confint.egf <-
function(object, parm, level = 0.95,
A = seq_along(par),
method = c("wald", "profile", "uniroot"),
scale = 7,
parallel = egf_parallel(),
trace = FALSE,
top = egf_top(object),
subset = NULL,
select = NULL,
class = FALSE,
link = TRUE,
random = FALSE,
...) {
stopifnot(isNumber(level), level > 0, level < 1,
isTrueFalse(class), isTrueFalse(link), isTrueFalse(random))
method <- match.arg(method)
par <- coef(object)
which <- NULL
if (m.A <- is.null(A)) {
top. <- egf_top(object)
top <- unique(match.arg(top, top., several.ok = TRUE))
frame <- model.frame(object, "combined")
subset <- egf_eval_subset(subset, frame, parent.frame())
select <- egf_eval_select(select, frame, baseenv())
frame <- frame[subset, select, drop = FALSE]
info <- model.frame(object, "windows")[subset, c("ts", "window")]
ts <- info[["ts" ]]
window <- info[["window"]]
A <- egf_make_A(object, top = top, subset = subset)
else if ((is.double(A) && !is.object(A) && is.matrix(A)) ||
is(A, "dMatrix"))
stopifnot(nrow(A) > 0L,
ncol(A) == 1L + length(par),
min(rowSums(A[, -1L, drop = FALSE] != 0)) > 0)
else {
which <- `names<-`(seq_along(par), labels(par))[A]
A <- new("dgRMatrix",
Dim = c(length(which), 1L + length(par)),
Dimnames = list(names(which), NULL),
p = c(0L, seq_along(which)),
j = which,
x =, length(which)))
h <- 0.5 * (1 - level)
p <- c(h, 1 - h)
q <- qnorm(p)
percent <- formatp(p, 3L)
if (class)
class <- m.A
if (method == "wald" && m.A && random) {
rpt <- egf_adreport(object)
i <- names(rpt[["value"]]) == "Y"
value <- rpt[["value"]][i]
se <- rpt[["sd" ]][i]
dim(value) <- dim(se) <- rpt[["env"]][["ADreportDims"]][["Y"]]
dimnames(value) <- dimnames(se) <- list(NULL, top.)
value <- as.vector(value[subset, top, drop = FALSE])
se <- as.vector(se [subset, top, drop = FALSE])
ans <- wald(value, se, level)
else if (method == "wald") {
rpt <- egf_adreport(object)
P. <- rpt[["par.fixed"]]
V. <- rpt[["cov.fixed"]]
if (!is.null(which)) {
value <- P.[which]
se <- sqrt(diag(V., names = FALSE)[which])
else {
A. <- A[, -1L, drop = FALSE]
V. <- A. %*% tcrossprod(V., A.)
value <- as.vector(A %*% c(1, P.))
se <- sqrt(diag(V., names = FALSE))
ans <- wald(value, se, level)
else if (method == "profile") {
po <- profile(object, level = level, A = A,
parallel = parallel, trace = trace, ...)
ans <- confint(po, level = level)
else if (method == "uniroot") {
stopifnot(inherits(parallel, "egf_parallel"),
isNumber(scale), scale > 0)
a <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(A)), function(i) A[i, ])
## y := nll_restricted - nll_minimum = 0.5 * (change in deviance)
target <- 0.5 * qchisq(level, df = 1)
sd.range <- scale
nomp <- object[["control"]][["omp_num_threads"]]
nprf <- length(a)
doRoot <-
function(i, a) {
if (trace)
cat(gettextf("computing interval %d of %d ...", i, nprf),
"\n", sep = "")
a[1L] + TMB::tmbroot(obj, lincomb = a[-1L], target = target,
sd.range = sd.range, trace = FALSE)
if (parallel[["method"]] == "snow") {
environment(doRoot) <- globalenv()
## Reconstruct list of arguments to 'MakeADFun'
## from object internals for retaping
args <- egf_tmb_remake_args(object[["tmb_out"]], par = object[["best"]])
## Retrieve path to shared object for loading
dll <- .dll
cl <- parallel[["cl"]]
if (is.null(cl)) {
cl <-, parallel[["args"]])
on.exit(stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
vars <- c("dll", "nomp", "nprf", "args", "trace",
"target", "sd.range")
clusterExport(cl, varlist = vars, envir = environment())
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
