
Defines functions getSeuratVariableFeatures .findConservedMarkers plotSeuratGenes runSeuratFindMarkers runSeuratIntegration .seuratInvalidate runSeuratSCTransform convertSCEToSeurat convertSeuratToSCE .updateAssaySCE plotSeuratHeatmap runSeuratHeatmap plotSeuratElbow .seuratGetVariableFeatures runSeuratUMAP runSeuratTSNE runSeuratFindClusters plotSeuratReduction plotSeuratHVG plotSeuratJackStraw runSeuratJackStraw runSeuratICA runSeuratPCA runSeuratFindHVG runSeuratScaleData runSeuratNormalizeData .computeSignificantPC .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE .getComponentNames .getSeuratPackageVersion .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion

Documented in convertSCEToSeurat convertSeuratToSCE getSeuratVariableFeatures plotSeuratElbow plotSeuratGenes plotSeuratHeatmap plotSeuratHVG plotSeuratJackStraw plotSeuratReduction runSeuratFindClusters runSeuratFindHVG runSeuratFindMarkers runSeuratHeatmap runSeuratICA runSeuratIntegration runSeuratJackStraw runSeuratNormalizeData runSeuratPCA runSeuratScaleData runSeuratSCTransform runSeuratTSNE runSeuratUMAP

# Helper functions to get Seurat object or package version numbers
.getSeuratObjectMajorVersion <- function(seuratObject){
    if(!methods::is(seuratObject, "Seurat")) {
        stop("The object was not a 'Seurat' object but was of class: ", class(seuratObject))
    v <- slot(seuratObject, "version")$major

.getSeuratPackageVersion <- function(){
    v <- packageVersion(pkg = "SeuratObject")$major

# Helper/Wrapper Functions ---

#' .getComponentNames
#' Creates a list of PC/IC components to populate the picker for PC/IC heatmap
#' generation
#' @param maxComponents Number of components to return for the picker
#' @param component Which component to use. Choices are \code{PC} or \code{IC}.
#' @return List of component names (appended with \code{PC} or \code{IC})
#' @noRd
.getComponentNames <-
  function(maxComponents, component = c("PC", "IC")) {
    componentNames <- list()
    for (i in seq(maxComponents)) {
      componentNames[i] <- paste0(component, i)

#' .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE
#' Adds the input seurat object to the metadata slot of the input sce object
#' (after removing the data matrices)
#' @param inSCE (sce) object to which seurat object should be added in the
#' metadata slot (copy to)
#' @param seuratObject seurat object which should be added to the metadata slot
#' of sce object (copy from)
#' @return Updated \code{SingleCellExperiment} object which now contains the
#' seurat object in its metadata slot (excluding data matrices)
#' @noRd
.addSeuratToMetaDataSCE <- function(inSCE, seuratObject) {
  seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
  if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA$"var.features" <-
      Seurat::VariableFeatures(object = seuratObject)
    # Determine if slot is called "meta.data" or "meta.features
    if("meta.data" %in% methods::slotNames(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA)) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA$meta.features  <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data    
    } else if ("meta.features" %in% methods::slotNames(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA)) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA$meta.features  <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$meta.data <- seuratObject@meta.data
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$commands <- seuratObject@commands
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$pca <- seuratObject@reductions$pca
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$ica <- seuratObject@reductions$ica
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$tsne <- seuratObject@reductions$tsne
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$umap <- seuratObject@reductions$umap
    seuratObject@assays$RNA@counts <- methods::new("dgCMatrix")
    seuratObject@assays$RNA@data <- methods::new("dgCMatrix")
    seuratObject@assays$RNA@scale.data <- matrix()
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj <- seuratObject

#' .computeSignificantPC
#' Computes the significant principal components from an input sce object (must
#' contain pca slot) using stdev
#' @param inSCE (sce) object with pca computed
#' @return A numerical value indicating how many number of components are
#' considered significant
#' @noRd
.computeSignificantPC <- function(inSCE) {
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
  max_components <- 0
  currentDistance <- 0
  previousDistance <- 0
  for (i in seq(seuratObject[["pca"]]@stdev)[-1] - 1) {
    currentDistance <- abs(seuratObject[["pca"]]@stdev[i + 1] -
    if (abs(currentDistance - previousDistance) > 0.01) {
      previousDistance <- currentDistance
      max_components <- i

#' runSeuratNormalizeData
#' Wrapper for NormalizeData() function from seurat library
#' Normalizes the sce object according to the input parameters
#' @param inSCE (sce) object to normalize
#' @param useAssay Assay containing raw counts to use for normalization.
#' @param normAssayName Name of new assay containing normalized data. Default
#' \code{seuratNormData}.
#' @param normalizationMethod selected normalization method. Default
#' \code{"LogNormalize"}.
#' @param scaleFactor numeric value that represents the scaling factor. Default
#' \code{10000}.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' }
#' @return Normalized \code{SingleCellExperiment} object
#' @export
runSeuratNormalizeData <- function(inSCE,
                                   normAssayName = "seuratNormData",
                                   normalizationMethod = "LogNormalize",
                                   scaleFactor = 10000,
                                   verbose = TRUE) {
  if (missing(useAssay)) {
    useAssay <- SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(inSCE)[1]
      "'useAssay' parameter missing. Using the first available assay ",
      "instead: '",
  seuratObject <-
      convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, useAssay),
      normalization.method = normalizationMethod,
      scale.factor = scaleFactor,
      verbose = verbose
  inSCE <-
    .updateAssaySCE(inSCE, seuratObject, normAssayName, "data")
  inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)
  inSCE@metadata$seurat$normAssay <- normAssayName
  inSCE <- expSetDataTag(inSCE = inSCE,
                         assayType = "normalized",
                         assays = normAssayName)

#' runSeuratScaleData
#' Scales the input sce object according to the input parameters
#' @param inSCE (sce) object to scale
#' @param useAssay Assay containing normalized counts to scale.
#' @param scaledAssayName Name of new assay containing scaled data. Default
#' \code{seuratScaledData}.
#' @param model selected model to use for scaling data. Default \code{"linear"}.
#' @param scale boolean if data should be scaled or not. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param center boolean if data should be centered or not. Default \code{TRUE}
#' @param scaleMax maximum numeric value to return for scaled data. Default
#' \code{10}.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' }
#' @return Scaled \code{SingleCellExperiment} object
#' @export
runSeuratScaleData <- function(inSCE,
                               useAssay = "seuratNormData",
                               scaledAssayName = "seuratScaledData",
                               model = "linear",
                               scale = TRUE,
                               center = TRUE,
                               scaleMax = 10,
                               verbose = TRUE) {
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, useAssay)
  seuratObject <- Seurat::ScaleData(
    features = getSeuratVariableFeatures(inSCE),
    model.use = model,
    do.scale = scale,
    do.center = center,
    scale.max = as.double(scaleMax),
    verbose = verbose
  inSCE <-
    .updateAssaySCE(inSCE, seuratObject, scaledAssayName, "scale.data")
  inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)
  # inSCE@metadata$seurat$scaledAssay <- scaledAssayName
  # inSCE <- expSetDataTag(inSCE = inSCE, assayType = "scaled",
  #                        assays = scaledAssayName)

