
Defines functions clean_data_frame getObjectFromRdata getObjectListFromRdata createTempEnvironment toDataFrame typeConvert getConnectionObject toJSON convertToJSON convertFromJSON isNDJSON handleLabelledColumns scrape_html_table parse_html_tables deleteGoogleBigQueryTable getGoogleBigQueryTable getGoogleBigQueryTables getGoogleBigQueryDataSets getGoogleBigQueryProjects executeGoogleBigQuery getDataFromGoogleBigQueryTableViaCloudStorage saveGoogleBigQueryResultAs listGoogleCloudStorageBuckets downloadDataFromGoogleCloudStorage extractDataFromGoogleBigQueryToCloudStorage getDataFromGoogleBigQueryTable submitGoogleBigQueryJob getTwitter queryODBC queryAmazonAthena queryPostgres queryMySQL queryNeo4j executeGenericQuery getListOfColumns getListOfTables getListOfTablesWithODBC isConnecitonPoolEnabled clearDBConnection getDBConnection clearAmazonAthenaConnection getAmazonAthenaConnection createAmazonAthenaConnectionString getMongoCollectionNumberOfRows getMongoCollectionNames queryMongoDB salesforce_glue_transformer bigquery_glue_transformer sql_glue_transformer sql_glue_transformer_internal glue_salesforce_internal js_glue_transformer get_variable_config glue_salesforce glue_exploratory getMongoURL getGithubIssues readPasswordRDS savePasswordRDS saveOrReadPassword convertUserInputToUtf8 setOAuthTokenCacheOptions getConnectionPoolMode setConnectionPoolMode getDownloadedFilePath setDownloadedFilePath setTokenInfo getTokenInfo

# environment to keep variables for users
user_env <- new.env()
# environment to keep values to create connection
user_env$token_info <- new.env()

# environment to keep location of downloaded remote files.
user_env$downloads <- new.env()

#' get oauth token info from key
#' @export
getTokenInfo <- function(token_key){

#' set oauth token info
#' @export
setTokenInfo <- function(token_key, value) {
  user_env$token_info[[token_key]] <- value

setDownloadedFilePath <- function(hash, filePath){
  user_env$downloads[[hash]] <- filePath

getDownloadedFilePath <- function(hash){

# hashmap in which we keep active connections to databases etc.
connection_pool <- new.env()

user_env$pool_connection <- FALSE;

#' set connection pool mode. TRUE means on and FALSE means off.
#' @export
setConnectionPoolMode <- function(val) {
  user_env$pool_connection <- val
  if (!val) {
    # clear odbc pooled connections when turning off connection pooling mode
    keys <- ls(connection_pool)
    lapply(keys, function(key) {
      if (startsWith(key, "odbc")) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        rm(list = key, envir = connection_pool)
      } else if (startsWith(key, "dbiodbc") || startsWith(key, "teradata")) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {

#' get connection pool mode. for test purpose.
#' @export
getConnectionPoolMode <- function() {

#' Set cache path for oauth token cachefile
setOAuthTokenCacheOptions <- function(path){
  options(tam.oauth_token_cache = path)

#' On windows, since user input string like SQL or search string for twitter are in windows code page,
#' (windows R does not support UTF-8 as part of locale.)
#' we need to convert it to UTF-8 before sending it on the wire.
convertUserInputToUtf8 <- function(inputString) {
  if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
    lc_ctype_locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") # returns string like "Japanese_Japan.932"
    lc_ctype_locale_tokens = base::strsplit(lc_ctype_locale, "\\.")[[1]] # c("Japanese_Japan", "932"). [[1]] is necessary since strsplit return is nested.
    if (length(lc_ctype_locale_tokens) == 2) { # check length to avoid out of bound error.
      encoding = lc_ctype_locale_tokens[[2]] # extracts "932"
      inputString = base::iconv(inputString, from = encoding, to = "UTF-8")

#' API to take care of read/save password for each plugin type and user name combination
#' if password argument is null, it means we need to retrieve password from RDS file
#' so the return value is password from RDS file.
#' if password argument is not null, then it means it creates a new password or updates existing one
#' so the password is saved to RDS file and the password is returned to caller
saveOrReadPassword = function(source, username, password){
  # read stored password
  pass = readPasswordRDS(source, username)
  # if stored password is null (i.e. new cteation) or stored password is different from previous (updating password from UI)
  if(is.null(pass)) {
    #if not stored yet, get it from UI
    pass = password
    savePasswordRDS(source, username, pass)
  } else if (!is.null(pass) & password != "" & pass != password) {
    #if passord is different from previous one, then  update it
    pass = password
    savePasswordRDS(source, username, pass)

#' API to save a psssword to RDS file
#' password file is consturcted with <source>_<username>.rds format_
savePasswordRDS = function(sourceName, userName, password){
  cryptoKeyPhrase = getOption("tam.crypto_key")
  noncePhrase = getOption("tam.nonce")
  # These might be null if it's called from outside of desktop
  if(is.null(cryptoKeyPhrase) | is.null(noncePhrase)){
  } else {
    key <- sodium::hash(charToRaw(cryptoKeyPhrase))
    nonce <- sodium::hash(charToRaw(noncePhrase), size=24)
    msg <- serialize(password, NULL)
    cipher <- sodium::data_encrypt(msg, key, nonce)
    saveRDS(cipher, file= stringr::str_c("../rdata/", sourceName, "_", userName, ".rds"))

#' API to read a password from RDS
#' password file is consturcted with <source>_<username>.rds format_
readPasswordRDS = function(sourceName, userName){
  passwordFlePath <- stringr::str_c("../rdata/", sourceName, "_", userName, ".rds")
  password <- NULL
    # tryCatch so that we can handle decription failure
      cryptoKeyPhrase = getOption("tam.crypto_key")
      key <- sodium::hash(charToRaw(cryptoKeyPhrase))
      noncePhrase = getOption("tam.nonce")
      nonce <- sodium::hash(charToRaw(noncePhrase), size=24)

      cipher <- readRDS(passwordFlePath)
      msg <- sodium::data_decrypt(cipher, key, nonce)
      password <-unserialize(msg)
    }, warning = function(w) {
    }, error = function(e) {

#' github issues plugin script
#' @export
getGithubIssues <- function(username, password, owner, repository, ...){
  # read stored password

  # Body
  endpoint <- stringr::str_c("https://api.github.com/repos/", owner, "/", repository, "/issues")
  pages <- list()
  is_next <- TRUE
  i <- 1
    res <- httr::GET(endpoint,
               query = list(state = "all", per_page = 100, page = i),
               httr::authenticate(username, password))
    jsondata <- httr::content(res, type = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
    github_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsondata, flatten = TRUE)
    pages[[i]] <- github_df

    # check if link exists
      is_next <- FALSE
    } else {
      is_next <- stringr::str_detect(res$headers$link, "rel=\"next\"")
      i <- i + 1
  issues <- dplyr::bind_rows(pages)

getMongoURL <- function(host = NULL, port, database, username, pass, isSSL=FALSE, authSource=NULL, cluster = NULL, timeout = NULL, additionalParams = NULL, ...) {

  if (stringr::str_length(username) > 0) {
    if(!is.null(pass) && pass != ''){
      # mongodb connection URL uses @ as a separator so need to encode password for those special characters.
      pass = urltools::url_encode(pass)
    if(!is.null(host) && host != ''){
      url = stringr::str_c("mongodb://", username, ":", pass, "@", host, ":", as.character(port), "/", database)
    } else if (!is.null(cluster) && cluster != ''){
      url = stringr::str_c("mongodb://", username, ":", pass, "@", cluster, "/", database)
  else {
    if(!is.null(host) & host != ''){
      url = stringr::str_c("mongodb://", host, ":", as.character(port), "/", database)
    } else if (!is.null(cluster) && cluster != ''){
      url = stringr::str_c("mongodb://", cluster, "/", database)
    url = stringr::str_c(url, "?ssl=true")
  if(!is.null(authSource) && authSource != ""){
      url = stringr::str_c(url, "&authSource=", authSource)
    } else {
      url = stringr::str_c(url, "?authSource=", authSource)
  if(!is.null(additionalParams) && additionalParams != ''){
    if(isSSL || !is.null(authSource) && authSource != "") {
      url = stringr::str_c(url, "&", additionalParams)
    } else {
      url = stringr::str_c(url, "?", additionalParams)
  if(!is.null(timeout) && timeout != ''){
    if(stringr::str_detect(url, '\\?')) {
      url = stringr::str_c(url, '&socketTimeoutMS=', timeout)
    } else {
      url = stringr::str_c(url, '?socketTimeoutMS=', timeout)
  return (url)

# Wrapper around glue::glue() to resolve our @{} parameter notation.
# We need this since glue::glue() escapes '}}' into '}', which makes it
# hard to use inside js code. Even in SQL, expression like '{d @{date_param}}'
# which would happen in SQL Server's SQL would not work with the original
# glue::glue() behavior.
glue_exploratory <- function(text, .transformer, .envir = parent.frame()) {
  # Internally, replace a{ and } with <<< and >>>.
  text <- stringr::str_replace_all(text, "\\@\\{([^\\}]+)\\}", "<<<\\1>>>")
  # Then, call glue::glue().
  ret <- glue::glue(text, .transformer = .transformer, .open = "<<<", .close = ">>>", .envir = .envir)
# This assumes that @{} parameter notation is already resolved before calling the glue_salesforce.
# Wrapper around glue::glue() to resolve our ${} notation used for Salesforce Filter.
glue_salesforce <- function(text) {
  # Internally, replace ${ and } with <<< and >>>.
  text <- stringr::str_replace_all(text, "\\$\\{([^\\}]+)\\}", "<<<\\1>>>")
  # Then, call glue::glue().
  ret <- glue::glue(text, .transformer = glue_salesforce_internal, .open = "<<<", .close = ">>>")

# Get variable's configured default value.
get_variable_config <- function(variable_name, config_name, envir) {
  code <- paste0("if(is.null(exploratory_env$.config$`", variable_name, "`)){NULL}else{exploratory_env$.config$`", variable_name, "`$`", config_name, "`}")
  ret <- eval(parse(text = code), envir)

# glue transformer for mongo js query.
# supports character, factor, logical, Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt, and numeric.
js_glue_transformer <- function(expr, envir) {
  # expr is 'param1, quote=FALSE, escape=FALSE' if the whole placeholder is '@{param1, quote=FALSE, escape=FALSE}'
  tokens <- stringr::str_split(expr, ',')
  tokens <- tokens[[1]]
  name <- tokens[1]
  values <- NULL

  # Parse arguments part. e.g. 'quote=FALSE, escape=FALSE'
  if (length(tokens) > 1) {
    args <- tokens[2:length(tokens)] # Index 1 that is eliminated is the name of the variable.
    args <- stringr::str_split(args, '=')
    args <- purrr::map(args, trimws)
    names <- purrr::map(args, function(x){x[1]})
    values <- purrr::map(args, function(x){x[2]})
    names(values) <- names
  if (!is.null(values) && !is.null(values$quote)) {
    if (values$quote %in% c("FALSE", "F", "false", "NO", "No", "no")) {
      quote <- ''
    else if (values$quote %in% c("TRUE", "T", "true", "YES", "Yes", "yes")) {
      # TRUE means same as default, which is double quote.
      quote <- '"'
    else if (grepl("^'.*'$", values$quote)) { # Single quoted.
      quote <- sub("^'", "", values$quote)
      quote <- sub("'$", "", quote)
    else if (grepl('^".*"$', values$quote)) { # Double quoted.
      quote <- sub('^"', "", values$quote)
      quote <- sub('"$', "", quote)
    else {
      quote <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.
  else {
    quote <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.

  if (!is.null(values) && !is.null(values$escape)) {
    if (values$escape %in% c("FALSE", "F", "false", "NO", "No", "no")) {
      escape <- ''
    else if (values$escape %in% c("TRUE", "T", "true", "YES", "Yes", "yes")) {
      # TRUE means same as default, which is double quote.
      escape <- '"'
    else if (grepl("^'.*'$", values$escape)) { # Single quoted.
      escape <- sub("^'", "", values$escape)
      escape <- sub("'$", "", escape)
    else if (grepl('^".*"$', values$escape)) { # Double quoted.
      escape <- sub('^"', "", values$escape)
      escape <- sub('"$', "", escape)
    else {
      escape <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.
  else {
    escape <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.

  # Trim white spaces.
  name <- trimws(name)

  # Extract the vector index from name[index] expression if it exists.
  name_index <- stringr::str_split(name,'[\\[\\]]')[[1]]
  name <- name_index[1]
  index <- name_index[2]

  # Strip quote by ``.
  should_strip <- grepl("^`.+`$", name)
  if (should_strip) {
    name <- sub("^`", "", name)
    name <- sub("`$", "", name)
  code <- paste0("exploratory_env$`", name, "`")
  if (!is.na(index)) { # Apply the vector index if it is specified.
    code <- paste0(code, '[', index, ']')

  val <- eval(parse(text = code), envir)

  # Check the default config for the variable.
  if (is.null(quote)) {
    quote <- get_variable_config(name, "quote", envir)
    if (is.null(quote)) {
      if (is.numeric(val)) {
        quote <- '' # No quote by default for numeric.
      else {
        quote <- '"' # Double quote by default
  if (is.null(escape)) {
    escape <- get_variable_config(name, "escape", envir)
    if (is.null(escape)) {
      escape <- quote # Match with quote by default.

  if (length(val) == 0) { # Empty vector case. NULL in R is same as empty vector, but since is.null(as.character(c(0))) returns FALSE, this has to be done by length().
    val <- ""
  else if (is.numeric(val)) {
    # Do not convert number to scientific notation.
    val <- format(val, scientific = FALSE)
    val <- paste0(quote, val, quote)
  else if (is.character(val) || is.factor(val)) {
    if (escape == '"') { # Escape for double quote
      val <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", val, fixed=TRUE)
      val <- gsub("\"", "\\\"", val, fixed=TRUE)
    else if (escape == "'") { # Escape for single quote
      val <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", val, fixed=TRUE)
      val <- gsub("'", "\\'", val, fixed=TRUE)
    val <- paste0(quote, val, quote)
  else if (is.logical(val)) {
    val <- ifelse(val, "true", "false")
  else if (lubridate::is.Date(val) || lubridate::is.POSIXt(val)) {
    val <- paste0("new Date(\"", as.character(val), "\")")
  # Interpret NA to null.
  # https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/query-for-null-fields/
  val <- ifelse(is.na(val), "null", val)

  # for numeric it should work as is. expression like 1e+10 works on js too.
  glue::glue_collapse(val, sep=", ")

glue_salesforce_internal <- function(expr, envir){
  val <- eval(parse(text = expr))
  glue::glue_collapse(val, sep=", ")

# Common routine for sql_glue_transformer and bigquery_glue_transformer.
sql_glue_transformer_internal <- function(expr, envir, bigquery=FALSE, salesforce=FALSE) {
  tokens <- stringr::str_split(expr, ',')
  tokens <- tokens[[1]]
  name <- tokens[1]
  values <- NULL

  # Parse arguments part. e.g. @{param1, quote=FALSE}
  if (length(tokens) > 1) {
    args <- tokens[2:length(tokens)]
    args <- stringr::str_split(args, '=')
    args <- purrr::map(args, trimws)
    names <- purrr::map(args, function(x){x[1]})
    values <- purrr::map(args, function(x){x[2]})
    names(values) <- names
  if (!is.null(values) && !is.null(values$quote)) {
    if (values$quote %in% c("FALSE", "F", "false", "NO", "No", "no")) {
      quote <- ''
    else if (values$quote %in% c("TRUE", "T", "true", "YES", "Yes", "yes")) {
      # TRUE means same as default, which is single quote.
      quote <- "'"
    else if (grepl("^'.*'$", values$quote)) { # Single quoted.
      quote <- sub("^'", "", values$quote)
      quote <- sub("'$", "", quote)
    else if (grepl('^".*"$', values$quote)) { # Double quoted.
      quote <- sub('^"', "", values$quote)
      quote <- sub('"$', "", quote)
    else {
      quote <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.
  else {
    quote <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.

  if (!is.null(values) && !is.null(values$escape)) {
    if (values$escape %in% c("FALSE", "F", "false", "NO", "No", "no")) {
      escape <- ''
    else if (values$escape %in% c("TRUE", "T", "true", "YES", "Yes", "yes")) {
      # TRUE means same as default, which is single quote.
      escape <- "'"
    else if (grepl("^'.*'$", values$escape)) { # Single quoted.
      escape <- sub("^'", "", values$escape)
      escape <- sub("'$", "", escape)
    else if (grepl('^".*"$', values$escape)) { # Double quoted.
      escape <- sub('^"', "", values$escape)
      escape <- sub('"$', "", escape)
    else {
      escape <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.
  else {
    escape <- NULL # Check default config for the parameter.

  # Trim white spaces.
  name <- trimws(name)

  # Extract the vector index from name[index] expression if it exists.
  name_index <- stringr::str_split(name,'[\\[\\]]')[[1]]
  name <- name_index[1]
  index <- name_index[2]

  # Strip quote by ``.
  should_strip <- grepl("^`.+`$", name)
  if (should_strip) {
    name <- sub("^`", "", name)
    name <- sub("`$", "", name)

  code <- paste0("exploratory_env$`", name, "`")
  if (!is.na(index)) { # Apply the vector index if it is specified.
    code <- paste0(code, '[', index, ']')

  val <- eval(parse(text = code), envir)

  # Check the default config for the variable.
  if (is.null(quote)) {
    quote <- get_variable_config(name, "quote", envir)
    if (is.null(quote)) {
      if (is.numeric(val)) {
        quote <- '' # No quote by default for numeric.
      else {
        quote <- "'" # Single quote by default
  if (is.null(escape)) {
    escape <- get_variable_config(name, "escape", envir)
    if (is.null(escape)) {
      escape <- quote # Match with quote by default.

  if (length(val) == 0) { # Empty vector case. NULL in R is same as empty vector, but since is.null(as.character(c(0))) returns FALSE, this has to be done by length().
    # Print "NULL" string.
    val <- "NULL" # With PostgreSQL, "IN (NULL)" is valid while "IN ()" is syntax error. TODO: Test other databases.
  else if (is.numeric(val)) {
    # Do not convert number to scientific notation.
    val <- format(val, scientific = FALSE)
    val <- paste0(quote, val, quote)
  else if (is.character(val) || is.factor(val)) {
    if (bigquery) {
      if (escape == '"') { # Escape for double quote
        # escape for Standard SQL for bigquery
        # https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/lexical
        val <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", val, fixed=TRUE) # Escape literal backslash
        val <- gsub("\"", "\\\"", val, fixed=TRUE) # Escape literal double quote
      else if (escape == "'") { # Escape for single quote
        # escape for Standard SQL for bigquery
        # https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/lexical
        val <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", val, fixed=TRUE) # Escape literal backslash
        val <- gsub("\'", "\\\'", val, fixed=TRUE) # Escape literal single quote
    else {
      # escape for SQL
      # TODO: check if this makes sense for Dremio and Athena
      if (escape == '"') { # Escape for double quote (Checked that SQL Server's double quote works this way.)
        val <- gsub('"', '""', val, fixed=TRUE)
      else if (escape == "'") { # Escape for single quote
        val <- gsub("'", "''", val, fixed=TRUE) # both Oracle and SQL Server escapes single quote by doubling them.
    val <- paste0(quote, val, quote)
  else if (lubridate::is.Date(val)) {
    val <- as.character(val)
    if (salesforce == FALSE) { # for salesforce, date should not be quoted.
      val <- paste0(quote, val, quote) # Athena and PostgreSQL quotes date with single quote. e.g. '2019-01-01'
  else if (lubridate::is.POSIXt(val)) {
    if (salesforce) { # Need to format it as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
      # ref https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.soql_sosl.meta/soql_sosl/sforce_api_calls_soql_select_dateformats.htm
      val <- format(val, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
    } else {
      val <- as.character(val)
      val <- paste0(quote, val, quote) # Athena and PostgreSQL quotes timestamp with single quote. e.g. '2019-01-01 00:00:00'

  # TODO: How should we handle logical?
  #       Does expression like 1e+10 work?
  # TODO: Need to handle NA here. Find out appropriate way.
  # We always collapse, unlike glue_sql.
  glue::glue_collapse(val, sep=", ")

sql_glue_transformer <- function(expr, envir) {
  sql_glue_transformer_internal(expr, envir)

bigquery_glue_transformer <- function(expr, envir) {
  sql_glue_transformer_internal(expr, envir, bigquery=TRUE)

salesforce_glue_transformer <- function(expr, envir) {
  sql_glue_transformer_internal(expr, envir, salesforce=TRUE)

