
Defines functions cut_mz_list decimalplaces denoise_ms1_spectrum denoise_ms2_spectrum findMsMsHR.mass1 findMsMsHR1 msmsRead1 msmsWorkflow1 process_RMassBank

Documented in process_RMassBank

#' Read and combine targeted MS1 and MS2 scans from one LC-MS/MS file using RMassBank algorithm
#' Function used by library_generator
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics basename
#' @importFrom mzR openMSfile close peaks
#' @export
process_RMassBank<-function(mzdatafiles = NULL, ref = NULL, polarity = c("Positive", "Negative"), include.MS1 = FALSE,
                            rt_search = 10, ppm_search = 10, 
                            baseline= 1000, relative = 5, max_peaks = 200, recalibration = 0, normalized=T){
  options(stringsAsFactors = F)
  if (polarity=="Positive"){mode = "pM"}
  if (polarity=="Negative"){mode = "mH"}
  if (polarity=="Positive"){ref = ref[ref$IONMODE =="Positive",,drop=FALSE]}
  if (polarity=="Negative"){ref = ref[ref$IONMODE =="Negative",,drop=FALSE]}
  output_metadata = c()
  output_sp = list()
  kkk = 0

  valid = which(basename(ref$FILENAME) == basename(mzdatafiles))
  ref = ref[valid,,drop=FALSE]

  ######Prepare metadata#####
  if (nrow(ref)>0){
    ref0 = ref # Backup!

    ref$ID = 1:nrow(ref)
    if (!("Name" %in% colnames(ref))){ref$Name = ref$ID}
    if (!("CAS" %in% colnames(ref))){ref$CAS = ref$ID}
    ######Prepare setting file####
    template = readLines("mysettings.ini")

    ind_rt_search = grep('rtMargin:',template)
    template[ind_rt_search] = paste0("rtMargin: ", rt_search/60)
    ind_rt_search = grep('rtShift:',template)
    template[ind_rt_search] = paste0("rtShift: ", 0)
    ind_ppm_search = grep('ppmHighMass:',template)
    template[ind_ppm_search] = paste0("    ppmHighMass: ", ppm_search)
    ind_ppm_search2 = grep('ppmFine:',template)[1]
    template[ind_ppm_search2] = paste0("    ppmFine: ", ppm_search/2)
    ind_baseline = grep('prelimCut:',template)
    template[ind_baseline] = paste0("    prelimCut: ", baseline)
    ind_ppm_search3 = grep('ppmFine:',template)[2]
    template[ind_ppm_search3] = paste0("    ppmFine: ", ppm_search)
    writeLines(template, con = "mysettings.ini")

    for (rr in 1:nrow(ref)){
      ref2 = ref[rr,,drop=FALSE]

      for (x in 1:ncol(ref2)){ref2[1,x] = gsub(",","_", ref2[1,x])} # Pb with compound list...
      ref2$PEPMASS = as.numeric(ref2$PEPMASS)
      write.csv(ref2, "Compoundlist.csv", sep=",", col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)
      w0 <- newMsmsWorkspace()
      w0@files = mzdatafiles
      # Processing:
      sp2 = NULL
      if (recalibration==0){w1 <- try(msmsWorkflow1(w = w0, cpdid = ref2$ID, mode = mode, steps = c(1:3), readMethod = "mzR"), silent = T)}
      if (recalibration>0){w1 <- try(msmsWorkflow1(w = w0, cpdid = ref2$ID, mode = mode, steps = c(1:6), readMethod = "mzR"), silent = T)}
      if (class(w1)!="try-error"){
        temp_sp1 = w1@spectra[[1]]@parent
        sp1 = cbind(temp_sp1@mz, temp_sp1@intensity)
        aggregated = w1@aggregated
        # Just merge spectra without recalibration:
        if (recalibration==0 & nrow(aggregated)>2){
          temp_sp2 = cbind(aggregated$mzFound, aggregated$intensity)
          temp_sp2 = temp_sp2[order(temp_sp2[,1]),,drop=FALSE]
          temp_sp2_feature = cut_mz_list(temp_sp2[,1], 0.02)
          sp2_feature = unique(temp_sp2_feature)
          sp2 = c()
          for (j in 1:length(sp2_feature)){
            valid = which(temp_sp2_feature == sp2_feature[j])
            sub_sp = temp_sp2[valid,,drop=FALSE]
            sp2 = rbind(sp2, colMeans(sub_sp))
      # Recalibration if necessary:
        if (recalibration>0 & nrow(aggregated)>2){
          aggregated = aggregated[which(aggregated$good),,drop=FALSE]
          aggregated = aggregated[which(!aggregated$noise),,drop=FALSE]
          aggregated = aggregated[which(!is.na(aggregated$formula)),,drop=FALSE]
          aggregated = aggregated[which(!duplicated(aggregated$formula)),,drop=FALSE]
          if (recalibration==1){
            sp2 = cbind.data.frame(aggregated$mzFound, aggregated$intensity, aggregated$formula)
          if (recalibration==2){
            sp2 = cbind.data.frame(aggregated$mzCalc, aggregated$intensity, aggregated$formula)
        colnames(sp2) = NULL
      # Update   

