
Defines functions buildAttributes.DataTableWithClasses print.DataTableWithClasses summary.default summary.DataTableWithClasses DataTableWithClasses

Documented in buildAttributes.DataTableWithClasses DataTableWithClasses print.DataTableWithClasses summary.DataTableWithClasses summary.default

#' @title constructor of the DataTableWithClasses class
#' @author Mustafa AbuElQumsan and Jacques van helden
#' @description This class contains count tables
#' (typically used to represent expression profiles in RNA-seq analysis)
#' documented with a Pheno table (description of each sample) and completed
#' with some additional fields for convenience: sample names, gene names, ...
#' @param dataTable a data.frame with one row per feature (e.g. gene) and
#' one column per sample.
#' @param phenoTable a data frame describing each sample: one row per sample and one column per attribute of a sample.
#' @param dataType="raw counts" data type, free text (e.g. raw counts, log2-transformed counts, log2 normalised counts  ...).
#' @param parameters global and specific parameters for the analysis of this recountID
#' @return it is create object that is belonge to DataTableWithClasses class that means it would have the follwing attributes

#' \itemize{

#'      \item dataTable: is count table that is contains one raw per feature (e.g. gene) and one column per individual (e.g. sample)
#'      \item phenoTable: that is description table for all individuals whereas that erach raw is individual (sample) and each column is the itemize for such individuals
#'      \item dataType: that is deemed feature type whereas we have filtered, scaled, log2-norm, PCs of log2norm and so on. to inspect the impact of pre-processing procedures with NGS data.
#'      \item parameters = that is all the accompanying parameters to recount study case

#'     \item classColumn: that is indeed refers to type of the outcome column.
#'     \item nbGenes: that is whole number of features.
#'     \item sampleNames: that is names of individuals that are included in the new object.
#'     \item featureNames: the names of each genes in the count table that will be involved in new object.
#'     \item classLabels: that is the class labels for all the samples in the relatedness object.
#'     \item classNames:  that is the names of all classes included in the relatedness object.
#'     \item nbClasses:   that is the overall number of the classes involved in the relatedness object.
#'     \item classProperities: that is the data.frame composed of two columns one for the class name, number of samples in each class, train size per class
#'     \item samplesPerClass: such paraperter are involved in classProperities.
#'     \item classFrequencies: such parameter means the ratio of certain samples for somehow class so as to the whole samples into the dataTable.
#'     \item randExpectedHitRate: it is corss product for the classFrequensies .
#'     \item randExpectedMisclassificationRate: it is 1 - randExpectedHitRate.
#'     \item sampleColors: such parameter for visualisation of the sample by putting some useful colors.
#'     \item classColors: such parameter for puting special color for each class involved in analysis.

#' }
#' @export

DataTableWithClasses <- function(dataTable,
                                 parameters) {

  ## Check required parameters
  for (p in c("recountID", "classColumn")) {
    if (is.null(parameters[[p]])) {
      stop("Missing required parameter: '", p,
           "'.\n\tPlease check configuration file. ")
    } else {
      assign(p, parameters[[p]])

  ## Built a list from the input parameters
  message.with.time("\tCreating object of class DataTableWithClasses\t", parameters$recountID)

  ## Build a first version of the object based on passed parameters
  object <- structure(
      ID = recountID,
      dataTable = dataTable,
      phenoTable = phenoTable,
      # variablesType = variablesType,
      dataType = dataType,
      parameters = parameters,

      ## NOTE: classColumn and classColors are now attached to the object via parameters
      ## -> should be suppressed from below but then we need to check that everything works fine.
      classColumn = classColumn# ,
#      classColors = classColors
  # names(object)
  # class(object)
  # attributes(object)
  # UseMethod("exportTables", self)

  ##  Get user-specificed class colors if defined. If not, will be defined with buildAttributes
  if (!is.null(parameters$classColors)) {
    object$classColors <- parameters$classColors

  ## Define all the derived attributes from the count table and pheno table
  object <- buildAttributes(object)
  # object <- UseMethod("buildAttributes", object)
  ## Attach the parameters to the object
#  object$parameters <- parameters

  message("\t\tInstantiated an object of class dataTablewithClasses for recountID\t", recountID)

#' @title print a summary of an object belonging to class DataTableWithClasses
#' @author Mustafa AubElQumsan and Jacques van Helden
#' @description just print the summary of the object that is belonge to class DataTableWithClasses
#' @return print the summary of such object by utilizing generic function
#' @export
summary.DataTableWithClasses <- function(self) {
#  message("\t\t\n giving the summary of the created object")
  cat("\tData type         \t", self$dataType, "\n")
  # cat("\tVariables type         \t", x$variablesType, "\n")
  cat("\tNumber of genes   \t", self$nbGenes, "\n")
  cat("\tNumber of samples \t", self$nbSamples, "\n")
  cat("\tNumber of classes \t", self$nbClasses, "\n")
  cat("\tClass properties\n")
  NextMethod("summary", self)

#' @title finish summary of an object belonging to class DataTableWithClasses
#' @author Mustafa AubElQumsan and Jacques van Helden
#' @description this is default generic funtion in order to print the properities of the object  that is belonge to DataTableWithClasses.
#' @param self that is an object which is want to print its properities
#' @return properities of an object
#' @export
summary.default <- function(self) {

#' @title finish summary of an object belonging to class DataTableWithClasses
#' @author Mustafa AubElQumsan and Jacques van Helden
#' @description this is default generic funtion in order to print the properities of the object  that is belonge to DataTableWithClasses.
#' @param self that is an object which is want to print its properities
#' @return properities of an object
#' @export
print.DataTableWithClasses <- function(x) {

