
Defines functions load_lna

Documented in load_lna

#' Construct and compile the functions for proposing an LNA path, with
#' integration of the LNA ODEs accomplished using the Boost odeint library.
#' @param lna_rates list containing the LNA rate functions, derivatives, and
#'   parameter codes
#' @param compile_lna if TRUE, code will be generated and compiled. If a
#'   character string for the name of a file that does not yet exist, code will
#'   be generated but not compiled. If the name of a file that exists in the
#'   current working directory, the code in the file will be compiled.
#' @param messages should messages be printed
#' @return list containing the LNA pointers and calling code
#' @export
load_lna <- function(lna_rates, compile_lna, messages, atol, rtol, stepper) {
      LNA_XPtr <- NULL
      LNA_set_params_XPtr <- NULL
      if(is.logical(compile_lna) && compile_lna) {
            generate_code <- TRUE
            compile_code  <- TRUE
            load_file     <- FALSE
      } else {
            if(compile_lna %in% list.files()) {
                  generate_code <- FALSE
                  compile_code  <- TRUE
                  load_file     <- TRUE
            } else {
                  generate_code <- TRUE
                  compile_code  <- FALSE
                  load_file     <- FALSE
      if(generate_code) {
            # get the number of rates and the number of compartments
            n_rates         <- length(lna_rates$lna_rates)
            n_params        <- length(lna_rates$lna_param_codes)
            n_odes          <- n_rates + n_rates^2
            # construct the body of the lna ODEs.
            # The first n_rates compartments are the odes for the hazard functions.
            jacobian_inds   <- matrix(c(rep(seq(0, n_rates - 1), each = n_rates),
                                        rep(seq(0, n_rates - 1), n_rates)), ncol = 2)
            drift_inds      <- seq_len(n_rates)-1
            diffusion_inds  <- seq(n_rates, n_odes-1, by = 1)
            # strings to construct the drift and diffusion vectors, and to exponentiate the current state
            # exponentiate the current state
            exp_Z_terms     <- paste(paste0("odeintr::Z = arma::vec(x).subvec(0,",n_rates-1,");"),
                                     "odeintr::Z.elem(arma::find(odeintr::Z<0)).zeros();", # ensures compartment counts are nonnegative
                                     "odeintr::exp_Z = arma::exp(odeintr::Z);",
                                     "odeintr::expm1_Z = arma::vec(expm1(Rcpp::NumericVector(odeintr::Z.begin(), odeintr::Z.end())));",
                                     "odeintr::exp_neg_Z = arma::exp(-odeintr::Z);",
                                     "odeintr::exp_neg_2Z = arma::exp(-2*odeintr::Z);", 
                                     sep = "\n")
            # strings to compute the ito terms, hazards, drift, and jacobian
            haz_terms      <- paste(paste("odeintr::hazards[",0:(n_rates-1),"]", " = ",
                                          lna_rates$lna_rates,";", sep = ""), collapse = "\n")
            non_zero_inds  <- which(lna_rates$derivatives != "0")
            jacobian_terms <- paste(paste("odeintr::jacobian(",
                                          jacobian_inds[non_zero_inds,1], ", ", jacobian_inds[non_zero_inds,2], ") = ",
                                          lna_rates$derivatives[non_zero_inds],";", sep = ""),
                                    "odeintr::jacobian.rows(arma::find(odeintr::hazards == 0)).zeros();",
                                    collapse = "\n")
            # diffusion_ode  <- paste0("odeintr::diffusion_ode = arma::vectorise(odeintr::diffusion * odeintr::jacobian.t() + ",
            #                          "arma::diagmat(odeintr::exp_neg_2Z % odeintr::hazards) + ",
            #                          "odeintr::jacobian * odeintr::diffusion, 0);")
            diffusion_terms <- paste(paste0("odeintr::diffusion = arma::reshape(arma::vec(x).subvec(",
                                            n_rates, ",", n_odes-1, "),", n_rates,",", n_rates,");"),
                                     paste0("odeintr::diffusion = odeintr::diffusion * odeintr::jacobian.t() + ",
                                            "odeintr::jacobian * odeintr::diffusion;"),
                                     "odeintr::diffusion.diag() += odeintr::exp_neg_2Z % odeintr::hazards;", sep = "\n")
            # dxdt strings
            dxdt_drift     <- paste("dxdt[", drift_inds, "] = ",
                                    paste0(lna_rates$ito_coefs,"*odeintr::hazards[", seq_along(drift_inds) - 1, "];"),
                                    collapse = "\n", sep = "")
            dxdt_diffusion <- paste("dxdt[", diffusion_inds, "] = odeintr::diffusion[", seq_along(diffusion_inds)-1, "];",
                                    collapse = "\n", sep = "")
            # concatenate everything
            LNA_odes <- paste(exp_Z_terms, haz_terms, jacobian_terms,
                              diffusion_terms, dxdt_drift, dxdt_diffusion, sep = "\n\n")
