
ggplot.rbiom <- function (biom, ...) {
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = biom$metadata, ...)
  attr(p, 'biom') <- biom
  class(p) <- c('rbiom_gg', class(p))
  return (p)

StatDendro <- ggplot2::ggproto(
  setup_data = function (data, params, ...) {
    data$.sample <- params$biom$samples
    data <- plyr::ddply(data, c("PANEL", "group"), function (df) {
      b  <- params$biom[df$.sample]
      dm <- bdiv_distmat(b)
      hc <- stats::hclust(dm)
      dendro(hc = hc, bounds = params$bounds, side = params$side)
    return (data)
  compute_group = function (self, data, scales, ...) {
    return (data)

geom_dendro <- function (mapping = NULL, data = NULL, bounds = c(0, 1), side = "top", ...) {
  gg <- ggplot2::layer(
    data        = data, 
    mapping     = mapping, 
    stat        = StatDendro, 
    geom        = ggplot2::GeomSegment, 
    position    = "identity", 
    show.legend = FALSE, 
    inherit.aes = FALSE, 
    params      = list(...) )
  gg$stat_params$bounds <- bounds
  gg$stat_params$side   <- side
  class(gg) <- c('rbiom_gg', class(gg))
  return (gg)

# Add a layer to a list of layers.

ggpush <- function (gglayers, gglayer) {
  gglayers[[length(gglayers) + 1]] <- gglayer
  return (gglayers)

# Combine a list of logged commands into a plot.

ggbuild <- function (gglayers) {
  p   <- NULL
  cmd <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(gglayers)) {
    gglayer <- gglayers[[i]]
    # In case this layer was built by init_layers / set_layer
    if (!is_null(fun <- attr(gglayer, 'function', exact = TRUE)))
      gglayer <- do.call(fun, c(gglayer, '.indent' = 4))
    if (is_null(p)) {
      p   <- gglayer
      cmd <- attr(gglayer, 'display')
    } else {
      p   <- ggplot2::`%+%`(p, gglayer)
      cmd <- sprintf("%s +\n  %s", cmd, attr(gglayer, 'display'))
  attr(p, 'display') <- NULL
  attr(p, 'code')    <- add_class(cmd, 'rbiom_code')
  p$plot_env <- emptyenv()
  return (p)

# Create the dendrogram based on hclust output
dendro <- function (hc, bounds=c(0, 1), side = "top") {
  side <- match.arg(side, choices = c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"))
  # Allow user to control absolute positioning
  hc[['height']] <- scales::rescale(
    x    = hc[['height']], 
    to   = bounds, 
    from = c(0, max(hc[['height']])))
  # geom_segments
  fn <- function (i, prev_ht = NULL) {
    if (i < 0) {
      x <- which(hc[['order']] == abs(i))
      return (data.frame(x = x, y = prev_ht, xend = x, yend = bounds[[1]]))
    ht   <- hc[['height']][[i]]
    df1  <- fn(hc[['merge']][i,1], ht)
    df2  <- fn(hc[['merge']][i,2], ht)
    x    <- (df1[1,'x'] + df1[1,'xend']) / 2
    xend <- (df2[1,'x'] + df2[1,'xend']) / 2
    df <- if (is_null(prev_ht)) {
      data.frame(x = x, y = ht, xend = xend, yend = ht)
    } else {
      center <- (x + xend) / 2
        x    = c(x, center), 
        y    = c(ht, prev_ht), 
        xend = c(xend, center), 
        yend = c(ht, ht))
    return (rbind(df, rbind(df1, df2)))
  df <- fn(nrow(hc[['merge']]))
  if (side %in% c("bottom", "right")) {
    df[['yend']] <- 1 - df[['yend']]
    df[['y']]    <- 1 - df[['y']]
  if (side %in% c("left", "right"))
    df <- with(df, data.frame(x=y, y=x, xend=yend, yend=xend))
  return (df)

tracks_df <- function (tracks, bounds=c(0,1), side="top") {
  if (length(tracks) == 0) return (tracks)
  side <- match.arg(side, choices = c("top", "left"))
  # compute the center position of the short edge for each track
  bounds_w <- abs(diff(bounds)) / length(tracks)
  bounds   <- rev(seq_along(tracks) - 0.5) * bounds_w + min(bounds)
  x <- y <- fill <- NULL # for CRAN check only
  for (i in seq_along(tracks)) {
    values <- tracks[[i]][['values']]
    sf     <- floor(log10(length(values))) + 3 # Sig. fig. digits
    if (isTRUE(side == "top")) {
      tracks[[i]][['data']] <- data.frame(
        fill = values, 
        x    = seq_along(values) )
      tracks[[i]][['mapping']] <- aes(
        x      = x,
        y      = !!signif(bounds[i], sf),
        fill   = fill,
        height = !!signif(bounds_w, sf),
        width  = 1 )
      tracks[[i]][['outline']] <- list(
        xmin = 0.5,
        xmax = length(values) + 0.5,
        ymin = signif(bounds[i] - bounds_w / 2, sf),
        ymax = signif(bounds[i] + bounds_w / 2, sf) )
    } else {
      tracks[[i]][['data']] <- data.frame(
        fill = values, 
        y    = seq_along(values) )
      tracks[[i]][['mapping']] <- aes(
        x      = !!signif(bounds[i], sf),
        y      = y,
        fill   = fill,
        height = 1,
        width  = !!signif(bounds_w, sf) )
      tracks[[i]][['outline']] <- list(
        xmin = signif(bounds[i] - bounds_w / 2, sf),
        xmax = signif(bounds[i] + bounds_w / 2, sf),
        ymin = 0.5,
        ymax = length(values) + 0.5 )
    tracks[[i]][['label_at']] <- signif(bounds[i], sf)
    tracks[[i]][['id']]       <- paste0(side, "_track_", i)
  return (tracks)
cmmr/rbiom documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 6:35 a.m.