
Defines functions ctryNlDataMelted listNlTiles listCtryNlRasters listCtryNlData allExistsCtryNlData existsCtryNlData existsCtryNlDataFile getCtryNlDataColName getCtryNlData getCtryNlDataFnamePath getCtryNlDataFname validCtryNlDataDF saveCtryNlData createCtryNlDataDF

Documented in allExistsCtryNlData createCtryNlDataDF existsCtryNlData existsCtryNlDataFile getCtryNlData getCtryNlDataColName getCtryNlDataFname getCtryNlDataFnamePath listCtryNlData listCtryNlRasters listNlTiles saveCtryNlData validCtryNlDataDF

######################## createCtryNlDataDF ###################################

#' Initiates the country nightlight dataframe with the country admin level
#'     data read from the polygon
#' Initiates the country admin level nightlight dataframe with the country
#'     admin level data read from the polygon. This includes admin levels,
#'     level names and area
#' @param ctryCode the ISO3 code of the country
#' @param admLevel The country admin level of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return dataframe with the country admin level data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' initCtryNlData <- Rnightlights:::createCtryNlDataDF("KEN")
#'  #returns a data frame
#' }
createCtryNlDataDF <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    admLevel <- getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  ctryPoly <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    admLevel = admLevel,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  if (is.null(ctryPoly))
         ": Could not read admLevel '",
         "' from given polygon")
  ctryExtent <- raster::extent(ctryPoly)
  raster::projection(ctryPoly) <- sp::CRS(SRS_string = wgs84)
  #get the list of admin levels in the polygon shapefile
  ctryPolyAdmLevels <- getCtryPolyAdmLevelNames(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    lowestAdmLevel = admLevel,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  #convert to lower case for consistency
  ctryPolyAdmLevels <- tolower(ctryPolyAdmLevels)
  if (missing(custPolyPath))
    custPolyPath <- NULL
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    if (length(ctryPolyAdmLevels) > 1)
      #When a country does not have lower administrative levels
      #the number of admin levels
      nLyrs <- length(ctryPolyAdmLevels)
      ctryPolyAdmCols <- paste(c("NAME_"), 0:(nLyrs - 1), sep = "")
      #pull the ID_ and NAME_ cols from layer1 to lowest layer (layer0 has country code not req'd)
      ctryNlDataDF <-
        as.data.frame(ctryPoly@data[, eval(ctryPolyAdmCols)])
      #add the area as reported by the polygon shapefile as a convenience
      areas <- raster::area(ctryPoly) / 1e6
      #we add the country code to ensure even a renamed file is identifiable
      #repeat ctryCode for each row in the polygon. equiv of picking layer0
      ctryCodeCol <- rep(ctryCode, nrow(ctryNlDataDF))
      #combine the columns
      ctryNlDataDF <- cbind(ctryCodeCol, ctryNlDataDF, areas)
      #remove the NAME_0 column which has the country name. We want ctryCode only
      ctryNlDataDF <-
        ctryNlDataDF[, -which(names(ctryNlDataDF) == "NAME_0")]
      ctryPolyColNames <- ctryPolyAdmLevels
      #add the country code and area columns to the dataframe
      ctryPolyColNames <- c(ctryPolyColNames, "area_sq_km")
      names(ctryNlDataDF) <- ctryPolyColNames
    } else
      #add the area as reported by the polygon shapefile as a convenience
      areas <- raster::area(ctryPoly) / 1e6
      ctryNlDataDF <-
        data.frame("country" = ctryCode, "area_sq_km" = areas)
  } else
    polyFnamePath <- getPolyFnamePath(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    lyrNames <- rgdal::ogrListLayers(polyFnamePath)
    #find columns to use as names
    polyColNames <- sapply(lyrNames, function(lyrName)
      #read in the polygon layer
      ctryPoly <-
        rgdal::readOGR(dsn = polyFnamePath, layer = lyrName)
      #read in the column names of the data in the polygon
      colNames <- names(ctryPoly@data)
      #find cols with the most unique values
      uniqueColVals <-
        nrow(ctryPoly@data) / sapply(colNames, function(x)
      uniqueColValRatios <-
        names(uniqueColVals[which(uniqueColVals < 1.2)])
      #find cols which are not purely numeric
      intColVals <-
        sapply(colNames, function(x)
          length(grep("^\\d+$", ctryPoly@data[[x]])))
      minIntColVals <-
        names(intColVals[which(intColVals == intColVals[which.min(intColVals)])])
      #find cols containing the word "name"
      nameCols <-
        sapply(colNames, function(x)
          length(grep("name", x, ignore.case = T)))
      nameColNames <- colNames[which(nameCols > 0)]
      possibleColNames <-
        intersect(nameColNames, uniqueColValRatios)
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 1)
      else if (length(intersect(nameColNames, uniqueColValRatios)) > 1)
        possibleColNames <- nameColNames
        #intersect columns close to 1 unique name per row. Allow for some duplicates
        possibleColNames <-
        intersect(uniqueColValRatios, minIntColVals)
      #if only one column is left at this point use it
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 1)
      #if no columns fit start with all cols again
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 0)
        possibleColNames <- colNames
      #how much missing data in the cols
      missingColVals <-
        sapply(possibleColNames, function(x)
          sum(is.na(ctryPoly@data[[x]]) | ctryPoly@data[[x]] == ""))
      #choose cols with the fewest missing values
      possibleColNames <-
        intersect(possibleColNames, names(missingColVals[which(missingColVals == missingColVals[which.min(missingColVals)])]))
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 1)
      #if no columns fit start with all cols again
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 0)
        possibleColNames <- colNames
      partIntColVals <-
        sapply(possibleColNames, function(x)
          length(grep("\\d+", ctryPoly@data[[x]])))
      possibleColNames <-
        intersect(possibleColNames, names(partIntColVals[which(partIntColVals == partIntColVals[which.min(partIntColVals)])]))
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 1)
      #if no columns fit start with all cols again
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 0)
        possibleColNames <- colNames
      #columns may have a link to the layer name
      #split the layer name into its parts first removing our lyr idx prefix in the form "0_"
      lyrNameParts <-
        unlist(strsplit(gsub("^\\d+_", "", lyrName), "[^[:alnum:]]"))
      #do any cols contain the layer nam parts
      partialMatchColNames <-
        unlist(sapply(lyrNameParts, function(x)
          grep(x, colNames, ignore.case = T, value = T)))
      a <- intersect(possibleColNames, partialMatchColNames)
      if (length(a) == 1)
      if (length(a) > 1)
        possibleColNames <- a
      #if no columns fit start with all cols again
      if (length(possibleColNames) == 0)
        possibleColNames <- colNames
    #the number of admin levels
    nLyrs <- length(ctryPolyAdmLevels)
    polyColNames <- polyColNames[1:nLyrs]
    ctryPoly <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = admLevel,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    ctryNlDataDF <-
      try(as.data.frame(ctryPoly@data[, polyColNames], stringsAsFactors = F), TRUE)
    if (inherits(ctryNlDataDF, "try-error"))
      stop("Lowest layer does not contain upper layer columns. Unable to build ctryStruct")
    #add the area as reported by the polygon shapefile as a convenience
    areas <- raster::area(ctryPoly) / 1e6
    #combine the columns
    ctryNlDataDF <- cbind(ctryNlDataDF, areas)
    names(ctryNlDataDF) <- c(lyrNames[1:nLyrs], "area_sq_km")

