
Defines functions BF mtrace

Documented in BF mtrace

# Package info
#' mtraceR: an R package to analyse migrate-n output
#' \code{mtraceR} can be used to visualise trace of MCMC chains, calculate 
#' Effective Sample Size (ESS), Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic (and 
#' plots) or Bayes factor, and generate skyline plots.
#' The main function \code{mtrace} is essentially a wrapper for the R package 
#' \code{coda} optimised for migrate-n outputs. It is intended to facilitate and 
#' speed up post-analysis data processing.
#' @section Documentations:
#' Use \code{help(package = "mtraceR")} for a list of \code{mtraceR} functions
#' and their specific documentations.
#' A more detailed description of the package and functions can be opened with:
#' \code{vignette(package="mtraceR", topic="mtraceR-package")}.
#' More vignettes may be come available in the future. Use
#' \code{vignette(package="mtraceR")} to see all the available vignettes.
#' @section Citation:
#' If you use \code{mtraceR}, please cite:
#' ...
#' @section Get in touch:
#' Please, use \url{https://github.org/carlopacioni/mtraceR/issues} to report
#' any issues with \code{mtraceR}. If unsure, or for feedback, contact us at:
#' carlo.pacioni 'at' gmail.com or anders???.
#' @docType package
#' @name mtraceR

# Data

#' @name mtDNA_4popsSt
#' @title Example of \code{mtrace} output 
#' @description \code{mtrace} output from a run (with no replicate) using sequence 
#'   data (mtDNA) with 4 sampling sites connected by a stepping stone migration 
#'   model between either sites 1 or 2 and 3 and 4
#'   (i.e. migration model: {* * 0 *   * * 0 *   0 0 * *   * * * *}). 
#' @usage data(mtDNA_4popsSt)
#' @format a \code{list} with 3 named elelments.
#' @source Pacioni et al. In prep. 

#' @name ms_3popsSt
#' @title Example of \code{mtrace} output 
#' @description \code{mtrace} output from a run (with 7 replicates) using 
#'   microsatellite data with 4 sampling sites grouped in three populations 
#'   connected by a stepping stone migration model. 
#' @usage data(ms_3popsSt)
#' @format a \code{list} with 3 named elelments.
#' @source Pacioni et al. In prep. 