      if (!is.null(sp2)){
        # Basic metadata:
        temp_sp2 = w1@spectra[[1]]@children
        prec_mz = w1@spectra[[1]]@mz

        prec_rt_ms1 = round(w1@spectra[[1]]@parent@rt/60,2)
        prec_rt_ms2 = round(median(sapply(temp_sp2, function(x) x@rt))/60, 2)
        prec_scan_ms1 = w1@spectra[[1]]@parent@acquisitionNum
        prec_scan_ms2 =  round(median(sapply(temp_sp2, function(x) x@acquisitionNum)),0)
        # Add MS2 Spectra:
        temp_metadata_ms2 = ref2
        temp_metadata_ms2$PEPMASS = prec_mz 
        temp_metadata_ms2$RT = prec_rt_ms2
        temp_metadata_ms2$TIC = sum(sp2[,2])
        temp_metadata_ms2$PEPMASS_DEV = (prec_mz - ref2$PEPMASS)/ref2$PEPMASS*1000000
        temp_metadata_ms2$SCAN_NUMBER = prec_scan_ms2 # Median scan of aggregated
        temp_metadata_ms2$ID = ref0$ID[rr]
        temp_sp_ms2 = denoise_ms2_spectrum(sp2, prec_mz, max_peaks, relative, normalized)
        kkk = kkk+1
        output_metadata = rbind(output_metadata, temp_metadata_ms2)
        output_sp[[kkk]] = temp_sp_ms2
        # Add MS1
        if (include.MS1){
          temp_metadata_ms1 = ref2
          temp_metadata_ms1$PEPMASS = prec_mz 
          temp_metadata_ms1$RT = prec_rt_ms1
          temp_metadata_ms1$MSLEVEL= 1
          temp_metadata_ms1$TIC = sum(sp1[,2])
          temp_metadata_ms1$PEPMASS_DEV = (prec_mz - ref2$PEPMASS)/ref2$PEPMASS*1000000
          temp_metadata_ms1$SCAN_NUMBER = prec_scan_ms1 # Median scan of aggregated
          temp_metadata_ms1$ID = ref0$ID[rr]
          temp_sp_ms1 = denoise_ms1_spectrum(sp1, prec_mz, 10000, 0, normalized)
          kkk = kkk+1
          output_metadata = rbind(output_metadata, temp_metadata_ms1)
          output_sp[[kkk]] = temp_sp_ms1

   ####Filter empty spectra###

  filter = which(sapply(output_sp, nrow)>0)
  output_metadata = output_metadata[filter,,drop=FALSE]
  output_sp = output_sp[filter]
  if (!is.null(dev.list())){dev.off()}


###Modified RMassBank Pipeline ##

msmsWorkflow1<-function(w, cpdid, mode = "pH", steps = c(1:8), confirmMode = FALSE, 
                         newRecalibration = TRUE, useRtLimit = TRUE, archivename = NA, 
                         readMethod = "mzR", findPeaksArgs = NULL, plots = FALSE, 
                         precursorscan.cf = FALSE, settings = getOption("RMassBank"), 
                         analyzeMethod = "formula", progressbar = "progressBarHook", 
                         MSe = FALSE){
  if (!any(mode %in% c("pH", "pNa", "pNH4", 
                       "pM", "mH", "mFA", "mM", ""))) 
    stop(paste("The ionization mode", mode, "is unknown."))
  if (!is.na(archivename)) 
    w@archivename <- archivename
  nProg <- 0
  nLen <- length(w@files)
  allUnknown <- FALSE
  #if (all(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$Level == "5")) {
  #  allUnknown <- TRUE
  #  message("All compounds are unknown, the workflow will be adjusted accordingly")
  if (readMethod == "minimal") {
    opt <- getOption("RMassBank")
    opt$recalibrator$MS1 <- "recalibrate.identity"
    opt$recalibrator$MS2 <- "recalibrate.identity"
    opt$add_annotation <- FALSE
    opt$multiplicityFilter <- 1
    options(RMassBank = opt)
    settings <- getOption("RMassBank")
    analyzeMethod <- "intensity"
  if (!all(steps > 4) & !is.null(w@parent)) {
    rc <- w@rc
    rc.ms1 <- w@rc.ms1
    w <- w@parent
    w@rc <- rc
    w@rc.ms1 <- rc.ms1
  if (1 %in% steps) {
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 1. Acquire all MSMS spectra from files")
    w <- msmsRead1(w = w, files = w@files, cpdid = cpdid, readMethod = readMethod, 
                  mode = mode, confirmMode = confirmMode, useRtLimit = useRtLimit, 
                  Args = findPeaksArgs, settings = settings, progressbar = progressbar, 
                  MSe = MSe)
  if (2 %in% steps) {
    nProg <- 0
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 2. First analysis pre recalibration")
    if (allUnknown) {
      analyzeMethod <- "intensity"
    pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object = NULL, value = 0, 
                                    min = 0, max = nLen))

