# Association mapping using Sanger SNPs imputed onto DO genomes using the
# DO haplotype contributions. Kinship is scaled and used as in QTLRel.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# Jan. 18, 2012
# Arguments: pheno: phenotype, data.frame with phenotypes.
# pheno.col: numeric or character. If numeric, the column number in
# the phenotype matrix to use. If character, the column
# name in the phenotype matrix to use.
# probs: 3D numeric array, with founder probabilities for all
# samples.
# K: numeric matrix, with kinship for samples.
# addcovar: numeric matrix, with fixed covariates.
# snps: data.frame, with MUGA SNPs.
# chr: character, the chromosome to use.
# start: numeric, the start location along the chromosome. Values
# greater than 200 will be interpreted in bp. Values less
# than or equal to 200 will be interpreted as MB.
# end: numeric, the end location along the chromosome. Values
# greater than 200 will be interpreted in bp. Values less
# than or equal to 200 will be interpreted as MB.
# model: character, one of "additive", "dominance" or "full" that is
# the model to fit.
# scan: character, one of "one" or "two" that indicates whether to
# fit a single locus or all pairs of loci.
# snp.file: character, full path to a file of SNPs, zipped and tabix
# indexed.
assoc.map = function(pheno, pheno.col = 1, probs, K, addcovar, snps,
chr, start, end, model = c("additive", "dominance", "full"),
scan = c("one", "two"), output = c("lod", "p-value", "bic"),
snp.file = "ftp://ftp.jax.org/SNPtools/variants/mgp.v5.merged.snps_all.dbSNP142.vcf.gz",
cross = c("DO", "CC", "HS")) {
scan = match.arg(scan)
model = match.arg(model)
output = match.arg(output)
cross = match.arg(cross)
if(scan == "two") {
stop("merge.analysis: scan two not implemented yet.")
} # if(scan == "two")
if(model != "additive") {
stop("merge.analysis: Dominance and full models not implemented yet.")
} # if(model != "additive")
if(missing(pheno)) {
stop("The phenotypes are missing. Please supply a phenotype data frame.")
} # if(missing(pheno))
if(missing(probs)) {
stop(paste("The founder probabilities are missing. Please supply an array",
"of founder probabilities."))
} # if(missing(probs))
if(missing(K)) {
stop(paste("The kinship matrix is missing. Please supply a kinship matrix",
"for all samples."))
} # if(missing(K))
if(missing(chr)) {
stop("The QTL chromosome must be specified.")
} # if(missing(chr))
if(missing(start)) {
stop("The QTL start position must be specified.")
} # if(missing(start))
if(missing(end)) {
stop("The QTL end position must be specified.")
} # if(missing(end))
if(start < 0) {
stop(paste("assoc.map: start =", start, ". Start cannot be less than zero."))
} # if(start < 0)
if(end < 0) {
stop(paste("assoc.map: end =", end, ". End cannot be less than zero."))
} # if(end < 0)
if(end < start) {
stop(paste("assoc.map: end must be greater than start."))
} # if(end < start)
# Subset all of the data to only contain the samples in common.
pheno = pheno[!is.na(pheno[,pheno.col]),,drop = FALSE]
samples = intersect(rownames(pheno), rownames(probs))
if(length(samples) == 0) {
stop(paste("rownames(pheno) does not contain any sample IDs that",
"match dimnames(probs)[[1]]. Please verify that both variables",
"contain the same sample IDs."))
} # if(length(samples) == 0)
if(!missing(addcovar)) {
addcovar = as.matrix(addcovar)
samples = intersect(samples, rownames(addcovar))
addcovar = addcovar[rownames(addcovar) %in% samples,,drop = FALSE]
addcovar = addcovar[samples,,drop = FALSE]
pheno = pheno[samples,,drop = FALSE]
probs = probs[samples,,]
K = K[samples, samples]
if(nrow(addcovar) == 0) {
stop(paste("There are no common sample IDs between rownames(addcovar)",
"and rownames(pheno). Please ensure that there is some overlap",
"in sample IDs between rownames(addcovar) and rownames(pheno)."))