######################## insertNlDataCol ###################################

#' Insert an aggregate nightlight data column in a country nightlights dataframe
#' Insert an aggregate nightlight data column in a country nightlights dataframe. The number
#'     of elements in the vector MUST match the number of rows in the country dataframe.
#' @param ctryNlDataDF dataframe with the country data to save
#' @param dataCol the numeric vector to be inserted as a column
#' @param nlStat the stat which produced the dataCol vector
#' @param nlPeriod the nlPeriod that the dataCol belongs to
#' @param nlType the type of nightlight data
#' @param configName character the config shortname of the raster to process
#' @param extension character the extension of the raster to process
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @param multiTileMergeFun character The function to use to merge tiles
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod character The method to use to perform gas flare removal
#'     or NULL to disable
#' @return the updated dataframe
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ctryNlDataDF <- Rnightlights:::insertNlDataCol(ctryNlDataDF,
#'     dataCol, "sum", "201409", "VIIRS.D")
#'     }
#' \dontrun{
#' ctryNlDataDF <- Rnightlights:::insertNlDataCol(ctryNlDataDF,
#'     dataCol, "mean", "2012", "OLS.Y")
#'     }
insertNlDataCol <-
  function (ctryNlDataDF,
            removeGasFlaresMethod = pkgOptions(paste0("removeGasFlaresMethod_", nlType)))
    if (missing(ctryNlDataDF))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryNlDataDF")
    if (missing(dataCol))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter dataCol")
    if (missing(nlStat))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlStat")
    if (missing(nlPeriod))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlPeriod")
    if (missing(nlType))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
    #append the calculated means for the polygon as a new column
    ctryNlDataDF <- cbind(ctryNlDataDF, dataCol)
    #name the new column which is currently last with the yearmonth of the data
    names(ctryNlDataDF)[ncol(ctryNlDataDF)] <-
        nlPeriod = nlPeriod,
        nlStat = nlStat,
        nlType = nlType,
        configName = configName,
        extension = extension,
        removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod
    #re-arrange the columns
    #read in all column names in the dataframe afresh
    dtCols <- names(ctryNlDataDF)
    #get only the nightlight data columns
    nlDataColIdx <- grep("^NL_", dtCols)
    nlDataColNames <- dtCols[nlDataColIdx]
    #sort the column names ascending
    nlDataColNames <- nlDataColNames[order(nlDataColNames)]
    #combine the non-nightlight and the nightlight data columns
    newNlDataColNames <- c(dtCols[-nlDataColIdx], nlDataColNames)
    #write back the dataframe with the new column order
    ctryNlDataDF <- ctryNlDataDF[, newNlDataColNames]

######################## deleteNlDataCol ###################################

#' Delete an aggregate nightlight data column in a country nightlights dataframe
#' Delete an aggregate nightlight data column in a country nightlights dataframe. The number
#'     of elements in the vector MUST match the number of rows in the country dataframe.
#' @param ctryCode country with the  data column to remove
#' @param admLevel admLevel to process
#' @param nlType  the type of nightlight data
#' @param configName character the config short name of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @param multiTileMergeFun character The function to use to merge tiles
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod character The method to use to perform gas flare removal
#'     or NULL to disable
#' @param nlPeriod the nlPeriod that the dataCol belongs to
#' @param nlStat the stat which produced the dataCol vector
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ctryNlDataDF <- Rnightlights:::deleteNlDataCol(ctryNlDataDF,
#'      "VIIRS.M", "201409", "sum")
#'      }
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::deleteNlDataCol(ctryNlDataDF,
#'     "OLS.Y", "2012", "mean")
#'     }
#' @export
deleteNlDataCol <- function (ctryCode = NULL,
                             custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(nlType))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
  if (missing(nlPeriod))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlPeriod")
  if (missing(nlStat))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlStat")
  #Read in all the data for the ctryCode, admLevel
  ctryNlDataDF <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = admLevel,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    encoding = "UTF-8"
  #read in all column names in the dataframe
  cols <- names(ctryNlDataDF)
  #colName <- paste("NL", nlType, nlPeriod, toupper(nlStat), sep = "_")
  # colName <- paste0("NL_", nlType, "_", toupper(configName),
  #                   "-MTS", toupper(multiTileStrategy), "-", toupper(multiTileMergeFun),
  #                   "-RGF", substr(as.character(removeGasFlares),1,1), "_",
  #                   nlPeriod, "_", nlStat)
  colName <- getCtryNlDataColName(
    nlPeriod = nlPeriod,
    nlStat = nlStat,
    nlType = nlType,
    configName = configName,
    extension = extension,
    multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy,
    multiTileMergeFun = multiTileMergeFun,
    removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod
  #get only the named nightlight data column(s)
  nlDataColIdx <- grep(colName, cols, fixed = TRUE)
  if (length(nlDataColIdx) == 0)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Specified column not found")
  #write back the dataframe with the new column order
  ctryNlDataDF <- ctryNlDataDF[,-c(nlDataColIdx)]
    ctryNlDataDF = ctryNlDataDF,
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    admLevel = searchAdmLevel(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      admLevelNames = admLevel,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## saveCtryNlData ###################################

#' Save a data frame of a country's data to the appropriate location
#' Saves the data frame created from processNlCountry* to the appropriate location.
#'     Note: This function does not perform any validation error checking and will overwrite
#'     existing data. Use with caution.
#' @param ctryNlDataDF dataframe with the country data to save
#' @param ctryCode the ctryCode to which the data belongs
#' @param admLevel the country admin level to process
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::saveCtryNlData(ctryNlDataDF, ctryCode)
#' }
saveCtryNlData <- function(ctryNlDataDF,
                           ctryCode = NULL,
                           gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                           gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                           custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (missing(ctryNlDataDF))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryNlDataDF")
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevel")
  if (!validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  if (!validCtryNlDataDF(ctryNlDataDF))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid country dataframe")
    x = ctryNlDataDF,
    file = getCtryNlDataFnamePath(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = admLevel,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    row.names = FALSE,
    fileEncoding = "UTF-8",
    sep = ","

######################## validCtryNlDataDF ###################################

#' Check if a country dataframe is valid
#' Check if a country dataframe is valid
#' @param ctryNlDataDF the country dataframe
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   Rnightlights:::validCtryNlDataDF(nlCtryDataDF) #returns TRUE
#' }
validCtryNlDataDF <- function(ctryNlDataDF)
  if (missing(ctryNlDataDF))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryNlDataDF")
  if (class(ctryNlDataDF) == "data.frame" &&
      !is.null(ctryNlDataDF) &&
      any(grepl("area_sq_km", names(ctryNlDataDF))))

