
#' Implementation of Pierre L'Ecuyer's RngStreams for N tasks
#' The function \code{\link{parallel::clusterSetRNGStream}} creates a stream for each slave/core, and thus replicability can only realized if each task is assigned to a the same slave at each repeated call. This is usually not guaranteed with load-balancing parallel computations or when a long computation is being re-started continuing on previously produced results.
#' This implementation generates a stream for each unique tasks and thus avoids those two problems.
#' The current RNG kind, if required, must be captures before calling this function because the function sets it to "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" (see examples).
#' @param N An integer. The number of streams to generate.
#' @param iseed An integer or \code{NULL}. The seed used by set.seed before generating the streams.
#' @return A vector of length N containing the seed for each stream. 
#' @examples
#' RNGkind_old <- RNGkind()
#' seeds <- prepare_RNG_streams(10, iseed = 123)
#' # do work with random numbers
#' RNGkind(kind = RNGkind_old[1], normal.kind = RNGkind_old[2])
#' @export
prepare_RNG_streams <- function(N, iseed = NULL) {
	# based on parallel::clusterSetRNGStream
    oldseed <- if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
        			get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
    			} else NULL
    if (!is.null(iseed)) set.seed(iseed)

    seeds <- vector("list", N)
    seeds[[1L]] <- .Random.seed
    for (i in seq_len(N - 1L)) seeds[[i + 1L]] <- parallel::nextRNGStream(seeds[[i]])
    if (!is.null(oldseed)) {
        assign(".Random.seed", oldseed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {
    	rm(.Random.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)

#' @export
set_default_seed <- function(seed, kind = "default", normal.kind = "default") {
	RNGkind(kind = kind, normal.kind = normal.kind)
	set.seed(seed = seed)

#' Sets the .Random.seed
#' This is here defined to be called from a function being executed on nodes/slaves with a prepared seed from the function \code{\link{prepare_RNG_streams}}, i.e., calling this function will also set RNGkind accordingly to the first element of seed.
#' @param seed A vector appropriate for \code{\link{.Random.seed}} of the current RNG; a single integer or NULL that will be passed to set.seed(); or NA which will do no work.
#' @seealso \code{\link{set.seed}}, \code{\link{RNGkind}}
#' @export
set_RNG_stream <- function(seed) {
	if (!anyNA(seed)) {
		if (length(seed) > 1) {
			assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
		} else {
			warning("'seed' was not appropriate to init '.Random.seed': ", paste(head(seed, n = 3), collapse = "/"), "/...; instead the function 'set.seed' will be used")
			set_default_seed(seed, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL)

#' Determine whether a number is odd.
#' @param x An integer (vector).
#' @return A logical: TRUE, if \code{x} is odd; FALSE, otherwise
#' @examples
#' is_odd((-3):3)
is_odd <- function(x) x %% 2 != 0

#' Calculate Root Mean Square (Error) RMS(E).
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param na.rm A logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
#' @return If \code{x} are residuals, then RSME else RMS of \code{x}
#' @aliases RMS RMSE
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{sd}}
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(30)
#' y <- 0.1 + 0.3 * x + rnorm(30, 0, 0.5)
#' r <- resid(lm(y ~ x))
#' stats::sd(r)
#' root_mean_square(r)
root_mean_square <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
	# Root Mean Square (Error, if x = residuals)
	sqrt(mean(x^2, na.rm = na.rm))

quantile_95th_of_abs <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
	quantile(abs(x), probs = 0.95, na.rm = na.rm)

max_of_abs <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
	max(abs(x), na.rm = na.rm)

#Circular functions: int=number of units in circle, e.g., for days: int=365; for months: int=12
circ_mean <- function(x, int, na.rm = FALSE) {
	if (!all(is.na(x))) {
		circ <- 2 * pi / int
		x_circ <- circular::circular(x * circ, type = "angles", units = "radians", rotation = "clock", modulo = "2pi")
		x_int <- circular::mean.circular(x_circ, na.rm = na.rm) / circ
		res <- round(as.numeric(x_int) - 1, 13) %% int + 1	# map 0 -> int; rounding to 13 digits: 13 was empirically derived for int={12, 365} and x=c((-1):2, seq(x-5, x+5, by=1), seq(2*x-5, 2*x+5, by=1)) assuming that this function will never need to calculate for x > t*int with t>2
	} else {
		res <- NA

