
Defines functions getAggPoplikeFiles

Documented in getAggPoplikeFiles

#' Processing the popdyn.dat files  
#' This function process the popdyn_simu_xxx.dat files storing Ns at pop 
#' @param fname First name
#' @param lname Last name
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' general <- setGeneralOverallVariable (pathToRawInputs =file.path("C:", "Users", "fbas", 
#'                                                 "Documents", "GitHub", paste0("DISPLACE_input_gis_", 
#'                                                  "DanishFleet")),
#'                                       pathToDisplaceInputs = file.path("C:", "Users", "fbas", 
#'                                                 "Documents", "GitHub", paste0("DISPLACE_input_", "DanishFleet")),
#'                                       pathToOutputs =file.path("C:","DISPLACE_outputs"),
#'                                       caseStudy="DanishFleet",
#'                                       iGraph=41,
#'                                       iYear="2015",
#'                                       iCountry="DEN",
#'                                       nbPops=39,
#'                                       nbSzgroup=14,
#'                                       theScenarios= c("svana_baseline",
#'                                                       "svana_sub1mx20",
#'                                                       "svana_sub4mx20",
#'                                                       "svana_sub4mx5ns20bt",
#'                                                       "svana_sub4mx20ns5bt",
#'                                                       "svana_sub4mx5ns5bt" ),
#'                                       nbSimus=20,
#'                                       useSQLite=FALSE    
#'                                       )
#'   getAggPoplikeFiles(general=general,
#'                      explicit_pops=c(0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32),
#'                      the_baseline ="svana_baseline"
#'                      )  
#'   }

 getAggPoplikeFiles <- function(general=general, 
                                explicit_pops=c(0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32),
                                the_baseline ="svana_baseline"

   c.listquote <- function (...)
    args <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
    lstquote <- list(as.symbol("list"))
    for (i in args) {
        if (class(i) == "name" || (class(i) == "call" && i[[1]] !=
            "list")) {
            i <- eval(substitute(i), sys.frame(sys.parent()))
        if (class(i) == "call" && i[[1]] == "list") {
            lstquote <- c(lstquote, as.list(i)[-1])
        else if (class(i) == "character") {
            for (chr in i) {
                lstquote <- c(lstquote, list(parse(text = chr)[[1]]))
        else stop(paste("[", deparse(substitute(i)), "] Unknown class [",
            class(i), "] or is not a list()", sep = ""))

  lst_popdyn <- list()
  for (sce in general$namefolderoutput){
    for (sim in general$namesimu[[sce]]){

  ## read the 'popdyn' output (N in thousand individuals here)
  er <- try(read.table(file=file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput, sce,
                                                      paste("popdyn_", sim, ".dat", sep=''))), silent=TRUE)
    lst_popdyn[[sim]] <- er
    colnames (lst_popdyn[[sim]]) <- c('tstep', 'pop', paste('N_at_szgroup.',0:(general$nbszgroup-1), sep=''))

    } # end for sim
    assign(paste("lst_popdyn_", sce, sep=''), lst_popdyn)
   # save for later use....
   save(list=c(paste("lst_popdyn_", sce, sep='')),
          file=file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput,
                 sce, paste("lst_popdyn_", sce,".RData", sep='') )  )

  } # end for sce

  # reload scenarios for what="weight"
 for (sce in general$namefolderoutput){
  if(sce %in% general$namefolderoutput) {
     load(file=file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput,
                 sce, paste("lst_popdyn_",sce,".RData", sep='')), envir = .GlobalEnv)

    plot_popdyn <- function(lst_popdyn1=lst_popdyn, ..., namesimu=list(),
                     sce=sce,  explicit_pops= explicit_pops, combined_name=c("baseline_vs_implicit"), sum_all=FALSE, general=general){

       lstargs <- list(...)
       if(!is.null(lstargs$lst_popdyn2)) lst_popdyn2 <- lstargs$lst_popdyn2

