
survfitJM.mvJMbayes <- function (object, newdata, survTimes = NULL, idVar = "id", 
                                 last.time = NULL, M = 200L, scale = 1.6, log = FALSE, 
                                 CI.levels = c(0.025, 0.975), seed = 1L, ...) {
    if (!inherits(object, "mvJMbayes"))
        stop("Use only with 'mvJMbayes' objects.\n")
    if (!is.data.frame(newdata) || nrow(newdata) == 0L)
        stop("'newdata' must be a data.frame with more than one rows.\n")
    if (is.null(newdata[[idVar]]))
        stop("'idVar' not in 'newdata'.\n")
    timeVar <- object$model_info$timeVar
    TermsU <- object$model_info$coxph_components$TermsU
    control <- object$control
    families <- object$model_info$families
    fams <- sapply(families, "[[", "family")
    links <- sapply(families, "[[", "link")
    n_outcomes <- length(object$model_info$families)
    seq_n_outcomes <- seq_len(n_outcomes)
    componentsL <- object$model_info$mvglmer_components
    componentsS <- object$model_info$coxph_components
    TermsL <- componentsL[grep("Terms", names(componentsL), fixed = TRUE)]
    TermsL <- lapply(TermsL, function (x) {environment(x) <- parent.frame(); x})
    TermsFormulas_fixed <- object$model_info$coxph_components$TermsFormulas_fixed
    TermsFormulas_random <- object$model_info$coxph_components$TermsFormulas_random
    build_model_matrix <- function (Terms, data) {
        out <- vector("list", length(Terms))
        for (i in seq_along(Terms)) {
            MF <- model.frame(Terms[[i]], data = data, na.action = NULL)
            out[[i]] <- model.matrix(Terms[[i]], MF)
    mfLna <- lapply(TermsL, FUN = model.frame.default, data = newdata)
    mfLnaNULL <- lapply(TermsL, FUN = model.frame.default, data = newdata, na.action = NULL)
    na.inds <- lapply(mfLna, FUN = function (x) as.vector(attr(x, "na.action")))
    na.inds <- lapply(na.inds, FUN = function (x) {
        if (is.null(x)) {
            rep(TRUE, nrow(newdata))
        } else {
            !seq_len(nrow(newdata)) %in% x
    na.inds <- na.inds[grep("TermsX", names(na.inds))]
    TermsS <- componentsS[grep("Terms", names(componentsS), fixed = TRUE)][[1]]
    formulasL <- lapply(TermsL, FUN = function (x) formula(x))
    formulasL2 <- lapply(TermsL, FUN = function (x) formula(delete.response(x))) 
    formulasS <- formula(delete.response(TermsS))
    allvarsL <- unique(unlist(lapply(formulasL, FUN = all.vars)))
    allvarsS <- all.vars(formulasS)
    allvarsLS <- unique(c(allvarsL, allvarsS))
    respVars <- unlist(componentsL[grep("respVar", names(componentsL), fixed = TRUE)], use.names = FALSE)
    id <- as.numeric(unclass(newdata[[idVar]]))
    id <- id. <- match(id, unique(id))
    obs.times <- split(newdata[[timeVar]], id)
    obs.times[] <- mapply(function (x, nams) {names(x) <- nams; x}, obs.times, 
                          split(row.names(newdata), id), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    mfL <- lapply(TermsL, FUN = model.frame.default, data = newdata, na.action = NULL)
    y <- lapply(mfL[grep("TermsX", names(mfL))], model.response)
    if (any(!allvarsLS %in% names(newdata)))
        stop("The following variable or variables: ", 
             paste(c(allvarsL, allvarsS)[which(!c(allvarsL, allvarsS) %in% names(newdata))], "\n", sep = " "),
             "should be included in 'newdata'.\n")
    idNewL <- factor(newdata[[idVar]], levels = unique(newdata[[idVar]]))
    n.NewL <- length(unique(idNewL))
    na.inds2 <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for (i in 1:n.NewL) {
        for (j in 1:n_outcomes) {
            tmp <- split(na.inds[[j]], id)
            na.inds2[[i]][[j]] <- unname(unlist(tmp[[i]])) 
    last.time <- if (is.null(last.time)) {
        tapply(newdata[[timeVar]], idNewL, FUN = max, simplify = FALSE)
    } else {
        rep_len(last.time, length.out = length(unique(newdata[[idVar]])))
    Time <- componentsS$Time
    if (is.null(survTimes) || !is.numeric(survTimes)) {
        survTimes <- seq(min(Time), max(Time) + 0.01, length.out = 35L)
