata, names(mbase))
      setcolorder(sddata, names(sdbase))
      } else {
        stop(paste("Column names in the census file from", scenario,
                   "do not match base scenario and it is not possible to 
                   reorder them..."))
  r <- (mdata - mbase) / sqrt(sddata^2 + sdbase^2)

#' Calculate p values 
#' \code{pval} calculates one-tailed p values from a data.frame that contains 
#'   quantiles and it is used internally from SSMD functions.
#' @param x The data.frame of quantiles
#' @export
pval <- function(x) pnorm(abs(as.matrix(x)), lower.tail=FALSE)

#' Read means values from output of collate.census
#' #' This function is internally used by other \code{HexSimR} functions
#' @param scenario A character vector with the name of the scenario  
#' @inheritParams SSMD.census
#' @inheritParams collate.census
#' @export
read.means <- function(scenario, path.results, ncensus, keep.zeros) {
  mean_data <- readWorksheetFromFile(
    file.path(path.results, scenario, paste(scenario, ncensus, 
                           if(isFALSE(keep.zeros)) "extant" else "all", "comb", 
                           "xlsx", sep=".")), 

#' Read standard deviation values from output of collate.census
#' This function is internally used by other \code{HexSimR} functions
#' @param scenario A character vector with the name of the scenario  
#' @inheritParams SSMD.census
#' @inheritParams collate.census
#' @export
read.sds <- function(scenario, path.results, ncensus, keep.zeros) {
  std_data <- readWorksheetFromFile(
    file.path(path.results, scenario, paste(scenario, ncensus, 
                           if(isFALSE(keep.zeros)) "extant" else "all", "comb", 
                           "xlsx", sep=".")), 

#' Modify a csv with hexmap data
#' This function searches for a value and replaces it with \code{new.values}. When
#' \code{length(new.values) > 1}, \code{sufs} needs to be passed to append a 
#' suffix to the file name, otherwise the file is overwritten.
#' @param template The full name of the csv map file to use as template
#' @param new.values is the vector of values that are replaced
#' @param old.value is the value that is searched and replaced in the csv file
#' @param file.name A character vector with the output file name
#' @param sufs A character vector with suffix(es)
#' @inheritParams w.combine.log.batch
#' @export
make.map <- function(template, new.values, old.value, file.name, sufs=NULL, 
                     dir.out=NULL) {
  if(is.null(dir.out)) dir.out <- getwd()
  f <- read.csv(template)
  sel <- f$Score == old.value
  i <- 0
  for(new.value in new.values) {
    i <- i + 1
    fmod <- f
    fmod[sel, 2] <- new.value
    write.csv(fmod, file = 
                file.path(dir.out, paste0(file.name, sufs[i], ".csv")), 
              row.names = FALSE)

#' Modify a hbf with HexSim barrier data
#' This function replaces mortality and deflection values and saves the file 
#' with a new name. Mortality and deflection values have to be passed in pairs 
#' for each fence section. So, if you want to generate three files, and you only
#' have one barrier pair you have to provide six values.
#' Several files can be generated using mapply() to pass one \code{template} and
#' one \code{file.name} at the time (see vignette for details).
#' @param template The full name of the hbf barrier file to use as template
#' @param mortality is the vector of new mortality values that are replaced
#' @param deflection is the vector of new deflection values that are replaced
#' @param npairs The number of barrier section
#' @inheritParams w.combine.log.batch
#' @inheritParams make.map
#' @export
make.barrier <- function(template, mortality, deflection, npairs, file.name, 
                       dir.out=NULL) {
  if(length(mortality) != length(deflection)) 
    stop("mortality and deflection do not have the same length")
  if(is.null(dir.out)) dir.out <- getwd()
  groups <- length(mortality) / 2 * npairs
  f <- readLines(template)
  r <- regexec("([0-9]+).hbf$", template)
  step <- regmatches(template, r)[[1]][2]
  make.lines <- vector("character", length = 2 * npairs)
  for(k in 0:(groups - 1)) {
    for(i in 1:(2 * npairs)) {
      label <- regmatches(f[i], regexpr('".*"', f[i]))
      make.lines[i] <- paste("C", i, mortality[i + k * 2 * npairs], 
                             deflection[i + k * 2 * npairs], label)
    d <- file.path(dir.out, paste0(file.name, sufs[k + 1]))
    f[1:(2 * npairs)] <- make.lines
               con = file.path(d, 
                               paste0(file.name, sufs[k + 1], ".", step, ".hbf")))
carlopacioni/HexSimR documentation built on Nov. 28, 2020, 4:12 p.m.