} # if(nrow(addcovar) == 0)
remove = which(rowSums(is.na(addcovar)) > 0)
if(length(remove) > 0) {
samples = samples[-remove]
addcovar = addcovar[-remove,,drop = FALSE]
} # if(length(remove) > 0)
} # if(!missing(addcovar))
pheno = pheno[rownames(pheno) %in% samples,,drop = FALSE]
probs = probs[dimnames(probs)[[1]] %in% samples,,]
probs = probs[match(rownames(pheno), dimnames(probs)[[1]]),,]
K = as.matrix(K)
K = K[rownames(K) %in% samples, colnames(K) %in% samples]
K = K[match(rownames(pheno), rownames(K)), match(rownames(pheno), colnames(K))]
print(paste("Mapping with", nrow(pheno), "samples."))
stopifnot(all(rownames(pheno) == dimnames(probs)[[1]]))
stopifnot(all(rownames(pheno) == rownames(K)))
stopifnot(all(rownames(pheno) == colnames(K)))
probs = probs[,,dimnames(probs)[[3]] %in% snps[,1]]
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
probs = probs[,,match(snps[,1], dimnames(probs)[[3]])]
if(!missing(addcovar)) {
addcovar = addcovar[rownames(pheno),,drop = FALSE]
} # if(!missing(addcovar))
if(!all(snps[,1] == dimnames(probs)[[3]])) {
stop(paste("All of the SNP IDs in snps do not match the SNP IDs in",
} # if(!all(snps[,1] == dimnames(probs)[[3]]))
# Subset the SNPs to be the same.
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
probs = probs[,,dimnames(probs)[[3]] %in% snps[,1]]
probs = probs[,,match(snps[,1], dimnames(probs)[[3]])]
stopifnot(all(snps[,1] == dimnames(probs)[[3]]))
start = as.numeric(start)
if(start <= 200) {
start = start * 1e6
} # if(start <= 200)
end = as.numeric(end)
if(end <= 200) {
end = end * 1e6
} # if(end <= 200)
if(all(snps[50:100,3] <= 200)) {
snps[,3] = snps[,3] * 1e6
} # if(all(snps[,3] <= 200))
# Expand the start and end to the nearest markers.
snps = snps[snps[,2] == chr,,drop = FALSE]
wh = which(snps[,3] >= start & snps[,3] <= end)
wh[1] = max(1, wh[1] - 1)
wh[2] = min(nrow(snps), wh[1] + 1)
snps = snps[wh,,drop = FALSE]
# If we have no SNPs in this interval, then return NULL.
if(nrow(snps) == 0) {
} # if(nrow(snps) == 0)
probs = probs[,,dimnames(probs)[[3]] %in% snps[,1],drop = FALSE]
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],,drop = FALSE]
# Extract the SNPs from the Sanger file.
print("Retrieving SNPs...")
strains = get.vcf.strains(snp.file)
if(cross == "DO" | cross == "CC") {
do = sub("/", "_", do.colors[,2])
strains = do
do = do[do != "C57BL_6J"]
if(any(!do %in% strains)) {
stop(paste("Strain", do[!do %in% strains], "was not found in SNP file",
} # if(any(!do %in% strains))
} else if(cross == "HS") {
hs = sub("/", "_", hs.colors[,2])
strains = hs
hs = hs[hs != "C57BL_6J"]
if(any(!hs %in% strains)) {
stop(paste("Strain", hs[!hs %in% strains], "was not found in SNP file",
} # if(any(!hs %in% strains))
} # else
gr = GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges(start = start, end = end))
sanger = get.snp.patterns(snp.file = snp.file, gr = gr,
strains = strains, polymorphic = TRUE, filter.by.qual = TRUE)
rownames(sanger) = sanger$POS
print("Calculating mapping statistic...")
retval = NULL
if(scan == "one") {
retval = assoc.scan1(pheno = pheno, pheno.col = pheno.col, probs = probs,
K = K, addcovar = addcovar, sdps = sanger, markers = snps,
model = model, output = output)
} else {
# To Do: implement pair scan.
retval = assoc.scan2(pheno, pheno.col, addcovar, sanger, pos, sdps, snps)
} # else
colnames(retval) = sub("^sdp\\.", "", colnames(retval))
attr(retval, "class") = c(attr(retval, "class"), "assoc")
} # assoc.map()
# Association mapping permutations.
assoc.map.perms = function(pheno, pheno.col = 1, probs, addcovar, snps,
model = c("additive", "dominance", "full"),
scan = c("one", "two"), output = c("lod", "p-value", "bic"),
snp.file = "ftp://ftp.jax.org/SNPtools/variants/cc.snps.NCBI38.txt.gz",
nperm = 1000) {
scan = match.arg(scan)
model = match.arg(model)
output = match.arg(output)
if(scan == "two") {
stop("merge.analysis: scan two not implemented yet.")
} # if(scan == "two")
if(model != "additive") {
stop("merge.analysis: Dominance and full models not implemented yet.")
} # if(model != "additive")
if(missing(pheno)) {
stop("The phenotypes are missing. Please supply a phenotype data frame.")
} # if(missing(pheno))
if(missing(probs)) {
stop(paste("The founder probabilities are missing. Please supply an array",
"of founder probabilities."))