    times.to.pred_upper <- lapply(last.time, FUN = function (t) survTimes[survTimes > t])
    times.to.pred_lower <- mapply(FUN = function (t1, t2) as.numeric(c(t1, t2[-length(t2)])), 
                                  last.time, times.to.pred_upper, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    GQsurv <- if (control$GQsurv == "GaussKronrod") gaussKronrod() else gaussLegendre(control$GQsurv.k)
    wk <- GQsurv$wk
    sk <- GQsurv$sk
    K <- length(sk)
    P <- lapply(last.time, FUN = function (x) x / 2)
    P1 <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) (x + y) / 2, times.to.pred_upper, times.to.pred_lower, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    P2 <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) (x - y) / 2, times.to.pred_upper, times.to.pred_lower, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    GK_points_postRE <- matrix(unlist(lapply(P, FUN = function (x) outer(x, sk + 1))), 
                               ncol = K, byrow = TRUE)
    GK_points_CumHaz <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y, sk) outer(y, sk) + x, P1, P2, 
                               SIMPLIFY = F, MoreArgs = list(sk = sk))
    idGK <- rep(seq_len(n.NewL), each = K)
    newdata[[idVar]] <- match(newdata[[idVar]], unique(newdata[[idVar]]))
    newdata.GK.postRE <- right_rows(newdata, newdata[[timeVar]], newdata[[idVar]], GK_points_postRE)
    newdata.GK.postRE[[timeVar]] <- c(t(GK_points_postRE))
    newdata.GK.postRE[[idVar]] <- match(newdata.GK.postRE[[idVar]], unique(newdata.GK.postRE[[idVar]]))
    newdata.GK.CumHaz <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for(i in 1:n.NewL) {
        upred.lngth <- nrow(GK_points_CumHaz[[i]])
        for(j in 1:upred.lngth) {
            newdata.GK.CumHaz[[i]][[j]] <- right_rows(newdata[newdata[[idVar]] == i, ],
                                                      newdata[newdata[[idVar]] == i, ][[timeVar]], 
                                                      newdata[newdata[[idVar]] == i, ][[idVar]], 
                                                      rbind(GK_points_CumHaz[[i]][j, ]))
            newdata.GK.CumHaz[[i]][[j]][[timeVar]] <- c(t(rbind(GK_points_CumHaz[[i]][j, ])))
            newdata.GK.CumHaz[[i]][[j]][[idVar]] <- match(newdata.GK.CumHaz[[i]][[j]][[idVar]], 
    postMeans <- object$statistics$postMeans
    betas <- postMeans[grep("betas", names(postMeans), fixed = TRUE)] 
    sigmas <- postMeans[grep("sigma", names(postMeans), fixed = TRUE)]
    sigma <- vector("list", n_outcomes)
    if (any(which_gaussian <- which(fams == "gaussian"))) {
        sigma[which_gaussian] <- sigmas
    D <- postMeans[grep("^D", names(postMeans), fixed = FALSE)]
    gammas <- postMeans[grep("^gammas", names(postMeans), fixed = FALSE)]
    alphas <- postMeans[grep("^alphas", names(postMeans), fixed = FALSE)]
    Bs_gammas <- postMeans[grep("^Bs.*gammas$", names(postMeans), fixed = FALSE)]
    invD <- postMeans[grep("inv_D", names(postMeans))]
    Formulas <- object$model_info$Formulas
    #nams_Formulas <- names(Formulas)
    #nams_Formulas <- gsub("_[^_]+$", "", nams_Formulas)
    #outcome <- match(nams_Formulas, respVars)
    #outcome <- sapply(respVars, grep, x = names(Formulas), fixed = TRUE)
    find_outcome <- function (nams_Formulas, repsVars) {
        out <- numeric(length(nams_Formulas))
        for (i in seq_along(respVars)) {
            ind <- grep(respVars[i], nams_Formulas, fixed = TRUE)
            out[ind] <- i
    outcome <- find_outcome(names(Formulas), respVars)
    indFixed <- lapply(Formulas, "[[", "indFixed")
    indRandom <- lapply(Formulas, "[[", "indRandom")
    RE_inds <- object$model_info$RE_inds
    RE_inds2 <- object$model_info$RE_inds2
    Interactions <- object$model_info$Interactions
    trans_Funs <- object$model_info$transFuns
    survMats.last <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for (i in seq_len(n.NewL)) {
        newdata.GK.postRE.i <- newdata.GK.postRE[newdata.GK.postRE[[idVar]] == i, ]
        newdata.i <- newdata[newdata[[idVar]] == i, ]
        idL.i <- match(newdata.i[[idVar]], unique(newdata.i[[idVar]]))
