
Defines functions update_ident_specimens update_individuals update_subplot_data_batch update_subplots_table update_plot_data_batch update_plot_data

Documented in update_ident_specimens update_individuals update_plot_data update_plot_data_batch update_subplot_data_batch update_subplots_table

#' Update plot metadata
#' Update metadata plot _ only one plot at a time
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param team_lead string name of the team leader of the selected plot
#' @param plot_name string plot name of the selected plots
#' @param country string country of the selected plots
#' @param method string method of the selected plots
#' @param date_y integer year of collect of the selected plots
#' @param id_table_plot integer id of plot to be updated
#' @param new_team_leader string new team leader
#' @param new_principal_investigator string
#' @param new_additional_people string
#' @param new_data_manager string
#' @param new_plot_name string new plot name
#' @param new_country string new country
#' @param new_ddlat double new latitude in decimal degrees
#' @param new_ddlon double new longitude in decimal degrees
#' @param new_elevation integer new elevation data
#' @param new_method string new method data
#' @param new_province string new province data
#' @param new_topo_comment string
#' @param add_backup logical whether backup of modified data should be recorded
#' @return No return value, new plots are added
#' @export
update_plot_data <- function(team_lead = NULL,
                             plot_name = NULL,
                             country = NULL,
                             method = NULL,
                             date_y = NULL,
                             id_table_plot = NULL,
                             new_plot_name = NULL,
                             new_team_leader = NULL,
                             new_principal_investigator = NULL,
                             new_data_manager = NULL,
                             new_additional_people = NULL,
                             new_country = NULL,
                             new_ddlat = NULL,
                             new_ddlon = NULL,
                             new_elevation = NULL,
                             new_method = NULL,
                             new_province = NULL,
                             new_data_provider = NULL,
                             new_locality_name = NULL,
                             new_topo_comment = NULL,
                             add_backup = TRUE,
                             ask_before_update = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if (is.null(id_table_plot)) {
    quer_plots <-
        team_lead = team_lead,
        plot_name = plot_name,
        country = country,
        method = method,
        date_y = date_y,
        remove_ids = FALSE
  } else {

    quer_plots <-
      query_plots(id_plot = id_table_plot, remove_ids = FALSE)


  if (nrow(quer_plots) == 1) {

    if (!is.null(new_team_leader) | !is.null(new_principal_investigator) | !is.null(new_data_manager) | !is.null(new_additional_people)) {

      if (!is.null(new_team_leader)) {new_colnam <- new_team_leader; colname_type = "team_leader"}
      if (!is.null(new_principal_investigator)) {new_colnam <- new_principal_investigator; colname_type = "principal_investigator"}
      if (!is.null(new_data_manager)) {new_colnam <- new_data_manager; colname_type = "data_manager"}
      if (!is.null(new_additional_people)) {new_colnam <- new_additional_people; colname_type = "additional_people"}

      all_new_colnam <- tibble(colnam = new_colnam) %>%
        tidyr::separate_rows(colnam, sep = ",") %>% pull()

      # new_id_colnam <-
      #   .link_colnam(data_stand = tibble(colnam = all_new_colnam),
      #                collector_field = 1)

      new_id_colnam <-
          data_stand = tibble(colnam = all_new_colnam),
          column_searched = "colnam",
          column_name = "colnam",
          id_field = "id_colnam",
          id_table_name = "id_table_colnam",
          db_connection = mydb,
          table_name = "table_colnam"

      subplots_list <-
        query_subplots(ids_plots = quer_plots$id_liste_plots, verbose = FALSE)

      if (any(!is.na(subplots_list$all_subplots))) {
        existing_data <-
          subplots_list$all_subplots %>%
          filter(type == colname_type)
      } else {
        existing_data <- tibble()

      if (nrow(existing_data) > 0) {

        if (any(existing_data$typevalue == new_id_colnam$id_colnam)) {
          cli::cli_alert_warning(glue::glue("{colname_type} information already linked to plot"))
          conf <- FALSE
        } else {

          cli::cli_alert_info(glue::glue("{colname_type} information already available for this plot"))
          print(subplots_list$all_subplot_pivot %>% pull(colname_type))

          conf <- askYesNo(msg = glue::glue("Add {colname_type} information ?"))


      } else {

        conf <- TRUE


      if (conf) {

        if (ask_before_update) {

          Q <- utils::askYesNo("Confirm adding these modifications?")

        } else {

          Q <- TRUE


        if (Q) {

          add_subplot_features(new_data = tibble({{colname_type}} := new_id_colnam$id_colnam,
                                                 id_liste_plot = quer_plots$id_liste_plots),
                               id_plot_name = "id_liste_plot",
                               subplottype_field = colname_type,
                               ask_before_update = FALSE,
                               verbose = TRUE,
                               add_data = TRUE)

          cli::cli_alert_success(glue::glue("added {colname_type} information"))


      # new_id_colnam <-
      #   new_id_colnam$id_colnam

    } else {

      if(!is.null(new_method)) {

        # id_new_method <- .link_method(method = new_method)

        id_new_method <- .link_table(
          data_stand = tibble(method = new_method),
          column_searched = "method",
          column_name = "method",
          id_field = "id_method",
          id_table_name = "id_method",
          db_connection = mydb,
          table_name = "methodslist"

        id_new_method <- id_new_method$id_method


      if(!is.null(new_country)) {

        # new_id_country <-
        #   .link_country(data_stand = tibble(colnam = new_country),
        #                 country_field = 1)
        new_id_country <-
            data_stand = tibble(colnam = new_country),
            column_searched = "colnam",
            column_name = "country",
            id_field = "id_country",
            id_table_name = "id_country",
            db_connection = mydb,
            table_name = "table_countries"

        new_id_country <-

      } else {
        new_id_country <- NULL

      new_values <-
          plot_name = ifelse(!is.null(new_plot_name), new_plot_name, quer_plots$plot_name),
          id_method  = ifelse(!is.null(new_method), id_new_method, quer_plots$id_method),
          # id_colnam = ifelse(
          #   !is.null(new_id_colnam),
          #   new_id_colnam,
          #   quer_plots$id_colnam
          # ),
          id_country = ifelse(
          ddlat = ifelse(!is.null(new_ddlat), new_ddlat, quer_plots$ddlat),
          ddlon = ifelse(!is.null(new_ddlon), new_ddlon, quer_plots$ddlon),
          elevation = ifelse(!is.null(new_elevation),
                             new_elevation, quer_plots$elevation),
          province = ifelse(!is.null(new_province),
                            new_province, quer_plots$province),
          data_provider = ifelse(!is.null(new_data_provider),
                                 new_data_provider, quer_plots$data_provider),
          locality_name = ifelse(!is.null(new_locality_name),
                                 new_locality_name, quer_plots$locality_name),
          topo_comment = ifelse(!is.null(new_topo_comment),
                                new_topo_comment, quer_plots$topo_comment)