#' Diagnostics of migrate-n MCMC chains
#' \code{mtrace} parses migrate-n output file (bayesallfile) and calculates the
#' Effective Sample Size (ESS) for each locus. If \code{save2dis=TRUE} these 
#' are also saved to disk together with a PDF with the trace and density plots 
#' for each locus and each replicate.
#' If there is more than 1 replicate, \code{mtrace} returns also Gelman and 
#' Rubin's convergence diagnostic for each locus. When \code{save2dis=TRUE} 
#' relevant diagnostic plots are also saved as a separate PDF.
#' When no bayesallfile name and directory are provided (default), the output 
#' file is selected with an interactive window. Alternatively, when the directory 
#' path is provided with \code{dir.in} and \code{bayesallfile=NULL}, the latter 
#' is automatically set to "bayesallfile.gz". If the name of the file is provided,
#' but \code{dir.in=NULL}, the directory path is selected interactively.
#' If the analysed was interrupted, or recovered, it is possible that \code{mtrace}
#' will throw an error. In such cases, it is possible to attempt repairing the file
#' by setting \code{fixcorruptBayesallfile=TRUE}. See further information on 
#' \code{\link{cleanBayesAll}}.
#' If \code{dir.out=NULL} (default) then \code{dir.out=dir.in}. 
#' @param heating Whether heating is used: (\code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE})
#' @param nchain Number of chains if \code{heating=TRUE}
#' @param burn.in Length of burn-in as proportion of MCMC (default: 0.1)
#' @param trim_params Whether trim data to estimated parameters (i.e. theta and M. 
#'   default:  TRUE)
#' @param thin the thinning interval of recorded steps of trace plots
#' @param bayesallfile The name of the bayesallfile (default: NULL)
#' @param fixcorruptBayesallfile Whether the user believe the bayesallfile is corrupted 
#'    and wants to attempt to fix it. Default FALSE for back compatibility.
#' @param dir.in The local folder containing migrate-n output files (default: NULL) 
#' @param dir.out The local path to store the results. If NULL (default) then
#'  \code{dir.out=dir.in}
#' @param save2disk Whether to save results to disk (default: TRUE)
#' @return a list with the ESS for each locus, a summary of ESS across all loci 
#'   and Gelman's diagnostic if more replicates were run. See details for 
#'   additional outputs when \code{save2dis=TRUE}.
#' @import data.table
#' @import coda
#' @export
mtrace <- function(heating=TRUE, nchain=4, burn.in=0.1, trim_params=TRUE, 
                   thin=10, bayesallfile=NULL, fixcorruptBayesallfile=FALSE,
                   dir.out=NULL, save2disk=TRUE) {
  # Helper funstions
     # Split data in bayesallfile by replicates
     # x Element of a list passed with lapply()
        byRepl <- function(x) {
          split(x, x$Replicate)
     # Remove first two columns (Steps & Locus)
     # x Element of a list passed with lapply()
     noLocus <- function(x) {
       ncol <- dim(x[[1]])[2]
       noloc <- lapply(x, function(slim) slim[, 3:ncol])
     # Convert object in mcmc
     # x Element of a list passed with lapply()
     make.mcmc <- function(x) {
       x.mcmc <- lapply(x, mcmc)
     # Remove burn-in
     # x Element of a list passed with lapply()
     # burn burn-in. This is calculate automatically based on burn.in
     rm.burn <- function(x, burn) {
       x.burn <- lapply(x, window, start=round(burn))
     # Trim down data by removing unnecessary columns
     # x Element of a list passed with lapply()
     trim.data <- function(x,  last.col) {
       trimmed <- lapply(x, function(tr) tr[, 7:(last.col - 3)])
       trimmed <- mcmc.list(trimmed)
     # Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic
     # x Element of a list passed with lapply()
     diagnostic <- function(x) {
       x.diagn <- lapply(x, gelman.diag, autoburnin=FALSE)
     # Save to disk Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic
     # x A list where each element is the diagnostic for a locus
     # i A sequence integer vector of length equal to the number of loci 
     save.gel.diag <- function(i, x) {
       Locus <- rep(i, dim(x[[i]]$psrf)[1])
       Parameter <- rownames(x[[i]]$psrf)
       x.locus <- as.data.frame(x[[i]]$psrf)
       x.locus <- cbind(Parameter, Locus, x.locus)
     # Trace and density plots with locus name
     # x A list where each element is a mcmc.list with replicates for one 
     #  locus
     # i A sequence integer vector of length equal to the number of loci 
     plot.with.name <- function(i, x) {
       plot(x[[i]], ylab=paste("Locus", names(x)[i]), ask=FALSE)
     # Plot of Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic
     # x A list where each element is a mcmc.list with replicates for one 
     #  locus
     # i A sequence integer vector of length equal to the number of loci 
     gelman.plot.with.name <- function(i, x) {
       gelman.plot(x[[i]], ylab=paste("Locus", names(x)[i]), autoburnin=FALSE)
  ###---------------------------- Data handling -----------------------------###
  # data.table 1.9.6 should work, 
  # data.table 1.9.5  though has an issues with the end of line 
  # so, for now, stick to read.table
  if(is.null(bayesallfile) & is.null(dir.in)) {
    message("Please, select the bayesallfile to import")
    full.path <- file.choose()
    bayesallfile <- basename(full.path)
    dir.in <- dirname(full.path)
  } else {
    if(is.null(bayesallfile)) bayesallfile <- "bayesallfile.gz"
      dir.in <- choose.dir("Select the folder where migate-n output files are")
  if(is.null(dir.out)) dir.out <- dir.in
     # attempt to fix bayesallfile if the user indicates it is corrupted
  if(fixcorruptBayesallfile) cleanBayesAll(dir.in, bayesallfile)
  message(paste("Parsing", bayesallfile))
  rl <- readLines(paste0(dir.in, "/", bayesallfile), n=100)
  patt <- grep(pattern = "^# @@@@@@@@", rl)
  h <- make.names(read.table(paste0(dir.in, "/", bayesallfile), 
                           header=F, skip=patt, nrow=1, colClasses="character"))
  ncols <- dim(read.table(paste0(dir.in, "/", bayesallfile), header=FALSE, 
                          nrows=10, skip=patt + 1, colClasses="numeric", 
  col.c <- c(rep("numeric", length(h)), rep("NULL", ncols - length(h)))
  col.n <- c(h, rep("NULL", ncols - length(h)))
  data <- read.table(paste0(dir.in, "/", bayesallfile), header=FALSE, 
                     skip=patt + 1, colClasses=col.c, comment.char="", 
  parlast <- length(h) - 2 - if (heating == TRUE) nchain else 0
  repl <- length(unique(data$Replicate))
  if(repl > 1) {
    message(paste("Detected", repl, "replicates"))
  } else {
    message("No replicates detected")
  if(save2disk) save(data, 
                     file = file.path(dir.out, 
                                    paste0(sub(x = bayesallfile, pattern="\\.gz$", 
                                               replacement = ""), 
  message("Data processing started")
  l.locus <- split(data[, 2:parlast], data$Locus)
  l.locus.repl <- lapply(l.locus, byRepl)
  burn <- burn.in * dim(l.locus.repl[[1]][[1]])[1]
  l.locus.repl <- lapply(l.locus.repl, noLocus)
  l.locus.mrepl <- lapply(l.locus.repl, make.mcmc)
  l.locus.mreplno.burn <- lapply(l.locus.mrepl, rm.burn, burn=burn)
  l.mlLocus.mrepl <- lapply(l.locus.mreplno.burn, mcmc.list)
  if(repl > 1 | trim_params == TRUE) {
    l.mlLocus.mrepltr <- lapply(l.mlLocus.mrepl, trim.data, last.col=parlast)
  ###-------------------------- Gelman diagnostic ---------------------------###
  if(repl > 1) {
    message("Calculating Gelman's diagnostic")
    g.diag <- lapply(l.mlLocus.mrepl, gelman.diag, autoburnin=FALSE, 
                     multivariate = F)
  ###-------------------------------- ESS -----------------------------------###
  message("Calculating ESS after removal of burn-in...")
  ESSlist <- lapply(l.mlLocus.mrepl, effectiveSize)
  ESS <- as.data.frame(ESSlist)
  names(ESS) <- paste("Locus", 1:length(ESSlist))
  EES.summary <- apply(ESS, 1, summary)
  ###---------------------------- save2disk ---------------------------------###
  if(save2disk == TRUE) {
    message("Saving reults to disk...")
    write.csv(ESS, file=paste0(dir.out, "/", "ESS.csv"))
    write.csv(EES.summary, file=paste0(dir.out, "/", "EES.summary.csv" ))
    i <- seq_along(l.mlLocus.mrepl)
    pdf(file=paste0(dir.out, "/", "TracePlots_burninRemoved.pdf"))
    if(trim_params == TRUE) {
      if(thin > 1) {
        after.thin <- lapply(l.mlLocus.mrepltr, window, thin=thin)
        lapply(i, plot.with.name, x=after.thin)
      } else {
        lapply(i, plot.with.name, x=l.mlLocus.mrepltr)
    } else {
      if(thin > 1) {
        after.thin <- lapply(l.mlLocus.mrepl, window, thin=thin)
        lapply(i, plot.with.name, x=after.thin)
      } else {
      lapply(i, plot.with.name, x=l.mlLocus.mrepl)
    if(repl > 1) {
      gelm.res <- lapply(i, save.gel.diag, x=g.diag)
                file=paste0(paste0(dir.out, "/", "gelm.diag.csv")))
      pdf(file=paste0(dir.out, "/", "gelm.plots.pdf"))
      lapply(i, gelman.plot.with.name, x=l.mlLocus.mrepltr)
              gelm.diag=if(repl > 1) g.diag else NULL))