        idL2 <- rep(list(unique(idL.i)), n_outcomes)
        idL <- rep(list(idL.i), n_outcomes)
        for(j in 1:length(idL)) {
            idL[[j]] <- idL[[j]][na.inds2[[i]][[j]]]
        idGK <- match(newdata.GK.postRE.i[[idVar]], unique(newdata.GK.postRE.i[[idVar]]))
        ids <- rep(list(idGK), n_outcomes)
        idTs <- ids[outcome]
        newdata.i.id <- last_rows(newdata.i, idL.i)
        newdata.i.id[[timeVar]] <- last.time[[i]]
        Us <- lapply(TermsU, function(term) {
            model.matrix(term, data = newdata.GK.postRE.i)
        mfX <- lapply(TermsL[grep("TermsX", names(TermsL))], 
                      FUN = function (x) model.frame.default(delete.response(x), data = newdata.GK.postRE.i))
        mfX_long <- lapply(TermsL[grep("TermsX", names(TermsL))], 
                           FUN = function (x) model.frame.default(delete.response(x), data = newdata.i))
        mfX_long.resp <- lapply(TermsL[grep("TermsX", names(TermsL))], 
                                FUN = function (x) model.frame.default(x, data = newdata.i))
        y_long <- lapply(mfX_long.resp, model.response)
        mfZ <- lapply(TermsL[grep("TermsZ", names(TermsL))], 
                      FUN = function (x) model.frame.default(x, data = newdata.GK.postRE.i))
        mfZ_long <- lapply(TermsL[grep("TermsZ", names(TermsL))], 
                           FUN = function (x) model.frame.default(x, data = newdata.i))
        X_surv_H_postRE <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) model.matrix.default(x, y), 
                                  formulasL2[grep("TermsX", names(formulasL2))], mfX, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        X_long <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) model.matrix.default(x, y), 
                         formulasL2[grep("TermsX", names(formulasL2))], mfX_long.resp, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        Xbetas_postRE <- Xbetas_calc(X_long, betas)
        Z_surv_H_postRE <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) model.matrix.default(x, y), 
                                  formulasL2[grep("TermsZ", names(formulasL2))], mfZ, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        Z_long <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) model.matrix.default(x, y), 
                         formulasL2[grep("TermsZ", names(formulasL2))], mfZ_long, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        for (j in seq_len(length(Z_long))) {
            Z_long[[j]] <- Z_long[[j]][na.inds2[[i]][[j]], , drop = FALSE]
        XXs <- build_model_matrix(TermsFormulas_fixed, newdata.GK.postRE.i)
        XXsbetas <- Xbetas_calc(XXs, betas, indFixed, outcome)
        ZZs <- build_model_matrix(TermsFormulas_random, newdata.GK.postRE.i)
        W1s <- splines::splineDesign(control$knots, GK_points_postRE[i, ], ord = control$ordSpline, outer.ok = TRUE)
        W2s <- model.matrix(formulasS, newdata.GK.postRE.i)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        post_b_input_only <- lapply(indRandom, function(x) rbind(rep(0, max(x))))
        Wlongs <- designMatLong(XXs, betas, ZZs, post_b_input_only, ids, outcome,
                                indFixed, indRandom, Us, trans_Funs)
        Pw <- unlist(P[idGK]) * wk
        P <- unlist(P)
        col_inds = attr(Wlongs, "col_inds")
        row_inds_Us = seq_len(nrow(Wlongs))
        survMats.last[[i]][["idL"]] <- idL
        survMats.last[[i]][["idL2"]] <- lapply(idL, length)
        survMats.last[[i]][["idL3"]] <- unlist(idL)
        survMats.last[[i]][["idL3"]] <- c(unlist(idL)[-length(unlist(idL))] != unlist(idL)[-1L], TRUE)
        survMats.last[[i]][["idGK"]] <- idGK
        survMats.last[[i]][["idGK_fast"]] <- c(idGK[-length(idGK)] != idGK[-1L], TRUE)
        survMats.last[[i]][["idTs"]] <- idTs
        survMats.last[[i]][["Us"]] <- Us
        factor2numeric <- function (x) {
            if (is.factor(x)) {
                if (length(levels(x)) > 2){
                    stop("Currently only binary outcomes can be considered.")
