Man pages for cavei/MOSClip
Multi Omics Survival Clip

annotePathwayToFatherConvert pathways into a fathers
availableOmicMethodsGet available Omics Summarizing Methods
computeOmicsIntersectionsCompute Omics Intersections
discreteClassesFrom continous to discrete classes.
dummy_datasetsFunction to create some fake dataset for testing purpose
evaluateResamplingSelect stable pathway modules
extractBadPrognosisProfileExtract the worst profile
extractRiskTableExtrac the risk table from survminer object
extractSummaryFromBinaryExtract Summary Binary from MultiOmics Objects
extractSummaryFromClusterExtract Summary CLuster from MultiOmics Objects
extractSummaryFromNumberOfEventsExtract Summary Binary from MultiOmics Objects
extractSummaryFromPCAExtract Summary PCA from MultiOmics Objects
guessInvolvementGuess the most influent features from MultiOmics Survival...
guessInvolvementPathwayGuess the most influent features from MultiOmics Survival...
match_pathway_to_fathersRemove pathways with no id in graphite
multiOmicsModuleInterAnalysisMulti Omics Module Inter Module Analysis
MultiOmicsModules-classMulti Omics Modules.
MultiOmicsPathway-classMulti Omics Pathway.
multiOmicsSurvivalModuleTestCompute Multi Omics Survival in Pathway Modules
multiOmicsSurvivalPathwayTestCompute Multi Omics Survival in Pathways
multiPathwayModuleReportProvide a data.frame of pathways module test results from...
multiPathwayReportSummarize pathways' info from a list of MultiOmicsPathway...
Omics-classMulti Omics Storage that extends '"list"' class.
plotGraphiteInCyPlot graph in Cytoscape
plotModuleHeatPlot heatmaps of the module by omics
plotModuleInGraphPlot graph of the module by omics
plotModuleKMPlot KM of the module by omics
plotModuleReportSummarize and plot pathways' info from a MultiOmicsModule...
plotMultiPathwayReportSummarize and plot pathways' info from a list of...
plotPathwayHeatPlot heatmaps of the pathway by omics
plotPathwayKMPlot KM of the pathway by omics
plotSurvivalBarcodesPlot the patients barcodes
pvalueSummaryCompute pvalue Summary
resamplingCheck if all the list object have the same order of pathway...
resamplingPathwayResampling function for pathways
runSupertestPerforms statistical tests of the pathway intersections among...
showMOSpaletteShows the MOSClip palette.
strip-functionsStrip feature type.
stripModulesFromPathwaysRemove module number From Pathway Name
summarizeColumnsByMaskMulti Omics Module Inter Module Analysis
summarizeInClusterSummarize Using Cluster Analysis
summarizeInClusterWithoutDictionarySummarize Using Cluster Analysis with no dictionary to...
summarizeToBinaryDirectionalEventsSummarize To Binary Directional Events
summarizeToBinaryEventsSummarize To Binary Events
summarizeToNumberOfDirectionalEventsSummarize With Directed Sum
summarizeToNumberOfEventsSummarize To Number of Binary Events
summarizeWithPcaSummarize Using PCA
cavei/MOSClip documentation built on May 12, 2019, 5:22 p.m.