
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

# centre a tcl window

center_window = function(tt, w = 100, h = 100){
    # w = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("width", tt)))
    # h = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("height", tt)))
    scrw = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("screenwidth", tt)))
    scrh = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("screenheight", tt)))
    tkwm.geometry(tt, paste0(w, "x", h, "+", round((scrw - w) / 2), "+",
                             round((scrh - h) / 2)))

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

# Popup menu to allow user to choose classes of spatial covariates when
# importing shapefiles

# Example
# x = data.frame(
#     colours = c("red", "green", "blue"),
#     fruits  = c("Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Cherry", "eggs"),
#     names   = c("Alice","Darren"),
#     numbers = 1:6
# )
# str(x)
# classes = check_covariate_classes(x)
# print(classes)

check_covariate_classes = function(x, padx = 1){

    # main window ------------------------------------------------------------ #
    tt = tktoplevel()
    tkwm.title(tt, "Check covariate classes")
    center_window(tt, w = 150)
    tcl("wm", "attributes", tt, topmost = TRUE)
    tcl("wm", "attributes", tt, topmost = FALSE)
    tkwm.geometry(tt, "")
    main = ttkframe(tt)

    # upper frame for entry and combo boxes ---------------------------------- #
    upper = ttkframe(main, padding = c(5,5))
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Use"),    row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Name"),   row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Type"),   row = 0, column = 3, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Center"), row = 0, column = 4, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Scale"),  row = 0, column = 5, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Log"),    row = 0, column = 6, sticky = "w")
    # 'use' checkbox
    use.tvar = list()
    use = list()
    use_command_base = function(j){
        state = if(tclvalue(use.tvar[[j]]) == "1") "normal" else "disabled"
        tkconfigure(entry[[j]],  state = state)
        tkconfigure(combo[[j]],  state = state)
        tkconfigure(center[[j]], state = state)
        tkconfigure(scale[[j]],  state = state)
        tkconfigure(log[[j]],    state = state)
    use_command = function(j){
        eval(parse(text = paste0("function() use_command_base(", j, ")")))
    # combobox
    combo.char = ifelse(sapply(x, is.numeric), "number", "category")
    combo.tvar = list()
    combo = list()
    combo_command_base = function(j){
        state = if(tclvalue(combo.tvar[[j]]) == "number") "normal" else "disabled"
        tkconfigure(center[[j]], state = state)
        tkconfigure(scale[[j]],  state = state)
        tkconfigure(log[[j]],    state = state)
    combo_command = function(j){
        eval(parse(text = paste0("function() combo_command_base(", j, ")")))
    # entrybox
    entry.char = colnames(x)
    entry.tvar = list()
    entry = list()
    # center checkbox
    center.tvar = list()
    center = list()
    # scale checkbox
    scale.tvar = list()
    scale = list()
    # log checkbox
    log.tvar = list()
    log = list()
    # make and pack
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){ # j=1
        use.tvar[[j]] = tclVar(1)
        use[[j]] = ttkcheckbutton(upper, variable = use.tvar[[j]],
                                  state = "normal", command = use_command(j))
        tkgrid(use[[j]], row = j, column = 1)
        entry.tvar[[j]] = tclVar(entry.char[j])
        entry[[j]] = ttkentry(upper, textvariable = entry.tvar[[j]], width = 30,
                              state = "normal")
        tkgrid(entry[[j]], row = j, column = 2)
        combo.tvar[[j]] = tclVar(combo.char[j])
        combo[[j]] = ttkcombobox(upper, textvariable = combo.tvar[[j]], width = 10,
                                 state = "normal", values = c("number", "category"))
        tkbind(combo[[j]], "<<ComboboxSelected>>", combo_command(j))
        tkgrid(combo[[j]], row = j, column = 3)
        state = if(tclvalue(combo.tvar[[j]]) == "number") "normal" else "disabled"
        center.tvar[[j]] = tclVar(0)
        center[[j]] = ttkcheckbutton(upper, variable = center.tvar[[j]],
                                     state = state)
        tkgrid(center[[j]], row = j, column = 4)
        scale.tvar[[j]] = tclVar(0)
        scale[[j]] = ttkcheckbutton(upper, variable = scale.tvar[[j]],
                                    state = state)
        tkgrid(scale[[j]], row = j, column = 5)
        log.tvar[[j]] = tclVar(0)
        log[[j]] = ttkcheckbutton(upper, variable = log.tvar[[j]],
                                  state = state)
        tkgrid(log[[j]], row = j, column = 6)