######################## getCtryNlDataFname ###################################

#' Construct the name of the country data file.
#' Construct the name of the data file. This function can be altered to name the file as
#'     required and consistently retrieve the name. Used in the function getCtryNlDataFnamePath
#'     to concat the directory path and this filename. Currently all nlTypes are stored in one
#'     file. Can be altered to separate VIIRS and OLS data files for example.
#' @param ctryCode The ctryCode of interest
#' @param admLevel The country admin level of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return Character filename of the country data file
#' @examples
#' ctryCode <- "KEN"
#' admLevel <- "KEN_adm0"
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryNlDataFname(ctryCode, admLevel)
#' #returns string of name of the ctry data file
getCtryNlDataFname <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevel")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && ctryCode == "")
    ctryCode <- NULL
  #if we have both ctryCode and custPolyPath add ctryCode and admLevel to admLevel
  if (!is.null(custPolyPath) && !is.null(ctryCode))
    admLevel <- paste0(ctryCode, "_", admLevel)
  if (grepl("gadm36_[A-Z]{3,4}_\\d", admLevel))
    lyrName <-
      paste0("ADM", stringr::str_extract(admLevel, "\\d+$"))
  else if (grepl("[A-Z]{3,4}_adm\\d", admLevel))
    lyrName <-
      paste0("ADM", stringr::str_extract(admLevel, "\\d+$"))
    lyrName <- admLevel
  polyVer <-
      paste0("GADM-", gadmVersion, "-", toupper(gadmPolyType)),
      paste0("CUST-", basename(custPolyPath))
  fName <-
      sep = "_"
  #shortcut remove consecutive underscores caused by empty admLevel
  fName <- gsub("_{2,}", "_", fName)
  return (fName)

######################## getCtryNlDataFnamePath ###################################

#' Construct the full path to save the file containing the country data
#' Construct the full path to save the file containing the country data. Note
#'     it does not indicate if the file exists
#' @param ctryCode \code{character string} The ctryCode of interest
#' @param admLevel \code{character string} The admin level of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return Character string the full path to the data file of a country
#'             admin level
#' @examples
#' #get the full path to the file containing data for KEN counties
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryNlDataFnamePath("KEN", "KEN_adm0")
getCtryNlDataFnamePath <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                   gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                   gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                   custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevel")
  if (is.null(custPolyPath) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  return (file.path(
    getNlDir(dirName = "dirNlData"),
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = admLevel,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## getCtryNlData ###################################

#' Returns nightlight statistics for the given ctryCode and nlType in the given nPeriods
#' Returns nightlight data for the given ctryCode and nlStats in the given
#'     nlPeriods and of the specified nlType. Note that getCtryNldata only
#'     processes one ctryCode at a time.
#'     \code{ignoreMissing} plays a significant role here. It can take 3 values:
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item NULL (default) only return data if found for all nlPeriods
#'            and all nlStats provided otherwise return NULL.
#'         \item TRUE return any partial data that is found for the provided
#'            nlPeriods and nlStats. Ignore any missing data.
#'         \item FALSE return all data that is found and call \code{processNlData}
#'            to download and process any missing nlPeriods and nlStats.
#'     }
#'    Farther, if \code{nlPeriods} is missing, it is assigned values based on
#'    the value of ignoreMissing. If ignoreMissing is FALSE, nlPeriods is
#'    assigned all existing nlPeriods to date. This is the equivalent of
#'    retrieving all nightlight data for the given country and stats. If
#'    ignoreMissing is TRUE or NULL then the existing data is returned.
#' @param ctryCode the ISO3 code of the country. Only 1 country can be
#'     processed at a time.
#' @param admLevel The country admin level of interest. Only 1 admLevel
#'     can be processed at a time.
#' @param nlTypes a vector of nlTypes. The nightlight types to process.
#' @param nlPeriods a vector of nlPeriods. Must be appropriate nlPeriods
#'     for the nlType.
#' @param nlStats a vector of nlStats. If not supplied defaults to all nlStats
#'     as listed in pkgOptions("nlStats").
#' @param ignoreMissing controls how the function behaves if any data is not
#'     found in the data file.
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item NULL (default) only return data if found for ALL nlPeriods
#'            and ALL stats provided otherwise return NULL
#'         \item TRUE return any partial data that is found for the provided
#'            nlPeriods and stats. Ignore any missing data
#'         \item FALSE return all data that is found and call \code{processNlData}
#'            to download and process any missing nlPeriods and stats
#'     }
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @param cropMaskMethod The method used to crop and mask the satellite raster
#' @param extractMethod The method used to extract data and perform calculations
#'     on the satellite raster
#' @param configNames character the config short names of rasters being processed
#' @param extensions character the extensions of rasters being processed
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @param multiTileMergeFun character The function to use to merge tiles
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod character The method to use to perform gas flare removal
#'     or NULL to disable
#' @param useSavedStats logical Whether to load saved stats and search them for nlStats
#' @param source "local" or "remote" Whether to download and process the
#'     data locally or to download the pre-processed data from a remote
#'     source/repo
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return dataframe of data for one country in one nlType in one or multiple
#'     nlPeriods
#' @examples
#' #NOTE: missing stats implies all stats as given by pkgOptions("nlStats")
#' #long running examples which also require large downloads
#' \dontrun{
#' getCtryNlData("KEN", "KEN_adm0", "VIIRS.M", ignoreMissing=NULL)
#'     #returns either all requested data if it exists i.e. all nlPeriods
#'     #and all nlStats for KEN otherwise NULL
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' getCtryNlData("KEN", "KEN_adm0", "OLS.Y", ignoreMissing=TRUE)
#'     #Returns all requested data if it exists i.e. all nlPeriods and all
#'     #nlStats for KEN but omits any missing data
#'     }
#' \dontrun{
#' getCtryNlData(ctryCode="KEN", "KEN_adm0", "VIIRS.Y", ignoreMissing=FALSE)
#'     #Returns all requested data i.e. all nlPeriods and all
#'     #nlStats for KEN. All missing data will be downloaded and processed
#'     }
#' \dontrun{
#' getCtryNlData("KEN", "KEN_adm0", "VIIRS.M", nlPeriods=c("existingNlPeriod", "missingNlPeriod"),
#'     nlStats=c("sum", "unknownStat"), ignoreMissing=NULL)
#'     #Returns NULL due to missingNlPeriod and unknownStat not already existing
#'     #(ignoreMissing=NULL returns all data if exists or if any is missing returns NULL)
#'     }
#' \dontrun{
#' getCtryNlData("KEN", "KEN_adm0", "VIIRS.D", nlPeriods=c("existingNlPeriod", "missingNlPeriod"),
#'     nlStats=c("existingStat", "missingStat"), ignoreMissing=TRUE)
#'    #Returns existingStat for existingNlPeriods omits missingNlPeriod and missingStat
#'    #(ignoreMissing=TRUE returns only existing data)
#'    }
#' \dontrun{
#' getCtryNlData("KEN", "KEN_adm0", "VIIRS.M", nlPeriods=c("existingNlPeriod", "missingNlPeriod"),
#'     nlStats=c("sum", "unknownStat"), ignoreMissing=FALSE)
#'     #Runs processNlData for missingStat in "missingNlPeriod" and returns
#'     #"existingStat" and "missingStat" for both "existingNlPeriod" and
#'     #"missingNlPeriod"
#'     #(ignoreMissing=FALSE must return all data: forces processing of any missing)
#'     }
#' @export
getCtryNlData <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                          nlStats = pkgOptions("nlStats"),
                          ignoreMissing = FALSE,
                          gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                          gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                          custPolyPath = NULL,
                          downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"),
                          cropMaskMethod = pkgOptions("cropMaskMethod"),
                          extractMethod = pkgOptions("extractMethod"),
                          multiTileStrategy = pkgOptions("multiTileStrategy"),
                          multiTileMergeFun = pkgOptions("multiTileMergeFun"),
                          removeGasFlaresMethod = pkgOptions(paste0("removeGasFlaresMethod_", nlTypes)),
                          useSavedStats = FALSE,
                          source = "local",
  if (source != "local")
      ": Non-local sources not currently supported. \n
         Please request this feature at https://github.com/chrisvwn/Rnightlights to fasttrack it."
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    admLevel <- "top"
  if (missing(nlTypes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlTypes")
  if (missing(configNames))
    configNames <-
      sapply(paste0("configName_", nlTypes), pkgOptions)
  configNames <- toupper(configNames)
  if (any(!validNlConfigName(configNames, nlTypes)))
    stop("Invalid configName(s) supplied")

