#' Combine regressions based on information criteria
#' Function combines parameters of linear regressions of the first variable
#' on all the other provided data.
#' The algorithm uses alm() to fit different models and then combines the models
#' based on the selected IC. The parameters are combined so that if they are not
#' present in some of models, it is assumed that they are equal to zero. Thus,
#' there is a shrinkage effect in the combination.
#' Some details and examples of application are also given in the vignette
#' "Greybox": \code{vignette("greybox","greybox")}
#' @template AICRef
#' @template author
#' @template keywords
#' @param data Data frame containing dependent variable in the first column and
#' the others in the rest.
#' @param ic Information criterion to use.
#' @param bruteforce If \code{TRUE}, then all the possible models are generated
#' and combined. Otherwise the best model is found and then models around that
#' one are produced and then combined.
#' @param silent If \code{FALSE}, then nothing is silent, everything is printed
#' out. \code{TRUE} means that nothing is produced.
#' @param formula If provided, then the selection will be done from the listed
#' variables in the formula after all the necessary transformations.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be
#' used in the fitting process.
#' @param distribution Distribution to pass to \code{alm()}. See \link[greybox]{alm}
#' for details.
#' @param parallel If \code{TRUE}, then the model fitting is done in parallel.
#' WARNING! Packages \code{foreach} and either \code{doMC} (Linux and Mac only)
#' or \code{doParallel} are needed in order to run the function in parallel.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to \code{alm()}.
#' @return Function returns \code{model} - the final model of the class
#' "greyboxC". The list of variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item coefficients - combined parameters of the model,
#' \item vcov - combined covariance matrix of the model,
#' \item fitted - the fitted values,
#' \item residuals - residual of the model,
#' \item distribution - distribution used in the estimation,
#' \item logLik - combined log-likelihood of the model,
#' \item IC - the values of the combined information criterion,
#' \item ICType - the type of information criterion used,
#' \item df.residual - number of degrees of freedom of the residuals of
#' the combined model,
#' \item df - number of degrees of freedom of the combined model,
#' \item importance - importance of the parameters,
#' \item combination - the table, indicating which variables were used in every
#' model construction and what were the weights for each model,
#' \item timeElapsed - the time elapsed for the estimation of the model.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{step}, \link[greybox]{xregExpander},
#' \link[greybox]{stepwise}}
#' @examples
#' ### Simple example
#' xreg <- cbind(rnorm(100,10,3),rnorm(100,50,5))
#' xreg <- cbind(100+0.5*xreg[,1]-0.75*xreg[,2]+rnorm(100,0,3),xreg,rnorm(100,300,10))
#' colnames(xreg) <- c("y","x1","x2","Noise")
#' inSample <- xreg[1:80,]
#' outSample <- xreg[-c(1:80),]
#' # Combine all the possible models
#' ourModel <- lmCombine(inSample,bruteforce=TRUE)
#' predict(ourModel,outSample)
#' plot(predict(ourModel,outSample))
#' ### Fat regression example
#' xreg <- matrix(rnorm(5000,10,3),50,100)
#' xreg <- cbind(100+0.5*xreg[,1]-0.75*xreg[,2]+rnorm(50,0,3),xreg,rnorm(50,300,10))
#' colnames(xreg) <- c("y",paste0("x",c(1:100)),"Noise")
#' inSample <- xreg[1:40,]
#' outSample <- xreg[-c(1:40),]
#' # Combine only the models close to the optimal
#' ourModel <- lmCombine(inSample, ic="BICc",bruteforce=FALSE)
#' summary(ourModel)
#' plot(predict(ourModel, outSample))
#' # Combine in parallel - should increase speed in case of big data
#' \dontrun{ourModel <- lmCombine(inSample, ic="BICc", bruteforce=TRUE, parallel=TRUE)
#' summary(ourModel)
#' plot(predict(ourModel, outSample))}
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @export lmCombine
lmCombine <- function(data, ic=c("AICc","AIC","BIC","BICc"), bruteforce=FALSE, silent=TRUE,
