#' Test genes for differential expression based on the low dimensional
#' embedding and the principal graph
#' @description We are often interested in finding genes that are
#' differentially expressed across a single-cell trajectory. Monocle3
#' introduces a new approach for finding such genes that draws on a powerful
#' technique in spatial correlation analysis, the Moran’s I test. Moran’s I is
#' a measure of multi-directional and multi-dimensional spatial
#' autocorrelation. The statistic tells you whether cells at nearby positions
#' on a trajectory will have similar (or dissimilar) expression levels for the
#' gene being tested. Although both Pearson correlation and Moran’s I ranges
#' from -1 to 1, the interpretation of Moran’s I is slightly different: +1
#' means that nearby cells will have perfectly similar expression; 0 represents
#' no correlation, and -1 means that neighboring cells will be
#' *anti-correlated*.
#' @param cds a cell_data_set object upon which to perform this operation
#' @param neighbor_graph String indicating what neighbor graph to use.
#' "principal_graph" and "knn" are supported. Default is "knn", but
#' "principal_graph" is recommended for trajectory analysis.
#' @param reduction_method character, the method used to reduce dimension.
#' Currently only supported for "UMAP".
#' @param k Number of nearest neighbors used for building the kNN graph which
#' is passed to knn2nb function during the Moran's I (Geary's C) test
#' procedure.
#' @param method a character string specifying the method (currently only
#' 'Moran_I' is supported) for detecting significant genes showing
#' correlation along the principal graph embedded in the low dimensional
#' space.
#' @param alternative a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis,
#' must be one of greater (default), less or two.sided.
#' @param expression_family a character string specifying the expression family
#' function used for the test.
#' @param cores the number of cores to be used while testing each gene for
#' differential expression.
#' @param verbose Whether to show spatial test (Moran's I) errors and warnings.
#' Only valid for cores = 1.
#' @param nn_control An optional list of parameters used to make the nearest
#' neighbor index. See the set_nn_control help for detailed information.
#' @return a data frame containing the p values and q-values from the Moran's I
#' test on the parallel arrays of models.
#' @seealso \code{\link[spdep]{moran.test}} \code{\link[spdep]{geary.test}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' expression_matrix <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#' 'worm_l2/worm_l2_expression_matrix.rds',
#' package='monocle3'))
#' cell_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#' 'worm_l2/worm_l2_coldata.rds',
#' package='monocle3'))
#' gene_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#' 'worm_l2/worm_l2_rowdata.rds',
#' package='monocle3'))
#' cds <- new_cell_data_set(expression_data=expression_matrix,
#' cell_metadata=cell_metadata,
#' gene_metadata=gene_metadata)
#' cds <- preprocess_cds(cds, num_dim = 100)
#' cds <- reduce_dimension(cds)
#' cds <- cluster_cells(cds, resolution=1e-5)
#' colData(cds)$assigned_cell_type <- as.character(partitions(cds))
#' colData(cds)$assigned_cell_type <- dplyr::recode(colData(cds)$assigned_cell_type,
#' "1"="Germline",
#' "2"="Body wall muscle",
#' "3"="Unclassified neurons",
#' "4"="Vulval precursors",
#' "5"="Failed QC",
#' "6"="Seam cells",
#' "7"="Pharyngeal epithelia",
#' "8"="Coelomocytes",
#' "9"="Am/PH sheath cells",
#' "10"="Failed QC",
#' "11"="Touch receptor neurons",
#' "12"="Intestinal/rectal muscle",
#' "13"="Pharyngeal neurons",
#' "14"="NA",
#' "15"="flp-1(+) interneurons",
#' "16"="Canal associated neurons",
#' "17"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "18"="Other interneurons",
#' "19"="Pharyngeal gland",
#' "20"="Failed QC",
#' "21"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "22"="Oxygen sensory neurons",
#' "23"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "24"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "25"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "26"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "27"="Oxygen sensory neurons",
#' "28"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "29"="Unclassified neurons",
#' "30"="Socket cells",
#' "31"="Failed QC",
#' "32"="Pharyngeal gland",
#' "33"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "34"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "35"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "36"="Failed QC",
#' "37"="Ciliated sensory neurons",
#' "38"="Pharyngeal muscle")
#' neurons_cds <- cds[,grepl("neurons", colData(cds)$assigned_cell_type, ignore.case=TRUE)]
#' pr_graph_test_res <- graph_test(cds, neighbor_graph="knn")
#' }
#' @export
graph_test <- function(cds,
neighbor_graph = c("knn", "principal_graph"),
reduction_method = "UMAP",
k = 25,
method = c('Moran_I'),
alternative = 'greater',
nn_control=list()) {
status <- NULL # no visible binding
neighbor_graph <- match.arg(neighbor_graph)
reduction_method <- match.arg(reduction_method)
msg = paste("No dimensionality reduction for",
reduction_method, "calculated.",
"Please run reduce_dimension with",
"reduction_method =", reduction_method,
"before running graph_test."))