                as.numeric(x == levels(x)[2L])
            } else x
        survMats.last[[i]][["y_long"]] <- lapply(y_long, factor2numeric)
        survMats.last[[i]][["Xbetas"]] <- Xbetas_postRE
        survMats.last[[i]][["Z_long"]] <- Z_long
        survMats.last[[i]][["X_long"]] <- X_long
        survMats.last[[i]][["RE_inds"]] <- RE_inds
        survMats.last[[i]][["RE_inds2"]] <- RE_inds2
        survMats.last[[i]][["W1s"]] <- W1s
        survMats.last[[i]][["W2s"]] <- W2s
        survMats.last[[i]][["XXs"]] <- XXs
        survMats.last[[i]][["XXsbetas"]] <- XXsbetas
        survMats.last[[i]][["ZZs"]] <- ZZs
        survMats.last[[i]][["col_inds"]] <- col_inds
        survMats.last[[i]][["row_inds_Us"]] <- row_inds_Us
        survMats.last[[i]][["Pw"]] <- Pw
        survMats.last[[i]][["P"]] <- P
    survMats <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for (i in 1:n.NewL) {
        survMats[[i]] <- vector("list", nrow(GK_points_CumHaz[[i]]))
    for (i in 1:n.NewL) {
        upred.lngth <- nrow(GK_points_CumHaz[[i]])
        for (j in 1:upred.lngth) {
            newdata.GK.CumHaz.ij <- newdata.GK.CumHaz[[i]][[j]]
            newdata.i <- newdata[newdata[[idVar]] == i, ]
            idL.i <- match(newdata.i[[idVar]], unique(newdata.i[[idVar]]))
            idGK <- match(newdata.GK.CumHaz.ij[[idVar]], unique(newdata.GK.CumHaz.ij[[idVar]]))
            ids <- rep(list(idGK), n_outcomes)
            idTs <- ids[outcome]
            newdata.i.id <- last_rows(newdata.i, idL.i)
            newdata.i.id[[timeVar]] <- last.time[[i]]
            Us <- lapply(TermsU, function(term) {
                model.matrix(term, data = newdata.GK.CumHaz.ij)
            XXs <- build_model_matrix(TermsFormulas_fixed, newdata.GK.CumHaz.ij)
            XXsbetas <- Xbetas_calc(XXs, betas, indFixed, outcome)
            ZZs <- build_model_matrix(TermsFormulas_random, newdata.GK.CumHaz.ij)
            W1s <- splines::splineDesign(control$knots, GK_points_CumHaz[[i]][j, ], ord = control$ordSpline, outer.ok = TRUE)
            W2s <- model.matrix(formulasS, newdata.GK.CumHaz.ij)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
            post_b_input_only <- lapply(indRandom, function(x) rbind(rep(0, max(x))))
            Wlongs <- designMatLong(XXs, betas, ZZs, post_b_input_only, ids, outcome,
                                    indFixed, indRandom, Us, trans_Funs)
            Pw <- unlist(P2[[i]][[j]][idGK]) * wk
            col_inds = attr(Wlongs, "col_inds")
            row_inds_Us = seq_len(nrow(Wlongs))
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["idGK_fast"]] <- c(idGK[-length(idGK)] != idGK[-1L], TRUE)
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["idTs"]] <- idTs
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["Us"]] <- Us
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["RE_inds2"]] <- RE_inds2
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["W1s"]] <- W1s
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["W2s"]] <- W2s
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["XXs"]] <- XXs
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["XXsbetas"]] <- XXsbetas
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["ZZs"]] <- ZZs
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["col_inds"]] <- col_inds
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["row_inds_Us"]] <- row_inds_Us
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["Pw"]] <- Pw
            survMats[[i]][[j]][["P2"]] <- P2[[i]][j]
    modes.b <- matrix(0, n.NewL, ncol(D[[1]]))
    invVars.b <- Vars.b <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for (i in 1:n.NewL) {
        Data <- list("idL" = survMats.last[[i]]$idL, "idL2" = survMats.last[[i]]$idL2, 
                     "idGK" = which(survMats.last[[i]]$idGK_fast) - 1, "ids" = survMats.last[[i]]$ids, 
                     "idTs" = survMats.last[[i]]$idTs, "Us" = survMats.last[[i]]$Us, 
                     "y" = survMats.last[[i]]$y_long, "Xbetas" = survMats.last[[i]]$Xbetas, 
                     "Z" = survMats.last[[i]]$Z_long, "RE_inds" = survMats.last[[i]]$RE_inds, 