formula=NULL, subset=NULL,
parallel=FALSE, ...){
# Function combines linear regression models and produces the combined lm object.
# Start measuring the time of calculations
startTime <- Sys.time();
cl <- match.call();
cl$formula <- as.formula(paste0("`",colnames(data)[1],"`~ ."));
ellipsis <- list(...);
# Only likelihood is supported by the function
loss <- "likelihood";
ellipsis$loss <- loss;
# Use formula to form the data frame for further selection
if(!is.null(formula) || !is.null(subset)){
# If subset is provided, but not formula, generate one
formula <- as.formula(paste0(colnames(data)[1],"~."));
# Do model.frame manipulations
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE);
mf <- mf[c(1L, match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0L))];
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE;
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame);
mf$data <- as.data.frame(data);
# Evaluate data frame to do transformations of variables
data <- eval(mf, parent.frame());
responseName <- colnames(data)[1];
# Remove variables that have "-x" in the formula
dataTerms <- terms(data);
data <- data[,c(responseName, colnames(attr(dataTerms,"factors")))];
## We do it this way to avoid factors expansion into dummies at this stage
# Check, whether the response is numeric
warning(paste0("The response variable is not numeric! ",
"We will make it numeric, but we cannot promise anything."),
data[[1]] <- as.numeric(data[[1]]);
# If they asked for parallel, make checks and try to do that
if(!requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("In order to run the function in parallel, 'foreach' package must be installed.", call. = FALSE);
if(!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("In order to run the function in parallel, 'parallel' package must be installed.", call. = FALSE);
# Detect number of cores for parallel calculations
nCores <- parallel::detectCores();
# Check the system and choose the package to use
if(requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)){
cat(paste0("Setting up ", nCores, " clusters using 'doParallel'..."));
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores);
stop("Sorry, but in order to run the function in parallel, you need 'doParallel' package.",
call. = FALSE);
if(requireNamespace("doMC", quietly = TRUE)){
cluster <- NULL;
else if(requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)){
cat(paste0("Setting up ", nCores, " clusters using 'doParallel'..."));
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores);
stop("Sorry, but in order to run the function in parallel, you need either 'doMC' (prefered) or 'doParallel' packages.",
call. = FALSE);
# The gsub is needed in order to remove accidental special characters
# colnames(data) <- gsub("\`","",colnames(data),ignore.case=TRUE);
colnames(data) <- make.names(colnames(data), unique=TRUE);
# Define cases, when to use ALM
distribution <- match.arg(distribution);
useALM <- FALSE;
useALM <- TRUE;
data[,1] <- (data[,1]!=0)*1;
ot <- (data[,1]!=0)*1;
# If the data is a vector, make it a matrix
data <- as.matrix(data);
colnames(data) <- as.character(cl$formula[[2]]);
# Check the data for NAs
rowsSelected <- apply(!is.na(data),1,all);
rowsSelected <- rep(TRUE,nrow(data));