} # if(missing(probs))
# Subset all of the data to only contain the samples in common.
pheno = pheno[!is.na(pheno[,pheno.col]),,drop = FALSE]
samples = intersect(rownames(pheno), dimnames(probs)[[1]])
if(length(samples) == 0) {
stop(paste("rownames(pheno) does not contain any sample IDs that",
"match dimnames(probs)[[1]]. Please verify that both variables",
"contain the same sample IDs."))
} # if(length(samples) == 0)
if(!missing(addcovar)) {
addcovar = as.matrix(addcovar)
addcovar = addcovar[rownames(addcovar) %in% samples,,drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(addcovar) == 0) {
stop(paste("There are no common sample IDs between rownames(addcovar)",
"and rownames(pheno). Please ensure that there is some overlap",
"in sample IDs between rownames(addcovar) and rownames(pheno)."))
} # if(nrow(addcovar) == 0)
remove = which(rowSums(is.na(addcovar)) > 0)
if(length(remove) > 0) {
samples = samples[-remove]
addcovar = addcovar[-remove,,drop = FALSE]
} # if(length(remove) > 0)
} # if(!missing(addcovar))
pheno = pheno[rownames(pheno) %in% samples,,drop = FALSE]
probs = probs[dimnames(probs)[[1]] %in% samples,,]
probs = probs[match(rownames(pheno), dimnames(probs)[[1]]),,]
print(paste("Mapping with", nrow(pheno), "samples."))
stopifnot(all(rownames(pheno) == dimnames(probs)[[1]]))
# Subset the SNPs to be the same.
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
probs = probs[,,dimnames(probs)[[3]] %in% snps[,1]]
probs = probs[,,match(snps[,1], dimnames(probs)[[3]])]
stopifnot(all(snps[,1] == dimnames(probs)[[3]]))
chr = unique(snps[,2])
start = 0
end = 200e6
retval = matrix(0, length(chr), nperm)
# Loop through each chromosome.
for(c in 1:length(chr)) {
# Expand the start and end to the nearest markers.
curr.snps = snps[snps[,2] == chr[c],]
snps.to.keep = which(dimnames(probs)[[3]] %in% curr.snps[,1])
gr = GRanges(seqnames = chr[c], ranges = IRanges(start = start, end = end))
print(paste("Retrieving SNPs on Chr", chr[c], "..."))
con = TabixFile(snp.file)
# Get the column names from the last row of the header info.
hdr = headerTabix(con)
hdr = strsplit(hdr$header, split = "\t")[[length(hdr$header)]]
hdr = sub("^#", "", hdr)
# Retrieve the data.
sanger = scanTabix(con, param = gr)
# Close the connection.
print(paste("Retrieved", length(sanger[[1]]), "SNPs."))
# Split the columns up (tab-delimited).
print("Finding unique SNP patterns...")
sanger = strsplit(sanger[[1]], split = "\t")
sanger = matrix(unlist(sanger), length(sanger), length(sanger[[1]]),
dimnames = list(sanger$POS, hdr), byrow = TRUE)
# Keep only high quality reads where all quality scores = 1.
qual.columns = grep("quality", colnames(sanger))
sanger = sanger[rowMeans(sanger[,qual.columns] == "1") == 1,,drop = FALSE]
# Remove quality scores.
sanger = sanger[,-qual.columns]
# Remove SNPs with "NN" calls because we don't know how to assign
# the founder alleles in that case.
sanger = sanger[rowSums(sanger == "NN") == 0,]
# Make reference allele.
ref.col = which(colnames(sanger) == "REF")
ref = paste(sanger[,ref.col], sanger[,ref.col], sep = "")
pos = sanger[,colnames(sanger) == "POS"]
# Convert allele calls to numbers.
sanger = matrix(as.numeric(sanger[,-1:-5] != ref), nrow(sanger), ncol(sanger) - 5,
dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(sanger)[-1:-5]))
# Remove SNPs that are all 0s.
na.rows = which(rowSums(is.na(sanger)) > 0)
remove = na.rows[rowSums(sanger[na.rows,], na.rm = TRUE) == 0]
if(length(remove) > 0) {
sanger = sanger[-remove,]
ref = ref[-remove]
pos = pos[-remove]
} # if(length(remove) > 0)
# Change the allele calls so that the MAF <= 4.
wh = which(rowSums(sanger) > 4)
sanger[wh,] = 1 - sanger[wh,]
# Reorder the strains to match DOQTL founders.
m = match(c("A/J", "C57BL/6J", "129S1/SvImJ", "NOD/ShiLtJ", "NZO/HlLtJ",
"CAST/EiJ", "PWK/PhJ", "WSB/EiJ"), colnames(sanger))
if(any(is.na(m))) {
stop("One of the dO founders is not in the SNP file.")