       # filter lst_loglike_agg to trash away the failed (i.e. non-complete) simus:
       # detection according to the number of rows...
       dd                <- table(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1, nrow)))
       expected_nb_rows  <- as.numeric(names(dd[dd==max(dd)]))[1] # most common number of rows
       idx               <- unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x) nrow(x)==expected_nb_rows))
       namesimu1          <- c(names(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x) nrow(x)==expected_nb_rows)))[idx])
       lst_popdyn1 <- lst_popdyn1[namesimu1]

       dd                <- table(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn2, nrow)))
       expected_nb_rows  <- as.numeric(names(dd[dd==max(dd)]))[1] # most common number of rows
       idx               <- unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn2, function(x) nrow(x)==expected_nb_rows))
       namesimu2          <- c(names(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn2, function(x) nrow(x)==expected_nb_rows)))[idx])
       lst_popdyn2 <- lst_popdyn2[namesimu2]

       # sum over sizegroup?
       if(sum_all) {
            lst_popdyn1 <-
           lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x) {
                   x[,3] <- apply(x[,-c(1:2)], 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) ; colnames(x)[3] <- "totN" ; x[,1:3] }
            lst_popdyn2 <-
           lapply(lst_popdyn2, function(x) {
                   x[,3] <- apply(x[,-c(1:2)], 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) ; colnames(x)[3] <- "totN" ; x[,1:3] }


           a_comment <- "totN"
           } else{
           a_comment <- "per_szgroup"

       # 1. nb of induviduals per (explicit) pop in each size bin
       # from a bunch of simus

        count <-0

        outputfile <- file.path(general$main.path,
                       general$namefolderinput, sce,"jpeg_plots",
                         paste("popdyn_panel1_", a_comment,'.pdf',sep="" ))
        pdf(file = outputfile)

        for(pop in explicit_pops){  # for each (explicit) pop
              cat (paste(pop, "\n"))
              count <- count +1

              if(count ==10){
                   # to be converted in wmf afterward (because wmf do not handle transparency directly in R)
                   #...and open a new window
                   outputfile <- file.path(general$main.path,
                                    general$namefolderinput, sce,"jpeg_plots",
                                        paste("popdyn_panel2_", a_comment,'.pdf',sep="" ))
                   pdf(file = outputfile)
              if(count ==18){
                   # to be converted in wmf afterward (because wmf do not handle transparency directly in R)
                   #...and open a new window
                   outputfile <- file.path(general$main.path,
                                    general$namefolderinput, sce,"jpeg_plots",
                                        paste("popdyn_panel3_", a_comment,'.pdf',sep="" ))
                   pdf(file = outputfile)

              this_pop <- lst_popdyn1[[1]][lst_popdyn1[[1]]$pop==pop, -c(1:2)]

              this_pop <- replace(this_pop, is.na(this_pop), 0)
              if(any(this_pop<0)) cat(paste("negative numbers! check this pop ",pop,"\n"))

              a.unit <- 1e3  # if divide N by 1e3 then converting in millions because already in thosuand
              a.xlab <- "month"
              a.ylab <- "millions individuals"

              plot(0,0, type='n', axes=FALSE, xlim=c(1,nrow(lst_popdyn1[[1]][lst_popdyn1[[1]]$pop==pop,])),
                 ylim=c(min(this_pop, na.rm=TRUE)/a.unit, (max(this_pop, na.rm=TRUE)/a.unit)*1.2),
                     ylab="", xlab=a.xlab)

              mtext(side=2 , a.ylab, outer=TRUE, line=-1.2)
              mtext(side=1 , a.xlab, outer=TRUE, line=-1)

              axis(1, labels= 1:nrow(lst_popdyn1[[1]][lst_popdyn1[[1]]$pop==pop,]),
              axis(2, las=2)

              a.count <-0
              for(seg in colnames( lst_popdyn1[[1]] )[-c(1:2)] ){  # for each col
                    cat (paste(seg, "\n"))
                 a.count <- a.count+1

                  mat.sim1 <- matrix(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1[ namesimu1 ], function(x){
                     res <- try(x[x$pop==pop,seg], silent=TRUE); if(class(res)=="try-error") res <- rep(NA, ncol(lst_popdyn1[[1]])); res
                       })), nrow=nrow(lst_popdyn1[[1]][lst_popdyn1[[1]]$pop==pop,]) , byrow=FALSE)
                  colnames(mat.sim1) <- c(paste(seg,"_", namesimu1 , sep=''))

                  mat.sim1 <- replace(mat.sim1, is.na(mat.sim1), 0)

                  ramp1 <- colorRamp(c("red", "white"))
                  rgb( ramp1(seq(0, 1, length = 5)), max = 255)

                  mat.sim2 <- matrix(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn2[ namesimu2 ], function(x){
                     res <- try(x[x$pop==pop,seg], silent=TRUE); if(class(res)=="try-error") res <- rep(NA, ncol(lst_popdyn2[[1]])); res
                       })), nrow=nrow(lst_popdyn2[[1]][lst_popdyn2[[1]]$pop==pop,]) , byrow=FALSE)
                  colnames(mat.sim2) <- c(paste(seg,"_", namesimu2 , sep=''))

                  mat.sim2 <- replace(mat.sim2, is.na(mat.sim2), 0)

                  ramp2 <- colorRamp(c("blue", "white"))
                  rgb( ramp2(seq(0, 1, length = 5)), max = 255)