circ_sum <- function(x, y, int) {
	circ <- 2 * pi / int
	as.numeric(circular::circular((x + y) * circ, type = "angles", units = "radians", rotation = "clock", modulo = "2pi") / circ)

circ_range <- function(x, int, na.rm = FALSE) {
	if (!all(is.na(x))) {
		circ <- 2 * pi / int
		x_circ <- circular::circular(x * circ, type = "angles", units = "radians", rotation = "clock", modulo = "2pi")
		x_int <- range(x_circ, na.rm = na.rm) / circ
		res <- as.numeric(x_int)
	} else {
		res <- NA

circ_sd <- function(x, int, na.rm = FALSE) {
	if (length(x) - sum(is.na(x)) > 1) {
		if (sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
			circ <- 2 * pi / int
			x_circ <- circular::circular(x * circ, type = "angles", units = "radians", rotation = "clock", modulo = "2pi")
			x_int <- circular::sd.circular(x_circ, na.rm = na.rm) / circ
			res <- as.numeric(x_int)
		} else {
			res <- 0
	} else {
		res <- NA

#' Calculate tangential curvature.
#' @param x A numeric vector of length 9, i.e., the 8 cells plus the center of a 3 x 3 square grid.
#' @param ... Not used, but required so that \code{tang_curvature} can be used as function argument to \code{\link{raster::focal}}
#' @return A numeric value in the range [-1, 1] with a sign that ensures that positive curvature equates to convex forms and negative curvature equates to concave forms
#' @examples
#' if (require(raster, quietly = TRUE)) {
#'     x <- raster::raster(matrix(1:36, ncol = 6), xmn=0, xmx=1, ymn=0, ymx=1)
#'     tcurv <- raster::focal(x, w = matrix(1, 3, 3), fun = tang_curvature, pad = TRUE, padValue = NA, res_m = raster::xres(x))
#' }
tang_curvature <- function(x, ..., res_m) {
	#Zeverbergen, L. W., and C. R. Thorne. 1987. Quantitative Analysis of Land Surface Topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 12: 47-56.
	#Schmidt, J., Evans, I.S. & Brinkmann, J. (2003) Comparison of polynomial models for land surface curvature calculation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17, 797-814.
	stopifnot(length(x) == 9)
	D <- ((x[4] + x[6]) / 2 - x[5]) / res_m^2 # == fxx according to notation used by Schmidt et al.
	E <- ((x[2] + x[8]) / 2 - x[5]) / res_m^2 # == fyy
	F <- (-x[1] + x[3] + x[7] - x[9]) / (4 * res_m^2) # ?= fxy
	G <- (-x[4] + x[6]) / (2 * res_m^2) # == fx
	H <- (-x[8] + x[2]) / (2 * res_m^2) # == fy
	PLANC <- -2 * (D * H^2 + E * G^2 - F * G * H) / (G^2 + H^2) #eq. 18 for planform curvature (but see below that this is really tangential curvature): Zeverbergen et al.
	#TANGC <- - (D * H^2 - 2 * F * G * H + E * G^2) / ((G^2 + H^2) * sqrt(G^2 + H^2 + 1)) #own calculations based on Table 1 for tangential curvature: Schmidt et al.
	#I don't understand where the difference in the '2 *' between PLANC and TANGC comes from ...
	#However, "For example, Zevenbergen and Thorne (1987) used the term 'planform curvature' for tangential curvature, which is clearly not in plan view." (Schmidt et al.)
	PLANC	#multiply curvature values by -100 for convenience, as recommended by Zeverbergen and Thorne (1987), to give values in the approximate range [-1,1] with a sign that ensures that positive curvature equates to convex forms and negative curvature equates to concave forms

rotate_coords <- function(coords, angle_rad = 0, center = c(0, 0)) {
	if (is.null(dim(coords))) coords <- matrix(unlist(coords), ncol = 2)
	c0 <- sweep(coords, MARGIN = 2, STATS = center, FUN = "-")
	res <- coords
	res[, 1] <- c0[, 1] * cos(angle_rad) - c0[, 2] * sin(angle_rad) + center[1]
	res[, 2] <- c0[, 1] * sin(angle_rad) + c0[, 2] * cos(angle_rad) + center[2]

