#' Figure out when mappings were performed by their timestamp
#' I got bit in the butt by mismatching ensembl IDs from some older
#' count tables and newer annotations. Happily my biomart annotation
#' gatherer is smart enough to collect from the archive servers, so it
#' should not be difficult for me to ensure that they match in the
#' future.
#' With that in mind, provide this function with the filename of some
#' metadata and the file column in it, and it will look at the first
#' file and return the year and month it was created. Therefore, you
#' may ask ensembl for the appropriately dated gene annotations.
#' @param metadata File containing the metadata for this experiment.
#' If none is provided, this function will just give the current
#' year, which is only what you want if this is brand new data.
#' @param column Sanitized column name in the metadata containing the
#' count tables of interest. If this is not provided, it will return
#' the month/year of the timestamp for the metadata. This has a
#' reasonable chance of giving correct information.
#' @export
check_metadata_year <- function(metadata = NULL, column = NULL) {
retlist <- list(
"year" = format(Sys.time(), "%Y"),
"month" = format(Sys.time(), "%m"))
if (is.null(metadata)) {
message("No metadata provided, assuming now is sufficient.")
} else if (is.null(column)) {
message("No file column was requested, assuming the metadata creation time is sufficient.")
retlist[["year"]] <- format(info[["ctime"]], "%Y")
retlist[["month"]] <- format(info[["ctime"]], "%m")
} else {
message("Checking the creation time on the first count table.")
meta <- extract_metadata(metadata)
files <- meta[[column]]
first_file <- files[1]
info <- file.info(first_file)
retlist[["year"]] <- format(info[["ctime"]], "%Y")
retlist[["month"]] <- format(info[["ctime"]], "%m")
#' Pull metadata from a table (xlsx/xls/csv/whatever)
#' I find that when I acquire metadata from a paper or collaborator, annoyingly
#' often there are many special characters or other shenanigans in the column
#' names. This function performs some simple sanitizations. In addition, if I
#' give it a filename it calls my generic 'read_metadata()' function before
#' sanitizing.
#' @param metadata file or df of metadata
#' @param id_column Column in the metadat containing the sample names.
#' @param fill Fill missing data with this.
#' @param fill_condition Add a condition column if there is not one?
#' @param fill_batch Add a batch column if there is not one?
#' @param sanitize Perform my various sanitizers on the data?
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to the child functions (read_csv etc).
#' @return Metadata dataframe hopefully cleaned up to not be obnoxious.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sanitized <- extract_metadata("some_random_supplemental.xls")
#' saniclean <- extract_metadata(some_goofy_df)
#' }
#' @export
extract_metadata <- function(metadata, id_column = "sampleid", fill = NULL,
fill_condition = TRUE, fill_batch = TRUE,
sanitize = TRUE, ...) {
## FIXME: Now that this has been yanked into its own function,
## Make sure it sets good, standard rownames.
file <- NULL
meta_dataframe <- NULL
meta_file <- NULL
if ("character" %in% class(metadata)) {
## This is a filename containing the metadata
meta_file <- metadata
} else if ("data.frame" %in% class(metadata)) {
## A data frame of metadata was passed.
meta_dataframe <- metadata
} else {
stop("This requires either a file or meta data.frame.")
## The two primary inputs for metadata are a csv/xlsx file or a dataframe, check for them here.
if (is.null(meta_dataframe) && is.null(meta_file)) {
stop("This requires either a csv file or dataframe of metadata describing the samples.")
} else if (is.null(meta_file)) {
## punctuation is the devil
sample_definitions <- meta_dataframe
} else {
sample_definitions <- read_metadata(meta_file, fill_condition = fill_condition,
fill_batch = fill_batch,
## sample_definitions <- read_metadata(meta_file)
sample_definitions <- as.data.frame(sample_definitions)
## Try to ensure that we have a useful ID column by:
## 1. Look for data in the id_column column.
## a. If it is null, look at the rownames
## i. If they are 1...n, arbitrarily grab the first column.
## ii. If not, use the rownames.
## Get appropriate row and column names.
## NOTE: the use of identical() vs. numbers fails when a sample is
## removed when reading the metadata, because the samples will have a break.
current_rownames <- rownames(sample_definitions)
numeric_test <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(current_rownames))
non_numeric <- sum(is.na(numeric_test)) ## If this is > 0, then these are not just numbers.
if (is.null(sample_definitions[[id_column]])) {
message("Did not find the column: ", id_column, ".")
if (non_numeric > 0) {
message("The rownames do not appear numeric, using them.")
sample_definitions[[id_column]] <- rownames(sample_definitions)
} else {
message("Setting the ID column to the first column.")
id_column <- colnames(sample_definitions)[1]
} else {
## 202311: I am not completely certain this logic change is what I want.
rownames(sample_definitions) <- make.names(sample_definitions[[id_column]], unique = TRUE)
if (isTRUE(sanitize)) {
colnames(sample_definitions) <- gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]",
replacement = "",
x = colnames(sample_definitions))
id_column <- tolower(id_column)
id_column <- gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]",
replacement = "",
x = id_column)
sample_definitions <- as.data.frame(sample_definitions)
## Drop empty rows in the sample sheet
empty_samples <- which(sample_definitions[, id_column] == "" |
grepl(x = sample_definitions[, id_column], pattern = "^undef") |
is.na(sample_definitions[, id_column]) |
grepl(pattern = "^#", x = sample_definitions[, id_column]))
if (length(empty_samples) > 0) {
message("Dropped ", length(empty_samples),
" rows from the sample metadata because the sample ID is blank.")
sample_definitions <- sample_definitions[-empty_samples, ]
## Drop duplicated elements.
num_duplicated <- sum(duplicated(sample_definitions[[id_column]]))
if (num_duplicated > 0) {
message("There are ", num_duplicated,
" duplicate rows in the sample ID column.")
sample_definitions[[id_column]] <- make.names(sample_definitions[[id_column]],
unique = TRUE)
## Now we should have consistent sample IDs, set the rownames.
rownames(sample_definitions) <- sample_definitions[[id_column]]
## Check that condition and batch have been filled in.
sample_columns <- colnames(sample_definitions)
## The various proteomics data I am looking at annoyingly starts with a number
## So make.names() prefixes it with X which is ok as far as it goes, but
## since it is a 's'amplename, I prefer an 's'.
if (isTRUE(sanitize)) {
rownames(sample_definitions) <- gsub(pattern = "^X([[:digit:]])",
replacement = "s\\1",
x = rownames(sample_definitions))
sample_columns_to_remove <- NULL
for (col in seq_along(colnames(sample_definitions))) {
sum_na <- sum(is.na(sample_definitions[[col]]))
sum_null <- sum(is.null(sample_definitions[[col]]))
sum_empty <- sum_na + sum_null
if (sum_empty == nrow(sample_definitions)) {
## This column is empty.
sample_columns_to_remove <- append(sample_columns_to_remove, col)
if (length(sample_columns_to_remove) > 0) {
sample_definitions <- sample_definitions[-sample_columns_to_remove]
sample_columns <- colnames(sample_definitions)
## Now check for columns named condition and batch
if (isTRUE(fill_condition)) {
found_condition <- "condition" %in% sample_columns
if (!isTRUE(found_condition)) {
message("Did not find the condition column in the sample sheet.")
message("Filling it in as undefined.")
sample_definitions[["condition"]] <- "undefined"
if (isTRUE(fill_batch)) {
found_batch <- "batch" %in% sample_columns
if (!isTRUE(found_batch)) {
message("Did not find the batch column in the sample sheet.")
message("Filling it in as undefined.")
sample_definitions[["batch"]] <- "undefined"
## Check the condition/batch columns (if they exist) for NA values.
if (!is.null(sample_definitions[["condition"]])) {
na_idx <- is.na(sample_definitions[["condition"]])
if (sum(na_idx) > 0) {
warning("There were NA values in the condition column, setting them to 'undefined'.")
sample_definitions[na_idx, "condition"] <- "undefined"
if (!is.null(sample_definitions[["batch"]])) {
na_idx <- is.na(sample_definitions[["batch"]])
if (sum(na_idx) > 0) {
warning("There were NA values in the condition column, setting them to 'undefined'.")
sample_definitions[na_idx, "batch"] <- "undefined"
## Extract out the condition names as a factor
condition_names <- unique(sample_definitions[["condition"]])
if (is.null(condition_names)) {
warning("There is no 'condition' field in the definitions, this will make many
analyses more difficult/impossible.")
## Condition and Batch are not allowed to be numeric, so if they are just numbers,
## prefix them with 'c' and 'b' respectively.
pre_condition <- unique(sample_definitions[["condition"]])
pre_batch <- unique(sample_definitions[["batch"]])
sample_definitions[["condition"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^(\\d+)$", replacement = "c\\1",
x = sample_definitions[["condition"]])
sample_definitions[["batch"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^(\\d+)$", replacement = "b\\1",
x = sample_definitions[["batch"]])
sample_definitions[["condition"]] <- factor(sample_definitions[["condition"]],
levels = unique(sample_definitions[["condition"]]),
labels = pre_condition)
sample_definitions[["batch"]] <- factor(sample_definitions[["batch"]],
levels = unique(sample_definitions[["batch"]]),
labels = pre_batch)
if (!is.null(fill)) {
na_idx <- is.na(sample_definitions)
sample_definitions[na_idx] <- fill
#' Automagically fill in a sample sheet with the results of the
#' various preprocessing tools.