if(neighbor_graph == 'principal_graph') {
assertthat::assert_that(!is.null(cds@principal_graph_aux[[reduction_method]]$dp_mst) &&
msg=paste0('No principal graph values for ',
' found.',
' Please run learn_graph with',
' reduction_method = ',
' before running graph_test.'))
nn_control_default <- get_global_variable('nn_control_annoy_euclidean')
nn_control <- set_nn_control(mode=3,
lw <- calculateLW(cds=cds,
k = k,
neighbor_graph = neighbor_graph,
reduction_method = reduction_method,
verbose = verbose,
nn_control = nn_control)
if(verbose) {
message("Performing Moran's I test: ...")
exprs_mat <- SingleCellExperiment::counts(cds)[, attr(lw, "region.id"), drop=FALSE]
sz <- size_factors(cds)[attr(lw, "region.id")]
wc <- spdep::spweights.constants(lw, zero.policy = TRUE, adjust.n = TRUE)
test_res <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(row.names(exprs_mat),
FUN = function(x, sz, alternative,
method, expression_family) {
exprs_val <- exprs_mat[x, ]
if (expression_family %in% c("uninormal", "binomialff")){
exprs_val <- exprs_val
exprs_val <- log10(exprs_val / sz + 0.1)
test_res <- tryCatch({
if(method == "Moran_I") {
mt <- suppressWarnings(my.moran.test(exprs_val, lw, wc, alternative = alternative))
data.frame(status = 'OK', p_value = mt$p.value,
morans_test_statistic = mt$statistic,
morans_I = mt$estimate[["Moran I statistic"]])
} else if(method == 'Geary_C') {
gt <- suppressWarnings(my.geary.test(exprs_val, lw, wc, alternative = alternative))
data.frame(status = 'OK', p_value = gt$p.value,
geary_test_statistic = gt$statistic,
geary_C = gt$estimate[["Geary C statistic"]])
error = function(e) {
data.frame(status = 'FAIL', p_value = NA, morans_test_statistic = NA,
morans_I = NA)
}, sz = sz, alternative = alternative, method = method,
expression_family = expression_family, mc.cores=cores,
ignore.interactive = TRUE)
test_res <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, test_res)
row.names(test_res) <- row.names(cds)
test_res <- merge(test_res, rowData(cds), by="row.names")
#remove the first column and set the row names to the first column
row.names(test_res) <- test_res[, 1]
test_res[, 1] <- NULL
test_res$q_value <- 1
test_res$q_value[which(test_res$status == 'OK')] <-
stats::p.adjust(subset(test_res, status == 'OK')[, 'p_value'], method="BH")
test_res$status = as.character(test_res$status)
# make sure gene name ordering in the DEG test result is the same as the CDS
test_res[row.names(cds), ]
my.moran.test <- function (x, listw, wc, alternative = "greater",
randomisation = TRUE) {
zero.policy = TRUE
adjust.n = TRUE
na.action = stats::na.fail
drop.EI2 = FALSE
xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
wname <- deparse(substitute(listw))
NAOK <- deparse(substitute(na.action)) == "na.pass"
x <- na.action(x)
na.act <- attr(x, "na.action")
if (!is.null(na.act)) {
if(length(listw$neighbours) < 1) warning('bad loop: length(listw$neighbours) < 1')
subset <- !(1:length(listw$neighbours) %in% na.act)
listw <- subset(listw, subset, zero.policy = zero.policy)
n <- length(listw$neighbours)
if (n != length(x))
stop("objects of different length")
S02 <- wc$S0 * wc$S0
res <- spdep::moran(x, listw, wc$n, wc$S0, zero.policy = zero.policy,
I <- res$I
K <- res$K
EI <- (-1)/wc$n1
if (randomisation) {
VI <- wc$n * (wc$S1 * (wc$nn - 3 * wc$n + 3) - wc$n *
wc$S2 + 3 * S02)
tmp <- K * (wc$S1 * (wc$nn - wc$n) - 2 * wc$n * wc$S2 +
6 * S02)
if (tmp > VI)