} # if(any(is.na(m)))
sanger = sanger[,m]
rownames(sanger) = pos
# Get the SDPs (this is DO/CC specific).
# Get the SDPs by treating the SNP patterns as binary numbers.
vec = 2^((ncol(sanger)-1):0)
sdps = tcrossprod(vec, sanger)[1,]
sdps = data.frame(pos = as.numeric(pos), sdps, sanger)
print("Calculating mapping statistic")
if(scan == "one") {
retval[c,] = assoc.scan1.perms(pheno = pheno, pheno.col = pheno.col,
probs = probs[,,snps.to.keep], addcovar = addcovar,
sdps = sdps, snps = curr.snps, model = model, output = output,
nperm = nperm)
} else {
# TBD: implement pair scan.
retval[c,] = assoc.scan2(pheno, pheno.col, addcovar, sanger, pos, sdps, snps)
} # else
} # for(c)
if(output == "p-value") {
retval = apply(retval, 2, min)
} else {
retval = apply(retval, 2, max)
} # else
attr(retval, "class") = c(attr(retval, "class"), "assoc")
} # assoc.map.perms()
# Helper function for one-way scan.
# The chromosome range is based on the start and end of the Sanger SNP locations
# passed in by the user.
assoc.scan1 = function(pheno, pheno.col, probs, K, addcovar, sdps,
markers, model, output) {
# Get the error covariance matrix from QTLRel.
err.cov = diag(nrow(pheno))
if(!missing(K)) {
if(!missing(addcovar)) {
mod = regress(pheno[,pheno.col] ~ addcovar, ~K, pos = c(TRUE, TRUE))
err.cov = mod$sigma[1] * K + mod$sigma[2] * diag(nrow(pheno))
} else {
mod = regress(pheno[,pheno.col] ~ 1, ~K, pos = c(TRUE, TRUE))
err.cov = mod$sigma[1] * K + mod$sigma[2] * diag(nrow(pheno))
} # else
} # if(!missing(K))
BIC.full = NULL
if(output == "bic") {
# Get the SS.full (8 founder state).
tmp = probs[,,-dim(probs)[3]]
for(i in 1:dim(tmp)[3]) {
tmp[,,i] = 0.5 * (probs[,,i] + probs[,,i+1])
} # for(i)
qtl.full = scanone(pheno = pheno, pheno.col = pheno.col,
probs = tmp, K = K, addcovar = addcovar,
snps = markers[-nrow(markers),])
BIC.full = -2 * qtl.full$lod$A$lod + (ncol(addcovar) + dim(probs)[[2]]) *
} # if(output == "bic")
# Convert the DO haplotype probabilities to Sanger alleles.
sdps = cbind(pos = sdps[,2], sdp = sdps[,ncol(sdps)], sdps[,-c(1:5,ncol(sdps))])
unique.geno = dohap2sanger.internal(probs, markers, sdps)
keep = which(!is.na(pheno[,pheno.col]))
if(!missing(addcovar)) {
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums(is.na(addcovar)) == 0))
if(!missing(K)) {
lrs = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,],
K = err.cov[keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,])
} else {
lrs = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,], addcovar = addcovar[keep,])
} # else
} else {
if(!missing(K)) {
lrs = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,], K = err.cov[keep,keep])
} else {
lrs = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,])
} # else
} # else
# Convert the R^2 that matrixeqtl returns to an LRS.
lrs = -length(keep) * log(1.0 - lrs)
if(output == "bic") {
BIC.reduced = -2 * lrs + (ncol(addcovar) + 3) * log(nrow(pheno))
stat = BIC.reduced[unique.geno$map]
bfull = rep(0, nrow(sdps))
for(i in 1:(nrow(markers) - 1)) {
bfull[sdps[,1] >= markers[i,3] * 1e6 & sdps[,1] <= markers[i+1,3] * 1e6] = BIC.full[i]
} # for(i)
return(data.frame(chr = rep(markers[1,2], length(stat)),
sdp = sdps, BIC.full = bfull, BIC.red = stat))
} else if(output == "p-value") {
stat = pchisq(q = lrs, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)[unique.geno$map]
return(data.frame(chr = rep(markers[1,2], length(stat)),
sdp = sdps, p.value = stat))
} else if(output == "lod") {
stat = (lrs / (2 * log(10)))[unique.geno$map]
return(data.frame(chr = rep(markers[1,2], length(stat)),
sdp = sdps, LOD = stat))
} # else if(output == "lod")