#' runSeuratFindHVG
#' Find highly variable genes and store in the input sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object to compute highly variable genes from and to store
#' back to it
#' @param useAssay Specify the name of the assay to use for computation
#'  of variable genes. It is recommended to use a raw counts assay with the
#'  \code{"vst"} method and normalized assay with all other methods. Default
#'  is \code{"counts"}.
#' @param method selected method to use for computation of highly variable
#' genes. One of \code{'vst'}, \code{'dispersion'}, or \code{'mean.var.plot'}.
#' Default \code{"vst"} which uses the raw counts. All other methods use
#' normalized counts.
#' @param hvgNumber numeric value of how many genes to select as highly
#' variable. Default \code{2000}
#' @param createFeatureSubset Specify a name of the subset to create
#' for the identified variable features. Default is \code{"hvf"}.
#' Leave it \code{NULL} if you do not want to create a subset of
#' variable features.
#' @param altExp Logical value indicating if the input object is an
#' altExperiment. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce)
#' @return Updated \code{SingleCellExperiment} object with highly variable genes
#' computation stored
#' @seealso \code{\link{runFeatureSelection}}, \code{\link{runModelGeneVar}},
#' \code{\link{getTopHVG}}, \code{\link{plotTopHVG}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
runSeuratFindHVG <- function(inSCE,
                             useAssay = "counts",
                             method = c("vst", "dispersion", "mean.var.plot"),
                             hvgNumber = 2000,
                             createFeatureSubset = "hvf",
                             altExp = FALSE,
                             verbose = TRUE) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
  seurat.pkg.version <- .getSeuratPackageVersion()
  if(seurat.pkg.version >= 5.0){
    seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, countsAssay = useAssay)
    if (method == "vst") {
      seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, countsAssay = useAssay)
    } else {
      seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, normAssay = useAssay)
  # Get version number of object
  seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
  seuratObject <- Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(
    selection.method = method,
    nfeatures = hvgNumber,
    verbose = verbose
  inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)
  if (method == "vst") {
    if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
      cn <- colnames(seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data)
      if (!altExp) {
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_varianceStandardized <-
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_mean <-
        rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data
        # remove this part of code when updating to ExperimentSubset and add the
        # above code in if clause as the complete code
        altExpRows <-
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_varianceStandardized <-
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_mean <-
        rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data[altExpRows,]
      cn <- colnames(seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features)
      if (!altExp) {
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_varianceStandardized <-
          methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$vst.variance.standardized
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_mean <-
          methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$vst.mean
        rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features
        # remove this part of code when updating to ExperimentSubset and add the
        # above code in if clause as the complete code
        altExpRows <-
                  methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_varianceStandardized <-
          methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$vst.variance.standardized[altExpRows]
        rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_vst_mean <-
          methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$vst.mean[altExpRows]
        rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features[altExpRows,]

    metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runFeatureSelection$vst <-
        useAssay = useAssay,
        rowData = c(
  } else if (method == "dispersion") {
    if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
      cn <- colnames(seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data)
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_dispersion_dispersion <-
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_dispersion_dispersionScaled <-
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_dispersion_mean <-
      rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data
      cn <- colnames(seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features)
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_dispersion_dispersion <-
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$mvp.dispersion
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_dispersion_dispersionScaled <-
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$mvp.dispersion.scaled
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_dispersion_mean <-
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$mvp.mean
      rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features
    metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runFeatureSelection$dispersion <-
        useAssay = useAssay,
        rowData = c(
  else if (method == "mean.var.plot") {
    if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
      cn <- colnames(seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data)    
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_mvp_dispersion <-
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_mvp_dispersionScaled <-
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_mvp_mean <-
      rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data 
      cn <- colnames(seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features)
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_mvp_dispersion <-
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$mvp.dispersion
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_mvp_dispersionScaled <-
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$mvp.dispersion.scaled
      rowData(inSCE)$seurat_variableFeatures_mvp_mean <-
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features$mvp.mean
      rowData(inSCE)[,cn] <- seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features
   metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runFeatureSelection$mean.var.plot <-
        useAssay = useAssay,
        rowData = c(

  # create a feature subset
    inSCE <- setTopHVG(inSCE = inSCE,
                       method = method,
                       hvgNumber = hvgNumber,
                       featureSubsetName = createFeatureSubset)


#' runSeuratPCA
#' Computes PCA on the input sce object and stores the calculated principal
#' components within the sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute PCA
#' @param useAssay Assay containing scaled counts to use in PCA. Default
#' \code{"seuratNormData"}.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Seurat PCA.
#' Default \code{seuratPCA}.
#' @param nPCs numeric value of how many components to compute. Default
#' \code{20}.
#' @param useFeatureSubset Subset of feature to use for dimension reduction. A
#' character string indicating a \code{rowData} variable that stores the logical
#' vector of HVG selection, or a vector that can subset the rows of
#' \code{inSCE}. Default \code{"hvf"}.
#' @param scale Logical scalar, whether to standardize the expression values
#' using \code{\link[Seurat]{ScaleData}}. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param seed Random seed for reproducibility of results.
#' Default \code{NULL} will use global seed in use by the R environment.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details
#' For features used for computation, it can be controlled by \code{features} or
#' \code{useFeatureSubset}. When \code{features} is specified, the scaling and
#' dimensionality reduction will only be processed with these features. When
#' \code{features} is \code{NULL} but \code{useFeatureSubset} is specified, will
#' use the features that the HVG list points to. If both parameters are
#' \code{NULL}, the function will see if any Seurat's variable feature detection
#' has been ever performed, and use them if found. Otherwise, all features are
#' used.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- setTopHVG(sce, method = "vst", featureSubsetName = "hvf")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' }
#' @return Updated \code{SingleCellExperiment} object which now contains the
#' computed principal components
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<- rowSubset
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
runSeuratPCA <-
           useAssay = "seuratNormData",
           useFeatureSubset = "hvf",
           scale = TRUE,
           reducedDimName = "seuratPCA",
           nPCs = 20,
           seed = 12345,
           verbose = TRUE) {
    params <- as.list(environment())
    params$inSCE <- NULL
    if (!isTRUE(scale)) {
      # If not doing a scaling, put useAssay as scaled as RunPCA need it
      seuratObject <-
        convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, scaledAssay = useAssay)
    } else {
      # If doing scaling, put useAssay as normed, used by ScaleData first
      seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, normAssay = useAssay)

    features <- .parseUseFeatureSubset(inSCE, useFeatureSubset,
                                       altExpObj = NULL,
                                       returnType = "character")
    if (is.null(features)) {
      if (length(Seurat::VariableFeatures(seuratObject)) == 0) {
        features <- rownames(inSCE)

    if (isTRUE(scale)) {
      seuratObject <-
        Seurat::ScaleData(seuratObject, features = features,
                          verbose = verbose)

    seuratObject <- Seurat::RunPCA(
      npcs = as.double(nPCs),
      verbose = verbose,
      features = features,
      seed.use = seed
    inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)

    temp <- seuratObject@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings
    rownames(temp) <- colnames(inSCE)
    reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName) <- temp
    metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runDimReduce$reddim[[reducedDimName]] <- params

#' runSeuratICA
#' Computes ICA on the input sce object and stores the calculated independent
#' components within the sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute ICA
#' @param useAssay Assay containing scaled counts to use in ICA.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Seurat ICA
#' Default \code{seuratICA}.
#' @param useFeatureSubset Subset of feature to use for dimension reduction. A
#' character string indicating a \code{rowData} variable that stores the logical
#' vector of HVG selection, or a vector that can subset the rows of
#' \code{inSCE}. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param scale Logical scalar, whether to standardize the expression values
#' using \code{\link[Seurat]{ScaleData}}. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param nics Number of independent components to compute. Default \code{20}.
#' @param seed Random seed for reproducibility of results.
#' Default \code{NULL} will use global seed in use by the R environment.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details
#' For features used for computation, it can be controlled by \code{features} or
#' \code{useFeatureSubset}. When \code{features} is specified, the scaling and
#' dimensionality reduction will only be processed with these features. When
#' \code{features} is \code{NULL} but \code{useFeatureSubset} is specified, will
#' use the features that the HVG list points to. If both parameters are
#' \code{NULL}, the function will see if any Seurat's variable feature detection
#' has been ever performed, and use them if found. Otherwise, all features are
#' used.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratICA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' }
#' @return Updated \code{SingleCellExperiment} object which now contains the
#' computed independent components
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<- rowSubset
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
runSeuratICA <-
           useAssay = "seuratScaledData",
           useFeatureSubset = NULL,
           scale = TRUE,
           reducedDimName = "seuratICA",
           nics = 20,
           seed = 12345,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    params <- as.list(environment())
    params$inSCE <- NULL
    if (!isTRUE(scale)) {
      # If not doing a scaling, put useAssay as scaled as RunPCA need it
      seuratObject <-
        convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, scaledAssay = useAssay)
    } else {
      # If doing scaling, put useAssay as normed, used by ScaleData first
      seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, normAssay = useAssay)

    features <- .parseUseFeatureSubset(inSCE, useFeatureSubset,
                                       altExpObj = NULL,
                                       returnType = "character")
    if (is.null(features)) {
      if (length(Seurat::VariableFeatures(seuratObject)) == 0) {
        features <- rownames(inSCE)

    if (isTRUE(scale)) {
      seuratObject <-
        Seurat::ScaleData(seuratObject, features = features,
                          verbose = verbose)

    seuratObject <- Seurat::RunICA(
      nics = as.double(nics),
      features = features,
      verbose = verbose,
      seed.use = seed
    inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)

    temp <- seuratObject@reductions$ica@cell.embeddings
    rownames(temp) <- colnames(inSCE)
    reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName) <- temp
    metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runDimReduce$reddim[[reducedDimName]] <- params