#' I am hoping to fill this little function out with a bunch of useful
#' file specifications and regular expressions. If I do a good job,
#' then it should become trivial to fill in a sample sheet with lots
#' of fun useful numbers in preparations for creating a nice table
#' S1. I am thinking to split this up into sections for
#' trimming/mapping/etc. But for the moment I just want to add some
#' specifications/regexes and see if it proves itself robust. If
#' Theresa reads this, I think this is another good candidate for a
#' true OO implmentation. E.g. make a base-class for the metadata and
#' use S4 multi-dispatch to pick up different log files. I wrote the
#' downstream functions with this in mind already, but I am too
#' stupid/lazy to do the full implementation until I am confident that
#' these functions/ideas actually have merit.
#' @param starting_metadata Existing sample sheet or NULL. When NULL
#' it will look in basedir for subdirectories not named 'test' and
#' ontaining subdirectories named 'scripts' and use them to create an
#' empty sample sheet.
#' @param specification List containing one element for each new
#' column to append to the sample sheet. Each element in turn is a
#' list containing column names and/or input filenames (and
#' presumably other stuff as I think of it).
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
#' @param new_metadata Filename to which to write the new metadata
#' @param species Define a desired species when file hunting.
#' @param type Define a feature type when file hunting.
#' @param verbose Currently just used to debug the regexes.
#' @param ... This is one of the few instances where I used
#' ... intelligently. Pass extra variables to the file specification
#' and glue will pick them up (note the {species} entries in the
#' example specifications.
#' @return For the moment it just returns the modified metadata, I
#' suspect there is something more useful it should do.
#' @export
gather_preprocessing_metadata <- function(starting_metadata = NULL, specification = NULL,
basedir = "preprocessing", new_metadata = NULL,
species = "*", type = "genome", verbose = FALSE, ...) {
## I want to create a set of specifications for different tasks:
## tnseq/rnaseq/assembly/phage/phylogenetics/etc.
## For the moment it assumes phage assembly.
if (is.null(specification)) {
specification <- make_rnaseq_spec()
} else if (class(specification)[1] == "list") {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Using provided specification")
} else if (specification == "rnaseq") {
specification <- make_rnaseq_spec()
} else if (specification == "dnaseq") {
specification <- make_dnaseq_spec()
} else if (specification == "phage") {
specification <- make_assembly_spec()
meta <- NULL
if (is.null(starting_metadata)) {
sample_directories <- list.dirs(path = basedir, recursive = FALSE)
sample_names <- basename(sample_directories)
meta <- data.frame(sampleid = sample_names)
rownames(meta) <- meta[["sampleid"]]
meta[["condition"]] <- "undefined"
meta[["batch"]] <- "undefined"
include_idx <- !grepl(pattern = "^test$", x = sample_names)
meta <- meta[include_idx, ]
script_test <- list.dirs(path = file.path(basedir, rownames(meta)))
script_idx <- grepl(pattern = "scripts$", x = script_test)
include_idx <- sort(basename(dirname(script_test[script_idx])))
meta <- meta[include_idx, ]
starting_metadata <- "sample_sheets/autodetected_samples.xlsx"
} else {
meta <- extract_metadata(starting_metadata)
if (is.null(new_metadata)) {
new_metadata <- gsub(x = starting_metadata, pattern = "\\.xlsx$",
replacement = "_modified.xlsx")
old_meta <- meta
## Perhaps use sanitize instead?
meta[[1]] <- gsub(pattern = "\\s+", replacement = "", x = meta[[1]])
colnames(meta)[1] <- "sampleid"
new_columns <- c()
for (entry in seq_along(specification)) {
entry_type <- names(specification[entry])
if (verbose) {
message("Starting ", entry_type, ": ", entry, ".")
new_column <- entry_type
if (!is.null(specification[[entry_type]][["column"]])) {
new_column <- specification[[entry_type]][["column"]]
if (new_column %in% colnames(meta)) {
warning("Column: ", new_column, " already exists, replacing it.")
input_file_spec <- specification[[entry_type]][["file"]]
if (verbose) {
message("Checking input_file_spec: ", input_file_spec, ".")
new_entries <- dispatch_metadata_extract(
meta, entry_type, input_file_spec, specification,
basedir = basedir, verbose = verbose, species = species, type = type,
test_entries <- new_entries
na_idx <- is.na(test_entries)
na_entries <- sum(na_idx)
test_entries <- test_entries[!na_idx]
empty_entries <- sum(test_entries == "")
zero_entries <- sum(test_entries == "0")
uninformative_entries <- na_entries + empty_entries + zero_entries
all_empty <- uninformative_entries == length(new_entries)
if (is.null(new_entries) || isTRUE(all_empty)) {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Not including new entries for: ", new_column, ", it is empty.")
} else if ("data.frame" %in% class(new_entries)) {
for (sp in colnames(new_entries)) {
new_column_name <- glue("{entry_type}_{sp}")
new_columns <- c(new_columns, new_column_name)
meta[[new_column_name]] <- new_entries[[sp]]
} else {
new_columns <- c(new_columns, new_column)
meta[[new_column]] <- new_entries
} ## End iterating over every metadatum
is_numberp <- function(x) all(varhandle::check.numeric(as.character(x)))
for (colname in colnames(meta)) {
test_number <- is_numberp(meta[[colname]])
if (isTRUE(test_number)) {
meta[[colname]] <- as.numeric(meta[[colname]])
message("Writing new metadata to: ", new_metadata)
written <- write_xlsx(data = meta, excel = new_metadata)
ret <- list(
"xlsx_result" = written,
"new_file" = new_metadata,
"new_columns" = new_column,
"old_meta" = old_meta,
"new_meta" = meta)
class(ret) <- "preprocessing_metadata"
#' This is basically just a switch and set of regexes for finding the
#' numbers of interest in the various log files.
#' When I initially wrote this, it made sense to me to have it
#' separate from the top-level function. I am not sure that is true
#' now, having slept on it.
#' @param meta Starting metadata
#' @param entry_type String which defines the type of log entry to
#' hunt down. If the specification does not include a column, this
#' will be used as the column name to write to the metadata.
#' @param input_file_spec Glue specification defining the log file for
#' each sample to hunt down.
#' @param specification This is the reason I am thinking having this
#' as a separate function might be stupid. I added it to make it
#' easier to calculate ratios of column_x/column_y; but it is a
#' def-facto argument to either get rid of input_file_spec as an arg
#' or to just get rid of this function.
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
#' @param verbose used for testing regexes.
#' @param species Choose a specific species for which to search (for filenames generally).
#' @param type Set the type of file to search.
#' @param ... passed to glue to add more variables to the file spec.
#' @return Vector of entries which will be used to populate the new
#' column in the metadata.
dispatch_metadata_extract <- function(meta, entry_type, input_file_spec,
specification, basedir = "preprocessing", verbose = FALSE,
species = "*", type = "genome", ...) {
switchret <- switch(
"aragorn_tRNAs" = {
search <- "^\\d+ genes found"
replace <- "^(\\d+) genes found"
mesg("Searching aragorn outputs for tRNA-like genes.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, basedir = basedir,
verbose = verbose, as = "numeric",
"assembly_fasta_nt" = {
mesg("Searching for assembly fasta files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"assembly_genbank_annotated" = {
mesg("Searching for assembly genbank files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"assembly_genbank_stripped" = {
mesg("Searching for stripped down assembly genbank files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"assembly_cds_amino_acids" = {
mesg("Searching for assembly amino acid fasta files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"assembly_cds_nucleotides" = {
mesg("Searching for assembly CDS fasta files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"assembly_gff" = {
mesg("Searching for assembly gff files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"assembly_tsv" = {
mesg("Searching for assembly tsv feature files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"assembly_xls" = {
mesg("Searching for assembly xlsx feature files.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"bedtools_coverage_file" = {
mesg("Searching for files containing coverage from bedtools")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
"bbmap_coverage_stats" = {
mesg("Searching for coverage statistics from bbmap.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"bbmap_coverage_per_nt" = {
mesg("Searching for coverage/nucleotide from bbmap.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"deduplication_stats" = {
mesg("Searching for the GATK/picard deduplication stats file.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, type = type, basedir = basedir)
"fastqc_pct_gc" = {
## %GC 62
search <- "^%GC \\d+$"
replace <- "^%GC (\\d+)$"
mesg("Searching for the percent GC content from fastqc.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
as = "numeric", basedir = basedir,
"fastqc_most_overrepresented" = {
## Two lines after:
## >>Overrepresented sequences fail
## #Sequence Count Percentage Possible Source
mesg("Skipping fastqc_most_overrepresented.")
##entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
## input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
## ...)
entries <- NULL
"filtered_relative_coverage" = {
## >1 length=40747 coverage=1.00x circular=true
search <- "^>\\d+ length=\\d+ coverage=.*x.*$"
replace <- "^>\\d+ length=\\d+ coverage=(.*)x.*$"
mesg("Searching for relative coverage observed by unicycler/spades.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "all",
"final_gc_content" = {
mesg("Searching for the GC content of a finalized assembly.")
entries <- dispatch_gc(meta, input_file_spec, basedir = basedir, verbose = verbose)
"gatk_unpaired" = {
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t(\\d+)\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching the number of unpaired reads observed by GATK.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_paired" = {
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t(\\d+)\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching for the number of paired reads observed by GATK.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_supplementary" = {
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t(\\d+)\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching for the number of supplementary reads observed by GATK.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_unmapped" = {
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t(\\d+)\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching for the number of unmapped reads by GATK.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_unpaired_duplicates" = {
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t(\\d+)\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching for the number of unpaired duplicate reads observed by GATK.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_paired_duplicates" = {
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t(\\d+)\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching for the number of paired duplicate reads observed by GATK.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_paired_opt_duplicates" = {
mesg("Searching for the number of optical paired duplicate reads observed by GATK.")
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t(\\d+)\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_duplicate_pct" = {
mesg("Searching for the percentage duplication observed by GATK.")
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t(0\\.\\d+)\t\\d+$"
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"gatk_libsize" = {
mesg("Searching for the library size by GATK.")
search <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t\\d+\t0\\.\\d+\t(\\d+)$"
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, species = species,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"glimmer_positive_strand" = {
search <- "\\s+\\+\\d+\\s+"
mesg("Searching for the number of + strand entries observed by glimmer.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"glimmer_negative_strand" = {
search <- "\\s+-\\d+\\s+"
mesg("Searching for the number of - strand entries observed by glimmer.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"hisat_count_table" = {
mesg("Searching for the count tables from hisat->htseq.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, type = type, basedir = basedir)
"hisat_rrna_single_concordant" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time"
mesg("Searching for number of concordant single-mapped reads to rRNA by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, basedir = basedir,
as = "numeric", verbose = verbose,
species = species, ...)
"hisat_rrna_multi_concordant" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly >1 times"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly >1 times"
mesg("Searching for number of concordant multi-mapped reads to rRNA by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, basedir = basedir,
as = "numeric", verbose = verbose,
type = type, species = species, ...)
"hisat_rrna_percent" = {
numerator_column <- specification[["hisat_rrna_multi_concordant"]][["column"]]
if (is.null(numerator_column)) {
numerator_column <- "hisat_rrna_multi_concordant"
numerator_add <- specification[["hisat_rrna_single_concordant"]][["column"]]
if (is.null(numerator_add)) {
numerator_add <- "hisat_rrna_single_concordant"
denominator_column <- specification[["trimomatic_output"]][["column"]]
if (is.null(denominator_column)) {
denominator_column <- "trimomatic_output"
mesg("Searching for percent rRNA mapped by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_metadata_ratio(meta, numerator_column, denominator_column,
numerator_add = numerator_add)
"hisat_genome_single_concordant" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time"
mesg("Searching for number of concordant single-mapped reads to CDS by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, basedir = basedir,
as = "numeric", verbose = verbose,
type = type, species = species, ...)
"hisat_genome_multi_concordant" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly >1 times"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) \\(.+\\) aligned concordantly >1 times"
mesg("Searching for number of concordant multi-mapped reads to RNA by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, basedir = basedir,
as = "numeric", verbose = verbose,
type = type, species = species, ...)
"hisat_genome_single_all" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ \\(.+\\) aligned exactly 1 time"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) \\(.+\\) aligned exactly 1 time"
mesg("Searching for number of all reads mapped to CDS by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
as = "numeric", basedir = basedir,
type = type, species = species, ...)
"hisat_genome_multi_all" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ \\(.+\\) aligned >1 times"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) \\(.+\\) aligned >1 times"
mesg("Searching for number of all reads multi-mapped to CDS by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
as = "numeric", basedir = basedir,
type = type, species = species, ...)
"hisat_unmapped" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ \\(.+\\) aligned 0 times"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) \\(.+\\) aligned 0 times"
mesg("Searching for number of all reads that did not map to CDS by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
as = "numeric", basedir = basedir,
type = type, species = species, ...)
"hisat_genome_percent" = {
numerator_column <- specification[["hisat_genome_single_concordant"]][["column"]]
if (is.null(numerator_column)) {
numerator_column <- "hisat_genome_single_concordant"
denominator_column <- specification[["trimomatic_output"]][["column"]]
if (is.null(denominator_column)) {
denominator_column <- "trimomatic_output"
mesg("Searching for percent reads mapped by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_metadata_ratio(meta, numerator_column, denominator_column)
"hisat_observed_genes" = {
search <- "^.*\t0$"
mesg("Searching for the number of genes observed by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir, inverse = TRUE,
type = type, species = species)
"hisat_observed_mean_exprs" = {
mesg("Searching for the mean expression observed by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, 2, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "function", chosen_func = "mean",
verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
type = type, species = species, as = "numeric")
"hisat_observed_median_exprs" = {
mesg("Searching for the median expression observed by hisat.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, 2, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "function", chosen_func = "median",
verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
type = type, species = species, as = "numeric")
"host_filter_species" = {
search <- "^.*$"
replace <- "^(.*)$"
mesg("Searching for the most likely host species for reads according to kraken.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace, input_file_spec,
which = "first", verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir)
"ictv_taxonomy" = {
## column <- "taxon"
column <- "name"
mesg("Searching for the likely ICTV taxonomy of an assembly.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "all", verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"ictv_accession" = {
column <- "hit_accession"
mesg("Searching for the likely ICTV accession of an assembly.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "all", verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"ictv_family" = {
## column <- "taxon"
column <- "hit_family"
mesg("Searching for the likely ICTV virus family of an assembly.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "first", verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"ictv_genus" = {
## column <- "taxon"
column <- "hit_genus"
mesg("Searching for the likely ICTV virus genus of an assembly.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "first", verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"input_r1" = {
search <- "^\\s+<\\(less .+\\).*$"
replace <- "^\\s+<\\(less (.+?)\\).*$"
mesg("Searching for the input R1.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"input_r2" = {
search <- "^\\s+<\\(less .+\\) <\\(less .+\\).*$"
replace <- "^\\s+<\\(less .+\\) <\\(less (.+)\\).*$"
mesg("Searching for the input R2.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"interpro_signalp_hits" = {
search <- "\\tSignalP.*\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro signalP hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"interpro_phobius_hits" = {
search <- "\\tPhobius\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro phobius hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"interpro_pfam_hits" = {
search <- "\\tPfam\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro pfam hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"interpro_tmhmm_hits" = {
search <- "\\tTMHMM\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro TMHMM hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"interpro_cdd_hits" = {
search <- "\\tCDD\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro CDD hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"interpro_smart_hits" = {
search <- "\\tSMART\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro SMART hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"interpro_gene3d_hits" = {
search <- "\\tGene3D\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro gene3D hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"interpro_superfamily_hits" = {
search <- "\\tSUPERFAMILY\\t"
mesg("Searching for interpro superfamily hits.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"jellyfish_count_table" = {
mesg("Searching for hits/kmer matrices by jellyfish.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"jellyfish_observed" = {
search <- "^.*$"
mesg("Searching for the number of separate kmers observed by jellyfish.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"kraken_viral_classified" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ sequences classified.*$"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) sequences classified.*$"
mesg("Searching for reads classified by the kraken virus database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"kraken_viral_unclassified" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ sequences unclassified.*$"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) sequences unclassified.*$"
mesg("Searching for reads not classified by the kraken virus database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"kraken_first_viral_species" = {
search <- "^.*s__.*\\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.*s__(.*)\\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching for the most represented species by the kraken viral database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"kraken_first_viral_species_reads" = {
search <- "^.*s__.*\\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.*s__.*\\t(\\d+)$"
mesg("Searching for the number of reads most represented by the kraken viral database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"kraken_matrix" = {
mesg("Searching for a matrix of reads/taxonomy from kraken.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"kraken_standard_classified" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ sequences classified.*$"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) sequences classified.*$"
mesg("Searching for reads classified by the kraken standard database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"kraken_standard_unclassified" = {
search <- "^\\s+\\d+ sequences unclassified.*$"
replace <- "^\\s+(\\d+) sequences unclassified.*$"
mesg("Searching for reads not classified by the kraken standard database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"kraken_first_standard_species" = {
search <- "^.*s__.*\\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.*s__(.*)\\t\\d+$"
mesg("Searching for the most represented species by the kraken standard database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"kraken_first_standard_species_reads" = {
search <- "^.*s__.*\\t\\d+$"
replace <- "^.*s__.*\\t(\\d+)$"
mesg("Searching for the number of reads most represented by the kraken standard database.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
"notes" = {
search <- "^.*$"
replace <- "^(.*)$"
mesg("Searching for the text in a notes.txt file.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "all")
"pernt_mean_coverage" = {
column <- "Coverage"
mesg("Searching for mean coverage/nucleotide from bbmap.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "function", chosen_func = "mean",
verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
as = "numeric")
"pernt_median_coverage" = {
column <- "Coverage"
mesg("Searching for median coverage/nucleotide from bbmap.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
chosen_func = "median", basedir = basedir,
which = "function", as = "numeric",
verbose = verbose)
"pernt_max_coverage" = {
column <- "Coverage"
mesg("Searching for maximum coverage/nucleotide from bbmap.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "function", chosen_func = "max",
verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir)
"pernt_min_coverage" = {
column <- "Coverage"
mesg("Searching for minimum coverage/nucleotide from bbmap.")