if (TMB::openmp(n = NULL) > 0L)
TMB::openmp(n = nomp)
obj <-, args)
ans <- clusterMap(cl, doRoot, i = seq_len(nprf), a = a)
else {
if (given_outfile <- nzchar(parallel[["outfile"]])) {
outfile <- file(parallel[["outfile"]], open = "wt")
sink(outfile, type = "output")
sink(outfile, type = "message")
on.exit(add = TRUE, {
sink(type = "message")
sink(type = "output")
onomp <- TMB::openmp(n = NULL)
if (onomp > 0L) {
TMB::openmp(n = nomp)
on.exit(TMB::openmp(n = onomp), add = TRUE)
obj <- object[["tmb_out"]]
ans <- switch(parallel[["method"]],
multicore =, c(list(f = doRoot, i = seq_len(nprf), a = a), parallel[["args"]])),
serial = Map(doRoot, i = seq_len(nprf), a = a))
ans <- matrix(unlist1(ans), length(ans), 2L, byrow = TRUE)
if (class || !m.A)
dimnames(ans) <- list(if (!class) dimnames(A)[[1L]], percent)
else {
dim(ans) <- c(length(subset), length(top), 2L)
dimnames(ans) <- list(paste(ts, window, sep = ", "), top, percent)
if (class) {
ns <- nrow(frame)
nt <- length(top)
i. <-, nt)
j. <- rep(seq_len(nt), each = ns)
if (!link) {
pos <- = 0L, by = ns, length.out = nt + 1L)
for (j in seq_len(length(pos) - 1L)) {
f <- egf_link_match(egf_link_extract(top[j]), inverse = TRUE)
k <-[j] + 1L, pos[j + 1L])
ans[k, ] <- f(ans[k, ])
top <- egf_link_remove(top)
top. <- egf_link_remove(top.)
tmp <- data.frame(top = factor(top, levels = top.)[j.],
ts = ts[i.],
window = window[i.],
value =
if (method == "wald" && m.A && random)
else as.vector(A %*% c(1, par)),
ci = NA,
frame[i., ],
row.names = NULL,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tmp[["ci"]] <- ans
ans <- tmp
attr(ans, "level") <- level
class(ans) <- c("confint.egf", oldClass(ans))
plot.confint.egf <-
function(x, by = 12L,
subset = NULL, order = NULL, label = NULL, main = NULL, ...) {
stopifnot(isInteger(by), by >= 1)
by <- as.integer(by)
subset <- egf_eval_subset(subset, x, parent.frame())
order <- egf_eval_order(order, x, parent.frame())
subset <- order[match(order, subset, 0L) > 0L]
x <- x[subset, , drop = FALSE]
nrx <- nrow(x)
ncx <- length(x)
value <- x[["value"]]
lower <- x[["ci"]][, 1L]
upper <- x[["ci"]][, 2L]
label <-
if (is.null(label))
else egf_eval_label(label, x, parent.frame())
ylim <- c(by + 1, 0)
grp <- split(seq_len(nrx), factor(x[["top"]]))
nms <- names(grp)
for (g in seq_along(grp)) { # loop over parameters
l <- grp[[g]]
value. <- value[l]
lower. <- lower[l]
upper. <- upper[l]
label. <- label[l]
xlim <- c(min(lower., na.rm = TRUE), max(upper., na.rm = TRUE))
xlab <- nms[g]
pos <- c( = 0L, to = length(l) - 1L, by = by), length(l))
for (j in seq_len(length(pos) - 1L)) { # loop over plots
k <-[j] + 1L, pos[j + 1L]);
value.. <- value.[k]
lower.. <- lower.[k]
upper.. <- upper.[k]
label.. <- label.[k]
h <- as.double(seq_along(k))
plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xaxs = "r", yaxs = "i")
usr <- par("usr")
mar <- par("mar")
cex <- par("cex") *
get_sfcex(label, 0.95 * max(0, mar[2L] - 0.25), "lines")
abline(v = axTicks(side = 1L), lty = 3L, col = "grey75")
argna <-
segments(x0 = replace(lower.., argna, usr[1L]),
x1 = value..,
y0 = h,
y1 = h,
lty = 1L + argna,
lwd = 2L - argna)
argna <-
segments(x0 = value..,
x1 = replace(upper.., argna, usr[2L]),
y0 = h,
y1 = h,
lty = 1L + argna,
lwd = 2L - argna)
points(x = value..,
y = h,
pch = 21L,
bg = "grey80")
axis(side = 1L)
mtext(text = label..,
side = 2L,
line = 0.25,
at = h,
las = 1,
adj = 1,
padj = 0.5,
cex = cex)
title(main = main)
title(xlab = xlab)
} # loop over plots
} # loop over parameters
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