#' runSeuratJackStraw
#' Compute jackstraw plot and store the computations in the input sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute and store jackstraw plot
#' @param useAssay Specify name of the assay to use for scaling. Assay name
#'  provided against this parameter is scaled by the function and used
#'  for the computation of JackStraw scores along with the reduced dimensions
#'  specified by the \code{dims} parameter.
#' @param dims Number of components to test in Jackstraw. If \code{NULL}, then
#' all components are used. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param numReplicate Numeric value indicating the number of replicate
#' samplings to perform.
#'  Default value is \code{100}.
#' @param propFreq Numeric value indicating the proportion of data to randomly
#' permute for each replicate.
#'  Default value is \code{0.025}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA/ICA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratJackStraw(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' }
#' @return Updated \code{SingleCellExperiment} object with jackstraw
#' computations stored in it
#' @export
runSeuratJackStraw <- function(inSCE,
                               dims = NULL,
                               numReplicate = 100,
                               propFreq = 0.025,
                               externalReduction = NULL) {
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, normAssay = useAssay)
  seuratObject <- Seurat::ScaleData(seuratObject)

  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    #convert (_) to (-) as required by Seurat

    rownames(externalReduction@cell.embeddings) <-
    seuratObject <- Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(seuratObject)
    seuratObject <- Seurat::ScaleData(seuratObject)
    seuratObject@reductions <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    seuratObject@reductions$pca@feature.loadings <-
          Seurat::GetAssayData(seuratObject, assay = "RNA", slot = "scale.data")
      ), ]
    if (any(is.na(seuratObject@reductions$pca@feature.loadings))) {
      seuratObject@reductions$pca@feature.loadings <-
    seuratObject@commands$RunPCA.RNA <-
    seuratObject@commands$RunPCA.RNA@params$rev.pca <- FALSE
    seuratObject@commands$RunPCA.RNA@params$weight.by.var <- TRUE
  if (is.null(seuratObject@reductions[["pca"]])) {
    stop("'runSeuratPCA' must be run before JackStraw can be computed.")
  if (is.null(dims)) {
    dims <- ncol(seuratObject@reductions[["pca"]])
  seuratObject <-
      dims = as.double(dims),
      num.replicate = numReplicate,
      prop.freq = propFreq
  seuratObject <-
    Seurat::ScoreJackStraw(seuratObject, dims = seq(dims))
  inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)

#' plotSeuratJackStraw
#' Computes the plot object for jackstraw plot from the pca slot in the input
#' sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object from which to compute the jackstraw plot (pca
#' should be computed)
#' @param dims Number of components to plot in Jackstraw. If \code{NULL}, then
#' all components are plotted Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param xmax X-axis maximum on each QQ plot. Default \code{0.1}.
#' @param ymax Y-axis maximum on each QQ plot. Default \code{0.3}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA/ICA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratJackStraw(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' plotSeuratJackStraw(sce)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
plotSeuratJackStraw <-
           dims = NULL,
           xmax = 0.1,
           ymax = 0.3,
           externalReduction = NULL) {
    seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
    if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
      seuratObject@reductions <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    if (is.null(seuratObject@reductions[["pca"]])) {
      stop("'runSeuratPCA' must be run before JackStraw can be computed.")
    if (is.null(dims)) {
      dims <- ncol(seuratObject@reductions[["pca"]])
      dims = seq(dims),
      xmax = xmax,
      ymax = ymax

#' plotSeuratHVG
#' Plot highly variable genes from input sce object (must have highly variable
#' genes computations stored)
#' @param inSCE (sce) object that contains the highly variable genes
#' computations
#' @param labelPoints Numeric value indicating the number of top genes that
#' should be labeled.
#'  Default is \code{0}, which will not label any point.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' plotSeuratHVG(sce)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
plotSeuratHVG <- function(inSCE, labelPoints = 0) {
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
  plot <- Seurat::VariableFeaturePlot(seuratObject)
  plot$labels$colour <- "Variable"
  if (requireNamespace("stringr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    plot$data$colors <- stringr::str_to_title(plot$data$colors)
  if (labelPoints > 0) {
    plot <- Seurat::LabelPoints(plot,
                                points = Seurat::VariableFeatures(object = seuratObject)[seq(labelPoints)])

#' plotSeuratReduction
#' Plots the selected dimensionality reduction method
#' @param inSCE (sce) object which has the selected dimensionality reduction
#' algorithm already computed and stored
#' @param useReduction Dimentionality reduction to plot. One of "pca", "ica",
#' "tsne", or "umap". Default \code{"umap"}.
#' @param showLegend Select if legends and labels should be shown on the output
#' plot or not. Either "TRUE" or "FALSE". Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param groupBy Specify a colData column name that be used for grouping.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param splitBy Specify a colData column name that be used for splitting the
#' output plot. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' plotSeuratReduction(sce, useReduction = "pca")
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
plotSeuratReduction <-
           useReduction = c("pca", "ica",
                            "tsne", "umap"),
           showLegend = FALSE,
           groupBy = NULL,
           splitBy = NULL) {
    seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
    if (!is.null(seuratObject@meta.data$seurat_cluster)) {
      seuratObject@meta.data <-
        seuratObject@meta.data[, "seurat_clusters", drop = FALSE]
      seuratObject@meta.data <- data.frame()

    if (showLegend) {
      if (!is.null(seuratObject@meta.data$seurat_clusters)) {
        Seurat::Idents(seuratObject) <-
        seuratObject@meta.data <- data.frame()

    if (!is.null(groupBy)) {
      seuratObject[[groupBy]] <- colData(inSCE)[[groupBy]]

    if (!is.null(splitBy)) {
      seuratObject[[splitBy]] <- colData(inSCE)[[splitBy]]

    if (showLegend) {
      plot <- Seurat::DimPlot(
        object = seuratObject,
        reduction = useReduction,
        group.by = groupBy,
        split.by = splitBy,
        label = TRUE
      plot <- Seurat::DimPlot(
        object = seuratObject,
        reduction = useReduction,
        group.by = groupBy,
        split.by = splitBy,
        label = FALSE
      ) + Seurat::NoLegend()

    if ("ident" %in% names(plot$data) &&
        "seurat_clusters" %in% names(seuratObject@meta.data)) {
      plot$data$ident <- seuratObject@meta.data$seurat_clusters

#' runSeuratFindClusters
#' Computes the clusters from the input sce object and stores them back in sce
#' object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object from which clusters should be computed and stored
#' in
#' @param useAssay Assay containing scaled counts to use for clustering.
#' @param useReduction Reduction method to use for computing clusters. One of
#' "pca" or "ica". Default \code{"pca"}.
#' @param dims numeric value of how many components to use for computing
#' clusters. Default \code{10}.
#' @param algorithm selected algorithm to compute clusters. One of "louvain",
#' "multilevel", or "SLM". Use \code{louvain} for "original Louvain algorithm"
#' and \code{multilevel} for "Louvain algorithm with multilevel refinement".
#' Default \code{louvain}.
#' @param groupSingletons boolean if singletons should be grouped together or
#' not. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param resolution Set the resolution parameter to find larger (value above 1)
#' or smaller (value below 1) number of communities. Default \code{0.8}.
#' @param seed Specify the seed value. Default \code{12345}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA/ICA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindClusters(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' }
#' @return Updated sce object which now contains the computed clusters
#' @export
runSeuratFindClusters <- function(inSCE,
                                  useAssay = "seuratNormData",
                                  useReduction = c("pca", "ica"),
                                  dims = 10,
                                  algorithm = c("louvain", "multilevel", "SLM"),
                                  groupSingletons = TRUE,
                                  resolution = 0.8,
                                  seed = 12345,
                                  externalReduction = NULL,
                                  verbose = TRUE) {
  algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
  useReduction <- match.arg(useReduction)