     # gain in N computation
        assign(paste(seg,"_1", sep=''), apply(mat.sim1, 2, function(x) sum(x[x!=0]/1e6)) ) # change unit to avoid roundoff error
        assign(paste(seg,"_2", sep=''), apply(mat.sim2, 2, function(x) sum(x[x!=0]/1e6)) )
        assign(paste("gain_", seg, pop,"_per_simu",sep=""),  get(paste(seg,"_2", sep=''))/get(paste(seg,"_1", sep='')) )

                 # polygon 5-95% for simus
                 mat.sim1 <- replace(mat.sim1, is.na(mat.sim1),0)
                 polygon(c(1:nrow(mat.sim1), rev(1:nrow(mat.sim1))  ),
                     c(apply(mat.sim1, 1, quantile, 0.05)/a.unit,
                       rev(apply(mat.sim1, 1, quantile, 0.95)/  a.unit)) ,
                          col=   rgb( ramp1(seq(0, 1, length = general$nbszgroup)), max = 255, alpha=100)[a.count], border= rgb( ramp1(seq(0, 1, length = general$nbszgroup)), max = 255)[a.count])

                abline(h=0, lty=3)

                 # polygon 5-95% for simus
                  mat.sim2 <- replace(mat.sim2, is.na(mat.sim2),0)
                  polygon(c(1:nrow(mat.sim2), rev(1:nrow(mat.sim2))  ),
                     c(apply(mat.sim2, 1, quantile, 0.05)/a.unit,
                       rev(apply(mat.sim2, 1, quantile, 0.95)/  a.unit)) ,
                          col=   rgb( ramp2(seq(0, 1, length = general$nbszgroup)), max = 255, alpha=100)[a.count], border= rgb( ramp2(seq(0, 1, length = general$nbszgroup)), max = 255)[a.count])

                }   # end for seg
             if(count >19){

           } # end for pop

           # export the "gain compared to baseline" variables
           if(!is.null(lstargs$lst_popdyn2) & a_comment=="totN"){
               variables <- paste("gain_totN", explicit_pops,"_per_simu", sep="")
               for(i in 1: length(variables)) {
                   if(i==1) {cc <- get(variables[i])} else {cc <- cbind.data.frame(cc, get(variables[i]))}
               write.table(cbind.data.frame(time=format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"), combined_name, pop,
                      simu=gsub("totN_","", rownames(cc)), cc),
                    file=file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput,
                     paste("pop_indicators_gain_in_numbers_",the_baseline,"_per_simu.txt", sep='')),
                     append = TRUE, sep = " ", col.names = FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

    legend("topright", legend=1:general$nbszgroup,
                fill=  rgb( ramp1(seq(0, 1, length =general$nbszgroup)), max = 255)[1:general$nbszgroup],
                   cex=0.8, ncol=2, bty="n")



  plot_popdyn_ssb_obs_sim_for_validation <- function(lst_popdyn1=lst_popdyn, ..., namesimu=list(),
                     sce=sce,  explicit_pops= explicit_pops, general=general){

       lstargs <- list(...)

       # filter lst_loglike_agg to trash away the failed (i.e. non-complete) simus:
       # detection according to the number of rows...
       dd                <- table(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1, nrow)))
       expected_nb_rows  <- as.numeric(names(dd[dd==max(dd)]))[1] # most common number of rows
       idx               <- unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x) nrow(x)==expected_nb_rows))
       namesimu1          <- c(names(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x) nrow(x)==expected_nb_rows)))[idx])
       lst_popdyn1 <- lst_popdyn1[namesimu1]