    extensions <- sapply(paste0("extension_", nlTypes), pkgOptions)
  if (any(!validNlConfigExtension(extension = extensions, configName = configNames, nlType = nlTypes)))
    stop("Invalid extension(s) supplied")
  #if both nlPeriods and ignoreMissing are not supplied we cannot deduce
  #the nlPeriods. Error and stop
  if (missing(nlPeriods) && missing(ignoreMissing))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlPeriods")
  #if nlPeriods is not provided and ignoreMissing is present and FALSE
  #process all nlPeriods
  if (missing(nlPeriods) && !missing(ignoreMissing))
    if (!ignoreMissing)
      nlPeriods <- getAllNlPeriods(nlTypes = nlTypes)
  #if(!allValid(nlPeriods, validNlPeriods, nlType))
  if (!allValidNlPeriods(nlTypes = nlTypes, nlPeriods = nlPeriods))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlPeriods detected")
  if (any(dupNlStats <- duplicated(nlStats)))
      ": duplicate nlStat(s) detected: ",
      paste(as.character(nlStats[!validStats]), collapse = ", "),
      ". Continuing with unique nlStats"
    nlStats <- unique(nlStats)
  #if the nlStat is supplied as a single list with params encapsulate into
  #a single list
  if (is.list(nlStats) &&
      length(nlStats) > 1 &&
      all(sapply(2:length(nlStats), function(i)
        ! is.list(nlStats[[i]]) &&
        (grepl("=", nlStats[i]) || length(names(nlStats[i])) > 0))))
    nlStats <- list(nlStats)
  validStats <- validNlStats(nlStats)
  if (!all(validStats))
    if (!useSavedStats) {
        ": nlStats not found: ",
        paste(as.character(nlStats[!validStats]), collapse = ", "),
        "\n Set useSavedStats to TRUE to search also in saved Stats"
    } else {
        ": ",
        paste(as.character(nlStats[!validStats]), collapse = ", "),
        " not found. Checking saved stats"
      foundSavedStatSigs <-
        sapply(nlStats[!validStats], function(x)
      numFoundMatches <- sapply(foundSavedStatSigs, length)
      if (any(numFoundMatches == 0))
             ": Not found in saved stats: ",
             paste(nlStats[!validStats][numFoundMatches == 0], collapse = ", "))
      if (any(numFoundMatches) > 1)
          ": Multiple matches in saved stats: ",
          paste(foundSavedStatSigs[numFoundMatches > 1], collapse = ", "),
          "\nRun 'searchSavedNlStatName()' and 'loadSavedNlStat()' to load the corresponding stat"
      message(Sys.time(), ": Loading saved stats")
      for (foundSavedStatSig in foundSavedStatSigs) {
                ": Found saved function: ",
                " ... Loading")
  statSigs <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(nlStats))
    statSigs <- c(statSigs, nlStatSignature(nlStats[i]))
  if (length(unMatchedParams <-
             grep("xUnMatchedx", statSigs, value = T)) > 0)
         ": Detected nlStats with incompatible parameters/arguments: ",
  #  ignoreMissing = TRUE
  if (length(ctryCode) > 1 || length(admLevel) > 1)
         ": getCtryNlData can only process 1 ctryCode & 1 admLevel at a time")
  #  stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode", ctryCode)
  if (grepl("country", admLevel))
    admLevel <- getCtryShpLyrNames(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      lyrNums = 0,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  else if (admLevel %in% c("bottom", "lowest"))
    admLevel <- getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  else if (admLevel %in% c("top", "highest"))
    admLevel <- getCtryShpLyrNames(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      lyrNums = 1,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  else if (admLevel == "all")
    admLevel <- getCtryShpAllAdmLvls(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    tmpAdmLevel <- searchAdmLevel(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      admLevelNames = admLevel,
      downloadMethod = downloadMethod,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    admLevel <- ifelse(is.na(tmpAdmLevel), admLevel, tmpAdmLevel)
  # #after processing admLevels if any are not in proper format e.g. KEN_adm0
  # #check if they might have been supplied as e.g. adm0 or e.g. 0
  # if(!length(grep(paste0(ctryCode,"_adm\\d+"), admLevel, ignore.case = T)) == length(admLevel))
  # {
  #   if(length(grep("^adm\\d+$", admLevel, ignore.case = T)) > 0)
  #     admLevel <- paste(ctryCode, admLevel, sep="_")
  #   else if(length(grep("^\\d+$", admLevel, ignore.case = T)) > 0)
  #     admLevel <- paste(ctryCode, paste0("adm", admLevel), sep="_")
  # }
  if (!allValidCtryAdmLvls(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    admLevels = admLevel,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid admLevels detected")
  if (!is.null(ignoreMissing))
    if (ignoreMissing &&
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          admLevel = admLevel,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        ": No data exists for ",
        ". Set IgnoreMissing=FALSE to download and process"
  if (!missing(nlPeriods))
    #if nlPeriods is provided process else return all ctry data
    #check if the stats exist in the given year months will test nlYm1+stat1, nlYm2+stat1, ..., nlYm1+stat2, nlYm2+stat2
    if (is.list(nlPeriods))
      a <-
        lapply(seq_along(nlTypes), function(i)
          cbind(nlTypes[i], configNames[i], extensions[i], nlPeriods[[i]]))
      a <-
        lapply(seq_along(nlTypes), function(i)
          cbind(nlTypes[i], configNames[i], extensions[i], nlPeriods))
    a <-
      data.frame(do.call("rbind", a),
                 stringsAsFactors = F,
                 row.names = NULL)
    #get the names of the stats which will be the first elem of each
    nlStatNames <- sapply(nlStats, function(x)
    if (length(nlStatNames) == 1)
      nlPeriodStats <-
                 X3 = nlStatNames,
                 stringsAsFactors = F,
                 row.names = NULL)
      nlPeriodStats <- data.frame(
          X = a,
          MARGIN = 2,
          FUN = function(x)
            rep(x, length(nlStatNames))
        X3 = as.vector(sapply(nlStatNames, rep, nrow(a))),
        stringsAsFactors = F
    #nlPeriodStats <- nlPeriodStats[order(nlPeriodStats$X1, nlPeriodStats$X2),]
    existnlPeriodStats <- apply(
      X = nlPeriodStats,
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(x)
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          admLevel = admLevel,
          nlTypes =  x[1],
          configNames = x[2],
          extensions = x[3],
          multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy,
          multiTileMergeFun = multiTileMergeFun,
          removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod,
          nlPeriods = x[4],
          nlStats = nlStats[which(nlStatNames == as.character(x[5]))],
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    missingData <-
        X = nlPeriodStats[!existnlPeriodStats, ],
        MARGIN = 1,
        FUN = function(x)
          paste0(x[1], ":", x[2], ":", x[3], ":", x[4], ":", x[5])
      collapse = ", ")
    if (!all(existnlPeriodStats))
      if (is.null(ignoreMissing))
            "No data found for ",
            " in ",
            ". Returning NULL. \nNote: Set ignoreMissing=TRUE to",
            "return only data found or \nignoreMissing=FALSE to download ",
            "and extract missing data"
        return (NULL)
      else if (!ignoreMissing)
            "Processing missing data: ",
            ". This may take a while. \nNote: Set 'ignoreMissing=TRUE' to ",
            "return only data found or \n'ignoreMissing=NULL' to return NULL ",
            "if not all the data is found"
          ctryCodes = ctryCode,
          admLevels = admLevel,
          nlTypes = nlTypes,
          configNames = configNames,
          extensions = extensions,
          multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy,
          multiTileMergeFun = multiTileMergeFun,
          removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod,
          nlPeriods = nlPeriods,
          nlStats = nlStats,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath,
          downloadMethod = downloadMethod,
          cropMaskMethod = cropMaskMethod,
          extractMethod = extractMethod
      else if (ignoreMissing)
            "Ignoring missing data for ",
            " in ",
            ". \nReturning existing data only."
            "Invalid value for 'ignoreMissing'. Exiting.",
            "\nNote: Set ignoreMissing=TRUE to return local data found ",
            "or \nignoreMissing=FALSE to download and extract missing data"
    #if all nlPeriodStats exist  get the data
    ctryData <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        admLevel = admLevel,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      encoding = "UTF-8"
    #else if missing nlPeriods
    #if !missing(stats) return only given stats
    #else return the whole data frame
    if (existsCtryNlDataFile(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = admLevel,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      ctryData <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          admLevel = admLevel,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        encoding = "UTF-8"
        ": Data for ",
        " does not exist. Set IgnoreMissing=FALSE to download and process"
      ctryData <- NULL
  #to remove any missing nlPeriods if ignoreMissing==TRUE
  if (is.null(ignoreMissing) ||
    #shortcircuit if ignoreMissing is NULL to avoid crash
    if (any(existnlPeriodStats))
      existingNlCols <-
          X = nlPeriodStats[existnlPeriodStats, ],
          MARGIN =  1,
          FUN = function(x)
              nlType = x[1],
              nlPeriod = x[3],
              nlStat = nlStats[which(nlStatNames == x[4])],
              configName = configNames,
              extension = extensions,
              removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod
      existingNlCols <- NULL
    #ignoreMissing == FALSE so we should have the missing data
    #check again to see that processNlData was successful
    #check that each stat exists for given periods
    existnlPeriodStats <- apply(
      X = nlPeriodStats,
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(x)
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          admLevel = admLevel,
          nlTypes = x[1],
          configNames = x[2],
          extensions = x[3],
          multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy,
          multiTileMergeFun = multiTileMergeFun,
          removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod,
          nlPeriods = x[4],
          nlStats = nlStats[which(nlStatNames == x[5])],
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    #if they all exist get the list of column names
    if (all(existnlPeriodStats))
      existingNlCols <- apply(nlPeriodStats[existnlPeriodStats, ],
                                  nlPeriod = x[4],
                                  nlStat = nlStats[which(nlStatNames == x[5])],
                                  nlType = x[1],
                                  configName = x[2],
                                  extension = x[3],
                                  multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy,
                                  multiTileMergeFun = multiTileMergeFun,
                                  removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod
      message(Sys.time(), ": All stats exist")
      #else processNlData was unsuccessful i.e. an error occurred
      stop(Sys.time(), ": An error occurred")
  #if no nightlight columns return NULL
  if (length(existingNlCols) < 1)
            ": No nightlight data. Returning ctry admin data only")
    #else we found nl data
    message(Sys.time(), ": Retrieving requested data")
  # ctryData <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(getCtryNlDataFnamePath(ctryCode = ctryCode, admLevel = admLevel, gadmVersion = gadmVersion)))
  #get the names of the columns in the data file
  allCols <- names(ctryData)
  #retain columns with country admin levels i.e. those that don't start with
  dtCols <- allCols[grep("^[^NL_]", allCols)]
  #nlCols <- existingCols
  #nlCols <- unlist(sapply(existingCols, function(x) grep(x, cols, fixed = T, value = T)))
  #combine country admin levels and  existing cols
  dtCols <- c(dtCols, existingNlCols)
  #add the column with the relevant nlPeriod
  ctryData <- ctryData[, dtCols]