  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
    seuratObject@reductions <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    useReduction <- "pca"
  } else {
    if (is.null(useReduction)) {
      seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, scaledAssay = useAssay)
      seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
  # Get version number of object
  seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
  seuratObject <- withr::with_seed(seed, {
      reduction = useReduction,
      dims = seq(dims),
      verbose = verbose

  no_algorithm <- 1
  if (algorithm == "louvain") {
    no_algorithm = 1
  } else if (algorithm == "multilevel") {
    no_algorithm = 2
  } else if (algorithm == "SLM") {
    no_algorithm = 3
  tempSeuratObject <- seuratObject
  if(seurat.version < 5.0){
    tempSeuratObject@meta.data <- data.frame()
  tempSeuratObject <- withr::with_seed(seed, {
      algorithm = no_algorithm,
      group.singletons = groupSingletons,
      resolution = resolution,
      verbose = verbose
  seuratObject@meta.data$seurat_clusters <-
  inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)
  colData(inSCE)[[paste0("Seurat", "_", algorithm, "_", "Resolution", resolution)]] <-
  S4Vectors::metadata(inSCE)$seurat$clusterName <- paste0("Seurat", "_",
                                                         algorithm, "_",

#' runSeuratTSNE
#' Computes tSNE from the given sce object and stores the tSNE computations back
#' into the sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute the tSNE
#' @param useReduction selected reduction algorithm to use for computing tSNE.
#' One of "pca" or "ica". Default \code{"pca"}.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Seurat tSNE
#' Default \code{seuratTSNE}.
#' @param dims Number of reduction components to use for tSNE computation.
#' Default \code{10}.
#' @param perplexity Adjust the perplexity tuneable parameter for the underlying
#' tSNE call. Default \code{30}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA/ICA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed Random seed for reproducibility of results.
#' Default \code{1}.
#' @return Updated sce object with tSNE computations stored
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<-
runSeuratTSNE <- function(inSCE,
                          useReduction = c("pca", "ica"),
                          reducedDimName = "seuratTSNE",
                          dims = 10,
                          perplexity = 30,
                          externalReduction = NULL,
                          seed = 1) {
  useReduction <- match.arg(useReduction)
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)

  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    seuratObject@reductions <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    useReduction <- "pca"

  seuratObject <-
      reduction = useReduction,
      dims = seq(dims),
      perplexity = perplexity,
      check_duplicates = FALSE,
      seed.use = seed
  inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)
  temp <- seuratObject@reductions$tsne@cell.embeddings
  rownames(temp) <- colnames(inSCE)
  reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName) <- temp


#' runSeuratUMAP
#' Computes UMAP from the given sce object and stores the UMAP computations back
#' into the sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute the UMAP
#' @param useReduction Reduction to use for computing UMAP. One of "pca" or
#' "ica". Default is \code{"pca"}.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Seurat UMAP
#' Default \code{seuratUMAP}.
#' @param dims Numerical value of how many reduction components to use for UMAP
#' computation. Default \code{10}.
#' @param minDist Sets the \code{"min.dist"} parameter to the underlying UMAP
#' call. See \link[Seurat]{RunUMAP} for more information. Default \code{0.3}.
#' @param nNeighbors Sets the \code{"n.neighbors"} parameter to the underlying
#' UMAP call. See \link[Seurat]{RunUMAP} for more information. Default
#' \code{30L}.
#' @param spread Sets the \code{"spread"} parameter to the underlying UMAP call.
#' See \link[Seurat]{RunUMAP} for more information. Default \code{1}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA/ICA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed Random seed for reproducibility of results.
#' Default \code{42}.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindClusters(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratUMAP(sce, useReduction = "pca")
#' }
#' @return Updated sce object with UMAP computations stored
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<-
runSeuratUMAP <- function(inSCE,
                          useReduction = c("pca", "ica"),
                          reducedDimName = "seuratUMAP",
                          dims = 10,
                          minDist = 0.3,
                          nNeighbors = 30L,
                          spread = 1,
                          externalReduction = NULL,
                          seed = 42,
                          verbose = TRUE) {
  useReduction <- match.arg(useReduction)
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)

  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    seuratObject@reductions <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    useReduction <- "pca"

  seuratObject <- Seurat::RunUMAP(
    reduction = useReduction,
    dims = seq(dims),
    min.dist = minDist,
    n.neighbors = nNeighbors,
    spread = spread,
    verbose = verbose,
    seed.use = seed
  inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)

  temp <- seuratObject@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings
  rownames(temp) <- colnames(inSCE)
  reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName) <- temp


#' .seuratGetVariableFeatures
#' Retrieves the requested number of variable feature names
#' @param inSCE (sce) object from which to extract the variable feature names
#' @param numberOfFeatures numerical value indicating how many feature names
#' should be retrieved (default is 100)
#' @return list() of variable feature names
#' @noRd
.seuratGetVariableFeatures <- function(inSCE, numberOfFeatures) {
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
  # Get version number of object
  seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
  if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
    if (length(seuratObject@assays$RNA@misc$var.features) > 0) {
    if (length(seuratObject@assays$RNA@var.features) > 0) {

#' plotSeuratElbow
#' Computes the plot object for elbow plot from the pca slot in the input sce
#' object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object from which to compute the elbow plot (pca should
#' be computed)
#' @param significantPC Number of significant principal components to plot.
#' This is used to alter the color of the points for the corresponding PCs.
#' If \code{NULL}, all points will be the same color. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param reduction Reduction to use for elbow plot generation. Either
#' \code{"pca"} or \code{"ica"}. Default \code{"pca"}.
#' @param ndims Number of components to use. Default \code{20}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA/ICA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param interactive Logical value indicating if the returned object should
#'  be an interactive plotly object if \code{TRUE} or a ggplot object if
#'  set to \code{FALSE}. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' plotSeuratElbow(sce)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
plotSeuratElbow <- function(inSCE,
                            significantPC = NULL,
                            reduction = "pca",
                            ndims = 20,
                            externalReduction = NULL,
                            interactive = TRUE) {
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    seuratObject@reductions <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    reduction <- "pca"
  plot <-
    Seurat::ElbowPlot(seuratObject, reduction = reduction, ndims = ndims)
  if (!is.null(significantPC)) {
    if (significantPC > ndims) {
      significantPC <- ndims
    plot$data$Significant <- c(rep("Yes", significantPC),
                               rep("No", length(rownames(plot$data)) - significantPC))
    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(
      data = plot$data,
        x = plot$data$dims,
        y = plot$data$stdev,
        color = plot$data$Significant
    ) +
  plot$labels$x <- "PC"
  plot$labels$y <- "Standard Deviation"
  plot$labels$colour <- "Significant"

  if (interactive) {
    hoverText <-
        "\nStandard Deviation:",
        round(plot$data$stdev, 1),
        "\nIs Significant?",
    significant <- plot$data$Significant
    if (length(unique(significant)) > 1) {
      plot <-
        plotly::style(plot, text = hoverText[seq(which(significant == "No")[1]) -
      plot <-
        plotly::style(plot, text = hoverText[which(significant == "No")[1]:length(significant)], traces = 1)
      plot <- plotly::style(plot, text = hoverText)