       MAT  <- read.table(file=file.path(general$main.path.param, paste("popsspe_",general$namefolderinput,sep=''), 
                             paste("init_maturity_per_szgroup_biolsce1.dat",sep='')), sep="", dec=".", header=TRUE)
       W    <- read.table(file=file.path(general$main.path.param, paste("popsspe_",general$namefolderinput,sep=''), 
                            paste("init_weight_per_szgroup_biolsce1.dat",sep='')), sep="", dec=".", header=TRUE)
       MAT  <- MAT[MAT$stock %in% explicit_pops,]
       W    <- W[W$stock %in% explicit_pops,]
       MAT  <- cbind(MAT, szgroup=rep(0:13, length=nrow(MAT)))  # 14 szgroups
       W    <- cbind(W, szgroup=rep(0:13, length=nrow(W)))
       MAT  <- reshape(MAT, timevar = "szgroup", idvar = "stock", direction = "wide")
       W    <- reshape(W, timevar = "szgroup", idvar = "stock", direction = "wide")
       nb_tstep <- length(unique(lst_popdyn1[[1]]$tstep))
       MATS <- NULL
       for(i in 1 : (nb_tstep-1)) MATS <- rbind(MATS, MAT)
       WS <- NULL
       for(i in 1 : (nb_tstep-1)) WS <- rbind(WS, W)

       # remove tstep 0 because all pop are there while other tstep have only explicit pops
            lst_popdyn1 <-
           lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x, explicit_pops) {
                    x <- x[x$tstep != "0" & x$pop %in% explicit_pops,]
                    }, explicit_pops)

      # compute ssb per szgroup
            lst_popdyn1 <-
           lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x, MATS, WS) {
                     x[,-c(1:2)]*MATS[,-c(1)]*WS[,-c(1)]*1000  /1e6  #=> SSB per stock in thousands tons   
                    }, MATS, WS)

       # sum over sizegroup
            lst_popdyn1 <-
           lapply(lst_popdyn1, function(x) {
                   x[,3] <- apply(x[,-c(1:2)], 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) ; colnames(x)[3] <- "ssb" ; x[,1:3] })
           a_comment <- "ssb"

       # for the obs ssb
       N     <- read.table(file=file.path(general$main.path.param,  paste("popsspe_",general$namefolderinput,sep=''),
                             paste("init_pops_per_szgroup_biolsce1.dat",sep='')), sep="", dec=".", header=TRUE)
       MAT   <- read.table(file=file.path(general$main.path.param,  paste("popsspe_",general$namefolderinput,sep=''), 
                             paste("init_maturity_per_szgroup_biolsce1.dat",sep='')), sep="", dec=".", header=TRUE)
       W     <- read.table(file=file.path(general$main.path.param,  paste("popsspe_",general$namefolderinput,sep=''), 
                             paste("init_weight_per_szgroup_biolsce1.dat",sep='')), sep="", dec=".", header=TRUE)
       mat   <- cbind(N, MAT, W)
       mat [,"ssb"] <- mat[,'init_maturity_per_szgroup']*mat[,'init_weight_per_szgroup']*mat[,'init_pops_per_szgroup']*1000
       mat   <- mat[mat$stock%in% explicit_pops, c(1,7)]
       obs   <- aggregate(mat$ssb, by= list(stock=mat$stock), FUN=sum)
       obs$x <- obs$x /1e6  #=> SSB per stock in thousands tons

       # ssb per (explicit) pop
       # from a bunch of simus
        count <-0

       outputfile <- file.path(general$main.path,
                       general$namefolderinput, sce, "jpeg_plots",
                         paste('popdyn_ssb_obs_sim.pdf',sep="" ))
        pdf(file = outputfile, width=4, height=4)

        a.xlab <- "Observed SSB ('000 tons)"
        a.ylab <- "Simulated SSB ('000 tons)"

        plot(0,0, type='n', axes=FALSE, xlim=c(1, (3500)*1.2),
                ylim=c(1, (3500)*1.2), log="xy",
                     ylab="", xlab="")

        #mtext(side=2 , a.ylab, outer=TRUE, line=-1.2)
        #mtext(side=1 , a.xlab, outer=TRUE, line=-1)

        axis(2, las=2)

        res <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=length(explicit_pops))
        colnames(res) <- c("obs","sim")

        for(pop in explicit_pops){  # for each (explicit) pop
              cat (paste(pop, "\n"))
              count <- count +1

                  mat.sim1 <- matrix(unlist(lapply(lst_popdyn1[ namesimu1 ], function(x){
                     res <- try(x[x$pop==pop,"ssb"], silent=TRUE); if(class(res)=="try-error") res <- rep(NA, ncol(lst_popdyn1[[1]])); res
                       })), nrow=nrow(lst_popdyn1[[1]][lst_popdyn1[[1]]$pop==pop,]) , byrow=FALSE)
                  colnames(mat.sim1) <- c(paste("ssb","_", namesimu1 , sep=''))

                  mat.sim1 <- replace(mat.sim1, is.na(mat.sim1), 0)