warning("Kurtosis overflow,\ndistribution of variable does ",
"not meet test assumptions")
VI <- (VI - tmp)/(wc$n1 * wc$n2 * wc$n3 * S02)
if (!drop.EI2)
VI <- (VI - EI^2)
if (VI < 0)
warning("Negative variance,\ndistribution of variable does ",
"not meet test assumptions")
else {
VI <- (wc$nn * wc$S1 - wc$n * wc$S2 + 3 * S02)/(S02 *
(wc$nn - 1))
if (!drop.EI2)
VI <- (VI - EI^2)
if (VI < 0)
warning("Negative variance,\ndistribution of variable does ",
"not meet test assumptions")
ZI <- (I - EI)/sqrt(VI)
statistic <- ZI
names(statistic) <- "Moran I statistic standard deviate"
if (alternative == "two.sided")
PrI <- 2 * stats::pnorm(abs(ZI), lower.tail = FALSE)
else if (alternative == "greater")
PrI <- stats::pnorm(ZI, lower.tail = FALSE)
else PrI <- stats::pnorm(ZI)
if (!is.finite(PrI) || PrI < 0 || PrI > 1)
warning("Out-of-range p-value: reconsider test arguments")
vec <- c(I, EI, VI)
names(vec) <- c("Moran I statistic", "Expectation", "Variance")
method <- paste("Moran I test under", ifelse(randomisation,
"randomisation", "normality"))
res <- list(statistic = statistic, p.value = PrI, estimate = vec)
if (!is.null(na.act))
attr(res, "na.action") <- na.act
class(res) <- "htest"
my.geary.test <- function (x, listw, wc, randomisation = TRUE,
alternative = "greater")
zero.policy = TRUE
adjust.n = TRUE
spChk = NULL
alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("less", "greater",
if (!inherits(listw, "listw"))
stop(deparse(substitute(listw)), " is not a listw object")
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " is not a numeric vector")
if (any(is.na(x)))
stop("NA in X")
n <- length(listw$neighbours)
if (n != length(x))
stop("objects of different length")
if (is.null(spChk))
spChk <- spdep::get.spChkOption()
if (spChk && !spdep::chkIDs(x, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
S02 <- wc$S0 * wc$S0
res <- spdep::geary(x, listw, wc$n, wc$n1, wc$S0, zero.policy)
C <- res$C
if (is.na(C))
stop("NAs generated in geary - check zero.policy")
K <- res$K
EC <- 1
if (randomisation) {
VC <- (wc$n1 * wc$S1 * (wc$nn - 3 * n + 3 - K * wc$n1))
VC <- VC - ((1/4) * (wc$n1 * wc$S2 * (wc$nn + 3 * n -
6 - K * (wc$nn - n + 2))))
VC <- VC + (S02 * (wc$nn - 3 - K * (wc$n1^2)))
VC <- VC/(n * wc$n2 * wc$n3 * S02)
else {
VC <- ((2 * wc$S1 + wc$S2) * wc$n1 - 4 * S02)/(2 * (n +
1) * S02)
ZC <- (EC - C)/sqrt(VC)
statistic <- ZC
names(statistic) <- "Geary C statistic standard deviate"
PrC <- NA
if (is.finite(ZC)) {
if (alternative == "two.sided")
PrC <- 2 * stats::pnorm(abs(ZC), lower.tail = FALSE)
else if (alternative == "greater")
PrC <- stats::pnorm(ZC, lower.tail = FALSE)
else PrC <- stats::pnorm(ZC)
if (!is.finite(PrC) || PrC < 0 || PrC > 1)
warning("Out-of-range p-value: reconsider test arguments")
vec <- c(C, EC, VC)
names(vec) <- c("Geary C statistic", "Expectation", "Variance")
method <- paste("Geary C test under", ifelse(randomisation,
"randomisation", "normality"))
data.name <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "\nweights:",
deparse(substitute(listw)), "\n")
res <- list(statistic = statistic, p.value = PrC, estimate = vec,
alternative = ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", alternative,
paste("Expectation", alternative,
"than statistic")),
method = method, data.name = data.name)
class(res) <- "htest"
#' Function to calculate the neighbors list with spatial weights for the chosen
#' coding scheme from a cell dataset object
#' @description This function first retrieves the association from each cell to