#' runSeuratHeatmap
#' Computes the heatmap plot object from the pca slot in the input sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object from which to compute heatmap (pca should be
#' computed)
#' @param useAssay Specify name of the assay that will be scaled
#'  by this function. The output scaled assay will be used for computation
#'  of the heatmap.
#' @param useReduction Reduction method to use for computing clusters. One of
#' "pca" or "ica". Default \code{"pca"}.
#' @param dims Number of components to generate heatmap plot objects. If
#' \code{NULL}, a heatmap will be generated for all components. Default
#' \code{NULL}.
#' @param nfeatures Number of features to include in the heatmap. Default
#' \code{30}.
#' @param cells Numeric value indicating the number of top cells to plot.
#'  Default is \code{NULL} which indicates all cells.
#' @param ncol Numeric value indicating the number of columns to use for plot.
#'  Default is \code{NULL} which will automatically compute accordingly.
#' @param balanced Plot equal number of genes with positive and negative scores.
#'  Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param fast See \link[Seurat]{DimHeatmap} for more information. Default
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param combine See \link[Seurat]{DimHeatmap} for more information. Default
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param raster See \link[Seurat]{DimHeatmap} for more information. Default
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA/ICA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runSeuratNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratScaleData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runSeuratPCA(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' heatmap <- runSeuratHeatmap(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' plotSeuratHeatmap(heatmap)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
runSeuratHeatmap <- function(inSCE,
                             useReduction = c("pca", "ica"),
                             dims = NULL,
                             nfeatures = 30,
                             cells = NULL,
                             ncol = NULL,
                             balanced = TRUE,
                             fast = TRUE,
                             combine = TRUE,
                             raster = TRUE,
                             externalReduction = NULL) {
  useReduction <- match.arg(useReduction)
  # seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, scaledAssay = useAssay)
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, normAssay = useAssay)

  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    seuratObject@reductions <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    useReduction <- "pca"
  if (is.null(dims)) {
    dims <- ncol(seuratObject@reductions[[useReduction]])

  # Only scale requested features
  featuresToScale <- NULL
  temp <-
  for (i in seq(dims)) {
    featuresToScale <-
      c(featuresToScale, rownames(temp[order(-temp[[i]]),])[seq(nfeatures)])
    featuresToScale <-
      c(featuresToScale, rownames(temp[order(temp[[i]]),])[seq(nfeatures)])
  seuratObject <-
    Seurat::ScaleData(seuratObject, features = featuresToScale)

  plotObject <- Seurat::DimHeatmap(
    dims = seq(dims),
    nfeatures = nfeatures,
    cells = cells,
    reduction = useReduction,
    ncol = ncol,
    fast = fast,
    combine = combine,
    raster = raster,
    balanced = balanced

#' plotSeuratHeatmap
#' Modifies the heatmap plot object so it contains specified number of heatmaps
#' in a single plot
#' @param plotObject plot object computed from runSeuratHeatmap() function
#' @param dims numerical value of how many heatmaps to draw (default is 0)
#' @param ncol numerical value indicating that in how many columns should the
#' heatmaps be distrbuted (default is 2)
#' @param labels list() of labels to draw on heatmaps
#' @return modified plot object
#' @export
plotSeuratHeatmap <- function(plotObject, dims, ncol, labels) {
  componentsToPlot <- as.integer(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", labels))
    plotlist = plotObject[c(componentsToPlot)],
    ncol = ncol,
    labels = labels

#' .updateAssaySCE
#' Update/Modify/Add an assay in the provided SingleCellExperiment object from
#' a Seurat object
#' @param inSCE Input SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param seuratObject Input Seurat object
#' @param assaySlotSCE Selected assay to update in the input
#' SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param seuratDataSlot Selected data slot from the Seurat object. Default
#' \code{"counts"}.
#' @param seuratAssaySlot Selected assay from Seurat object. Default
#' \code{"RNA"}.
#' @return A \link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment} object with
#'  data from Seurat object appended to the \link{assay} slot.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay<-
#' @noRd
.updateAssaySCE <- function(inSCE,
                            seuratDataSlot = "counts",
                            seuratAssaySlot = "RNA") {
  assay(inSCE, assaySlotSCE) <- NULL
  # Get version number of object
  seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
  if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
    temp.matrix <- seuratObject[[seuratAssaySlot]][seuratDataSlot]
    temp.matrix <-
      methods::slot(Seurat::GetAssay(seuratObject, seuratAssaySlot),
  colnames(temp.matrix) <- colnames(inSCE)

  if (seuratDataSlot == "scale.data" || assaySlotSCE == "SCTCounts") {
    altExp(inSCE, assaySlotSCE) <-
      SingleCellExperiment(list(counts = temp.matrix))
    rownames(temp.matrix) <- rownames(inSCE)
    assay(inSCE, assaySlotSCE) <- temp.matrix

#' convertSeuratToSCE
#' Converts the input seurat object to a sce object
#' @param seuratObject Input Seurat object
#' @param normAssayName Name of assay to store the normalized data. Default
#' \code{"seuratNormData"}.
#' @param scaledAssayName Name of assay to store the scaled data. Default
#' \code{"seuratScaledData"}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' seurat <- convertSCEToSeurat(sce)
#' sce <- convertSeuratToSCE(seurat)
#' @return \code{SingleCellExperiment} output object
#' @export
convertSeuratToSCE <-
           normAssayName = "seuratNormData",
           scaledAssayName = "seuratScaledData") {
    # Get version number of object
    seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
    if (seurat.version >= 5.0){
      inSCE <- SingleCellExperiment(
        assays = list(counts = seuratObject@assays[[1]]$counts),
        colData = seuratObject@meta.data
      assay(inSCE, normAssayName) <-
      if (length(seuratObject[["RNA"]]["scale.data"]) > 0) {
        altExp(inSCE, scaledAssayName) <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
          list(counts = seuratObject[["RNA"]]["scale.data"]))
      inSCE <- SingleCellExperiment(
        assays = list(counts = seuratObject@assays[[1]]@counts),
        colData = seuratObject@meta.data
      assay(inSCE, normAssayName) <-
        methods::slot(seuratObject@assays$RNA, "data")
      if (length(methods::slot(seuratObject, "assays")[["RNA"]]@scale.data) > 0) {
        altExp(inSCE, scaledAssayName) <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
          list(counts = methods::slot(seuratObject@assays$RNA, "scale.data")))
    inSCE <- .addSeuratToMetaDataSCE(inSCE, seuratObject)

#' convertSCEToSeurat
#' Converts sce object to seurat while retaining all assays and metadata
#' @param inSCE A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object to convert to a Seurat
#'  object.
#' @param countsAssay Which assay to use from sce object for raw counts.
#'  Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param normAssay Which assay to use from sce object for normalized data.
#'  Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param scaledAssay Which assay to use from sce object for scaled data.
#'  Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param copyColData Boolean. Whether copy 'colData' of SCE object to
#'  the 'meta.data' of Seurat object. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param copyReducedDim Boolean. Whether copy 'reducedDims' of the SCE
#'  object to the 'reductions' of Seurat object. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param copyDecontX Boolean. Whether copy 'decontXcounts' assay of the
#'  SCE object to the 'assays' of Seurat object. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param pcaReducedDim Specify a character value indicating the name of
#'  the reducedDim to store as default pca computation in the output seurat
#'  object. Default is \code{NULL} which will not store any reducedDim as the
#'  default pca. This will only work when \code{copyReducedDim} parameter is
#'  set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param icaReducedDim Specify a character value indicating the name of
#'  the reducedDim to store as default ica computation in the output seurat
#'  object. Default is \code{NULL} which will not store any reducedDim as the
#'  default ica. This will only work when \code{copyReducedDim} parameter is
#'  set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param tsneReducedDim Specify a character value indicating the name of
#'  the reducedDim to store as default tsne computation in the output seurat
#'  object. Default is \code{NULL} which will not store any reducedDim as the
#'  default tsne. This will only work when \code{copyReducedDim} parameter is
#'  set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param umapReducedDim Specify a character value indicating the name of
#'  the reducedDim to store as default umap computation in the output seurat
#'  object. Default is \code{NULL} which will not store any reducedDim as the
#'  default umap. This will only work when \code{copyReducedDim} parameter is
#'  set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' seurat <- convertSCEToSeurat(sce)
#' @return Updated seurat object that contains all data from the input sce
#' object
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assays
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
convertSCEToSeurat <-
           countsAssay = NULL,
           normAssay = NULL,
           scaledAssay = NULL,
           copyColData = FALSE,
           copyReducedDim = FALSE,
           copyDecontX = FALSE,
           pcaReducedDim = NULL,
           icaReducedDim = NULL,
           tsneReducedDim = NULL,
           umapReducedDim = NULL) {

    if (!is.null(countsAssay) &&
        !(countsAssay %in% expDataNames(inSCE))) {
        "' not found in the list of assays: ",
        paste(names(assays(inSCE)), collapse = ",")
    if (!is.null(normAssay) &&
        !(normAssay %in% expDataNames(inSCE))) {
        "' not found in the list of assays: ",
        paste(names(assays(inSCE)), collapse = ",")
    if (!is.null(scaledAssay) &&
        !(scaledAssay %in% expDataNames(inSCE))) {
        "' not found in the list of assays: ",
        paste(names(assays(inSCE)), collapse = ",")
    if (!is.null(pcaReducedDim) &&
        !(pcaReducedDim %in% reducedDimNames(inSCE))) {
        "' not found in the list of reducedDims: ",
        paste(reducedDimNames(inSCE), collapse = ",")
    if (!is.null(icaReducedDim) &&
        !(icaReducedDim %in% reducedDimNames(inSCE))) {
        "' not found in the list of reducedDims: ",
        paste(reducedDimNames(inSCE), collapse = ",")
    if (!is.null(tsneReducedDim) &&
        !(tsneReducedDim %in% reducedDimNames(inSCE))) {
        "' not found in the list of reducedDims: ",
        paste(reducedDimNames(inSCE), collapse = ",")
    if (!is.null(umapReducedDim) &&
        !(umapReducedDim %in% reducedDimNames(inSCE))) {
        "' not found in the list of reducedDims: ",
        paste(reducedDimNames(inSCE), collapse = ",")