entries <- dispatch_csv_search(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "tsv",
which = "function", chosen_func = "min",
verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir)
"phageterm_dtr_length" = {
mesg("Searching for the DTR length according to phageterm.")
entries <- dispatch_fasta_lengths(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"phanotate_positive_strand" = {
search <- "\\t\\+\\t"
mesg("Searching for the number of features on the + strand observed by phanotate.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"phanotate_negative_strand" = {
search <- "\\t-\\t"
mesg("Searching for the number of features on the - strand observed by phanotate.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"phastaf_num_hits" = {
search <- "^.*$"
mesg("Searching for the number of potential hits observed by phastaf.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"prodigal_positive_strand" = {
search <- "\\t\\+\\t"
mesg("Searching for the number of features on the + strand observed by prodigal.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"prodigal_negative_strand" = {
search <- "\\t-\\t"
mesg("Searching for the number of features on the - strand observed by prodigal.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"possible_host_species" = {
search <- ".*times\\.$"
mesg("Searching for the species of a likely host according to kraken.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir)
"racer_changed" = {
search <- "^Number of changed positions"
replace <- "^Number of changed positions\\s+(\\d+)$"
mesg("Searching for the number of bases corrected by RACER.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "first",
"salmon_stranded" = {
search <- "Automatically detected most likely library type as .+$"
replace <- "^.*Automatically detected most likely library type as (\\w+)$"
mesg("Searching the likely library type observed by salmon.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir, which = "first",
"salmon_mapped" = {
search <- "Counted .+ total reads in the equivalence classes"
replace <- "^.*Counted (.+)? total reads in the equivalence classes"
mesg("Searching the number of reads quantified by salmon.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir,
"salmon_percent" = {
search <- "^.* Mapping rate = \\d+\\.\\d+%"
replace <- "^.* Mapping rate = (\\d+\\.\\d+)%"
mesg("Searching the percentage reads quantified by salmon.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir,
"salmon_count_table" = {
mesg("Searching for the salmon quantitation file.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, type = "genome", basedir = basedir)
"salmon_observed_genes" = {
search <- "^.*\t0\\.0+$"
mesg("Searching for the number of genes observed by salmon.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = basedir, inverse = TRUE,
type = type, species = species)
"shovill_contigs" = {
## [shovill] It contains 1 (min=131) contigs totalling 40874 bp.
search <- "^\\[shovill\\] It contains \\d+ .*$"
replace <- "^\\[shovill\\] It contains (\\d+) .*$"
mesg("Searching for the number of contigs observed by shovill.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
as = "numeric", which = "last",
"shovill_length" = {
## [shovill] It contains 1 (min=131) contigs totalling 40874 bp.
search <- "^\\[shovill\\] It contains \\d+ .* contigs totalling \\d+ bp\\.$"
replace <- "^\\[shovill\\] It contains \\d+ .* contigs totalling (\\d+) bp\\.$"
mesg("Searching for the assembly length observed by shovill.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "last", as = "numeric",
"shovill_estlength" = {
## [shovill] Assembly is 109877, estimated genome size was 117464 (-6.46%)
search <- "^\\[shovill\\] Assembly is \\d+\\, estimated genome size was \\d+.*$"
replace <- "^\\[shovill\\] Assembly is \\d+\\, estimated genome size was (\\d+).*$"
mesg("Searching for the estimated genome size observed by shovill.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "last", as = "numeric",
"shovill_minlength" = {
## [shovill] It contains 1 (min=145) contigs totalling 109877 bp.
search <- "^\\[shovill\\] It contains \\d+ \\(min=\\d+\\).*$"
replace <- "^\\[shovill\\] It contains \\d+ \\(min=(\\d+)\\).*$"
mesg("Searching for the minimum contig size observed by shovill.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "last", as = "numeric",
"trimomatic_input" = {
search <- "^Input (Read Pairs|Reads): \\d+ .*$"
replace <- "^Input (Read Pairs|Reads): (\\d+) .*$"
mesg("Searching for the number of trimomatic input reads.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir, extraction = "\\2",
"trimomatic_output" = {
search <- "^Input (Read Pairs|Reads): \\d+ (Both Surviving|Surviving): \\d+ .*$"
replace <- "^Input (Read Pairs|Reads): \\d+ (Both Surviving|Surviving): (\\d+) .*$"
mesg("Searching for the number of trimomatic output reads.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir, extraction = "\\3",
"trimomatic_ratio" = {
## I think we can assume that the trimomatic ratio will come immediately after input/output
numerator_column <- "trimomatic_output"
if (!is.null(specification[["trimomatic_output"]][["column"]])) {
numerator_column <- specification[["trimomatic_output"]][["column"]]
denominator_column <- "trimomatic_input"
if (!is.null(specification[["trimomatic_input"]][["column"]])) {
denominator_column <- specification[["trimomatic_input"]][["column"]]
mesg("Searching for the proportion of output/input from trimomatic.")
entries <- dispatch_metadata_ratio(meta, numerator_column,
denominator_column, verbose = verbose)
"tRNA_hits" = {
## >1 length=40747 depth=1.00x circular=true
search <- "^.*Found \\d+ tRNAs"
replace <- "^.*Found (\\d+) tRNAs"
mesg("Searching for the number of putative tRNAs observed by prokka.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir)
"unicycler_lengths" = {
## >1 length=40747 depth=1.00x circular=true
search <- "^>\\d+ length=\\d+ depth.*$"
replace <- "^>\\d+ length=(\\d+) depth.*$"
mesg("Searching for contig lengths observed by unicycler/spades.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "all",
"unicycler_relative_coverage" = {
## >1 length=40747 depth=1.00x circular=true
search <- "^>\\d+ length=\\d+ depth=.*x.*$"
replace <- "^>\\d+ length=\\d+ depth=(.*)x.*$"
mesg("Searching for relative coverage observed by unicycler.")
entries <- dispatch_regex_search(meta, search, replace,
input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, basedir = basedir,
which = "all",
"freebayes_observed" = {
search <- ".*"
mesg("Searching for the number of variants observed by freebayes.")
entries <- dispatch_count_lines(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
"freebayes_observed_file" = {
mesg("Searching for the matrix of all freebayes observations.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
"freebayes_variants_by_gene" = {
mesg("Searching for variants/gene observed by freebayes.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
"freebayes_variants_table" = {
mesg("REMOVE ME? Redundant with freebayes_observed_file, REMOVE ME?")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
"freebayes_modified_genome" = {
mesg("Searching for the modified genome from freebayes.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
"freebayes_bcf_file" = {
mesg("Searching for the freebayes bcf output.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
"freebayes_penetrance_file" = {
mesg("Searching for a table of variant penetrance according to freebayes.")
entries <- dispatch_filename_search(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species, basedir = basedir)
stop("I do not know this spec: ", entry_type)
if ("data.frame" %in% class(entries)) {
if (!is.null(entries)) {
entries <- gsub(pattern = ",", replacement = "", x = entries)
#' Count the number of lines in an input file spec and add it to the metadata.
#' Sometimes the number of lines of a file is a good proxy for some
#' aspect of a sample. For example, jellyfish provides 1 line for
#' every kmer observed in a sample. This function extracts that
#' number and puts it into each cell of a sample sheet.
#' @param meta Input metadata
#' @param search Pattern to count
#' @param input_file_spec Input file specification to hunt down the
#' file of interest.
#' @param verbose Print diagnostic information while running?
#' @param species Specify a species to search for.
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
#' @param type Add columns for only the genome mapping and/or rRNA by default.
#' @param inverse Count the lines that do _not_ match the pattern.
dispatch_count_lines <- function(meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = "*", basedir = "preprocessing",
type = "genome", inverse = FALSE) {
if (length(species) > 1) {
output_entries <- data.frame(row.names = seq_len(nrow(meta)))
for (s in seq_len(length(species))) {
species_name <- species[s]
output_entries[[species_name]] <- dispatch_count_lines(
meta, search, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species_name, basedir = basedir, inverse = inverse)
filenames_with_wildcards <- glue(input_file_spec)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Example count filename: ", filenames_with_wildcards[1], ".")
output_entries <- rep(0, length(filenames_with_wildcards))
for (row in seq_len(nrow(meta))) {
found <- 0
## Just in case there are multiple matches
input_file <- Sys.glob(filenames_with_wildcards[row])[1]
if (length(input_file) == 0) {
mesg("There is no file matching: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row],
output_entries[row] <- ''
if (is.na(input_file)) {
mesg("The input file is NA for: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row], ".")
output_entries[row] <- ''
input_handle <- file(input_file, "r", blocking = FALSE)
input_vector <- readLines(input_handle)
last_found <- NULL
this_found <- NULL
all_found <- c()
found_idx <- grepl(x = input_vector, pattern = search)
num_hits <- 0
if (inverse) {
num_hits <- sum(!found_idx)
} else {
num_hits <- sum(found_idx)
output_entries[row] <- num_hits
} ## End looking at every row of the metadata
#' Get the lengths of sequences from a fasta file.
#' @param meta Input metadata
#' @param input_file_spec Input file specification to hunt down the
#' file of interest.
#' @param verbose Print diagnostic information while running?
