
Defines functions .multi_var_gather_raw .summarize_set_by_fxn .data_gather_summarize_vars_by_groups .ditto_dot_plot dittoDotPlot

Documented in dittoDotPlot

#' Compact plotting of per group summaries for expression of multiple features
#' @param vars String vector of gene or metadata names which selects the features to summarize and show.
#' Example: \code{c("gene1","gene2","gene3")}
#' Alternatively, a named list of string vectors where names represent category labels, such as associated cell types, and values are the gene or metadata names that you wish to have grouped together.
#' Example: \code{vars = list('Epithelial Cells' = c("gene1","gene2"), Neuron = c("gene3"))}
#' @param group.by String representing the name of a metadata to use for separating the cells/samples into discrete groups.
#' @param split.by 1 or 2 strings naming discrete metadata to use for splitting the cells/samples into multiple plots with ggplot faceting.
#' \itemize{
#' \item When 2 metadata are named, c(row,col), the first is used as rows and the second is used for columns of the resulting grid.
#' \item When 1 metadata is named, shape control can be achieved with \code{split.nrow} and \code{split.ncol}
#' \item Note: When \code{vars} are provided in list format, to group its contents into categories, that grouping is carried out via faceting and takes up one of the \code{split.by} slots.
#' }
#' @param vars.dir "x" or "y", sets the axis where \code{vars} will be displayed.
#' @param categories.split.adjust Boolean. When \code{TRUE} (default), and \code{vars}-categories have been provided, improves category display by:
#' \itemize{
#' \item adding \code{list(switch = "y", scales = "free_y", space = "free_y")} to the default for \code{split.adjust} (or 'x' counterparts depending on \code{vars.dir})
#' \item enforcing that \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_grid}} will be used for faceting because \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_wrap}} cannot receive the 'space' argument.
#' }
#' @param categories.theme.adjust Boolean. When \code{TRUE} (default), and \code{vars}-categories have been provided, improves category display by
#' adding \code{theme(strip.placement = "outside", strip.background.y = element_blank())} to the given \code{theme} (or 'x' counterpart depending on \code{vars.dir})
#' @param summary.fxn.color,summary.fxn.size A function which sets how color or size will be used to summarize variables' data for each group.
#' Any function can be used as long as it takes in a numeric vector and returns a single numeric value.
#' @param scale String which sets whether the values shown with color (default: mean non-zero expression) should be centered and scaled. 
#' @param size Number which sets the visual dot size associated with the highest value shown by dot size (default: percent non-zero expression).
#' @param adjustment Should expression data be used directly (default) or should it be adjusted to be
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"z-score": scaled with the scale() function to produce a relative-to-mean z-score representation}
#' \item{"relative.to.max": divided by the maximum expression value to give percent of max values between [0,1]}
#' }
#' @param min.percent,max.percent Numbers between 0 and 1 which sets the minimum and maximum percent expression to show.
#' When set to NA, the minimum/maximum of the data are used.
#' @param min.color,max.color colors to use for minimum and maximum color values.
#' Default = light grey and purple.
#' Ignored if \code{mid.color} given as \code{"ryb"}, \code{"rwb"}, or \code{"rgb"} which will update these to be "blue" and "red", respectively.
#' @param min,max Numbers which set the values associated with the minimum and maximum colors.
#' @param mid.color NULL (default), "ryb", "rwb", "rgb", or a color to use for the midpoint of a three-color color scale.
#' \emph{This parameter acts a switch between using a 2-color scale or a 3-color scale}:\itemize{
#' \item When left NULL, the 2-color scale runs from \code{min.color} to \code{max.color}, using \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_fill_gradient}}.