#' Determines the most common element(s)
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param use_mode A logical indicating whether to use \code{\link[modeest]{modeest::mfv}} if suitable.
#' @param return_single A logical indicating whether a single value should return even if several elements of \code{x} are the most common. If so, then one will be picked at random.
#' @param na.rm A logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
#' @param seed An integer value or \code{NULL} to set the random number generator. \code{NULL} follows the behavior of \code{\link{set.seed}}.
#' @examples
#' x1 <- c(rep(NA, 3), 1:4)
#' x2 <- c(rep(1/3, 3), 1:4, rep(NA, 3))
#' majority(x1)
#' majority(x1, na.rm = TRUE)
#' majority(x1, return_single = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
#' majority(x1, use_mode = FALSE, return_single = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
#' majority(x1, use_mode = FALSE, return_single = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
#' majority(x1, use_mode = FALSE, return_single = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
#' majority(x2, return_single = FALSE)
majority <- function(x, use_mode = TRUE, return_single = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, seed = NULL){
	ina <- is.na(x)
	if (all(ina)) {
		res <- NA
	} else {
		with_mode <- FALSE
		na_val <- NULL
		if (na.rm) {
			x <- na.exclude(x)
			with_mode <- TRUE
		if (!na.rm && any(ina) && !inherits(x, "integer")) {
			na_val <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE) - 100
			x[ina] <- na_val
			with_mode <- TRUE
		with_mode <- if (use_mode) with_mode else FALSE 
		if (with_mode && requireNamespace("modeest", quietly = TRUE)) {
			res <- modeest::mfv(x)
		} else {
			temp <- table(x, useNA = if(na.rm) "no" else "always")
			res <- as.numeric(names(temp)[which(c(temp) == max(c(temp)))])
		res[!is.finite(res)] <- NA
		if (!is.null(na_val) && is.finite(na_val)) {
			res[abs(res - na_val) <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)] <- NA
		if (return_single && length(res) > 1) {
			if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)
			res <- res[sample(x = length(res), size = 1)]


#---Danz et al. 2012: 'Spatial change in vegetation across the boundary'
sigmoidal <- function(x, b0, b1) {
	1 / (exp(-b1 * (x - b0)) + 1)

sigmoidal_inv <- function(y, b0, b1) {
	b0 - 1 / b1 * log(1 / y - 1, base = exp(1))

is_binary <- function(x) {
	length(na.exclude(unique(x))) == 2

performance_bernoulli <- function(pred = NULL, obs = NULL) {
	# Literature:
	# 	- Brier, G. W. 1950. Verification of forecasts expressed in terms of probability. Monthly Weather Review 78:1-3.
	# 	- Allouche, O., A. Tsoar, and R. Kadmon. 2006. Assessing the accuracy of species distribution models: prevalence, kappa and the true skill statistic (TSS). Journal of Applied Ecology 43:1223-1232.
	if (!(length(pred) == length(obs))) {
		stop("ecotoner::performance_bernoulli(): arguments 'pred' and 'obs' must have the same length")
	if (!(is.null(obs) || is_binary(obs))) {
		stop("ecotoner::performance_bernoulli(): argument 'obs' must be a binary variable")

	perf <- c(Brier_score = NA_integer_, AUC = NA_integer_,
				tss_max = NA_integer_, tss_max.threshold = NA_integer_,
					tss_max.omission.rate = NA_integer_, tss_max.sensitivity = NA_integer_, tss_max.specificity = NA_integer_, tss_max.prop.correct = NA_integer_,
				kappa_max = NA_integer_, kappa_max.threshold = NA_integer_,
					kappa_max.omission.rate = NA_integer_, kappa_max.sensitivity = NA_integer_, kappa_max.specificity = NA_integer_, kappa_max.prop.correct = NA_integer_)
	if (!(is.null(pred) && is.null(obs))) {
		# Brier score (if binary outcome, then equal to mean square error)
		perf["Brier_score"] <- mean((pred - obs) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)

