importCellRanger: Construct SCE object from Cell Ranger output

View source: R/importCellRanger.R

importCellRangerR Documentation

Construct SCE object from Cell Ranger output


Read the filtered barcodes, features, and matrices for all samples from (preferably a single run of) Cell Ranger output. Import and combine them as one big SingleCellExperiment object.


  cellRangerDirs = NULL,
  sampleDirs = NULL,
  sampleNames = NULL,
  cellRangerOuts = NULL,
  dataType = c("filtered", "raw"),
  matrixFileNames = "matrix.mtx.gz",
  featuresFileNames = "features.tsv.gz",
  barcodesFileNames = "barcodes.tsv.gz",
  gzipped = "auto",
  class = c("Matrix", "matrix"),
  delayedArray = FALSE,
  rowNamesDedup = TRUE

  cellRangerDirs = NULL,
  sampleDirs = NULL,
  sampleNames = NULL,
  dataTypeV2 = c("filtered", "raw"),
  class = c("Matrix", "matrix"),
  delayedArray = FALSE,
  reference = NULL,
  cellRangerOutsV2 = NULL,
  rowNamesDedup = TRUE

  cellRangerDirs = NULL,
  sampleDirs = NULL,
  sampleNames = NULL,
  dataType = c("filtered", "raw"),
  class = c("Matrix", "matrix"),
  delayedArray = FALSE,
  rowNamesDedup = TRUE



The root directories where Cell Ranger was run. These folders should contain sample specific folders. Default NULL, meaning the paths for each sample will be specified in samples argument.


Default NULL. Can be one of

  • NULL. All samples within cellRangerDirs will be imported. The order of samples will be first determined by the order of cellRangerDirs and then by list.dirs. This is only for the case where cellRangerDirs is specified.

  • A list of vectors containing the folder names for samples to import. Each vector in the list corresponds to samples from one of cellRangerDirs. These names are the same as the folder names under cellRangerDirs. This is only for the case where cellRangerDirs is specified.

  • A vector of folder paths for the samples to import. This is only for the case where cellRangerDirs is NULL.

The cells in the final SCE object will be ordered in the same order of sampleDirs.


A vector of user-defined sample names for the samples to be imported. Must have the same length as length(unlist(sampleDirs)) if sampleDirs is not NULL. Otherwise, make sure the length and order match the output of unlist(lapply(cellRangerDirs, list.dirs, recursive = FALSE)). Default NULL, in which case the folder names will be used as sample names.


Character vector. The intermediate paths to filtered or raw cell barcode, feature, and matrix files for each sample. Supercedes dayaType. If NULL, dataType will be used to determine Cell Ranger output directory. If not NULL, dataType will be ingored and cellRangerOuts specifies the paths. Must have length 1 or the same length as length(unlist(sampleDirs)) if sampleDirs is not NULL. Otherwise, make sure the length and order match the output of unlist(lapply(cellRangerDirs, list.dirs, recursive = FALSE)). Reference genome names might need to be appended for CellRanger version below 3.0.0 if reads were mapped to multiple genomes when running Cell Ranger pipeline. Probable options include "outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/", "outs/raw_feature_bc_matrix/", "outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrix/", "outs/raw_gene_bc_matrix/".


Character. The type of data to import. Can be one of "filtered" (which is equivalent to cellRangerOuts = "outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/" or cellRangerOuts = "outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrix/") or "raw" (which is equivalent to cellRangerOuts = "outs/raw_feature_bc_matrix/" or cellRangerOuts = "outs/raw_gene_bc_matrix/"). Default "filtered" which imports the counts for filtered cell barcodes only.


Character vector. Filenames for the Market Exchange Format (MEX) sparse matrix files (matrix.mtx or matrix.mtx.gz files). Must have length 1 or the same length as length(unlist(sampleDirs)) if sampleDirs is not NULL. Otherwise, make sure the length and order match the output of unlist(lapply(cellRangerDirs, list.dirs, recursive = FALSE)).