#' @export
queryMongoDB <- function(host = NULL, port = "", database, collection, username, password, query = "{}", flatten,
                         limit=100, isSSL=FALSE, authSource=NULL, fields="{}", sort="{}",
                         skip=0, queryType = "find", pipeline="{}", cluster = NULL, timeout = NULL, additionalParams = NULL, connectionString = NULL, sslClientCertKey = NULL, subType = NULL, ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("mongolite")){stop("package mongolite must be installed.")}

  # read stored password
  # get connection from connection pool
  con <- getDBConnection("mongodb", host, port, database, username, password, collection = collection,
                         isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, cluster = cluster, additionalParams = additionalParams,
                         timeout = timeout, connectionString = connectionString, sslClientCertKey = sslClientCertKey, subType = subType)
  if(fields == ""){
    fields = "{}"
  if(sort == ""){
    sort = "{}"
  data <- NULL
    if(queryType == "aggregate"){
      pipeline <- convertUserInputToUtf8(pipeline)
      # set .envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
      pipeline <- glue_exploratory(pipeline, .transformer=js_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame())
      # convert js query into mongo JSON, which mongolite understands.
      pipeline <- jsToMongoJson(pipeline)
      data <- con$aggregate(pipeline = pipeline)
    } else if (queryType == "find") {
      query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
      fields <- convertUserInputToUtf8(fields)
      sort <- convertUserInputToUtf8(sort)
      # set .envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
      query <- glue_exploratory(query, .transformer=js_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame())
      # convert js query into mongo JSON, which mongolite understands.
      query <- jsToMongoJson(query)
      fields <- jsToMongoJson(fields)
      sort <- jsToMongoJson(sort)
      data <- con$find(query = query, limit=limit, fields=fields, sort = sort, skip = skip)
  }, error = function(err) {
    clearDBConnection("mongodb", host, port, database, username, collection = collection, isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, connectionString = connectionString, sslClientCertKey = sslClientCertKey)
  result <-data
  if (flatten) {
    result <- jsonlite::flatten(data)
  if (nrow(result)==0) {
    # possibly this is an error. clear connection once.
    clearDBConnection("mongodb", host, port, database, username, collection = collection, isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, connectionString = connectionString, sslClientCertKey = sslClientCertKey)
    stop("No Data Found");
  } else {

#' Returns a data frame that has names of the collections in its "name" column.
#' @export
getMongoCollectionNames <- function(host = "", port = "", database = "", username = "",
                                    password ="", isSSL=FALSE, authSource=NULL, cluster = NULL, timeout = "", additionalParams = "", connectionString = NULL, sslClientCertKey = NULL, subType = NULL, ...){
  collection = "test" # dummy collection name. mongo command seems to work even if the collection does not exist.
  if(!requireNamespace("mongolite")){stop("package mongolite must be installed.")}
  con <- getDBConnection("mongodb", host, port, database, username, password, collection = collection,
                         isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, cluster = cluster, additionalParams = additionalParams,
                         timeout = timeout, connectionString = connectionString, sslClientCertKey = sslClientCertKey, subType = subType)
  # command to list collections.
  # con$command is our addition in our mongolite fork.
  result <- con$run(command = '{"listCollections":1}')
  # need to check existence of ok column of result dataframe first to avoid error in error check.
  if (!("ok" %in% names(result)) || !result$ok) {
    clearDBConnection("mongodb", host, port, database, username, collection = collection, isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, cluster = cluster, additionalParams = additionalParams, connectionString = connectionString, sslClientCertKey = sslClientCertKey)
    stop("listCollections command failed");
  # TODO: does "firstBatch" mean it is possible there are more?
  # if so, where does it appear in the result?

#' Returns the total number of rows stored in the target table.
#' At this moment only mongdb is supported.
#' @export
getMongoCollectionNumberOfRows <- function(host = NULL, port = "", database = "",
                                           username = "", password = "", collection = "",
                                           isSSL=FALSE, authSource=NULL, cluster = NULL, additionalParams = "",
                                           timeout = NULL, connectionString = NULL, sslClientCertKey = NULL, subType = NULL, ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("mongolite")){stop("package mongolite must be installed.")}
  con <- getDBConnection("mongodb", host, port, database, username, password, collection = collection,
                         isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, cluster = cluster, additionalParams = additionalParams,
                         timeout = timeout, connectionString = connectionString, sslClientCertKey = sslClientCertKey, subType = subType)
    result <- con$count()
  }, error = function(err) {
    clearDBConnection("mongodb", host, port, database, username, collection = collection, isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, cluster = cluster, additionalParams = additionalParams, connectionString = connectionString, sslClientCertKey = sslClientCertKey)

createAmazonAthenaConnectionString <- function(driver = "", region = "", authenticationType = "IAM Credentials", s3OutputLocation = "", user = "", password = "", additionalParams = "", timezone = "", endpointOverride = "", workgroup = "",
                                               useProxy = 0, proxyHost="", proxyPort = -1, proxyUID = "", proxyPWD = "", ...) {
  # if platform is Linux use predefined one
    driver <-  "/opt/simba/athenaodbc/lib/64/libathenaodbc_sb64.so";
  # Generate connection string as a key to pool connection.
  connectionString <- stringr::str_c("AwsRegion=",  region, ";AuthenticationType=", authenticationType, ";uid=", user,
                                     ";pwd=", password, ";S3OutputLocation=", s3OutputLocation, ";driver=", driver)
  if(additionalParams != "") {
    connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";", additionalParams)
  if (timezone == "") {
    timezone <- "UTC" # if timezone is not provided use UTC as default timezone. This is also the default for odbc::dbConnect.
  connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";timezone=", timezone)
  connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";timezone_out=", timezone)

  if (endpointOverride != "") {
    connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";EndpointOverride=", endpointOverride)

  if (workgroup != "") {
    connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";workgroup=", workgroup)

  if (useProxy == 1) {
    connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";UseProxy=", useProxy)
    if (proxyHost != "") {
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";ProxyHost=", proxyHost)
    if (proxyPort != -1) {
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";ProxyPort=", proxyPort)
    if (proxyUID != "") {
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";ProxyUID=", proxyUID)
    if (proxyPWD != "") {
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";ProxyPWD=", proxyPWD)

  # For Windows, set encoding to make sure non-ascii data is handled properly.
  # ref: https://github.com/r-dbi/odbc/issues/153
  if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows') {
    loc <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
    # loc looks like "Japanese_Japan.932", so split it with dot ".".
    encoding <- stringr::str_split(loc, pattern = "\\.")
    if (length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";encoding=", encoding[[1]][[2]])

#' Returns a Amazon Athena connection.
#' @export
getAmazonAthenaConnection <- function(driver = "", region = "", authenticationType = "IAM Credentials", s3OutputLocation = "",
                                      user = "", password = "", additionalParams = "", timezone = "", endpointOverride = "", workgroup = "",
                                      useProxy = 0, proxyHost = "", proxyPort = -1, proxyUID = "", proxyPWD = "", ...) {
  if(!requireNamespace("odbc")){stop("package odbc must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("stringr")){stop("package stringr must be installed.")}

  connectionString <- createAmazonAthenaConnectionString(driver = driver,
                                                         region = region,
                                                         authenticationType = authenticationType,
                                                         s3OutputLocation = s3OutputLocation,
                                                         user = user,
                                                         password = password,
                                                         additionalParams = additionalParams,
                                                         timezone = timezone,
                                                         endpointOverride = endpointOverride,
                                                         workgroup = workgroup,
                                                         useProxy = useProxy,
                                                         proxyHost = proxyHost,
                                                         proxyPort = proxyPort,
                                                         proxyUID = proxyUID,
                                                         proxyPWD = proxyPWD)

  conn <- NULL
  if (user_env$pool_connection) {
    conn <- connection_pool[[connectionString]]
  if (is.null(conn)) {
    if (timezone == "") {
      timezone <- "UTC" # if timezone is not provided use UTC as default timezone. This is also the default for odbc::dbConnect.

    loc <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
    # loc looks like "Japanese_Japan.932", so split it with dot ".".
    encoding <- stringr::str_split(loc, pattern = "\\.")

    # For Windows, set encoding to make sure non-ascii data is handled properly.
    # ref: https://github.com/r-dbi/odbc/issues/153
    if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
      # For the legacy mode where we use non-UTF8 Windows encoding.
      # Encoding and Timezone need to be passed as explicit arguments.
      conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                             encoding           = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                             timezone           = timezone,
                             timezone_out       = timezone,
                             .connection_string = connectionString)
    } else {
      # Timezone needs to be passed as a explicit argument.
      conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                             timezone           = timezone,
                             timezone_out       = timezone,
                             .connection_string = connectionString)
    if (user_env$pool_connection) { # pool connection if connection pooling is on.
      connection_pool[[connectionString]] <- conn

#' Clears AWS Athena Connection.
#' @export
clearAmazonAthenaConnection <- function(driver = "", region = "", authenticationType = "IAM Credentials", s3OutputLocation = "",
                                        user = "", password = "", additionalParams = "", timezone = "", endpointOverride = "", workgroup = "",
                                        useProxy = 0, proxyHost = "",  proxyPort = -1, proxyUID = "", proxyPWD = "", ...){

  key <- createAmazonAthenaConnectionString(driver = driver,
                                            region = region,
                                            authenticationType = authenticationType,
                                            s3OutputLocation = s3OutputLocation,
                                            user = user,
                                            password = password,
                                            additionalParams = additionalParams,
                                            timezone = timezone,
                                            endpointOverride = endpointOverride,
                                            workgroup = workgroup,
                                            useProxy = useProxy,
                                            proxyHost = proxyHost,
                                            proxyPort = proxyPort,
                                            proxyUID = proxyUID,
                                            proxyPWD = proxyPWD)

  conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
  if (!is.null(conn)) {
    tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
    }, warning = function(w) {
    }, error = function(e) {
  rm(list = key, envir = connection_pool)

#' Returns specified connection from pool if it exists in the pool.
#' If not, new connection is created and returned.
#' @export
getDBConnection <- function(type, host = NULL, port = "", databaseName = "", username = "", password = "", catalog = "", schema = "", dsn="", additionalParams = "",
                            collection = "", isSSL = FALSE, authSource = NULL, cluster = NULL, timeout = NULL, connectionString = NULL, driver = NULL, timezone = "",
                            subType = NULL, sslClientCertKey = "", sslCA = "", sslMode = "", role = "", authMethod = "", secretKeyFile = "", secretKeyFilePassword = "") {

  drv = NULL
  conn = NULL
  key = NULL

  if (type == "mongodb") {
    if(!requireNamespace("mongolite")){stop("package mongolite must be installed.")}
    if(!is.null(connectionString) && connectionString != '' && (is.null(subType) || subType == '' || subType == 'connectionString')) {
      # make sure to include collection as a key since connection varies per collection.
      key <- paste(connectionString, collection, sep = ":")
    } else if(!is.null(host) && host != ''){
      key <- paste("mongodb", host, port, databaseName, collection, username, toString(isSSL), authSource, additionalParams, sslClientCertKey, sep = ":")
    } else if (!is.null(cluster) && cluster != '') {
      key <- paste("mongodb", cluster, databaseName, collection, username, toString(isSSL), authSource, additionalParams, sslClientCertKey, sep = ":")

    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)){
      # command to ping to check connection validity.
      # con$command is our addition in our mongolite fork.
      result <- conn$run(command = '{"ping":1}')
      # need to check existence of ok column of result dataframe first to avoid error in error check.
      if (!("ok" %in% names(result)) || !result$ok) {
        rm(conn) # this disconnects connection
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    if (is.null(conn)) {
      if(!is.null(connectionString) && connectionString != '' && (is.null(subType) || subType == '' || subType == 'connectionString')) {
        # if connection string is provided, use it for the url.
        url <- connectionString
      } else {
        url <- getMongoURL(host = host, port = port, database = databaseName, username = username, pass = password, isSSL = isSSL, authSource = authSource, cluster = cluster, additionalParams = additionalParams, timeout = timeout)
      if(!is.null(sslClientCertKey) && sslClientCertKey != '') { # Connect with ssl client cert.
        if (file.exists(sslClientCertKey)) {
          cert <- openssl::read_cert(sslClientCertKey) # Extract the cert from the pem file.
          # Extract the key from the pem file. Just passing the file path of the pem that includes both cert and key to mongolite::ssl_options() causes error.
          private_key <- openssl::read_pem(sslClientCertKey)$`RSA PRIVATE KEY`
          if (is.null(private_key)) stop("Cannot find private key in the pem file.")
          private_key <- openssl::read_key(private_key)
          conn <- mongolite::mongo(collection, url = url, options = mongolite::ssl_options(cert = cert, key = private_key))
        else { # If cert/key file is missing, which can happen especially on the server, just try connecting without it.
          conn <- mongolite::mongo(collection, url = url)
      else {
        conn <- mongolite::mongo(collection, url = url)
      connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if(type == "mysql" || type == "aurora") {
    if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}
    if(!requireNamespace("RMariaDB")){stop("package RMariaDB must be installed.")}
    # use same key "mysql" for aurora too, since it uses
    # queryMySQL() too, which uses the key "mysql"

    # When the Amazon Aurora data source is executed on Linux, it's possible that sslCA parameter is defined, for this case switch it to use seeded pem file for now.
    # Also, when getDBConnection is called from queryMySQL, the type argument is set as "mysql" for both MariaDB and Aurora, so stop checking type
    # and simply check if sslCA is empty string or not.
    if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux" && sslCA != ""){
      sslCA <- "/etc/ssl/certs/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem";
    key <- paste("mysql", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone, sslCA, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)){
        # test connection and at the same time set up the session with the server to use utf8.
        result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,"set names utf8") # This should return empty data.frame.
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    # if the connection is null or the connection is invalid, create a new one.
    if (is.null(conn) || !DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {
      # To avoid integer64 handling issues in charts, etc., use numeric as the R type to receive bigint data rather than default integer64 by specifying bigint argument.
      if (timezone != "") {# if Timezone is set use it for timezone and timezone_out
        if (sslCA != "") { # if sslCA is set, pass it as ssl.ca
          conn = RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = databaseName, username = username, timezone = timezone, timezone_out = timezone,
                                     password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric", ssl.ca = sslCA)
        } else { # if sslCA is not set, do not set it since passing empty string causes Error : Failed to connect: SSL connection error: No such file or directory
          conn = RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = databaseName, username = username, timezone = timezone, timezone_out = timezone,
                                     password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric")
      } else {# if sslCA is set, pass it as ssl.ca
        if (sslCA != "") {
          conn = RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = databaseName, username = username,
                                     password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric", ssl.ca = sslCA)
        } else {# if sslCA is not set, do not set it since passing empty string causes Error : Failed to connect: SSL connection error: No such file or directory
          conn = RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = databaseName, username = username,
                                     password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric")
      connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if (type == "postgres" || type == "redshift" || type == "vertica") {
    if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}
    if(!requireNamespace("RPostgres")){stop("package RPostgres must be installed.")}
    # use same key "postgres" for redshift and vertica too, since they use
    # queryPostgres() too, which uses the key "postgres"
    key <- paste("postgres", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone, sslMode, sslCA, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)){
        # test connection
        result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,"select 1")
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    # if the connection is null or the connection is invalid, create a new one.
    if (is.null(conn) || !DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {
      # When the Amazon Redshift data source is executed on Linux, it's possible that sslCA parameter is defined, for this case get the file path from environment variable.
      if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux" && sslCA != ""){
        if (type =="redshift") {
          sslCA <- Sys.getenv("REDSHIFT_SSL_CERT_FILE")
          if (sslCA == "") { # if environment variable is not set, fallback to default one.
            sslCA <- "/etc/ssl/certs/amazon-trust-ca-bundle.crt"
        } else if (type == "postgres") {
          sslCA <- Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_SSL_CERT_FILE")
      drv <- RPostgres::Postgres()
      if (type == "redshift") {
        drv <- RPostgres::Redshift()
      if (timezone != "") { # if Timezone is set, use it for timezone and timezone_out arguments.
        if (sslMode != "") { # if ssl_mode is set make sure to pass it when getting a connection.
          if (sslCA != "" && (sslMode == "verify-ca" || sslMode == "verify-full" || sslMode == "require")) { # for verify-ca and verify-full cases, check the root certificate
            conn <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, dbname=databaseName, user = username, timezone = timezone, timezone_out = timezone,
                                         password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric", sslmode = sslMode, sslrootcert = sslCA)
          } else {
            conn <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, dbname=databaseName, user = username, timezone = timezone, timezone_out = timezone,
                                         password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric", sslmode = sslMode)
        } else {
          conn <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, dbname=databaseName, user = username, timezone = timezone, timezone_out = timezone,
                                       password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric")
      } else if (sslMode != "") { # if ssl_mode is set make sure to pass it when getting a connection.
        if (sslCA != "" && (sslMode == "verify-ca" || sslMode == "verify-full" || sslMode == "require")) { # for require, verify-ca, and verify-full cases, check the root certificate
          conn <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, dbname=databaseName, user = username,
                                       password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric", sslmode = sslMode, sslrootcert = sslCA)
        } else {
          conn <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, dbname=databaseName, user = username,
                                       password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric", sslmode = sslMode)
      } else {
        conn <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, dbname=databaseName, user = username,
                                     password = password, host = host, port = port, bigint = "numeric")
      connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if (type == "presto" || type == "treasuredata") {
    if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}
    if(!requireNamespace("RPresto")){stop("package Presto must be installed.")}
    # use the same key "presto" for presto and treasuredata since they both use "presto".
    key <- paste("presto", host, port, catalog, schema, username, timezone, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)){
        # test connection
        result <- RPresto::dbSendQuery(conn,"select 1")
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    # if the connection is null or the connection is invalid, create a new one.
    if (is.null(conn) || !DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {
      drv <- RPresto::Presto()
      # To workaround Presto Authentication issue, set X-Presto-User to http header.
      # Please refer https://github.com/prestodb/RPresto/issues/103 for details.
      if (timezone != "") { #if timezone is set, use it for session.timezone.
        # As described https://github.com/prestodb/RPresto#bigint-handling, make sure to pass numeric for the bigint argument to avoid the bigint column is treated as integer otherwise values are imported as NA.
        conn <- RPresto::dbConnect(drv, user = username,
                                   password = password, host = host, port = port, schema = schema, catalog = catalog, session.timezone = timezone, bigint = "numeric")
      } else {
        # As described https://github.com/prestodb/RPresto#bigint-handling, make sure to pass numeric for the bigint argument to avoid the bigint column is treated as integer otherwise values are imported as NA.
        conn <- RPresto::dbConnect(drv, user = username,
                                   password = password, host = host, port = port, schema = schema, catalog = catalog, session.timezone = Sys.timezone(location = TRUE), bigint = "numeric")
      connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if (type == "odbc") {
    # do those package loading only when we need to use odbc in this if statement,
    # so that we will not have error at our server environmemnt where RODBC is not there.
    if(!requireNamespace("RODBC")){stop("package RODBC must be installed.")}

    connect <- function() {
      if(dsn != ""){ # for Dremio DSN and other DSN based ODBC connection.
        connstr <- stringr::str_c("RODBC::odbcConnect(dsn = '", dsn , "'")
        if(username != ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", uid = '", username, "'")
        if(password != ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", pwd = '", password, "'")
        if(additionalParams == ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ")")
        } else {
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ",", additionalParams, ")")
        conn <- eval(parse(text=connstr))
      } else if (host != "") { # for dremio direct access
        # Until Dremio ODBC Driver for Mac, Dremio ODBC driver's name was
        # "Dremio ODBC Driver" on Mac, but it changed to "Dremio Connector", which is same as the Window version
        # of their ODBC driver, at this version.
        # So we no longer need to switch ODBC driver name by OS.
        # We handled this change at v4.1.0.4 by releasing Mac only patch.
        connstr <- "DRIVER=Dremio Connector"
        connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ";HOST=", host, ";ConnectionType=Direct;AuthenticationType=Plain;Catalog=DREMIO;PORT=", port, ";UID=", username, ";PWD=", password)
        conn <- RODBC::odbcDriverConnect(connstr)
      if (conn == -1) {
        # capture warning and throw error with the message.
        # odbcConnect() returns -1 and does not stop execution even if connection fails.
        # TODO capture.output() might cause error on windows with multibyte chars.
        stop(paste("ODBC connection failed.", capture.output(warnings())))