    w@spectra <- as(lapply(w@spectra, function(spec) {
      s <- analyzeMsMs1(spec, mode = mode, detail = TRUE, 
                       run = "preliminary", filterSettings = settings$filterSettings, 
                       spectraList = settings$spectraList, method = analyzeMethod)
      nProg <<- nProg + 1
      pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object = pb, value = nProg))
    }), "SimpleList")
    suppressWarnings(do.call(progressbar, list(object = pb, 
                                               close = TRUE)))
  if (3 %in% steps) {
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 3. Aggregate all spectra")
    w@aggregated <- aggregateSpectra1(w@spectra, addIncomplete = TRUE)
  if (allUnknown) {
    w@aggregated$noise <- FALSE
    w@aggregated$noise <- FALSE
    w@aggregated$reanalyzed.formula <- NA
    w@aggregated$reanalyzed.mzCalc <- NA
    w@aggregated$reanalyzed.dppm <- NA
    w@aggregated$reanalyzed.formulaCount <- NA
    w@aggregated$reanalyzed.dbe <- NA
    w@aggregated$matchedReanalysis <- NA
    w@aggregated$filterOK <- TRUE
    w@aggregated$problematicPeak <- FALSE
    w@aggregated$formulaMultiplicity <- unlist(sapply(table(w@aggregated$cpdID), 
                                                      function(x) rep(x, x)))
  if (4 %in% steps) {
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 4. Recalibrate m/z values in raw spectra")
    if (newRecalibration) {
       recal <- makeRecalibration1(w, mode, recalibrateBy = settings$recalibrateBy, 
                                 recalibrateMS1 = settings$recalibrateMS1, recalibrator = settings$recalibrator, 
                                 recalibrateMS1Window = settings$recalibrateMS1Window)
      w@rc <- recal$rc
      w@rc.ms1 <- recal$rc.ms1
    w@parent <- w
    w@aggregated <- data.frame()
    spectra <- recalibrateSpectra(rawspec =  w@spectra, w = w, 
              recalibrateBy = settings$recalibrateBy, recalibrateMS1 = settings$recalibrateMS1)
    w@spectra <- spectra
  if (5 %in% steps) {
    nProg <- 0
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 5. Reanalyze recalibrated spectra")
    pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object = NULL, value = 0, 
                                    min = 0, max = nLen))
    w@spectra <- as(lapply(w@spectra, function(spec) {
      if (findLevel(spec@id, TRUE) == "unknown") {
        analyzeMethod <- "intensity"
      else {
        analyzeMethod <- "formula"
      s <- analyzeMsMs1(spec, mode = mode, detail = TRUE, 
                       run = "recalibrated", filterSettings = settings$filterSettings, 
                       spectraList = settings$spectraList, method = analyzeMethod)
      nProg <<- nProg + 1
      pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object = pb, value = nProg))
    }), "SimpleList")
    suppressWarnings(do.call(progressbar, list(object = pb, 
                                               close = TRUE)))
    do.call(progressbar, list(object = pb, close = TRUE))
  if (6 %in% steps) {
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 6. Aggregate recalibrated results")
    w@aggregated <- aggregateSpectra1(w@spectra, addIncomplete = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(archivename)) 
      archiveResults(w, paste(archivename, ".RData", 
                              sep = ""), settings)
    w@aggregated <- cleanElnoise(w@aggregated, settings$electronicNoise, 
  if (7 %in% steps) {
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 7. Reanalyze fail peaks for N2 + O")
    w@aggregated <- reanalyzeFailpeaks(w@aggregated, custom_additions = "N2O", 
                                       mode = mode, filterSettings = settings$filterSettings, 
                                       progressbar = progressbar)
    if (!is.na(archivename)) 
      archiveResults(w, paste(archivename, "_RA.RData", 
                              sep = ""), settings)
  if (8 %in% steps) {
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 8. Peak multiplicity filtering")
    if (is.null(settings$multiplicityFilter)) {
      message("msmsWorkflow: Step 8. Peak multiplicity filtering skipped because multiplicityFilter parameter is not set.")
    else {
      w@aggregated <- filterMultiplicity(w, archivename, 
                                         mode, multiplicityFilter = settings$multiplicityFilter)
      w@aggregated <- processProblematicPeaks(w, mode, 
      if (!is.na(archivename)) 
        archiveResults(w, paste(archivename, "_RF.RData", 
                                sep = ""), settings)
  message("msmsWorkflow: Done.")