		if (requireNamespace("ROCR", quietly = TRUE)) {
			# SDMTools::auc() is ~150x faster and ROCR::performance(, "auc") is ~35x faster than pROC::auc()
			# however, SDMTools::accuracy() is ~40x slower than ROCR::performance(, "auc")
			# AUC
			temp <- ROCR::prediction(pred, obs)
			perf["AUC"] <- slot(ROCR::performance(temp, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]][1]
			# Calculate
			ss <- ROCR::performance(temp, "spec", "sens")
			thresholds <- slot(ss, "alpha.values")[[1]]
			sens <- slot(ss, "x.values")[[1]]
			spec <- slot(ss, "y.values")[[1]]
			fnr <- slot(ROCR::performance(temp, "fnr"), "y.values")[[1]]
			acc <- slot(ROCR::performance(temp, "acc"), "y.values")[[1]]
			# Maximize TSS = sensitivity + specificity - 1
			tss <- sens + spec - 1
			i_max_tss <- which(tss == max(tss))
			perf["tss_max"] <- mean(tss[i_max_tss])
			# Maximize Kappa
			fobs <- factor(obs)		
			prevalence <- sum(fobs == levels(fobs)[2], na.rm = TRUE) / length(na.exclude(obs))
			Pobs <- prevalence * sens + (1 - prevalence) * spec
			Pexp <- -2 * tss * prevalence * (1 - prevalence) + Pobs
			kappa2 <- (Pobs - Pexp) / (1 - Pexp)
			i_max_kappa2 <- which(kappa2 == max(kappa2))
			perf["kappa_max"] <- mean(kappa2[i_max_kappa2])

			# Copy values
			thres <- list(i_max_tss, i_max_kappa2)
			perf[c("tss_max.threshold", "kappa_max.threshold")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(thresholds[im]))
			perf[c("tss_max.omission.rate", "kappa_max.omission.rate")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(fnr[im]))
			perf[c("tss_max.sensitivity", "kappa_max.sensitivity")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(sens[im]))
			perf[c("tss_max.specificity", "kappa_max.specificity")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(spec[im]))
			perf[c("tss_max.prop.correct", "kappa_max.prop.correct")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(acc[im]))
		} else if (requireNamespace("SDMTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
			# AUC
			perf["AUC"] <- SDMTools::auc(obs, pred)
			# Calculate
			acc <- SDMTools::accuracy(obs, pred, threshold = 101) #slow
			# Maximize TSS = sensitivity + specificity - 1
			tss <- acc[, "specificity"] + acc[, "sensitivity"] - 1
			i_max_tss <- which(tss == max(tss))
			perf["tss_max"] <- mean(tss[i_max_tss])

			# Maximize Kappa
			i_max_kappa2 <- which(acc[, "Kappa"] == max(acc[, "Kappa"]))
			perf["kappa_max"] <- mean(acc[i_max_kappa2, "Kappa"])

			# Copy values
			thres <- list(i_max_tss, i_max_kappa2)
			perf[c("tss_max.threshold", "kappa_max.threshold")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(acc[im, "threshold"]))
			perf[c("tss_max.omission.rate", "kappa_max.omission.rate")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(acc[im, "omission.rate"]))
			perf[c("tss_max.sensitivity", "kappa_max.sensitivity")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(acc[im, "sensitivity"]))
			perf[c("tss_max.specificity", "kappa_max.specificity")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(acc[im, "specificity"]))
			perf[c("tss_max.prop.correct", "kappa_max.prop.correct")] <- sapply(thres, function(im) mean(acc[im, "prop.correct"]))

		} else {
			warning("Neither package 'SDMTools' nor 'ROCR' is installed: model performance not estimated")

m_transform_y <- function(data., ytrans = NULL, ytransinv = NULL, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
	y_transformed <- FALSE
	m <- 1
	if (!is.null(ytrans) && !is.null(ytransinv)) {
		temp1 <- try(ytrans(data.[["y"]]), silent = TRUE)
		temp2 <- try(ytransinv(temp1), silent = TRUE)
		if (!inherits(temp1, "try-error") && !inherits(temp2, "try-error") && isTRUE(all.equal(data.[["y"]], temp2, tolerance = tol))) {
			data.[["y"]] <- temp1
			y_transformed <- TRUE
			m <- sign(cor(temp2, temp1, method = "spearman"))
	list(d = data., y_transformed = y_transformed, coef1_mult = m)