      # For some reason, calling RODBC::sqlTables() works around Actual Oracle Driver for Mac issue
      # that it always returns 0 rows.
      # Since we want this to be done without sacrificing performance,
      # we are adding dummy catalog/schema condition to make it return nothing.
      # Since it does not have performance impact, we are just calling it
      # unconditionally rather than first checking which ODBC driver is used for the connection.
      RODBC::sqlTables(conn, catalog = "dummy", schema = "dummy")
    # Check pool only when connection pooling is on. To avoid getting error from timed-out connection,
    # we use connection pooling for ODBC only while data source dialog is open.
    # TODO: We may be able to check connection instead by RODBC::sqlTable() or something instead of this,
    # but we are not very sure of a sure way to check connection for all possible types of ODBC databases.
    if (user_env$pool_connection) {
      key <- paste(type, dsn, host, username, additionalParams, driver, sep = ":")
      conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (is.null(conn)) {
      conn <- connect()
      if (user_env$pool_connection) { # pool connection if connection pooling is on.
        connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if (type == "dbiodbc") {
    # do those package loading only when we need to use odbc in this if statement,
    # so that we will not have error at our server environment where odbc is not there.
    if(!requireNamespace("odbc")){stop("package odbc must be installed.")}

    hoststr = ""
    if(!is.null(host)) {
      hoststr = host;
    driverstr = ""
    if(!is.null(driver)) {
      driverstr = driver;
    key <- paste(type, subType, dsn, hoststr, username, additionalParams, driverstr, timezone, connectionString, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    conn <- NULL
    if (!is.null(conn)){
        # test connection
        result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,"select 1")
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
        } else if (!DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    connect <- function() {
      loc <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
      # loc looks like "Japanese_Japan.932", so split it with dot ".".
      encoding <- stringr::str_split(loc, pattern = "\\.")

      if(is.null(subType) || subType == '' || subType == "dsn"){ # for dsn based connection case.
        connstr <- stringr::str_c("DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), dsn = '", dsn , "'")
        if(username != ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", uid = '", username, "'")
        if(password != ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", pwd = '", password, "'")

        # For Windows, set encoding to make sure non-ascii data is handled properly.
        # ref: https://github.com/r-dbi/odbc/issues/153
        if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
          # encoding looks like: [1] "Japanese_Japan" "932" so check the second part exists or not.
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", encoding = '", encoding[[1]][[2]], "'")
        if (timezone != "") { # if timezone is set, use it for timezone and timezone_out arguments.
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", timezone = '", timezone, "'")
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", timezone_out = '", timezone, "'")
        if(additionalParams == ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ")")
        } else {
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ",", additionalParams, ")")
        conn <- eval(parse(text=connstr))
      } else if (subType == "conn_str_kv") { # for key/value connection string case. (e.g. host=server1)
        connectionString <- ""
        hasArgument <- FALSE
        if (!is.null(driver) && driver != "") {
          connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, "Driver=", driver)
          hasArgument = TRUE
        if (!is.null(host) && host != "") {
          if (hasArgument) {
            connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";")
          connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, "Server=", host)
          hasArgument <- TRUE
        if (port != "") {
          if (hasArgument) {
            connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";")
          connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, "Port=", port)
          hasArgument <- TRUE
        if (databaseName != "") {
          if (hasArgument) {
            connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";")
          connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, "Database=", databaseName)
          hasArgument <- TRUE
        if (username != "") {
          if (hasArgument) {
            connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";")
          connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, "UID=", username)
          hasArgument <- TRUE
        if (password != "") {
          if (hasArgument) {
            connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";")
          connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, "PWD=", password)
          hasArgument <- TRUE
        if (additionalParams != "") {
          if (hasArgument) {
            connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";")
          # The "additionalParams" is passed as 'a=1,b=2,c=3'. Replace"," with ";" so that connection string becomes a=1;b=2;c=3
          connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString,stringr::str_replace(additionalParams, ",", ";"));
        if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
          # encoding looks like: [1] "Japanese_Japan" "932" so check the second part exists or not.
          if (timezone != "") {
            conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                   .connection_string = connectionString,
                                   encoding = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                                   timezone = timezone,
                                   timezone_out = timezone,
                                   bigint = "numeric")
          } else {
            conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                   .connection_string = connectionString,
                                   encoding = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                                   bigint = "numeric")
        } else if (timezone != "") {
          conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                 .connection_string = connectionString,
                                 timezone = timezone,
                                 timezone_out = timezone,
                                 bigint = "numeric")
        } else {
          conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                 .connection_string = connectionString,
                                 bigint = "numeric")
      } else if (!is.null(connectionString) && connectionString != '' && (is.null(subType) || subType == '' || subType == 'conn_str_text')) { # For manually entered connection string case.
        if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
          # encoding looks like: [1] "Japanese_Japan" "932" so check the second part exists or not.
          if (timezone != "") { # both encoding and timezone.
            conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                   .connection_string = connectionString,
                                   encoding = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                                   timezone = timezone,
                                   timezone_out = timezone,
                                   bigint = "numeric")
          } else { # encoding only
            conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                   .connection_string = connectionString,
                                   encoding = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                                   bigint = "numeric")
        } else if (timezone != "") { # no encoding but timezone.
          conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                 .connection_string = connectionString,
                                 timezone = timezone,
                                 timezone_out = timezone,
                                 bigint = "numeric")
        } else { # no encoding no timezone.
          conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                                 .connection_string = connectionString,
                                 bigint = "numeric")
      if (is.null(conn)) {
        # capture warning and throw error with the message.
        # odbcConnect() returns -1 and does not stop execution even if connection fails.
        # TODO capture.output() might cause error on windows with multibyte chars.
        stop(paste("ODBC connection failed.", capture.output(warnings())))
    if (is.null(conn)) {
      conn <- connect()
      if (user_env$pool_connection) { # pool connection if connection pooling is on.
        connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if (type == "teradata" || type == "access") {
    # do those package loading only when we need to use odbc in this if statement,
    # so that we will not have error at our server environment where odbc is not there.
    if(!requireNamespace("odbc")){stop("package odbc must be installed.")}

    hoststr = ""
    if(!is.null(host)) {
      hoststr = host;
    key <- paste(type, dsn, hoststr, username, additionalParams, driver, timezone, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    conn <- NULL
    if (!is.null(conn)){
        # test connection
        result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,"select 1")
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
        } else if (!DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    connect <- function() {
      if(dsn != ""){ #
        connstr <- stringr::str_c("DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), dsn = '", dsn , "'")
        if(username != ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", uid = '", username, "'")
        if(password != ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", pwd = '", password, "'")

        loc <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
        # loc looks like "Japanese_Japan.932", so split it with dot ".".
        encoding <- stringr::str_split(loc, pattern = "\\.")

        # For Windows, set encoding to make sure non-ascii data is handled properly.
        # ref: https://github.com/r-dbi/odbc/issues/153
        if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
          # encoding looks like: [1] "Japanese_Japan" "932" so check the second part exists or not.
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", encoding = '", encoding[[1]][[2]], "'")
        if (timezone != "") { # if timezone is set, use it for timezone and timezone_out arguments.
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", timezone = '", timezone, "'")
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ", timezone_out = '", timezone, "'")
        if(additionalParams == ""){
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ")")
        } else {
          connstr <- stringr::str_c(connstr, ",", additionalParams, ")")
        conn <- eval(parse(text=connstr))
      } else if (host != "") {
        # TODO: Implement direct connect
      if (is.null(conn)) {
        # capture warning and throw error with the message.
        # odbcConnect() returns -1 and does not stop execution even if connection fails.
        # TODO capture.output() might cause error on windows with multibyte chars.
        stop(paste("ODBC connection failed.", capture.output(warnings())))
    if (is.null(conn)) {
      conn <- connect()
      if (user_env$pool_connection) { # pool connection if connection pooling is on.
        connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if (type == "mssqlserver") {# The type sqlserver is already used for RODBC based one and "mssqlserver" is passed from Exploratory Desktop.

    # If the platform is Linux, set the below predefined driver installed on Collaboration Server
    # so that this data soure can be scheduled.
      driver <- Sys.getenv("MS_SQL_SERVER_DRIVER_FILE")
      if (driver == "") { # if environment variable is not set, fallback to default one.
        driver <-  "ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server";
    # mssqlserver uses odbc package instead of RODBC for two reasons:
    # 1) The "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" driver does not work on Mac with RODBC.
    # 2) To allow users to schedule the data source on server side.
    # So make sure odbc package is installed.
    if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}
    if(!requireNamespace("odbc")){stop("package odbc must be installed.")}
    key <- paste("mssqlserver", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone, additionalParams, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)){
        # test connection
        result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,"select 1")
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    # if the connection is null or the connection is invalid, create a new one.
    if (is.null(conn) || !DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {
      # For Windows, set encoding to make sure non-ascii data is handled properly.
      # ref: https://github.com/r-dbi/odbc/issues/153
      if (timezone == "") {
        timezone <- "UTC" # if timezone is not provided use UTC as default timezone. This is also the default for odbc::dbConnect.

      loc <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
      # loc looks like "Japanese_Japan.932", so split it with dot ".".
      encoding <- stringr::str_split(loc, pattern = "\\.")
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(
        "Driver=", driver, ";Server=tcp:", host, ",", port, ";Database=", databaseName,
        ";Uid=", username, ";Pwd=", password
      if (additionalParams != "") {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";", additionalParams);

      if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
        # encoding looks like: [1] "Japanese_Japan" "932" so check the second part exists or not.
        conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                              .connection_string = connectionString,
                               encoding = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                               timezone = timezone,
                               timezone_out = timezone,
                               bigint = "numeric"
      } else { # Without encoding
        conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                               .connection_string = connectionString,
                               timezone = timezone,
                               timezone_out = timezone,
                               bigint = "numeric"
      connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  } else if (type == "snowflake") {
    # If the platform is Linux, set the below predefined driver installed on Collaboration Server
    # so that this data source can be scheduled.
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
      # The driver is passed as an argument when the API is called from Exploratory Desktop,
      # However,it overwrites the value for desktop with the Linux driver when run on server.
      # ref: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/odbc-linux.html
      driver <-  "/usr/lib64/snowflake/odbc/lib/libSnowflake.so";
    # When the Snowflake data source is executed on Linux, it's possible that secretKeyFile parameter is defined, for this case get the file path from environment variable.
    if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux" && authMethod == "key-pair" && secretKeyFile != ""){
      secretKeyFile <- Sys.getenv("SNOWFLAKE_SECRET_KEY_FILE")
    if (!requireNamespace("DBI")) {
      stop("package DBI must be installed.")
    if (!requireNamespace("odbc")) {
      stop("package odbc must be installed.")
    if (is.null(port) || port == "") {
      # https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/odbc-parameters.html
      port <- 443 # snowflake default port.
    if (timezone == "") {
      timezone <- "UTC" # if timezone is not provided use UTC as default timezone. This is also the default for odbc::dbConnect.

    key <- paste("snowflake", host, port, catalog, databaseName, username, timezone, additionalParams, role, secretKeyFile, secretKeyFilePassword, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)) {
        # test connection
        result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,"select 1")
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    # if the connection is null or the connection is invalid, create a new one.
    if (is.null(conn) || !DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {

      loc <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
      # loc looks like "Japanese_Japan.932", so split it with dot ".".
      encoding <- stringr::str_split(loc, pattern = "\\.")
      # For Snowflake, map catalog argument to "WAREHOUSE".
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(
        "Driver=", driver, ";Server=", host, ";Port=", port, ";WAREHOUSE=", catalog, ";Database=", databaseName,
        ";UID=", username
      if (authMethod == "key-pair") {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";AUTHENTICATOR=SNOWFLAKE_JWT");
      } else {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";PWD=", password);
      if (secretKeyFile != "") {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";PRIV_KEY_FILE=", secretKeyFile);
      if (secretKeyFilePassword != "") {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";PRIV_KEY_FILE_PWD=", secretKeyFilePassword);
      if (role != "") {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";role=", role);
      if (additionalParams != "") {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";", additionalParams);

      if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
          # encoding looks like: [1] "Japanese_Japan" "932" so check the second part exists or not.
        conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                               .connection_string = connectionString,
                               encoding = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                               timezone = timezone,
                               timezone_out = timezone,
                               bigint = "numeric"
      } else { # Without encoding
        conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                               .connection_string = connectionString,
                               timezone = timezone,
                               timezone_out = timezone,
                               bigint = "numeric"
      connection_pool[[key]] <- conn
  }  else if (type == "oracle") {
    # If the platform is Linux, set the below predefined driver installed on Collaboration Server
    # so that this data source can be scheduled.
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
      driver <- Sys.getenv("ORACLE_ODBC_DRIVER_FILE")
      if (driver == "") { # if environment variable is not set, fallback to default one.
        driver <-  "/lib/oracle/19.18/client64/lib/libsqora.so.19.1";
    if (!requireNamespace("DBI")) {
      stop("package DBI must be installed.")
    if (!requireNamespace("odbc")) {
      stop("package odbc must be installed.")
    if (timezone == "") {
      timezone <- "UTC" # if timezone is not provided use UTC as default timezone. This is also the default for odbc::dbConnect.

    key <- paste("oracle", host, port,databaseName, username, timezone, additionalParams, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)) {
        # test connection
        result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,"select 1")
        if (!is.data.frame(result)) { # it can fail by returning NULL rather than throwing error.
          tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
          }, warning = function(w) {
          }, error = function(e) {
          conn <- NULL
          # fall through to getting new connection.
      }, error = function(err) {
        tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        }, warning = function(w) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        conn <- NULL
        # fall through to getting new connection.
    # if the connection is null or the connection is invalid, create a new one.
    if (is.null(conn) || !DBI::dbIsValid(conn)) {

      loc <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
      # loc looks like "Japanese_Japan.932", so split it with dot ".".
      encoding <- stringr::str_split(loc, pattern = "\\.")
      # For Oracle, set FWC (Force SQL_WCHAR Support) to workaround ORA-01406 error.
      connectionString <- stringr::str_c(
        "Driver={", driver, "};FWC=T;DBQ=", host, ":", port, "/", databaseName,
        ";UID=", username, ";PWD=", password
      if (additionalParams != "") {
        connectionString <- stringr::str_c(connectionString, ";", additionalParams);

      if (is.win <- Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows' && length(encoding[[1]]) == 2 && stringr::str_to_lower(encoding[[1]][[2]]) != "utf8") {
        # encoding looks like: [1] "Japanese_Japan" "932" so check the second part exists or not.
        conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                               .connection_string = connectionString,
                               encoding = encoding[[1]][[2]],
                               timezone = timezone,
                               timezone_out = timezone,
                               bigint = "numeric"
      } else { # Without encoding
        conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                               .connection_string = connectionString,
                               timezone = timezone,
                               timezone_out = timezone,
                               bigint = "numeric"
      connection_pool[[key]] <- conn

#' Clears specified connection from the pool.
#' When there is an error from a connection, we should call this so that next call to getDBConnection
#' would return a newly created connection.
#' @export
clearDBConnection <- function(type, host = NULL, port = NULL, databaseName, username, catalog = "", schema = "", dsn="", additionalParams = "",
                              collection = "", isSSL = FALSE, authSource = NULL, cluster = NULL, connectionString = NULL, timezone = "",
                              sslClientCertKey = "", sslCA = "", subType = NULL, driver = "", sslMode = '', role = '') {
  key <- ""
  if (type %in% c("mongodb")) {
    if(!is.na(connectionString) && connectionString != '') {
      # make sure to include collection as a key since connection varies per collection.
      key <- paste(connectionString, collection, sep = ":")
    } else if(!is.na(host) && host != ''){
      key <- paste("mongodb", host, port, databaseName, collection, username, toString(isSSL), authSource, additionalParams, sslClientCertKey, sep = ":")
    } else if (!is.na(cluster) && cluster != '') {
      key <- paste("mongodb", cluster, databaseName, collection, username, toString(isSSL), authSource, additionalParams, sslClientCertKey, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)) {
  else if (type %in% c("postgres", "redshift", "vertica")) {
    # they use common key "postgres"
    key <- paste("postgres", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)) {
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  else if (type %in% c("mysql", "aurora")) {
    # they use common key "mysql"
    key <- paste("mysql", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone, sslCA, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)) {
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  else if (type %in% c("presto", "treasuredata")) {
    # they use common key "presto"
    key <- paste("presto", host, port, catalog, schema, username, timezone, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)) {
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  else if(type %in% c("odbc","dbiodbc", "teradata", "access")) { # odbc
    if (type == "dbiodbc") {
      hoststr = ""
      if(!is.null(host)) {
        hoststr = host;
      key <- paste(type, subType, dsn, hoststr, username, additionalParams, driver, timezone, connectionString, sep = ":")
    } else {
      key <- paste(type, dsn, username, additionalParams, timezone, sep = ":")
    conn <- connection_pool[[key]]
    if (!is.null(conn)) {
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        if(type == "dbiodbc" || type == "teradata") {
        } else {
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  else if (type %in% c("mssqlserver")) {
    key <- paste("mssqlserver", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone, sep = ":")
  else if (type %in% c("snowflake")) {
    if (is.null(port) || port == "") {
      # https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/odbc-parameters.html
      port <- 443 # snowflake default port.
    if (timezone == "") {
      timezone <- "UTC" # if timezone is not provided use UTC as default timezone. This is also the default for odbc::dbConnect.
    key <- paste("snowflake", host, port, catalog, databaseName, username, timezone, role, sep = ":")
  } else if (type %in% c("oracle")) {
    key <- paste("oracle", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone, sep = ":")
  rm(list = key, envir = connection_pool) # Even if there is no matching key, this is harmless.

isConnecitonPoolEnabled <- function(type){
  type %in% c("dbiodbc", "odbc", "postgres", "redshift", "vertica", "mysql", "aurora", "presto", "treasuredata", "mssqlserver", "snowflake", "teradata")

getListOfTablesWithODBC <- function(conn){
  topLevels <- odbc::odbcListObjects(conn)
  schemas <- NULL
  df <- topLevels %>% dplyr::distinct(type)
  check <- df$type == c("catalog")
  if (all(check) == TRUE){
    # Desktop side shows only Schema and Tables so ignore the catalog and create a flat schema list.
    schemas <- purrr::map_dfr(topLevels$name, function(x){odbc::odbcListObjects(conn, catalog = x)}) %>% dplyr::distinct(name, type)
  } else {
    schemas <- topLevels
  tables <- purrr::map_dfr(schemas$name, function(x){
      df <- data.frame(table_name = odbc::dbListTables(conn, schema = x))
      df <- df %>% mutate(schema_name = x)
    }, error=function(condition){
      # If the user does not have access permission, some database throws an error
      # if this is the case, just ignore.