    # Seurat has a particular way of modifying row/colnames
    # Save row/colnames in metadata
    seuratRowNames <- gsub("_", "-", rownames(inSCE))
    seuratColNames <- gsub("_", "-", colnames(inSCE))
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$colNames <- seuratColNames
    inSCE@metadata$seurat$rowNames <- seuratRowNames

    # Create Seurat object and Set counts assay
    # If no counts assay is supplied, the first assay is used
    if (!is.null(countsAssay) &&
        countsAssay %in% names(assays(inSCE))) {
      temp <- .convertToMatrix(assay(inSCE, countsAssay))
    } else {
      temp <- .convertToMatrix(assays(inSCE)[[1]])
    rownames(temp) <- seuratRowNames
    colnames(temp) <- seuratColNames
    seuratObject <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = temp)
    seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
    # Set normalized assay
    if (!is.null(normAssay) && normAssay %in% names(assays(inSCE))) {
      tempMatrix <- .convertToMatrix(assay(inSCE, normAssay))
      if (inherits(tempMatrix, "dgeMatrix")) {
        tempMatrix <- methods::as(tempMatrix, "CsparseMatrix")
      rownames(tempMatrix) <- seuratRowNames
      colnames(tempMatrix) <- seuratColNames
      if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
        seuratObject[["RNA"]]$data  <- tempMatrix 
        seuratObject@assays$RNA@data <- tempMatrix
    }else {
      if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
        tempMatrix <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seuratObject[["RNA"]]$counts, verbose = FALSE)
        rownames(tempMatrix) <- seuratRowNames
        colnames(tempMatrix) <- seuratColNames
        seuratObject[["RNA"]]$data  <- tempMatrix

    # Set Scaled Assay
    if (!is.null(scaledAssay) &&
        scaledAssay %in% names(assays(inSCE))) {
      tempMatrix <- as.matrix(assay(inSCE, scaledAssay))
      rownames(tempMatrix) <- seuratRowNames
      colnames(tempMatrix) <- seuratColNames
      if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
        seuratObject[["RNA"]]$scale.data  <- tempMatrix
        seuratObject@assays$RNA@scale.data <- tempMatrix
    if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
      if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj)) {
        if (length(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA$"var.features") > 0) {
          seuratObject@assays$RNA@misc$"var.features" <- 
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$pca)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$pca <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA$meta.features)) {
          seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$ica)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$ica <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$tsne)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$tsne <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$umap)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$umap <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$meta.data)) {
          #seuratObject@meta.data <- 
            #inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$meta.data[match(colnames(seuratObject), rownames(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$meta.data)),]
          seuratObject <- 
            SeuratObject::AddMetaData(seuratObject, inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$meta.data[match(colnames(seuratObject), rownames(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$meta.data)),])
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$commands)) {
          seuratObject@commands <- inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$commands
      if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj)) {
        if (length(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@assays$RNA@var.features) > 0) {
          seuratObject@assays$RNA@var.features <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$pca)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$pca <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@assays$RNA@meta.features)) {
          seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$ica)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$ica <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$tsne)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$tsne <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$umap)) {
          seuratObject@reductions$umap <-
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@meta.data)) {
          seuratObject@meta.data <- inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@meta.data[match(colnames(seuratObject), rownames(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@meta.data)),]
        if (!is.null(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@commands)) {
          seuratObject@commands <- inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@commands
    # Set colData from inSCE object if required
    if (!is.null(colData(inSCE)) && copyColData) {
      seuratObject@meta.data <-
        cbind(seuratObject@meta.data, colData(inSCE))

    # Set additional reducedDims from inSCE object if required
    if (length(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDims(inSCE)) > 0 &&
        copyReducedDim) {
      for (redc in SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(inSCE)) {
        reDim <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(inSCE, redc)
        colnames(reDim) <-
          paste0(redc, "_", seq_len(ncol(reDim))) #length(colnames(reDim)))
        rownames(reDim) <- gsub('_', '-', rownames(reDim))
        key <-  gsub('_', '', redc)
        seuratObject@reductions[[redc]] <-
          Seurat::CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = reDim,
                                       key = paste0(key, "_"),
                                       assay = "RNA")

      availReducedDims <- c("pca", "ica", "tsne", "umap")
      for (i in availReducedDims) {
        if (!is.null(eval(parse(text = paste0(
          i, "ReducedDim"
        ))))) {
          seuratObject@reductions[[i]] <-
            seuratObject@reductions[[eval(parse(text = paste0(i, "ReducedDim")))]]
          seuratObject@reductions[[eval(parse(text = paste0(i, "ReducedDim")))]] <-
          p <- paste0(
            i, "ReducedDim"
            eval(parse(text = p)),
            "' reducedDim from input SCE object saved to the default ",
            " slot of seurat object."

    # Set row data
    if(seurat.version >= 5) {
        seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.data <- as.data.frame(rowData(inSCE))
    } else {
        seuratObject@assays$RNA@meta.features <- as.data.frame(rowData(inSCE))
    # Set 'decontXCounts' assay to seurat object if required
    if ("decontXcounts" %in% SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(inSCE) &&
        copyDecontX) {
      decontM <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(inSCE, "decontXcounts")
      colnames(decontM) <- colnames(seuratObject)
      rownames(decontM) <- gsub('_', '-', rownames(decontM))
      if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
        # CreateAssayObject and similar were moved to SeuratObject now (added it to suggests)
        seuratObject[["decontXcounts"]] <-
          SeuratObject::CreateAssay5Object(counts = .convertToMatrix(decontM)) 
        seuratObject[["decontXcounts"]] <-
          SeuratObject::CreateAssayObject(counts = .convertToMatrix(decontM))

    # Ensuring that colnames from input SCE converted to Seurat object are same in the Seurat metadata slot
    seuratObject@meta.data <- seuratObject@meta.data[colnames(seuratObject),]
    rownames(seuratObject@meta.data) <- colnames(seuratObject)


#' runSeuratSCTransform
#' Runs the \link[Seurat]{SCTransform} function to transform/normalize the input
#' data
#' @param inSCE Input SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param normAssayName Name for the output data assay. Default
#' \code{"SCTCounts"}.
#' @param useAssay Name for the input data assay. Default \code{"counts"}.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Updated SingleCellExperiment object containing the transformed data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("mouseBrainSubsetSCE", package = "singleCellTK")
#' mouseBrainSubsetSCE <- runSeuratSCTransform(mouseBrainSubsetSCE)
runSeuratSCTransform <- function(inSCE,
                                 normAssayName = "SCTCounts",
                                 useAssay = "counts",
                                 verbose = TRUE) {
  seuratObject <- base::suppressWarnings(
      object = convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, useAssay),
      assay = "RNA",
      new.assay.name = "SCTransform",
      do.correct.umi = FALSE,
      verbose = verbose
  inSCE <-
      inSCE = inSCE,
      seuratObject = seuratObject,
      assaySlotSCE = normAssayName,
      seuratDataSlot = "data",
      seuratAssaySlot = "SCTransform"
  inSCE <- expSetDataTag(inSCE = inSCE,
                         assayType = "normalized",
                         assays = normAssayName)