#' \item When given a color, the 3-color scale runs from \code{min.color} to \code{mid.color} to \code{max.color}, using \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_fill_gradient2}}.
#' \item{
#' When given \emph{\code{"ryb"}, \code{"rwb"}, or \code{"rgb"} serves as a \strong{single-point, quick switch to a "standard" 3-color scale}} by also updating the \code{min.color} and \code{max.color}.
#' Doing so sets:\itemize{
#'     \item \code{max.color} to a red,
#'     \item \code{min.color} to a blue,
#'     \item and \code{mid.color} to either a yellow ("r\emph{y}b"), "white" ("r\emph{w}b"), or "gray97" ("r\emph{g}b", gray not green).
#'     \item Actual colors used are inspired by \href{http://www.colorbrewer.org}{ColorBrewer} "RdYlBu" and "RdBu" palettes.
#' }
#' Thus, the 3-color scale runs from a blue to one of a yellow, "white", or "gray97" to a red, using \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_fill_gradient2}}.
#' }
#' }
#' @param mid Number or "make" (default) which sets the value associated with the \code{mid.color} of the three-color scale.
#' Ignored when \code{mid.color} is left as NULL.
#' When "make", defaults to midway between what dittoSeq expects to be the minimum and maximum values shown in the legend.
#' (Maps to the 'midpoint' parameter of \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_fill_gradient2}}.)
#' @param ylab String which sets the y/grouping-axis label.
#' Default is \code{group.by} so it defaults to the name of the grouping information.
#' Set to \code{NULL} to remove.
#' @param xlab String which sets the x/var-axis label.
#' Set to \code{NULL} to remove.
#' @param x.labels.rotate Logical which sets whether the var-labels should be rotated.
#' @param y.labels String vector, c("label1","label2","label3",...) which overrides the names of the samples/groups.
#' @param y.reorder Integer vector. A sequence of numbers, from 1 to the number of groupings, for rearranging the order of groupings.
#' Method: Make a first plot without this input.
#' Then, treating the bottom-most grouping as index 1, and the top-most as index n,
#' values of y.reorder should be these indices, but in the order that you would like them rearranged to be.
#' Recommendation for advanced users: If you find yourself coming back to this input too many times, an alternative solution that can be easier long-term
#' is to make the target data into a factor, and to put its levels in the desired order: \code{factor(data, levels = c("level1", "level2", ...))}.
#' \code{\link{metaLevels}} can be used to quickly get the identities that need to be part of this 'levels' input.
#' @param legend.color.title,legend.size.title String or \code{NULL}, sets the title displayed above legend keys.
#' @param do.hover Logical. Default = \code{FALSE}.
#' If set to \code{TRUE} the object will be converted to an interactive plotly object in which underlying data for individual dots will be displayed when you hover your cursor over them.
#' @inheritParams dittoPlotVarsAcrossGroups
#' @inheritParams dittoScatterPlot
#' @return a ggplot object where dots of different colors and sizes summarize continuous data for multiple features per multiple groups.
#' Alternatively when \code{data.out = TRUE}, a list containing the plot ("p") and the underlying data as a dataframe ("data").
#' Alternatively when \code{do.hover = TRUE}, a plotly converted version of the plot where additional data will be displayed when the cursor is hovered over the dots.
#' @details
#' This function will output a compact summary of expression of multiple genes, or of values of multiple numeric metadata, across cell/sample groups (clusters, sample identity, conditions, etc.),
#' where dot-size and dot-color are used to reflect distinct features of the data.
#' Typically, and by default, size will reflect the percent of non-zero values, and color will reflect the mean of non-zero values for each var and group pairing.
#' Internally, the data for each element of \code{vars} is obtained.