#' @export
getListOfTables <- function(type, host, port, databaseName = NULL, username, password, catalog = "", schema = "", sslCA = "", sslMode = "", role = ""){
  if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}
  conn <- getDBConnection(type, host, port, databaseName, username, password, catalog, schema, sslCA = sslCA, sslMode = sslMode, role = role)

    tables <- DBI::dbListTables(conn)
  }, error = function(err) {
    # clear connection in pool so that new connection will be used for the next try
    clearDBConnection(type, host, port, databaseName, username, catalog = catalog, schema = schema, sslMode = sslMode, sslCA = sslCA, role = role)
    if (!isConnecitonPoolEnabled(type)) { # only if conn pool is not used yet
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  if (!!isConnecitonPoolEnabled(type)) { # only if conn pool is not used yet
    tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
    }, warning = function(w) {
    }, error = function(e) {

#' @export
getListOfColumns <- function(type, host, port, databaseName, username, password, table, sslMode = '', sslCA = '', role = ''){
  if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}
  conn <- getDBConnection(type, host, port, databaseName, username, password, sslMode = sslMode, sslCA = sslCA, role = role)
    columns <- DBI::dbListFields(conn, table)
  }, error = function(err) {
    # clear connection in pool so that new connection will be used for the next try
    clearDBConnection(type, host, port, databaseName, username)
    if (!!isConnecitonPoolEnabled(type)) { # only if conn pool is not used yet
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  if (!!isConnecitonPoolEnabled(type)) { # only if conn pool is not used yet
    tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
    }, warning = function(w) {
    }, error = function(e) {

#' API to execute a query that can be handled with DBI
#' @export
executeGenericQuery <- function(type, host, port, databaseName, username, password, query, catalog = "", schema = "", numOfRows = -1, timezone = "", sslCA = "", sslMode = "", role = "", ...){
  if (type %in% c("mysql", "aurora")) { # In case of MySQL, just use queryMySQL, since it has workaround to read multibyte column names without getting garbled.
    df <- queryMySQL(host, port, databaseName, username, password, numOfRows = numOfRows, query, timezone = timezone, sslCA = sslCA)
    df <- readr::type_convert(df)
    # It is hackish, but to read multibyte character data correctly, type_convert helps for some reason.
    # There is small chance of column getting converted to unwanted type, but for our usage, that is unlikely, and being able to read multibyte outweighs the potential drawback.
  if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}
  conn <- getDBConnection(type, host, port, databaseName, username, password, catalog = catalog, schema = schema, timezone = timezone, sslMode = sslMode, sslCA = sslCA, role = role)
    query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
    # set envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
    resultSet <- DBI::dbSendQuery(conn, glue_exploratory(query, .transformer = sql_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame()))
    df <- DBI::dbFetch(resultSet, n = numOfRows)
  }, error = function(err) {
    # clear connection in pool so that new connection will be used for the next try
    clearDBConnection(type, host, port, databaseName, username, catalog = catalog, schema = schema, timezone = timezone, sslMode = sslMode, sslCA = sslCA, role = role)
    if (!!isConnecitonPoolEnabled(type)) { # only if conn pool is not used yet
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  if (!!isConnecitonPoolEnabled(type)) { # only if conn pool is not used yet
    tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
    }, warning = function(w) {
    }, error = function(e) {

#' @export
queryNeo4j <- function(host, port,  username, password, query, isSSL = FALSE, ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("RNeo4j")){stop("package RNeo4j must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("stringr")){stop("package stringr must be installed.")}

  url <- ifelse(isSSL == TRUE,  "https://" , "http://");
  url <- stringr::str_c(url, host,":",  port,  "/db/data");

  graph <- NULL
  if(!is.null(username) && !is.null(password)){
    graph = RNeo4j::startGraph(url, username = username, password = password)
  } else {
    graph = RNeo4j::startGraph(url)
  query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
  df <- RNeo4j::cypher(graph, query)

#' @export
queryMySQL <- function(host, port, databaseName, username, password, numOfRows = -1, query, timezone = "", sslCA = "", ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("RMariaDB")){stop("package RMariaDB must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}

  conn <- getDBConnection(type = "mysql", host = host, port = port, databaseName = databaseName, username = username, password = password, timezone = timezone, sslCA = sslCA)
    query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
    # set envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
    resultSet <- RMariaDB::dbSendQuery(conn, glue_exploratory(query, .transformer = sql_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame()))
    df <- RMariaDB::dbFetch(resultSet, n = numOfRows)
  }, error = function(err) {
    # clear connection in pool so that new connection will be used for the next try
    clearDBConnection("mysql", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone = timezone)
  colnames(df) <- iconv(colnames(df),from = "utf8", to = "utf8") # Work around to read multibyte column names without getting garbled.

#' @export
#' @param host
#' @param port
#' @param databaseName
#' @param username
#' @param password
#' @param numOfRows default is -1, which means all rows
#' @param query
#' @param timezone
#' @param sslMode
#' @param sslCA
#' @param type (optional) Default is postgres. Set either postgres or redshift for now. When querying against Redshift, be sure to pass "redshift" as the type parameter so that correct sslCA handling is done for Linux case.
queryPostgres <- function(host, port, databaseName, username, password, numOfRows = -1, query, timezone = "", sslMode = '', sslCA = '', type = "postgres", ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("RPostgres")){stop("package RPostgres must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("DBI")){stop("package DBI must be installed.")}

  conn <- getDBConnection(type = type, host = host, port = port, databaseName = databaseName, username = username, password = password, timezone = timezone, sslMode = sslMode, sslCA = sslCA)

    query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
    # set envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
    # glue_sql does not quote Date or POSIXct. Let's use our sql_glue_transformer here.
    query <- glue_exploratory(query, .transformer=sql_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame())
    resultSet <- RPostgres::dbSendQuery(conn, query)
    df <- DBI::dbFetch(resultSet, n = numOfRows)
  }, error = function(err) {
    # clear connection in pool so that new connection will be used for the next try
    clearDBConnection("postgres", host, port, databaseName, username, timezone = timezone)

#' @export
queryAmazonAthena <- function(driver = "", region = "", authenticationType = "IAM Credentials", s3OutputLocation = "",
                              user = "", password = "", additionalParams = "", query = "", numOfRows = -1,
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE, as.is = TRUE, timezone = "", endpointOverride = "", workgroup = "",
                              useProxy = 0, proxyHost="", proxyPort = -1, proxyUID = "", proxyPWD = "", ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("odbc")){stop("package RODBC must be installed.")}
  conn <- getAmazonAthenaConnection(driver = driver, region = region, authenticationType = authenticationType,
                                    s3OutputLocation = s3OutputLocation, user = user, password = password,
                                    additionalParams = additionalParams, timezone = timezone,
                                    endpointOverride = endpointOverride, workgroup = workgroup,
                                    useProxy = useProxy, proxyHost = proxyHost, proxyPort = proxyPort, proxyUID = proxyUID, proxyPWD = proxyPWD)
    # For backward compatibility, if 0 is passed as numOfRows, change it to -1.
    # Previously with RODBC package, passing 0 means getting all rows. With odbc package, it needs to be -1 to get all rows.
    if (numOfRows == 0) {
      numOfRows = -1;
    query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
    # set envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
    query <- glue_exploratory(query, .transformer=sql_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame())
    resultSet <- DBI::dbSendQuery(conn, query)
    df <- DBI::dbFetch(resultSet, n = numOfRows)
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) {
      # when it is error, RODBC::sqlQuery() does not stop() (throw) with error most of the cases.
      # in such cases, df is a character vecter rather than a data.frame.
      clearAmazonAthenaConnection(driver = driver, region = region, authenticationType = authenticationType, s3OutputLocation = s3OutputLocation,
                        user = user, password = password, additionalParams = additionalParams, endpointOverride = endpointOverride,
                        workgroup = workgroup, useProxy = useProxy, proxyHost = proxyHost, proxyPort = proxyPort, proxyUID = proxyUID, proxyPWD = proxyPWD)
      stop(paste(df, collapse = "\n"))
    if (!user_env$pool_connection) {
      # close connection if not pooling.
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  }, error = function(err) {
    # for some cases like conn not being an open connection, sqlQuery still throws error. handle it here.
    # clear connection in pool so that new connection will be used for the next try
    clearAmazonAthenaConnection(driver = driver, region = region, authenticationType = authenticationType, s3OutputLocation = s3OutputLocation,
                       user = user, password = password, additionalParams = additionalParams, endpointOverride = endpointOverride, workgroup = workgroup,
                       useProxy = useProxy, proxyHost = proxyHost, proxyPort = proxyPort, proxyUID = proxyUID, proxyPWD = proxyPWD)

#' API to query ODBC database
#' @export
#' @param dsn - Data Source Name for the ODBC
#' @param username - Usernaame of the database
#' @param password - Password of the database
#' @param additionalParams - Additional parameters
#' @param numOfRows - Nuber of rows in result. -1 means fetch all rows. if you set 0, it returns no row. The default is 0.
#' @param query - SQL query
#' @param stringsAsFactors - Flag to tell if you want to convert character data type to factor data type in result.
#' @param host - Server where the database is running.
#' @param port - Database port number
#' @param as.is - Flag to tell if you honor data types from ODBC
#' @param dataBaseName - For MS SQL Server - name of the SQL Database
#' @param driver - For MS SQL Server - namme of the ODBC driver
#' @param type - For MS SQL Server "mssqlserver" is passed as type. For others,"odbc" is passed as type.
#' @param catalog - For Snowflake's Warehouse.
#' @param timezone - For database session timezone.
queryODBC <- function(dsn="", username="", password="", additionalParams="", numOfRows = 0, query, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, host="", port="", as.is = TRUE, databaseName="", driver = "", type = "", catalog = "", timezone = "", connectionString = "",  subType = "", role = "", authMethod = "", secretKeyFile = "", secretKeyFilePassword = "", ...){
  if(type == "") {
    type <- "odbc"
  # if the type is dbiodbc (i.e. odbc package) and numOfRows is 0, it means it's migrated from RODBC
  # To fetch the all rows, odbc expects -1 instead of 0. So update the numOfRows as -1.
  if (type == "dbiodbc" && numOfRows == 0) {
    numOfRows = -1;
  conn <- getDBConnection(type = type, host = host, port = port, NULL, username = username, password = password, dsn = dsn, additionalParams = additionalParams, databaseName = databaseName, driver = driver, catalog = catalog, timezone = timezone, connectionString = connectionString, subType = subType, role = role,
                          authMethod = authMethod, secretKeyFile = secretKeyFile, secretKeyFilePassword = secretKeyFilePassword)
    query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
    # set envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
    query <- glue_exploratory(query, .transformer=sql_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame())
    # now odbc package is used for MS SQL Server Data Source so use DBI APIs.
    # The type sqlserver is already used for RODBC based one so "mssqlserver" is passed from Exploratory Desktop.
    if (type == "mssqlserver" || type == "dbiodbc" || type == "snowflake" || type == "teradata" || type == "access" || type == "oracle") {
      if(!requireNamespace("odbc")){stop("package odbc must be installed.")}
      reset <- NULL
      resultSet <- DBI::dbSendQuery(conn, query)
      df <- DBI::dbFetch(resultSet, n = numOfRows)
    } else if(type == "odbc") { # For RODBC based ODBC Data Soruces, use RODBC API.
      if(!requireNamespace("RODBC")){stop("package RODBC must be installed.")}
      df <- RODBC::sqlQuery(conn, query, as.is = as.is, max = numOfRows, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors)

    if (!is.data.frame(df)) {
      # when it is error, RODBC::sqlQuery() does not stop() (throw) with error most of the cases.
      # in such cases, df is a character vecter rather than a data.frame.
      clearDBConnection(type, NULL, NULL, NULL, username, dsn = dsn, additionalParams = additionalParams, role = role)
      stop(paste(df, collapse = "\n"))
    if (!user_env$pool_connection) {
      # close connection if not pooling.
      tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
        if(type == "odbc") {
        } else {
      }, warning = function(w) {
      }, error = function(e) {
  }, error = function(err) {
    # for some cases like conn not being an open connection, sqlQuery still throws error. handle it here.
    # clear connection in pool so that new connection will be used for the next try
    clearDBConnection(type, NULL, NULL, NULL, username, dsn = dsn, additionalParams = additionalParams, role = role)
  # mssqlserver uses odbc package and DBI package
  # and it gets result set with DBI package.
  # So make sure to clear the result set.
  # For RDOBC based case, it does not use result set.
  if (type == "mssqlserver" || type == "dbiodbc" || type == "snowflake" || type == "teradata" || type == "access" || type == "oracle") {
  if (type == "access") { # clear access connection so that lock file is removed.
      clearDBConnection(type, NULL, NULL, NULL, username, dsn = dsn, additionalParams = additionalParams, role = role)

#' Access twitter search api
#' @param n - Maximum number of tweets.
#' @param lang - Language to filter result.
#' @param lastNDays - From how many days ago tweets should be searched.
#' @param searchString - Query to search.
#' @param tokenFileId - File id for oauth
#' @param withSentiment - Whether there should be sentiment column calculated by get_sentiment.
#' @param includeRts - Whether result should include retweets or not.
#' @export
getTwitter <- function(n=10000, lang=NULL,  lastNDays=7, searchString, tokenFileId=NULL, withSentiment = FALSE, includeRts = FALSE, ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("rtweet")){stop("package rtweet must be installed.")}
  twitter_token = getTwitterToken(tokenFileId)
  twitter_token = rtweet:::check_token(twitter_token);
  # this parameter needs to be character with YYYY-MM-DD format
  # to get the latest tweets, pass NULL for until
  until = NULL
  since = as.character(lubridate::today() - lubridate::days(lastNDays))
  locale = NULL
  geocode = NULL
  sinceID = NULL
  maxID = NULL
  # hard cocde it as recent for now
  resultType = "recent"
  retryOnRateLimit = 120

  # convert search string to UTF-8 before sending it on the wire on windows.
  searchString <- convertUserInputToUtf8(searchString)
  tweetList <- rtweet::search_tweets(q = searchString, token = twitter_token, n = n, lang = lang, verbose = TRUE, since = since,
                                     unitl = until, locale = locale, geocode = geocode, include_rts = includeRts,
                                     type = resultType,  retryonratelimit=TRUE)
    users <- rtweet::users_data(tweetList) %>%  dplyr::rename(
      user_id = id,
      profile_image_url = profile_image_url_https
    # to make column names consistent with existing data frame, rename the in_reply_to_aaa to reply_to_aaa
    reply_to_cols <- c(status_id = "id_str",
                       reply_to_status_id = "in_reply_to_status_id",
                       reply_to_status_id_str = "in_reply_to_status_id_str",
                       reply_to_user_id = "in_reply_to_user_id",
                       reply_to_user_id_str = "in_reply_to_user_id_str",
                       reply_to_screen_name = "in_reply_to_screen_name")
    # to make column name consistent with existing data frame, rename below place related columns
    place_cols <- c(place_id = "place_place_id",
                    place_url = "place_place_url",
                    place_name = "place_place_name",
                    place_full_name = "place_place_full_name",
                    place_type = "place_place_place_type",
                    country = "place_place_country",
                    country_code = "place_place_country_code")
    # entities column is a list column so extract it to columns.
    tweetList <- tweetList %>% tidyr::unnest_wider(entities, names_repair = "unique") %>%
    # It's possible that reply_to_cols are not available in the query result, so use any_of to avoid column does not exist error.
    # remove id column since it's same as status_id column.
    dplyr::rename(dplyr::any_of(reply_to_cols)) %>% dplyr::select(-id) %>%
    # user_mentions column is a list column so extract it to columns.
    tidyr::unnest_wider(user_mentions, names_sep = "_", names_repair = "unique") %>%
    # place column is a list column so extract it to columns.
    tidyr::unnest_wider(place, names_sep = "_", names_repair = "unique") %>%
    # place_place is created from the above unnest_wider and is a list column so extract it to columns.
    tidyr::unnest_wider(place_place, names_sep = "_", names_repair = "unique") %>%
    # It's possible that place_cols are not available in the query result, so use any_of to avoid column does not exist error.
    # Make sure to make below column names unique
    conflictNames <- c(created_at_users = "created_at",
                       withheld_in_countries_users = "withheld_in_countries",
                       withheld_scope_users = "withheld_scope")
    users <- users %>% dplyr::rename(dplyr::any_of(conflictNames))
    # combine tweet data and user information.
    tweetList <- cbind(tweetList, users)

      # calculate sentiment
      tweetList %>% dplyr::mutate(sentiment = get_sentiment(text))
    } else {
  } else {
    stop('No Tweets found.')


#' API to submit a Google Big Query Job
#' @export
submitGoogleBigQueryJob <- function(project, sqlquery, destination_table, write_disposition = "WRITE_TRUNCATE", tokenFieldId, useStandardSQL = FALSE,  ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("bigrquery")){stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("stringr")){stop("package stringr must be installed.")}

  token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFieldId)
  sqlquery <- convertUserInputToUtf8(sqlquery)
  # pass desitiona_table to support large data
  # check if the query contains special key word for standardSQL
  # If we do not pass the useLegaySql argument, bigrquery set TRUE for it, so we need to expliclity set it to make standard SQL work.
  isStandardSQL <- stringr::str_detect(sqlquery, "#standardSQL")
  if(!isStandardSQL && useStandardSQL){
    isStandardSQL = TRUE; # honor value provided by paramerer
  # set envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
  sqlquery <- glue_exploratory(sqlquery, .transformer=bigquery_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame())
  job <- bigrquery::bq_perform_query(query = sqlquery, billing = project,  use_legacy_sql = !isStandardSQL)
  meta <- bigrquery::bq_job_meta(job)
  isCacheHit <- meta$statistics$query$cacheHit
  # if cache hit case, totalBytesProcessed info is not available. So set it as -1
  totalBytesProcessed <- ifelse(isCacheHit, -1, meta$statistics$totalBytesProcessed)
  # if cache hit case, recordsWritten info is not avalable. So set it as -1
  numOfRowsProcessed <- ifelse(isCacheHit, -1, meta$statistics$query$queryPlan[[1]]$recordsWritten)
  dest <- meta$configuration$query$destinationTable
  result <- data.frame(tableId = dest$tableId, datasetId = dest$datasetId, numOfRows = numOfRowsProcessed, totalBytesProcessed = totalBytesProcessed)

#' API to get a data from google BigQuery table
#' @export
getDataFromGoogleBigQueryTable <- function(project, dataset, table, page_size = 10000, max_page, tokenFileId, max_connections = 8){
  if(!requireNamespace("bigrquery")){stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")}
  # Remember original scipen
  original_scipen = getOption("scipen")
    # Workaround ref: https://github.com/r-dbi/bigrquery/issues/395
    # Temporary override it with 20 to workaround: Invalid value at 'start_index' (TYPE_UINT64), "1e+05" [invalid] error
    options(scipen = 20)
    token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId)
    tb <- bigrquery::bq_table(project = project, dataset = dataset, table = table)
    # Since Exploratory Desktop does not handle int64, convert int64 to numeric by passing bigint = "numeric" ref: https://bigrquery.r-dbi.org/reference/bq_table_download.html
    bigrquery::bq_table_download(tb,  page_size = page_size, max_results = max_page, bigint = "numeric", quiet = TRUE, max_connections = max_connections)
  }, finally = {
    # Set original scipen
    options(scipen = original_scipen)

#' API to extract data from google BigQuery table to Google Cloud Storage
#' @export
extractDataFromGoogleBigQueryToCloudStorage <- function(project, dataset, table, destinationUri, tokenFileId){
  if(!requireNamespace("bigrquery")){stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")}
  token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId)
  # call forked bigrquery for submitting extract job
  table <- bigrquery::bq_table(project, dataset, table = table)
  job <- bigrquery::bq_perform_extract(x = table, destination_uris = destinationUri, print_header = TRUE, destination_format = "CSV", compression = "GZIP")
  job <- bigrquery::bq_job_wait(job)

#' API to download data from Google Storage to client and create a data frame from it
#' @export
downloadDataFromGoogleCloudStorage <- function(bucket, folder, download_dir, tokenFileId){
  if(!requireNamespace("googleCloudStorageR")){stop("package googleCloudStorageR must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("googleAuthR")){stop("package googleAuthR must be installed.")}
  token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId)
  googleAuthR::gar_auth(token = token, skip_fetch = TRUE)
  objects <- googleCloudStorageR::gcs_list_objects()
  # set bucket
  objects <- googleCloudStorageR::gcs_list_objects()
  # for each file extracted from Google BigQuery to Google Cloud Storage,
  # download the file to local temporary direcotry.
  # then delete the extracted files from Google Cloud Storage.
  lapply(objects$name, function(name){
    if(stringr::str_detect(name,stringr::str_c(folder, "/"))){
      googleCloudStorageR::gcs_get_object(name, overwrite = TRUE, saveToDisk = stringr::str_c(download_dir, "/", stringr::str_replace(name, stringr::str_c(folder, "/"),"")))
      googleCloudStorageR::gcs_delete_object(name, bucket = bucket)
  files <- list.files(path=download_dir, pattern = ".gz");
  # pass progress as FALSE to prevent SIGPIPE error on Exploratory Desktop.
  # To avoid the issue that bind_rows throws an error due to column data type mismatch,
  # First, import all the csv files with column data types as character, then convert the column data types with readr::type_convert.
  df <- lapply(files, function(file){readr::read_csv(stringr::str_c(download_dir, "/", file), col_types = readr::cols(.default = "c"), progress = FALSE)}) %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>% readr::type_convert()

#' API to get a list of buckets from Google Cloud Storage
#' @export
listGoogleCloudStorageBuckets <- function(project, tokenFileId = "", service = "bigquery"){
  if(!requireNamespace("googleCloudStorageR")){stop("package googleCloudStorageR must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("googleAuthR")){stop("package googleAuthR must be installed.")}
  token <- '';
  if (service == "cloudstorage") {
    token <- getGoogleTokenForCloudStorage();
  } else if (service == "bigquery") {
    token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId)
  googleAuthR::gar_auth(token = token, skip_fetch = TRUE)
  # make sure to pass "noAcl" as projection so that Google won't limit maxResults as 200.
  # ref: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/buckets/list
  googleCloudStorageR::gcs_list_buckets(projectId = project, maxResults = 1000, projection = c("noAcl"))

