
Defines functions data.proc

Documented in data.proc

#' Data processing
#' \code{data.proc} is a function to process (quality checking, error and 
#' chimeras filtering) data from a NGS run after these have been deconvoluted.
#' \code{data.proc} locates the .fastq files (can be compressed) in the 
#' directory indicated in \code{dir.in}. If the directory path is not provided, 
#' this will be selected using an interactive window.
#' It is currently limited to single-reads and assumes that adapters, primers 
#' and indexes have been already removed and that each file represents a sample.
#' The \code{data.proc} pipeline is as follows: fastq files are read in. A 
#' filter is applied to truncate reads at the first instance of a quality score 
#' less than \code{truncQ}, remove reads  that are of low quality (currently the
#' threshold is hard-coded and reads are discarded if the expected errors is
#' higher than 3 - from documentation in the R package \code{dada2}, the
#' expected errors are calculated from the nominal definition of the quality
#' score: EE = sum(10^(-Q/10)) - and remove reads that (after truncation) do not
#' match the target length. A quality report can be (optionally) generated with the
#' R package \code{ShortReads} to verify the quality of the reads retained
#' after this step. Reads are then dereplicated. Optionally, the dada (Callahan
#' et al 2015) algoritm is applied and bimeras are searched and removed with
#' default settings of the relative functions in the package \code{dada2}. The
#' sequences that were retained at completion of \code{data.proc} are saved in
#' fasta files in the subfolder "Final_seqs" and a .csv with a summary of the
#' number of reads that have been retained in each step is also written. These
#' two outputs are also returned at the end of the function.
#' The sequence data handling is done by using functionalities from the packages
#' \code{dada2} and \code{ShortRead}, so make sure to cite them (in addition to 
#' \code{amplicR} of course!) if you report your results in a paper or report.
#' @param dir.in The directory where the fastq files are located. If NULL 
#'   (default) an interactive window is used to select a folder
#' @param dir.out The directory where to save the results. If NULL (default) 
#'   then \code{dir.out <- dir.in}
#' @param bp An integer indicating the expected length (base-pairs) of the
#'   reads. If zero (default) no truncation is applied
#' @param truncQ Truncate reads at the first instance of a quality score less 
#'   than or equal to truncQ when conducting quality filtering. See
#'   \code{\link[dada2]{fastqFilter}} for details
#' @param qrep Logical. Should the quality report be generated? (default 
#'   \code{FALSE})
#' @param dada Logical. Should the dada analysis be conducted? (default 
#'   \code{TRUE})
#' @param pool Logical. Should samples be pooled together prior to sample 
#'   inference? (default \code{FALSE}). See \code{\link[dada2]{dada}} for
#'   details
#' @param plot.err Logical. Whether error rates obtained from \code{dada} should
#'   be plotted
#' @param chim Logical. Should the bimera search and removal be performed? 
#'   (default \code{TRUE})
#' @param orderBy Character vector specifying how the returned sequence table 
#'   should be sorted. Default "abundance". See 
#'   \code{\link[dada2]{makeSequenceTable}} for details
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether information on progress should be outputted 
#'   (default: TRUE)
#' @return Return a list with several elements:
#'   \itemize{ \item $luniseqsFinal: A list with unique sequences (names) that
#'   were retained at completion of \code{data.proc} and their abundance
#'   (values). \item $lsummary: A list where each element is a summary of the
#'   number of reads that were retained in each step. This can be converted in a
#'   \code{data.frame} by running the following
#'   \code{summary <- plyr::join_all(lsummary, by="Sample", type="left")} \item
#'   $stable: The sequence table \item $seq_list: The sequences and matching 
#'   sequence IDs \item $call: The function call}
#'   Several files are also returned, these include: \itemize{ \item
#'   Seq_table.csv Sequence table \item Seq_list.csv List of sequences and their
#'   matching IDs \item data.proc.summary.csv A summary of the number of reads
#'   that were retained in each step \item data.proc.rda R data file containing
#'   the list returned by data.proc (see above) }
#' @references Benjamin J Callahan, Paul J McMurdie, Michael J Rosen, Andrew W 
#'   Han, Amy J Johnson, Susan P Holmes (2015). DADA2: High resolution sample 
#'   inference from amplicon data.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import data.table
#' @seealso \code{\link[dada2]{dada}}, \code{\link[dada2]{makeSequenceTable}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Select the directory where the example data are stored
#' example.data <- system.file("extdata", "HTJ", package="amplicR")
#' # Select a temporary directory where to store the outputs
#' out <- tempdir()
#' HTJ.test <- data.proc(example.data, out, bp=140)
#' # To clean up the temp directory
#' unlink(out, recursive=TRUE)