######################## getCtryNlDataColName ###################################

#' Construct the name of a nightlight data column given the nightlight type and nlPeriod
#' Construct the name of a nightlight data column given the nightlight type and nlPeriod Used in
#'     creating and retrieving data columns from the nightlight data file
#' @param nlPeriod character vector The nlPeriod to process
#' @param nlStat character vector The stat to be stored in the column
#' @param nlType character vector The type of nightlight
#' @param configName character the confg short name of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @param multiTileMergeFun character The function to use to merge tiles
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod logical Whether to perform gas flare removal pre-processing
#' @return character string
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryNlDataColName("201612", "sum", nlType="VIIRS.M")
getCtryNlDataColName <-
           multiTileStrategy = "all",
           multiTileMergeFun = "mean",
           removeGasFlaresMethod = pkgOptions(paste0("removeGasFlaresMethod_", nlType)))
    if (missing(nlPeriod))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlPeriod")
    if (missing(nlStat))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter stat")
    if (missing(nlType))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
    if (missing(configName))
      configName <- pkgOptions(paste0("configName_", nlType))
    if (!allValidNlPeriods(nlPeriods = nlPeriod, nlTypes = nlType))
           ": Invalid nlPeriod: ",
           " for nlType: ",
    # if (!allValid(nlStat, validNlStats))
    #   stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid/unsupported nlStat detected")
    nlSt <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(nlStat))
      nlSt <- c(nlSt, nlStatSignature(nlStat = nlStat[[i]]))
    nlStat <- nlSt
    colName <-
    colName <-
      paste0(colName, sapply(nlPeriod, function(x)
        paste0(x, "_", nlStat)))
    #colName <- sort(colName)

######################## existsCtryNlDataFile ###################################

#' Check if a country admin level data file exists
#' Check if a country admin level data file exists. Stats are calculated
#'     and stored at the admin level of a country, hence, a country could
#'     have as many files as admin levels.
#' @param ctryCode the ISO3 country code
#' @param admLevel The country admin level of interest.
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' ctryCode <- "KEN"
#' admLevel <- "KEN_adm0"
#' message(Sys.time(), ": Data file for ", ctryCode,
#'     ifelse(Rnightlights:::existsCtryNlDataFile(ctryCode, admLevel),
#'         " FOUND", " NOT FOUND"))
existsCtryNlDataFile <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                 gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                 gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                 custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevel")
  #for polygons look for shapefile dir
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = admLevel,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## existsCtryNlData ###################################