                     "RE_inds2" = survMats.last[[i]]$RE_inds2, "W1s" = survMats.last[[i]]$W1s, 
                     "W2s" = survMats.last[[i]]$W2s, "XXsbetas" = survMats.last[[i]]$XXsbetas, 
                     "ZZs" = survMats.last[[i]]$ZZs, "col_inds"= survMats.last[[i]]$col_inds, 
                     "row_inds_Us" = survMats.last[[i]]$row_inds_Us, "Bs_gammas" = unlist(Bs_gammas), 
                     "gammas" = unlist(gammas), "alphas" = unlist(alphas), "fams" = fams, 
                     "links" = links, "sigmas" = sigma, "invD" = invD[[1]], 
                     "Pw" = survMats.last[[i]]$Pw, "trans_Funs" = trans_Funs, 
                     "wk" = wk, 
                     "idL3" = which(survMats.last[[i]]$idGK_fast) - 1)
        if (is.null(Data$gammas))
            Data$gammas <- numeric(0)
        ff <- function (b, Data) -log_post_RE_svft(b, Data = Data)
        gg <- function (b, Data) cd(b, ff, Data = Data, eps = 1e-03)
        start <- rep(0, ncol(D[[1]]))
        opt <- optim(start, ff, gg, Data = Data, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE, 
                     control = list(maxit = 200, parscale = rep(0.1, ncol(D[[1]]))))
        modes.b[i, ] <- opt$par
        invVars.b[[i]] <- opt$hessian / scale
        Vars.b[[i]] <- scale * solve(opt$hessian)
    out <- vector("list", M)
    success.rate <- matrix(FALSE, M, n.NewL)
    b.old <- b.new <- modes.b
    mcmc <- object$mcmc
    mcmc <- mcmc[names(mcmc) != "b"]
    if (M > nrow(mcmc$betas1)) {
        warning("'M' cannot be set greater than ", nrow(mcmc$betas1))
        M <- nrow(mcmc$betas1)
        out <- vector("list", M)
        success.rate <- matrix(FALSE, M, n.NewL)
    samples <- sample(nrow(mcmc$betas1), M)
    mcmc[] <- lapply(mcmc, function (x) {
        if (length(dim(x)) == 3) {
            x[samples, , , drop = FALSE]
        } else if (length(dim(x)) == 2) {
            x[samples, , drop = FALSE]
        } else if (all(is.null(dim(x)), length(x) > 0)) {
        } else {
    proposed.b <- mapply(rmvt, mu = split(modes.b, row(modes.b)), Sigma = Vars.b, 
                         MoreArgs = list(n = M, df = 4), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    proposed.b[] <- lapply(proposed.b, function (x) if (is.matrix(x)) x else rbind(x))
    dmvt.proposed <- mapply(dmvt, x = proposed.b, mu = split(modes.b, row(modes.b)), 
                            Sigma = Vars.b, MoreArgs = list(df = 4, log = TRUE), 
                            SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    SS <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for (i in 1:n.NewL) {
        for (m in 1:M) {
            betas.new <- lapply(mcmc[grep("betas", names(mcmc))], function (x) x[m, ])
            XXsbetas.new <- Xbetas_calc(survMats.last[[i]][["XXs"]], betas.new, indFixed, outcome)
            alphas.new <- mcmc$alphas[m, ]
            invD.new <- mcmc$inv_D[m, ,] 
            if (length(invD.new) == 1) {
                invD.new <- as.matrix(invD.new)
            Bs_gammas.new <- mcmc$Bs_gammas[m, ]
            gammas.new <- mcmc$gammas[m, ]
            sigma <- lapply(mcmc[grep("sigma", names(mcmc))], function (x) x[m])
            sigma.new <- vector("list", n_outcomes)
            if (any(which_gaussian <- which(fams == "gaussian"))) {
                sigma.new[which_gaussian] <- sigma
            p.b <- proposed.b[[i]][m, ]
            dmvt.old <- dmvt(b.old[i, ], modes.b[i, ], invSigma = invVars.b[[i]], df = 4, log = TRUE)
            dmvt.prop <- dmvt.proposed[[i]][m]
            Xbetasnew.m <- Xbetas_calc(survMats.last[[i]]$X_long, betas.new)
            Data <- list("idL" = survMats.last[[i]]$idL, "idL2" = survMats.last[[i]]$idL2, 
                         "idGK" = which(survMats.last[[i]]$idGK_fast) - 1, "ids" = survMats.last[[i]]$ids, 
                         "idTs" = survMats.last[[i]]$idTs, "Us" = survMats.last[[i]]$Us, 
                         "y" = survMats.last[[i]]$y_long, "Xbetas" = Xbetasnew.m, 
                         "Z" = survMats.last[[i]]$Z_long, "RE_inds" = survMats.last[[i]]$RE_inds, 