    # lower frame for buttons ------------------------------------------------ #
    lower = ttkframe(main, padding = c(5,5))
    done = tclVar(0)
    ok = ttkbutton(
        lower, text = "OK", state = "normal", width = 10, command = function(){
            names = sapply(entry.tvar, tclvalue)
            duplicates = duplicated(names)
                tkmessageBox(title = "Error", icon = "error", type = "ok",
                             message = "Duplicate names not allowed")
                stop(.call = FALSE)
            tclvalue(done) = 1
    cancel = ttkbutton(lower, text = "Cancel", state = "normal", width = 10,
                       command = function() tclvalue(done) = 2)

    # packing etc. ----------------------------------------------------------- #
    tkgrid(ok, cancel, padx = padx)
    tkwm.resizable(tt, 0, 0)
    tkwm.protocol(tt, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function() tclvalue(done) = 2)

    # return clasess --------------------------------------------------------- #
    result = if(tclvalue(done) == 1){
            use    = sapply(use.tvar,    tclvalue) == "1",
            name   = sapply(entry.tvar,  tclvalue),
            class  = sapply(combo.tvar,  tclvalue),
            center = sapply(center.tvar, tclvalue) == "1",
            scale  = sapply(scale.tvar,  tclvalue) == "1",
            log    = sapply(log.tvar,    tclvalue) == "1",
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            use    = rep(TRUE, ncol(x)),
            name   = entry.char,
            class  = combo.char,
            center = rep(TRUE, ncol(x)),
            scale  = rep(TRUE, ncol(x)),
            log    = rep(TRUE, ncol(x)),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE



## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

# popup window to allow user to choose covariate values when making model
# predictions and plotting detfunc, bearings and distances

choose_newdata = function(fit, submodels = NULL, all = TRUE, padx = 1){

        submodels = names(fit$parindx) ; submodels
    if(length(do.call(c, lapply(fit$model[submodels], all.vars))) == 0)

    # toplevel window and main frame ----------------------------------------- #
    tt = tktoplevel()
    tkwm.title(tt, "Choose prediction data")
    tcl("wm", "attributes", tt, topmost = TRUE)
    tcl("wm", "attributes", tt, topmost = FALSE)
    tkwm.geometry(tt, "")
    main = ttkframe(tt)

    # upper frame for choosing covariate values ------------------------------ #
    upper = ttkframe(main, padding = c(5,5))
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Name"),     row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Value(s)"), row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "w")

    # summarise covariates --------------------------------------------------- #
    covnames = sapply(submodels, function(i){ # submodel = "sigma"
        bigmf = do.call(rbind, lapply(fit$model.frames, function(x) x[[i]]))
        sapply(bigmf, function(x){
            if(inherits(x, "factor")) levels(x) else (range(x))
        }, simplify = FALSE)
    }, simplify = FALSE)
    covnames = do.call(c, unname(covnames))
    covnames = covnames[!duplicated(names(covnames))]
    covnames = covnames[order(names(covnames))]

    # add a combo / entry for each covariate --------------------------------- #
    box = boxvar = list()
    for(i in names(covnames)){
        if(inherits(covnames[[i]], "character")){
            boxvar[[i]] = tclVar(covnames[[i]][1])
            values = if(all) c(covnames[[i]], "all") else covnames[[i]]
            box[[i]] = ttkcombobox(parent       = upper,
                                   textvariable = boxvar[[i]],
                                   values       = values,
                                   width        = 30)
            values[[i]] = tclVar(mean(covnames[[i]]))
            box[[i]] = ttkentry(parent       = upper,
                                textvariable = values[[i]],
                                width        = 30)
        row = which(names(covnames) == i)
        tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = i), row = row, column = 1, sticky = "w")
        tkgrid(box[[i]], row = row, column = 2, sticky = "w")


    # lower frame for buttons ------------------------------------------------ #
    lower = ttkframe(main, padding = c(5,5))
    done = tclVar(0)
    ok = ttkbutton(
        lower, text = "OK", state = "normal", width = 10,
        command = function(){
            # throw error if numeric variable outside observed range
            for(i in names(covnames)){
                if(!inherits(covnames[[i]], "character")){
                    x = as.numeric(tclvalue(boxvar[[i]]))
                    if(x < covnames[[i]][1] || x > covnames[[i]][2]){
                        tkmessageBox(title = "Error", icon = "error", type = "ok",
                                     message = paste("value for", i,
                                                     "is outside observed range"))
                        stop(.call = FALSE)
            tclvalue(done) = 1
    cancel = ttkbutton(lower, text = "Cancel", state = "normal", width = 10,
                       command = function() tclvalue(done) = 2)