#' Check if VIIRS nightlight stats exist locally
#' Check if VIIRS nightlight data for the country exists in the country
#'     nightlight data file. First checks if the country nightlight data
#'     file exists.
#' @param ctryCode character The ISO3 code of the country
#' @param admLevel character string The country admin level of interest
#' @param nlTypes character The nlTypes
#' @param configNames character the config shortnames of the rasters to process
#' @param extensions character the extensions of the rasters to process
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @param multiTileMergeFun character The function to use to merge tiles
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod logical Whether to perform gas flare removal pre-processing
#' @param nlPeriods character The nlPeriods
#' @param nlStats character The nlStats to check for
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::existsCtryNlData(ctryCode = "KEN", admLevel = "KEN_adm0",
#'     nlTypes = "VIIRS.M", configNames = "stable_lights", nlPeriods = "201401", nlStats = "sum")
existsCtryNlData <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                             multiTileStrategy = pkgOptions("multiTileStrategy"),
                             multiTileMergeFun = pkgOptions("multiTileMergeFun"),
                             removeGasFlaresMethod = pkgOptions(paste0("removeGasFlaresMethod_", nlTypes)),
                             gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                             gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                             custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevel")
  if (missing(nlPeriods))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlPeriod")
  if (missing(nlStats))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlStats")
  if (missing(nlTypes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlTypes")
  if (missing(configNames))
    configNames <-
      sapply(paste0("configName_", nlTypes), pkgOptions)
  if (missing(extensions))
    extensions <-
      sapply(paste0("extension_", nlTypes), pkgOptions)
  if (length(ctryCode) > 1 || length(admLevel) > 1)
         ": Only 1 ctryCode and admLevel can be checked at a time")
  if (!validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) ")
  if (!allValidNlPeriods(nlPeriods = nlPeriods, nlTypes = nlTypes))
         ": Invalid nlPeriod: ",
         " for nlType: ",
  if (!all(validNlStats(nlStats = nlStats)))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlStat: ", nlStats)
  if (existsCtryNlDataFile(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    admLevel = admLevel,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    dta <- utils::read.csv(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        admLevel = admLevel,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      nrow = 1,
      header = TRUE,
      check.names = FALSE,
      encoding = "UTF-8"
    dta <- NULL
  hdrs <- names(dta)
  statSigs <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(nlStats))
    statSigs <- c(statSigs, nlStatSignature(nlStats[i]))
  # searchCols <- paste(
  #   "NL",
  #   toupper(nlTypes),
  #   paste(
  #     toupper(configNames),
  #     toupper(extensions),
  #     paste0("MTS", toupper(multiTileStrategy)),
  #     toupper(multiTileMergeFun),
  #     paste0("RGF", toupper(removeGasFlaresMethod)),
  #     sep = "-"
  #   ),
  #   toupper(nlPeriods),
  #   statSigs,
  #   sep = "_"
  # )
  searchCols <- 
      nlPeriod = nlPeriods,
      nlStat = nlStats,
      nlType = nlTypes,
      configName = configNames,
      extension = extensions,
      removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod
  matchHdrs <-
    sapply(searchCols, function(x)
        pattern = x,
        x = hdrs,
        fixed = T

######################## allExistsCtryNlData ###################################

#' Checks if all data is available
#' Checks if all data is available
#' @param ctryCodes  \code{character} vector of ctryCodes to filter by
#' @param admLevels A character vector of admLevels to filter by
#' @param nlTypes A character vector of nlTypes to filter by
#' @param configNames character the config short name of raster being processed
#' @param extensions character the extension of raster being processed
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @param multiTileMergeFun character The function to use to merge tiles
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod logical Whether to perform gas flare removal pre-processing
#' @param nlPeriods A character vector of nlPeriods to filter by
#' @param nlStats The stats to filter by
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
allExistsCtryNlData <- function(ctryCodes,
                                multiTileStrategy = pkgOptions("multiTileStrategy"),
                                multiTileMergeFun = pkgOptions("multiTileMergeFun"),
                                removeGasFlaresMethod = pkgOptions(paste0("removeGasFlaresMethod_", nlTypes)),
                                gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (missing(configNames))
    configNames <-
      sapply(paste0("configName_", nlTypes), pkgOptions)
      ctryCode = ctryCodes,
      admLevel = admLevels,
      nlPeriods = nlPeriods,
      nlTypes = nlTypes,
      configNames = configNames,
      extensions = extensions,
      multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy,
      multiTileMergeFun = multiTileMergeFun,
      removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod,
      nlStats = nlStats,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## listCtryNlData ###################################