                         "RE_inds2" = survMats.last[[i]]$RE_inds2, "W1s" = survMats.last[[i]]$W1s, 
                         "W2s" = survMats.last[[i]]$W2s, "XXsbetas" = XXsbetas.new, 
                         "ZZs" = survMats.last[[i]]$ZZs, "col_inds"= survMats.last[[i]]$col_inds, 
                         "row_inds_Us" = survMats.last[[i]]$row_inds_Us, "Bs_gammas" = Bs_gammas.new, 
                         "gammas" = gammas.new, "alphas" = alphas.new, "fams" = fams, 
                         "links" = links, "sigmas" = sigma.new, "invD" = invD.new, 
                         "Pw" = survMats.last[[i]]$Pw, "trans_Funs" = trans_Funs, 
                         "wk" = wk, "idL3" = which(survMats.last[[i]]$idGK_fast) - 1)
            if (is.null(Data$gammas))
                Data$gammas <- numeric(0)
            a <- min(exp(log_post_RE_svft(p.b, Data = Data) + dmvt.old - 
                             log_post_RE_svft(b.old[i, ], Data = Data) - dmvt.prop), 1)
            ind <- runif(1) <= a
            if (!is.na(ind) && ind) {
                b.new[i, ] <- p.b
            logS.pred <- numeric(length(times.to.pred_upper[[i]]))
            for (l in seq_along(logS.pred)) {
                XXsbetas.newl <- Xbetas_calc(survMats[[i]][[l]][["XXs"]], betas.new, indFixed, outcome)
                Datal <- list("idGK" = which(survMats[[i]][[l]][["idGK_fast"]]) - 1, "idTs" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["idTs"]], 
                              "Us" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["Us"]], "RE_inds2" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["RE_inds2"]], 
                              "W1s" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["W1s"]], "W2s" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["W2s"]], 
                              "XXsbetas" = XXsbetas.newl, "ZZs" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["ZZs"]], 
                              "col_inds" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["col_inds"]], 
                              "row_inds_Us" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["row_inds_Us"]], 
                              "Bs_gammas" = Bs_gammas.new, 
                              "gammas" = gammas.new, "alphas" = alphas.new, 
                              "Pw" = survMats[[i]][[l]][["Pw"]], "trans_Funs" = trans_Funs, 
                              "wk" = wk)
                if (is.null(Datal$gammas))
                    Datal$gammas <- numeric(0)
                logS.pred[l] <- survPred_svft_2(b.new[i, ], Data = Datal)
            SS[[i]] <- if (log) logS.pred else exp(cumsum(logS.pred))
            b.old <- b.new
            out[[m]][[i]] <- SS[[i]]
    res <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for (i in seq_len(n.NewL)) {
        rr <- sapply(out, "[[", i)
        if (!is.matrix(rr)) {
            rr <- rbind(rr)
        res[[i]] <- cbind(
            times = times.to.pred_upper[[i]], 
            "Mean" = rowMeans(rr, na.rm = TRUE), 
            "Median" = apply(rr, 1L, median, na.rm = TRUE), 
            "Lower" = apply(rr, 1L, quantile, probs = CI.levels[1], na.rm = TRUE),
            "Upper" = apply(rr, 1L, quantile, probs = CI.levels[2], na.rm = TRUE)
        rownames(res[[i]]) <- as.character(seq_len(NROW(res[[i]])))
    y. <- lapply(y, split, id)
    y <- vector("list", n.NewL)
    for (i in seq_len(n.NewL)) {
        y[[i]] <- lapply(y., "[[", i)
    newdata. <- do.call(rbind, mapply(function (d, t) {
        if (d[[timeVar]][nrow(d)] < t) {
            d. <- rbind(d, d[nrow(d), ])
            d.[[timeVar]][nrow(d.)] <- t
        } else d
    }, split(newdata, id.), last.time, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    id. <- newdata.[[idVar]]
    id. <- match(id., unique(id.))
    mfX. <- lapply(TermsL[grep("TermsX", names(TermsL))], 
                   FUN = function (x) model.frame.default(delete.response(x), data = newdata.))
    mfZ. <- lapply(TermsL[grep("TermsZ", names(TermsL))], 
                   FUN = function (x) model.frame.default(x, data = newdata.))