} # assoc.scan1
# Scan one permutations.
assoc.scan1.perms = function(pheno, pheno.col, probs, K, addcovar,
sdps, snps, model, output, nperm = 1000) {
BIC.full = NULL
if(output == "bic") {
# Get the SS.full (8 founder state).
tmp = probs[,,-dim(probs)[3]]
for(i in 1:dim(tmp)[3]) {
tmp[,,i] = 0.5 * (probs[,,i] + probs[,,i+1])
} # for(i)
qtl.full = scanone(pheno = pheno, pheno.col = pheno.col,
probs = tmp, K = K, addcovar = addcovar,
snps = snps[-nrow(snps),])
BIC.full = -2 * qtl.full$lod$A$lod + (ncol(addcovar) + dim(probs)[[2]]) *
} # if(output == "bic")
# Convert the DO haplotype probabilities to Sanger alleles.
unique.geno = dohap2sanger.internal(probs, snps, sdps)
keep = which(!is.na(pheno[,pheno.col]))
if(!missing(addcovar)) {
# If we have additive covariates, we must permute them with the phenotype.
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums(is.na(addcovar)) == 0))
ph = pheno[keep,pheno.col]
cv = addcovar[keep,,drop=FALSE]
max.lrs = rep(0, nperm)
perms = matrix(1:length(ph), nrow = length(ph), ncol = nperm)
perms = apply(perms, 2, sample)
for(i in 1:nperm) {
lrs = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = ph[perms[,i]],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,], addcovar = cv[perms[,i],,drop=FALSE])
max.lrs[i] = max(lrs[,1])
} # for(i)
} else {
# In this case, we can run all of the permutations at once since there is
# no additive covariate to permute.
ph = pheno[keep,pheno.col]
perm.pheno = matrix(ph, nrow = length(ph), ncol = nperm)
perm.pheno = apply(perm.pheno, 2, sample)
lrs = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = perm.pheno,
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,,drop=FALSE])
max.lrs = apply(lrs, 2, max)
} # else
# Convert the R^2 that matrixeqtl returns to an LRS.
lrs = -length(keep) * log(1.0 - lrs)
if(output == "bic") {
stop("Permutations for BIC not implemented yet.")
# TBD: We have to permuate the full haplotype model as well.
BIC.reduced = -2 * lrs + (ncol(addcovar) + 3) * log(nrow(pheno))
stat = BIC.reduced[unique.geno$map]
bfull = rep(0, nrow(sdps))
for(i in 1:(nrow(snps) - 1)) {
bfull[sdps[,1] >= snps[i,3] * 1e6 & sdps[,1] <= snps[i+1,3] * 1e6] = BIC.full[i]
} # for(i)
return(data.frame(chr = rep(snps[1,2], length(stat)),
sdp = sdps, BIC.full = bfull, BIC.red = stat))
} else if(output == "p-value") {
stat = pchisq(q = max.lrs, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else if(output == "lod") {
stat = max.lrs / (2 * log(10))
} # else if(output == "lod")
} # assoc.scan1.perms()
# Helper function for two-way scan.
assoc.scan2 = function(pheno, pheno.col, probs, K, addcovar, sdps,
snps, model, output) {
stop("merge.scan2 not implemented yet.")
# Get the error covariance matrix from QTLRel.
err.cov = diag(nrow(pheno))
if(!missing(K)) {
vTmp = list(AA = 2 * K, DD = NULL, HH = NULL, AD = NULL, MH = NULL,
EE = diag(nrow(pheno)))
vc = NULL
if(missing(addcovar)) {
vc = estVC(y = pheno[,pheno.col], v = vTmp)
} else {
vc = estVC(y = pheno[,pheno.col], x = addcovar, v = vTmp)
} # else
err.cov = matrix(0, nrow(K), ncol(K))
for(j in which(vc$nnl)) {
err.cov = err.cov + vTmp[[j]] * vc$par[names(vTmp)[j]]
} # for(j)
} # if(!missing(K))
# Convert the DO haplotype probabilities to Sanger alleles.
unique.geno = dohap2sanger.internal(probs, snps, sdps)
keep = which(!is.na(pheno[,pheno.col]))
if(!missing(addcovar)) {
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums(is.na(addcovar)) == 0))
if(!missing(K)) {
lrs = matrix(0, ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs), ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs))
for(i in 1:ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs)) {
addcovar = cbind(addcovar, unique.geno$allele.probs[,i])
lrs[i,] = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,],
K = err.cov[keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop=FALSE])
} # for(i)
} else {
lrs = matrix(0, ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs), ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs))
for(i in 1:ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs)) {
addcovar = cbind(addcovar, unique.geno$allele.probs[,i])
lrs[i,] = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,], addcovar =
} # for(i)
} # else
} else {
if(!missing(K)) {
lrs = matrix(0, ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs), ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs))
for(i in 1:ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs)) {
addcovar = as.matrix(unique.geno$allele.probs[,i])
lrs[i,] = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,], K = err.cov[keep,keep],
addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop=FALSE])
} # for(i)
} else {
lrs = matrix(0, ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs), ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs))
for(i in 1:ncol(unique.geno$allele.probs)) {
addcovar = as.matrix(unique.geno$allele.probs[,i])
lrs[i,] = matrixeqtl.snps(pheno = pheno[keep,pheno.col],
geno = unique.geno$allele.probs[keep,], addcovar =
} # for(i)