#' API to get a data from google BigQuery table
#' @export
saveGoogleBigQueryResultAs <- function(projectId, sourceDatasetId, sourceTableId, targetProjectId, targetDatasetId, targetTableId, tokenFileId){
  if(!requireNamespace("bigrquery")){stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")}
  token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId)

  src <- list(project_id = projectId, dataset_id = sourceDatasetId, table_id = sourceTableId)
  dest <- list(project_id = targetProjectId, dataset_id = targetDatasetId, table_id = targetTableId)
  bigrquery::copy_table(src, dest)

#' Get data from google big query
#' @param bucketProjectId - Google Cloud Storage/BigQuery project id
#' @param dataSet - Google BigQuery data tht your query result table is associated with
#' @param table - Google BigQuery table where query result is saved
#' @param bucket - Google Cloud Storage Bucket
#' @param folder - Folder under Google Cloud Storage Bucket where temp files are extracted.
#' @param tokenFileId - file id for auth token
#' @export
getDataFromGoogleBigQueryTableViaCloudStorage <- function(bucketProjectId, dataSet, table, bucket, folder, tokenFileId, ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("bigrquery")){stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("stringr")){stop("package stringr must be installed.")}

  # submit a job to extract query result to cloud storage
  uri = stringr::str_c('gs://', bucket, "/", folder, "/", "exploratory_temp*.gz")
  job <- exploratory::extractDataFromGoogleBigQueryToCloudStorage(project = bucketProjectId, dataset = dataSet, table = table, uri,tokenFileId);
  # download tgzip file to client
  df <- exploratory::downloadDataFromGoogleCloudStorage(bucket = bucket, folder=folder, download_dir = tempdir(), tokenFileId = tokenFileId)

#' Get data from google big query
#' @param projectId - Google BigQuery project id
#' @param query - SQL query to get data
#' @param destinationTable - Google BigQuery table where query result is saved
#' @param pageSize - Number of items per page.
#' @param maxPage - maximum number of pages to retrieve.
#' @param writeDeposition - controls how your BigQuery write operation applies to an existing table.
#' @param tokenFileId - file id for auth token
#' @param bqProjectId - Id of the Project where Google Cloud Storage Bucket belongs
#' @param csBucket - Google Cloud Storage Bucket
#' @param bucketFolder - Folder under Google Cloud Storage Bucket where temp files are extracted.
#' @export
executeGoogleBigQuery <- function(project, query, destinationTable, pageSize = 100000, maxPage = 10, writeDisposition = "WRITE_TRUNCATE", tokenFileId, bqProjectId, csBucket=NULL, bucketFolder=NULL, max_connections = 8, useStandardSQL = FALSE, ...){
  if(!requireNamespace("bigrquery")){stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")}
  if(!requireNamespace("stringr")){stop("package stringr must be installed.")}
  token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId)
  # Remember original scipen
  original_scipen = getOption("scipen")
    # Workaround ref: https://github.com/r-dbi/bigrquery/issues/395
    # Temporary override it with 20 to workaround: Invalid value at 'start_index' (TYPE_UINT64), "1e+05" [invalid] error
    options(scipen = 20)
    df <- NULL
    # if bucket is set, use Google Cloud Storage for extract and download
    if(!is.null(csBucket) && !is.na(csBucket) && csBucket != "" && !is.null(bucketFolder) && !is.na(bucketFolder) && bucketFolder != ""){
      # destination_table looks like 'exploratory-bigquery-project:exploratory_dataset.exploratory_bq_preview_table'
      dataSetTable = stringr::str_split(stringr::str_replace(destinationTable, stringr::str_c(bqProjectId,":"),""),"\\.")
      dataSet = dataSetTable[[1]][1]
      table = dataSetTable[[1]][2]
      bqtable <- NULL
      # submit a query to get a result (for refresh data frame case)
      # convertUserInputToUtf8 API call for query is taken care of by exploratory::submitGoogleBigQueryJob
      # so just pass query as is.
      result <- exploratory::submitGoogleBigQueryJob(project = bqProjectId, sqlquery = query, tokenFieldId =  tokenFileId, useStandardSQL = useStandardSQL);
      # extranct result from Google BigQuery to Google Cloud Storage and import
      # Since Google might assign new tableId and datasetId, always get datasetId and tableId from the job result (result is a data frame).
      # To get the only one value for datasetId and tableId, use dplyr::first.
      df <- getDataFromGoogleBigQueryTableViaCloudStorage(bqProjectId, as.character(dplyr::first(result$datasetId)), as.character(dplyr::first(result$tableId)), csBucket, bucketFolder, tokenFileId)
    } else {
      # direct import case (for refresh data frame case)

      # bigquery::set_access_cred is deprecated, however, switching to bigquery::bq_auth forces the oauth token refresh
      # inside of it. We don't want this since Exploratory Desktop always sends a valid oauth token and use it without refreshing it.
      # so for now, stick to bigrquery::set_access_cred
      # check if the query contains special key word for standardSQL
      # If we do not pass the useLegaySql argument, bigrquery set TRUE for it, so we need to expliclity set it to make standard SQL work.
      isStandardSQL <- stringr::str_detect(query, "#standardSQL")
      if(!isStandardSQL && useStandardSQL) { # honor value provided by parameter
        isStandardSQL = TRUE;
      # make sure to convert query to UTF8
      query <- convertUserInputToUtf8(query)
      # set envir = parent.frame() to get variables from users environment, not papckage environment
      query <- glue_exploratory(query, .transformer=bigquery_glue_transformer, .envir = parent.frame())
      tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(x = project, query = query, quiet = TRUE, use_legacy_sql = !isStandardSQL)
      # Since Exploratory Desktop does not handle int64, convert int64 to numeric by passing bigint = "numeric" ref: https://bigrquery.r-dbi.org/reference/bq_table_download.html
      df <- bigrquery::bq_table_download(x = tb, max_results = Inf, page_size = pageSize, bigint = "numeric", max_connections = max_connections, quiet = TRUE)
  }, finally = {
    # Set original scipen
    options(scipen = original_scipen)

#' API to get billing projects for the OAuth token set to the current session.
#' The resulting billing projects are common between Big Query and Cloud Storage.
#' Since this API is called from Exploratory Desktop for both Big Query Setup UI and
#' Google Cloud Storage File list, it controls which OAuth token should be used for this
#' by the service argument.
#' @export
getGoogleBigQueryProjects <- function(tokenFileId="", service = "bigquery"){
  if (!requireNamespace("bigrquery")) {
    stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")
  warningMessage <- NULL
  warningHandler <- function(w){
    warningMessage <<- w
  main <- function(){
    token <- ''
    if (service == "cloudstorage") {
      token <- getGoogleTokenForCloudStorage();
    } else if (service == "bigquery") {
      token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId);
    bigrquery::bq_projects(page_size = 100, max_pages = Inf, warn = TRUE)
  projects <- withCallingHandlers(main(), warning = warningHandler)
  # If the warning message contains "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client",
  # it means the OAuth token is not valid so raise the "OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery" error that triggers
  # Exploratory Desktop OAuth token recovery process.
  if (stringr::str_detect(warningMessage$message, "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client")) {
    stop("OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery")

#' API to get datasets for a project
#' @export
getGoogleBigQueryDataSets <- function(project, tokenFileId=""){
  if (!requireNamespace("bigrquery")) {
    stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")
  warningMessage <- NULL
  warningHandler <- function(w){
    warningMessage <<- w
  main <- function(){
    token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId);
    # make sure to pass max_pages as Inf to get all the datasets
    resultdatasets <- bigrquery::bq_project_datasets(project, page_size=1000, max_pages=Inf);
    lapply(resultdatasets, function(x){x$dataset})
  dataSets <- withCallingHandlers(main(), warning = warningHandler)
  # If the warning message contains "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client",
  # it means the OAuth token is not valid so raise the "OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery" error that triggers
  # Exploratory Desktop OAuth token recovery process.
  if (stringr::str_detect(warningMessage$message, "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client")) {
    stop("OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery")

#' API to get tables for current project, data set
#' @export
getGoogleBigQueryTables <- function(project, dataset, tokenFileId=""){
  if (!requireNamespace("bigrquery")) {
    stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")
  warningMessage <- NULL
  warningHandler <- function(w){
    warningMessage <<- w
  main <- function(){
    token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId);
    # if we do not pass max_results (via page_size argument), it only returnss 50 items. so explicitly set it.
    # See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/tabledata/list for max_results
    # If we pass large value to max_results (via page_size argument) like 1,000,000, Google BigQuery gives
    # Error: Invalid value at 'max_results.value' (TYPE_UINT32), "1e+06" [badRequest]
    # so set 10,000 as the default value.
    # Below is just getting a list of table names and not the actual table data.
    bqdataset <- bigrquery::bq_dataset(project = project, dataset = dataset)
    tables <- bigrquery::bq_dataset_tables(bqdataset, page_size = 10000);
    lapply(tables, function(x){x$table})
  tables <- withCallingHandlers(main(), warning = warningHandler)
  # If the warning message contains "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client",
  # it means the OAuth token is not valid so raise the "OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery" error that triggers
  # Exploratory Desktop OAuth token recovery process.
  if (stringr::str_detect(warningMessage$message, "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client")) {
    stop("OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery")

#' API to get table info
#' @export
getGoogleBigQueryTable <- function(project, dataset, table, tokenFileId=""){
  if (!requireNamespace("bigrquery")) {
    stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")
  warningMessage <- NULL
  warningHandler <- function(w){
    warningMessage <<- w
  main <- function(){
    token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId);
    table <- bigrquery::bq_table(project = project, dataset = dataset, table = table)
  table <- withCallingHandlers(main(), warning = warningHandler)
  # If the warning message contains "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client",
  # it means the OAuth token is not valid so raise the "OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery" error that triggers
  # Exploratory Desktop OAuth token recovery process.
  if (stringr::str_detect(warningMessage$message, "Unable to refresh token: invalid_client")) {
    stop("OAuth token is not set for Google BigQuery")

#' API to get tables for current project, data set
#' @export
deleteGoogleBigQueryTable <- function(project, dataset, table, tokenFileId=""){
  if(!requireNamespace("bigrquery")){stop("package bigrquery must be installed.")}
  token <- getGoogleTokenForBigQuery(tokenFileId);
  bigrquery::delete_table(project, dataset, table);

#' Parses all the 'scrapable' html tables from the web page.
#' @param {string} web page url to scrape
#' @param {string} web page encoding
#' @return html nodes
#' @export
parse_html_tables <- function(url, encoding = NULL) {
  if (is.null(encoding)) {
    rvest::html_nodes(xml2::read_html(url) ,"table")
  } else {
    rvest::html_nodes(xml2::read_html(url, encoding=encoding) ,"table")

#' Scrapes one of html tables from the web page specified by the url,
#' and returns a data frame as a result.
#' @param web page url to scrape
#' @param {string} table index number
#' @param {boolean} either use the 1st row as a header or not. TRUE or FALSE
#' @param {string} web page encoding
#' @export
scrape_html_table <- function(url, index, heading, encoding = NULL) {
  if (heading == "TRUE") {
    heading = TRUE
  } else if (heading == "FALSE") {
    heading = FALSE
  original_locale = Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE")
    .htmltables <- parse_html_tables(url, encoding)
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
      # For Windows, temporary change LC_CTYPE to C to workaround the "invalid multibyte string" error raised from rvest.
      # please see https://github.com/r-lib/devtools/issues/544 for locale "C" workround for invalid multibyte string.
      Sys.setlocale(category="LC_CTYPE", locale="C");
    res <- tibble::repair_names(rvest::html_table(.htmltables[[index]], fill=TRUE ,header=heading))
  }, finally = {
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
      # Set back original LC_TYPE
      Sys.setlocale(category="LC_CTYPE", locale=original_locale);

#' function to convert labelled class to factor
#' @export
#' @param df -  data frame
#' @param convertLabelledNumericToFactor - if this is TRUE, it converts the labelled numeric columns as Factor.
#' if this is FALSE, it converts labelled numeric columns as numeric.
handleLabelledColumns = function(df, convertLabelledNumericToFactor = FALSE){
  # check if column class is labelled or haven_labelled, and convert them to factor.
  # If labelled or haven_labelled are not converted to factor, applying jsonlite::toJSON to the data frame fails.
  is_labelled <- lapply(df, function(x){ any(class(x) %in% c("labelled", "haven_labelled"))})
  is_labelled <- unlist(is_labelled)
  df[is_labelled] <- lapply(df[is_labelled], function(x){
    if (convertLabelledNumericToFactor == FALSE & is.numeric(x)) {
    } else {

#' Checks and tells the given data is whether in ndjson format
#' by looking at that the first line is a valid json or not.
#' x - URL or file path
isNDJSON <- function(x) {
  con <- getConnectionObject(x)
  line <- readLines(con, n=1, warn=FALSE)
  tryCatch (
      # It errors out if the line is invalid json.
      obj <- jsonlite::fromJSON(line)
      return (TRUE)
      return (FALSE)

#' Construct a data frame from json or ndjson data
#' ndjson stands for "Newline Delimited JSON" and
#' each line of ndjson data is a valid json value.
#' http://ndjson.org/
#' ndjson format is popular and used in many places such as
#' Yelp academic data is based on.
#' jsonlite::fromJSON can read standard json but not ndjson.
#' jsonlite::stream_in can read ndjson but not standard json.
#' This function internally detects the data type and
#' calls the appropriate function to read the data
#' and construct a data from either json or ndjson data.
#' x: URL or file path to json/ndjson file
#' flatten: TRUE or FALSE. Used only json case
#' limit: Should limit the number of rows to retrieve. Not used now
#' since underlying technology (jsonlite) doesn't support it.
#' @export
convertFromJSON <- function(x, flatten=TRUE, limit=0) {
  if (isNDJSON(x) == TRUE) {
    con2 <- getConnectionObject(x)
    df <- jsonlite::stream_in(con2, pagesize=1000, verbose=FALSE)

    # In case of connectinng to url, the following close call may fail with;
    # Error in close.connection(con2) : invalid connection
    # so here we catch the error here not to block the process.
    tryCatch (
    if (flatten == TRUE) {
      df <- jsonlite::flatten(df)
    return (df)
  } else {
    df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(x, flatten=flatten)
    return (df)

#' This function converts the given data frame object to JSON.
#' The benefit of using this function is that it can converts
#' the column data types that cannot be serialized by toJSON
#' to safe ones.
convertToJSON  <- function(x) {
  .tmp.tojson <- x
  isdifftime <- sapply(.tmp.tojson, is.difftime)
  .tmp.tojson[isdifftime] <- lapply(.tmp.tojson[isdifftime], function(y) as.numeric(y))
  isperiod <- sapply(.tmp.tojson, is.period)
  .tmp.tojson[isperiod] <- lapply(.tmp.tojson[isperiod], function(y) as.character(y))

#' Workaround for toJSON output getting affected by SJIS damemoji characters
#' when LC_CTYPE is set to Windows Code Page 932 (SJIS).
#' Switch LC_CTYPE to Windows Code Page 1252 (Latin-1) before calling jsonlite::toJSON,
#' and switch it back to the original setting when done.
#' We do this since the JSON output is not broken under LC_CTYPE of Code Page 1252.
#' Since JSON output is in UTF-8 even on Windows, we should not have to go through
#' SJIS on the output path in the first place.
#' @export
toJSON <- function(...) {
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
      orig_locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
      Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "English_United States.1252")
    res <- jsonlite::toJSON(...)
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
      Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", orig_locale)

#' Gives you a connection object based on the given
#' file locator string. It supports file path or URL now.
#' x - URL or file path
getConnectionObject <- function(x) {
  if (stringr::str_detect(x, "://")) {
  } else {
    return(file(x, open = "r"))

#' Run the type convert if it is a data frame.
typeConvert <- function(x) {
  if (is.data.frame(x))  readr::type_convert(x) else x

#' Create a data frame from the given object that can be transformed to data frame.
#' @export
toDataFrame <- function(x, guessDataType = TRUE) {
  if(is.data.frame(x)) {
    df <- x
  } else if (is.matrix(x)) {
    df <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    # just in case for other data type case in future
    df <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # if guessDataType is FALSE, return data frame as is.
  if(guessDataType == FALSE){
  } else {

#' API to create a temporary environment for RDATA staging
#' @export
createTempEnvironment <- function(){
  new.env(parent = globalenv())

#' API to get a list of data frames from a RDATA
#' @export
getObjectListFromRdata <- function(rdata_path, temp.space){
  # load RDATA to temporary env to prevent the pollution on global objects
  path <- rdata_path
  if (stringr::str_detect(rdata_path, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(rdata_path, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(rdata_path, "^ftp://")) {

    path <- download_data_file(rdata_path, "rdata")
  temp.object <- load(path,temp.space)
  # get list of ojbect loaded to temporary env
  objectlist <- ls(envir=temp.space)
  result <- lapply(objectlist, function(x){
    # only get a object whose class is data.frame
    if("data.frame" %in% class(get(x,temp.space))){
  if(!is.null(result) & length(result)>0){
  } else {

#' API to get a data frame object from RDATA
#' @export
getObjectFromRdata <- function(rdata_path, object_name){
  # load RDATA to temporary env to prevent the polluation on global objects
  path <- rdata_path
  if (stringr::str_detect(rdata_path, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(rdata_path, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(rdata_path, "^ftp://")) {

    path <- download_data_file(rdata_path, "rdata")
  temp.space = createTempEnvironment()
  # get list of ojbect loaded to temporary env
  obj <- get(object_name,temp.space)
  # remote temporary env

#' This function can clean the given data frame. It actually does
#' 1) split a column with a data.frame vector into seprate columns
#' 2) repair column names such as columns with NA for column names,
#' or duplicate column names.
#' @param x data frame
#' @return cleaned data frame
#' @export
clean_data_frame <- function(x) {
  df <- tibble::repair_names(jsonlite::flatten(x))
  original_names <- names(df)
  # Remove tab, new line, carriage return, and backslash from column names
  clean_names <- original_names  %>% gsub("[\r\n\t\\]", "", .)
  names(df) <- clean_names
  # Remove row names.
  row.names(df) <- NULL

#' Wrapper function for Janitor's clean_names
#' On top of janitor::clean_names "case" options, this wrapper API supports the below two cases too.
#' - remove_space which removes all the white spaces in column names
#' - trim_space which trims the trailing and leading white spaces in column names.
clean_names <- function(dat, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  # if remove_space option is passed, remove all spaces from the column names.
  if(length(dots) > 0 && dots$case == "remove_space") {
    dat %>% dplyr::rename_all(function(.) stringr::str_remove_all(., "[[:blank:]]"))
  } else if (length(dots) > 0 && dots$case == "trim_space") {
    dat %>% dplyr::rename_all(function(.) stringr::str_trim(., side = "both"))
  } else {
    janitor::clean_names(dat, ...)

