

A bunch of R functions to make playing with high throughput data easier, developed for applications at the UMD Host-Pathogen Genomics Laboratory (HPGL).

Although the functionality in this packaged was developed primarily to answer questions related to host-pathogen genomics and transcriptomics, much of the functionality is general enough that it may be useful for many other kinds of analyses.


There are too many ways to install software in R. The following are a few which I have performed for this package. This contains a mix of bioconductor and cran packages. The following instructions are what I used on a brand-new Debian unstable computer with nothing pre-installed.

Compiled Prerequisites

Quite a few packages used by hpgltools have compiled code, here is an incomplete list of requisites and the likely Debian-based.

## As the super user:

## For the basics:
apt-get install gcc g++ cc1plus gfortran gawk sed bison libboost-all-dev build-essential \
  curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev:amd64 libcurl4:amd64 automake autoconf autotools-dev \

## For the prerequisite tools:
apt-get install udunits2-bin libudunit2-0 libudunits2-dev libnlopt0 libnlopt-dev \
  libxml2-dev pandoc texlive-latex-recommended texlive-science texlive-extra-utils \
  texlive-fonts-extra texlive-latex-extra

The actual R installation

Download the package via 'git pull' or from the github download link, go into the hpgltools/ directory and:

make prereq  ## install knitr, devtools, and friends.
make deps  ## Pick up dependencies from the DESCRIPTION file.
make install  ## Perform the installation
make check  ## Perform the R CMD check suite.
make vt  ## Rebuild the vignettes to make sure everything is ok.
make test  ## Run the tests

Other Makefile targets of interest

The provided Makefile has other targets which might be useful:

## Invoke R CMD build
make build
## Invoke R CMD check
make check
## Cleanup this tree
make clean
## Rerun roxygen, rebuild the vignettes, and the reference manual
make document
## Install this via R CMD INSTALL
make install
## Rebuild the vignettes
make vignette


The easiest way to poke at this and see what it can do is:


As of last count, there were a couple examples using the data(fission) set, pasilla, and a bacterial data set.



Listed by function then filename in R/.

elsayed-lab/hpgltools documentation built on May 9, 2024, 5:02 a.m.