data.proc <- function(dir.in=NULL, dir.out=NULL, bp=0, truncQ=2, qrep=FALSE,
                      dada=TRUE, pool=FALSE, plot.err=FALSE, chim=TRUE, 
                      orderBy="abundance", verbose=TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("dada2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'dada2' needed for this function to work. Please install it 
         either manually or using the function amplicR::setup().",
         call. = FALSE)
# Helper functions

# pass dada list, extracts unique reads with dada2::getUniques() and returns
# only those that are not chimeras.

# NOTE: the same process can be applied to dada elements (for example data.frame)
# to maintain additional info if needed later on
rm.chim<-function(i, dada_el, chim_el) {
  no_chim <- dada2::getUniques(dada_el[[i]])[!chim_el[[i]]]

nChim <- function(chim_el) {
  nSeqs <- sum(chim_el)

dp_extract <- function(nm, derep) {
  seqs <- dada2::getUniques(derep[[nm]])

call <- sys.call(1)

if(is.null(dir.in)) {
  dir.in <- choose.dir(caption="Please, select the directory where the fastq
                       files are located")

if(is.null(dir.out)) dir.out <- dir.in
dir.create(dir.out, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)

fns <- list.files(path=dir.in)
fastqs <- fns[grepl(".fastq.{,3}$", fns)]
if(length(fastqs) == 0) stop(paste("There are no files in", dir.in,
                                   "with either fastq or fastq.gz extension"))

#### Filter ####
filt_fold <- "Filtered_seqs"
dir.create(paste(dir.out, filt_fold, sep="/"), showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
filtRs <- paste(dir.out,

sample_names <- sub(".fastq.{,3}$", "", fastqs)

for(i in seq_along(fastqs)) {
  suppressWarnings(dada2::fastqFilter(paste(dir.in, fastqs[i], sep="/"), 

filtRs <- list.files(path=paste(dir.out, filt_fold, sep="/"), full.names=TRUE)
sample_names_fil <- sub("_filt.fastq.gz", "", 
                        sapply(filtRs, basename, USE.NAMES=FALSE))

if(qrep == TRUE) browseURL(report(qa(filtRs)))

#### Dereplicate ####
derepReads <- lapply(filtRs, dada2::derepFastq, verbose=FALSE)
names(derepReads) <- sample_names_fil

lsummary <- list()
fnSeqs <- unlist(lapply(derepReads, getnFiltered))
if(length(fnSeqs) == 0) stop(paste("There are no sequences that passed the filter in", 

lsummary[[1]] <- merge(data.table(Sample=sample_names), 

unSeqs <- unlist(lapply(derepReads, getnUniques))
lsummary[[2]] <- data.frame(Sample=sample_names_fil, nDerep=unSeqs)
el <- 2