#' Calculate Bayes Factor
#' \code{BF} calculates log Bayes factors (LBF) of all models compared against 
#' the model that has the highest log likelihood. The models are then ranked based 
#' on LBF (mod.rank) and the model probability (mod.prob) is calculated.
#' A LBF value of -2 (or smaller) indicates support for reference model (the 
#' model that has the highest log likelihood). Values smaller than -6 indicate a 
#' strong evidence in favour of the reference model (Kass and Raftery 1995).
#' @param lmLs Numeric vector with log marginal likelihood values of the models
#' @return A data.frame with log Bayes factors (LBF), the models' ranks 
#' (mod.rank) and the models' probability (mod.prob).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # From migrate-n tutotial: 'Comparison of gene flow models using
#' # Bayes Factors' (Beerli 2010)
#'  mod.comp <- BF(c(-4862.85, -4860.58, -4863.08, -4887.25))
#'  mod.comp
BF <- function(lmLs=NULL) {
  # error handling
  if(!is.numeric(lmLs)) stop("Please, pass a numeric vector of log 
                             likelihood with the argument lmLs")
  ref.mod <- max(lmLs)
  LBF <- 2 * (lmLs - ref.mod)
  BF <- exp(LBF )
  mod.prob <- round(BF / sum(BF), digits=3)
  mod.rank <- rank( - LBF)
  return(data.frame(lmL=lmLs, LBF, mod.rank, mod.prob))
carlopacioni/mtraceR documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 4:30 a.m.