###Modified RMassBank Subfunctions ##

msmsRead1 <- function(w, filetable = NULL, files = NULL, cpdids = NULL, 
                      readMethod, mode, confirmMode = FALSE, useRtLimit = TRUE, 
                      Args = NULL, settings = getOption("RMassBank"),
                      progressbar = "progressBarHook", MSe = FALSE, plots = FALSE){
  ##Read the files and cpdids according to the definition
  ##All cases are silently accepted, as long as they can be handled according to one definition
  if(!any(mode %in% c("pH","pNa","pM","pNH4","mH","mFA","mM",""))) stop(paste("The ionization mode", mode, "is unknown."))
    ##If no filetable is supplied, filenames must be named explicitly
      stop("Please supply the files")
    ##Assign the filenames to the workspace
    w@files <- unlist(files)
    ##If no filetable is supplied, cpdids must be delivered explicitly or implicitly within the filenames
      splitfn <- strsplit(files,"_")
      splitsfn <- sapply(splitfn, function(x) x[length(x)-1])
        stop("Please supply the cpdids corresponding to the files in the filetable or the filenames")
      cpdids <- splitsfn
  } else{
    ##If a filetable is supplied read it
    tab <- read.csv(filetable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    w@files <- tab[,"Files"]
    cpdids <- tab[,"ID"]
   ##If there's more cpdids than filenames or the other way around, then abort
  if(length(w@files) != length(cpdids)){
    stop("There are a different number of cpdids than files")
  if(!(readMethod %in% c("mzR","peaklist","xcms","minimal"))){
    stop("The supplied method does not exist")
    stop("The supplied files ", paste(w@files[!file.exists(w@files)]), " don't exist")
  # na.ids <- which(is.na(sapply(cpdids, findSmiles)))
  # if(length(na.ids)){
  # stop("The supplied compound ids ", paste(cpdids[na.ids], collapse=" "), " don't have a corresponding smiles entry. Maybe they are missing from the compound list")
  # }
  ##This should work
  if(readMethod == "minimal"){
    ##Edit options
    opt <- getOption("RMassBank")
    opt$recalibrator$MS1 <- "recalibrate.identity"
    opt$recalibrator$MS2 <- "recalibrate.identity"
    ##Edit analyzemethod
    analyzeMethod <- "intensity"
  if(readMethod == "mzR"){
    nLen <- length(w@files)
    nProg <- 0
    pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=NULL, value=0, min=0, max=nLen))
    count <- 1
    envir <- environment()
    w@spectra <- as(lapply(w@files, function(fileName) {
      # Find compound ID
      cpdID <- cpdids[count]
      retrieval <- findLevel(cpdID,TRUE)
      # Set counter up
      envir$count <- envir$count + 1
      # Retrieve spectrum data
      spec <- findMsMsHR1(fileName = fileName, 
                          cpdID = cpdID, mode = mode, confirmMode = confirmMode, useRtLimit = useRtLimit,
                          ppmFine = settings$findMsMsRawSettings$ppmFine,
                          mzCoarse = settings$findMsMsRawSettings$mzCoarse,
                          fillPrecursorScan = settings$findMsMsRawSettings$fillPrecursorScan,
                          rtMargin = settings$rtMargin,
                          deprofile = settings$deprofile, retrieval=retrieval)
      # Progress:
      nProg <<- nProg + 1
      pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, value= nProg))

    } ), "SimpleList")
    names(w@spectra) <- basename(as.character(w@files))
  if(readMethod == "xcms"){
    ##Load libraries
    ##Find unique files and cpdIDs
    ufiles <- unique(w@files)
    uIDs <- unique(cpdids)
    nLen <- length(ufiles)
    nProg <- 0
    pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=NULL, value=0, min=0, max=nLen))
    i <- 1
    ##Routine for the case of multiple cpdIDs per file
    if(length(uIDs) > length(ufiles)){
      w@spectra <- as(unlist(lapply(ufiles, function(currentFile){
        fileIDs <- cpdids[which(w@files == currentFile)]
        spec <- findMsMsHRperxcms(currentFile, fileIDs, mode=mode, findPeaksArgs=Args, plots, MSe = MSe)
        # Progress:
        nProg <<- nProg + 1
        pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, value= nProg))
    ##Routine for the other cases
    w@spectra <- as(lapply(uIDs, function(ID){
      # Find files corresponding to the compoundID
      currentFile <- w@files[which(cpdids == ID)]
      # Retrieve spectrum data
      spec <- findMsMsHRperxcms(currentFile, ID, mode=mode, findPeaksArgs=Args, plots, MSe = MSe)
      # Progress:
      nProg <<- nProg + 1
      pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, value= nProg))
    ##If there are more files than unique cpdIDs, only remember the first file for every cpdID
    w@files <- w@files[sapply(uIDs, function(ID){
      return(which(cpdids == ID)[1])
  if((readMethod == "peaklist") || (readMethod=="minimal")){
    w <- createSpecsFromPeaklists(w, cpdids, filenames=w@files, mode=mode)
    uIDs <- unique(cpdids)
    files <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(uIDs)){
      indices <- sapply(cpdids,function(a){return(uIDs[i] %in% a)})
      files[[i]] <- w@files[indices]
    w@files <- sapply(files,function(file){return(file[1])})
    message("Peaks read")