    X. <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) model.matrix.default(x, y), 
                 formulasL2[grep("TermsX", names(formulasL2))], mfX., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    Z. <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) model.matrix.default(x, y), 
                 formulasL2[grep("TermsZ", names(formulasL2))], mfZ., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    fitted.y <- vector("list", length(X.))
    for (i in seq_len(n.NewL)) {
        fits <- vector("list", length(X.))
        for (j in seq_along(X.)) {
            id_i <- id. == i
            fits[[j]] <- c(X.[[j]][id_i, , drop = FALSE] %*% betas[[j]]) + 
                rowSums(Z.[[j]][id_i, , drop = FALSE] * modes.b[rep(i, sum(id_i)), RE_inds[[j]], drop = FALSE])
        fitted.y[[i]] <- fits
    fitted.y <- fitted.y[!sapply(fitted.y, is.null)]
    fitted.times <- split(newdata.[[timeVar]], factor(newdata.[[idVar]]))
    names(res) <- names(last.time) <- names(obs.times) <- names(fitted.times) <- names(y) <- names(fitted.y) <- levels(idNewL)
    y[] <- lapply(y, function (x, nam) {names(x) <- nam; x}, nam = respVars)
    fitted.y[] <- lapply(fitted.y, function (x, nam) {names(x) <- nam; x}, nam = respVars)
    names(families) <- respVars
    res <- list(summaries = res, full.results = out, survTimes = survTimes, last.time = last.time, 
                obs.times = obs.times, y = y, M = M, families = families, respVars = respVars,
                fitted.times = fitted.times, 
                fitted.y = fitted.y, ry = lapply(componentsL[grep("y", names(componentsL))], FUN = range, na.rm = TRUE), 
                nameYs = unname(lapply(formulasL[grep("TermsX", names(formulasL))], FUN = function(x) paste(x)[2L])))
    rm(list = ".Random.seed", envir = globalenv())
    class(res) <- "survfit.mvJMbayes"


print.survfit.mvJMbayes <- function (x, ...) {
    cat("\nPrediction of Conditional Probabilities of Event\n\tbased on", 
        x$M, "Monte Carlo samples\n\n")
    f <- function (d, t) {
        dd <- d[1L, , drop = FALSE]
        dd[1L, ] <- c(as.vector(t), rep(1, ncol(dd) - 1))
        round(rbind(dd, d), 4L)
    print(mapply(f, x$summaries, x$last.time, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))


plot.survfit.mvJMbayes <- function (x, split = c(1, 1), which_subjects = NULL, which_outcomes = NULL,
                                    surv_in_all = TRUE, include.y = TRUE, fun = NULL,
                                    abline = NULL, yexp = FALSE, 
                                    main = NULL, xlab = "Time", ylab = NULL, 
                                    zlab = "Event-Free Probability",
                                    include_CI = TRUE, fill_area_CI = TRUE, 
                                    col_points = "black", pch_points = 1,
                                    col_lines = "red", col_lines_CI = "black", 
                                    col_fill_CI = "lightgrey",
                                    lwd_lines = 2, lty_lines_CI = 2, 
                                    cex_xlab = 1, cex_ylab = 1, cex_zlab = 1, cex_main = 1,
                                    cex_axis = 1, ...) {
    families <- x$families
    ylim <- NULL
    respVars <- x$respVars
    N <- length(x$y)
    n_outcomes <- length(x$y[[1]])
    xlim <- range(unlist(x$obs.times), x$survTimes)
    add_surv <- function (xaxis = TRUE, outer = TRUE) {
        summ <- x$summaries[[i]]
        times <- c(x$last.time[[i]], summ[, "times"])
        surv <- c(1, summ[, "Mean"])
        low <- c(1, summ[, "Lower"])
        upp <- c(1, summ[, "Upper"])
        if (!is.null(fun) && is.function(fun)) {
            surv <- fun(surv)
            low <- fun(low)
            upp <- fun(upp)
        plot(times, surv, col = col_lines, type = "l", ylim = c(0.0, 1),
             lwd = 2, xlim = xlim, axes = FALSE)
        if (include_CI && fill_area_CI) {