#' .seuratInvalidate
#' Removes seurat data from the input SingleCellExperiment object specified by
#' the task in the Seurat workflow.
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object to remove Seurat data
#' from.
#' @param scaleData Remove scaled data from seurat. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param varFeatures Remove variable features from seurat. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param PCA Remove PCA from seurat. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ICA Remove ICA from seurat. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param tSNE Remove tSNE from seurat. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param UMAP Remove UMAP from seurat. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param clusters Remove clusters from seurat. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Updated SingleCellExperiment object containing the Seurat object in
#' the metadata slot with the data removed
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay<-
#' @noRd
.seuratInvalidate <-
           scaleData = TRUE,
           varFeatures = TRUE,
           PCA = TRUE,
           ICA = TRUE,
           tSNE = TRUE,
           UMAP = TRUE,
           clusters = TRUE) {
    if (scaleData) {
      altExp(inSCE, "seuratScaledData") <- NULL
    if(methods::is(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "list")){
      if (varFeatures) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA$"var.features" <- NULL
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$RNA$meta.features <-
          data.frame(row.names = make.unique(gsub("_", "-", rownames(inSCE))))
        #inSCE@metadata$seurat$heatmap_pca <- NULL
      if (PCA) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$pca <- NULL
      if (ICA) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$ica <- NULL
      if (tSNE) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$tsne <- NULL
      if (UMAP) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$reductions$umap <- NULL
      if (clusters) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj$meta.data$seurat_clusters <- NULL
    if(methods::is(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "Seurat")) {
      if (varFeatures) {
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@var.features <-
        methods::slot(inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj, "assays")[["RNA"]]@meta.features <-
          data.frame(row.names = make.unique(gsub("_", "-", rownames(inSCE))))
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$heatmap_pca <- NULL
      if (PCA) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$pca <- NULL
      if (ICA) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$ica <- NULL
      if (tSNE) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$tsne <- NULL
      if (UMAP) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@reductions$umap <- NULL
      if (clusters) {
        inSCE@metadata$seurat$obj@meta.data$seurat_clusters <- NULL

#' runSeuratIntegration
#' A wrapper function to Seurat Batch-Correction/Integration workflow.
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object that contains the assay
#' to batch-correct.
#' @param useAssay Assay to batch-correct.
#' @param batch Batch variable from \code{colData} slot of
#' \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param newAssayName Assay name for the batch-corrected output assay.
#' @param kAnchor Number of neighbours to use for finding the anchors in the
#' \link[Seurat]{FindIntegrationAnchors} function.
#' @param kFilter Number of neighbours to use for filtering the anchors in the
#' \link[Seurat]{FindIntegrationAnchors} function.
#' @param kWeight Number of neighbours to use when weigthing the anchors in the
#' \link[Seurat]{IntegrateData} function.
#' @param ndims Number of dimensions to use. Default \code{10}.
#' @return A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object that contains the
#' batch-corrected assay inside the \code{altExp} slot of the object
#' @export
runSeuratIntegration <- function(inSCE,
                                 useAssay = "counts",
                                 newAssayName = "SeuratIntegratedAssay",
                                 ndims = 10) {
  if (!useAssay %in% SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(inSCE)) {
    p <- paste(useAssay, "not found in the input object assays")
  if (is.null(batch)) {
    stop("batch variable must be provided for batch-correction")
  if (kAnchor == 0 || kFilter == 0 || kWeight == 0) {
    stop("kAnchor, kFilter or kWeight cannot be zero. Please input correct ",

  #create seurat object
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, useAssay)
  rownames(seuratObject@meta.data) <- gsub("_", "-",
  seuratObject@meta.data <-
    cbind(seuratObject@meta.data, colData(inSCE))

  #split seurat object by batch variable
  seurat.list <- Seurat::SplitObject(seuratObject, split.by = batch)
  seurat.list <-

  #find anchors
  seurat.anchors <-
      object.list = seurat.list,
      dims = seq(ndims),
      k.anchor = kAnchor,
      k.filter = kFilter
  seurat.integrated <-
    Seurat::IntegrateData(anchorset = seurat.anchors,
                          dims = seq(ndims),
                          k.weight = kWeight)
  #store results back in altExp slot of sce object
  altExp(inSCE, newAssayName) <-
      counts = Seurat::GetAssayData(seurat.integrated@assays$integrated, "data")
  SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(altExp(inSCE, newAssayName)) <-
  # remove this if counts in above line set to altExp

  # store back colData from sce into the altExp slot
  colData(altExp(inSCE, newAssayName)) <- colData(inSCE)

  #counts <- assay(altExp(inSCE, newAssayName), "altExp")
  # remove NA values from counts and replace with zero so can be used properly
  # by dgCMatrix
  counts <- assay(altExp(inSCE, newAssayName), newAssayName)
  counts[is.na(counts)] <- 0

  #store back counts
  #assay(altExp(inSCE, newAssayName), "altExp") <- counts
  assay(altExp(inSCE, newAssayName), newAssayName) <- counts


#' runSeuratFindMarkers
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param cells1 A \code{list} of sample names included in group1.
#' @param cells2 A \code{list} of sample names included in group2.
#' @param group1 Name of group1.
#' @param group2 Name of group2.
#' @param allGroup Name of all groups.
#' @param conserved Logical value indicating if markers conserved between two
#' groups should be identified. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param test Test to use for DE. Default \code{"wilcox"}.
#' @param onlyPos Logical value indicating if only positive markers should be
#' returned.
#' @param minPCT Numeric value indicating the minimum fraction of min.pct
#'  cells in which genes are detected. Default is \code{0.1}.
#' @param threshUse Numeric value indicating the logFC threshold value on
#'  which on average, at least X-fold difference (log-scale) between the
#'  two groups of cells exists. Default is \code{0.25}.
#' @param verbose Logical value indicating if informative messages should
#'  be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object that contains marker genes
#' populated in a data.frame stored inside metadata slot.
#' @export
runSeuratFindMarkers <- function(inSCE,
                                 cells1 = NULL,
                                 cells2 = NULL,
                                 group1 = NULL,
                                 group2 = NULL,
                                 allGroup = NULL,
                                 conserved = FALSE,
                                 test = "wilcox",
                                 onlyPos = FALSE,
                                 minPCT = 0.1,
                                 threshUse = 0.25,
                                 verbose = TRUE) {
  seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE)
  seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
  markerGenes <- NULL
  if (is.null(allGroup)
      && (!is.null(group1) && !is.null(group2))) {
    #convert (_) to (-) as required by Seurat
    cells1 <- .convertToHyphen(cells1)
    cells2 <- .convertToHyphen(cells2)
    if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
      cells1 <- unlist(cells1)
      cells2 <- unlist(cells2)
    Seurat::Idents(seuratObject, cells = cells1) <- group1
    Seurat::Idents(seuratObject, cells = cells2) <- group2
    markerGenes <- NULL
    if (!conserved) {
      markerGenes <- Seurat::FindMarkers(
        object = seuratObject,
        ident.1 = group1,
        ident.2 = group2,
        test.use = test,
        only.pos = onlyPos
      seuratObject[["groups"]] <- Seurat::Idents(seuratObject)
      markerGenes <- .findConservedMarkers(
        object = seuratObject,
        ident.1 = group1,
        ident.2 = group2,
        grouping.var = "groups",
        test.use = test,
        only.pos = onlyPos,
        cells1 = cells1,
        cells2 = cells2
    markerGenes$cluster1 <- group1
    markerGenes$cluster2 <- group2
    gene.id <- rownames(markerGenes)
    markerGenes <- cbind(gene.id, markerGenes)
  else if (!is.null(allGroup)
           && (is.null(group1) && is.null(group2))) {
                   cells = colnames(seuratObject)) <-
    markerGenes <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(
      test.use = test,
      only.pos = onlyPos,
      logfc.threshold = threshUse,
      min.pct = minPCT,
      verbose = verbose
    gene.id <- markerGenes$gene
    markerGenes <- cbind(gene.id, markerGenes)
    markerGenes$gene <- NULL
    # grp <- unique(colData(inSCE)[[allGroup]])
    # clust <- as.integer(unique(Seurat::Idents(seuratObject)))
    # for(i in seq(length(clust))){
    #   levels(markerGenes$cluster)[clust[i]] <- grp[i]
    # }
    colnames(markerGenes)[which(colnames(markerGenes) == "cluster")] <-
    markerGenes$cluster2 <- rep("all", nrow(markerGenes))
  else if (is.null(allGroup)
           && (is.null(group1) && is.null(group2))) {
                   cells = colnames(seuratObject)) <-
    markerGenes <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(
      test.use = test,
      only.pos = onlyPos,
      logfc.threshold = threshUse,
      min.pct = minPCT,
      verbose = verbose
    gene.id <- markerGenes$gene
    markerGenes <- cbind(gene.id, markerGenes)
    markerGenes$gene <- NULL
    # grp <- unique(colData(inSCE)[[S4Vectors::metadata(inSCE)$seurat$clusterName]])
    # clust <- as.integer(unique(Seurat::Idents(seuratObject)))
    # for(i in seq(length(clust))){
    #   levels(markerGenes$cluster)[clust[i]] <- grp[i]
    # }
  rownames(markerGenes) <- NULL
  S4Vectors::metadata(inSCE)$seuratMarkers <- markerGenes

