getSoupX: Get or Set SoupX Result

getSoupX<-R Documentation

Get or Set SoupX Result


S4 method for getting and setting SoupX results that cannot be appended to either rowData(inSCE) or colData(inSCE).

S4 method for getting and setting SoupX results that cannot be appended to either rowData(inSCE) or colData(inSCE).


getSoupX(inSCE, sampleID, background = FALSE) <- value

getSoupX(inSCE, sampleID = NULL, background = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'SingleCellExperiment'
getSoupX(inSCE, sampleID = NULL, background = FALSE)

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SingleCellExperiment'
getSoupX(inSCE, sampleID, background = FALSE) <- value



A SingleCellExperiment object. For getter method, runSoupX must have been already applied.


Character vector. For getter method, the samples that should be included in the returned list. Leave this NULL for all samples. Default NULL. For setter method, only one sample allowed.


Logical. Whether background was applied when running runSoupX. Default FALSE.


Dedicated list object of SoupX results.


For getter method, a list with SoupX results for specified samples. For setter method, inSCE with SoupX results updated.

For getter method, a list with SoupX results for specified samples. For setter method, inSCE with SoupX results updated.

See Also

runSoupX, plotSoupXResults


## Not run: 
sce <- importExampleData("pbmc3k")
sce <- runSoupX(sce, sample = "sample")
soupXResults <- getSoupX(sce)

## End(Not run)

compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 2:43 p.m.