#' When elements are genes/features, \code{assay} and \code{slot} are utilized to determine which expression data to use,
#' and \code{adjustment} determines if and how the expression data might be adjusted.
#' (Note that 'adjustment' would be applied \emph{before} cells/samples subsetting, and across all groups of cells/samples.)
#' Groupings are determined using \code{group.by}, and then data for each variable is summarized based on \code{summary.fxn.color} & \code{summary.fxn.size}.
#' If \code{scale = TRUE} (default setting), the color summary values are centered and scaled.
#' Doing so 1) puts values for all \code{vars} in a similar range, and 2) emphasizes relative differences between groups.
#' Finally, data is plotted as dots of differing colors and sizes, with \code{vars} along the \code{vars.dir}-axis and groupings along the other.
#' Labels along the x-axis can be rotated 45 degrees with \code{x.label.rotate=TRUE}, which is on by default when \code{vars.dir=='x'}.
#' @section Many characteristics of the plot can be adjusted using discrete inputs:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Size of the dots can be changed with \code{size}.
#' \item Subsetting to utilize only certain cells/samples can be achieved with \code{cells.use}.
#' \item Markers can be grouped into categories by providing them to the \code{vars} input as a list, where list element names represent category names, and list element contents are the feature names which each category should contain.
#' \item Colors (2-color scale) can be adjusted with \code{min.color} and \code{max.color}.
#' \item Coloring can also be switched to a 3-color scale by using the \code{mid.color} parameter.  For details, see that parameter's description above.
#' \item Displayed value ranges can be adjusted with \code{min} and \code{max} for color, or \code{min.percent} and \code{max.percent} for size.
#' \item Titles and axes labels can be adjusted with \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, \code{legend.color.title}, and \code{legend.size.title} arguments.
#' \item The legend can be hidden by setting \code{legend.show = FALSE}.
#' \item The color legend tick marks and associated labels can be adjusted with \code{legend.color.breaks} and \code{legend.color.breaks.labels}, respectively.
#' \item The groupings labels and order can be changed using \code{y.labels} and \code{y.reorder}
#' \item Rotation of x-axis labels can be turned off with \code{x.labels.rotate = FALSE}.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{dittoPlotVarsAcrossGroups}} for a different method of summarizing expression of multiple features across distinct groups that can be better (and more compact) when the mapping of values to individual genes among the requested set are unimportant.
#' \code{\link{dittoPlot}} and \code{\link{multi_dittoPlot}} for plotting of expression and metadata vars, each as separate plots, on a per cell/sample basis.
#' @examples
#' example(importDittoBulk, echo = FALSE)
#' myRNA
#' # These random data don't mimic dropout, so we'll add some zeros.
#' logcounts(myRNA)[
#'     matrix(
#'         sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), ncol(myRNA)*10, p=c(.2,.8), replace = TRUE),
#'         ncol=10
#'     )] <- 0
#' dittoDotPlot(
#'     myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"),
#'     group.by = "clustering")
#' # 'size' adjusts the dot-size associated with the highest percent expression
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     size = 12)
#' # 'scale' input can be used to control / turn off scaling of avg exp values.
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     scale = FALSE)
#' # x-axis label rotation can be controlled with 'x.labels.rotate'
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     x.labels.rotate = FALSE)
#' # The axis that vars get shown on can be swapped with the 'vars.dir' input.
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     vars.dir = "y")
#' # Titles are adjustable via various discrete inputs:
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     main = "Title",