#' @title build the attributes of an object of class DataTableWithClasses based on the count table and pheno table.
#' @author Jacques van Helden and Mustafa AbuElQumsan
#' @description Derive the attributes of an object from the count table and pheno table.
#' This includes the definition of sample and gene names, as well as the association of
#' classes to samples, based on the classColumn(s) specified in the parameters.
#' @param self an object of class DataTableWithClasses
#' @return the same object with added fields to describe sample classes and derived
#' attributes. Sample classes are extracted from the phenoTable, using column(s)
#' specified in self$classColumn.
#' @export
buildAttributes.DataTableWithClasses <- function(self) {
  message("\tBuilding class-specific attributes for DataTableWithClasses\t", self$ID)

  ## Check rows of pheno table
  if (nrow(self$phenoTable) != ncol(self$dataTable)) {
    stop("DataTableWithClasses(): inconsistent dimensions of phenoTable (",
         nrow(self$phenoTable), " rows) and dataTable (",
         ncol(self$dataTable), " columns).")

  ## Check if the pheno table contains a column corresponding to the indication
  if (sum(!self$classColumn %in% names(self$phenoTable)) > 1) {
    stop("\n\tMissing column(s) in the pheno table ",
         paste(collapse = ", ", setdiff(classColumn, names(self$phenoTable))),
         "\n\tColumns found in the pheno table: ",
         paste(collapse = ", ", names(self$phenoTable)))

  ## Count table-derived paraemters
  self$nbSamples = ncol(self$dataTable)
  self$nbGenes = nrow(self$dataTable)
  self$sampleNames = colnames(self$dataTable)
  self$featureNames = rownames(self$dataTable)

  ## Specify sample classes (classLabels) and all the derived attributes
  ## (classNames, nbClasses, ...) by extracting information about
  ## specified class columns
  if (is.null(self$classColumn) || (length(self$classColumn) < 1)) {
    stop("classColumn must be defined. ")
  } else {
    missingColumns <- setdiff(self$classColumn, names(self$phenoTable))
    if (length(missingColumns > 0)) {
      stop("missing column(s) in the pheno table: ", paste(collapse = ", ", missingColumns),
           "\npheno table columns: ", paste(collapse = "\n\t", names(self$phenoTable)))

  if (length(self$classColumn) == 1) {
    self$classLabels <-  as.vector(self$phenoTable[, self$classColumn])
  } else {
    ## Combine several columns to establish the classLabels
    self$classLabels <- apply(self$phenoTable[, self$classColumn], 1, paste, collapse = "_")
  # table(classLabels)
  self$classNames <- unique(sort(self$classLabels))
  self$nbClasses <- length(self$classNames)

  ## Build a table with class properties (size, color, ...)
  self$classProperties <- (as.data.frame.table(table(self$classLabels)))
  colnames(self$classProperties) <- c("Class", "nbSamples")
  rownames(self$classProperties) <- as.vector(self$classProperties$Class)

  ## Build a vector with the number of samples per class
  self$samplesPerClass <- as.vector(as.matrix(self$classProperties$nbSamples))
  names(self$samplesPerClass) <- as.vector(as.matrix(self$classProperties$Class))

  ## Relative frequencies of individuals per class
  self$classFrequencies <- self$samplesPerClass / sum(self$samplesPerClass)
  self$randExpectedHitRate = self$classFrequencies %*% self$classFrequencies
  self$randExpectedMisclassificationRate = 1 - self$randExpectedHitRate

  ## Define class colors
  if (is.null(self$classColors)) {
    self$classColors <- rainbow(n  = self$nbClasses)
    names(self$classColors) <- self$classNames
    #classColors <- unlist(classColors)
  } else {
    if (class(self$classColors) == "list") {
      ## Convert list (like the one parsed  from the YAML file) to a named vector
      self$classColors <- unlist(self$classColors)

    ## Assign automatic colors (numbers starting from 1) for classes with no defined color in the parameters
    checkedColors <- self$classColors[self$classNames]
    names(checkedColors) <- self$classNames
    missing.color <- is.na(checkedColors)
    if (sum(missing.color) > 0) {
      ## Pick up missing color in a rainbow with n colors = nbClasses
      checkedColors[missing.color] <- rainbow(n = self$nbClasses)[missing.color]
      self$classColors <- checkedColors

    ##    self$classNames %in% names(self$classColors)

  ## Assign class-specific colors if they were defined in the parameters
  self$classProperties$color <- self$classColors[rownames(self$classProperties)]

  ## Assign colors to samples
  self$sampleColors <- self$classColors[self$classLabels]
  names(self$sampleColors) <- self$sampleNames

  #### Check consistency of  parameters ####

  ## Check sample names
  if (length(self$sampleNames) != ncol(self$dataTable)) {
    stop("DataTableWithClasses(): inconsistent dimensions of sampleNames (",
         length(self$sampleNames), " names) and dataTable (",
         ncol(self$dataTable), " columns).")

  ## Check gene names
  if (length(self$featureNames) != nrow(self$dataTable)) {
    stop("DataTableWithClasses(): inconsistent dimensions of featureNames (",
         length(self$featureNames), " names) and dataTable (",
         nrow(self$dataTable), " columns).")

  self <- NextMethod("buildAttributes", self)
  #  message("trainIndices length : ", length(self$trainTestProperties$trainIndices))
  #  message("\t\treturning from buildAttributes.DataTableWithClasses()")
  return (self)
elqumsan/RNAseqMVA documentation built on March 10, 2021, 8:10 a.m.