      comp_res <- .comp_print_vec(vec_1 = quer_plots  %>%
                                  vec_2 = new_values)


      comp_values <- comp_res$comp_tb

      if (!is.vector(comp_values)) {

        if (any(comp_values %>% pull())) {

          modif <- TRUE

        } else {
          modif <- FALSE

      } else {

        if (comp_values) {

          modif <- TRUE

        } else {
          modif <- FALSE


      if (modif) {

        # col_sel <-
        #   comp_values %>%
        #   dplyr::select_if( ~ sum(.) > 0) %>%
        #   colnames()
        # cli::cli_h1("Previous values")
        # print(quer_plots %>%
        #         dplyr::select(!!col_sel))
        # cli::cli_h1("New values")
        # print(new_values %>%
        #         dplyr::select(!!col_sel))

        if (ask_before_update) {

          Q <- utils::askYesNo("Confirm these modifications?")

        } else {

          Q <- TRUE


        if(Q) {

          modif_types <-
            paste0(names(comp_values), sep="__")

          if(add_backup) {

            colnames_plots <-
              dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_liste_plots")  %>%
              dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_plots) %>%
              # dplyr::top_n(1) %>%
              dplyr::collect(n=1) %>%

            quer_plots <-
              quer_plots %>%

            quer_plots <-
              quer_plots %>%
              tibble::add_column(date_modified=Sys.Date()) %>%
              tibble::add_column(modif_type=paste0(modif_types, collapse = ""))

            DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_liste_plots", quer_plots, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

          rs <-
            DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, statement="UPDATE data_liste_plots SET plot_name = $2, id_method = $3, id_country = $4, ddlat = $5, ddlon = $6, elevation = $7, province = $8, data_provider = $9, locality_name = $10, topo_comment = $11, data_modif_d=$12, data_modif_m=$13, data_modif_y=$14 WHERE id_liste_plots = $1",
                             params=list(quer_plots$id_liste_plots, # $1
                                         new_values$plot_name, # $2
                                         new_values$id_method, # $3
                                         # new_values$id_colnam, # $4
                                         new_values$id_country, # $5
                                         new_values$ddlat, # $6
                                         new_values$ddlon, # $7
                                         new_values$elevation, # $8
                                         new_values$province, # $9
                                         new_values$data_provider, # $10,
                                         new_values$locality_name, # $11
                                         new_values$topo_comment, # $12
                                         lubridate::day(Sys.Date()), # $13
                                         lubridate::month(Sys.Date()), # $14
                                         lubridate::year(Sys.Date()))) # $15

          # if(show_results) print(dbFetch(rs))


      } else {

        cli::cli_alert_info("no update because no values differents from the entry")



  } else {

    if (nrow(quer_plots) > 1)
      cli::cli_alert_info("More than 1 plot selected. Select only one.")

    if (nrow(quer_plots) == 0)
      cli::cli_alert_info("No plot to be update found.")

#' Update plot data data
#' Update plot data plot _ at a time
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param new_data data frame data containing id and new values
#' @param col_names_select string plot name of the selected plots
#' @param col_names_corresp string of the selected plots
#' @param id_col integer indicate which name of col_names_select is the id for matching data
#' @param launch_update logical if TRUE updates are performed
#' @param add_backup logical whether backup of modified data should be recorded
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_plot_data_batch <- function(new_data,
                                   col_names_select = NULL,
                                   col_names_corresp = NULL,
                                   id_col = 1,
                                   launch_update = FALSE,
                                   add_backup = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if (is.null(col_names_select)) {
    col_names_select <- names(new_data)
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_select is set as all names of new_data")

  if (is.null(col_names_corresp)) {
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_corresp is set to names of col_names_select (it should be names of columns of data_liste_plots)")

  all_colnames_ind <-
    dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_liste_plots") %>%

  if(length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == colnames(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_colnames_ind))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in data_liste_plots, check others tables, subplots features should be updated in data_liste_sub_plots table"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if(!any(id_db == c("id_liste_plots"))) stop("id for matching should be id_liste_plots")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  # new_data_renamed <-
  #   new_data %>%
  #   dplyr::rename_at(dplyr::vars(col_names_select[-id_col]), ~ col_names_corresp[-id_col])

  # dataset = new_data_renamed
  # col_new = col_names_corresp
  # id_col_nbr = id_col
  # type_data = "individuals"

  output_matches <- .find_ids(dataset = new_data_renamed,
                              col_new = col_names_corresp,
                              id_col_nbr = id_col,
                              type_data = "plot_data")

  matches_all <-

  for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

    field <- names(matches_all)[i]
    var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
    matches <- matches_all[[i]]

    if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {

      matches <-
        matches %>%
        dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
      matches <-

      all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

      if(add_backup) {

        quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_liste_plots") %>%
          dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%

        colnames_plots <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_liste_plots")  %>%
          dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_plots) %>%
          dplyr::collect() %>%
          dplyr::top_n(1) %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
          mutate(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
          mutate(modif_type = field)

        print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
                dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))

        DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_liste_plots",
                          append = TRUE,
                          row.names = FALSE)

      # if(any(names(matches) == "idtax_n_new"))
      #   matches <-
      #   matches %>%
      #   dplyr::mutate(idtax_n_new == as.integer(idtax_n_new))

      ## create a temporary table with new data
      DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "temp_table", matches,
                        overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

      query_up <-
        paste0("UPDATE data_liste_plots t1 SET (",field,", data_modif_d, data_modif_m, data_modif_y) = (t2.",var_new, ", t2.date_modif_d, t2.date_modif_m, t2.date_modif_y) FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.", id_db," = t2.id")

      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb, query_up)

      cat("Rows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

      cli::cli_alert_success("Successful update")

    } else{

      if (launch_update & nrow(matches) == 0)
        cat("\n No new values found")

      if (!launch_update)
        cli::cli_alert_danger("No update because launch_update is FALSE")