} # else
} # else
# Convert the R^2 that matrixeqtl returns to an LRS.
lrs = -length(keep) * log(1.0 - lrs)
if(output == "lod") {
stop("Return a matrix of LOD scores")
stat = (lrs / (2 * log(10)))[unique.geno$map]
return(data.frame(chr = rep(snps[1,2], length(stat)),
sdp = sdps, LOD = stat))
} # assoc.scan2
# Map Sanger SNPs onto DO genomes, given the 8 founder haplotyep contributions.
# Arguments: probs: 3D array of founder haplotype contributions. num.samples x
# num.founders x num.markers.
# markers: data.frame containing genotyping array marker locations.
# SNP ID, chr, Mb and cM in columns 1:4.
# sdps: data.frame containing bp, SDP and Sanger SNPs.
# TBD: Re-arrange these functions so that one function can take probs and MUGA
# markers and return Sanger SNPs mapped onto DO genomes.
dohap2sanger.internal = function(probs, markers, sdps) {
if(any(diff(markers[,3]) < 0)) {
neg = which(diff(markers[,3]) < 0)
stop(paste("At least one pair of SNP locations has decreasing consecutive values.",
} # if(any(diff(markers[,3]) < 0))
# Get mean haplotype contributions between each pair of markers.
mean.haps = NULL
if(dim(probs)[3] > 1) {
mean.haps = sapply(1:(dim(probs)[3] - 1), function(z) {
0.5 * (probs[,,z] + probs[,,z+1])
} else {
mean.haps = probs
} # else
mean.haps = array(mean.haps, c(dim(probs)[1], dim(probs)[2], dim(probs)[3] - 1))
# Create bp position, SDPs and a numeric matrix of sanger SNPs.
pos = sdps[,1]
sanger = as.matrix(sdps[,-1:-2])
sdps = sdps[,2]
# Function to take the Sanger SNPs, a range, and return unique SDPs
# and a map from the Sanger SNPs to the SDPs.
map.fxn = function(pos, start, end, haps, sanger) {
rng = which(pos >= start & pos < end)
map = NULL
allele.probs = NULL
if(length(rng) > 0) {
sdp.rng = which(!duplicated(sdps[rng]))
unique.sdp = sdps[rng][sdp.rng]
unique.sanger = sanger[rng,,drop = FALSE][sdp.rng,,drop = FALSE]
map = match(sdps[rng], unique.sdp)
allele.probs = tcrossprod(haps, unique.sanger)
} # if(length(rng) > 0)
return(list(map = map, allele.probs = allele.probs))
} # function()
# Create space for the unique SDPs and alleles that is 10 times smaller
# than the total number of Sanger SNPs or at least 100 columns.
map = rep(NA, length(sdps))
allele.probs = matrix(0, dim(probs)[1], max(length(sdps) * 0.1, 100), dimnames =
list(dimnames(probs)[[1]], NULL))
map.index = 1
probs.index = 1
# Process positions before the first marker.
if(pos[1] < markers[1,3]) {
tmp = map.fxn(pos, pos[1], markers[1,3], probs[,,1], sanger)
if(length(tmp$map) > 0) {
map[map.index:(map.index + length(tmp$map) - 1)] = tmp$map + probs.index - 1
allele.probs[,probs.index:(probs.index + ncol(tmp$allele.probs) - 1)] = tmp$allele.probs
map.index = map.index + length(tmp$map)
probs.index = probs.index + ncol(tmp$allele.probs)
} # if(length(tmp$map) > 0)
} # if(pos[1] < markers[1,3])
# Process positions between markers.
for(i in 1:(nrow(markers)-1)) {
tmp = map.fxn(pos, markers[i,3], markers[i+1,3], mean.haps[,,i], sanger)
if(length(tmp$map) > 0) {
map[map.index:(map.index + length(tmp$map) - 1)] = tmp$map + probs.index - 1
allele.probs[,probs.index:(probs.index + ncol(tmp$allele.probs) - 1)] = tmp$allele.probs
map.index = map.index + length(tmp$map)
probs.index = probs.index + ncol(tmp$allele.probs)
} # if(length(tmp$map) > 0)
} # for(i)