m_glm <- function(family, data., ytrans = NULL, ytransinv = NULL, ...) {
	# Prepare data
	if (data.[["is_binary"]] || identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
		w <- NULL
		tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
	} else {
		w <- data.[["w"]]
		tol <- 1e-2
	transdat <- m_transform_y(data., ytrans, ytransinv, tol = tol)
	# Fit model
	mfit <- try(stats::glm(y ~ x, family = family, weights = w,
							data = transdat[["d"]][c("x", "y")],
							model = FALSE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE),
				silent = TRUE)
	#mfit0 <- try(stats::glm(y ~ 1, data = transdat[["d"]][c("x", "y")], family = family, weights = w), silent = TRUE)
	if (!inherits(mfit, "try-error")) {
		mpred <- predict(mfit, newdata = transdat[["d"]][["newdata"]], type = "response", se.fit = TRUE)
		if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) mpred$fit <- ytransinv(mpred$fit)
		quals <- c(isConv = mfit$converged,
					edf = {temp <- extractAIC(mfit)}[1], AIC = temp[2],
					logLik = logLik(mfit),
					deviance = deviance(mfit),
					df.resid = df.residual(mfit))
		# deviance-based Likelihood-Ratio-Test
		#anova(mfit0, mfit, test = "F", dispersion = quals["deviance"] / quals["df.resid"])
		temp_se <- if (mfit$family$family %in% c("poisson", "binomial") && mfit$rank > 0) { #dispersion == 1
						sqrt(diag(1 * chol2inv(mfit$qr$qr[p1 <- (1L:mfit$rank), p1, drop = FALSE]))[2])
					} else {
						coef(summary(mfit))[2, "Std. Error"]
		coef1 <- c(beta = as.numeric(coef(mfit)[2]), se = temp_se)
		if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) coef1["beta"] <- coef1["beta"] * transdat[["coef1_mult"]]
		perf <- if (transdat[["d"]][["is_binary"]]) performance_bernoulli(pred = fitted(mfit), obs = transdat[["d"]][["y"]]) else performance_bernoulli()
	} else {
		mpred <- list()
		coef1 <- c(beta = NA_integer_, se = NA_integer_)
		quals <- c(isConv = FALSE, edf = NA_integer_, AIC = NA_integer_, logLik = NA_integer_, deviance = NA_integer_, df.resid = NA_integer_)
		perf <- performance_bernoulli()
	list(m = mfit, preds = mpred, quals = quals, coef1 = coef1, perf = perf)

m_glmm_lme4 <- function(family, data., random = "(x|r)", ytrans = NULL, ytransinv = NULL, ...) {
	#---Test input
	ok_random <- TRUE
	testr <- sapply(c("[(]", "[|]", "[)]"), function(chr) gregexpr(chr, random)[[1]])
	if (inherits(testr, "list")) {
		ok_random <- FALSE
	} else {
		if (is.vector(testr)) testr <- matrix(testr, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
		if (!all(testr[, 1] < testr[, 2]) || !all(testr[, 2] < testr[, 3]))
			ok_random <- FALSE
	#---Begin function calculations
	mpred <- list()
	coef1 <- c(beta = NA_integer_, se = NA_integer_)
	quals <- c(isConv = FALSE, edf = NA_integer_, AIC = NA_integer_, logLik = NA_integer_, deviance = NA_integer_, df.resid = NA_integer_)
	perf <- performance_bernoulli()
	if (ok_random) {
		if (requireNamespace("lme4", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)) {
			# Prepare data
			if (data.[["is_binary"]] || identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
				w <- NULL
				tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
			} else {
				w <- data.[["w"]]
				tol <- 1e-2
			transdat <- m_transform_y(data., ytrans, ytransinv, tol = tol)

			# Fit model
			mfit <- if (identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
						try(lme4::lmer(as.formula(paste0("y ~ x + ", random)),
										data = transdat[["d"]][c("x", "y", "r", "c")],
										weights = w),
							silent = FALSE)
					} else {
						try(lme4::glmer(as.formula(paste0("y ~ x + ", random)),
										data = transdat[["d"]][c("x", "y", "r", "c")],
										family = family, weights = w),
							silent = FALSE)
			if (!inherits(mfit, "try-error")) {
				# unconditional (level-0 random effect) prediction
				mpred <- list(fit = predict(mfit, newdata = transdat[["d"]][["newdata"]], re.form = ~ 0, type = "response"))
				if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) mpred <- ytransinv(mpred)
				quals <- c(isConv = TRUE, edf = attr(logLik(mfit), "df"),
							lme4::llikAIC(mfit)[["AICtab"]][c("AIC", "logLik", "deviance", "df.resid")])
				coef1 <- c(beta = as.numeric(lme4::fixef(mfit)[2]),
							se = sqrt(Matrix::diag(vcov(mfit, use.hessian = TRUE))[2]))
				if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) coef1["beta"] <- coef1["beta"] * transdat[["coef1_mult"]]
				perf <- if (transdat[["d"]][["is_binary"]]) performance_bernoulli(pred = fitted(mfit), obs = transdat[["d"]][["y"]])
		} else {
			mfit <- try(stop("ecotoner::m_glmm_lme4(): package 'lme4' and/or 'Matrix' not installed: 'GLMM' not estimated"), silent = FALSE)
	} else {
		mfit <- try(stop("ecotoner::m_glmm_lme4(): argument 'random' is incorrectly formulated: ", random), silent = FALSE)
	list(m = mfit, preds = mpred, quals = quals, coef1 = coef1, perf = perf)

