
Defines functions .pca_def .bhtsne .findSpectrum_def .embedSamples_def

Documented in .bhtsne .embedSamples_def .findSpectrum_def .pca_def

#' DEF: Spectral embedding of samples
#' For details see \code{embedSamples}
#' @param x A numerical matrix
#' @param nbins Cubic B-spline discretization is used to compute fuzzy mutual
#' information between pairs of samples; \code{nbins} defines the number
#' of intervals used for discretization of expression data. (default: 10)
#' @param sigma The mutual information matrix is transformed to an
#' adjacency matrix using a heat kernel; \code{sigma} defines the radius of
#' heat kernel (in quantiles; default: \code{sigma} = 0.75 which is the third
#' quantile of the mutual information matrix).
#' @param design A numeric matrix describing the factors that should be blocked
#' @importFrom splines bs
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.embedSamples_def <- function(x, nbins=10, sigma=.75, design=NULL) {
  f.W <- function(M, nbins) {
    m <- nrow(M)
    n <- ncol(M)
    W <- array(NA, dim = c(nbins, n, m)) #Weight matrix, <bin, genes, cells>

    # Cubic B-splines
    for(i in seq_len(m)) {
      x <- M[i, ]
      k <- seq(from=min(x, na.rm=TRUE), to=max(x, na.rm=TRUE),
      W[seq_len(nbins), , i] <- t(bs(x, knots=k[-c(nbins - 2)],
                              Boundary.knots=range(k))) #cubic, degree=3

    # Avoid NAs
    W[is.na(W)] <- 0

  f.MI <- function(W.x, W.y, pmar.x, pmar.y, n) {
    pjoint <- tcrossprod(W.x, W.y) / n #joint probability
    denom <- tcrossprod(pmar.x, pmar.y) #denominator
    weight <- tcrossprod(1 - pmar.x, 1 - pmar.y) #weights
    sum(weight * pjoint * log2(pjoint / denom), na.rm=TRUE)

  f.I <- function(W) {
    m <- dim(W)[3]
    n <- dim(W)[2]
    pmar <- apply(W, c(1L, 3L), function(x) { # Marginal probabilities
      sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) / (length(x) - sum(is.na(x)))})

    I <- matrix(ncol=m, nrow=m)
    for(i in seq_len(m)) {
      for(j in i:m) {
        I[i, j] <- I[j, i] <- f.MI(W[,,i], W[,,j], pmar[,i], pmar[,j], n)

  f.mi2dist <- function(I) {
    denom <- 1/sqrt(diag(I))
    I <- sweep(I, MARGIN=2L, STATS=denom, FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)
    I <- sweep(I, MARGIN=1L, STATS=denom, FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE)
    diag(I) <- 1
    I[I > 1] <- 1 #upper bound
    d <- 1 - I
    sqrt(2 * d)

  #Expression matrix
  M <- x
  #M <- .exprs(x[.useFeature(x), ]) #select trajectory features

  #Pre-flight check
  #ze <- apply(M, 1L, function(x){sum(x > 0)})
  ze <- rowSums(M>0)
  n_ze <- sum(ze == 0)
  if(n_ze > 0) {
    warning(n_ze, " feature(s) are not expressed in any sample ",
            "was/were therefore neglected.")

  ze <- ze > 0
  M <- M[ze, ] #filter by informative features
  if(nrow(M) < 2) {
    stop("Cannot compute embedding, because less than two features ",
         "were selected. Please, increase the number of trajectory features.")

  if(nrow(M) == nrow(x) & nrow(M) > 1000) {
    warning("Please note that trajectory features weren't selected. Thus, ",
            "spectral embedding will be performed on all features, which ",
            "may result in lower accuracy and longer computation time.")

  M <- as.matrix(M)
  if(!is.null(design)) { #block uninteresting factors
    message("Blocking nuisance factors ...")
    M <- apply(M, 1L, .denoiseExpression, design)
  } else {
    M <- t(M)

  ze <- apply(M, 1L, var)
  n_ze <- sum(ze == 0)
  if(n_ze > 0) {
    stop(n_ze, " sample(s) do(es) not encode trajectory information ",
         "(i.e., all ",
         "features have identical expression values). Please, filter ",
         "your expression matrix accordingly (e.g., remove all ",
         "samples whose features are all non-detected, i.e., remove ",
         "all samples having only exression values of 0).")

  message("Computing adjacency matrix ...")
  W <- f.W(M=M, nbins=nbins) #Compute weight matrix
  I <- f.I(W) #Compute mutual information
  Dmat <- f.mi2dist(I) #Convert to distance matrix