#' Compute and plot visualizations for marker genes
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param useAssay Specify the name of the assay that will be scaled by this
#'  function.
#' @param plotType Specify the type of the plot to compute. Options are limited
#' to "ridge", "violin", "feature", "dot" and "heatmap".
#' @param features Specify the features to compute the plot against.
#' @param groupVariable Specify the column name from the colData slot that
#' should be used as grouping variable.
#' @param reducedDimName Specify the name of the dimensional reduction to be used. 
#' Default is "seuratNormData".
#' @param splitBy Specify the column name from the colData slot that should be
#' used to split samples.
#'  Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param reducedDimName saved dimension reduction name in the
#' SingleCellExperiment object. Default \code{seuratUMAP}.
#' @param cols Specify two colors to form a gradient between. Default is
#' \code{c("lightgrey", "blue")}.
#' @param ncol Visualizations will be adjusted in "ncol" number of columns.
#'  Default is \code{1}.
#' @param combine A logical value that indicates if the plots should be combined
#'  together into a single plot if \code{TRUE}, else if \code{FALSE} returns
#'  separate ggplot objects for each feature. Only works when \code{plotType}
#'  parameter is \code{"feature"}, \code{"violin"} or \code{"ridge"}. For
#'  \code{"heatmap"} and \code{"dot"}, plots for all features are always
#'  combined into a single plot. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Plot object
#' @export
plotSeuratGenes <- function(inSCE,
                            useAssay = "seuratNormData",
                            reducedDimName = "seuratUMAP",
                            splitBy = NULL,
                            cols = c("lightgrey", "blue"),
                            ncol = 1,
                            combine = FALSE) {
    #setup seurat object and the corresponding groups
    seuratObject <- convertSCEToSeurat(inSCE, normAssay = useAssay, copyReducedDim = TRUE)
    seurat.version <- .getSeuratObjectMajorVersion(seuratObject)
    seuratObject <-
        Seurat::ScaleData(seuratObject, features = features)
    indices <- list()
    cells <- list()
    groups <- unique(colData(inSCE)[[groupVariable]])
    for (i in seq(length(groups))) {
        indices[[i]] <- which(colData(inSCE)[[groupVariable]] == groups[i],
                              arr.ind = TRUE)
        cells[[i]] <- colnames(inSCE)[indices[[i]]]
        cells[[i]] <- .convertToHyphen(cells[[i]])
        if(seurat.version >= 5.0){
            cells[[i]] <- unlist(cells[[i]])
        Seurat::Idents(seuratObject, cells = cells[[i]]) <- groups[i]
    if (!is.null(splitBy)) {
        seuratObject[[splitBy]] <- colData(inSCE)[[splitBy]]
    #plot required visualization
    if (plotType == "ridge") {
                features = features,
                ncol = ncol,
                combine = combine
    else if (plotType == "violin") {
                features = features,
                ncol = ncol,
                split.by = splitBy,
                combine = combine
    else if (plotType == "feature") {
                features = features,
                cols = cols,
                ncol = ncol,
                split.by = splitBy,
                combine = combine,
                reduction = reducedDimName
    else if (plotType == "dot") {
            features = unique(features),
            split.by = splitBy
    else if (plotType == "heatmap") {
        return(Seurat::DoHeatmap(seuratObject, features = features))

.findConservedMarkers <- function(object,
                                  grouping.var = "groups",
                                  cells2) {
  meta.method <- metap::minimump
  verbose <- TRUE
  slot <- "data"
  assay <- "RNA"
  marker.test <- list()

  object.var <-
    Seurat::FetchData(object = object, vars = grouping.var)
  levels.split <- names(x = sort(x = table(object.var[, 1])))
  num.groups <- length(levels.split)

  marker.test[[1]] <- Seurat::FindMarkers(
    object = object,
    assay = assay,
    slot = slot,
    ident.1 = levels.split[1],
    ident.2 = levels.split[2],

  marker.test[[2]] <- Seurat::FindMarkers(
    object = object,
    assay = assay,
    slot = slot,
    ident.1 = levels.split[2],
    ident.2 = levels.split[3],

  marker.test[[3]] <- Seurat::FindMarkers(
    object = object,
    assay = assay,
    slot = slot,
    ident.1 = levels.split[3],
    ident.2 = levels.split[1],

  names(x = marker.test)[1] <- levels.split[1]
  names(x = marker.test)[2] <- levels.split[2]
  names(x = marker.test)[3] <- levels.split[3]

  marker.test <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = marker.test)
  genes.conserved <- Reduce(f = intersect,
                            x = lapply(
                              X = marker.test,
                              FUN = function(x) {
                                return(rownames(x = x))
  markers.conserved <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(length(x = marker.test))) {
    markers.conserved[[i]] <- marker.test[[i]][genes.conserved,]
    colnames(x = markers.conserved[[i]]) <- paste(names(x = marker.test)[i],
                                                  colnames(x = markers.conserved[[i]]),
                                                  sep = "_")
  markers.combined <- Reduce(cbind, markers.conserved)
  pval.codes <-
    colnames(x = markers.combined)[grepl(pattern = "*_p_val$", x = colnames(x = markers.combined))]
  if (length(x = pval.codes) > 1) {
    markers.combined$max_pval <- apply(X = markers.combined[, pval.codes, drop = FALSE],
                                       MARGIN = 1,
                                       FUN = max)
    combined.pval <- data.frame(cp = apply(
      X = markers.combined[, pval.codes, drop = FALSE],
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(x) {
    meta.method.name <- as.character(x = formals()$meta.method)
    if (length(x = meta.method.name) == 3) {
      meta.method.name <- meta.method.name[3]
    colnames(x = combined.pval) <-
      paste0(meta.method.name, "_p_val")
    markers.combined <- cbind(markers.combined, combined.pval)
    markers.combined <-
      markers.combined[order(markers.combined[, paste0(meta.method.name, "_p_val")]),]
  lfcCol <-
    colnames(markers.combined)[grep(paste0(ident.1, "_avg"), colnames(markers.combined))]
  markers.combined <- markers.combined[, c(
    paste0(ident.1, "_p_val"),
    paste0(ident.1, "_pct.1"),
    paste0(ident.1, "_pct.2"),
  colnames(markers.combined) <- gsub(
    pattern = paste0(ident.1, "_"),
    replacement = "",
    x = colnames(markers.combined)
  colnames(markers.combined) <-
    c(colnames(markers.combined)[-length(colnames(markers.combined))], "p_val_adj")

#' Get variable feature names after running runSeuratFindHVG function
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @return A list of variable feature names.
#' @export
getSeuratVariableFeatures <- function(inSCE) {
  obj <- S4Vectors::metadata(inSCE)$seurat$obj
  result <- NULL
  if (!is.null(obj)) {
    if(methods::is(obj, "list")) {
      result <- obj$RNA$var.features
    if (methods::is(obj, "Seurat")) {
      result <- Seurat::VariableFeatures(obj)
compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on May 8, 2024, 6:58 p.m.