findMsMsHR1 <- function(fileName = NULL, msRaw = NULL, cpdID, mode="pH",confirmMode =0, useRtLimit = TRUE,
                        ppmFine = getOption("RMassBank")$findMsMsRawSettings$ppmFine,
                        mzCoarse = getOption("RMassBank")$findMsMsRawSettings$mzCoarse,
                        fillPrecursorScan = getOption("RMassBank")$findMsMsRawSettings$fillPrecursorScan,
                        rtMargin = getOption("RMassBank")$rtMargin,
                        deprofile = getOption("RMassBank")$deprofile,
                        headerCache = NULL,
                        peaksCache = NULL,
  # access data directly for finding the MS/MS data. This is done using
  # mzR.
  if(!is.null(fileName) & !is.null(msRaw))
    stop("Both MS raw data and MS filename given. Only one can be handled at the same time.")
    msRaw <- openMSfile(fileName)

  mzLimits <- findMz(cpdID, mode, retrieval=retrieval)
  mz <- mzLimits$mzCenter
  limit.fine <- ppm(mz, ppmFine, p=TRUE)
    rtLimits <- NA
    dbRt <- findRt(cpdID)
    rtLimits <- c(dbRt$RT - rtMargin, dbRt$RT + rtMargin) * 60

  spectra <- findMsMsHR.mass1(msRaw, mz, mzCoarse, limit.fine, rtLimits, confirmMode + 1,headerCache
                              ,fillPrecursorScan, deprofile, peaksCache, cpdID)
  # check whether a) spectrum was found and b) enough spectra were found
  if(length(spectra) < (confirmMode + 1))
    sp <- new("RmbSpectraSet", found=FALSE)
    sp <- spectra[[confirmMode + 1]]
  #sp@mz <- mzLimits
  sp@id <- as.character(as.integer(cpdID))
  #sp@name <- findName(cpdID)
  ENV <- environment()
  if(retrieval == "unknown"){
    sp@formula <- ""
  } else{
    sp@formula <- findFormula(cpdID, retrieval=retrieval)
  sp@mode <- mode
  # If we had to open the file, we have to close it again

findMsMsHR.mass1 <- function(msRaw, mz, limit.coarse, limit.fine, rtLimits = NA, maxCount = NA,
                             headerCache = NULL, fillPrecursorScan = FALSE,
                             deprofile = getOption("RMassBank")$deprofile, peaksCache = NULL, cpdID = NA){
  eic <- findEIC(msRaw, mz, limit.fine, rtLimits, headerCache=headerCache, 
  #	if(!is.na(rtLimits))
  #	{  
  #		eic <- subset(eic, rt >= rtLimits[[1]] & rt <= rtLimits[[2]])
  #	}
    headerData <- headerCache
    headerData <- as.data.frame(mzR::header(msRaw))

  ###If no precursor scan number, fill the number
  if(length(unique(headerData$precursorScanNum)) == 1){
    fillPrecursorScan <- TRUE
  if(fillPrecursorScan == TRUE)
    # reset the precursor scan number. first set to NA, then
    # carry forward the precursor scan number from the last parent scan
    headerData$precursorScanNum <- NA
    headerData[which(headerData$msLevel == 1),"precursorScanNum"] <-
      headerData[which(headerData$msLevel == 1),"acquisitionNum"]
    headerData[,"precursorScanNum"] <- .locf(headerData[,"precursorScanNum"])
    # Clear the actual MS1 precursor scan number again
    headerData[which(headerData$msLevel == 1),"precursorScanNum"] <- 0
  # bugfix 201803: PRM scans that were performed before the first full scan (found in some files)
  headerData <- headerData[
    !((headerData$msLevel == 2) & (headerData$precursorScanNum == 0)),,drop=FALSE

  # Find MS2 spectra with precursors which are in the allowed 
  # scan filter (coarse limit) range
  findValidPrecursors <- headerData[
    (headerData$precursorMZ > mz - limit.coarse) &
      (headerData$precursorMZ < mz + limit.coarse),,drop=FALSE]