Character vector. Filenames for the feature annotation files. They are usually named features.tsv.gz or genes.tsv. Must have length 1 or the same length as length(unlist(sampleDirs)) if sampleDirs is not NULL. Otherwise, make sure the length and order match the output of unlist(lapply(cellRangerDirs, list.dirs, recursive = FALSE)).


Character vector. Filename for the cell barcode list files. They are usually named barcodes.tsv.gz or barcodes.tsv. Must have length 1 or the same length as length(unlist(sampleDirs)) if sampleDirs is not NULL. Otherwise, make sure the length and order match the output of unlist(lapply(cellRangerDirs, list.dirs, recursive = FALSE)).


TRUE if the Cell Ranger output files (barcodes.tsv, features.tsv, and matrix.mtx) were gzip compressed. FALSE otherwise. This is true after Cell Ranger 3.0.0 update. Default "auto" which automatically detects if the files are gzip compressed. If not "auto", gzipped must have length 1 or the same length as length(unlist(sampleDirs)) if sampleDirs is not NULL. Otherwise, make sure the length and order match the output of unlist(lapply(cellRangerDirs, list.dirs, recursive = FALSE)).


Character. The class of the expression matrix stored in the SCE object. Can be one of "Matrix" (as returned by readMM function), or "matrix" (as returned by matrix function). Default "Matrix".


Boolean. Whether to read the expression matrix as DelayedArray object or not. Default FALSE.


Boolean. Whether to deduplicate rownames. Default TRUE.


Character. The type of output to import for Cellranger version below 3.0.0. Whether to import the filtered or the raw data. Can be one of 'filtered' or 'raw'. Default 'filtered'. When cellRangerOuts is specified, dataTypeV2 and reference will be ignored.


Character vector. The reference genome names. Default NULL. If not NULL, it must gave the length and order as length(unlist(sampleDirs)) if sampleDirs is not NULL. Otherwise, make sure the length and order match the output of unlist(lapply(cellRangerDirs, list.dirs, recursive = FALSE)). Only needed for Cellranger version below 3.0.0.


Character vector. The intermediate paths to filtered or raw cell barcode, feature, and matrix files for each sample for Cellranger version below 3.0.0. If NULL, reference and dataTypeV2 will be used to determine Cell Ranger output directory. If it has length 1, it assumes that all samples use the same genome reference and the function will load only filtered or raw data.


importCellRangerV2 imports output from Cell Ranger V2. importCellRangerV2Sample imports output from one sample from Cell Ranger V2. importCellRangerV3 imports output from Cell Ranger V3. importCellRangerV3 imports output from one sample from Cell Ranger V3. Some implicit assumptions which match the output structure of Cell Ranger V2 & V3 are made in these 4 functions including cellRangerOuts, matrixFileName, featuresFileName, barcodesFileName, and gzipped. Alternatively, user can call importCellRanger to explicitly specify these arguments.


A SingleCellExperiment object containing the combined count matrix, the feature annotations, and the cell annotation.


# Example #1
# The following filtered feature, cell, and matrix files were downloaded from
# 3.0.0/hgmm_1k_v3
# The top 10 hg19 & mm10 genes are included in this example.
# Only the first 20 cells are included.
sce <- importCellRanger(
    cellRangerDirs = system.file("extdata/", package = "singleCellTK"),
    sampleDirs = "hgmm_1k_v3_20x20",
    sampleNames = "hgmm1kv3",
    dataType = "filtered")
# The following filtered feature, cell, and matrix files were downloaded from
# 2.1.0/pbmc4k
# Top 20 genes are kept. 20 cell barcodes are extracted.
sce <- importCellRangerV2(
    cellRangerDirs = system.file("extdata/", package = "singleCellTK"),
    sampleDirs = "pbmc_4k_v2_20x20",
    sampleNames = "pbmc4k_20",
    reference = 'GRCh38',
    dataTypeV2 = "filtered")
sce <- importCellRangerV3(
    cellRangerDirs = system.file("extdata/", package = "singleCellTK"),
    sampleDirs = "hgmm_1k_v3_20x20",
    sampleNames = "hgmm1kv3",
    dataType = "filtered")

compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 2:43 p.m.