m_glmm_PQL <- function(family, data., random = "~ x|r", correlation = "NULL", ytrans = NULL, ytransinv = NULL, ...) {
	#---Test input
	ok_random <- TRUE
	#---Begin function calculations
	mpred <- list()
	coef1 <- c(beta = NA_integer_, se = NA_integer_)
	quals <- c(isConv = FALSE, edf = NA_integer_, AIC = NA_integer_, logLik = NA_integer_, deviance = NA_integer_, df.resid = NA_integer_)
	perf <- performance_bernoulli()
	if (ok_random) {
		if (requireNamespace("nlme", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
			# Prepare data
			if (data.[["is_binary"]] || identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
				w <- NULL
				tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
			} else {
				w <- data.[["w"]]
				tol <- 1e-2
			transdat <- m_transform_y(data., ytrans, ytransinv, tol = tol)
			m_data <- as.data.frame(sapply(transdat[["d"]][c("x", "y", "r", "c")],
											function(it) if (is.factor(it)) as.numeric(levels(it))[it] else it))
			# Fit model
			if (is.null(correlation) || is.null(eval(parse(text = correlation)))) {
				cors <- NULL
			} else {
				# correlation <- "nlme::corSpher(form = ~ r + c, nugget = TRUE)"
				cors <- try(nlme::Initialize(object = eval(parse(text = correlation)), data = m_data), silent = FALSE)
			if (!inherits(cors, "try-error")) {
				mfit <- if (identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
							try(nlme::lme(fixed = y ~ x, random = as.formula(random),
												correlation = cors, weights = w,
												data = m_data, verbose = FALSE),
								silent = FALSE)
						} else {
							try(MASS::glmmPQL(fixed = y ~ x, random = as.formula(random),
												family = family, correlation = cors,
												weights = w, data = m_data, niter = 50, # there appear to be frequent convergence problems
												verbose = FALSE),
								silent = FALSE)
				if (!inherits(mfit, "try-error")) {
					# unconditional (level-0 random effect) prediction
					mpred <- list(fit = predict(mfit, newdata = transdat[["d"]][["newdata"]], level = 0, type = "response"))
					if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) mpred <- ytransinv(mpred)
					quals <- c(isConv = TRUE,
								edf = {temp <- extractAIC(mfit)}[1], AIC = temp[2],
								logLik = as.numeric(logLik(mfit)),
								deviance = NA_integer_,
								df.resid = NA_integer_)
					temp <- summary(mfit)$tTable
					coef1 <- c(beta = temp[2, "Value"], se = temp[2, "Std.Error"])
					if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) coef1["beta"] <- coef1["beta"] * transdat[["coef1_mult"]]
					pred <- as.numeric(predict(mfit, newdata = m_data, level = 0, type = "response"))
					perf <- if (transdat[["d"]][["is_binary"]]) performance_bernoulli(pred = pred, obs = transdat[["d"]][["y"]])
		} else {
			mfit <- try(stop("ecotoner::m_glmm_PQL(): package 'MASS' and/or 'nlme' not installed: 'GLMM' not estimated"), silent = FALSE)
	} else {
		mfit <- try(stop("ecotoner::m_glmm_PQL(): argument 'random' is incorrectly formulated: ", random), silent = FALSE)
	list(m = mfit, preds = mpred, quals = quals, coef1 = coef1, perf = perf)

m_glmm_RAC <- function(family, data., random = "(x|r)", ytrans = NULL, ytransinv = NULL, grid, ...) {
	# Crase, B., A. C. Liedloff, and B. A. Wintle. 2012. A new method for dealing with residual spatial autocorrelation in species distribution models. Ecography 35:879-888.

