#' Render the given R Markdown file *on the server*
#' @param file path to the RMarkdown file
#' @param data a list of data to be made available to the Rmd file during rendering. Quoted items will be evaluated
#' on the server before knitting the Rmd file. Quoted expressions are evaluated in the **server context**.
#' @param precompiled_path path where precompiled HTML files are located (if `NULL`, don't use precompiled HTML files).
#' See [precompile_rmd()] how to precompile HTML files.
#' @param show_only_with_section render the output only if the section is visible.
#' @param hasher function to compute the unique hash for the input data. Only used if `precompiled_path` is not `NULL`.
#' @param runtime,quiet arguments passed on to [rmarkdown::render()].
#' @param section_divs,md_extensions,df_print... passed on to [rmarkdown::html_fragment()].
#' @return the UI output element
#' @importFrom rmarkdown html_fragment
#' @export
render_rmd_server <- function (file, data = list(), runtime = 'static', quiet = TRUE, precompiled_path = NULL,
section_divs = FALSE, md_extensions = '+tex_math_dollars', df_print = 'kable', ...,
show_only_with_section = TRUE, hasher = NULL) {
id <- random_ui_id()
if (is.null(data)) {
data <- list()
if (!is.list(data)) {
stop("`data` must be a list.")
# Force evaluation of output arguments!
output_format_args <- c(list(section_divs = section_divs, md_extensions = md_extensions, df_print = df_print),
output_format <- substitute(do.call(rmarkdown::html_fragment, output_format_args))
return(structure(list(id = id, file = file, envir = data, runtime = runtime, output_format_call = output_format,
precompiled_path = precompiled_path, hasher = hasher,
show_only_with_section = isTRUE(show_only_with_section), quiet = quiet),
class = 'rendered_rmd'))
#' Precompile HTML files
#' @param file path to the RMarkdown file
#' @param data a list of data to be made available to the Rmd file during rendering. Quoted items will be evaluated
#' on the server before knitting the Rmd file. Quoted expressions are evaluated in the **server context**.
#' @param precompiled_path path where precompiled HTML file should be saved.
#' @param hasher function to compute the unique hash for the input data.
#' @param show_only_with_section render the output only if the section is visible.
#' @param runtime,quiet arguments passed on to [rmarkdown::render()].
#' @param section_divs,md_extensions,df_print... passed on to [rmarkdown::html_fragment()].
#' @return the path to the prerendered HTML file
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @export
precompile_rmd <- function (file, data = list(), runtime = 'static', quiet = TRUE, precompiled_path, hasher = digest,
section_divs = FALSE, md_extensions = '+tex_math_dollars', df_print = 'kable', ...) {
# Force evaluation of output arguments!
output_format_args <- c(list(section_divs = section_divs, md_extensions = md_extensions, df_print = df_print),
output_format <- do.call(rmarkdown::html_fragment, output_format_args)
eval_env <- parent.frame()
.compile_rmd(file, data, precompiled_path, output_format, eval_env, runtime, quiet, precompiled_path = NULL,
hasher = hasher)
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
.compile_rmd <- function (file, data, output_dir, output_format, eval_env, runtime, quiet, hasher,
precompiled_path) {
envir <- lapply(data, function (envvar) {
if (is.expression(envvar) || is.language(envvar)) {
return(eval(envvar, eval_env))
output_file <- paste(sub('^(.+)\\..{1,4}$', '\\1', basename(file)), hasher(envir), 'html', sep = '.')
if (!is.null(precompiled_path)) {
rendered_file <- normalizePath(file.path(precompiled_path, output_file), mustWork = FALSE)
if (file.exists(rendered_file)) {
message("Using precompiled file ", rendered_file)
# put data into an environment
envir <- list2env(envir, parent = eval_env)
# The rmarkdown::render function leaves a folder in the tempdir() folder behind!
# Manual hack to remove this folder
dirs_before_render <- list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE)
unlink(setdiff(list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE), dirs_before_render),
force = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
}, add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
render(file, output_file = I(output_file), runtime = runtime, output_format = output_format,
knit_root_dir = output_dir, envir = envir, output_dir = output_dir, intermediates_dir = output_dir,
quiet = quiet)
#' Knitr question pool print methods
#' [knitr::knit_print] method for [question_pool].
#' @inheritParams knitr::knit_print
#' @importFrom knitr knit_print
#' @importFrom shiny NS uiOutput
#' @importFrom htmltools div
#' @method knit_print rendered_rmd
#' @rdname knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.rendered_rmd <- function(x, ...) {
x$section <- opts_current$get('stat305templates.in_section')
ns <- NS(x$id)
ui <- uiOutput(ns('rmd_output'))
rmarkdown::shiny_prerendered_chunk('server', sprintf(
'stat305templates:::.render_rmd_server_prerendered_chunk(%s)', dput_object(x)))
#' @importFrom shiny callModule
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom digest digest
.render_rmd_server_prerendered_chunk <- function (options, ...) {
if (is.null(options$hasher)) {
options$hasher <- digest
eval_env <- parent.frame()
tmp_dir <- tempfile('render_rmd')
dir.create(tmp_dir, mode = '0700')
on.exit(unlink(tmp_dir), add = TRUE)
rendered <- .compile_rmd(options$file, options$envir, tmp_dir, eval(options$output_format), eval_env, options$runtime,
options$quiet, precompiled_path = options$precompiled_path, hasher = options$hasher)
ui <- trigger_mathjax(HTML(paste0(readLines(rendered, encoding = 'UTF-8'), collapse = '\n')))
callModule(.render_rmd_server_impl, options$id, options = options, ui = ui,
username = .get_user_id(getDefaultReactiveDomain()))
#' @importFrom shiny callModule includeMarkdown renderUI
.render_rmd_server_impl <- function (input, output, session, options, ui, username) {
visible_sections <- .visible_sections(options$section)
output$rmd_output <- renderUI({
if (!options$show_only_with_section || isTRUE(visible_sections[[options$section$sid]])) {
} else {
warning(sprintf("Attempt to show hidden content (username: %s)", username))
div(class = 'alert alert-warning',
"The content you are trying to view is hidden. This incident will be reported.")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.