            polygon(c(times, rev(times)), c(low, rev(upp)), border = NA, col = col_fill_CI)
        if (include_CI) {
            lines(times, low, lwd = lwd_lines, lty = lty_lines_CI, col = col_lines_CI)
            lines(times, upp, lwd = lwd_lines, lty = lty_lines_CI, col = col_lines_CI)
        lines(times, surv, lwd = lwd_lines, col = col_lines)
        abline(v = x$last.time[[i]], lty = 2)
        if (!is.null(abline)) {
            abline(v = abline$v, lty = abline$lty, lwd = abline$lwd, col = abline$col)
            if (xaxis) axis(1, at = round(abline$v, 1), cex = cex_axis)
        if (xaxis) axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis)
        axis(4, cex.axis = cex_axis)
        mtext(zlab, side = 4, line = 1.8, outer = outer, cex = cex_zlab)
    if (is.null(ylab))
        ylab <- respVars
    if (is.null(main))
        main <- paste("Subject", names(x$y))
    valid_subjects <- seq_len(N)
    if (!is.null(which_subjects)) {
        if (!all(which_subjects %in% valid_subjects)) {
            stop("'which_subjects' must be an integer vector with possible values: ",
                 paste(valid_subjects, collapse = ", "))
        } else {
            valid_subjects <- which_subjects
    valid_outcomes <- seq_len(n_outcomes)
    if (!is.null(which_outcomes)) {
        if (!all(which_outcomes %in% valid_outcomes)) {
            stop("'which_outcomes' must be an integer vector with possible values: ",
                 paste(valid_outcomes, collapse = ", "))
        } else {
            valid_outcomes <- which_outcomes
    for (i in valid_subjects) {
        opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE, mfcol = split, oma = c(3, 3, 2, 3), 
                    mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mgp = c(3, 0.4, 0), tcl = -0.25)
        if (include.y) {
            for (j in valid_outcomes) {
                obs_times <- x$obs.times[[i]]
                y <- if (yexp) sapply(x$y[[i]][[j]] , exp) else x$y[[i]][[j]]
                if (fact_y <- is.factor(y)) {
                    lvy <- levels(y)
                    y <- as.numeric(y == levels(y)[2L])
                    ylim <- c(-0.2, 1.2)
                fitted_times <- x$fitted.times[[i]]
                fitted_y <- if(yexp) sapply(families[[j]]$linkinv(x$fitted.y[[i]][[j]]), exp) else families[[j]]$linkinv(x$fitted.y[[i]][[j]])
                plot(obs_times, y, ylim = ylim, ylab = respVars[i], xlim = xlim, axes = FALSE,
                     type = "n")
                points(obs_times, y, col = col_points, pch = pch_points)
                if (fact_y) axis(2, at = 0:1, labels = lvy, cex.axis = cex_axis) else axis(2, cex.axis = cex_axis)
                if (add_xaxis <- par()$mfcol[1L] == j) axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis)
                lines(fitted_times, fitted_y, lwd = lwd_lines, col = col_lines)
                abline(v = x$last.time[[i]], lty = 2)
                mtext(ylab[j], side = 2, line = 1.8, cex = cex_ylab)
                ylim <- NULL
                if (surv_in_all) {
                    par(new = TRUE)
                if (added_xlab <- all(par()$mfcol == c(1, 1))) {
                    mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 1.5, outer = TRUE, cex = cex_xlab)
                    mtext(main[i], side = 3, line = 0.8, outer = TRUE, cex = cex_main)
        if (!include.y || !surv_in_all) {
            add_surv(outer = FALSE)
        if ((!include.y || !added_xlab)) {
            mtext(xlab, side = 1,line = 1.5, outer = TRUE, cex = cex_xlab)
            mtext(main[i], side = 3, line = 0.8, outer = TRUE, cex = cex_main)
        if (length(valid_outcomes) == 1) {
            axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis)
            if (!is.null(abline)) 
                axis(1, at = round(abline$v, 1), cex = cex_axis)
drizopoulos/JMbayes documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 12:34 a.m.