#' Update subplot_table
#' Update subplot_table
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param subplots_id integer id of subplot to update
#' @param new_id_type_sub_plot id of new type subplot
#' @param new_typevalue numeric new value of type subplot
#' @param new_year integer new year of subplot
#' @param new_month integer new month of subplot
#' @param new_day integer new day of subplot
#' @param new_colnam character new colnam of subplot
#' @param ask_before_update logical TRUE by default, ask for confirmation before updating
#' @param add_backup logical TRUE by default, add backup
#' @param show_results logical TRUE by default, show the data that has been modified
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_subplots_table <- function(subplots_id = NULL,
                                  new_id_type_sub_plot = NULL,
                                  new_typevalue = NULL,
                                  new_year = NULL,
                                  new_month = NULL,
                                  new_day = NULL,
                                  new_colnam = NULL,
                                  new_add_people = NULL,
                                  ask_before_update = TRUE,
                                  add_backup = TRUE,
                                  show_results = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

    stop("\n Provide subplots_id to update")

  ### checking if at least one modification is asked
  new_vals <- c(new_id_type_sub_plot,

  if (!any(!is.null(new_vals)))
    stop("\n No new values to be updated.")

  ### querying for entries to be modified
  query_subplots <-
    dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_liste_sub_plots") %>%
    dplyr::filter(id_sub_plots == subplots_id) %>%

  print(query_subplots %>% as.data.frame())
  if (nrow(query_subplots) > 1)
    stop("more than one subplots selected, select one")
  if (nrow(query_subplots) == 0)
    stop("no subplots selected, select one")

  if(!is.null(new_colnam)) {
    # new_id_colnam <-
    #   .link_colnam(data_stand = tibble(colnam = new_colnam),
    #                collector_field = 1)

    new_id_colnam <- .link_table(
      data_stand = tibble(colnam = colnam),
      column_searched = "colnam",
      column_name = "colnam",
      id_field = "id_colnam",
      id_table_name = "id_table_colnam",
      db_connection = mydb,
      table_name = "table_colnam"

    new_id_colnam <-

    new_id_colnam <- NULL

  modif_types <-
    vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(query_subplots))

  new_vals <-
    dplyr::tibble(id_type_sub_plot = ifelse(!is.null(new_id_type_sub_plot), as.numeric(new_id_type_sub_plot),
                  year = ifelse(!is.null(new_year), as.numeric(new_year),
                  month = ifelse(!is.null(new_month), as.numeric(new_month),
                  day = ifelse(!is.null(new_day), as.numeric(new_day),
                  typevalue = ifelse(!is.null(new_typevalue), as.numeric(new_typevalue),
                  id_colnam = ifelse(!is.null(new_id_colnam), as.numeric(new_id_colnam),
                  additional_people = ifelse(!is.null(new_add_people), new_add_people,

  # new_vals <-
  #   new_vals %>%
  #   replace(., is.na(.), -9999)

  sel_query_subplots <-
      query_subplots %>%
        dplyr::select(id_type_sub_plot, year, month, day, typevalue, id_colnam, additional_people)

  sel_query_subplots <- replace_NA(vec = sel_query_subplots)

  # sel_query_subplots <-
  #   sel_query_subplots %>%
  #   mutate_if(is.character, ~ tidyr::replace_na(., "-9999")) %>%
  #   mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ tidyr::replace_na(., -9999))

  comp_vals <-
      MARGIN = 2,
      FUN = function(x)
        x[1] != x[2:length(x)]

  # if(!is.null(nrow(comp_vals))) {
  #   query_trait <-
  #     query_trait[apply(comp_vals, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) any(x)),]
  #   comp_vals <-
  #     apply(comp_vals, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) any(x))
  # }else{
  #   query_trait <- query_trait
  # }

  if(any(is.na(comp_vals))) comp_vals <- comp_vals[!is.na(comp_vals)]

  modif_types[1:length(modif_types)] <-
    paste(modif_types, rep(paste(names(comp_vals)[comp_vals], sep=", "), length(modif_types)), collapse ="__")

  # if(!any(comp_vals)) stop("No update performed because no values are different.")

  if(any(comp_vals)) {

    cat(paste("\n Number of rows selected to be updated :", nrow(query_subplots), "\n"))

    if(ask_before_update) {

      sel_query_subplots %>%
        dplyr::select(!!names(comp_vals)) %>%
        dplyr::select(which(comp_vals)) %>%

      Q <-
        utils::askYesNo(msg = "Do you confirm you want to update these rows for selected fields?", default = FALSE)
      Q <- TRUE

    if(Q) {

      if(add_backup) {
        message("no back up for this table yet")
        # query_trait <-
        #   query_trait %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(date_modified=Sys.Date()) %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(modif_type=modif_types)
        # DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_diconames", query_tax, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)


      query_subplots <-
        query_subplots %>%
        dplyr::select(-date_modif_d, -date_modif_m, -date_modif_y)

      query_subplots <-

      rs <-
                         statement = "UPDATE data_liste_sub_plots SET id_type_sub_plot=$2, year=$3, month=$4, day=$5, typevalue=$6, date_modif_d=$7, date_modif_m=$8, date_modif_y=$9, id_colnam=$10, additional_people=$11 WHERE id_sub_plots = $1",
                         params = list(query_subplots$id_sub_plots, # $1
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_id_type_sub_plot), as.numeric(new_id_type_sub_plot),
                                                  query_subplots$id_type_sub_plot), nrow(query_subplots)), # $2
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_year), as.numeric(new_year),
                                                  query_subplots$year), nrow(query_subplots)), # $3
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_month), as.numeric(new_month),
                                                  query_subplots$month), nrow(query_subplots)), # $4
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_day), as.numeric(new_day),
                                                  query_subplots$day), nrow(query_subplots)), # $5
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_typevalue), as.numeric(new_typevalue),
                                                  query_subplots$typevalue), nrow(query_subplots)), # $6
                                       rep(query_subplots$date_modif_d, nrow(query_subplots)), # $7
                                       rep(query_subplots$date_modif_m, nrow(query_subplots)), # $8
                                       rep(query_subplots$date_modif_y, nrow(query_subplots)), # $9
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_id_colnam), as.numeric(new_id_colnam),
                                                  query_subplots$id_colnam), nrow(query_subplots)), # $10
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_add_people), as.character(new_add_people),
                                                  query_subplots$additional_people), nrow(query_subplots))) # 11



      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, statement="SELECT *FROM data_liste_sub_plots WHERE id_sub_plots = $1",
      if(show_results) print(DBI::dbFetch(rs))


    if(!any(comp_vals)) print("No update performed because no values are different.")


