
#'IsoDataSet S4 class implementation in R
#'This S4 class represents a data set containing isoforms expresion in R. 
#'@slot counts Matrix containing expression values at the isoform level 
#'@slot geneCounts Matrix with expression values at the gene level
#'@slot colData Data.frame with experiment information. Its rows should be 
#' the columns of the counts data.frame
#'@slot isoGeneRel Data.frame specifying the isoform-gene relationship
#'@slot design Formula to be used in the GLM fit and tests
#'@slot lowExpIndex Numeric indicating the positions of low expressed isoforms
#'@section Features: 
#'  \item Discover differential modifications in the splicing patterns. 
#'  \item Detect and quantify isoform relative expression changes.
#'  \item Combine the results of both gene and isoform levels analysis.
#'@section Functions:
#'IsoDataSet S4 class includes the following functions:
#' \item{initialize}{Constructor of IsoDataSet objects.} 
#' \item{isoCounts}{Get the counts slot.}
#' \item{geneCounts}{Get the geneCounts slot.}
#' \item{isoGeneRel}{Get the isoGeneRel slot.}
#' \item{colData}{Get the colData slot.}
#' \item{designFormula}{Get the design slot.}
#' \item{lowExpIndex}{Get the lowExpIdx slot.}
#' \item{setDesign}{Set the design slot.}
#' \item{buildLowExpIdx}{Build the index to identify low expressed isoforms.}
#' \item{NBTest}{Perform differential expression analysis.}
#'@include NBSplice-package.R
#'@name IsoDataSet-class
#'@rdname IsoDataSet-class
#'@exportClass IsoDataSet
#'@import methods
#'@family IsoDataSet
#'@author Gabriela A. Merino \email{merino.gabriela33@@gmail.com} and Elmer A.
#' Fernandez \email{efernandez@@bdmg.com.ar}
#'## Data loading
#'data(isoCounts, package="NBSplice")
#'data(designMatrix, package="NBSplice")
#'data(geneIso, package="NBSplice")
#'## Arguments definition
#'## Constructor calling
#'myIsoDataSet<-IsoDataSet(isoCounts, designMatrix, colName, geneIso)
#'## Identificating Low expressed Isoforms
#'##Arguments definition
#'## Differential splicing test
#'myDSResults<-NBTest(myIsoDataSet, colName, test)
setClass(Class="IsoDataSet", slots=list(counts ="matrix", geneCounts="matrix",
    colData="data.frame", isoGeneRel="data.frame", design="formula", 
    lowExpIndex="numeric"), validity=function(object){
    ## Check counts matrix
        stop(paste("The argument 'counts' should be a matrix"))
    ## Check geneCounts matrix
        stop("The argument 'geneCounts' should be a matrix")
    ## Check colData matrix
        stop("The argument 'colData' should be a data.frame")
    if(any(colnames(expMat) != rownames(colDataM))){
        stop("The column names of counts and the row names of geneCounts must
            be the same")
}, prototype=list(
    counts =matrix(ncol=0, nrow=0),
    geneCounts=matrix(ncol=0, nrow=0), 
gamerino/NBSplice documentation built on Sept. 10, 2021, 10:21 p.m.