  # Find the precursors for the found spectra
  validPrecursors <- unique(findValidPrecursors$precursorScanNum)
  # check whether the precursors are real: must be within fine limits!
  # previously even "bad" precursors were taken. e.g. 1-benzylpiperazine
  validPrecursors = validPrecursors[!is.na(validPrecursors)]

  which_OK <- lapply(validPrecursors, function(pscan)
    pplist <- as.data.frame(
      ProtGenerics::peaks(msRaw, which(headerData$acquisitionNum == pscan)))
    colnames(pplist) <- c("mz","int")
    pplist <- pplist[(pplist$mz >= mz -limit.fine)
                     & (pplist$mz <= mz + limit.fine),,drop=FALSE]
    if(nrow(pplist) > 0)

  validPrecursors <- validPrecursors[which(which_OK==TRUE)]

  if(length(validPrecursors) == 0){
      warning(paste0("No precursor was detected for compound, ", cpdID, " with m/z ", mz, ". Please check the mass and retention time window."))
      warning(paste0("No precursor was detected for m/z ", mz, ". Please check the mass and retention time window."))
  # Crop the "EIC" to the valid precursor scans
  eic <- eic[eic$scan %in% validPrecursors,]
  # Order by intensity, descending
  eic <- eic[order(eic$intensity, decreasing=TRUE),]
  if(nrow(eic) == 0)
    spectraCount <- min(maxCount, nrow(eic))
    eic <- eic[1:spectraCount,,drop=FALSE]

  # Construct all spectra groups in decreasing intensity order
  spectra <- lapply(eic$scan, function(masterScan)
    masterHeader <- headerData[headerData$acquisitionNum == masterScan,,drop=FALSE]
    childHeaders <- headerData[which((headerData$precursorScanNum == masterScan) 
                               & (headerData$precursorMZ > mz - limit.coarse) 
                               & (headerData$precursorMZ < mz + limit.coarse)),,drop=FALSE]
    # Fix 9.10.17: headers now include non-numeric columns, leading to errors in data conversion.
    # Remove non-numeric columns
    headerCols <- colnames(masterHeader)
    headerCols <- headerCols[unlist(lapply(headerCols, function(col) is.numeric(masterHeader[,col])))]
    masterHeader <- masterHeader[,headerCols,drop=FALSE]
    childHeaders <- childHeaders[,headerCols,drop=FALSE]
    childScans <- childHeaders$seqNum
    msPeaks <- ProtGenerics::peaks(msRaw, masterHeader$seqNum)

    # if deprofile option is set: run deprofiling
    deprofile.setting <- deprofile
      msPeaks <- deprofile.scan(
        msPeaks, method = deprofile.setting, noise = NA, colnames = FALSE
    colnames(msPeaks) <- c("mz","int")

    msmsSpecs <- apply(childHeaders, 1, function(line)
      pks <- ProtGenerics::peaks(msRaw, line["seqNum"])
        pks <- deprofile.scan(
          pks, method = deprofile.setting, noise = NA, colnames = FALSE
          mz = pks[,1],
          intensity = pks[,2],
          precScanNum = as.integer(line["precursorScanNum"]),
          precursorMz = line["precursorMZ"],
          precursorIntensity = line["precursorIntensity"],
          precursorCharge = as.integer(line["precursorCharge"]),
          collisionEnergy = line["collisionEnergy"],
          tic = line["totIonCurrent"],
          peaksCount = line["peaksCount"],
          rt = line["retentionTime"],
          acquisitionNum = as.integer(line["seqNum"]),
          centroided = TRUE
    msmsSpecs <- as(do.call(c, msmsSpecs), "SimpleList")
    # build the new objects
    masterSpec <- new("Spectrum1",
                      mz = msPeaks[,"mz"],
                      intensity = msPeaks[,"int"],
                      polarity = as.integer(masterHeader$polarity),
                      peaksCount = as.integer(masterHeader$peaksCount),
                      rt = masterHeader$retentionTime,
                      acquisitionNum = as.integer(masterHeader$seqNum),
                      tic = masterHeader$totIonCurrent,
                      centroided = TRUE
    spectraSet <- new("RmbSpectraSet",
                      parent = masterSpec,
                      children = msmsSpecs,
                      found = TRUE,
                      #complete = NA,
                      #empty = NA,
                      #formula = character(),
                      mz = mz
                      #name = character(),
                      #annotations = list()
  names(spectra) <- eic$acquisitionNum

analyzeMsMs1<-function (msmsPeaks, mode = "pH", detail = FALSE, run = "preliminary", 
                       filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings, 
                       spectraList = getOption("RMassBank")$spectraList, method = "formula"){
  if (msmsPeaks@found == FALSE) 
  if (method == "formula") {
    r <- analyzeMsMs.formula(msmsPeaks, mode, detail, run, 
  else if (method == "intensity") {
    r <- analyzeMsMs.intensity(msmsPeaks, mode, detail, run, 
  children <- mapply(function(spec, info) {
    spec@info <- info
  }, r@children, spectraList, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  r@children <- as(children, "SimpleList")
  ok <- unlist(lapply(r@children, function(c) c@ok))
  r@complete <- FALSE
  r@empty <- FALSE
  if (all(ok)) 
    r@complete <- TRUE
  if (all(!ok)) 
    r@empty <- TRUE