#' Update subplot data data
#' Update subplot data plot _ at a time
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param new_data data frame data containing id and new values
#' @param col_names_select string plot name of the selected plots
#' @param col_names_corresp string of the selected plots
#' @param id_col integer indicate which name of col_names_select is the id for matching data
#' @param launch_update logical if TRUE updates are performed
#' @param add_backup logical whether backup of modified data should be recorded
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_subplot_data_batch <- function(new_data,
                                      col_names_select = NULL,
                                      col_names_corresp = NULL,
                                      id_col = 1,
                                      launch_update = FALSE,
                                      add_backup = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if (is.null(col_names_select)) {
    col_names_select <- names(new_data)
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_select is set as all names of new_data")

  if (is.null(col_names_corresp)) {
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_corresp is set to names of col_names_select (it should be names of columns of data_liste_sub_plots")

  all_colnames_ind <-
    dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_liste_sub_plots") %>%

  if(length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == colnames(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_colnames_ind))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in data_liste_sub_plots, check others tables"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if(!any(id_db == c("id_sub_plots"))) stop("id for matching should be id_sub_plots")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  output_matches <- .find_ids(dataset = new_data_renamed,
                              col_new = col_names_corresp,
                              id_col_nbr = id_col,
                              type_data = "data_liste_sub_plots")

  matches_all <-

  for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

    field <- names(matches_all)[i]
    var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
    matches <- matches_all[[i]]

    if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {

      matches <-
        matches %>%
        dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))

      matches <-

      all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

      if(add_backup) {

        quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_liste_sub_plots") %>%
          dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%

        colnames_plots <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_data_liste_sub_plots")  %>%
          dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_sub_plots) %>%
          dplyr::collect() %>%
          dplyr::top_n(1) %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
          mutate(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
          mutate(modif_type = field)

        print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
                dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))

        DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_data_liste_sub_plots",
                          append = TRUE,
                          row.names = FALSE)

      field_ <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(field)))

      matches <- matches %>%
        rename(!!field_ := paste0(field, "_new"))

      ## create a temporary table with new data
      DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "temp_table", matches,
                        overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

      query_up <-
        paste0("UPDATE data_liste_sub_plots t1 SET (",field,", date_modif_d, date_modif_m, date_modif_y) = (t2.",field, ", t2.date_modif_d, t2.date_modif_m, t2.date_modif_y) FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.", id_db," = t2.id")

      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb, query_up)

      cat("Rows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

      cli::cli_alert_success("Successful update")

    } else{

      if (launch_update & nrow(matches) == 0)
        cat("\n No new values found")

      if (!launch_update)
        cli::cli_alert_danger("No update because launch_update is FALSE")


#' Update individuals data
#' Update individuals plot _ one or more individuals at a time
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param new_data data frame data containing id and new values
#' @param col_names_select string plot name of the selected plots
#' @param col_names_corresp string country of the selected plots
#' @param id_col integer indicate which name of col_names_select is the id for matching data
#' @param launch_update logical if TRUE updates are performed
#' @param add_backup logical whether backup of modified data should be recorded
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_individuals <- function(new_data,
                               col_names_select = NULL,
                               col_names_corresp = NULL,
                               id_col = 1,
                               launch_update = FALSE,
                               add_backup = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if (is.null(col_names_select)) {
    col_names_select <- names(new_data)
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_select is set as all names of new_data")

  if (is.null(col_names_corresp)) {
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_corresp is set to names of col_names_select (it should be names of columns of data_individuals")

  all_colnames_ind <-
    dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_individuals") %>%
    dplyr::select(-dbh, -liane, -tree_height, -branch_height, -branchlet_height, -crown_spread, -dbh_height) %>%

  if(length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == colnames(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_colnames_ind))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in data_individuals, check others tables, observation/traits should be updated in traits_measurements table"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if(!any(id_db == c("id_old", "id_n"))) stop("id for matching should be one of id_old or id_n")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  # new_data_renamed <-
  #   new_data %>%
  #   dplyr::rename_at(dplyr::vars(col_names_select[-id_col]), ~ col_names_corresp[-id_col])

  # dataset = new_data_renamed
  # col_new = col_names_corresp
  # id_col_nbr = id_col
  # type_data = "individuals"

  output_matches <- .find_ids(dataset = new_data_renamed,
                              col_new = col_names_corresp,
                              id_col_nbr = id_col,
                              type_data = "individuals")

  matches_all <-

  for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

    field <- names(matches_all)[i]
    var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
    matches <- matches_all[[i]]

    if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {

      matches <-
        matches %>%
        dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
      matches <-

      all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

      if(add_backup) {

        quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_individuals") %>%
          dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%

        colnames_plots <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_individuals")  %>%
          dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_ind) %>%
          dplyr::collect() %>%
          dplyr::top_n(1) %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
          tibble::add_column(date_modified=Sys.Date()) %>%

        print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
                dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))

        DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_individuals",
                          all_rows_to_be_updated, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

      if(any(names(matches) == "idtax_n_new"))
        matches <-
        matches %>%
        dplyr::mutate(idtax_n_new == as.integer(idtax_n_new))

      ## create a temporary table with new data
      DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "temp_table", matches,
                        overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

      query_up <-
        paste0("UPDATE data_individuals t1 SET (",field,", data_modif_d, data_modif_m, data_modif_y) = (t2.",var_new, ", t2.date_modif_d, t2.date_modif_m, t2.date_modif_y) FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.", id_db," = t2.id")

      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb, query_up)

      cat("Rows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

      cli::cli_alert_success("Successful update")

    } else{

      if (launch_update & nrow(matches) == 0)
        cat("\n No new values found")

      if (!launch_update)
        cli::cli_alert_danger("No update because launch_update is FALSE")