#'     sub = "Subtitle",
#'     ylab = "y-axis label",
#'     xlab = "x-axis label",
#'     legend.color.title = "Colors title",
#'     legend.size.title = "Dot size title")
#' # You can also bin vars into groups by providing them in a named list:
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, group.by = "clustering",
#'     vars = list(
#'         'Naive' = c("gene1", "gene2"),
#'         'Stimulated' = c("gene3", "gene4")
#'     )
#' )
#' # The 'categories.split.adjust' and 'categories.theme.adjust' arguments then
#' #   control whether 'split.adjust' and 'theme' input contents, respectively,
#' #   will be added to in ways that make these categories actually appear, and
#' #   work, like categories.
#' # They both default to TRUE, and the axis they affect follows 'vars.dir'.
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, group.by = "clustering",
#'     vars = list(Naive = c("gene1", "gene2"), Stimulated = c("gene3"))
#' )
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, group.by = "clustering",
#'     vars = list(Naive = c("gene1", "gene2"), Stimulated = c("gene3")),
#'     split.by = "conditions"
#' )
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, group.by = "clustering",
#'     vars = list(Naive = c("gene1", "gene2"), Stimulated = c("gene3")),
#'     categories.split.adjust = FALSE,
#'     categories.theme.adjust = FALSE
#' )
#' # Now with 'vars.dir' changed to 'y'...
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, group.by = "clustering",
#'     vars = list(Naive = c("gene1", "gene2"), Stimulated = c("gene3")),
#'     vars.dir = "y"
#' )
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, group.by = "clustering",
#'     vars = list(Naive = c("gene1", "gene2"), Stimulated = c("gene3")),
#'     split.by = "conditions",
#'     vars.dir = "y"
#' )
#' # Coloring can be swapped from the default 2-color scale to a 3-color scale
#' #   by using the 'mid.color' input:
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     mid.color = "white"
#' )
#' # Setting it to "ryb", "rgb", or "rwb" quickly updates this input as well as
#' #   'min.color' and 'max.color', making the affect of these next two calls
#' #   equivalent:
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     mid.color = "rgb"
#' )
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     min.color = "#2166AC", # (blue)
#'     mid.color = "gray97",  # (gray)
#'     max.color = "#B2182B"  # (red)
#' )
#' # For certain specialized applications, it may be helpful to adjust the
#' #   functions used for summarizing the data as well. Inputs are:
#' #   summary.fxn.color & summary.fxn.size
#' #     Requirement for each: Any function that takes in a numeric vector &
#' #     returns, as output, a single numeric value.
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#'     summary.fxn.color = mean,
#'     legend.color.title = "mean\nexpression\nincluding 0s",
#'     x.labels.rotate = FALSE,
#'     scale = FALSE)
#' @author Daniel Bunis
#' @export
dittoDotPlot <- function(
    scale = TRUE,
    split.by = NULL,
    cells.use = NULL,
    size = 6,
    vars.dir = c("x", "y"),
    categories.split.adjust = TRUE,
    categories.theme.adjust = TRUE,
    split.nrow = NULL,
    split.ncol = NULL,
    split.adjust = list(),
    min.color = "grey90",
    max.color = "#C51B7D",
    min = "make",
    max = NA,
    mid.color = NULL,
    mid = "make",
    summary.fxn.color = function(x) {mean(x[x!=0])},
    summary.fxn.size = function(x) {mean(x!=0)},
    min.percent = 0.01,
    max.percent = NA,
    assay = .default_assay(object),
    slot = .default_slot(object),
    adjustment = NULL,
    swap.rownames = NULL,
    do.hover = FALSE,
    main = NULL,
    sub = NULL,
    ylab = group.by,
    y.labels = NULL,
    y.reorder = NULL,
    xlab = NULL,
    x.labels.rotate = vars.dir=="x",
    groupings.drop.unused = TRUE,
    theme = theme_classic(),
    legend.show = TRUE,
    legend.color.breaks = waiver(),
    legend.color.breaks.labels = waiver(),
    legend.color.title = "make",
    legend.size.title = "percent\nexpression",
    data.out = FALSE) {