aggregateSpectra1 <- function (spec, addIncomplete = FALSE){
  if (addIncomplete) 
    aggSpectra <- selectSpectra(spec, "found", "object")
  else aggSpectra <- selectSpectra(spec, "complete", 
  compoundTables <- lapply(aggSpectra, function(s) {
    tables.c <- lapply(s@children, function(c) {
      table.c <- getData(c)
      table.c <- table.c[table.c$rawOK, , drop = FALSE]
      table.c$rawOK <- NULL
      table.c$low <- NULL
      table.c$satellite <- NULL
      table.c$scan <- rep(c@acquisitionNum, nrow(table.c))
    table.cpd <- do.call(rbind, tables.c)
    columnNames <- c("mzCalc", "formula", "dbe", 
                     "formulaCount", "dppm", "dppmBest")
    if (all(!(columnNames %in% colnames(table.cpd)))) 
      for (columnName in columnNames) table.cpd[, columnName] <- as.numeric(rep(x = NA, 
                                                                                times = nrow(table.cpd)))
    table.cpd$cpdID <- rep(s@id, nrow(table.cpd))
    if (length(s@name)==0){s@name = "N/A"}
    table.cpd$name <- rep(s@name, nrow(table.cpd))
    table.cpd$parentScan <- rep(s@parent@acquisitionNum, 
  aggTable <- do.call(rbind, compoundTables)
  if (is.null(aggTable)) 
    aggTable <- data.frame(mz = numeric(), intensity = numeric(), 
                           good = logical(), mzCalc = numeric(), formula = character(), 
                           dbe = numeric(), formulaCount = integer(), dppm = numeric(), 
                           dppmBest = numeric(), scan = integer(), cpdID = integer(), 
                           parentScan = integer(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(aggTable)[1] <- "mzFound"
  aggTable <- addProperty(aggTable, "dppmRc", "numeric")
  aggTable <- addProperty(aggTable, "index", "integer")
  if (nrow(aggTable) > 0) 
    aggTable$index <- 1:nrow(aggTable)
  aggTable[aggTable$good, "dppmRc"] <- (aggTable[aggTable$good, 
                                                 "mzFound"]/aggTable[aggTable$good, "mzCalc"] - 
                                          1) * 1e+06

###Post-Processing functions ##

denoise_ms2_spectrum<-function(sp, mz0, max_peak, min_relative, normalized = T){
  denoised_spectrum = matrix(c(0,0),1,2)
  if (nrow(sp)>0){
    # Check resolution:
    checked = any(sapply(sp[,1], decimalplaces)>2) # At least 2 values after decimal
    # Filter top peaks:
    sp = sp[order(sp[,2], decreasing = T),,drop=FALSE]
    tops = min(max_peak, nrow(sp))  
    sp = sp[1:tops,,drop=FALSE]
    # Normalize to 100:
    sp1 = sp
    sp1[,2] = sp1[,2]/max(sp1[,2])*100
    # Relative Intensity filter:
    filter = which(sp1[,2]>=min_relative & sp1[,1]<mz0-1)
    if (normalized){sp = sp1}  
    sp = sp[filter,,drop=FALSE]
    # Check validity:
    if (nrow(sp)>0 & checked){
      sp = sp[order(sp[,1]),,drop=FALSE]
      if (normalized){sp[,2] = sp[,2]/max(sp[,2])*100}
      denoised_spectrum = sp

denoise_ms1_spectrum<-function(sp, mz0, max_peak, min_relative, normalized = T){
  denoised_spectrum = matrix(c(0,0),1,2)
  if (nrow(sp)>0){
    # Check resolution:
    checked = any(sapply(sp[,1], decimalplaces)>2) # At least 2 values after decimal

    # Normalize to 100:
    sp1 = sp
    sp1[,2] = sp1[,2]/max(sp1[,2])*100
    # Relative Intensity filter:
    filter = which(sp1[,2]>=min_relative & sp1[,1]>=mz0-40 & sp1[,1]<=mz0+70)
    if (normalized){
      sp = sp1[filter,,drop = FALSE]
    } else {sp = sp[filter,,drop=FALSE]}
    # Filter top peaks:
    sp = sp[order(sp[,2], decreasing = T),,drop=FALSE]
    tops = min(max_peak, nrow(sp))  
    sp = sp[1:tops,,drop=FALSE]
    # Check validity:
    if (nrow(sp)>=2 & checked){
      sp = sp[order(sp[,1]),]
      if (normalized){sp[,2] = sp[,2]/max(sp[,2])*100}
      denoised_spectrum = sp

