#' Extract AES-PCs from recorded pathway-subsets of a mass spectrometry or
#' bio-assay data frame
#' @description Given a clean \code{OmicsPath} object (cleaned by the
#' \code{\link{IntersectOmicsPwyCollct}} function), extract the first
#' principal components (PCs) from each pathway with features recorded in the
#' assay design matrix.
#' @param object An object of class \code{OmicsPathway}.
#' @param numPCs The number of PCs to extract from each pathway. Defaults to 1.
#' @param parallel Should the computation be completed in parallel? Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param numCores If \code{parallel = TRUE}, how many cores should be used for
#' computation? Internally defaults to the number of available cores minus 2.
#' @param standardPCA Should the function return the AES-PCA PCs and loadings
#' (\code{FALSE}) or the standard PCA PCs and loadings (\code{TRUE})? Defaults
#' to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Dots for additional internal arguments (currently unused).
#' @return Two lists of matrices: \code{PCs} and \code{loadings}. Each element
#' of both lists will be named by its pathway. The elements of the \code{PCs}
#' list will be \eqn{N \times} \code{numPCs} matrices containing the first
#' \code{numPCs} principal components from each pathway. The elements of the
#' \code{loadings} list will be \code{numPCs} \eqn{\times p} projection
#' matrices containing the loadings corresponding to the first \code{numPCs}
#' principal components from each pathway. See "Details" for more information.
#' @details This function takes in a data frame with named columns and a pathway
#' list as an \code{OmicsPathway} object which has had unrecorded -Omes
#' removed from the corresponding pathway collection by the
#' \code{\link{IntersectOmicsPwyCollct}} function. This function will then
#' iterate over the list of pathways, extracting columns from the assay design
#' matrix which match the genes listed in that pathway as a sub-matrix (as a
#' \code{data.frame} object). This function will then call the
#' \code{\link{aespca}} on each data frame in the list of pathway-specific
#' design matrices, extracting the first \code{numPCs} AES principal
#' components from each pathway data frame. These PC matrices are returned as
#' a named list.
#' NOTE: some genes will be included in more than one pathway, so these
#' pathways are not mutually exclusive. Further note that there may be many
#' genes in the assay design matrix that are not included in the pathways,
#' so these will not be extracted to the list. It is then vitally important to
#' use either a very broad and generic list of pathways or a pathways list
#' that is compatible to the assay data supplied.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CreateOmicsPath}}; \code{\link{aespca}}
#' \code{\link{IntersectOmicsPwyCollct}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @include createClass_validOmics.R
#' @include createClass_OmicsPath.R
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Use AESPCA_pVals() instead
#' ### Load the Example Data ###
#' data("colonSurv_df")
#' data("colon_pathwayCollection")
#' ### Create an OmicsSurv Object ###
#' colon_Omics <- CreateOmics(
#' assayData_df = colonSurv_df[, -(2:3)],
#' pathwayCollection_ls = colon_pathwayCollection,
#' response = colonSurv_df[, 1:3],
#' respType = "surv"
#' )
#' ### Extract Pathway PCs and Loadings ###
#' ExtractAESPCs(
#' object = colon_Omics,
#' parallel = TRUE,
#' numCores = 2
#' )
#' @rdname ExtractAESPCs
function(object, numPCs = 1,
parallel = FALSE, numCores = NULL,
standardPCA = FALSE,
#' @importFrom parallel clusterEvalQ
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel parLapplyLB
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @rdname ExtractAESPCs
setMethod(f = "ExtractAESPCs", signature = "OmicsPathway",
definition = function(object,
numPCs = 1,
parallel = FALSE,
numCores = NULL,
standardPCA = FALSE,
# browser()
pathSets_ls <- object@trimPathwayCollection
data_Omes <- lapply(pathSets_ls$pathways, function(x){
# browser()
### Parallel Computing Setup ###
message("Initializing Computing Cluster: ", appendLF = FALSE)
clust <- makeCluster(numCores)
clustVars_vec <- c(deparse(quote(data_Omes)),
clusterExport(cl = clust,
varlist = clustVars_vec,
envir = environment())
invisible(clusterEvalQ(cl = clust, library(pathwayPCA)))
### Extract PCs ###
message("Extracting Pathway PCs in Parallel: ", appendLF = FALSE)
out_ls <- parLapplyLB(cl = clust,
aespca(X = pathway_df,
d = numPCs)
} else {
message("Extracting Pathway PCs Serially: ", appendLF = FALSE)
out_ls <- lapply(data_Omes,
aespca(X = path_df,
d = numPCs)
### Return ###
PCs_ls <- lapply(out_ls, `[[`, "oldScore")
loadings_ls <- lapply(out_ls, `[[`, "oldLoad")
} else {
PCs_ls <- lapply(out_ls, `[[`, "aesScore")
loadings_ls <- lapply(out_ls, `[[`, "aesLoad")
PCs = PCs_ls,
loadings = loadings_ls
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