# Check occurrence. If it is not "none" then use alm().
# if(is.alm(occurrence)){
# useALM <- TRUE;
# rowsSelected <- rowsSelected & (data[,1]!=0);
# }
# else{
# occurrence <- occurrence[1];
# if(all(occurrence!=c("none","plogis","pnorm"))){
# warning(paste0("Sorry, but we don't know what to do with the occurrence '",occurrence,
# "'. Switching to 'none'."), call.=FALSE);
# occurrence <- "none";
# }
# if(any(occurrence==c("plogis","pnorm"))){
# useALM <- TRUE;
# rowsSelected <- rowsSelected | (data[,1]!=0);
# occurrenceModel <- lmCombine(data, ic=ic, bruteforce=bruteforce, silent=silent,
# distribution=occurrence, parallel=parallel, ...);
# occurrenceModel$call <- cl;
# }
# }
# Define the function of IC
ic <- match.arg(ic);
IC <- switch(ic,"AIC"=AIC,"BIC"=BIC,"BICc"=BICc,AICc);
# Define what function to use in the estimation
lmCall <- alm;
listToCall <- list(distribution=distribution, fast=TRUE);
listToCall <- c(listToCall,ellipsis);
lmCall <- function(formula, data){
model <- list(xreg=as.matrix(cbind(1,data[,all.vars(formula)[-1]])));
model <- c(model,.lm.fit(model$xreg, y));
colnames(model$qr) <- c("(Intercept)",all.vars(formula)[-1]);
listToCall <- vector("list");
# Name of the response
responseNameOriginal <- as.character(cl$formula[[2]]);
responseName <-"y";
y <- as.matrix(data[rowsSelected,responseNameOriginal]);
colnames(y) <- responseName;
# Check whether it is possible to do bruteforce
if((ncol(data)>nrow(data)) & bruteforce){
warning("You have more variables than observations. We have to be smart here. Switching to 'bruteforce=FALSE'.",
call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE);
bruteforce <- FALSE;
# Warning if we have a lot of models
if((ncol(data)>14) & bruteforce){
warning("You have more than 14 variables. The computation might take a lot of time.", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE);
# If this is not bruteforce, then do stepwise first
cat("Selecting the best model...\n");
ourModel <- stepwise(data, ic=ic, distribution=distribution);
# If the selected model does not contain variables
# Modify the data and move to the list
listToCall$data <- cbind(y,model.matrix(cl$formula, data=data[rowsSelected,])[,-1,drop=FALSE]);
listToCall$data <- cbind(y,as.data.frame(data[rowsSelected,-1,drop=FALSE]));
# Other stuff for the things like alpha of ALaplace
other <- vector("list",1);
# Set alpha for the dalaplace. If not provided do alpha=0.5
alpha <- 0.5;
alpha <- ellipsis$alpha;
other$alpha <- listToCall$alpha <- alpha;
else if(any(distribution==c("dt","dchisq"))){
nu <- NULL;
nu <- ellipsis$nu;
other$nu <- listToCall$nu <- nu;
else if(distribution=="dnbinom"){
size <- NULL;
size <- ellipsis$size;
other$size <- listToCall$size <- size;
else if(distribution=="dfnorm"){
sigma <- NULL;
sigma <- ellipsis$sigma;
other$sigma <- listToCall$sigma <- sigma;
else if(any(distribution==c("dgnorm","dlgnorm"))){
shape <- NULL;
shape <- ellipsis$shape;
other$shape <- listToCall$shape <- shape;
else if(distribution=="dbcnorm"){
lambdaBC <- NULL;
lambdaBC <- ellipsis$lambdaBC;
other$lambdaBC <- listToCall$lambdaBC <- lambdaBC;
# Observations in sample, assuming that the missing values are for the holdout
obsInsample <- sum(!is.na(listToCall$data[,1]));
# Names of the exogenous variables (without the intercept)
exoNamesOriginal <- colnames(listToCall$data)[-1];
exoNames <- paste0("x",c(1:length(exoNamesOriginal)));
colnames(listToCall$data)[-1] <- exoNames;
# Names of all the variables
variablesNamesOriginal <- c("(Intercept)",exoNamesOriginal);
variablesNames <- c("(Intercept)",exoNames);
# Number of variables
nVariables <- length(exoNames);
