convertSCEToSeurat: convertSCEToSeurat Converts sce object to seurat while...

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convertSCEToSeuratR Documentation

convertSCEToSeurat Converts sce object to seurat while retaining all assays and metadata


convertSCEToSeurat Converts sce object to seurat while retaining all assays and metadata


  countsAssay = NULL,
  normAssay = NULL,
  scaledAssay = NULL,
  copyColData = FALSE,
  copyReducedDim = FALSE,
  copyDecontX = FALSE,
  pcaReducedDim = NULL,
  icaReducedDim = NULL,
  tsneReducedDim = NULL,
  umapReducedDim = NULL



A SingleCellExperiment object to convert to a Seurat object.


Which assay to use from sce object for raw counts. Default NULL.


Which assay to use from sce object for normalized data. Default NULL.


Which assay to use from sce object for scaled data. Default NULL.


Boolean. Whether copy 'colData' of SCE object to the '' of Seurat object. Default FALSE.


Boolean. Whether copy 'reducedDims' of the SCE object to the 'reductions' of Seurat object. Default FALSE.


Boolean. Whether copy 'decontXcounts' assay of the SCE object to the 'assays' of Seurat object. Default TRUE.


Specify a character value indicating the name of the reducedDim to store as default pca computation in the output seurat object. Default is NULL which will not store any reducedDim as the default pca. This will only work when copyReducedDim parameter is set to TRUE.


Specify a character value indicating the name of the reducedDim to store as default ica computation in the output seurat object. Default is NULL which will not store any reducedDim as the default ica. This will only work when copyReducedDim parameter is set to TRUE.


Specify a character value indicating the name of the reducedDim to store as default tsne computation in the output seurat object. Default is NULL which will not store any reducedDim as the default tsne. This will only work when copyReducedDim parameter is set to TRUE.


Specify a character value indicating the name of the reducedDim to store as default umap computation in the output seurat object. Default is NULL which will not store any reducedDim as the default umap. This will only work when copyReducedDim parameter is set to TRUE.


Updated seurat object that contains all data from the input sce object


data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
seurat <- convertSCEToSeurat(sce)

compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 2:43 p.m.