#' This checks name conflict and attach the file if there isn't any conflict
#' @export
checkSourceConflict <- function(files, encoding="UTF-8"){
  ret <- list()
  for (file in files){
    ret[[file]] <- tryCatch({
      env <- new.env()
      source(file, local=env, encoding = encoding)
      attached_objects <- ls(env)
      list(names = attached_objects)
    }, error = function(e){
      list(error = e[["message"]])

#' Returns US state names, abbreviations, numeric codes, divisions, or regions based on US state data.
#' Example:
#' > exploratory::statecode(c("NY","CA", "IL"), "name")
#' [1] "New York"   "California" "Illinois"
#' > exploratory::statecode(c("New York","California","Illinois"), "code")
#' [1] "NY" "CA" "IL"
#' > exploratory::statecode(c("New York","California","Illinois"), "num_code")
#' [1] "36" "06" "17"
#' @param input vector of US state names, abbreviations, or numeric codes.
#' @param output_type one of "alpha_code", "num_code", "name", "division", or "region"
#' @return character vector
#' @export
statecode <- function(input = input, output_type = output_type) {
  output_types <- c("alpha_code", "num_code", "name", "division", "region")
  if (!output_type %in% output_types) {
     stop("Output type not supported")
  # get rid of space, period, apostrophe, hiphen, number, etc to normalize inputs.
  # e.g. California[4] is normalized as california
  input_normalized <- stringr::str_remove_all(input, "[:punct:]|[:digit:]|[:space:]") %>%  stringr::str_to_lower()
  # in case input is US state code.
  input_normalized_number <- stringr::str_remove_all(input, "[^0-9]")

  # return matching state info.
  # state_name_id_map data frame has all those state info plus normalized_name as the search key.
  # it first searches by US state names or abbreviations (normalized) then try with US State code.
  name_match <- match(input_normalized, state_name_id_map$normalized_name)
  key <- ifelse(!is.na(name_match),
                name_match, # if match found for normalized name, use it
                match(input_normalized_number, state_name_id_map$normalized_name)) # else try the state code match.
  res <- as.character(state_name_id_map[[output_type]][key])

#' It can add 'longitude' and 'latitude' columns to a data frame which has
#' a column with US state 2-letter codes.
#' Example:
#' > exploratory::geocode_us_state(data.frame(state=c("CA", "NY")), "state")
#' state  longitude latitude
#' 1    CA -119.41793 36.77826
#' 2    NY  -74.21793 43.29943
geocode_us_state <- function(df, statecode_colname) {
  mapping <- "state"
  names(mapping) <- statecode_colname
  df %>% left_join(us_state_coordinates, by=mapping)

#' It can add 'longitude' and 'latitude' columns to a data frame which has
#' a column with US state and county FIPS codes.
#' Example:
#' > exploratory::geocode_us_county(data.frame(code=c("01003", "13005")), "code")
#'    code longitude latitude
#' 1 01003 -87.74607 30.65922
#' 2 13005 -82.38786 31.56333
geocode_us_county <- function(df, fipscode_colname) {
  mapping <- "fips"
  names(mapping) <- fipscode_colname
  df %>% left_join(us_county_coordinates, by=mapping)

#' It can add 'longitude' and 'latitude' columns to a data frame which has
#' a column with ISO 2-letter country codes.
#' Example:
#' > exploratory::geocode_world_country(data.frame(code=c("JP", "GB")), "code")
#'   code  longitude latitude
#' 1   JP 138.252924 36.20482
#' 2   GB  -3.435973 55.37805
geocode_world_country <- function(df, countrycode_colname, center.pacific.ocean=FALSE) {
  mapping <- "iso2c"
  names(mapping) <- countrycode_colname
  if (center.pacific.ocean) {
    df %>% left_join(world_country_coordinates_po_centered, by=mapping)
  } else {
    df %>% left_join(world_country_coordinates, by=mapping)

#' It can add 'longitude' and 'latitude' columns to a data frame which has
#' a column with Japan prefecture names.
#' Example:
#' > exploratory::geocode_japan_prefecture(data.frame(name=c("東京","北海道")), "name")
#'     name longitude latitude
#' 1   東京  139.6917 35.68949
#' 2 北海道  141.3468 43.06461
geocode_japan_prefecture <- function(df, prefecture_colname) {
  mapping <- "name"
  names(mapping) <- prefecture_colname
  df %>% left_join(jp_prefecture_coordinates, by=mapping)

#' Converts Japan prefecture names into various formats.
#' Currently, with output_type ="name", it converts names into the short name format,
#' which has a name without the suffix such as "-to", "-ken".
#' And with output_type = "code", it converts names into the prefecture code.
#' Example:
#' > prefecturecode(c("東京都", "京都", "Kanagawa-ken", "Iwate", "あいち", "Kōchi", "gunma"), output_type="name")
#' [1] "東京"   "京都"   "神奈川" "岩手"   "愛知"   "高知"    "群馬"

prefecturecode <- function(prefecture, output_type="name") {
  if (output_type == "code") { # covert prefecture name to prefecture code
    prefecture = exploratory::prefecturecode(prefecture, output_type = "name")
    targetDF <- data.frame(prefecture_normalized = prefecture)
    answerDF <- zipangu::jpnprefs
    # create prefecture_normalized column from a prefecture_kanji column and removes "都", "府", "県" from it.
    answerDF <- answerDF %>% dplyr::mutate(prefecture_normalized = stringr::str_remove(prefecture_kanji, "[\u90FD\u5E9C\u770C]$"))
    # Join data frames by prefecture_normalized so that it can get a corresponding prefecture code.
    result <- targetDF %>% dplyr::left_join(answerDF, by = "prefecture_normalized")
  } else if (output_type == "name") {
    # TODO: support other output types.
    # Clean up the input.
    pref_normalized <- stringr::str_trim(tolower(prefecture))
    # Remove trailing "tofuken". Do not remove "do" from "Hokkaido" and "to" from "Kyoto" (in Japanese).
    pref_normalized <- dplyr::if_else(pref_normalized=="\u4EAC\u90FD", pref_normalized, gsub("[\u90FD\u5E9C\u770C]$", "", pref_normalized))
    # Remove trailing "tofuken". Do not remove "do" from "Hokkaido" (in Roma-ji).
    pref_normalized <- gsub("[_ \\.\\-](to|fu|hu|ken)$", "", pref_normalized)
    # Convert "o" with macron to simple "o".
    pref_normalized <- gsub("\u014D", "o", pref_normalized)
    # jp_prefecture_name_id_map uses gumma as a mapping key, so to take care of "gunma" properly, convert "gunma" to "gumma.
    pref_normalized <- dplyr::if_else(pref_normalized=="gunma", "gumma" ,pref_normalized)
    # Return the matching IDs.
    return (as.character(jp_prefecture_name_id_map$id[match(pref_normalized, jp_prefecture_name_id_map$name)]))
  } else { #for other case, just return the prefecture.

#' Returns city codes from the prefecture and city names.
#' Original geocode data is from https://geolonia.github.io/japanese-addresses/
#' @param prefecture Prefecture name
#' @param city City name.
#' @return 5-digit city code in a character vector
#' @export
city_code_japan <- function(prefecture, city) {
  name <- stringr::str_c(prefecture, city)
  # return matching city code.
  jp_city_name_code_map$code[match(name, jp_city_name_code_map$name)]

#' It adds the 'longitude' and 'latitude' columns to the given data frame
#' that contains the 5-digit Japan city code column.
#' Original geocode data is from https://geolonia.github.io/japanese-addresses/
#' @param city_code_colname City code column name in the data frame.
#' @return data frame.
#' @export
geocode_japan_city <- function(df, city_code_colname) {
  mapping <- "code"
  names(mapping) <- c(city_code_colname)
  df %>% left_join(jp_city_coordinates, by=mapping)

#' Converts pair of state name and county name into county ID,
#' which is concatenation of FIPS state code and FIPS county code.
#' Example:
#' > countycode(c("California", "CA"),c("San Francisco", "San Francisco"))
#' [1] "06075" "06075"
#' > countycode(c("MD", "MD", "MD"),c("Baltimore", "Baltimore City", "City of Baltimore"))
#' [1] "24005" "24510" "24510"
#' @param state state name, or 2 letter state code
#' @param county county name. For an independent city that has a county with the same name, prefix with "City of " or suffix with " City".
#' @return character vector
#' @export
countycode <- function(state = state, county = county) {
  # lower case and get rid of space, period, apostrophe, and hiphen to normalize inputs.
  state_normalized <- gsub("[ \\.\\'\\-]", "", tolower(state))
  county_normalized <- gsub("[ \\.\\'\\-]", "", tolower(county))
  # if county starts with "City of ", remove it and suffix with " City" to normalize it.
  county_normalized <- dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_detect(county_normalized, "^cityof"), paste0(stringr::str_sub(county_normalized, 7), "city"), county_normalized)
  county_normalized <- gsub("county$", "", county_normalized)
  # concatenate state name and county name.
  state_county <- stringr::str_c(state_normalized, " ", county_normalized)
  # return matching county ID.
  return (county_name_id_map$id[match(state_county, county_name_id_map$name)])

#' It selects the columns that matches with the given strings.
#' Invalid column names will be just ignored.
#' Usage:
#' > mtcars %>% select_columns('mpg', 'abc', 'mt', 'wt')
#' mpg    wt
#' Mazda RX4           21.0 2.620
#' Mazda RX4 Wag       21.0 2.875
#' Datsun 710          22.8 2.320
#' Hornet 4 Drive      21.4 3.215
#'               :
#'               :
#' @param x data frame
#' @param ... column name strings
#' @param exclude If you set it to TRUE, list of columns will be excluded.
#' @return data frame
#' @export
select_columns <- function(x, ..., exclude=FALSE) {
  if (exclude==TRUE) {
    col <- colnames(x)[colnames(x) %nin% list(...)]
  } else {
    col <- colnames(x)[colnames(x) %in% list(...)]
  df <- x[, col]

  # If it selects only 1 column against the normal data.frame
  # the df becomes a vector, not data.frame. In that case,
  # we need to cast it. Note that if it is against dplyr tbl dataframe,
  # it works just fine and returns a data.frame object.
  if (!is.data.frame(df)){
    df <- data.frame(df)
    colnames(df) <- col
  return (df)

#' API to clear excel cache file
#' @param url
#' @export
clear_cache_file <- function(url){
  options(tam.should.cache.datafile = FALSE)
  hash <- digest::digest(url, "md5", serialize = FALSE)
    filepath <- eval(as.name(hash))
    do.call(rm, c(as.name(hash)),envir = .GlobalEnv)
  }, error = function(e){

#' API to download remote data file (excel, csv) from URL and cache it if necessary
#' it uses tempfile https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/tempfile.html
#' and a R variable with name of hashed url is assigned to the path given by tempfile.
#' @param url
download_data_file <- function(url, type){
  shouldCacheFile <- getOption("tam.should.cache.datafile")
  filepath <- NULL
  hash <- digest::digest(url, "md5", serialize = FALSE)
    filepath <- getDownloadedFilePath(hash)
  }, error = function(e){
    # if url hash is not set as global vaiarlbe yet, it raises error that says object not found
    # which can be ignored
    filepath <- NULL
  # Check if cached excel filepath exists for the URL
  if(!is.null(shouldCacheFile) && isTRUE(shouldCacheFile) && !is.null(filepath)){
  } else {
    ext <- stringr::str_to_lower(tools::file_ext(url))
    # if no extension, assume the file extension as xlsx
    if(ext == ""){
      if(type == "excel"){
        ext = "xlsx"
      } else if (type == "csv") {
        ext = "csv"
      } else if (type == "rdata") {
        ext = "rdata"
      } else if (type == "log") {
        ext = "log"
    tmp <- tempfile(fileext = stringr::str_c(".", ext))

    # In case of using Rserve on linux, somehow it doesn't create a temporary
    # directory specified by tempdir() which is used as a part of temp file
    # path generated by tempfile(). So if you try to use that temp file path,
    # dump some data into it for example, it will fail because no such path
    # found. This function fails with the same reason at download.file below.
    # It works fine from the R command line on linux, and it works
    # fine all the time on Mac and Windows regardless Rserv or not.
    # The following command is harmless even if you have the directory already.
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4216753/check-existence-of-directory-and-create-if-doesnt-exist
    dir.create(tempdir(), showWarnings = FALSE)

      # Download file to temporary location
      httr::GET(url, httr::write_disk(tmp, overwrite = TRUE), httr::timeout(600))
    }, error = function(cond){
    # cache file
    if(!is.null(shouldCacheFile) && isTRUE(shouldCacheFile)){
      setDownloadedFilePath(hash, tmp)

#'API that searches and imports multiple same structure Excel Sheets in the Excel Book and merge them to a single data frame
searchAndReadExcelFileMultiSheets <- function(file, forPreview = FALSE, pattern = "", col_names = TRUE, col_types = NULL, na = "", skip = 0, trim_ws = TRUE, n_max = Inf, use_readxl = NULL, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = FALSE, skipEmptyCols = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, tzone = NULL, convertDataTypeToChar = TRUE, ...) {
  # search condition is case insensitive. (ref: https://www.regular-expressions.info/modifiers.html, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671719/case-insensitive-search-of-a-list-in-r)
  sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(file)
  sheets <- sheets[stringr::str_detect(sheets, pattern)]
  if (length(sheets) == 0) {
    stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-20 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(file), ' :: There is no sheet in the file that matches with the specified condition.'))
  exploratory::read_excel_file_multi_sheets(file = file, forPreview = forPreview, sheets = sheets, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, na = na, skip = skip, trim_ws = trim_ws, n_max = n_max,
                                use_readxl = use_readxl, detectDates = detectDates, skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows, skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols, check.names = check.names,
                                tzone = tzone, convertDataTypeToChar = convertDataTypeToChar)

#'API that searches and imports multiple same structure Excel files and merge them to a single data frame
searchAndReadExcelFiles <- function(folder, forPreview = FALSE, pattern = "", sheet = 1, col_names = TRUE, col_types = NULL, na = "", skip = 0, trim_ws = TRUE, n_max = Inf, use_readxl = NULL, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = FALSE, skipEmptyCols = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, tzone = NULL, convertDataTypeToChar = TRUE, ...) {
  # search condition is case insensitive. (ref: https://www.regular-expressions.info/modifiers.html, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671719/case-insensitive-search-of-a-list-in-r)
  if (!dir.exists(folder)) {
    stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-2 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(folder), ' :: The folder does not exist.')) # TODO: escape folder name.
  if (stringr::str_starts(pattern, "\\^")) {
    # If the pattern starts with "^", it needs to replace the "^" with a folder since the pattern match is done with the full path
    pattern <- paste0(fs::fs_path(folder), "/", stringr::str_sub(pattern, start = 2,))
  } else if (pattern != "" && !stringr::str_starts(pattern, "\\*")) { # For the "all files" case, the pattern starts with *
    # For the "contains" and "ends with" cases, make sure to set the folder so that it only matches with file names.
    pattern <- paste0(fs::fs_path(folder), "/.*", pattern)
  files <- fs::dir_ls(path = folder, regexp = stringr::str_c("(?i)", pattern))
  if (length(files) > 0) {
    # Exclude Excel temporary files whose name starts with ~$ (e.g. ~$test.xlsx)
    files <- files[!grepl("/\\~\\$", files)]
  if (length(files) == 0) {
    stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-3 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(folder), ' :: There is no file in the folder that matches with the specified condition.')) # TODO: escape folder name.
  exploratory::read_excel_files(files = as.character(files), forPreview = forPreview, sheet = sheet, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, na = na, skip = skip, trim_ws = trim_ws, n_max = n_max,
                                use_readxl = use_readxl, detectDates = detectDates, skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows, skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols, check.names = check.names,
                                tzone = tzone, convertDataTypeToChar = convertDataTypeToChar)


#'API that imports multiple same structure Excel sheets in the Excel Book and merge them to a single data frame.
#'For the "sheets" argument, set the default value as c(1) so that it can at least read the first sheet.
#'From the Exploratory Desktop, this argument is set as c("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3") style.
#'NOTE: readxl package can handle either sheet name or sheet index for the "sheet" argument and the sheet index starts from 1.
read_excel_file_multi_sheets <- function(file, forPrevew = FALSE, sheets = c(1), col_names = TRUE, col_types = NULL, na = "", skip = 0, trim_ws = TRUE, n_max = Inf, use_readxl = NULL, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = FALSE, skipEmptyCols = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, tzone = NULL, convertDataTypeToChar = TRUE, ...) {
  # set name to the files so that it can be used for the "id" column created by purrr::map_dfr.
  sheets <- setNames(as.list(sheets), sheets)
  df <- purrr::map_dfr(sheets, .f = ~exploratory::read_excel_file(
                       path = file,
                       sheet = .x,
                       col_names = col_names,
                       col_types = col_types,
                       na = na,
                       skip = skip,
                       trim_ws = trim_ws,
                       n_max = n_max,
                       use_readxl = use_readxl,
                       detectDates = detecDates,
                       skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows,
                       skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols,
                       check.names = check.names,
                       tzone = tzone,
                       convertDataTypeToChar = convertDataTypeToChar),
                       .id = "exp.sheet.id")
  id_col <- avoid_conflict(colnames(df), "id")
  # copy internal exp.sheet.id to the id column.
  df[[id_col]] <- df[["exp.sheet.id"]]
  # drop internal column and move the id column to the very beginning.
  df %>% dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(id_col), dplyr::everything(), -exp.sheet.id)

#'API that imports multiple same structure Excel files and merge it to a single data frame
read_excel_files <- function(files, forPreview = FALSE, sheet = 1, col_names = TRUE, col_types = NULL, na = "", skip = 0, trim_ws = TRUE, n_max = Inf, use_readxl = NULL, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = FALSE, skipEmptyCols = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, tzone = NULL, convertDataTypeToChar = TRUE, ...) {
    # for preview mode, just use the first file.
    if (forPreview & length(files) > 0) {
      files <- files[1]
    # set name to the files so that it can be used for the "id" column created by purrr::map_dfr.
    files <- setNames(as.list(files), files)
    df <- purrr::map_dfr(files, exploratory::read_excel_file, sheet = sheet,
           col_names = col_names,
           col_types = col_types,
           na = na,
           skip = skip,
           trim_ws = trim_ws,
           n_max = n_max,
           use_readxl = use_readxl,
           detectDates = detecDates,
           skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows,
           skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols,
           check.names = check.names,
           tzone = tzone, convertDataTypeToChar = convertDataTypeToChar,
           .id = "exp.file.id") %>% mutate(exp.file.id = basename(exp.file.id)) # extract file name from full path with basename.
    id_col <- avoid_conflict(colnames(df), "id")
    # copy internal exp.file.id to the id column.
    df[[id_col]] <- df[["exp.file.id"]]
    # drop internal column and move the id column to the very beginning.
    df %>% dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(id_col), dplyr::everything(), -exp.file.id)

#'Wrapper for openxlsx::read.xlsx (in case of .xlsx file) and readxl::read_excel (in case of old .xls file)
#'Use openxlsx::read.xlsx since it's memory footprint is less than that of readxl::read_excel and this creates benefit for users with less memory like Windows 32 bit users.
read_excel_file <- function(path, sheet = 1, col_names = TRUE, col_types = NULL, na = "", skip = 0, trim_ws = TRUE, n_max = Inf, use_readxl = NULL, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = FALSE, skipEmptyCols = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, tzone = NULL, convertDataTypeToChar = FALSE, ...){
    # check if it's running on 32bit machine.
    if(.Machine$sizeof.pointer == 4) {
      # to avoid out of memory use openxlsx instead of readxl
      use_readxl = FALSE
    } else {
      use_readxl = TRUE
    df <- NULL
    # for .xlsx file extension
    if(stringr::str_detect(path, '\\.xlsx') & use_readxl == FALSE) {
      # On Windows, if the path has multibyte chars, work around error from readxl::read_excel by copying the file to temp directory.
      if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows" && grepl("[^ -~]", path)) {
        new_path <- tempfile(fileext = stringr::str_c(".", tools::file_ext(path)))
        fs::file_copy(path, new_path) # Using file_copy since file.copy fails with some paths with multibyte chars. #26852
        if (n_max != Inf) {
          df <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = new_path, rows=(skip+1):n_max, sheet = sheet, colNames = col_names, na.strings = na, skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows, skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols , check.names = check.names, detectDates = detectDates)
        } else {
          df <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = new_path, sheet = sheet, colNames = col_names, startRow = skip+1, na.strings = na, skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows, skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols, check.names = check.names, detectDates = detectDates)
        # Preserve original column name for backward compatibility (ref: https://github.com/awalker89/openxlsx/issues/102)
        # Calling read.xlsx again looks inefficient, but it seems this is the only solution suggested in the above issue page.
        colnames(df) <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = new_path, sheet = sheet, rows = (skip+1), check.names = FALSE, colNames = FALSE) %>% as.character()
      else {
        if (n_max != Inf) {
          df <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = path, rows=(skip+1):n_max, sheet = sheet, colNames = col_names, na.strings = na, skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows, skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols , check.names = check.names, detectDates = detectDates)
        } else {
          df <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = path, sheet = sheet, colNames = col_names, startRow = skip+1, na.strings = na, skipEmptyRows = skipEmptyRows, skipEmptyCols = skipEmptyCols, check.names = check.names, detectDates = detectDates)
        # Preserve original column name for backward comaptibility (ref: https://github.com/awalker89/openxlsx/issues/102)
        # Calling read.xlsx again looks inefficient, but it seems this is the only solution suggested in the above issue page.
        colnames(df) <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = path, sheet = sheet, rows = (skip+1), check.names = FALSE, colNames = FALSE) %>% as.character()
      # trim white space needs to be done first since it cleans column names
      if(trim_ws == TRUE) {
        # use trimws from base to remove ending and trailing white space for character columns
        df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(is.character, trimws))
      if(col_names == FALSE) {
        # For backward compatibility, use X__1, X__2, .. for default column names
        columnNames <- paste("X", 1:ncol(df), sep = "__")
        colnames(df) <- columnNames
    } else { # for old .xls file extension
      if (stringr::str_detect(path, "^https://") ||
          stringr::str_detect(path, "^http://") ||
          stringr::str_detect(path, "^ftp://")) {
        # need to download first since readxl::read_excel cannot work with URL.
        tmp <- download_data_file(path, "excel")
        df <- readxl::read_excel(tmp, sheet = sheet, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, na = na, trim_ws = trim_ws, skip = skip, n_max = n_max)
      } else {
        # On Windows, if the path has multibyte chars, work around error from readxl::read_excel by copying the file to temp directory.
        if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows" && grepl("[^ -~]", path)) {
          new_path <- tempfile(fileext = stringr::str_c(".", tools::file_ext(path)))
          fs::file_copy(path, new_path) # Using file_copy since file.copy fails with some paths with multibyte chars. #26852
          df <- readxl::read_excel(new_path, sheet = sheet, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, na = na, trim_ws = trim_ws, skip = skip, n_max = n_max)
        else {
          # If it's local file without multibyte path, simply call readxl::read_excel
          df <- readxl::read_excel(path, sheet = sheet, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, na = na, trim_ws = trim_ws, skip = skip, n_max = n_max)
      if(col_names == FALSE) {
        # For backward compatibility, use X__1, X__2, .. for default column names
        columnNames <- paste("X", 1:ncol(df), sep = "__")
        colnames(df) <- columnNames
    # readxl always uses UTC for POSIXct timezone so when converting POSIXct to Date, make sure to set tz as UTC
    # e.g.
    # > psx <- as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC")
    # > psx
    # [1] "2020-01-01 UTC"
    # > as.Date(psx, tz = "America/Los_Angeles")
    # [1] "2019-12-31"  # this is not what we want when converting the POSIXct to Date.
    # > as.Date(psx, tz = "UTC")
    # [1] "2020-01-01"  # this is the date we want when converting the POXIct to Date.
    df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(all_of(colnames(df)[col_types == "date"]), ~ as.Date(.x, tz="UTC")))
    if(!is.null(tzone)) { # if timezone is specified, force the timezeon to POSIXct columns
      # Note that inside across, we do not need to tidyselect namespace to prefix where.
      # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64816536/why-the-tidyselect-helper-function-where-can-be-detected-inside-the-dplyr-help
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(where(lubridate::is.POSIXct), ~ lubridate::force_tz(.x, tzone=tzone)))