#' any principal points, then builds a kNN graph for all cells
#' and removes edges that connected between groups that disconnected in the
#' corresponding principal graph and finally uses this kNN graph to calculate a
#' global Moran's I and get the p-value
#' @param cds The cell_data_set object where the neighbors list is calculated
#' from
#' @param k The maximum number of nearest neighbors to compute
#' @param verbose A logic flag that determines whether or not to print
#' execution details
#' @noRd
calculateLW <- function(cds,
verbose = FALSE,
nn_control = list()) {
if(verbose) {
message("retrieve the matrices for Moran's I test...")
knn_res <- NULL
principal_g <- NULL
cell_coords <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDims(cds)[[reduction_method]]
if(nrow(cell_coords) == 0) {
stop('calculateLW: the reduced dims matrix has too few rows')
nn_method <- nn_control[['method']]
if(nn_method == 'annoy' || nn_method == 'hnsw') {
# Always make a nearest neighbor index in case the matrix is altered
# after the index is made.
nn_index <- make_nn_index(subject_matrix=cell_coords, nn_control=nn_control, verbose=verbose)
if (neighbor_graph == "knn") {
if(nn_method == 'nn2') {
knn_res <- RANN::nn2(cell_coords, cell_coords,
min(k + 1, nrow(cell_coords)),
searchtype = "standard")[[1]]
else {
knn_res <- search_nn_index(query_matrix=cell_coords,
k=min(k + 1, nrow(cell_coords)),
if(nn_method == 'annoy' || nn_method == 'hnsw')
knn_res <- swap_nn_row_index_point(nn_res=knn_res, verbose=verbose)
knn_res <- knn_res[[1]]
else if(neighbor_graph == "principal_graph") {
pr_graph_node_coords <- cds@principal_graph_aux[[reduction_method]]$dp_mst
principal_g <-
exprs_mat <- exprs(cds)
if(neighbor_graph == "knn") {
if(is.null(knn_res)) {
if(nn_method == 'nn2') {
knn_res <- RANN::nn2(cell_coords, cell_coords,
min(k + 1, nrow(cell_coords)),
searchtype = "standard")[[1]]
else {
knn_res <- search_nn_index(query_matrix=cell_coords,
k=min(k + 1, nrow(cell_coords)),
if(nn_method == 'annoy' || nn_method == 'hnsw')
knn_res <- swap_nn_row_index_point(nn_res=knn_res, verbose=verbose)
knn_res <- knn_res[[1]]
links <- jaccard_coeff(knn_res[, -1], FALSE)
links <- links[links[, 1] > 0, ]
relations <- as.data.frame(links)
colnames(relations) <- c("from", "to", "weight")
knn_res_graph <- igraph::graph.data.frame(relations, directed = TRUE)
if(nrow(knn_res) < 1) warning('bad loop: nrow(knn_res) < 1')
knn_list <- lapply(1:nrow(knn_res), function(x) knn_res[x, -1])
region_id_names <- colnames(cds)
if(ncol(cds) < 1) warning('bad loop: ncol(cds) < 1')
id_map <- 1:ncol(cds)
names(id_map) <- id_map
if(nrow(knn_res) < 1) warning('bad loop: nrow(knn_res) < 1')
points_selected <- 1:nrow(knn_res)
knn_list <- lapply(points_selected,
function(x) id_map[as.character(knn_res[x, -1])])
else if (neighbor_graph == "principal_graph") {
# mapping from each cell to the principal points
cell2pp_map <-
if(is.null(cell2pp_map)) {
stop("projection matrix for each cell to principal ",
"points doesn't exist, you may need to rerun learn_graph")
# This cds object might be a subset of the one on which ordering was
# performed, so we may need to subset the nearest vertex and low-dim
# coordinate matrices:
cell2pp_map <- cell2pp_map[row.names(cell2pp_map) %in%
row.names(colData(cds)),, drop=FALSE]
cell2pp_map <- cell2pp_map[colnames(cds), ]
if(verbose) {
message("Identify connecting principal point pairs ...")