# If nVariables is zero, return a simple model. This might be due to the stepwise returning intercept.
warning("No explanatory variables are selected / provided. Fitting the model with intercept only.",
call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE);
# If this is a simple one, go through all the models
# Number of combinations in the loop
nCombinations <- 2^nVariables;
# Matrix of all the combinations
variablesBinary <- rep(1,nVariables);
variablesCombinations <- matrix(NA,nCombinations,nVariables);
colnames(variablesCombinations) <- exoNames;
#Produce matrix with binaries for inclusion of variables in the loop
variablesCombinations[,1] <- rep(c(0:1),times=prod(variablesBinary[-1]+1));
for(i in 2:nVariables){
variablesCombinations[,i] <- rep(c(0:variablesBinary[i]),each=prod(variablesBinary[1:(i-1)]+1));
# Vector of ICs
ICs <- rep(NA,nCombinations);
# Matrix of parameters
parameters <- matrix(0,nCombinations,nVariables+1);
# Array of vcov of parameters
vcovValues <- array(0,c(nCombinations,nVariables+1,nVariables+1));
# Vector of log-likelihoods
logLiks <- rep(NA,nCombinations);
# Starting estimating the models with just a constant
listToCall$formula <- as.formula(paste0(responseName,"~1"));
ourModel <- do.call(lmCall,listToCall);
ICs[1] <- IC(ourModel);
parameters[1,1] <- coef(ourModel)[1];
vcovValues[1,1,1] <- vcov(ourModel);
logLiks[1] <- logLik(ourModel);
# Extract names of the used variables
bestExoNamesOriginal <- names(coef(ourModel))[-1];
bestExoNames <- exoNames[match(bestExoNamesOriginal,exoNamesOriginal)];
variablesNames <- c("(Intercept)",exoNamesOriginal[exoNamesOriginal %in% bestExoNamesOriginal]);
# If the number of variables is small, do bruteforce
listToCall$data <- listToCall$data[,c(responseName,bestExoNames),drop=FALSE];
colnames(listToCall$data) <- c(responseNameOriginal,bestExoNamesOriginal);
ourModel <- lmCombine(listToCall$data, ic=ic,
bruteforce=TRUE, silent=silent, distribution=distribution, parallel=parallel, ...);
ourModel$call <- cl;
# If we have too many variables, use "stress" analysis
nVariablesInModel <- length(bestExoNames);
# Define number of combinations:
# 1. Best model
nCombinations <- 1;
# 2. BM + {each variable not included};
nCombinations <- nCombinations + nVariables - nVariablesInModel;
# 3. BM - {each variable included};
nCombinations <- nCombinations + nVariablesInModel;
## 4. BM + {each pair of variables not included};
## 5. BM - {each pair of variables included}.
# Form combinations of variables
variablesCombinations <- matrix(NA,nCombinations,nVariables);
colnames(variablesCombinations) <- exoNames;
# Fill in the first row with the variables from the best model
for(j in 1:nVariables){
variablesCombinations[,j] <- any(colnames(variablesCombinations)[j]==bestExoNames)*1;
# Fill in the first part with sequential inclusion
for(i in 1:(nVariables - nVariablesInModel)){
variablesCombinations[i+1,which(variablesCombinations[i+1,]==0)[i]] <- 1;
# Fill in the second part with sequential exclusion
for(i in 1:nVariablesInModel){
index <- i+(nVariables-nVariablesInModel)+1;
variablesCombinations[index,which(variablesCombinations[index,]==1)[i]] <- 0;
# Vector of ICs
ICs <- rep(NA,nCombinations);
# Matrix of parameters
parameters <- matrix(0,nCombinations,nVariables+1);
# Array of vcov of parameters
vcovValues <- array(0,c(nCombinations,nVariables+1,nVariables+1));
# Vector of log-likelihoods
logLiks <- rep(NA,nCombinations);
# Starting estimating the models with writing down the best one
ICs[1] <- IC(ourModel);