#' Update specimens table
#' Update specimens table
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param colnam string collector name
#' @param number integer specimen number
#' @param id_speci integer id of specimen
#' @param new_genus string new genus name
#' @param new_species string new species name
#' @param new_family string new family name
#' @param id_new_taxa integer id of the new taxa
#' @param new_detd integer day of identification
#' @param new_detm logical if you want to see previous modification of the entry - useful to see previous identification for example
#' @param new_dety logical if labels should be produced
#' @param new_detby string if labels are produced title of the label
#' @param new_detvalue string if labels are produced name of the rtf file
#' @param add_backup string if labels are produced name of the rtf file
#' @param show_results string if labels are produced name of the rtf file
#' @param only_new_ident string if labels are produced name of the rtf file
#' @return A tibble
#' @export
update_ident_specimens <- function(colnam = NULL,
                                   number = NULL,
                                   id_speci = NULL,
                                   new_genus = NULL,
                                   new_species = NULL,
                                   new_family = NULL,
                                   id_new_taxa = NULL,
                                   new_detd = NULL,
                                   new_detm = NULL,
                                   new_dety = NULL,
                                   new_detby = NULL,
                                   new_detvalue = NULL,
                                   new_colnbr = NULL,
                                   new_suffix = NULL,
                                   add_backup = TRUE,
                                   show_results = TRUE,
                                   only_new_ident = TRUE,
                                   ask_before_update = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if(is.null(id_speci)) {

    if(!is.numeric(number)) stop("number specimen is not a numeric, it must be numeric")

    # new_data_renamed <-
    #   .link_colnam(data_stand = tibble(collector = colnam), collector_field = "collector")

    new_data_renamed <- .link_table(
      data_stand = tibble(collector = colnam),
      column_searched = "collector",
      column_name = "colnam",
      id_field = "id_colnam",
      id_table_name = "id_table_colnam",
      db_connection = mydb,
      table_name = "table_colnam"

    queried_speci <-
      query_specimens(id_colnam = new_data_renamed$id_colnam,
                      number = number, subset_columns = FALSE)

  } else {

    queried_speci <-
      query_specimens(id_search = id_speci, subset_columns = FALSE)


  if (nrow(queried_speci) > 0) {

      queried_speci %>%

    if (nrow(queried_speci) == 1) {
      nbr_queried_speci_ok <- TRUE
    } else{
      nbr_queried_speci_ok <- FALSE

      modif_types <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(queried_speci))

    if (is.null(id_new_taxa)) {

      if (!is.null(new_genus) | !is.null(new_family) | !is.null(new_species)) {

        query_new_taxa <-
          query_taxa(genus = new_genus,
                     species = new_species,
                     family = new_family,
                     check_synonymy = F,
                     extract_traits = F,
                     class = NULL)

      } else {

        query_new_taxa <- tibble(1)

    } else {

      query_new_taxa <-
          ids = id_new_taxa,
          check_synonymy = F,
          extract_traits = F,
          class = NULL


    if (nrow(query_new_taxa) == 1) {

      nbr_new_taxa_ok <- TRUE

    } else{

      nbr_new_taxa_ok <- FALSE


    if(nbr_new_taxa_ok & nbr_queried_speci_ok) {

      new_values <-
          idtax_n =
              !is.null(new_genus) |
                !is.null(new_species) |
                !is.null(new_family) |
          detd = ifelse(!is.null(new_detd), as.numeric(new_detd), queried_speci$detd),
          detm = ifelse(!is.null(new_detm), as.numeric(new_detm), queried_speci$detm),
          dety = ifelse(!is.null(new_dety), as.numeric(new_dety), queried_speci$dety),
          detby = ifelse(!is.null(new_detby), new_detby, queried_speci$detby),
          detvalue = ifelse(!is.null(new_detvalue), new_detvalue, queried_speci$detvalue),
          colnbr = ifelse(!is.null(new_colnbr), new_colnbr, queried_speci$colnbr),
          suffix = ifelse(!is.null(new_suffix), new_suffix, queried_speci$suffix)

      ## correcting if NA is not well coded and null
        if(new_values$detby == "NA")
          new_values$detby <- NA

      comp_res <- .comp_print_vec(vec_1 = queried_speci  %>%
                                  vec_2 = new_values)


      print(queried_speci %>%
              dplyr::select(family_name, surname, colnbr, suffix, detd, detm, dety, detby, cold, colm, coly, country, id_specimen))

      # htmlTable::htmlTable(comp_res$comp_html)

      comp_values <- comp_res$comp_tb

      # new_values <-
      #   new_values %>%
      #   tidyr::replace_na(list(detvalue.x = 0,
      #                          detd = 0,
      #                          detm = 0,
      #                          dety = 0,
      #                          detby = 0))
      # query_select <-
      #   queried_speci %>%
      #   dplyr::select(id_diconame_n, detd, detm, dety, detby, detvalue) %>%
      #   tidyr::replace_na(list(detvalue.x =0, detd = 0, detm = 0, dety = 0, detby=0))
      # if(new_values$detd==0 & query_select$detd>0) new_values$detd <- query_select$detd
      # if(new_values$detm==0 & query_select$detm>0) new_values$detm <- query_select$detm
      # if(new_values$dety==0 & query_select$dety>0) new_values$dety <- query_select$dety
      # if(new_values$detby==0 & query_select$detby>0) new_values$detby <- query_select$detby
      # if(new_values$detd==0 & query_select$detd==0) new_values$detd <- query_select$detd <- NA
      # if(new_values$detm==0 & query_select$detm==0) new_values$detm <- query_select$detm <- NA
      # if(new_values$dety==0 & query_select$dety==0) new_values$dety <- query_select$dety <- NA
      # if(new_values$detby==0 & query_select$detby==0) new_values$detby <- query_select$detby <- NA
      # comp_values <- new_values != query_select
      # comp_values <- dplyr::as_tibble(comp_values)
      # comp_values <- comp_values %>%
      #   dplyr::select_if(~sum(!is.na(.)) > 0)

    } else{
      comp_values <- TRUE

    if (only_new_ident & nbr_new_taxa_ok & any(comp_values == TRUE)) {
      if (any(comp_values %>%
              dplyr::select_if( ~ sum(.) > 0) %>%
              colnames() == "idtax_n")) {

        new_ident <- TRUE

      } else{

        new_ident <- FALSE


    } else {

      new_ident <- TRUE


    if (nbr_new_taxa_ok & any(comp_values == TRUE) &
        nbr_queried_speci_ok & new_ident) {

      modif_types <-
        paste0(colnames(as.matrix(comp_values))[which(as.matrix(comp_values))], sep="__")

      # if(comp_values$id_good_diconame & any(new_values %>% dplyr::select(detd, detm, dety)==0)) {
      #   if(new_values$detd==0) new_values$detd <- lubridate::day(Sys.Date())
      #   if(new_values$detm==0) new_values$detm <- lubridate::month(Sys.Date())
      #   if(new_values$dety==0) new_values$dety <- lubridate::year(Sys.Date())
      # }