            # generate the stemr_lna functions that will actually be called
            LNA_integrator <- paste("void INTEGRATE_STEM_LNA(Rcpp::NumericVector& init, double start, double end, double step_size = 0.001) {",
                                    "std::copy(init.begin(), init.end(), odeintr::state.begin());",
                                    "odeint::integrate_adaptive(odeintr::stepper, odeintr::sys, odeintr::state, start, end, step_size);",
                                    "std::copy(odeintr::state.begin(), odeintr::state.end(), init.begin());",
                                    "typedef void(*ode_ptr)(Rcpp::NumericVector& init, double start, double end, double step_size);",
                                    "// [[Rcpp::export]]",
                                    "Rcpp::XPtr<ode_ptr> LNA_XPtr() {",
                                    "return(Rcpp::XPtr<ode_ptr>(new ode_ptr(&INTEGRATE_STEM_LNA)));",
                                    "}", sep = "\n")
            # function to set the LNA parameters,
            # differs from the odeintr function in that it takes a numeric vector, not a std::vector
            param_setter   <- paste("void SET_LNA_PARAMS(Rcpp::NumericVector& p) {",
                                    "std::copy(p.begin(), p.end(), odeintr::pars.begin());",
                                    "typedef void(*set_pars_ptr)(Rcpp::NumericVector& p);",
                                    "// [[Rcpp::export]]",
                                    "Rcpp::XPtr<set_pars_ptr> LNA_set_params_XPtr() {",
                                    "return(Rcpp::XPtr<set_pars_ptr>(new set_pars_ptr(&SET_LNA_PARAMS)));",
                                    "}",sep = "\n")
            # paste the LNA integrator and parameter setting functions together
            stemr_LNA_code <- paste(LNA_integrator, param_setter, sep = "\n \n")
            # get the code for the LNA ODEs
            LNA_code <- 
               odeintr::compile_sys(name = "INTEGRATE_LNA",
                                    sys = LNA_odes,
                                    sys_dim = n_rates + n_rates^2,
                                    pars = n_params,
                                    method = stepper,
                                    rtol = rtol,
                                    atol = atol,
                                    globals = paste(paste(
                                       paste0("static arma::vec Z(", n_rates,",arma::fill::zeros);"),
                                       paste0("static arma::vec exp_Z(", n_rates,",arma::fill::zeros);"),
                                       paste0("static arma::vec expm1_Z(", n_rates,",arma::fill::zeros);"),
                                       paste0("static arma::vec exp_neg_Z(", n_rates,",arma::fill::zeros);"),
                                       paste0("static arma::vec exp_neg_2Z(", n_rates,",arma::fill::zeros);"),
                                       paste0("static arma::vec hazards(",n_rates,",arma::fill::zeros);"),
                                       paste0("static arma::mat jacobian(", n_rates,",",n_rates, ",arma::fill::zeros);"), sep = "\n"),
                                       paste0("static arma::mat diffusion(", n_rates,",",n_rates,",arma::fill::zeros);"),
                                       sep = "\n"),
                                    headers = paste("// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]",
                                                    "#include <RcppArmadillo.h>",
                                                    "using namespace arma;",
                                                    sep = "\n"),
                                    compile = F) # get the C++ code
            # RcppArmadillo is included, so remove the include tag for Rcpp
            LNA_code <- gsub("#include <Rcpp.h>", "", LNA_code)
            # we don't need the odeintr functions exported to the R global environment,
            # so remove the export attributes
            LNA_code <- gsub("// \\[\\[Rcpp::export\\]\\]", "", LNA_code)
            # paste the stemr LNA ode code to the end of the odeintr generated code
            LNA_code <- paste(LNA_code, stemr_LNA_code, sep = "\n")
            if(is.character(compile_lna)) {
                  filename <- ifelse(substr(compile_lna, nchar(compile_lna)-3, nchar(compile_lna)) != ".txt",
                                     paste0(compile_lna,".txt"), compile_lna)
                  cat(LNA_code, file = filename)
      if(load_file) {
            LNA_code <- readChar(compile_lna, nchars = 1e6)
      if(compile_code) {
            # compile the LNA code
            if(messages) print("Compiling LNA functions.")
                  code = LNA_code, 
                  rebuild = TRUE,
                  verbose = FALSE,
                  cleanupCacheDir = TRUE)
            # get the LNA function pointers
            lna_pointer <- c(lna_ptr = LNA_XPtr(),
                             set_lna_params_ptr = LNA_set_params_XPtr(),
                             LNA_code = LNA_code)
fintzij/stemr documentation built on March 25, 2022, 12:25 p.m.