    # When this API is called from getExcelFilesFromS3, getExcelFilesFromGoogleDrive, and read_excel_files,
    # by default the convertDataTypeToChar is set as TRUE to covert the resulting data frame columns' data type as character.
    # This is required to make sure that merging the Excel based data frames doesn't error out due to column data types mismatch.
    # Once the data frames merging is done, readr::type_convert is called from Exploratory Desktop to restore the column data types.
    # We don't want to rely on readxl::read_excel's col_types argument "text" since this option converts Date or POSIXct column data as number instead of "2021-01-01" style text.
    if (convertDataTypeToChar) {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(everything(), as.character));
  }, error = function(e) {
    # The error message for non-existent file looks like this - "`path` does not exist: '<full-path>'"
    # (The single quotes in the above actually are curly quotes. I'm avoiding typing them here not to break the format of this code.)
    if (stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(e$message), "`path` does not exist")) {
      stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-14 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(path), ' :: The file does not exist.'))
    } else if (stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(e$message), "cannot open url")) { # The actual error looks like this - "cannot open URL '<url>'"
      stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-15 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(path, e$message)), ' :: Failed to download from the URL.'))
    } else {
      stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(path, e$message)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))

#'Wrapper for readxl::excel_sheets to support remote file
get_excel_sheets <- function(path){
  if (stringr::str_detect(path, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(path, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(path, "^ftp://")) {
    tmp <- download_data_file(path, "excel")
  } else {
    # On Windows, if the path has multibyte chars, work around error from readxl::excel_sheets by copying the file to temp directory.
    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows" && grepl("[^ -~]", path)) {
      new_path <- tempfile(fileext = stringr::str_c(".", tools::file_ext(path)))
      fs::file_copy(path, new_path) # Using file_copy since file.copy fails with some paths with multibyte chars. #26852
      ret <- readxl::excel_sheets(new_path)
    else {
      # If it's local file without multibyte path, simply call readxl::read_sheets.

#'API that search and imports multiple same structure CSV files and merge it to a single data frame
searchAndReadDelimFiles <- function(folder, pattern = "", forPreview = FALSE, delim, quote = '"',
                                        escape_backslash = FALSE, escape_double = TRUE,
                                        col_names = TRUE, col_types = readr::cols(.default = readr::col_character()),
                                        locale = readr::default_locale(),
                                        na = c("", "NA"), quoted_na = TRUE,
                                        comment = "", trim_ws = FALSE,
                                        skip = 0, n_max = Inf, guess_max = min(1000, n_max),
                                        progress = interactive(), with_api_key = FALSE) {
  # search condition is case insensitive. (ref: https://www.regular-expressions.info/modifiers.html, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671719/case-insensitive-search-of-a-list-in-r)
  if (!dir.exists(folder)) {
    stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-2 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(folder), ' :: The folder does not exist.')) # TODO: escape folder name.
  if (stringr::str_starts(pattern, "\\^")) {
    # If the pattern starts with "^", it needs to replace the "^" with a folder since the pattern match is done with the full path
    pattern <- paste0(fs::fs_path(folder), "/", stringr::str_sub(pattern, start = 2,))
  } else if (pattern != "" && !stringr::str_starts(pattern, "\\*")) { # For the "all files" case, the pattern starts with *
    # For the "contains" and "ends with" cases, make sure to set the folder so that it only matches with file names.
    pattern <- paste0(fs::fs_path(folder), "/.*", pattern)
  files <- fs::dir_ls(path = folder, regexp = stringr::str_c("(?i)", pattern))
  if (length(files) == 0) {
    stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-3 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(folder), ' :: There is no file in the folder that matches with the specified condition.')) # TODO: escape folder name.
  exploratory::read_delim_files(files = as.character(files), forPreview = forPreview, delim = delim, quote = quote,
                                escape_backslash = escape_backslash, escape_double = escape_double,
                                col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types,
                                locale = locale,
                                na = na, quoted_na = quoted_na,
                                comment = comment, trim_ws = trim_ws,
                                skip = skip, n_max = n_max, guess_max = guess_max,
                                progress = progress, with_api_key = with_api_key)

#'API that imports multiple same structure CSV files and merge it to a single data frame
#'For col_types parameter, by default it forces character to make sure that merging the CSV based data frames doesn't error out due to column data types mismatch.
# Once the data frames merging is done, readr::type_convert is called from Exploratory Desktop to restore the column data types.

read_delim_files <- function(files, forPreview = FALSE, delim, quote = '"',
                              escape_backslash = FALSE, escape_double = TRUE,
                              col_names = TRUE, col_types = readr::cols(.default = readr::col_character()),
                              locale = readr::default_locale(),
                              na = c("", "NA"), quoted_na = TRUE,
                              comment = "", trim_ws = FALSE,
                              skip = 0, n_max = Inf, guess_max = min(1000, n_max),
                              progress = interactive(), with_api_key = FALSE) {

    # for preview mode, just use the first file.
    if (forPreview & length(files) > 0) {
      files <- files[1]

    # set name to the files so that it can be used for the "id" column created by purrr:map_dfr.
    files <- setNames(as.list(files), files)
    df <- purrr::map_dfr(files, exploratory::read_delim_file, delim = delim, quote = quote,
                   escape_backslash = escape_backslash, escape_double = escape_double,
                   col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types,
                   locale = locale,
                   na = na, quoted_na = quoted_na,
                   comment = comment, trim_ws = trim_ws,
                   skip = skip, n_max = n_max, guess_max = guess_max,
                   progress = progress, with_api_key = with_api_key, .id = "exp.file.id") %>% mutate(exp.file.id = basename(exp.file.id))  # extract file name from full path with basename and create file.id column.
    id_col <- avoid_conflict(colnames(df), "id")
    # copy internal exp.file.id to the id column.
    df[[id_col]] <- df[["exp.file.id"]]
    # drop internal column and move the id column to the very beginning.
    df %>% dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(id_col), dplyr::everything(), -exp.file.id)


#'Wrapper for readr::read_delim to support remote file
read_delim_file <- function(file, delim, quote = '"',
                            escape_backslash = FALSE, escape_double = TRUE,
                            col_names = TRUE, col_types = NULL,
                            locale = readr::default_locale(),
                            na = c("", "NA"), quoted_na = TRUE,
                            comment = "", trim_ws = FALSE,
                            skip = 0, n_max = Inf, guess_max = min(1000, n_max),
                            progress = interactive(), with_api_key = FALSE, data_text = NULL){

  is_free_input_text = !is.null(data_text)
  # For remote file
  if (!is_free_input_text && (
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^ftp://"))) {
      token <- exploratory::getTokenInfo("exploratory-data-catalog")
      if(!is.null(token)) {
        # append access_token to the URL
        if(stringr::str_detect(file, "\\?") || stringr::str_detect(file, "\\&")) {
          file <- stringr::str_c(file, "&api_key=", token)
        } else {
          file <- stringr::str_c(file, "?api_key=", token)
      tmp <- download_data_file(file, "csv")
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-15 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to download from the URL.'))
    tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      readr::read_delim(tmp, delim, quote = quote, escape_backslash = escape_backslash, escape_double = escape_double, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types,
                        locale = locale, na = na, quoted_na = quoted_na, comment = comment, trim_ws = trim_ws, skip = skip, n_max = n_max, guess_max = guess_max, progress = progress)
    }, error = function(e) {
      # For the case it's running on Linux (Collaboration Server), show more user friendly message.
      # For Exploratory Desktop, it's already taken care of by Desktop so just show the error message as is.
      # When an incorrect encoding is used, "Error in make.names(x) : invalid multibyte string 1" error message is returned.
      if(Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Linux" && stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(e$message), "invalid multibyte")) {
        if(locale$encoding == "Shift_JIS") {
          msg <- "The encoding of the file may be CP932 instead of Shift_JIS. Select CP932 as encoding and try again.";
          stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, msg)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))
        } else if (locale$encoding == "CP932") {
          stop("The encoding of the file may be Shift_JIS instead of CP932. Select Shift_JIS as encoding and try again.");
        } else {
          stop(stringr::str_c("The encoding of the file may not be ", locale$encoding, ". Select other encoding and try again."));
      } else if (stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(e$message), "does not exist")) { #for the case Error: Error : '/tmp/RtmpVAk1Jf/filed3636522650.csv' does not exist.
        stop(stringr::str_c("Could not read data from ", file)); # Show the original URL name in the error message.
      } else {
        stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))
  } else { # for local file or free input text cases.
    data <- ""
    if (is_free_input_text) { # for free input text
      # For Windows, make sure to convert text to UTF-8
      if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
        data_text <- exploratory:::convertUserInputToUtf8(data_text)
        locale$encoding <- "UTF-8"
      # call I() to data_text so that readr::read_delimit can hand the text data.
      data <- I(data_text)
    } else { # if it's local file simply call readr::read_delim
      # reading through file() is to be able to read files with path that includes multibyte chars.
      # without it, error is thrown from inside read_delim.
      if(stringi::stri_enc_mark(file) != "ASCII"){
        data <- file(file)
      } else {
        data <- file
    # for Free Text case (i.e. is_free_text = TRUE), file is actually a data so do not call file()
    tryCatch({ # try to close connection and ignore error
      readr::read_delim(data, delim, quote = quote, escape_backslash = escape_backslash, escape_double = escape_double, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types,
                        locale = locale, na = na, quoted_na = quoted_na, comment = comment, trim_ws = trim_ws, skip = skip, n_max = n_max, guess_max = guess_max, progress = progress)
    }, error = function(e) {
      # For the case it's running on Linux (Collaboration Server), show more user friendly message.
      # For Exploraotry Desktkop, it's already taken care of by Desktop so just show the error message as is.
      # When an incorrect encoding is used, "Error in make.names(x) : invalid multibyte string 1" error message is returned.
      if(stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(e$message), "invalid multibyte")) {
        if(locale$encoding == "Shift_JIS") {
          msg <- "The encoding of the file may be CP932 instead of Shift_JIS. Select CP932 as encoding and try again.";
          stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, msg)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))
        } else if (locale$encoding == "CP932") {
          msg <- "The encoding of the file may be Shift_JIS instead of CP932. Select Shift_JIS as encoding and try again.";
          stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, msg)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))
        } else {
          msg <- stringr::str_c("The encoding of the file may not be ", locale$encoding, ". Select other encoding and try again.");
          stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, msg)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))
      } else if (stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(e$message), "cannot open the connection")) {
        stop(paste0("EXP-DATASRC-1 :: ", jsonlite::toJSON(file), " ::  Failed to read file."))
      } else if (stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(e$message), "does not exist")) {
        stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-14 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(file), ' :: The file does not exist.'))
      } else {
        stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))


#'Wrapper for readr::guess_encoding to support remote file
guess_csv_file_encoding <- function(file,  n_max = 1e4, threshold = 0.20){
  if (stringr::str_detect(file, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^ftp://")) {
    tmp <- download_data_file(file, "csv")
    readr::guess_encoding(tmp, n_max, threshold)
  } else {
    # If it's local file simply call readr::read_delim.
    # Reading through read_lines_raw(file()) is to be able to read files with path that includes multibyte chars.
    # without it, error is thrown from inside guess_encoding.
    # Since file() call has about 1 sec overhead at first read (most likely read-ahead), we do this selectively
    # only when multibyte characters are in the path.
    if(stringi::stri_enc_mark(file) == "ASCII"){
      encode <- readr::guess_encoding(file, n_max=n_max, threshold=threshold)
    } else {
      encode <- readr::guess_encoding(readr::read_lines_raw(file(file), n_max=n_max), threshold=threshold)

#'Wrapper for readr::read_log to support remote file
read_log_file <- function(file, col_names = FALSE, col_types = NULL,
                          skip = 0, n_max = Inf, progress = FALSE){
  if (stringr::str_detect(file, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^ftp://")) {
    tmp <- download_data_file(file, "log")
    readr::read_log(tmp, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, skip = skip, n_max = n_max, progress = progress)
  } else {
    # if it's local file simply call readr::read_log
    readr::read_log(file, col_names = col_names, col_types = col_types, skip = skip, n_max = n_max, progress = progress)

#'Wrapper for readRDS to support remote file
read_rds_file <- function(file, refhook = NULL){
  if (stringr::str_detect(file, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^ftp://")) {
    # for remote RDS, need to call url and gzcon before pass it to readRDS
      readRDS(gzcon(url(file)), refhook)
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))
  } else {
    # if it's local file simply call read_rds
      readRDS(file, refhook)
    }, error = function(e) {
      if (stringr::str_detect(e$message, "cannot open the connection")) {
        # Assuming that this means the file is missing.
        # Strictly speaking, it might happen when the file is broken as a gzip file, but we can't distinguish between them from the error.
        stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-14 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(file), ' :: The file does not exist.'))
      else {
        stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))

#'API that search and imports multiple same structure parquet files and merge it to a single data frame
searchAndReadParquetFiles <- function(folder, forPreview = FALSE, pattern, files, col_select = NULL){
  # search condition is case insensitive. (ref: https://www.regular-expressions.info/modifiers.html, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671719/case-insensitive-search-of-a-list-in-r)
  if (!dir.exists(folder)) {
    stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-2 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(folder), ' :: The folder does not exist.')) # TODO: escape folder name.
  if (stringr::str_starts(pattern, "\\^")) {
    # If the pattern starts with "^", it needs to replace the "^" with a folder since the pattern match is done with the full path
    pattern <- paste0(fs::fs_path(folder), "/", stringr::str_sub(pattern, start = 2,))
  } else if (pattern != "" && !stringr::str_starts(pattern, "\\*")) { # For the "all files" case, the pattern starts with *
    # For the "contains" and "ends with" cases, make sure to set the folder so that it only matches with file names.
    pattern <- paste0(fs::fs_path(folder), "/.*", pattern)
  files <- fs::dir_ls(path = folder, regexp = stringr::str_c("(?i)", pattern))
  if (length(files) == 0) {
    stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-3 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(folder), ' :: There is no file in the folder that matches with the specified condition.')) # TODO: escape folder name.
  read_parquet_files(as.character(files), forPreview = forPreview, col_select = col_select)

#'API that imports multiple same structure parquet files and merge it to a single data frame
read_parquet_files <- function(files, forPreview = FALSE, col_select = NULL) {
  # for preview mode, just use the first file.
  if (forPreview & length(files) > 0) {
    files <- files[1]
  # set name to the files so that it can be used for the "id" column created by purrr:map_dfr.
  files <- setNames(as.list(files), files)
  df <- purrr::map_dfr(files, exploratory::read_parquet_file, col_select = col_select, .id = "exp.file.id") %>% mutate(exp.file.id = basename(exp.file.id))  # extract file name from full path with basename and create file.id column.
  id_col <- avoid_conflict(colnames(df), "id")
  # copy internal exp.file.id to the id column.
  df[[id_col]] <- df[["exp.file.id"]]
  # drop internal column and move the id column to the very beginning.
  df %>% dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(id_col), dplyr::everything(), -exp.file.id)

#' Wrapper for read_parquet to support remote file.
#' @export
read_parquet_file <- function(file, col_select = NULL) {
  tf <- NULL
  res <- NULL
  if (stringr::str_detect(file, "^https://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^http://") ||
      stringr::str_detect(file, "^ftp://")) {

    # Download the remote parquet file to the local temp file.
    tf <- tempfile()
    # Remove on exit.
      # Download file to temporary location
      httr::GET(file, httr::write_disk(tf, overwrite = TRUE), httr::timeout(600))
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-15 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to download from the URL.'))
    # Read the local parquet file.
      if (is.null(col_select)) {
        res <- read_parquet_file_internal(tf)
      } else {
        res <- read_parquet_file_internal(tf, col_select = col_select)
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))
  } else {
      if (is.null(col_select)) {
        res <- read_parquet_file_internal(file)
      } else {
        res <- read_parquet_file_internal(file, col_select = col_select)
    }, error = function(e) {
      # Error message for non-existent file case looks like this - "Error : IOError: Failed to open local file '<full filepath>'. Detail: [errno 2] No such file or directory"
      if (stringr::str_detect(e$message, "No such file or directory")) {
        stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-14 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(file), ' :: The file does not exist.'))
      else {
        stop(paste0('EXP-DATASRC-13 :: ', jsonlite::toJSON(c(file, e$message)), ' :: Failed to import file.'))

# Wrapper around arrow::read_parquet to work around https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-13860 by applying group_by column stored in the parquet file
# as one of the class names.
read_parquet_file_internal <- function(filepath, col_select = NULL) {
  res <- NULL
  if (is.null(col_select)) {
    res <- arrow::read_parquet(filepath)
  } else {
    res <- arrow::read_parquet(filepath, col_select = col_select)
  if (stringr::str_starts(class(res)[1], '...grouped_by_')) {
    group_col <- stringr::str_remove(class(res)[1], '^\\.\\.\\.grouped_by_')
    res <- res %>% dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_col)) # applying group_by seems to remove the ...grouped_by_... class.

#'Wrapper for readr::read_lines to support vector to data frame conversion
#'It seems readr::read_lines uses -1 for n_max to get all the data.
#'It does not align with the other readr functions that uses Inf for all the data but we have to follow existing read_lines behavior.
read_raw_lines <- function(file, locale = readr::default_locale(), na = character(),
                            skip = 0, n_max = -1L, progress = FALSE){
  line <- readr::read_lines(file, locale = locale, na = na, skip = skip, n_max = n_max, progress = progress)
  # use line as column name
  df <- data.frame(line = line, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#'Wrapper for dplyr::filter to support successive calls instead of single filter
#'call with multiple conditions.
filter_cascade <- function(.data, ...){
  # ref: https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/blob/5d23cb8d87111ead96a09deb43154610263e7854/R/filter.R#L119
  dots <- dplyr:::dplyr_quosures(...)
  df <- .data
  for(i in 1:length(dots)) {
    expr <- rlang::quo_get_expr(dots[[i]])
    df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(eval(expr))

#'Helper API that can be used inside filter function for filtering with predefined date operation
#'@param date_column - date column for this filter operation.
#'@param operator - Supported operator is "today", "last_7_days", "last_4_weeks", "last_3_months", "last_12_months",
#'                  "month_to_date", "quarter_to_date", "year_to_date", "all".

within_date_range <- function(date_column, operator){
  if (operator == "today") {
    result <- date_column == lubridate::today()
  } else if (operator == "last_7_days") {
    result <- dplyr::between(date_column, lubridate::today() - 6, lubridate::today())
  } else if (operator == "last_4_weeks") {
    result <- dplyr::between(date_column, lubridate::today() - lubridate::weeks(4),  lubridate::today())
  } else if (operator == "last_3_months") {
    result <- dplyr::between(date_column, lubridate::today() %m-% months(3),  lubridate::today())
  } else if (operator == "last_6_months") {
    result <-dplyr::between(date_column, lubridate::today() %m-% months(6),  lubridate::today())
  } else if (operator == "last_12_months") {
    result <- dplyr::between(date_column, lubridate::today() %m-% months(12),  lubridate::today())
  } else if (operator == "month_to_date") {
    result <- floor_date(date_column, unit = "month") == floor_date(lubridate::today(), unit = "month")
  } else if (operator == "quarter_to_date") {
    result <- lubridate::quarter(date_column, with_year=TRUE) == lubridate::quarter(lubridate::today(), with_year=TRUE)
  } else if (operator == "year_to_date") {
    result <- lubridate::year(date_column) == lubridate::year(today())
  } else if (operator == "all") {
    result <- date_column == date_column
  } else {
    stop("Invalid operator specified.")