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
dispatch_fasta_lengths <- function(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
basedir = "preprocessing") {
filenames_with_wildcards <- glue(input_file_spec)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Example length filename: ", filenames_with_wildcards[1], ".")
output_entries <- rep(0, length(filenames_with_wildcards))
for (row in seq_len(nrow(meta))) {
found <- 0
## Just in case there are multiple matches
input_file <- Sys.glob(filenames_with_wildcards[row])[1]
if (length(input_file) == 0) {
warning("There is no file matching: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row],
output_entries[row] <- ''
if (is.na(input_file)) {
warning("The input file is NA for: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row], ".")
output_entries[row] <- ''
dtrs <- Biostrings::readBStringSet(input_file)
output_entries[row] <- Biostrings::width(dtrs[1])
} ## End looking at every row of the metadata
#' Pull out the filename matching an input spec
#' This is useful for putting the count table name into a metadata file.
#' @param meta Input metadata
#' @param input_file_spec Input file specification to hunt down the
#' file of interest.
#' @param verbose Print diagnostic information while running?
#' @param species Specify a species to search for, or '*' for anything.
#' @param type Some likely filename searches may be for genome vs. rRNA vs other feature types.
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
dispatch_filename_search <- function(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = "*", type = "genome", basedir = "preprocessing") {
if (length(species) > 1) {
output_entries <- data.frame(row.names = seq_len(nrow(meta)))
for (s in seq_len(length(species))) {
species_name <- species[s]
output_entries[[species_name]] <- dispatch_filename_search(
meta, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose, species = species_name,
type = type, basedir = basedir)
filenames_with_wildcards <- glue(input_file_spec)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Example filename: ", filenames_with_wildcards[1], ".")
output_entries <- rep(0, length(filenames_with_wildcards))
for (row in seq_len(nrow(meta))) {
found <- 0
## Just in case there are multiple matches
input_file <- Sys.glob(filenames_with_wildcards[row])[1]
if (length(input_file) == 0) {
mesg("There is no file matching: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row], ".")
output_entries[row] <- ''
if (is.na(input_file)) {
mesg("The input file is NA for: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row], ".")
output_entries[row] <- ''
output_entries[row] <- input_file
#' Pull GC content into the metadata sheet.
#' As the name suggests, this only works for fasta files.
#' @param meta Input metadata
#' @param input_file_spec Input file specification to hunt down the
#' file of interest.
#' @param verbose Print diagnostic information while running?
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
dispatch_gc <- function(meta, input_file_spec, verbose = FALSE,
basedir = "preprocessing") {
filenames_with_wildcards <- glue(input_file_spec)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Example gc filename: ", filenames_with_wildcards[1], ".")
output_entries <- rep(0, length(filenames_with_wildcards))
for (row in seq_len(nrow(meta))) {
found <- 0
## Just in case there are multiple matches
input_file <- Sys.glob(filenames_with_wildcards[row])[1]
if (length(input_file) == 0) {
warning("There is no file matching: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row],
if (is.na(input_file)) {
warning("The input file is NA for: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row], ".")
attribs <- sequence_attributes(input_file)
output_entries[row] <- signif(x = attribs[["gc"]], digits = 3)
} ## End looking at every row of the metadata
#' Given two metadata columns, print a ratio.
#' @param meta metadata, contains the column names!
#' @param numerator_column what it says on the tin.
#' @param denominator_column what it says on the tin.
#' @param digits Number of significant digits to keep in the output.
#' @param numerator_add Add this column to the numerator in case one needs multiple columns.
#' @param verbose unsed for the moment.
dispatch_metadata_ratio <- function(meta, numerator_column = NULL,
denominator_column = NULL, digits = 3,
numerator_add = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
column_number <- ncol(meta)
if (is.null(numerator_column)) {
numerator_column <- colnames(meta)[ncol(meta)]
if (is.null(denominator_column)) {
denominator_column <- colnames(meta)[ncol(meta) - 1]
entries <- NULL
if (is.null(meta[[numerator_column]]) | is.null(meta[[denominator_column]])) {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Missing data to calculate the ratio between: ", numerator_column,
" and ", denominator_column, ".")
} else {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("The numerator column is: ", numerator_column, ".")
message("The denominator column is: ", denominator_column, ".")
if (is.null(numerator_add)) {
entries <- as.numeric(meta[[numerator_column]]) / as.numeric(meta[[denominator_column]])
} else {
entries <- (as.numeric(meta[[numerator_column]]) + as.numeric(meta[[numerator_add]])) /
if (!is.null(digits)) {
entries <- signif(entries, digits)
#' Generic dispatcher to hunt down useful information from logs.
#' Given the metadata, a couple of regular expressions, and a filename
#' specification, this should be able to pull out the interesting
#' number(s) from one logfile per sample from the metadata.
#' @param meta Input metadata.
#' @param search regex used to go hunting for the line of interest.
#' @param replace probably the same regex with parentheses in place
#' for gsub().
#' @param input_file_spec filename extractor expression.
#' @param species Specify a species or glob it.
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
#' @param extraction the replacement portion of gsub(). I am thinking
#' to make it possible to have this function return more interesting
#' outputs if this changes, but for the moment I am sort of assuming
#' \\1 will always suffice.
#' @param which Usually 'first', which means grab the first match and get out.
#' @param as Coerce the output to a specific data type (numeric/character/etc).
#' @param verbose For testing regexes.
#' @param type Make explicit the type of data (genome/rRNA/Tx/etc).
#' @param ... Used to pass extra variables to glue for finding files.
dispatch_regex_search <- function(meta, search, replace, input_file_spec,
species = "*", basedir = "preprocessing",
extraction = "\\1", which = "first",
as = NULL, verbose = FALSE, type = "genome",
...) {
arglist <- list(...)
## if (length(arglist) > 0) {
## }
if (length(species) > 1) {
output_entries <- data.frame(row.names = seq_len(nrow(meta)))
for (s in seq_len(length(species))) {
species_name <- species[s]
output_entries[[species_name]] <- dispatch_regex_search(
meta, search, replace, input_file_spec, verbose = verbose,
species = species_name, basedir = basedir, type = type,
extraction = extraction, which = which, as = as, ...)
filenames_with_wildcards <- glue(input_file_spec, ...)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Example regex filename: ", filenames_with_wildcards[1], ".")
output_entries <- rep(0, length(filenames_with_wildcards))
for (row in seq_len(nrow(meta))) {
found <- 0
## Just in case there are multiple matches
input_file <- Sys.glob(filenames_with_wildcards[row])[1]
if (is.na(input_file)) {
output_entries[row] <- ''
## The file did not exist.
if (length(input_file) == 0) {
warning("There is no file matching: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row], ".")
output_entries[row] <- ''
input_handle <- file(input_file, "r") ## , blocking = FALSE)
input_vector <- readLines(input_handle)
if (length(input_vector) == 0) {
## Empty file, move on.
output_entries[row] <- ''
last_found <- NULL
this_found <- NULL
all_found <- c()
for (i in seq_along(input_vector)) {
if (which == "first" && found == 1) {
output_entries[row] <- last_found
input_line <- input_vector[i]
found_boolean <- grepl(x = input_line, pattern = search)
if (found_boolean) {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Found the correct line: ")
this_found <- gsub(x = input_line,
pattern = replace,
replacement = extraction)
## Drop leading or terminal spaces.
this_found <- gsub(x = this_found,
pattern = "^ +| +$", replacement = "")
found <- found + 1
} else {
last_found <- this_found
all_found <- c(all_found, this_found)
output_entries[row] <- last_found
} ## End looking at every line of the log file specified by the input file spec for this row
## Handle cases where one might want to pull only the last entry in a log, or all of them.
if (which == "last") {
output_entries[row] <- last_found
} else if (which == "all") {
initial_string <- toString(all_found)
output_entries[row] <- gsub(x = initial_string, pattern = ",", replacement = ";")
} ## End looking at every row of the metadata
if (!is.null(as)) {
if (as == "numeric") {
output_entries <- as.numeric(output_entries)
} else if (as == "character") {
output_entries <- as.character(output_entries)
#' Pull some information from a csv/tsv file.
#' This function is a bit more generic than the others, but it grabs from a
#' column of a csv/tsv file.
#' @param meta Input metadata
#' @param column Column to yank from
#' @param input_file_spec Input file specification to hunt down the
#' file of interest.
#' @param file_type csv or tsv?
#' @param chosen_func If set, use this function to summarize the result.
#' @param species Specify a species, or glob it.
#' @param type Specify a type of search, usually genome and/or rRNA.
#' @param basedir Root directory containing the files/logs of metadata.
#' @param which Take the first entry, or some subset.
#' @param verbose Print diagnostic information while running?