# an alternative approach to make the kNN graph based on the principal
# graph
if(nn_method == 'nn2') {
knn_res <- RANN::nn2(cell_coords, cell_coords,
min(k + 1, nrow(cell_coords)),
searchtype = "standard")[[1]]
else {
knn_res <- search_nn_index(query_matrix=cell_coords,
k=min(k + 1, nrow(cell_coords)),
if(nn_method == 'annoy' || nn_method == 'hnsw')
knn_res <- swap_nn_row_index_point(nn_res=knn_res, verbose=verbose)
knn_res <- knn_res[[1]]
# convert the matrix of knn graph from the cell IDs into a matrix of
# principal points IDs
# kNN_res_pp_map <- matrix(cell2pp_map[knn_res], ncol = k + 1, byrow = FALSE)
# kNN can be built within group of cells corresponding to each principal
# points
principal_g_tmp <- principal_g
diag(principal_g_tmp) <- 1 # so set diagnol as 1
cell_membership <- as.factor(cell2pp_map)
uniq_member <- sort(unique(cell_membership))
membership_matrix <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix( ~ cell_membership + 0)
colnames(membership_matrix) <- levels(uniq_member)
# sparse matrix multiplication for calculating the feasible space
feasible_space <- membership_matrix %*%
links <- jaccard_coeff(knn_res[, -1], FALSE)
links <- links[links[, 1] > 0, ]
relations <- as.data.frame(links)
colnames(relations) <- c("from", "to", "weight")
knn_res_graph <- igraph::graph.data.frame(relations, directed = TRUE)
# remove edges across cells belong to two disconnected principal points
tmp_a <- igraph::get.adjacency(knn_res_graph)
block_size <- 10000
num_blocks = ceiling(nrow(tmp_a) / block_size)
if(verbose) {
message('start calculating valid kNN graph ...')
tmp <- NULL
if(num_blocks < 1) warning("bad loop: num_blocks < 1")
for (j in 1:num_blocks){
if (j < num_blocks){
block_a <- tmp_a[((((j-1) * block_size)+1):(j*block_size)), ]
block_b <- feasible_space[((((j-1) * block_size)+1):(j*block_size)), ]
block_a <- tmp_a[((((j-1) * block_size)+1):(nrow(tmp_a))), ]
block_b <- feasible_space[((((j-1) * block_size)+1):(nrow(tmp_a))), ]
cur_tmp <- block_a * block_b
if(is.null(tmp)) {
tmp <- cur_tmp
} else {
tmp <- rbind(tmp, cur_tmp)
if(verbose) {
message('Calculating valid kNN graph, done ...')
region_id_names <- colnames(cds)
if(ncol(cds) < 1) warning('bad loop: ncol(cds) < 1')
id_map <- 1:ncol(cds)
names(id_map) <- id_map
knn_list <-
function(x) {
res <- which(as.numeric(x) > 0)
if(length(res) == 0)
res <- 0L
else {
stop("unrecognized neighbor_graph option")
# create the lw list for moran.test
names(knn_list) <- id_map[names(knn_list)]
class(knn_list) <- "nb"
attr(knn_list, "region.id") <- region_id_names
attr(knn_list, "call") <- match.call()
# attr(knn_list, "type") <- "queen"
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(knn_list, zero.policy = TRUE)
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