# Process positions past the last marker.
if(pos[length(pos)] > markers[nrow(markers),3]) {
tmp = map.fxn(pos, markers[nrow(markers),3], pos[length(pos)]+1, probs[,,dim(probs)[3]],
if(length(tmp$map) > 0) {
map[map.index:(map.index + length(tmp$map) - 1)] = tmp$map + probs.index - 1
allele.probs[,probs.index:(probs.index + ncol(tmp$allele.probs) - 1)] = tmp$allele.probs
map.index = map.index + length(tmp$map)
probs.index = probs.index + ncol(tmp$allele.probs)
} # if(length(tmp$map) > 0)
} # if(pos[1] < markers[1,3])
allele.probs = allele.probs[,1:probs.index]
return(list(map = map, allele.probs = allele.probs))
} # dohap2sanger.internal()
# Given haplotype probs and MUGA markers, return the Sanger SNPs imputed onto
# the DO genomes.
# Arguments: sanger: GRanges containing chr & position with mcols named
# "A.J", "C57BL.6J", "129S1.SvImJ", "NOD.ShiLtJ", "NZO.HlLtJ",
# "CAST.EiJ", "PWK.PhJ", "WSB.EiJ" and containing 0 or 1 allele calls.
# probs: 3D numeric array of haplotype probabilities.
# snps: data.frame containing MUGA markers from ftp.jax.org/MUGA
# Returns: GRanges with the genotype probability for each DO sample in probs
# at each SNP in sanger.
# Note: this function is slow and is intended for small sets of SNPs.
dohap2sanger = function(sanger, probs, snps)
if(is.null(sanger)) {
stop("dohap2sanger: sanger cannot be null.")
} # if(is.null(sanger))
if(is.null(probs)) {
stop("dohap2sanger: probs cannot be null.")
} # if(is.null(probs))
if(is.null(snps)) {
stop("dohap2sanger: snps cannot be null.")
} # if(is.null(snps))
# Make sure that the founders are in mcols.
colnames(mcols(sanger)) = sub("^mcols\\.", "", colnames(mcols(sanger)))
colnames(mcols(sanger)) = sub("^X", "", colnames(mcols(sanger))) # for 129S1
founder.names = c("A.J", "C57BL.6J", "129S1.SvImJ", "NOD.ShiLtJ", "NZO.HlLtJ",
"CAST.EiJ", "PWK.PhJ", "WSB.EiJ")
m = match(founder.names, colnames(mcols(sanger)))
if(any(is.na(m))) {
stop(paste("All of the founders are not in sanger:", founder.names[is.na(m)]))
} # if(any(is.na(m)))
founders = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(mcols(sanger)[,m])), nrow = length(sanger),
dimnames = list(NULL, founder.names))
# Change everything to bp.
if(max(snps[,3]) < 200) {
snps[,3] = snps[,3] * 1e6
} # if(max(snps[,3]) < 200)
# For each Sanger SNP, get the surrounding two MUGA markers, average the
# probabilities and create the genotype probabilities.
geno = matrix(0, nrow(probs), length(sanger), dimnames = list(rownames(probs),
paste(seqnames(sanger), start(sanger), sep = ":")))
for(i in 1:length(sanger)) {
marker = max(which(snps[,2] == runValue(seqnames(sanger))[i] &
snps[,3] <= start(sanger)[i]))
muga = (probs[,,marker] + probs[,,marker+1]) * 0.5 # faster than apply.
geno[,i] = tcrossprod(founders[i,], muga)
} # for(i)
} # dohap2sanger()
# Plot for one-way merge analysis scan.
# Arguments: results: data.frame from assoc.map.
# mgi.file: character string containing the full path to the MGI
# feature file.
# highlight: character vector of gene symbols to highlight.
# highlight.col: color vector of highlight colors.
# thr: LOD score to color red in the plot. All SNPs with a LOD
# above this threshold will be returned.
# show.sdps: logical, default = FALSE, TRUE if the SDP plot
# should be shown.
# ...: arguments to be passed to plot.
assoc.plot = function(results,
mgi.file = "ftp://ftp.jax.org/SNPtools/genes/MGI.sorted.txt.gz",
highlight, highlight.col = "red", thr, show.sdps = FALSE, ...) {
old.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if(any(results$pos > 200)) {
results$pos = results$pos * 1e-6
} # if(any(results$pos > 200))
start = results$pos[1]
end = results$pos[nrow(results)]
call = match.call()
if("xlim" %in% names(call)) {
xlim = eval(call$xlim, envir = parent.frame())
if(any(xlim > 200)) {
xlim = xlim * 1e-6
} # if(xlim > 200)
results = results[results[,2] >= xlim[1] & results[,2] <= xlim[2],]
call$xlim = xlim
} # if("xlim" %in% names(call))
type = "bic"
if(colnames(results)[ncol(results)] == "LOD") {
diff = results$LOD
type = "lod"
} else if(colnames(results)[ncol(results)] == "p.value") {
diff = -log10(results$p.value)
type = "pv"