    # packing etc. ----------------------------------------------------------- #
    tkgrid(ok, cancel, padx = padx)
    tkwm.resizable(tt, 0, 0)
    tkwm.protocol(tt, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function() tclvalue(done) = 2)

    # return newdata --------------------------------------------------------- #
    newdata = if(tclvalue(done) == "1"){
        do.call(expand.grid, sapply(names(covnames), function(i){
            if(inherits(covnames[[i]], "character")){
                if(tclvalue(boxvar[[i]]) == "all"){
                    factor(covnames[[i]], levels = covnames[[i]])
                    factor(tclvalue(boxvar[[i]]), levels = covnames[[i]])
        }, simplify = FALSE))



# ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
# ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
# # popup menu for choosing the array when plotting density surface or detection surface
# # need to replace this with an option to choose array-level covariates
# choose_array = function(x, padx = 1){
#     if(inherits(x, "gsecr"))
#         x = x$capthist
#     if(!inherits(x, "capthist"))
#         stop("capthist object required")
#     tt = tktoplevel()
#     tkwm.title(tt)
#     #     w = 100
#     #     h = 100
#     #     scrw = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("screenwidth", tt)))
#     #     scrh = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("screenheight", tt)))
#     #     tkwm.geometry(tt, paste0(w, "x", h, "+", round((scrw - w) / 2), "+",
#     #                              round((scrh - h) / 2)))
#     center_window(tt)
#     tcl("wm", "attributes", tt, topmost = TRUE)
#     tcl("wm", "attributes", tt, topmost = FALSE)
#     tkwm.geometry(tt, "")
#     tkfocus(tt)
#     main = ttkframe(tt)
#     ##################################################
#     ## upper frame for entry and combo boxes
#     upper = ttkframe(main, padding = c(5,5))
#     tkgrid(ttklabel(upper, text = "Choose array: "), row = 1, column = 1,
#            sticky = "w")
#     sessions = session(x)
#     combo.tvar = tclVar(sessions[1])
#     combo = ttkcombobox(upper, textvariable = combo.tvar, width = 10,
#                         state = "normal", values = sessions)
#     tkgrid(combo, row = 1, column = 2)
#     ##################################################
#     ## lower frame for buttons
#     lower = ttkframe(main, padding = c(5,5))
#     done = tclVar(0)
#     ok = ttkbutton(lower, text = "OK", state = "normal", width = 10,
#                    command = function() tclvalue(done) = 1)
#     cancel = ttkbutton(lower, text = "Cancel", state = "normal", width = 10,
#                        command = function() tclvalue(done) = 2)
#     ##################################################
#     # packing etc.
#     tkgrid(ok, cancel, padx = padx)
#     tkpack(upper)
#     tkpack(lower)
#     tkpack(main)
#     tkwm.resizable(tt, 0, 0)
#     tkwm.protocol(tt, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function() tclvalue(done) = 2)
#     tkwait.variable(done)
#     ##################################################
#     # return clasess
#     result = if(tclvalue(done) == 1) tclvalue(combo.tvar) else NA
#     tkdestroy(tt)
#     return(result)
# }

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

# appearance setting for tcltk widgets
# .Tcl("ttk::style theme names")
# sort(as.character(tkfont.families()))

gui_appearance_settings = function(){

    .Tcl(paste("source", system.file("extdata/tcl/gibbonsecr_theme.tcl",
                                     package = "gibbonsecr")))

    general = list(
        WIDTH  = 1150,
        HEIGHT = 650,
        frame.padding = c(5,5),
        console.fg    = "grey80",
        console.bg    = "grey15",
        relief        = "flat"

    ggplot_theme = theme_bw(base_family = 'Helvetica') +
            axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10)),
            axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 10)),
            plot.margin  = unit(c(0.25,1,0.25,0.25), units = "lines"),
            legend.key   = element_blank()