    cells.use <- .which_cells(cells.use, object)
    vars.dir <- match.arg(vars.dir)

    # Fill defaults
    legend.color.title <- .leave_default_or_null(
        default = ifelse(scale,"relative\nexpression","average\nexpression"))
    min <- .leave_default_or_null(
        default = if (scale) {NA} else {0})
    if (!identical(mid.color, NULL)) {
        if (mid.color == "ryb") {
            min.color <- "#4575B4"
            mid.color <- "#FFFFBF"
            max.color <- "#D73027"
        if (mid.color == "rgb") {
            min.color <- "#2166AC"
            mid.color <- "gray97"
            max.color <- "#B2182B"
        if (mid.color == "rwb") {
            min.color <- "#2166AC"
            mid.color <- "white"
            max.color <- "#B2182B"
    # Handle vars-categories pre-gather
    vars_list <- NULL
    if (is.list(vars)) {
        vars_list <- vars
        vars <- unlist(vars)
        if (length(split.by) > 1) {
            warning("Grouping of 'vars' into categories via list-typed provision makes use of faceting for rendering. The second element given to 'split.by' will be ignored.")
        split.by <- split.by[1]

    # Create data table summarizing vars data for each group
    data <- .data_gather_summarize_vars_by_groups(
        object, vars, group.by, split.by,
        list(summary.fxn.color, summary.fxn.size),
        c("color", "size"),
        cells.use, assay, slot, adjustment, swap.rownames, do.hover,
    data$var <- factor(data$var, levels = vars)
    data$grouping <-
        .rename_and_or_reorder(data$grouping, y.reorder, y.labels)

    # Finish vars-categories
    if (!is.null(vars_list)) {
        var_names <- c()
        for (i in seq_along(vars_list)) {
            this <- rep(names(vars_list)[i], length(vars_list[[i]]))
            names(this) <- vars_list[[i]]
            var_names <- c(var_names, this)

        if (vars.dir == "y") {
            data$VAR_SET <- factor(var_names[data$var], levels = rev(names(vars_list)))
            split.by <- c('VAR_SET', split.by)
            split.adjust.add <- list(switch = "y", scales = "free_y", space = "free_y")
            theme_adj <- theme + theme(
                strip.placement = "outside",
                strip.background.y = element_blank()
        } else {
            data$VAR_SET <- factor(var_names[data$var], levels = names(vars_list))
            split.by <- c(split.by, 'VAR_SET')
            split.adjust.add <- list(switch = "x", scales = "free_x", space = "free_x")
            theme_adj <- theme + theme(
                strip.placement = "outside",
                strip.background.x = element_blank()
        if (categories.split.adjust) {
            split.adjust <- modifyList(split.adjust.add, split.adjust)
        if (categories.theme.adjust) {
            theme <- theme_adj
    if (scale) {
        data$pre.scale <- data$color
        for (i in vars) {
            data$color[data$var == i] <-
                # center, if multiple groups express this var, also scale
                if (sum(!is.na(data$color[data$var == i]))>1) {
                    scale(data$color[data$var == i])
                } else {
                    scale(data$color[data$var == i], scale = FALSE)

    # Fill remaining default that might require data knowledge
    if (!identical(mid.color, NULL)) {
        if (identical(mid,"make")) {
            if (scale) {
                mid <- 0
            } else {
                max_calc <- ifelse(identical(max, NA), max(data$color), max)
                min_calc <- ifelse(identical(min, NA), min(data$color), min)
                mid <- (min_calc + max_calc)/2

    # Generate Plot
    p <- .ditto_dot_plot(
        data, do.hover, main, sub, ylab, xlab, x.labels.rotate, scale,
        min.color, mid.color, max.color, min, mid, max,
        size, min.percent, max.percent, theme,
        legend.color.title, legend.color.breaks, legend.color.breaks.labels,
        legend.size.title, legend.show)
    ### Add extra features
    if (!is.null(split.by)) {
        p <- .add_splitting(
            p, split.by, split.nrow, split.ncol, split.adjust,
            exists("var_names") && categories.split.adjust,
            ifelse(vars.dir=="x", "col", "row"))

    if (do.hover) {
        p <- plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")
    if (vars.dir == "y") {
        p <- p + coord_flip()

    # DONE. Return
    if (data.out) {
            p = p,
            data = data)
    } else {

.ditto_dot_plot <- function(
    legend.show) {
    p <- ggplot(data,
            aes(x = .data$var, y = .data$grouping, color = .data$color, size = .data$size)) +
        theme +
        ggtitle(main, sub) + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) +
            name = legend.size.title,
            limits = c(min.percent, max.percent),
            range = c(0, size))

    color.args <- list(
        name = legend.color.title,
        low = min.color, high = max.color,
        limits = c(min,max),
        breaks = legend.color.breaks,
        labels = legend.color.breaks.labels
    if (identical(mid.color, NULL)) {
        p <- p + do.call(scale_color_gradient, color.args)
    } else {
        color.args$mid <- mid.color
        color.args$midpoint <- mid
        p <- p + do.call(scale_color_gradient2, color.args)
    if (do.hover) {
        p <- p + suppressWarnings(
            geom_point(aes(text = .data$hover.string), na.rm = TRUE))
    } else {
        p <- p + geom_point(na.rm = TRUE)
    if (x.labels.rotate) {
        p <- p + theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle=45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
    if (!legend.show) {
        p <- .remove_legend(p)