      # print(modif_types)
      # col_sel <-
      #   comp_values %>%
      #   rename(id_diconame_n = id_good_diconame) %>%
      #   dplyr::select_if(~sum(.) > 0) %>%
      #   colnames()
      # sel_new_values <-
      #   new_values %>%
      #   rename(id_diconame_n = id_good_diconame) %>%
      #   dplyr::select(!!col_sel)
      # query_select <-
      #   query_select %>%
      #   dplyr::select(!!col_sel)
      # comp_tb <-
      #   tibble(cols = colnames(query_select),
      #        current = unlist(query_select),
      #        new = unlist(sel_new_values)) %>%
      #   mutate(comp = ifelse(current == new, FALSE, TRUE)) %>%
      #   mutate(col = ifelse(comp,
      #                       kableExtra::cell_spec(comp, color = "red", bold = T))) %>%
      #   knitr::kable(escape = F)
      # htmlTable::htmlTable(comp_tb)
      # print(new_values %>%
      #         dplyr::select(!!col_sel) )
      # print(query_tax_all(id_search = queried_speci$id_diconame_n,
      #                     show_synonymies = F) %>%
      #         dplyr::select(-full_name_used, -full_name_used2) %>%
      #         as.data.frame())
      # print(query_new_taxa %>%
      #         dplyr::select(-full_name_used, -full_name_used2) %>%
      #         as.data.frame())

      if (ask_before_update) {

        confirmed <- utils::askYesNo("Confirm this update?")

      } else
        confirmed <- TRUE

      if(confirmed) {
        if(add_backup) {

          colnames_speci <-
            dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_specimens") %>%
            dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_specimens) %>%
            dplyr::collect() %>%
            dplyr::top_n(1) %>%

          queried_speci <-
            queried_speci %>%

          queried_speci <-
            queried_speci %>%
            tibble::add_column(date_modified=Sys.Date()) %>%
            tibble::add_column(modif_type=paste0(modif_types, collapse = ""))

          DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_specimens", queried_speci, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

        rs <-
          DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, statement="UPDATE specimens SET idtax_n=$2, detd=$3, detm=$4, dety=$5, detby=$6, detvalue=$7, colnbr=$8, suffix=$9, data_modif_d=$10, data_modif_m=$11, data_modif_y=$12 WHERE id_specimen = $1",
                           params=list(queried_speci$id_specimen, # $1
                                       new_values$idtax_n, # $2
                                       as.numeric(new_values$detd), # $3
                                       as.numeric(new_values$detm), # $4
                                       as.numeric(new_values$dety), # $5
                                       new_values$detby, # $6
                                       new_values$detvalue, # $7
                                       new_values$colnbr, # $8
                                       new_values$suffix, # $9
                                       lubridate::day(Sys.Date()), # $10
                                       lubridate::month(Sys.Date()), # $11
                                       lubridate::year(Sys.Date()))) # $12

        # if(show_results) print(dbFetch(rs))

        if(show_results) query_specimens(id_search = queried_speci$id_specimen)

    } else{
      if (!nbr_new_taxa_ok)
          "\n NO UPDATE. The number of taxa selected for new identification is ",
          ". Select one taxa."
      if (!any(comp_values == TRUE))
        cat("\n NO UPDATE. No different values entered.")
      if (!nbr_queried_speci_ok)
          "\n NO UPDATE. The number of specimen selected is ",
          ". Select ONE specimen. Not less, not more."
      if (!new_ident)
        cat("\n No new identification")

  } else {

    cat("\n SPECIMEN NOT FOUND")
    return(dplyr::tibble(collector = dplyr::tbl(mydb, "table_colnam") %>%
                           dplyr::filter(id_table_colnam == !!new_data_renamed$id_colnam) %>%
                           dplyr::select(colnam) %>%
                           dplyr::collect() %>%
                         number = number))


#' Update specimens data data
#' Update specimens data plot _ at a time
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param new_data data frame data containing id and new values
#' @param col_names_select string plot name of the selected plots
#' @param col_names_corresp string of the selected plots
#' @param id_col integer indicate which name of col_names_select is the id for matching data
#' @param launch_update logical if TRUE updates are performed
#' @param add_backup logical whether backup of modified data should be recorded
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_specimens_batch <- function(new_data,
                                   col_names_select = NULL,
                                   col_names_corresp = NULL,
                                   id_col = 1,
                                   launch_update = FALSE,
                                   add_backup = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if (is.null(col_names_select)) {
    col_names_select <- names(new_data)
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_select is set as all names of new_data")

  if (is.null(col_names_corresp)) {
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_corresp is set to names of col_names_select (it should be names of columns of specimens")

  all_specimens <-
    dplyr::tbl(mydb, "specimens") %>%

  if(length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == colnames(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_specimens))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in specimens table"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if(!any(id_db == c("id_specimen"))) stop("id for matching should be id_specimens")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  output_matches <- .find_ids(dataset = new_data_renamed,
                              col_new = col_names_corresp,
                              id_col_nbr = id_col,
                              type_data = "specimens")

  matches_all <-

  for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

    field <- names(matches_all)[i]
    var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
    matches <- matches_all[[i]]

    if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {

      matches <-
        matches %>%
        dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
      matches <-

      all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

      if(add_backup) {

        # quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))
        # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
        #   dplyr::tbl(mydb, "specimens") %>%
        #   dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%
        #   dplyr::collect()
        # colnames_plots <-
        #   dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_specimens")  %>%
        #   dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_plots) %>%
        #   dplyr::collect() %>%
        #   dplyr::top_n(1) %>%
        #   colnames()
        # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
        #   all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
        #   dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(colnames_plots))
        # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
        #   all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
        #   mutate(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
        #   mutate(modif_type = field)
        # print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
        #         dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))
        # DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_liste_plots",
        #                   all_rows_to_be_updated,
        #                   append = TRUE,
        #                   row.names = FALSE)

      # if(any(names(matches) == "idtax_n_new"))
      #   matches <-
      #   matches %>%
      #   dplyr::mutate(idtax_n_new == as.integer(idtax_n_new))

      ## create a temporary table with new data
      DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "temp_table", matches,
                        overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

      query_up <-
        paste0("UPDATE specimens t1 SET (",field,", data_modif_d, data_modif_m, data_modif_y) = (t2.",var_new, ", t2.date_modif_d, t2.date_modif_m, t2.date_modif_y) FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.", id_db," = t2.id")