                  # sim
                  the_sim_upper <- apply(mat.sim1[1:12,], 1, quantile, 0.95) # keep only the first year 
                  the_sim_median <- apply(mat.sim1[1:12,], 1, quantile, 0.5) # keep only the first year 
                  the_sim_lower <- apply(mat.sim1[1:12,], 1, quantile, 0.05) # keep only the first year 
                  #=> the_sim_median[11] is the SSB at the end of the year....

                  # obs
                  the_obs_median <- obs[obs$stock==pop,"x"] # pop number per age group at start y+1

             cat(paste("obs: ",the_obs_median, " sim: ",the_sim_median[11],"\n"))

             res[count,] <- c(the_obs_median, the_sim_median[11])
             points(the_obs_median, the_sim_median[11], col="white", cex=2, lwd=1.2)
             points(the_obs_median, the_sim_median[11], pch=16, col=a_col, cex=2)
             segments(the_obs_median, the_sim_upper[11], the_obs_median, the_sim_lower[11],  col=a_col)
             #text(the_obs_median, the_sim_median[11], pop)
             lines (0:3500,0:3500, lty=2)

           } # end for pop

           a_lm <- lm(res[,"sim"]~res[,"obs"]-1)

       mtext(side=1, a.xlab, outer=FALSE, line=2 )
       mtext(side=2, a.ylab, outer=FALSE, line=2.8 )
       #mtext(side=3, "(c)", cex=1.2, adj=0, line=0.2)



   # CALLS
   lst_popdyn_baseline <- get(paste("lst_popdyn_", the_baseline, sep=''))

   # to export the gains
   write(c("id","sce","pop", "simu", paste("gain_totN", explicit_pops, sep="")), ncol=4+length(explicit_pops),  ## CAUTION NCOL HERE ##
                   file=file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput,
                     paste("pop_indicators_gain_in_numbers_baseline_per_simu.txt", sep='')),
                     append = FALSE, sep = " ") # init

   for (sce in general$namefolderoutput){

        combined_name         <- paste(the_baseline,"_vs_", sce, sep='')

       cat("if it still doesn't exist, 'jpeg_plots' folder is created in ",
                      file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput, sce),"\n")
       dir.create(file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput, sce, 'jpeg_plots'),
                      showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, mode = "0777")
       dir.create(file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput, combined_name),
                      showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, mode = "0777")
       dir.create(file.path(general$main.path, general$namefolderinput, combined_name, 'jpeg_plots'),
                      showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, mode = "0777")

       # get the object for this sce
       lst_popdyn <- get(paste("lst_popdyn_", sce, sep=''))

      ## for validation------
    if(sce==the_baseline) plot_popdyn_ssb_obs_sim_for_validation (lst_popdyn1=lst_popdyn,
                     explicit_pops= explicit_pops,
                     combined_name= combined_name,

      ## 1. call for one sce., scenario per scenario------

       plot_popdyn (lst_popdyn1=lst_popdyn,
                     explicit_pops= explicit_pops,
                      combined_name= combined_name,
        #=> if sum_all = FALSE then plot per size group

     ## 2. call for one sce., scenario per scenario PER SZGROUP------
       plot_popdyn (lst_popdyn1=lst_popdyn,
                     explicit_pops= explicit_pops,
                      combined_name= combined_name,
        #=> if sum_all = FALSE then plot per size group

      ## 3. call plotting 2 sce on the same plot------
      if(sce!=the_baseline ) {

       plot_popdyn (lst_popdyn1=lst_popdyn_baseline,
                     sce=paste(the_baseline, '_vs_', sce, sep=''),
                      namesimu=list(names(lst_popdyn_baseline), names(lst_popdyn)),
                     explicit_pops= explicit_pops,
                      combined_name= combined_name,

  } # end sce

frabas/displaceplot documentation built on May 3, 2019, 4:06 p.m.