	#---Test input
	ok_random <- TRUE
	testr <- sapply(c("[(]", "[|]", "[)]"), function(chr) gregexpr(chr, random)[[1]])
	if (inherits(testr, "list")) {
		ok_random <- FALSE
	} else {
		if (is.vector(testr)) testr <- matrix(testr, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
		if (!all(testr[, 1] < testr[, 2]) || !all(testr[, 2] < testr[, 3]))
			ok_random <- FALSE
	#---Begin function calculations
	mpred <- list()
	coef1 <- c(beta = NA_integer_, se = NA_integer_)
	quals <- c(isConv = FALSE, edf = NA_integer_, AIC = NA_integer_, logLik = NA_integer_, deviance = NA_integer_, df.resid = NA_integer_)
	perf <- performance_bernoulli()
	if (ok_random) {
		if (requireNamespace("lme4", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("spdep", quietly = TRUE)) {
			# Prepare data
			if (data.[["is_binary"]] || identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
				w <- NULL
				tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
			} else {
				w <- data.[["w"]]
				tol <- 1e-2
			transdat <- m_transform_y(data., ytrans, ytransinv, tol = tol)
			m_data <- as.data.frame(sapply(transdat[["d"]][c("x", "y", "r", "c")],
											function(it) if (is.factor(it)) as.numeric(levels(it))[it] else it))

			# Fit non-spatial model
			mfit1 <- if (identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
						try(lme4::lmer(as.formula(paste0("y ~ x + ", random)),
										data = m_data, weights = w),
							silent = FALSE)
					} else {
						try(lme4::glmer(as.formula(paste0("y ~ x + ", random)),
										data = m_data, 
										family = family, weights = w),
							silent = FALSE)
			if (!inherits(mfit1, "try-error")) {
				# Calculate RAC = residual autocovariate
				i_gridcell <- raster::cellFromXY(grid, m_data[, c("c", "r")])
				grid[i_gridcell] <- residuals(mfit1, type = "response", scale = FALSE)	# assignment to cells via 'cellFromXY' is required in case 'm_data' does not contain rows for each cell of 'grid'
				fw <- focalWeight_inverse(raster::res(grid), nbs = 5 * raster::xres(grid))
				rac_focal <- raster::focal(grid, w = fw, fun = "sum",
											na.rm = TRUE, pad = TRUE, padValue = NA)			
				m_data <- cbind(m_data, rac = raster::rasterToPoints(rac_focal)[i_gridcell, "layer"])
				# Fit spatial model with RAC
				mfit <- if (identical(family[["family"]], "gaussian")) {
							try(lme4::lmer(as.formula(paste0("y ~ x + rac + ", random)),
											data = m_data, weights = w),
								silent = FALSE)
						} else {
							try(lme4::glmer(as.formula(paste0("y ~ x + rac + ", random)),
												data = m_data, 
												family = family, weights = w),
									silent = FALSE)
				if (!inherits(mfit, "try-error")) {
					# unconditional (level-0 random effect) prediction
					m_newdata <- cbind(transdat[["d"]][["newdata"]], rac = rep(0, nrow(transdat[["d"]][["newdata"]]))) # predict at 0 residual autocorrelation
					mpred <- list(fit = predict(mfit, newdata = m_newdata, re.form = ~ 0, type = "response"))
					if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) mpred <- ytransinv(mpred)
					quals <- c(isConv = TRUE, edf = attr(logLik(mfit), "df"),
								lme4::llikAIC(mfit)[["AICtab"]][c("AIC", "logLik", "deviance", "df.resid")])
					coef1 <- c(beta = as.numeric(lme4::fixef(mfit)[2]),
								se = sqrt(Matrix::diag(vcov(mfit, use.hessian = TRUE))[2]))
					if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) coef1["beta"] <- coef1["beta"] * transdat[["coef1_mult"]]
					perf <- if (transdat[["d"]][["is_binary"]]) performance_bernoulli(pred = fitted(mfit), obs = transdat[["d"]][["y"]])
			} else {
				mfit <- mfit1
		} else {
			mfit <- try(stop("ecotoner::m_glmm_lme4(): package 'lme4', 'Matrix', and/or 'spdep' not installed: 'GLMM' with residual autocovariate not estimated"), silent = FALSE)
	} else {
		mfit <- try(stop("ecotoner::m_glmm_lme4(): argument 'random' is incorrectly formulated: ", random), silent = FALSE)
	list(m = mfit, preds = mpred, quals = quals, coef1 = coef1, perf = perf)

m_sig <- function(data., ytrans = NULL, ytransinv = NULL, ...) {
	# Prepare data
	transdat <- m_transform_y(data., ytrans, ytransinv)