      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb, query_up)

      cat("Rows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

      cli::cli_alert_success("Successful update")

    } else{

      if (launch_update & nrow(matches) == 0)
        cat("\n No new values found")

      if (!launch_update)
        cli::cli_alert_danger("No update because launch_update is FALSE")


#' Update trait_list_table
#' Update trait_list_table
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param trait_searched string genus name searched
#' @param trait_id string genus name searched
#' @param new_trait_name string new trait name
#' @param new_relatedterm string new relatedterm name
#' @param new_maxallowedvalue numeric new maxallowedvalue
#' @param new_minallowedvalue numeric new minallowedvalue
#' @param new_traitdescription string new traitdescription
#' @param new_expectedunit string new expectedunit
#' @param ask_before_update logical TRUE by default, ask for confirmation before updating
#' @param add_backup logical TRUE by default, add backup of modified data
#' @param show_results logical TRUE by default, show the data that has been modified
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_trait_list_table <- function(trait_searched = NULL,
                                    trait_id = NULL,
                                    new_trait_name = NULL,
                                    new_relatedterm = NULL,
                                    new_maxallowedvalue = NULL,
                                    new_minallowedvalue = NULL,
                                    new_traitdescription = NULL,
                                    new_expectedunit = NULL,
                                    ask_before_update = TRUE,
                                    add_backup = TRUE,
                                    show_results=TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if(all(is.null(c(trait_searched, trait_id))))
    stop("\n Provide trait_searched or trait_id to update")

  ### checking if at least one modification is asked
  new_vals <- c(new_trait_name, new_relatedterm, new_maxallowedvalue,
                new_minallowedvalue, new_traitdescription, new_expectedunit)
  if(!any(!is.null(new_vals))) stop("\n No new values to be updated.")

  ### querying for entries to be modified
  if(!is.null(trait_searched)) {
    query <- 'SELECT * FROM traitlist WHERE MMM'
    query <- gsub(pattern = "MMM", replacement = paste0(" trait ILIKE '%",
                                                        trait_searched, "%'"), x=query)

    rs <- DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, query)
    query_trait <- DBI::dbFetch(rs)

    query_trait <-
      dplyr::tbl(mydb, "traitlist") %>%
      dplyr::filter(id_trait == !!trait_id) %>%
  print(query_trait %>% as.data.frame())
  if(nrow(query_trait)>1) stop("more than one trait selected, select one")
  if(nrow(query_trait)==0) stop("no trait selected, select one")

  modif_types <-
    vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(query_trait))

  new_vals <-
    dplyr::tibble(trait = ifelse(!is.null(new_trait_name), as.character(new_trait_name),
                  relatedterm = ifelse(!is.null(new_relatedterm), as.character(new_relatedterm),
                  maxallowedvalue = ifelse(!is.null(new_maxallowedvalue), as.numeric(new_maxallowedvalue),
                  minallowedvalue = ifelse(!is.null(new_minallowedvalue), as.numeric(new_minallowedvalue),
                  traitdescription = ifelse(!is.null(new_traitdescription), as.character(new_traitdescription),
                  expectedunit = ifelse(!is.null(new_expectedunit), as.character(new_expectedunit),

  sel_query_trait <-
    dplyr::bind_rows(new_vals, query_trait %>%
                       dplyr::select(-valuetype, -id_trait, -date_modif_d, -date_modif_m, -date_modif_y))

  sel_query_trait <-
    replace_NA(vec = sel_query_trait)

  comp_vals <-
    apply(sel_query_trait, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x[1]!=x[2:length(x)])

  if (any(is.na(comp_vals))) comp_vals <- comp_vals[!is.na(comp_vals)]

  modif_types[1:length(modif_types)] <-
    paste(modif_types, rep(paste(names(comp_vals)[comp_vals], sep=", "), length(modif_types)), collapse ="__")

  # if(!any(comp_vals)) stop("No update performed because no values are different.")

  if(any(comp_vals)) {

    cat(paste("\n Number of rows selected to be updated :", nrow(query_trait), "\n"))

    if(ask_before_update) {

      sel_query_trait %>%
        dplyr::select(!!names(comp_vals)) %>%
        dplyr::select(which(comp_vals)) %>%

      Q <-
        utils::askYesNo(msg = "Do you confirm you want to update these rows for selected fields?", default = FALSE)
      Q <- TRUE

    if(Q) {

      if(add_backup) {
        message("no back up for this table yet")
        # query_trait <-
        #   query_trait %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(date_modified=Sys.Date()) %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(modif_type=modif_types)
        # DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_diconames", query_tax, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)


      query_trait <-
        query_trait %>%
        dplyr::select(-date_modif_d, -date_modif_m, -date_modif_y)

      query_trait <-

      rs <-
                         statement="UPDATE traitlist SET trait=$2, relatedterm=$3, valuetype=$4, maxallowedvalue=$5, minallowedvalue=$6, traitdescription=$7, factorlevels=$8, expectedunit=$9, date_modif_d=$10, date_modif_m=$11, date_modif_y=$12  WHERE id_trait = $1",
                         params=list(query_trait$id_trait, # $1
                                     rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_trait_name), as.character(new_trait_name),
                                                query_trait$trait), nrow(query_trait)), # $2
                                     rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_relatedterm), as.character(new_relatedterm),
                                                query_trait$relatedterm), nrow(query_trait)), # $3
                                     rep(query_trait$valuetype, nrow(query_trait)), # $4
                                     rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_maxallowedvalue), as.numeric(new_maxallowedvalue),
                                                query_trait$maxallowedvalue), nrow(query_trait)), # $5
                                     rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_minallowedvalue), as.numeric(new_minallowedvalue),
                                                query_trait$minallowedvalue), nrow(query_trait)), # $6
                                     rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_traitdescription), as.character(new_traitdescription),
                                                query_trait$traitdescription), nrow(query_trait)), # $7
                                     rep(query_trait$factorlevels, nrow(query_trait)), # $8
                                     rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_expectedunit), as.character(new_expectedunit),
                                                query_trait$expectedunit), nrow(query_trait)), # $9
                                     rep(query_trait$date_modif_d, nrow(query_trait)), # $10
                                     rep(query_trait$date_modif_m, nrow(query_trait)), # $11
                                     rep(query_trait$date_modif_y, nrow(query_trait))) # $12


      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, statement="SELECT *FROM traitlist WHERE id_trait = $1",
      if(show_results) print(DBI::dbFetch(rs))


    if(!any(comp_vals)) print("No update performed because no values are different.")