bufferCoef <- coef(ourModel)[variablesNames];
parameters[1,c(1,variablesCombinations[1,])==1] <- bufferCoef[!is.na(bufferCoef)];
bufferCoef <- vcov(ourModel)[variablesNames,variablesNames];
vcovValues[1,c(1,variablesCombinations[1,])==1,c(1,variablesCombinations[1,])==1] <- bufferCoef[!is.na(bufferCoef)];
logLiks[1] <- logLik(ourModel);
otherParameters <- rep(NA, nCombinations);
otherParameters[1] <- ourModel$other[[1]];
# Go for the loop of lm models
cat("Estimation progress: ...");
forLoopReturns <- foreach::`%dopar%`(foreach::foreach(i=2:nCombinations),{
listToCall$formula <- as.formula(paste0(responseName,"~",paste0(exoNames[variablesCombinations[i,]==1],collapse="+")));
ourModel <- do.call(lmCall,listToCall);
ICs <- IC(ourModel);
parameters <- coef(ourModel);
vcovValues <- vcov(ourModel);
logLiks <- logLik(ourModel);
otherParameters <- ourModel$other[[1]];
otherParameters <- NULL;
for(i in 2:nCombinations){
ICs[i] <- forLoopReturns[[i-1]]$ICs;
parameters[i,c(1,variablesCombinations[i,])==1] <- forLoopReturns[[i-1]]$parameters;
vcovValues[i,c(1,variablesCombinations[i,])==1,c(1,variablesCombinations[i,])==1] <- forLoopReturns[[i-1]]$vcovValues;
logLiks[i] <- forLoopReturns[[i-1]]$logLiks;
otherParameters[i] <- forLoopReturns[[i-1]]$otherParameters;
cat(paste0("Estimation progress: ", round(1/nCombinations,2)*100,"%"));
for(i in 2:nCombinations){
listToCall$formula <- as.formula(paste0(responseName,"~",paste0(exoNames[variablesCombinations[i,,drop=FALSE]==1],collapse="+")));
ourModel <- do.call(lmCall,listToCall);
ICs[i] <- IC(ourModel);
parameters[i,c(1,variablesCombinations[i,])==1] <- coef(ourModel);
vcovValues[i,c(1,variablesCombinations[i,])==1,c(1,variablesCombinations[i,])==1] <- vcov(ourModel);
logLiks[i] <- logLik(ourModel);
otherParameters[i] <- ourModel$other[[1]];
cat(" Done!\n");
# Calculate IC weights
# is.finite is needed in the case of overfitting the data
modelsGood <- is.finite(ICs);
ICWeights <- ICs - min(ICs[modelsGood]);
ICWeights[modelsGood] <- exp(-0.5*ICWeights[modelsGood]) / sum(exp(-0.5*ICWeights[modelsGood]));
# If we awfully overfitted the data with some of models, discard them.
ICWeights[!modelsGood] <- 0;
# Calculate weighted parameters
parametersWeighted <- parameters * matrix(ICWeights,nCombinations,nVariables+1);
parametersCombined <- colSums(parametersWeighted);
names(parametersCombined) <- variablesNamesOriginal;
# From the matrix of exogenous variables without the response variable
ourDataExo <- cbind(1,listToCall$data[,-1,drop=FALSE]);
colnames(ourDataExo) <- variablesNamesOriginal;
colnames(listToCall$data) <- c(responseName,variablesNamesOriginal[-1]);
# Function for the Box-Cox transform
bcTransform <- function(y, lambdaBC){
# Function for the inverse Box-Cox transform
bcTransformInv <- function(y, lambdaBC){
mu <- switch(distribution,
"dchisq" = (as.matrix(ourDataExo) %*% parametersCombined)^2,
"dinvgauss" =,
"dgamma" =,
"dpois" =,
"dnbinom" = exp(as.matrix(ourDataExo) %*% parametersCombined),
"dnorm" =,
"dfnorm" =,
"dlaplace" =,
"ds" =,
"dgnorm" =,
"dlogis" =,
"dt" =,
"dalaplace" =,
"dlnorm" =,
"dllaplace" =,
"dls" =,
"dlgnorm" =,
"pnorm" =,
"plogis" = as.matrix(ourDataExo) %*% parametersCombined
scale <- switch(distribution,
"dnorm" =,
"dfnorm" = sqrt(mean((y-mu)^2)),
"dbcnorm" = sqrt(mean((bcTransform(y,other)-mu)^2)),
"dlogitnorm" = sqrt(mean((log(y/(1-y))-mu)^2)),
"dlaplace" = mean(abs(y-mu)),
"ds" = mean(sqrt(abs(y-mu))) / 2,