#' @param ... Other arguments for glue.
dispatch_csv_search <- function(meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = "csv",
chosen_func = NULL, species = "*", type = "genome",
basedir = "preprocessing", which = "first",
verbose = FALSE, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
if (length(species) > 1) {
output_entries <- data.frame(row.names = seq_len(nrow(meta)))
for (s in seq_len(length(species))) {
species_name <- species[s]
output_entries[[species_name]] <- dispatch_csv_search(
meta, column, input_file_spec, file_type = file_type,
chosen_func = chosen_func, species = species_name,
basedir = basedir, which = which, verbose = verbose, ...)
filenames_with_wildcards <- glue(input_file_spec, ...)
mesg("Example csv filename: ", filenames_with_wildcards[1], ".")
output_entries <- rep(0, length(filenames_with_wildcards))
for (row in seq_len(nrow(meta))) {
found <- 0
## Just in case there are multiple matches
input_file <- Sys.glob(filenames_with_wildcards[row])[1]
if (is.na(input_file)) {
## The file did not exist.
output_entries[row] <- ''
if (length(input_file) == 0) {
warning("There is no file matching: ", filenames_with_wildcards[row], ".")
output_entries[row] <- ''
if (file_type == "csv") {
input_df <- sm(readr::read_csv(input_file))
} else if (file_type == "tsv") {
input_df <- sm(readr::read_tsv(input_file))
} else {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message("Assuming csv input.")
input_df <- sm(readr::read_csv(input_file))
if (which == "first") {
output_entries[row] <- input_df[1, column]
} else if (which == "all") {
stringified <- gsub(x = toString(input_df[[column]]), pattern = ",", replacement = ";")
output_entries[row] <- stringified
} else if (which == "function") {
## I was thinking to just use do.call() here, but I want to use na.rm=TRUE
## and I am not certain how to get that set up correctly with do.call.
stringified <- 0
if (chosen_func == "mean") {
stringified <- mean(input_df[[column]], na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (chosen_func == "median") {
stringified <- median(input_df[[column]], na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (chosen_func == "max") {
stringified <- max(input_df[[column]], na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (chosen_func == "min") {
stringified <- min(input_df[[column]], na.rm = TRUE)
output_entries[row] <- stringified
} else {
## Assume a number was provided for the desired row
output_entries[row] <- input_df[which, column]
} ## End for loop
#' Produce plots of metadata factor(s) of interest.
#' @param expt Input expressionset.
#' @param column Currently a single, but soon multiple column(s) of metadata.
#' @param second_column Or perhaps put other columns here.
#' @param norm_column Normalize the data?
#' @param type Assume a vioiln unless otherwise specified.
#' @param scale Rescale the data?
#' @return ggplot and maybe some form of useful table.
#' @export
plot_metadata_factors <- function(expt, column = "hisatsinglemapped", second_column = NULL,
norm_column = NULL, type = NULL, scale = "base10") {
design <- as.data.frame(pData(expt))
color_choices <- get_expt_colors(expt)
meta_plot <- NULL
if (is.null(type)) {
meta_plot <- ggplot(design, aes(x = .data[["condition"]], y = .data[[column]])) +
ggplot2::geom_violin(aes(fill = factor(.data[["condition"]])), scale = "width") +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(aes(fill = factor(.data[["condition"]])), width = 0.2, size = 0.2, outlier.size = 1.5) +
geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.1) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = as.character(color_choices), guide = "none") +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size)
if (scale == "log2") {
meta_plot <- meta_plot +
ggplot2::coord_trans(y = "log2")
} else if (type == "ggstats") {
if (scale == "log2") {
design[["plotted"]] <- log2(design[[column]])
} else {
design[["plotted"]] <- design[[column]]
meta_plot <- ggstatsplot::ggbetweenstats(data = design, x = condition, y = plotted)
#' Given a table of meta data, read it in for use by create_expt().
#' Reads an experimental design in a few different formats in preparation for
#' creating an expt.
#' @param file Csv/xls file to read.
#' @param sep Used by read.csv, the separator
#' @param header Used by read.csv, is there a header?
#' @param sheet Used for excel/etc, which sheet to read?
#' @param comment Skip rows starting with this (in the first cell of the row if not a text file).
#' @param ... Arguments for arglist, used by sep, header and similar
#' read_csv/read.table parameters.
#' @return Df of metadata.
#' @seealso [openxlsx] [readODS]
#' @export
read_metadata <- function(file, sep = ",", header = TRUE, sheet = 1, comment = "#",
...) {
arglist <- list(...)
extension <- tools::file_ext(file)
if (extension == "csv") {
definitions <- read.csv(file = file, comment.char = comment,
sep = sep, header = header)
} else if (extension == "tsv") {
definitions <- try(readr::read_tsv(file, ...))
} else if (extension == "xlsx") {
## xls = loadWorkbook(file, create = FALSE)
## tmp_definitions = readWorksheet(xls, 1)
definitions <- try(openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = file, sheet = sheet,
detectDates = TRUE))
if (class(definitions)[1] == "try-error") {
definitions <- try(openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = file, sheet = sheet,
detectDates = FALSE))
if (class(definitions)[1] == "try-error") {
stop("Unable to read the metadata file: ", file)
} else if (extension == "xls") {
## This is not correct, but it is a start
definitions <- readxl::read_excel(path = file, sheet = sheet)
} else if (extension == "ods") {
definitions <- readODS::read_ods(path = file, sheet = sheet)
} else {
definitions <- read.table(file = file, sep = sep,
header = header)
if (!is.null(comment)) {
first_column <- as.data.frame(definitions)[[1]]
commented <- grepl(x = definitions[[1]], pattern = "^#")
## keep the un-commented lines.
definitions <- definitions[! commented, ]
colnames(definitions) <- tolower(gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]",
replacement = "",
x = colnames(definitions)))
## I recently received a sample sheet with a blank sample ID column name...
empty_idx <- colnames(definitions) == ""
colnames(definitions)[empty_idx] <- "empty"
colnames(definitions) <- make.names(colnames(definitions), unique = TRUE)
#' Given an expressionset, sanitize the gene information data.
#' @param expt Input expressionset.
#' @param columns Set of columns to sanitize, otherwise all of them.
#' @param na_value Fill in NA with this.
#' @param lower sanitize capitalization.
#' @param punct Remove punctuation?
#' @param factorize Convert columns to factors? When set to 'heuristic'
#' this tries out as.factor and sees if the number of levels is silly.
#' @param max_levels The definition of 'silly' above.
#' @param spaces Allow spaces in the data?
#' @param numbers Sanitize number formats (e.g. 1.000.000,0 vs. 1,000,000.0)
#' @param numeric Set columns to numeric when possible?
#' @export
sanitize_expt_fData <- function(expt,
columns = NULL, na_value = "notapplicable",
lower = TRUE, punct = TRUE, factorize = "heuristic",
max_levels = NULL, spaces = FALSE, numbers = NULL,
numeric = FALSE) {
meta <- fData(expt)
sanitized <- sanitize_metadata(meta, columns = columns, na_value = na_value,
lower = lower, punct = punct, factorize = factorize,
max_levels = max_levels, spaces = spaces,
numbers = numbers, numeric = numeric)
fData(expt) <- sanitized
#' Adding an alias to sanitize_metadata until I decide how I want to name this.
#' @param expt Input expressionset.
#' @param columns Set of columns to sanitize, otherwise all of them.
#' @param na_value Fill in NA with this.
#' @param lower sanitize capitalization.
#' @param punct Remove punctuation?
#' @param factorize Convert columns to factors? When set to 'heuristic'
#' this tries out as.factor and sees if the number of levels is silly.
#' @param max_levels The definition of 'silly' above.
#' @param spaces Allow spaces in the data?
#' @param numbers Sanitize number formats (e.g. 1.000.000,0 vs. 1,000,000.0)
#' @param numeric Set columns to numeric when possible?
#' @export
sanitize_expt_pData <- function(expt,
columns = NULL, na_value = "notapplicable",
lower = TRUE, punct = TRUE, factorize = "heuristic",
max_levels = NULL, spaces = FALSE, numbers = NULL,
numeric = FALSE) {
meta <- pData(expt)
sanitized <- sanitize_metadata(meta, columns = columns, na_value = na_value,
lower = lower, punct = punct, factorize = factorize,
max_levels = max_levels, spaces = spaces,
numbers = numbers, numeric = numeric)
pData(expt) <- sanitized
#' Given an expressionset, sanitize pData columns of interest.
#' I wrote this function after spending a couple of hours confused
#' because one cell in my metadata said 'cure ' instead of 'cure' and
#' I could not figure out why chaos reigned in my analyses. There is
#' a sister to this somewhere else which checks that the expected
#' levels of a metadata factor are consistent; this is because in
#' another analysis we essentially had a cell which said 'cyre' and a
#' similar data explosion occurred.
#' @param meta Input metadata
#' @param columns Set of columns to check, if left NULL, all columns
#' will be molested.
#' @param na_value Fill NA values with a string.
#' @param lower Set everything to lowercase?
#' @param punct Remove punctuation?
#' @param factorize Set some columns to factors? If set to a vector
#' of length >=1, then set all of the provided columns to factors.
#' When set to 'heuristic', set any columns with <= max_levels
#' different elements to factors.
#' @param max_levels When heuristically setting factors, use this as
#' the heuristic, when NULL it is the number of samples / 6
#' @param spaces Remove any spaces in this column?
#' @param numbers Sanitize numbers by adding a prefix character to them?
#' @param numeric Recast the values as numeric when possible?
#' @export
sanitize_metadata <- function(meta, columns = NULL, na_value = "notapplicable",
lower = TRUE, punct = TRUE, factorize = "heuristic",
max_levels = NULL, spaces = FALSE, numbers = NULL,
numeric = FALSE) {
if (is.null(max_levels)) {
max_levels <- nrow(meta) / 6.0
if (is.null(columns)) {
columns <- colnames(meta)
for (col in seq_along(columns)) {
todo <- columns[col]
mesg("Sanitizing metadata column: ", todo, ".")
if (! todo %in% colnames(meta)) {
mesg("The column ", todo, " is missing, skipping it (also warning this).")
warning("The column ", todo, " is missing, skipping it.")