decimalplaces <- function(x){
  if ((x %% 1) != 0) {
    nchar(strsplit(sub('0+$', '', as.character(x)), ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][[2]])
  } else {

makeRecalibration1<-function (w, mode, recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy, 
                              recalibrateMS1 = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1, 
                              recalibrator = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrator, 
                              recalibrateMS1Window = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1Window) 
  if (is.null(w@spectra)) 
    stop("No spectra present to generate recalibration curve.")
  rcdata <- peaksMatched(w)
  rcdata <- rcdata[!is.na(rcdata$formulaCount) & rcdata$formulaCount == 
                     1, , drop = FALSE]
  rcdata <- rcdata[, c("mzFound", "dppm", "mzCalc")]
  if (nrow(rcdata) == 0) 
    stop("No peaks matched to generate recalibration curve.")
  ms1data <- recalibrate.addMS1data(w@spectra, recalibrateMS1Window)
  ms1data <- ms1data[, c("mzFound", "dppm", "mzCalc")]

  if (recalibrateMS1 != "none") {
    rcdata <- rbind(rcdata, ms1data)
  rcdata$dmz <- rcdata$mzFound - rcdata$mzCalc
  ms1data$dmz <- ms1data$mzFound - ms1data$mzCalc
  if (recalibrateBy == "dppm") {
    rcdata$recalfield <- rcdata$dppm
    ms1data$recalfield <- ms1data$dppm
  else {
    rcdata$recalfield <- rcdata$dmz
    ms1data$recalfield <- ms1data$dmz
  rc <- do.call(recalibrator$MS2, list(rcdata))

  if (recalibrateMS1 == "separate") 
    rc.ms1 <- do.call(recalibrator$MS1, list(ms1data))
  else rc.ms1 <- rc
  return(list(rc = rc, rc.ms1 = rc.ms1))

recalibrate.addMS1data<-function (spec, recalibrateMS1Window = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1Window) 
  specFound <- selectSpectra(spec, "found", "object")
  ms1peaks <- lapply(specFound, function(cpd) {
    if (cpd@formula == "") 
    mzL <- findMz.formula(cpd@formula, cpd@mode, recalibrateMS1Window,0)
    mzCalc <- mzL$mzCenter
    ms1 <- cpd@parent@mz
    mzFound <- ms1[which.min(abs(ms1 - mzL$mzCenter))]
    if (!length(mzFound)) {
      return(c(mzFound = NA, mzCalc = mzCalc, dppm = NA))
    else {
      dppmRc <- (mzFound/mzCalc - 1) * 1e+06
      return(c(mzFound = mzFound, mzCalc = mzCalc, dppm = dppmRc, 
               id = cpd@id))
  ms1peaks <- ms1peaks[which(!unlist(lapply(ms1peaks, is.null)))]
  ms1peaks <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, ms1peaks), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  tonum <- c("mzFound", "dppm", "mzCalc")
  ms1peaks[, tonum] <- as.numeric(unlist(ms1peaks[, tonum]))
  ms1peaks <- ms1peaks[!is.na(ms1peaks$mzFound), ]

recalibrateSpectra <- function (rawspec = NULL, rc = NULL, rc.ms1 = NULL, w = NULL, 
          recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy, recalibrateMS1 = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1) 
  if (!is.null(w)) {
    rc <- w@rc
    rc.ms1 <- w@rc.ms1
  if (is.null(rc) || is.null(rc.ms1)) 
    stop("Please specify the recalibration curves either via workspace (w) or via parameters rc, rc.ms1.")
  if (!is.null(rawspec)) {
    recalibratedSpecs <- lapply(rawspec, function(s) {
      if (s@found) {
        recalSpectra <- lapply(s@children, function(p) {
          recalibrateSingleSpec(p, rc, recalibrateBy)
        s@children <- as(recalSpectra, "SimpleList")
        if (recalibrateMS1 != "none") {
          s@parent <- recalibrateSingleSpec(s@parent, 
                                            rc.ms1, recalibrateBy)
      s@empty <- NA
      s@complete <- NA
    return(as(recalibratedSpecs, "SimpleList"))
  else return(list())

cut_mz_list<-function(mzlist, mz_window){
  mz_feature=c(0, N) 
  t0 = 1 # Start index of a cluster
  for (k in 2:N){
    min_mz = min(mzlist[t0:(k-1)])
    avg_mz = mean(mzlist[t0:(k-1)])
    if (mzlist[k] - min_mz > mz_window & mzlist[k] - avg_mz > mz_window/2){
      mz_feature[t0:(k-1)] = f 
      f = f + 1
      t0 = k
  mz_feature[t0:N] = f
daniellyz/MergeION2 documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 6:24 a.m.