  #Adjacency matrix
  radius <- ifelse(is.null(sigma), quantile(Dmat, .75), sigma)
  adjmat <- .rbf(Dmat, radius=radius) #is similarity matrix

  res <- list()
  res$I <- I
  res$Dmat <- Dmat
  res$adjmat <- adjmat

  #Spectral embedding
  message("Computing spectral embedding ...")
  L <- adjmat
  diag(L) <- diag(L) + apply(L, 1L, sum) / ncol(L) #signless graph Laplacian
  edecomp <- base::eigen(L, symmetric=TRUE)
  res$values <- edecomp$values
  res$values <- .ihs(res$values) #sqrt(edecomp$values)
  res$X <- sweep(edecomp$vectors, MARGIN=2L, STATS=res$values, FUN="*")

  #Set result to obj
  #CellTrails::latentSpace(x) <- res$X
  #CellTrails::eigenvalues(x) <- res$values

  list(components=res$X, eigenvalues=res$values)

#' DEF: Determine number of informative latent dimensions
#' For details see \code{findSpectrum}
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.findSpectrum_def <- function(D, frac=100) {
  cs <- cumsum(diff(D))
  f <- ifelse(frac <= 1, length(D) * frac, frac)
  h <- head(cs, f)
  fit <- .linear_fit(x.in=seq_along(h), y.in=h)
  n <- min(which(diff(which(h > fit$y)) > 1)) + 1

  ggpl <- .plotSpectrum_def(list(frac=frac, n=n, cs=cs, fit=fit))


#' #' DEF: Truncate eigenbasis
#' #'
#' #' For details see \code{reduceDimensions}
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
#' .reduceDimensions_def <- function(x, s) {
#'   CellTrails::latentSpace(x) <- CellTrails::latentSpace(x)[, seq_len(s@n)]
#'   CellTrails::eigenvalues(x) <- CellTrails::eigenvalues(x)[seq_len(s@n)]
#'   x
#' }

#' t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
#' Barnes-Hut implementation of t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
#' @param x A numerical matrix
#' @param dims Output dimensionality
#' @param perplexity Perplexity parameter (default: 30)
#' @param theta Speed/accuracy trade-off (increase for less accuracy),
#' set to 0.0 for exact tSNE (default: .5)
#' @param max_iter Number of iterations (default: 1000)
# #' @param seed Starting value for pseudorandom number generator. Setting
# #' seed makes result reproducible (default: 1101)
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Y}}{Matrix containing the new representations for the objects}
#'   \item{\code{perplexity}}{See above}
# #'   \item{\code{seed}}{See above}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.bhtsne <- function(x, dims=2, perplexity=30, theta=.5, max_iter=1000){ #seed
  #if(!is.null(seed)) {
  #  set.seed(seed)
  result <- list()
  Y <- NULL
  while(is.null(Y) & perplexity > 1) {
    Y <- tryCatch({Rtsne(x, dims=dims, pca=FALSE,
                         perplexity=perplexity, theta=theta,
                         max_iter=max_iter)$Y}, error = function(err) {NULL})
    perplexity <- ceiling(perplexity / 2)
    warning("Did not find proper tSNE representation.")
    result["Y"] <- list(NULL)
  } else {
    result$Y <- Y

  result$perplexity <- perplexity * 2
  #result$seed <- seed

#' For details see \code{pca}
#' @param M expression matrix
#' @param do_scaling use covariance/correlation matrix
#' @param design Block factors
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.pca_def <- function(M, do_scaling=TRUE, design=NULL) {
  #Pre-flight check
  ze <- apply(M, 1L, var)
  n_ze <- sum(ze == 0)
  if(n_ze > 0) {
    warning(n_ze, " feature(s) do(es) not encode valuable information ",
            "(i.e., has/have constant expression over all samples) and ",
            "was/were therefore neglected.")

  ze <- ze > 0
  M <- M[ze, ] #filter by informative features
  if(nrow(M) < 2) {
    stop("Cannot compute principal components, because less than two ",
         "features were selected. Please, increase the number of ",
         "trajectory features.")

  if(!is.null(design)) { #block uninteresting factors
    message("Blocking nuisance factors ...")
    M <- apply(M, 1L, .denoiseExpression, design)
  } else {
    M <- t(M)

  message("Performing PCA ...")

  pca_result <- stats::prcomp(M, scale.=do_scaling)

  # Scale matrix
  #if(do_scaling) {
  #  X <- scale(X)
  # Compute covariance matrix
  #covmat <- cov(X)
  # Eigenvalue decomposition
  #edecomp <- base::eigen(covmat)

  # Result
  res <- list()
  #res$princomp <- X %*% edecomp$vectors
  #colnames(res$princomp) <- paste("PC", seq_len(ncol(X)))
  #res$variance <- edecomp$values #/ sum(edecomp$values)
  #res$sdev <- sqrt(res$variance)
  #res$loadings <- sweep(edecomp$vectors, MARGIN = 2,
  #                      STATS = sqrt(edecomp$values), FUN = "*")

  res$components <- pca_result$x
  res$eigenvalues <- pca_result$sdev^2
  res$variance <- res$eigenvalues / sum(res$eigenvalues)
  #res$sdev <- pca_result$sdev
  res$loadings <- pca_result$rotation
dcellwanger/CellTrails documentation built on May 12, 2020, 2:01 a.m.