## First get rid of trailing/leading spaces, those anger me and are crazy hard to find
meta[[todo]] <- gsub(pattern = "^[[:space:]]", replacement = "", x = meta[[todo]])
meta[[todo]] <- gsub(pattern = "[[:space:]]$", replacement = "", x = meta[[todo]])
## Set the column to lowercase, I have recently had a rash of mixed case sample sheet data.
if (isTRUE(numeric)) {
if (!is.null(na_value)) {
na_idx <- is.na(meta[[todo]])
meta[na_idx, todo] <- na_value
mesg("Setting numeric NAs to ", na_value, ".")
## I assume it is ok to suppress warnings here given my explicit setting of NA values.
meta[[todo]] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(meta[[todo]]))
} else {
if (isTRUE(lower)) {
mesg("Setting everything to lowercase.")
meta[[todo]] <- tolower(meta[[todo]])
## I think punctuation needs to go
if (isTRUE(punct)) {
mesg("Removing punctuation.")
meta[[todo]] <- gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "", x = meta[[todo]])
if (!is.null(numbers)) {
if (isTRUE(numbers)) {
## Use the first letter of the column name.
numbers <- gsub(x = todo, pattern = "^(\\w{1}).*$", replacement = "\\1")
mesg("Adding a prefix to bare numbers.")
meta[[todo]] <- gsub(pattern = "^([[:digit:]]+)$",
replacement = glue("{numbers}\\1"), x = meta[[todo]])
if (!is.null(na_value)) {
na_idx <- is.na(meta[[todo]])
meta[na_idx, todo] <- na_value
mesg("Setting NAs to character/factor value ", na_value, ".")
## Handle spaces after the previous changes.
if (isTRUE(spaces)) {
mesg("Removing all spaces.")
meta[[todo]] <- gsub(pattern = "[[:space:]]", replacement = "", x = meta[[todo]])
if (!is.null(factorize) &&
(length(factorize) == 1 && factorize[1] == "heuristic")) {
nlevels <- length(levels(as.factor(meta[[todo]])))
if (nlevels <= max_levels) {
mesg("Setting column ", todo, " to a factor.")
meta[[todo]] <- as.factor(meta[[todo]])
} ## End checking if we are sanitizing numeric or other data.
} ## End iterating over the columns of interest
#' Make an archive using a column from the metadata.
#' I am hoping this will be useful for either backing up count tables or making
#' containerized versions of analyses.
#' @param meta dataframe of the good stuff.
#' @param column Column containing filenames to archive.
#' @param output Output prefix for the tarball's name.
#' @param compression Actually, this might be a mistake, I think utils::tar takes 'gzip', not 'gz'?
#' @export
tar_meta_column <- function(meta, column = "hisatcounttable", output = NULL, compression = "xz") {
start_list <- meta[[column]]
file_list <- Sys.glob(start_list)
include_list <- c()
for (f in seq_along(file_list)) {
file <- file_list[f]
if (nchar(file) == 0) {
mesg("There is no file matching: ", start_list[f], ".")
if (is.na(file)) {
mesg("The input file is NA for: ", start_list[f], ".")
include_list <- c(include_list, file_list[f])
if (is.null(output)) {
output <- glue("{column}.tar.{compression}")
tarred <- utils::tar(output, files = include_list, compression = compression)
retlist <- list(
"output" = output,
"files_included" = include_list,
"files_requested" = start_list)
class(retlist) <- "meta_tarball"
#' Generate an assembly annotation specification for use by gather_preprocessing_metadata()
#' This is the default set of files/information that will be sought. It is a bit much.
#' Each name of the returned list is one column in the final metadata. The values within that
#' name are the relevant parameters for the associated dispatcher.
#' The assembly pipeline I wrote for which this was written does the following:
#' 1. Trimomatic (the assemblies I was doing were miseq phage).
#' 2. Fastqc the trimmed reads.
#' 3. Racer to correct sequencer-based errors.
#' 4. Perform an initial classification with kraken vs. the standard database. (thus if there is contamination we can pick it up)
#' 5. Use kraken to make a hypotehtical host for the phage and filter it.
#' 6. Classify the remaining sequence with kraken vs a viral database.
#' 7. Generate an initial assembly via unicycler.
#' 8. Depth-filter said assembly.
#' 9. Use Blast to search the ICTV for likely taxonomy.
#' 10. Count ORFs to define the +/- strands.
#' 11. Use Phageterm to define the DTRs and/or reorient the genome.
#' 12. Perform a taxonomy search on the assembled genome via phastaf (thus we can see if it is segmented or multiple genomes).
#' 13. Calculate coverage on a per-nucleotide basis.
#' 14. Search for likely terminases, and reorient the genome if phageterm (#11) failed.
#' 15. Create an initial annotation genbank file via prokka.
#' 16. Supplement the prokka ORFs via a trained prodigal run.
#' 17. Supplement them again via a promiscuous run of glimmer.
#' 18. Use phanotate as the arbiter of 'correct' phage ORFs. (e.g. the ORFs from #15-17 will only be used if they agree with and/or do not interfere with these).
#' 19. Merge the results from #15-18 into a single set of ORFs/genbank.
#' 20. Calculate the assembly kmer content via jellyfish.
#' 21. Look for t(m)RNAs via aragorn.
#' 22. Look for tRNAs via tRNAscan.
#' 23. Perform the set of blast/etc searches defined by trinotate.
#' 24. Look for MDR genes via abricate.
#' 25. Perform the set of blast/etc searches defined by interproscan.
#' 26. Cross reference the genome against the extant restriction enzyme catalog.
#' 27. Calculate the codon adaptation index of each ORF against the putative host from #5.
#' 28. Search for phage promoters.
#' 29. Search for Rho termination signals.
#' 30. Attempt to classify the phage's likelihood to be lysogenic/lytic via bacphlip.
#' 31. Search for strong RNA secondary structures via RNAfold.
#' 32. Merge the annotations collected from #21-29 into a larger genbank file.
#' 33. Repeat #32, but this time with feeling. (#32 adds comments with confidence intervals, this strips those out).
#' 34. Make an initial visualization of the assembly via cgview.
#' 35. Collect all the most likely useful stuff from above into a single archive.
#' 36. Clean up the mess.
#' @export
make_assembly_spec <- function() {
specification <- list(
## First task performed is pretty much always trimming
"assembly_fasta_nt" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/unicycler_assembly.fasta"),
"assembly_genbank_annotated" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*mergeannot/{meta[['sampleid']]}.gbk"),
"assembly_genbank_stripped" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*mergeannot/{meta[['sampleid']]}_stripped.gbk"),
"assembly_cds_amino_acids" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*merge_cds_predictions/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa"),
"assembly_cds_nucleotides" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*merge_cds_predictions/{meta[['sampleid']]}.ffn"),
"assembly_gff" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*merge_cds_predictions/{meta[['sampleid']]}.gff"),
"assembly_tsv" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*merge_cds_predictions/{meta[['sampleid']]}.tsv"),
"assembly_xls" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*mergeannot/{meta[['sampleid']]}.xlsx"),
"input_r1" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
"input_r2" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
"trimomatic_input" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_output" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_ratio" = list(
"column" = "trimomatic_percent"),
## Second task is likely error correction
##"racer_changed" = list(
## "file" = "preprocessing/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*racer/racer.out"),
"host_filter_species" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/host_species.txt"),
## After those, things can get pretty arbitrary...
"hisat_genome_single_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*/hisat2_*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_multi_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*/hisat2_*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_single_all" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*/hisat2_*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_multi_all" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*/hisat2_*.stderr"),
"hisat_count_table" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/{species}_{type}*.count.xz"),
"jellyfish_count_table" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*jellyfish_*/*_matrix.csv.xz"),
"jellyfish_observed" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*jellyfish_*/*_matrix.csv.xz"),
"kraken_viral_classified" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_viral*/kraken.stderr"),
"kraken_viral_unclassified" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_viral*/kraken.stderr"),
"kraken_first_viral_species" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_viral*/kraken_report.txt"),
"kraken_first_viral_species_reads" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_viral*/kraken_report.txt"),
"kraken_standard_classified" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_standard*/kraken.stderr"),
"kraken_standard_unclassified" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_standard*/kraken.stderr"),
"kraken_first_standard_species" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_standard*/kraken_report.txt"),
"kraken_first_standard_species_reads" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_standard*/kraken_report.txt"),
"possible_host_species" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*filter_kraken_host/*.log"),
"pernt_mean_coverage" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/??assembly_coverage_*/base_coverage.tsv"),
"pernt_median_coverage" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/??assembly_coverage_*/base_coverage.tsv"),
"pernt_min_coverage" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/??assembly_coverage_*/base_coverage.tsv"),
"pernt_max_coverage" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/??assembly_coverage_*/base_coverage.tsv"),
"salmon_stranded" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_*/salmon_*.stderr"),
"salmon_mapped" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_*/salmon_*.stderr"),
"shovill_contigs" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*shovill_*/shovill.log"),
"shovill_length" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*shovill_*/shovill.log"),
"shovill_estlength" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*shovill_*/shovill.log"),
"shovill_minlength" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*shovill_*/shovill.log"),
"unicycler_lengths" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*unicycler/*final_assembly.fasta"),
"unicycler_relative_coverage" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*unicycler/*final_assembly.fasta"),
"filtered_relative_coverage" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/??filter_depth/final_assembly.fasta"),
"phastaf_num_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*phastaf_*/phage.bed"),
"phageterm_dtr_length" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*phageterm_*/phageterm_final_dtr.fasta"),
"prodigal_positive_strand" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*prodigal_*/predicted_cds.gff"),
"prodigal_negative_strand" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*prodigal_*/predicted_cds.gff"),
"glimmer_positive_strand" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*glimmer/glimmer3.predict"),
"glimmer_negative_strand" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*glimmer/glimmer3.predict"),
"phanotate_positive_strand" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*phanotate/*_phanotate.tsv.xz"),
"phanotate_negative_strand" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*phanotate/*_phanotate.tsv.xz"),
"final_gc_content" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*prokka/{meta[['sampleid']]}.fna"),
"interpro_signalp_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"interpro_phobius_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"interpro_pfam_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"interpro_tmhmm_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"interpro_cdd_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"interpro_smart_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"interpro_gene3d_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"interpro_superfamily_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*interproscan_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.faa.tsv"),
"tRNA_hits" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*prokka_*/{meta[['sampleid']]}.log"),
"aragorn_tRNAs" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*aragorn/aragorn.txt"),
"ictv_taxonomy" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*classify_*/*_filtered.tsv"),
"ictv_accession" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*classify_*/*_filtered.tsv"),
##"ictv_family" = list(
## "file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*classify_*/*_filtered.tsv"),
"ictv_genus" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*classify_*/*_filtered.tsv"),
"notes" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/notes.txt")
) ## Finish the list on a separate line because this is already absurd enough.
