
Defines functions pcSDPlot pcTopGenes pcaMarchenkoPastur calcPCA

Documented in calcPCA pcaMarchenkoPastur pcSDPlot pcTopGenes

#' Calculate principal components
#' This performs principal component analysis on centered and scaled expression data,
#' which is stored in \code{@@pca.scores} and \code{@@pca.load}. Then, the principal components
#' that are significant are estimated using the Marchenko Pastur Law (by calling
#' \code{\link{pcaMarchenkoPastur}}, which is stored in \code{@@pca.sig}. By default, 
#' twice as many PCs are saved as are determined as significant, which can be adjusted
#' with the \code{store.thresh} parameter.
#' @importFrom gmodels fast.prcomp
#' @param object URD object
#' @param genes.use (Character Vector) Genes to use for principal components analysis (default: stored variable genes. Set NULL to use all genes.)
#' @param pcs.store (Numeric) Number of PCs to retain (if NULL, will determine using \code{store.thresh})
#' @param store.thresh (Numeric) If \code{pcs.store} isn't specified, stores the number of significant PCs times this number
#' @param mp.factor (Numeric) Retain PCs than are this factor more than the estimated maximum singular value expected or random data. (This is useful in cases when there are many PCs that have standard deviations just above that expected by random, which probably represent noise and should be excluded.)
#' @param do.print (Logical) Report determined Marchenko-Pastur values for significant PCs.
#' @param verbose (Logical) Whether to report on progress
#' @return An URD object, with loading of genes into PCs in \code{@@pca.load}, PC scores for each cell in \code{@@pca.scores}, and the significance of each PC stored in slot \code{@@pca.sig}.
#' @examples
#' object <- calcPCA(object)
#' object <- calcPCA(object, genes.use=object@var.genes, mp.factor=1.2)
#' @export
calcPCA <- function(object, genes.use=object@var.genes, pcs.store=NULL, store.thresh=2, mp.factor=1, do.print=T, verbose=T) {
            # Check whether there ARE variable genes
            if (length(genes.use) == 0) {
              warning("Variable genes have not been stored. Using all genes instead.")
              genes.use <- rownames(object@logupx.data)
            if (is.null(genes.use)) genes.use <- rownames(object@logupx.data)
            # Get z-scored data for using in PCA.
            if (verbose) print(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Centering and scaling data."))
            data.use <- getZData(object, genes=genes.use)
            pc.genes <- intersect(genes.use, rownames(data.use))
            # Remove genes with zero variation
            if (verbose) print(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Removing genes with no variation."))
            pc.genes.var <- apply(data.use[pc.genes,],1,function(x) var(x))
            pc.genes <- pc.genes[pc.genes.var>0]
            data.use <- data.use[pc.genes,]
            # Do PCA calculation
            if (verbose) print(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Calculating PCA."))
            pca.obj <- fast.prcomp(t(data.use),center=FALSE,scale=FALSE)
            # Estimate significant PCs
            if (verbose) print(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Estimating significant PCs."))
            pca.sig <- pcaMarchenkoPastur(M=dim(data.use)[1], N=dim(data.use)[2], pca.sdev = pca.obj$sdev, factor = mp.factor)
            # Figure out how many PCs to store
            if (is.null(pcs.store)) {
              max.sig.pc <- max(which(pca.sig))
              pcs.store <- ceiling(max.sig.pc * store.thresh)
            if (do.print) print(paste("Storing", pcs.store, "PCs."))
            # Store values
            object@pca.scores <- data.frame(pca.obj$x[,1:pcs.store])
            object@pca.load <- data.frame(pca.obj$rotation[,1:pcs.store])
            object@pca.sdev <- pca.obj$sdev[1:pcs.store]
            object@pca.sig <- pca.sig[1:pcs.store]

#' Marchenko-Pastur Significant PCs
#' The Marchenko Pastur Law (MP) predicts the theoretical upper and lower bounds
#' on the null distribution of eigenvalues for an MxN random matrix. We take
#' significant principal components (PCs) as those with eigenvalues greater than
#' the maximum eigenvalue predicted for random data. This function assumes that
#' the data has mean 0 and variance 1 (i.e. that the data has been centered and
#' scaled). This called automatically by \code{\link{calcPCA}} and the results
#' are stored in slot \code{pca.sig}.
#' @param M (Numeric) Number of rows in input data
#' @param N (Numeric) Number of columns in input data
#' @param pca.sdev (Numeric vector) Standard deviations for each principal component
#' @param factor (Numeric) Factor to multiply eigenvalue null upper bound before determining significance.
#' @param do.print (Logical) Whether to report the results
#' @return Logical vector of whether each PC is significant.
#' @export
pcaMarchenkoPastur <- function(M, N, pca.sdev, factor=1, do.print=T) {
  pca.eigenvalue <- (pca.sdev)^2
  marchenko.pastur.max <- (1+sqrt(M/N))^2
  pca.sig <- pca.eigenvalue > (marchenko.pastur.max * factor)
  if (do.print) {
    print(paste("Marchenko-Pastur eigenvalue null upper bound:", marchenko.pastur.max))
    if (factor != 1) {
      print(paste(length(which(pca.sig)), "PCs have eigenvalues larger than", factor, "times null upper bound."))
    } else {
      print(paste(length(which(pca.eigenvalue > marchenko.pastur.max)), "PCs have larger eigenvalues."))

#' PC Top Loaded Genes
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param pcs.print (Numeric vector) Which PCs to report? (Default: significant PCs)
#' @param genes.print (Numeric) How many genes to report
#' @export
pcTopGenes <- function(object, pcs.print=which(object@pca.sig), genes.print=20) {
  top.loadings <- lapply(pcs.print, function(pc) {
    gene.order <- order(abs(object@pca.load[,pc]), decreasing = T)
    pc.top <- data.frame(
      stringsAsFactors = F
  names(top.loadings) <- pcs.print

#' PC Standard Deviation Plot
#' Plots the standard deviation of each PC and the determined significant PC cut-off.
#' @param object An URD object
#' @return Nothing - produces a plot using R standard graphics.
#' @export
pcSDPlot <- function(object) {
  pc.sig.cutoff <- max(which(object@pca.sig)) + 0.5
  plot(y=object@pca.sdev, x=seq_along(object@pca.sdev), pch=16, xlab="PC", ylab="Standard Deviation")
  abline(v=pc.sig.cutoff, col='red', lty=2)
farrellja/URD documentation built on June 17, 2020, 4:48 a.m.