.data_gather_summarize_vars_by_groups <- function(
    summary.fxns, # list of summaries to make
    names,        # vector of what to call those summaries
    numeric.only = TRUE) {
    object <- .swap_rownames(object, swap.rownames)
    groupings <- meta(group.by, object)[cells.use]

    ### Grab (and adjust) vars data per cell/sample
    # rows = cells/samples
    # cols = vars
    vars_data <- .multi_var_gather_raw(
        object, vars, assay, slot, adjustment, cells.use, numeric.only, split.by)

    # Extract or negate-away split.by data
    facet <- if (is.null(split.by)) {
    } else {
        do.call(paste, vars_data[,split.by, drop = FALSE])
    ### Transformed summary data
    # rows = individual data points; each var for group1, group2, group3,...
    data <- do.call(
            function(this_facet) {
                # Subset data per facet
                vars_data <- vars_data[facet==this_facet, , drop = FALSE]
                groupings <- groupings[facet==this_facet]
                # Start the data frame
                new_data <- data.frame(
                    var = rep(vars, length(unique(groupings))),
                    grouping = rep(
                        unique(groupings), each = length(vars))
                ### Summarize vars data per group
                # rows = vars
                # cols = groupings
                summary_data <- lapply(
                    summary.fxns, function(f) {
                            f, .data = vars_data, grps = groupings, vrs = vars)
                # Transform to 1 row per point
                for (i in seq_along(summary_data)) {
                    new_data <- cbind(new_data, unlist(summary_data[[i]]))
                names(new_data) <- c("var", "grouping", names)
                # Add facet info
                if (!is.null(split.by)) {
                    for (by in split.by) {
                        new_data[[by]] <- vars_data[1,by]
    # Respect factor level ordering of group.by
    data$grouping <- .keep_levels_if_factor(

    if (do.hover) {
        data$hover.string <- .make_hover_strings_from_df(data)


### Summarize vars data per group
# rows = summarized vars data (1 row per element of vars)
# cols = groupings
.summarize_set_by_fxn <- function(summary.fxn, .data, grps, vrs) {
            function (this_group) {
                    function(this_var) {
                        summary.fxn(.data[grps == this_group, this_var])
                    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
            }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(vrs))

#' @importFrom stats sd
.multi_var_gather_raw <- function(
    split.by) {
    gets <- c(vars, split.by)
    call_meta <- isMeta(gets, object, return.values = FALSE)
    meta_gets <- gets[call_meta]
    gene_gets <- isGene(gets[!call_meta], object, assay, return.values = TRUE)
    if (!all(gets %in% c(meta_gets, gene_gets))) {
        stop("All 'vars' and 'split.by' must be a metadata or gene/feature of the targeted assay(s)")
    if (length(vars) <= 1) {
        stop("'vars' must be a vector of at least two elements for this function.")
    gets_data <- if (length(meta_gets)>0) {
        getMetas(object, names.only = FALSE)[, meta_gets, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        data.frame(row.names = .all_cells(object))
    if (length(gene_gets)>0) {
        gene_data <- t(as.matrix(.which_data(assay,slot,object)[gene_gets, , drop = FALSE]))
        if (!is.null(adjustment)) {
            if (adjustment=="z-score") {
                gene_data <- apply(gene_data, 2, function(x) {(x-mean(x))/sd(x)})
            if (adjustment=="relative.to.max") {
                gene_data <- apply(gene_data, 2, function(x) {x/max(x)})
        gets_data <- cbind(as.data.frame(gene_data), gets_data)
    if (numeric.only) {
        # Only check vars, not split.by
        for (var in vars) {
            if (!is.numeric(gets_data[,var])) {
                stop("All 'vars' must be numeric. ", var, " is not numeric.")
    # Trim by cells use and ensure ordering with split.by last
    gets_data[cells.use, gets]
dtm2451/dittoSeq documentation built on May 5, 2024, 11:19 a.m.