} else {
diff = results$BIC.full - results$BIC.red
} # else
# Color the points with statistic > thr in red.
col = rep(1, nrow(results))
if(!missing(thr)) {
points.ge.thr = which(diff >= thr)
col[points.ge.thr] = 2
} # else
# Show the SDP plot, if requested.
if(show.sdps) {
layout(matrix(1:3, 3, 1), heights = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.55))
# NOTE: I can't figure out how to modify the xlim in the call
# to add 4% to each end of the x-axis range. Adding the
# start and end of results is a hack. We set the SDP == 0
# for all strains so that plot.sdps() doesn't draw anything.
par(plt = c(0.12, 0.99, 0, 0.9), las = 1)
if(!missing(thr)) {
if(type == "pv") {
res = rbind(results[1,], results[which(-log10(results[,12]) >= thr),],
} else {
res = rbind(results[1,], results[results[,12] >= thr,],
} # else
res[1,4:11] = 0
res[nrow(res),4:11] = 0
sdp.plot(res, xaxt = "n", ...)
} else {
sdp.plot(results, xaxt = "n", ...)
} # else
# This is for the association plot.
par(plt = c(0.12, 0.99, 0, 1), las = 1)
} else {
layout(matrix(1:2, 2, 1), heights = c(0.4, 0.6))
# This is for the association plot.
par(plt = c(0.12, 0.99, 0, 0.9), las = 1)
} # else
plot(results$pos, diff, ann = FALSE, xaxt = "n", pch = 20,
col = col, ...)
usr = par("usr")
par(las = 3)
txt = "BIC.full - BIC.reduced"
if(type == "pv") {
txt = "-log10(p-value)"
} else if(type == "lod") {
txt = "LOD"
} # else
mtext(side = 2, line = 3, text = txt)
par(las = 1)
par(plt = c(0.12, 0.99, 0.15, 1))
mgi = get.mgi.features(file = mgi.file, chr = results[1,1],
start = start, end = end, source = "MGI",
type = "gene")
col = "grey30"
textcol = "black"
if(!missing(highlight) & length(mgi) > 0) {
col = rep(col, nrow(mgi))
textcol = rep(textcol, nrow(mgi))
m = match(highlight, mgi$Name)
col[m] = highlight.col
textcol[m] = highlight.col
} # if(!missing(highlight))
genes = gene.plot(mgi = mgi, rect.col = col, text.col = textcol,
xlim = usr[1:2])
if(!missing(thr)) {
} else {
} # else
} # assoc.plot()
# Plot specific SDP locations along a chromosome.
# This idea is from Yalcin et.al., Genetics, 2005.
# results: the data.frame output from merge.analysis().
# ...: additional arguments to pass to plot.
sdp.plot = function(results, ...) {
if(is.null(results) || nrow(results) == 0) {
warning("sdp.plot: No SNPs to plot.")
} # if(is.null(results) || nrow(results) == 0)
sdps = results[!duplicated(results[,3]),]
call = match.call()
if("xlim" %in% names(call)) {
plot(-1, -1, col = 0, ylim = c(0, 8), yaxs = "i", ann = FALSE,
axes = FALSE, ...)
} else {
plot(-1, -1, col = 0, xlim = range(results[,2]), ylim = c(0, 8),
yaxs = "i", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, ...)
} # else
abline(h = 0:8)
mtext(side = 2, at = 8:1 - 0.5, text = do.colors[,1],
line = 0.3, adj = 1, las = 2)
# Don't plot the axis if the user specifies xaxt = "n".
if("xaxt" %in% names(call)) {
xaxt = eval(call$xaxt, envir = parent.frame())
if(xaxt != "n") {
ax = axis(side = 1, labels = FALSE)
axis(side = 1, at = ax, labels = ax)
} # if(xaxt != "n")
} else {
ax = axis(side = 1, labels = FALSE)
axis(side = 1, at = ax, labels = ax)
} # else
# Find the SDPs in the results.
wh = which(colSums(results[,-c(1:3,12)]) > 0)
for(i in wh) {
m = results[which(results[,3+i] == 1),2]
y = matrix(rep((9-i):(8-i), length(m)), nrow = 2)
y = rbind(y, rep(NA, ncol(y)))
y = as.vector(y)
x = matrix(rep(m, each = 2), nrow = 2)
x = rbind(x, rep(NA, ncol(x)))
x = as.vector(x)
lines(x, y, col = "grey40")
} # for(i)
abline(h = 0:8)
} # sdp.plot()
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