#### dada ####
if(dada == TRUE) {
  dadaReads <- dada2::dada(derepReads, err=dada2::inflateErr(dada2::tperr1,3),
                    selfConsist=TRUE, pool=pool)
  if(plot.err == TRUE) {
    pdf(file = paste(dir.out, "Plot_ErrorRates.pdf", sep="/"))
    if(length(derepReads) > 1) {
      for (i in seq_along(dadaReads)) {
        p <- dada2::plotErrors(dadaReads[[i]], nominalQ=TRUE)
        print(p + ggtitle(names(dadaReads[i])))
    } else {
      p <- dada2::plotErrors(dadaReads, nominalQ=TRUE)
      print(p + ggtitle(names(derepReads)))
  if(length(derepReads) > 1) {
    nDenoised <- sapply(dadaReads, ndada)
  } else {
    nDenoised <- length(dada2::getUniques(dadaReads))
    names(nDenoised) <- names(derepReads)
  el <-el + 1
  lsummary[[el]] <- data.frame(Sample=names(nDenoised), nDenoised)
  if(verbose) {
    message("Number of sequenced retained after sample inference with dada2
          (Callahan et al 2015):")
    message(cat(nDenoised, "\n"))
  if(length(derepReads) > 1) {
    lda <- lapply(dadaReads, dada2::getUniques)
  } else {
    lda <- list(dada2::getUniques(dadaReads))
    names(lda) <- names(derepReads)

#### Bimera ####
if(chim == TRUE)  {
  if(dada == TRUE) {
    if(length(derepReads) > 1) {
      single <- FALSE
      bimReads <- lapply(dadaReads, dada2::isBimeraDenovo, verbose=FALSE)
      names(bimReads) <- names(dadaReads)
    } else {
      single <- TRUE
      bimReads <- dada2::isBimeraDenovo(dadaReads, verbose=FALSE)
  } else {
    if(length(derepReads) > 1) {
      single <- FALSE
    } else {
      single <- TRUE
    bimReads <- lapply(derepReads, dada2::isBimeraDenovo, verbose=FALSE)
    names(bimReads) <- names(derepReads)
  if(verbose) {
    message("Proportion of bimeras found in each sample")
      message(cat(round(sapply(bimReads, mean), digits=2), "\n"))
    nChimeras <- sapply(bimReads, nChim)

  if(verbose) {
    message("Number of bimeras found in each sample:")
    message(cat(nChimeras, "\n"))
  el <- el + 1
  lsummary[[el]] <- data.frame(Sample=names(nChimeras), nChimeras)
  if(dada == TRUE) {
    if(single) {
      no_chim <- list(dada2::getUniques(dadaReads)[!bimReads])
      names(no_chim) <- names(derepReads)
    } else {
      no_chim <- lapply(seq_along(dadaReads), rm.chim, dadaReads, bimReads)
      names(no_chim) <- names(bimReads)
  } else {
    no_chim <- lapply(seq_along(derepReads), rm.chim, derepReads, bimReads)
    names(no_chim) <- names(bimReads)

  #### Reporting ####
if(chim == TRUE) {
  luniseqsFinal <- no_chim
  nSeq <- sapply(luniseqsFinal, length)
} else {
  if(dada == TRUE) {
    luniseqsFinal <- lda
    nSeq <- sapply(luniseqsFinal, length)
  } else {
    luniseqsFinal <- derepReads
    nSeq <- unSeqs

stable <- dada2::makeSequenceTable(luniseqsFinal, orderBy=orderBy)
seqs <- colnames(stable)
seq_names <- paste0("seq", 1:dim(stable)[2])
colnames(stable) <- seq_names
seq_list <- data.frame(seq_names, sequence=seqs)
write.csv(stable, file=paste(dir.out, "Seq_table.csv", sep="/"))
write.csv(seq_list, file=paste(dir.out, "Seq_list.csv", sep="/"), row.names=FALSE)

el <- el + 1
lsummary[[el]] <- data.frame(Sample=names(nSeq), nSeq)
summary <- plyr::join_all(lsummary, by="Sample", type="left")
write.csv(summary, file=paste(dir.out, "data.proc.summary.csv", sep="/"), 

fasta_fold <- "Final_seqs"
fasta_dir <- paste(dir.out, fasta_fold, sep="/")
table2fasta(stable, seq.list=seq_list, dir.out=fasta_dir, verbose)
dproc <- list(luniseqsFinal=luniseqsFinal, 
save(dproc, file=paste(dir.out, "data.proc.rda", sep="/"))
carlopacioni/amplicR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 7:59 p.m.