"dgnorm" = (otherParameters*mean(abs(y-mu)^otherParameters))^{1/otherParameters},
"dlogis" = sqrt(mean((y-mu)^2) * 3 / pi^2),
"dt" = max(2,2/(1-(mean((y-mu)^2))^{-1})),
"dalaplace" = mean((y-mu) * (alpha - (y<=mu)*1)),
"dlnorm" = sqrt(mean((log(y)-mu)^2)),
"dllaplace" = mean(abs(log(y)-mu)),
"dls" = mean(sqrt(abs(log(y)-mu))) / 2,
"dlgnorm" = (otherParameters*mean(abs(log(y)-mu)^otherParameters))^{1/otherParameters},
"dchisq" = ICWeights %*% otherParameters,
"dinvgauss" = mean((y/mu-1)^2 / (y/mu)),
"dgamma" = mean((y/mu-1)^2),
"dnbinom" = ICWeights %*% otherParameters,
"dpois" = mu,
"pnorm" = sqrt(mean(qnorm((y - pnorm(mu, 0, 1) + 1) / 2, 0, 1)^2)),
"plogis" = sqrt(mean(log((1 + y * (1 + exp(mu))) / (1 + exp(mu) * (2 - y) - y))^2)) # Here we use the proxy from Svetunkov et al. (2018)
yFitted <- switch(distribution,
"dfnorm" = sqrt(2/pi)*scale*exp(-mu^2/(2*scale^2))+mu*(1-2*pnorm(-mu/scale)),
"dnorm" =,
"dlaplace" =,
"ds" =,
"dgnorm" =,
"dalaplace" =,
"dlogis" =,
"dt" =,
"dinvgauss" =,
"dgamma" =,
"dpois" =,
"dnbinom" = mu,
"dlogitnorm" = exp(mu)/(1+exp(mu)),
"dbcnorm" = bcTransformInv(mu,other),
"dchisq" = mu + df,
"dlnorm" =,
"dllaplace" =,
"dls" =,
"dlgnorm" = exp(mu),
"pnorm" = pnorm(mu, mean=0, sd=1),
"plogis" = plogis(mu, location=0, scale=1)
errors <- switch(distribution,
"dfnorm" =,
"dnorm" =,
"dlaplace" =,
"ds" =,
"dgnorm" =,
"dalaplace" =,
"dlogis" =,
"dt" =,
"dpois" =,
"dnbinom" = y - mu,
"dinvgauss" =,
"dgamma" = y / mu,
"dchisq" = sqrt(y) - sqrt(mu),
"dlnorm" =,
"dllaplace" =,
"dls" =,
"dlgnorm" = log(y) - mu,
"pnorm" = qnorm((y - pnorm(mu, 0, 1) + 1) / 2, 0, 1),
"plogis" = log((1 + y * (1 + exp(mu))) / (1 + exp(mu) * (2 - y) - y)) # Here we use the proxy from Svetunkov et al. (2018)
# Relative importance of variables
importance <- c(1,ICWeights %*% variablesCombinations);
names(importance) <- variablesNamesOriginal;
# Some of the variables have partial inclusion, 1 stands for sigma
df <- obsInsample - sum(importance) - 1;
# Calcualte logLik. This is approximate and is based on the IC weights
logLikCombined <- logLik(ourModel);
attr(logLikCombined,"df") <- df;
logLikCombined[1] <- logLiks %*% ICWeights;
# Form matrix for variables combination with weights and ICs
ICValue <- c(ICWeights %*% ICs);
names(ICValue) <- ic;
colnames(variablesCombinations) <- exoNamesOriginal;
variablesCombinations <- cbind(variablesCombinations,ICWeights,ICs);
colnames(variablesCombinations)[nVariables+1] <- "IC weights";
rownames(variablesCombinations) <- paste0("Model",c(1:length(ICWeights)));
# Models vcov
vcovCombined <- matrix(NA, nVariables+1, nVariables+1, dimnames=list(variablesNamesOriginal, variablesNamesOriginal));
for(i in 1:(nVariables+1)){
for(j in 1:(nVariables+1)){
vcovCombined[i,j] <- (ICWeights^2 %*% (vcovValues[,i,j] +
(parameters[,i] - parametersCombined[i]) *
(parameters[,j] - parametersCombined[j])));
vcovCombined[i,j] <- vcovCombined[j,i];
if(any(is.nan(vcovCombined)) | any(is.infinite(vcovCombined))){
warning("The standard errors of the parameters cannot be produced properly. It seems that we have overfitted the data.",
finalModel <- structure(list(coefficients=parametersCombined, vcov=vcovCombined, fitted=as.vector(yFitted),
residuals=as.vector(errors), distribution=distribution, logLik=logLikCombined, IC=ICValue,
ICType=ic, df.residual=df, df=sum(importance)+1, importance=importance,
call=cl, rank=nVariables+1, data=listToCall$data, mu=mu, scale=scale,
combination=variablesCombinations, other=other, loss=loss,
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