#' List available data
#' List available data. If source is "local" it lists data cached locally.
#'     If source is remote lists available data on the remote repository.
#' @param ctryCodes  \code{character} vector of ctryCodes to filter by
#' @param admLevels A character vector of admLevels to filter by
#' @param nlTypes A character vector of nlTypes to filter by
#' @param configNames character the config shortnames of rasters to filter by
#' @param extensions character the extensions of rasters to filter by
#' @param multiTileMergeStrategys character the multiTileMergeStrategies to filter by
#' @param multiTileMergeFuns character the multiTileMergeFuns to filter by
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod character filter by removeGasFlare values
#' @param nlPeriods A character vector of nlPeriods to filter by
#' @param polySrcs The source of polygons e.g. GADM or CUST to filter by
#' @param polyVers The version of the polygon source to filter by
#' @param polyTypes The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param nlStats The stats to filter by
#' @param source Character string. Whether to check data availability "local" or "remote"
#'     Not in use.
#' @return a list of countries and the periods and stats for each
#' @examples
#' #list all data
#' listCtryNlData()
#' #list all data available for KEN
#' listCtryNlData(ctryCodes = "KEN")
#' #list all VIIRS.* data available for ECU
#' listCtryNlData(ctryCodes = "ECU", nlTypes = "VIIRS")
#' #list available OLS.Y data for KEN and RWA in 2012 & 2013
#' listCtryNlData(ctryCodes = c("KEN","RWA"), nlPeriods = c("2012", "2013"), nlTypes = "OLS.Y")
#' @export
listCtryNlData <-
  function(ctryCodes = NULL,
           admLevels = NULL,
           nlTypes = NULL,
           configNames = NULL,
           extensions = NULL,
           multiTileMergeStrategys = NULL,
           multiTileMergeFuns = NULL,
           removeGasFlaresMethod = NULL,
           nlPeriods = NULL,
           polySrcs = NULL,
           polyVers = NULL,
           polyTypes = NULL,
           nlStats = NULL,
           source = "local")
    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dataList <- NULL
    dataType <- NULL #appease CRAN note for global variables
    nlType <- NULL #appease CRAN note for global variables
    configName <- NULL
    polyType <- NULL
    nlPeriod <- NULL #appease CRAN note for global variables
    #get a list of country data files present
    countries <-
      list.files(path = getNlDir(dirName = "dirNlData"), pattern = "^NL_DATA_.*(GADM|CUST)-\\d\\.\\d-.*\\.csv$")
    #for each country filename
    for (ctry in countries)
      if (grepl("_GADM-", ctry))
        prefix <- "NL_DATA_"
        ctryCode <- substr(ctry, 9, 11)
        admLevel <-
                 nchar(prefix) + nchar(ctryCode) + 2,
                 nchar(prefix) + nchar(ctryCode) + 5)
        polyPart <-
            nchar(prefix) + nchar(ctryCode) + nchar(admLevel) + 3,
            nchar(ctry) - 4
          ), "-"))
        polySrc <- polyPart[1]
        polyVer <- polyPart[2]
        polyType <- polyPart[3]
      } else
        #custom polygons
        prefix <- "NL_DATA_"
        #TODO: optional ctryCode extraction
        possibleCtryCode <-
          substr(ctry, nchar(prefix) + 1, nchar(prefix) + 5)
        ctryCode <-
          if (grepl("^[A-Z]{3}_", possibleCtryCode))
        polyPos <- stringr::str_locate(ctry, "CUST")
        admLevel <-
          substr(ctry, nchar(prefix) + nchar(ctryCode) + 1, polyPos[1] - 2)
        polyPart <-
          unlist(strsplit(substr(ctry, polyPos[1], nchar(ctry) - 4), "-"))
        polySrc <- polyPart[1]
        polyVer <- polyPart[2]
        polyType <- polyPart[3]
      #read in the header row
      ctryHdr <-
          input = file.path(getNlDir(dirName = "dirNlData"),
          header = F,
          nrows = 1,
          encoding = "UTF-8"
      #grab only the NL cols
      nlCtryHdr <- grep("^NL", ctryHdr, value = T)
      lens <- sapply(stringr::str_extract_all(string = nlCtryHdr, pattern = "_"), length)
      #configNames might have an underscore, replace with dash
      nlCtryHdr[lens == 5] <-
        gsub("(.*_.*_.*)_(.*_.*_.*)", "\\1-\\2", nlCtryHdr[lens == 5])
      #split the NL colnames into their components e.g. "NL_OLS.Y_2012_MEAN"
      #= "NL"+nlType+nlPeriod+stat
      #separate ctry and admLevel leaving indices for multiTileMergeStrategy, removeGasFlaresMethod etc
      nlCtryHdr <-
        reshape2::colsplit(nlCtryHdr, "_", c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V7", "V8"))
      #name the parts with col indices to fit into nlCtryHdr
      parts <-
        stats::setNames(data.frame(t(sapply(strsplit(nlCtryHdr[, 3], "-"), function(x) {
          if (length(x) == 5)
            x[1] <- paste(x[1:2], collapse = "_")
            x <- x[-2]
        })), stringsAsFactors = F),
        c("V3", "V4", "V5", "V6"))
      #extract values where mixed with colName
      parts$V4 <- gsub("MTS", "", parts$V4)
      parts$V6 <- gsub("RGF", "", parts$V6)
      nlCtryHdr <-
        cbind(nlCtryHdr[, c(1, 2)], parts, nlCtryHdr[, c(4, 5)])
      #only add if there are stats cols
      if (nrow(nlCtryHdr) > 0)
        #aggregate (paste) the colnames into a single row with stats for each unique
        #nlType+nlPeriod converted to a single field
        nlCtryHdr <-
            V8 ~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + V7,
            data = nlCtryHdr,
            FUN = paste,
            collapse = ", "
        #add a ctryCode column
        nlCtryHdr <-
            rep(ctryCode, nrow(nlCtryHdr)),
            rep(admLevel, nrow(nlCtryHdr)),
            rep(polySrc, nrow(nlCtryHdr)),
            rep(polyVer, nrow(nlCtryHdr)),
            rep(polyType, nrow(nlCtryHdr)),
        #combine into one table
        dataList <- rbind.data.frame(dataList, nlCtryHdr)
    if (is.null(dataList))
      dataList <-
          "ctryCode" = NA,
          "admLevel" = NA,
          "polySrc" = NA,
          "polyVer" = NA,
          "polyType" = NA,
          "dataType" = NA,
          "nlType" = NA,
          "configName" = NA,
          "extensions" = NA,
          "multiTileMergeStrategy" = NA,
          "multiTileMergeFun" = NA,
          "removeGasFlaresMethod" = NA,
          "nlPeriod" = NA,
          "nlStats" = NA
      return(dataList[FALSE, ])
    #convert into a dataframe with numbered rownames
    dataList <-
                 row.names = seq_len(nrow(dataList)),
                 stringsAsFactors = F)
    #label the columns
    names(dataList) <-
    #filter by ctryCode if supplied
    if (length(ctryCodes) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "ctryCode"] %in% ctryCodes), ]
    if (length(admLevels) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "admLevel"] %in% admLevels), ]
    #filter by nlType if supplied
    if (length(nlTypes) > 0)
      dataList <- dataList[which(dataList[, "nlType"] %in% nlTypes), ]
    #filter by configName if supplied
    if (length(configNames) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "configName"] %in% configNames), ]
    #filter by extension if supplied
    if (length(extensions) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "extension"] %in% extensions), ]
    #filter by multiTileMergeStrategy if supplied
    if (length(multiTileMergeStrategys) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "multiTileMergeStrategy"] %in% multiTileMergeStrategys), ]
    #filter by multiTileMergeFun if supplied
    if (length(multiTileMergeFuns) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "multiTileMergeFun"] %in% multiTileMergeFuns), ]
    #filter by removeGasFlaresMethod if supplied
    if (length(removeGasFlaresMethod) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "removeGasFlaresMethod"] %in% removeGasFlaresMethod), ]
    #filter by nlPeriod if supplied
    if (length(nlPeriods) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[which(dataList[, "nlPeriod"] %in% nlPeriods), ]
    #filter by polySrc if supplied
    if (length(polySrcs) > 0)
      dataList <- dataList[which(dataList[, "polySrc"] %in% polySrcs), ]
    #filter by polyVer if supplied
    if (length(polyVers) > 0)
      dataList <- dataList[which(dataList[, "polyVer"] %in% polyVers), ]
    #filter by polyVer if supplied
    if (length(nlStats) > 0)
      dataList <-
      dataList[unique(unlist(sapply(nlStats, function(nlStat)
        grep(nlStat, dataList[, "nlStats"], ignore.case = T)))), ]
    #Reorder the columns
    dataList <-

    #return data.frame even if zero row    

######################## listCtryNlRasters ###################################

#' List available cropped country rasters
#' List available data. If source is "local" it lists data cached locally.
#'     If source is remote lists available data on the remote repository.
#' @param ctryCodes  A character vector of ctryCodes to filter by
#' @param nlTypes A character vector of nlTypes to filter by
#' @param configNames character the config shortnames of rasters to filter by
#' @param extensions character the extensions of rasters to filter by
#' @param nlPeriods A character vector of nlPeriods to filter by
#' @param polySrcs The source of polygons e.g. GADM or CUST to filter by
#' @param polyVers The version of the polygon source to filter by
#' @param nlStats The stats to filter by
#' @param source Character string. Whether to check data availability
#'  "local" or "remote". Default is "local".
#' @return a list of existing cropped rasters
#' @examples
#' #list all rasters
#' listCtryNlRasters()
#' #list all rasters available for KEN
#' listCtryNlRasters(ctryCodes = "KEN")
#' #list all VIIRS rasters available for ECU
#' listCtryNlRasters(ctryCodes = "ECU", nlTypes = "VIIRS")
#' #list available OLS rasters for KEN and RWA in 2012 & 2013
#' listCtryNlRasters(ctryCodes = c("KEN","RWA"), nlPeriods = c("2012", "2013"), nlTypes = "OLS.Y")
#' @export
listCtryNlRasters <-
  function(ctryCodes = NULL,
           nlPeriods = NULL,
           nlTypes = NULL,
           configNames = NULL,
           extensions = NULL,
           polySrcs = NULL,
           polyVers = NULL,
           nlStats = NULL,
           source = "local")
    #appease CRAN note for global variables
    rastType <- NULL
    ctryCode <- NULL
    nlType <- NULL
    configName <- NULL
    extension <- NULL
    nlPeriod <- NULL
    polySrc <- NULL
    #get a list of country data files present
    rasterList <-
      list.files(path = getNlDir(dirName = "dirRasterOutput"),
                 pattern = "^NL_.*(GADM|CUST)-.*[A-Z]+\\.tif$")
    if (length(rasterList) == 0)
    tifName <-
      substring(rasterList, regexpr("_(CUST|GADM).*\\.tif$", rasterList))
    tifName <- gsub("_|\\.tif", "", tifName)
    rasterList <- gsub("_(CUST|GADM).*\\.tif$", "", rasterList)
    lens <- sapply(stringr::str_extract_all(rasterList, "_"), length)
    rasterList[lens == 5] <-
      gsub("(.*_.*_.*_.*)_(.*)", "\\1-\\2", rasterList[lens == 5])
    rasterList <- strsplit(gsub(".tif", "", rasterList), "_")
    rasterList <- t(unlist(sapply(rasterList, rbind)))
    #convert into a dataframe with numbered rownames
    rasterList <- as.data.frame(rasterList)
    rasterList <- cbind(rasterList, tifName)
    #label the columns
    names(rasterList) <-
    #filter by ctryCode if supplied
    if (length(ctryCodes) > 0)
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "ctryCode"] %in% ctryCodes), ]
    #filter by nlType if supplied
    if (length(nlTypes) > 0)
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "nlType"] %in% nlTypes), ]
    #filter by configName if supplied
    if (length(configNames) > 0)
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "configName"] %in% configNames), ]
    #filter by extension if supplied
    if (length(extensions) > 0)
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "extension"] %in% extensions), ]
    #filter by nlPeriod if supplied
    if (length(nlPeriods) > 0)
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "nlPeriod"] %in% nlPeriods), ]
    #Reorder the columns
    rasterList <-
    #only return dataList if we have records esp. after filtering else return NULL
    if (nrow(rasterList) > 0)