#' Generate a RNASeq specification for use by gather_preprocessing_metadata()
#' This currently assumes the set of tools used by one doing RNASeq to be trimomatic,
#' fastqc, hisat2, and htseq.
#' @export
make_rnaseq_spec <- function() {
specification <- list(
## First task performed is pretty much always trimming
"trimomatic_input" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_output" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_ratio" = list(
"column" = "trimomatic_percent"),
"fastqc_pct_gc" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*fastqc/*_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt"),
"fastqc_most_overrepresented" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*fastqc/*_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt"),
"kraken_matrix" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*kraken_*/kraken_report_matrix.tsv"),
"hisat_rrna_single_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*rRNA*.stderr"),
"hisat_rrna_multi_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*rRNA*.stderr"),
"hisat_rrna_percent" = list(
"column" = "hisat_rrna_percent"),
"hisat_genome_single_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*{type}*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_multi_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*{type}*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_single_all" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*{type}*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_multi_all" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*{type}*.stderr"),
"hisat_unmapped" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*{type}*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_percent" = list(
"column" = "hisat_genome_percent"),
"hisat_observed_genes" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/{species}_{type}*.count.xz"),
"hisat_observed_mean_exprs" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/{species}_{type}*.count.xz"),
"hisat_observed_median_exprs" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/{species}_{type}*.count.xz"),
"salmon_stranded" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/salmon_*.stderr"),
"salmon_mapped" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/salmon_*.stderr"),
"salmon_percent" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/salmon_*.stderr"),
"salmon_observed_genes" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/quant.sf"),
## The end should be the various output filenames.
"input_r1" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
"input_r2" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
"hisat_count_table" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/{species}_{type}*.count.xz"),
"salmon_count_table" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/quant.sf"),
"bbmap_coverage_stats" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*bam2coverage*/coverage.tsv.xz"),
"bbmap_coverage_per_nt" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*bam2coverage*/base_coverage.tsv.xz")
make_rnaseq_multibioproject <- function() {
spec <- list(
## First task performed is pretty much always trimming
## "input_r1" = list(
## "file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
## "input_r2" = list(
## "file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
"trimomatic_input" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/*/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_output" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/*/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_ratio" = list(
"column" = "trimomatic_percent"),
"salmon_stranded" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/*/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/salmon_*.stderr"),
"salmon_count_table" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/*/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/quant.sf"),
"salmon_mapped" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/*/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/salmon_*.stderr"),
"salmon_percent" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/*/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*salmon_{species}/salmon_*.stderr")
#' Generate a DNASeq specification for use by gather_preprocessing_metadata()
#' This currently assumes the set of tools used by one doing RNASeq to be trimomatic,
#' fastqc, hisat2, htseq, freebayes, and my variant post-processor.
#' @export
make_dnaseq_spec <- function() {
specification <- list(
"trimomatic_input" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_output" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*trimomatic/*-trimomatic.stderr"),
"trimomatic_ratio" = list(
"column" = "trimomatic_percent"),
"fastqc_pct_gc" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*fastqc/*_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt"),
"fastqc_most_overrepresented" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*fastqc/*_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt"),
"hisat_genome_single_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*genome*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_multi_concordant" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*genome*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_single_all" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*genome*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_multi_all" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/hisat2_*genome*.stderr"),
"hisat_genome_percent" = list(
"column" = "hisat_genome_percent"),
"gatk_unpaired" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_paired" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_supplementary" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_unmapped" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_unpaired_duplicates" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_paired_duplicates" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_paired_opt_duplicates" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_duplicate_pct" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"gatk_libsize" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"freebayes_observed" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/all_tags*"),
## Put the various output files at the end.
"input_r1" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
"input_r2" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/scripts/*trim_*.sh"),
"freebayes_observed_file" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/all_tags*"),
"hisat_count_table" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*hisat2_{species}/{species}_{type}*.count.xz"),
"deduplication_stats" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/deduplication_stats.txt"),
"freebayes_variants_by_gene" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/variants_by_gene*"),
"freebayes_variants_table" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/all_tags*"),
"freebayes_modified_genome" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/{species}*.fasta"),
"freebayes_bcf_file" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/{species}*.bcf"),
"freebayes_penetrance_file" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*freebayes_{species}/variants_penetrance*"),
"bedtools_coverage_file" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*bedtools_coverage_{species}/*.bed"),
"bbmap_coverage_stats" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*bam2coverage*/coverage.tsv.xz"),
"bbmap_coverage_per_nt" = list(
"file" = "{basedir}/{meta[['sampleid']]}/outputs/*bam2coverage*/base_coverage.tsv.xz")
#' Steal transcript IDs from the first count table.
#' @param meta Input metadata containing the salmon count table names.
#' @param annotations Extant set of gene annotations, likely from biomart.
#' @param meta_column metadata column with the filenames.
#' @param annot_gene_column Column of annotations with the gene IDs.
#' @param annot_tx_column Column of annotations with the transcript IDs.
#' @param keep_unique Drop the potential duplicate GIDs?
#' @return List containing modified annotations for the genes, transcripts,
#' and the map between them.
#' @export
steal_salmon_tx_ids <- function(meta, annotations, meta_column = "salmon_count_table",
annot_gene_column = "ensembl_gene_id",
annot_tx_column = "ensembl_transcript_id",
keep_unique = TRUE) {
## FIXME: Use dispatch for this
if ("preprocessing_metadata" %in% class(meta)) {
meta <- meta[["new_meta"]]
} else if ("character" %in% class(meta)) {
meta <- extract_metadata(meta)
salmon_files <- meta[[meta_column]]
first_file <- salmon_files[1]
stolen_versions <- readr::read_tsv(first_file, skip = 1,
col_names = c("Name", "Length", "EffectiveLength", "TPM", "NumReads"), col_types = c("cdddd"))
stolen_versions[[annot_tx_column]] <- gsub(pattern = "^(.+)\\.\\d+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = stolen_versions[["Name"]])
stolen_versions <- as.data.frame(stolen_versions[, c(annot_tx_column, "Name")])
colnames(stolen_versions) <- c(annot_tx_column, "salmon_tx_version")
rownames(stolen_versions) <- stolen_versions[["salmon_tx_version"]]
## Add the new salmon_tx_version to the annotations.
merged_annotations <- merge(annotations, stolen_versions, by = annot_tx_column, all.y = TRUE)
## Grab the tx_gene_map and set its column names.
tx_gene_map <- merged_annotations[, c("salmon_tx_version", annot_gene_column)]
colnames(tx_gene_map) <- c("transcript", "gene")
if (isTRUE(keep_unique)) {
kept <- !duplicated(tx_gene_map[["transcript"]])
tx_gene_map <- tx_gene_map[kept, ]
na_genes <- is.na(tx_gene_map[["gene"]])
if (sum(na_genes) > 0) {
warning(sum(na_genes), " genes failed to match transcripts in the data, setting them to the txid.")
tx_gene_map[na_genes, "gene"] <- tx_gene_map[na_genes, "transcript"]
rownames(tx_gene_map) <- make.names(tx_gene_map[["transcript"]], unique = TRUE)
## Set the rownames of the tx_annotations to the salmon ids
tx_annotations <- merged_annotations
rownames(tx_annotations) <- make.names(tx_annotations[["salmon_tx_version"]], unique = TRUE)
## Finally, set the rownames of the gene annotations.
gene_annotations <- merged_annotations
if (isTRUE(keep_unique)) {
kept <- !duplicated(gene_annotations[[annot_gene_column]])
gene_annotations <- gene_annotations[kept, ]
rownames(gene_annotations) <- make.names(gene_annotations[[annot_gene_column]], unique = TRUE)
retlist <- list(
"tx_annotations" = tx_annotations,
"gene_annotations" = gene_annotations,
"tx_gene_map" = tx_gene_map)
## EOF
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