    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){

        # windows settings --------------------------------------------------- #

        specific = list(
            min.height = 430,
            min.width = 355,
            lhs.width = 350,
            rhs.width = general$WIDTH - 350,
            button.width = 9,
            combo.width  = 15,
            entry.width  = 16,
            csv.entry.width = 28,
            fixed.entry.width  = 6,
            formula.entry.width  = 25,
            grid.padx    = 1,
            grid.pady    = 1,
            normal.font          = tkfont.create(size = 10, family = "Trebuchet MS"),
            heading.font         = tkfont.create(size = 10, family = "Trebuchet MS",
                                                 slant = "roman", weight = "bold"),
            console.normal.font  = tkfont.create(size = 9,  family = "Lucida Console"),
            console.heading.font = tkfont.create(size = 10, family = "Lucida Console"),
            console.bold.font    = tkfont.create(size = 9,  family = "Lucida Console",
                                                 slant = "roman")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TButton       -padding {0 1}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TCombobox     -padding {5 2}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TEntry        -padding {5 2}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -padding {1 1 1 1}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style map       TNotebook.Tab -padding [list selected {2 3 2 3}]")

        ggplot_theme = ggplot_theme +
                text         = element_text(size = 12)


        # mac settings ------------------------------------------------------- #

        specific = list(
            min.height = 500,
            min.width = 415,
            lhs.width = 410,
            rhs.width = general$WIDTH - 410,
            button.width = 8,
            combo.width  = 12,
            entry.width  = 15,
            csv.entry.width = 25,
            fixed.entry.width  = 6,
            formula.entry.width  = 22,
            grid.padx    = 2,
            grid.pady    = 2,
            heading.font         = tkfont.create(size = 10, family = "Lucida Grande",
                                                 slant  = "roman", weight = "bold"),
            console.normal.font  = tkfont.create(size = 10, family = "Courier New",
                                                 weight = "bold"),
            console.heading.font = tkfont.create(size = 11, family = "Courier New",
                                                 weight = "bold"),
            console.bold.font    = tkfont.create(size = 10, family = "Courier New",                                               weight = "bold")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TButton       -padding {0 3}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TEntry        -padding {5 4}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TCombobox     -padding {5 4}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -padding {2 2 2 2}")
        .Tcl("ttk::style map       TNotebook.Tab -padding [list selected {3 4 3 4}]")

        ggplot_theme = ggplot_theme +
                text         = element_text(size = 14)


    settings = c(general, specific)
    settings$theme = ggplot_theme

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

# welcome message to appear on GUI console on startup
# code adadpted from utils::sessionInfo to get os version (running)

welcome_message = function(){
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        running = win.version()
    }else if(nzchar(Sys.which("uname"))){
        uname = system("uname -a", intern = TRUE)
        os = sub(" .*", "", uname)
        running = switch(os, Linux = if (file.exists("/etc/os-release")) {
            tmp = readLines("/etc/os-release")
            t2 = if (any(grepl("^PRETTY_NAME=", tmp))){
                sub("^PRETTY_NAME=", "", grep("^PRETTY_NAME=", tmp, value = TRUE)[1L])
            }else if(any(grepl("^NAME", tmp))){
                    sub("^NAME=", "", grep("^NAME=", tmp, value = TRUE)[1L])
                    "Linux (unknown distribution)"

            sub("\"(.*)\"", "\\1", t2)
        } else if (file.exists("/etc/system-release")) {
        }, Darwin = {
            ver = readLines("/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist")
            ind = grep("ProductUserVisibleVersion", ver)
            ver = ver[ind + 1L]
            ver = sub(".*<string>", "", ver)
            ver = sub("</string>$", "", ver)
            ver1 = strsplit(ver, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][2L]
            sprintf("OS X %s (%s)", ver,
                    switch(ver1, `4` = "Tiger",
                           `5` = "Leopard", `6` = "Snow Leopard", `7` = "Lion",
                           `8` = "Mountain Lion", `9` = "Mavericks", `10` = "Yosemite",
                           `11` = "El Capitan", "unknown"))
        }, SunOS = {
            ver = system("uname -r", intern = TRUE)
            paste("Solaris", strsplit(ver, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][2L])
        }, uname)
           "Welcome to gibbonsecr version ", utils::packageVersion("gibbonsecr"), "\n\n",
           R.Version()$version, "\n", running, "\n\n",
           stringr::str_wrap("This software was developed in partnership with the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Section on Small Apes and the Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM) at the University of St Andrews, UK.", 60), "\n\n",
           stringr::str_wrap("To view the online manual go to Help > User manual, or visit 'http://dkidney.github.io/gibbonsecr'.", 60),
           stringr::str_wrap("This is a pre-release version of the software. If you notice any bugs or have any general queries, please email Darren Kidney at 'darrenkidney@googlemail.com'.", 60),
dkidney/gibbonsecr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:11 a.m.