check_metadata_year: Figure out when mappings were performed by their timestamp

View source: R/metadata.R

check_metadata_yearR Documentation

Figure out when mappings were performed by their timestamp


I got bit in the butt by mismatching ensembl IDs from some older count tables and newer annotations. Happily my biomart annotation gatherer is smart enough to collect from the archive servers, so it should not be difficult for me to ensure that they match in the future.


check_metadata_year(metadata = NULL, column = NULL)



File containing the metadata for this experiment. If none is provided, this function will just give the current year, which is only what you want if this is brand new data.


Sanitized column name in the metadata containing the count tables of interest. If this is not provided, it will return the month/year of the timestamp for the metadata. This has a reasonable chance of giving correct information.


With that in mind, provide this function with the filename of some metadata and the file column in it, and it will look at the first file and return the year and month it was created. Therefore, you may ask ensembl for the appropriately dated gene annotations.

elsayed-lab/hpgltools documentation built on May 9, 2024, 5:02 a.m.