######################## listNlTiles ###################################

#' List locally cached tiles
#' List the tiles which have been downloaded previously and are currently
#'     cached in the local tiles folder
#' @param nlTypes A character vector of nlTypes to filter by
#' @param configNames character the config shortnames of rasters to filter by
#' @param extensions character the extension of rasters to filter by
#' @param nlPeriods A character vector of nlPeriods to filter by
#' @param tileName Character vector tileNames to filter by
#' @param source Character string. Whether to check data availability.
#'     "local" or "remote". Default is "local".
#' @return a list of locally cached nlTiles or NULL
#' @examples
#' #list all tiles
#' listNlTiles()
#' #list all VIIRS tiles
#' listNlTiles(nlTypes = "VIIRS")
#' #list all VIIRS tiles available in the years 2014-2015. Note VIIRS data
#' #starts in 201401
#' listNlTiles(nlTypes = "VIIRS.M", nlPeriods = nlRange("201401", "201512"))
#' #filter data
#' listNlTiles(nlTypes = "OLS.Y", nlPeriods = c("2012", "2013"))
#' @export
listNlTiles <-
  function(nlTypes = NULL,
           configNames = NULL,
           extensions = NULL,
           nlPeriods = NULL,
           tileName = NULL,
           source = "local")
    #appease CRAN note for global variables
    dataType <- NULL
    nlType <- NULL
    configName <- NULL
    extension <- NULL
    nlPeriod <- NULL
    tileName <- NULL
    if (source == "remote")
        ": Not yet implemented. Please post a comment on the github page to fasttrack this feature."
    #get a list of country data files present
    rasterList <-
      list.files(path = getNlDir(dirName = "dirNlTiles"), pattern = "^NL_TILE_[A-Z]{3,5}\\.[D|M|Y]_.*(_.*)*_\\d{4,6}_\\d{2,3}[N|S]\\d{2,3}[E|W]\\.tif$")
    if (length(rasterList) == 0)
    lens <- sapply(stringr::str_extract_all(rasterList, "_"), length)
    rasterList[lens == 6] <-
      gsub("(.*_.*_.*)_(.*_.*_.*)", "\\1-\\2", rasterList[lens == 6])
    rasterList <- strsplit(gsub("TILE_|.tif", "", rasterList), "_")
    rasterList <- t(unlist(sapply(rasterList, rbind)))
    #convert into a dataframe with numbered rownames
    rasterList <- as.data.frame(rasterList)
    #label the columns
    names(rasterList) <-
      c("dataType", "nlType", "configName", "nlPeriod", "tileName")
    #filter by nlType if supplied
    if (!is.null(nlTypes))
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "nlType"] %in% nlTypes), ]
    #filter by nlType if supplied
    if (!is.null(configNames))
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "configName"] %in% configNames), ]
    #filter by nlPeriod if supplied
    if (!is.null(nlPeriods))
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "nlPeriod"] %in% nlPeriods), ]
    #filter by tileName if supplied
    if (!is.null(tileName))
      rasterList <-
      rasterList[which(rasterList[, "tileName"] %in% tileName), ]
    #Reorder the columns
    rasterList <-
      dplyr::select(rasterList, dataType, nlType, configName, nlPeriod, tileName)
    #only return list if we have records esp. after filtering else return NULL
    if (nrow(rasterList) > 0)

######################## ctryNlDataMelted #############################

ctryNlDataMelted <- function(ctryData, nlType, nlStat, configName,
                             multiTileMergeStrategy, multiTileMergeFun,
  # if (is.null(configName) ||
  #     is.null(multiTileMergeStrategy) ||
  #     is.null(multiTileMergeFun)  || is.null(removeGasFlaresMethod))
  #   return()
  #the nightlight cols
  nlCols <- names(ctryData)[grep("NL_", names(ctryData))]
  statCols <- grep(pattern = "NL", x = names(x = ctryData), value = T)
  nlStatSig <- nlStatSignature(nlStat)
  #the cols with the stats we want
  if(!missing(nlStat) && !is.null(nlStat))
    statCols <-
      pattern = gsub("(", "\\(", paste0("NL_.*_", nlStatSig), fixed = T),
      x = names(ctryData),
      value = TRUE
  if(!missing(configName) && !is.null(configName))
    statCols <-
    grep(pattern = configName,
         x = statCols,
         value = TRUE)
  if(!missing(removeGasFlaresMethod) && !is.null(removeGasFlaresMethod))
    statCols <-
    grep(pattern = paste0("RGF", toupper(removeGasFlaresMethod)),
         x = statCols,
         value = TRUE)
  if(!missing(multiTileMergeStrategy) && !is.null(multiTileMergeStrategy))
    statCols <-
      pattern = paste0("MTS", multiTileMergeStrategy),
      x = statCols,
      value = TRUE
  if(!missing(multiTileMergeFun) && !is.null(multiTileMergeFun))
    statCols <-
    grep(pattern = multiTileMergeFun,
         x = statCols,
         value = TRUE)
  #the non nightlight cols
  ctryDataCols <- setdiff(names(ctryData), nlCols)
  #the cols to melt by
  meltMeasureVars <- statCols
  #combine the non-nightlight cols and the cols with the stats we want
  #ctryData <- subset(ctryData, select=c(ctryDataCols, meltMeasureVars))
  #remove non-digits to get only stat cols
  #meltVarNames <- gsub("[^[:digit:]]", "", meltMeasureVars)
  ctryData <-
      reshape2::melt(ctryData, measure.vars = meltMeasureVars)
  ctryData$variable <-
    nlPeriodToDate(regmatches(x = ctryData$variable, 
                              m = regexpr(pattern = "\\d{4,}",
                                          text = ctryData$variable)),
chrisvwn/Rnightlights documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.