	# Fit model
	mfit <- {	l <- 1
				repeat {
					fit <- try(nls(y ~ sigmoidal(x, b0, b1),
									data = transdat[["d"]][c("x", "y")],
									start = list(b0 = runif(1, -1, 1),
												b1 = runif(1, -1, 1))),
							silent = TRUE)
					if (l > 50 || !inherits(fit, "try-error")) break
					l <- l + 1
	if (!inherits(mfit, "try-error")) {
		mpred <- list(fit = predict(mfit, newdata = transdat[["d"]][["newdata"]], type = "response"))
		if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) mpred <- ytransinv(mpred)
		temp <- logLik(mfit)
		quals <- c(isConv = mfit[["convInfo"]][["isConv"]],
					edf = attr(temp, "df"), AIC = AIC(mfit),
					logLik = temp,
					deviance = deviance(mfit),
					df.resid = df.residual(mfit))
		temp <- coef(summary(mfit))
		coef1 <- c(beta = temp["b1", "Estimate"], se = temp["b1", "Std. Error"])
		if (transdat[["y_transformed"]]) coef1["beta"] <- coef1["beta"] * transdat[["coef1_mult"]]

		perf <- if (transdat[["d"]][["is_binary"]]) performance_bernoulli(pred = as.numeric(fitted(mfit)), obs = transdat[["d"]][["y"]]) else performance_bernoulli()

	} else {
		mpred <- list()
		coef1 <- c(beta = NA_integer_, se = NA_integer_)
		quals <- c(isConv = FALSE, edf = NA_integer_, AIC = NA_integer_, logLik = NA_integer_, deviance = NA_integer_, df.resid = NA_integer_)
		perf <- performance_bernoulli()

	list(m = mfit, preds = mpred, quals = quals, coef1 = coef1, perf = perf)

#' Heaviside function.
#' The piecewise constant Heaviside/unit step function.
#' @param x A numeric (vector).
#' @param H0 Selects one of three versions of the Heaviside function. A value out of \code{{0, 0.5, 1}} corresponding to \code{Heaviside(0)}
#' @return A numeric vector of the same length as \code{x} with elements out of \code{{0, 1}}, respectively \code{{0, 0.5, 1}} if \code{H0 = 0.5}.
#' @examples
#' x <- (-2):2
#' cbind(x, Heaviside(x, H0 = 0))
#' cbind(x, Heaviside(x, H0 = 0.5))
#' cbind(x, Heaviside(x, H0 = 1))
#' \dontrun{cbind(x, Heaviside(x, H0 = 0.3))}
Heaviside <- function(x, H0 = 0L) {
	if (isTRUE(all.equal(H0, 0))) {
		# This appears to be the version used by Eppinga et al. 2013
		ifelse(x > 0, 1L, 0L)
	} else if (isTRUE(all.equal(H0, 1))) {
		ifelse(x >= 0, 1L, 0L)
	} else if (isTRUE(all.equal(H0, 0.5))) {
		# http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeavisideStepFunction.html
		0.5 * (1 + sign(x))
	} else {
		stop(paste("The requested version of the 'Heaviside' function with H0 =", H0, "is not implemented."))

#---Eppinga et al. 2013: eq. 17 - eq. 19
transformation17 <- function(x) (2 * Heaviside(x) - 1) * log(1 + abs(x))

backtransformation17 <- function(y) (2 * Heaviside(y) - 1) * (exp(abs(y)) - 1)

erf <- function(x) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1

indexed_mean_of_diffs <- function(d, i) mean(d[i, 1] - d[i, 2], na.rm = TRUE)

defuzz_2rad <- function(x) {
	x <- ifelse(x > -10*sqrt(.Machine$double.neg.eps) & x < 10*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 0, x)
	ifelse(x > 2*pi - 10*sqrt(.Machine$double.neg.eps) & x < 2*pi + 10*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 2*pi, x)

circle_2rad <- function(x){
	x <- ifelse(x <= 2*pi, x, x %% (2*pi + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) #I add sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) so that (x*2*pi) %% (2*pi) is equal to 2*pi
	ifelse(x >= 0, x, 2*pi + x)

rotate_azimuth_matrix <- function(mat, angle) {
	mat <- mat - angle	# positive angles means clockwise
	mat <- circle_2rad(mat)
	mat <- defuzz_2rad(mat)
	mat[mat == 0] <- 2*pi #previous step has direction 2*pi and not 0

transform_01_to_R <- function(x, ymin, ymax) ymin + x * (ymax - ymin)

transform_R_to_01 <- function(y, ymin, ymax) (y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin)
dschlaep/ecotoner documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:57 p.m.