#'API to load economic data from FRED (Federal Reserve Bank Economic Data)
#'@param series_ids - e.g. c("UNRATE", "CPIAUCSL", "DGS10")
#'@param date_start - Start Date for the query. This is optional field.
#'@param date_end - End Date for the query. By default it's today.
load_fred <- function(series_ids, date_start = "", date_end = "", password) {
  # Desktop passes empty string if end date is not selected. For this case fallback to today.
  if (date_end == "") {
    date_end <- lubridate::today()
  } else {
    date_end <- lubridate::ymd(date_end)
  # date_start is an optional parameter, so if it's not specified, execute the query without the start_date.
  if (date_start == "") {
    purrr::map_dfr(series_ids, function(series_id){
        series_id = series_id,
        observation_end = date_end
  } else {
    purrr::map_dfr(series_ids, function(series_id){
        series_id = series_id,
        observation_start = lubridate::ymd(date_start),
        observation_end = date_end

# Names of functions that uses column specifications, but would never reference outside data frame, such as select.
# Collected from the doc of dplyr, tidyr, and our command menu.
select_and_friends <- c('arrange', 'select', 'rename', 'relocate', 'reorder_cols',
  'group_by', 'gather', 'spread', 'pivot_longer', 'pivot_wider', 'complete', 'expand', 'extract',
  'unnest', 'unnest_longer', 'unnest_wider', 'nest', 'hoist', 'nest_legacy', 'unnest_legacy', 'pack', 'unpack',
  'separate', 'unite', 'separate_rows', 'pivot',
# Names of functions that uses column specifications or reference with the column names, and could also reference outside data frames, such as mutate.
# Collected from the doc of dplyr, and our command menu.
mutate_and_friends <- c('mutate_group', 'mutate', 'mutate_at', 'mutate_all', 'mutate_if', 'transmute', 'summarize_group',
  'summarize', 'summarize_at', 'summarize_all', 'summarize_if', 'summarise', 'summarise_at', 'summarise_all', 'summarise_if', 'filter',
  'do_prophet') # do_prophet is here to handle reference to holiday data frame.

get_refs_in_call_args_after_pipe <- function(call_name_str,
                                  inside_mutate_and_friends = FALSE,
                                  inside_bang = FALSE, # Passes down the state of inside a single bang.
                                  inside_bang_bang = FALSE) { # Passes down the state of inside a consecutive bang bang.
  if (is.null(call_name_str)) { # :: operator as in bit64::is.integer64 gives NULL call name for some reason.
    # We assume it is a :: operator, and in this case there should not be a reference since the args are namespace and function name.
    res <- c()
  else if (call_name_str %in% select_and_friends) {
    res <- c()
  else {
    # State transitions on inside_mutate_and_friends, inside_bang, and inside_bang_bang.
    # It seems rlang::parse_expr does not recognize !! as one function, and rather recognize it as 2 separate bangs.
    # So we need a state machine to detect it.
    if (inside_mutate_and_friends) {
      if (call_name_str == '!') {
        if (!inside_bang) {
          inside_bang <- TRUE
        else { # Already inside a bang.
          inside_bang_bang <- TRUE
      else { # This call is not !.
        if (inside_bang && !inside_bang_bang) { # Got a ! but inside it was not !. Reset the state.
          inside_bang <- FALSE
    if (call_name_str %in% mutate_and_friends) {
      inside_mutate_and_friends <- TRUE

    if (call_name_str == 'library') { # Ignore symbol inside library() since it is a library name.

    if (call_name_str == '$') { # Ignore after $ since it should be a name inside the first arg.
      args <- args[1]

    if (call_name_str %in% c('<-', '=')) { # Assignment should not count as a reference.
      args <- args[-1]

    args <- purrr::discard(args, function(arg) { # Remove empty names that are formed by empty arg. e.g. func(a, ,b). It leads purr::reduce to throw error.
      rlang::is_symbol(arg) && as.character(arg) == ''

    res <- purrr::reduce2(args, names(args), function(names, arg, arg_name) {
      if (rlang::is_symbol(arg)) {
        if (inside_mutate_and_friends &&
            !inside_bang_bang &&
            !call_name_str == '$' &&
            !(call_name_str == 'do_prophet' && arg_name == 'holidays')) {
          # If inside mutate and friends, skip the name since it would be reference to a column.
          # Exceptions are...
          # - when it is inside !! (bang bang), which means it is a reference to the outside environment.
          # - when this is a name before $, which makes it likely to be a data frame name.
          #   Since the exception for $ is prone to false positive, we might fade it out some time, but for now we
          #   do this to ameliorate the impact of the breaking change to strictly require !! for outside object reference.
          # - holidays arg of do_prophet, which is meant for holiday data frame. (While picking up the holiday table, we don't want to pick up time column, etc.)
        else {
          c(names, as.character(arg))
      else if (rlang::is_call(arg)) {
        c(names, get_refs_in_call(arg, inside_mutate_and_friends, inside_bang, inside_bang_bang,
                                  TRUE) # after_pipe
      else {
    }, .init = c())

get_refs_in_call_args_basic <- function(call_name_str, args) {
  if (call_name_str == 'library') { # Ignore symbol inside library() since it is a library name.

  if (call_name_str == '$') { # Ignore after $ since it should be a name inside the first arg.
    args <- args[1]

  if (call_name_str %in% c('<-', '=')) { # Assignment should not count as a reference.
    args <- args[-1]

  args <- purrr::discard(args, function(arg) { # Remove empty names that are formed by empty arg. e.g. func(a, ,b). It leads purr::reduce to throw error.
    rlang::is_symbol(arg) && as.character(arg) == ''

  res <- purrr::reduce2(args, names(args), function(names, arg, arg_name) {
    if (rlang::is_symbol(arg)) {
      c(names, as.character(arg))
    else if (rlang::is_call(arg)) {
      c(names, get_refs_in_call(arg))
    else {
  }, .init = c())

# Returns names that references outside objects (most likely data frames) from the call.
get_refs_in_call <- function(call,
                             inside_mutate_and_friends = FALSE,
                             inside_bang = FALSE, # Passes down the state of inside a single bang.
                             inside_bang_bang = FALSE, # Passes down the state of inside a consecutive bang bang.
                             after_pipe = FALSE
                             ) {
  args <- rlang::call_args(call)
  call_name_str <- rlang::call_name(call)
  if (after_pipe) {
    res <- get_refs_in_call_args_after_pipe(call_name_str, args,
                                            inside_mutate_and_friends = inside_mutate_and_friends,
                                            inside_bang = inside_bang,
                                            inside_bang_bang = inside_bang_bang)
  else if (is.null(call_name_str)) { # :: operator as in bit64::is.integer64 gives NULL call name for some reason.
    # We assume it is a :: operator, and in this case there should not be a reference since the args are namespace and function name.
    res <- c()
  else if (call_name_str == '%>%') {
    res1 <- get_refs_in_call_args_basic(call_name_str, args[1])
    res2 <- get_refs_in_call_args_after_pipe(call_name_str, args[-1])
    res <- c(res1, res2)
  else if (call_name_str %in% c(select_and_friends, mutate_and_friends)) {
    res1 <- get_refs_in_call_args_basic(call_name_str, args[1])
    res2 <- get_refs_in_call_args_after_pipe(call_name_str, args[-1])
    res <- c(res1, res2)
  else {
    res <- get_refs_in_call_args_basic(call_name_str, args)

# Returns names that references outside objects (most likely data frames) from the script.
# priv_step_df - The data frame of the previous step. Refs to the columns of it are not considered outside refs.
get_refs_in_script <- function(script, after_pipe = TRUE) {
  exprs <- NULL
    exprs <- rlang::parse_exprs(script)
  }, error = function(e) { # Ignore parse error and return NULL.
  if (is.null(exprs)) {
  else {
    res <- purrr::reduce(exprs, function(names, expr) {
      if (rlang::is_call(expr)) {
        c(names, get_refs_in_call(expr, after_pipe = after_pipe))
      else if (rlang::is_symbol(expr)) {
        c(names, as.character(expr))
    }, .init = c())

# Function to split numbers into groups by equal data range.
# Mainly for chart bucketing function.
# Enhanced and customized version of cut function
# include.lowest=TRUE by default to include the lowest value with
# the custom breaks based on min/max value in order to avoid
# having a smaller value than the min value in the actual value.
exp_cut <- function(x, breaks=5, labels=NULL, dig.lab=3, zero.to.center=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE, right=TRUE, lower.range=NA, upper.range=NA, include.outside.range=TRUE) {
  # Return as is if x is empty.
  if (length(x) == 0) {
    return (x)
  # If it is not numeric, return a vector of NAs. Since pivot table now
  # accepts non-numeric for measure values, we need this handling.
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    return (rep(NA, length(x)))

    # If you run the cut function against the 1 length numeric vector which value is '0',
    # then cut complains like this.
    # > cut(c(0), breaks=5, label=F)
    # Error in cut.default(c(0), breaks = 5, label = F) :
    #  'breaks' are not unique
    # Actually, it happens even with length more than 1 if all of vector values are 0 (#4965)
    # > cut(c(0, 0, 0), breaks=5, label=F)
    # Error in cut.default(c(0), breaks = 5, label = F) :
    #  'breaks' are not unique
    # If na.rm=FALSE, it return NA if it includes NA and if statement complains.
    if (all(x==0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
      if (is.null(labels)) {
        # mimics the default output like '(0,19835.25]'
        # TODO: handle length>1 case later
        v <- as.factor(c('(0,0]'))
      } else {
        # In case of labels=FALSE case.
        # It handles NA as NA, and zero as center value of the given breaks.
        # Expected output:
        # > `_tam_cut`(c(0,NA,0,NA), breaks=5, label=F)
        # [1]  3 NA  3 NA
        # > `_tam_cut`(c(0,0), breaks=5, label=F)
        # [1] 3 3
        # > `_tam_cut`(c(NA,NA), breaks=5, label=F)
        # [1] NA NA
        v <- ifelse(is.na(x), NA, as.integer(ceiling(breaks/2)))
    } else {
      minv <- min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
      maxv <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
      # If min and max values of given vector are the same, then seq function
      # will generate a vector with the same values. That vector cannot be
      # used for cut custom breaks since the cut function complains if
      # given vector values are not unique.
      if (minv == maxv) {
        # If that's the case, just call cut function with giving number of
        # breaks param as it used to work before.
        breaks.with.inf <- breaks
        # Extreme case, in case all values are all in either -Inf or Inf.
        if(is.infinite(minv)) {
          breaks.with.inf <- c(-Inf, Inf)
        return (cut(x, breaks=breaks.with.inf, labels=labels, dig.lab=dig.lab, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right))
      } else {
        # cut function doesn't work with infinite values without explicitly
        # specifying the infinite values in the breaks.
        # Examples:
        # Sample data = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Inf)
        # If zero.to.center=FALSE:
        # - create a value set without Inf values: c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
        # - create breaks without Inf values: c(1,4,7,10)
        # - append -Inf/Inf on the end like : c(1,4,7.10,Inf)
        # - If both ends are infinite, c(-Inf,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Inf)
        # - create breaks without Inf values: c(1,5,10)
        # - append Inf on both ends: c(-Inf,1,5.10,Inf)
        # If zero.to.center=TRUE:
        # Sample data = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Inf)
        # - create a value set without Inf values: c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
        # - get the max of abs value, 10.
        # - create a bucket between -max and max values: c(-10,0,10)
        # - append -Inf/Inf on both ends: c(-Inf,-10,0.10,Inf)
        if (is.infinite(minv) || is.infinite(maxv)) {

          lenout <- breaks
          x.no.inf <- x[!is.infinite(x)]
          # If there are only infinite values, add some dummy values.
          # It is ok since all values are either -Inf or Inf so those won't
          # fit in this range anyway.
          if (length(x.no.inf) == 0) {
            x.no.inf=c(-10, 10)

          minv.no.inf <- min(x.no.inf, na.rm=TRUE)
          maxv.no.inf <- max(x.no.inf, na.rm=TRUE)
          if (zero.to.center) {
            # Reduce the bucket size to add infinite values on both ends.
            lenout <- lenout - 1
            maxv.no.inf <- max(abs(maxv.no.inf), abs(minv.no.inf))
            minv.no.inf <- -maxv.no.inf
          } else {
            # If there's only 1 value available after taking off infinites, we add
            # another value to have 2 different values for cut. This is because
            # if you pass the same value for min and max for seq, it returns a vector with
            # the same values like c(1,1,1,1,1). The cut function will complain about this
            # because breaks are not uniq.
            if (minv.no.inf == maxv.no.inf) {
              maxv.no.inf <- abs(maxv.no.inf)
              minv.no.inf <- -maxv.no.inf
            if  (is.infinite(minv) && is.infinite(maxv)) {
              # Reduce the bucket size to add infinite values on both ends.
              lenout <- lenout - 1

          # Set custom range if specified.
          if (!is.na(upper.range)) {
            maxv.no.inf <- upper.range
          if (!is.na(lower.range)) {
            minv.no.inf <- lower.range

          breaks.with.inf <- seq(minv.no.inf, maxv.no.inf,  length.out=lenout)
          if (zero.to.center) {
            breaks.with.inf <- c( -Inf, breaks.with.inf, Inf)
          } else {
            if (is.infinite(minv)) {
              breaks.with.inf <- c( -Inf, breaks.with.inf)
            if (is.infinite(maxv)) {
              breaks.with.inf <- c(breaks.with.inf, Inf)

          # If include.outside.range is TRUE and range value is specified,
          # add the -Inf and Inf in the breaks.
          if (include.outside.range) {
            if (!is.infinite(minv) && !is.na(lower.range)) {
              breaks.with.inf <- c(-Inf, breaks.with.inf)
            if (!is.infinite(maxv) && !is.na(upper.range)) {
              breaks.with.inf <- c(breaks.with.inf, Inf)

          return (cut(x, breaks=breaks.with.inf, labels=labels, dig.lab=dig.lab, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right))
        } else {
          if (zero.to.center) {
            maxv <- max(abs(maxv), abs(minv))
            minv <- -maxv

          # Set custom range if specified.
          if (!is.na(upper.range)) {
            maxv <- upper.range
          if (!is.na(lower.range)) {
            minv <- lower.range

          break_points = seq(minv, maxv, length.out = breaks+1)
          if (length(unique(break_points)) != breaks+1) {
            # this happens when minv and maxv is very close and there is not enough expressible floating point values between them.
            # using such break_points leads to an 'breaks are not unique' error. avoid it by spreading the range for break points a little.
            base = max(abs(minv),abs(maxv))
            break_points = seq(minv-(base*0.000000001), maxv+(base*0.000000001), length.out = breaks+1)

          # If include.outside.range option is specified, add the -Inf and
          # Inf in the breaks. If it is already there, do nothing.
          if (include.outside.range) {
            if (!is.infinite(minv) && !is.na(lower.range)) {
              break_points <- c( -Inf, break_points)
            if (!is.infinite(maxv) && !is.na(upper.range)) {
              break_points <- c(break_points, Inf)

          return (cut(x, breaks=break_points, labels=labels, dig.lab=dig.lab, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right))
  }, error = function(e) {
    # Add a tag at the end of the error message to tell where it comes from.
    # We will eventually remove this workaround once we implement the chart
    # data query step-by-step execution. #13715
    stop(paste0(e$message, " (Binning)"))

# Cut number by the step specified.
# @param x
# @param step
# @param lower.range Min value to start the bucketing.
#                    If you don't specify, min(x) will be used.
# @param upper.range Max value to end the bucketing.
#                    If you don't specify, max(x) will be used.
# @param include.outside.range If you set it to TRUE, it will create buckets
#                              for outside of the upper and lower ranges.
exp_cut_by_step <- function(x, step=NA, lower.range=NA, upper.range=NA, include.outside.range=TRUE, right=TRUE, ...) {
  # If it is not numeric, return a vector of NAs. Since pivot table now
  # accepts non-numeric for measure values, we need this handling.
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    return (rep(NA, length(x)))

  # Remove NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf.
  x.finite <- x[is.finite(x)]

  # In case there are only NA, NaN, Inf or -Inf values in the vector.
  if (length(x.finite) == 0) {
    # The following cut command works like the following.
    # > x
    # [1] -Inf  Inf   NA  NaN
    # > cut(x, breaks=c(-Inf, Inf), include.lowest=T)
    # [1] [-Inf, Inf] [-Inf, Inf] <NA>        <NA>
    # Levels: [-Inf, Inf]
    return (cut(x, breaks=c(-Inf, Inf), include.lowest=T))

  lower <- lower.range
  upper <- upper.range

  # Use the min value for the lower range if not specified.
  if (is.na(lower.range)) {
    # Remove inf, NA, NaN etc from the range.
    lower <- min(x.finite)
  # Use the max value for the upper range if not specified.
  if (is.na(upper.range)) {
    # Remove inf, NA, NaN etc from the range.
    upper <- max(x.finite)
  # If step is not specified, set the default step which divides
  # the group into 5.
  if (is.na(step)) {
    # If all values are the same, set 1 to avoid the crash.
    if (upper == lower) {
      step <- 1
    } else {
      step <- ceiling(abs(upper - lower) / 5)

  # Create breaks by specifying cut points.
  breaks <- seq(lower, upper, by=step)

  # min/max values without NA. Those can include Inf/-Inf.
  min.x <- min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  max.x <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)

  # If the max.breaks doesn't include the upper range value,
  # add one more bucket. For example, if you set step=10 for 0:15,
  # we should create 2 buckets, 0-10, 10-20.
  if (max(breaks) < upper) {
    breaks <- c(breaks, max(breaks) + step)

  # Include -Inf/Inf if include.outside.range is TRUE.
  if (include.outside.range) {
    # Add lower outside range if;
    # - lower.range is explicitly specified and lower.range is
    #   larger than the min value OR
    # - lower.range is not specified and right=TRUE. In this case,
    #   the min value won't be included in the buckets so we need
    #   to add the lower outside range for the min value #25625.
    #   If all values are the same, we should treat it as a special
    #   case so we skip it in that case.
    if (!is.na(lower.range)) {
      if (right == TRUE && min.x <= min(breaks)) {
        breaks <- c(-Inf, breaks)
      } else if (right == FALSE && min.x < min(breaks)) {
        breaks <- c(-Inf, breaks)
    # lower.range is NULL.
    else if (right == TRUE && upper != lower) {
      breaks <- c(-Inf, breaks)
    # Add upper outside range if;
    # - upper.range is explicitly specified and upper range is
    #   smaller than the max value OR
    # - upper.range is not specified and right=FALSE. In this case,
    #   the max value won't be included in the buckets so we need
    #   to add the upper outside range for the max value #25625.
    #   If all values are the same, we should treat it as a special
    #   case so we skip it in that case.
    if (!is.na(upper.range)) {
      if (right == TRUE && max.x > max(breaks)) {
        breaks <- c(breaks, Inf)
      } else if (right == FALSE && max.x >= max(breaks)) {
        breaks <- c(breaks, Inf)
    # upper.range is NULL.
    else if (right == FALSE && upper != lower) {
      breaks <- c(breaks, Inf)

  # If there are -Inf values, include -Inf in the break.
  # If it is already there, just ignore it.
  if (min.x == -Inf && min(breaks) != -Inf) {
    breaks <- c(-Inf, breaks)
  # If there are Inf values, include Inf in the break.
  # If it is already there, just ignore it.
  if (max.x == Inf && max(breaks) != Inf) {
    breaks <- c(breaks, Inf)

  # In that case, pass breaks=2 to let cut command to break it into 2.
  if (length(breaks) == 1) {
    breaks <- 2

  # Call cut with the constructed breaks.
  cut(x, breaks=breaks, right=right, ...)
exploratory-io/exploratory_func documentation built on April 23, 2024, 9:15 p.m.