  # dbDisconnect(mydb)


#' Update traits_measurements table
#' Update traits_measurements table
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param new_data tibble
#' @param trait_values_new_data string vector with columns names of new_data that contain traits measures
#' @param col_names_trait_corresp string vector with trait names corresponding to trait_values_new_data
#' @param measures_property_new_data string vector with columns names new_data others than traits measures values
#' @param col_names_property_corresp string vector with corresponding columns names for measures_property_new_data
#' @param id_new_data integer which column of new_data contain the trait measure id to match dataset
#' @param col_name_id_corresp integer which column of new_data contain the id to match dataset
#' @param launch_update logical if TRUE updates are performed
#' @param add_backup logical whether backup of modified data should be recorded
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_traits_measures <- function(new_data,
                                   col_names_select = NULL,
                                   col_names_corresp = NULL,
                                   id_trait = NULL,
                                   launch_update = FALSE,
                                   add_backup = TRUE) {

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if (is.null(col_names_select)) {
    col_names_select <- names(new_data)
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_select is set as all names of new_data")

  if (is.null(col_names_corresp)) {
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_corresp is set to names of col_names_select (it should be names of columns of data_traits_measures")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == colnames(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  if (!is.null(id_trait)) {

    new_data <-
      .link_trait(data_stand = new_data,
                  trait = col_names_select[id_trait], issues = new_data$issue)

    found_trait <- traits_list() %>% filter(id_trait %in% unique(new_data$id_trait))

    if (found_trait$valuetype == "numeric") {

      col_names_corresp[id_trait] <- "traitvalue"
      col_names_select[id_trait] <- "trait"


  # new_data <-
  #   new_data %>%
  #   rename(traitvalue = trait)

  all_colnames_trait <-
    dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_traits_measures") %>%

  if(length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_colnames_trait))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in data_traits_measures"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if (!any(id_db == c("id_trait_measures"))) stop("id for matching should be id_trait_measures")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  output_matches <- .find_ids(dataset = new_data_renamed,
                              col_new = col_names_corresp,
                              id_col_nbr = id_col,
                              type_data = "trait_measures")

  matches_all <-

  for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

    field <- names(matches_all)[i]
    var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
    matches <- matches_all[[i]]

    if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {

      matches <-
        matches %>%
        dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
      # matches <-
      #   .add_modif_field(matches)

      all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

      if(add_backup) {

        quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_traits_measures") %>%
          dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%

        colnames_plots <-
          dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_traits_measures")  %>%
          dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_traits_measures) %>%
          dplyr::collect() %>%
          dplyr::top_n(1) %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%

        all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
          mutate(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
          mutate(modif_type = field)

        print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
                dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))

        DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_traits_measures",
                          all_rows_to_be_updated, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

      ## create a temporary table with new data
      DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "temp_table", matches,
                        overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

      query_up <-
        paste0("UPDATE data_traits_measures t1 SET ",field," = t2.",var_new, " FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.", id_db," = t2.id")

      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb, query_up)

      cat("Rows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

    } else{

      if (launch_update & nrow(matches) == 0)
        cat("\n No new values found")



  # if(!is.null(trait_values_new_data)) { #  & !is.null(col_names_trait_corresp)
  #   # if (length(trait_values_new_data) != length(col_names_trait_corresp))
  #   #   stop("trait_values_new_data and col_names_trait_corresp should have same length")
  #   new_data <-
  #     new_data %>%
  #     rename(trait := all_of(trait_values_new_data))
  #   new_data <-
  #     .link_trait(data_stand = new_data, trait = trait_values_new_data)
  #   col_names_trait_corresp
  #   output_matches <-
  #     .find_ids(dataset = new_data,
  #               col_new = c("trait", col_name_id_corresp),
  #               id_col_nbr = 2,
  #               type_data = "trait")
  #   # all_colnames_ind <- traits_list()
  #   #
  #   # for (i in 1:length(col_names_trait_corresp))
  #   #   if(!any(col_names_trait_corresp[i] == all_colnames_ind$trait)) {
  #   #     stop(paste(col_names_trait_corresp[i], "not found in trait list"))
  #   #     print("check")
  #   #     print(all_colnames_ind$trait)
  #   #   }
  # }
  # if(!is.null(measures_property_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_property_corresp)) {
  #   if(length(measures_property_new_data)!=length(col_names_property_corresp))
  #     stop("measures_property_new_data and col_names_property_corresp should have same length")
  #   colnames_property <-
  #     dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_traits_measures") %>%
  #     dplyr::select(country, decimallatitude, decimallongitude, elevation,
  #                   verbatimlocality,
  #                   basisofrecord, year, month, day,
  #                   issue, measurementmethod) %>%
  #     colnames()
  #   colnames_property <- c(colnames_property, "collector")
  #   for (i in 1:length(col_names_property_corresp))
  #     if(!any(col_names_property_corresp[i] == colnames_property)) {
  #       stop(paste(col_names_property_corresp[i], "not found in property measureament"))
  #       print("check")
  #       print(colnames_property)
  #     }
  # }
  # # id_db <- col_id
  # if(!any(col_name_id_corresp == c("id_trait_measures", "id_n", "id_old")))
  #   stop("id for matching should be one of id_trait_measures, id_n, id_old")
  # # if(!is.null(trait_values_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_trait_corresp)) {
  # #   new_data <-
  # #     .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
  # #                  col_old = c(trait_values_new_data, id_new_data),
  # #                  col_new = c(col_names_trait_corresp, col_name_id_corresp))
  # # }
  # if(!is.null(measures_property_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_property_corresp)) {
  #   new_data <-
  #     .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
  #                  col_old = c(measures_property_new_data, id_new_data),
  #                  col_new = c(col_names_property_corresp, col_name_id_corresp))
  # }
  # all_corresponding_matches <- list()
  # if(!is.null(trait_values_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_trait_corresp))
  #   nbe_col_cor <- length(col_names_trait_corresp)
  # if(!is.null(measures_property_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_property_corresp))
  #   nbe_col_cor <- length(col_names_property_corresp)
  # for (k in 1:nbe_col_cor) {
  #   if(!is.null(trait_values_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_trait_corresp))
  #     output_matches <-
  #       .find_ids(dataset = new_data,
  #                               col_new = c(col_names_trait_corresp[k], col_name_id_corresp),
  #                               id_col_nbr = 2,
  #                               type_data = "trait")
  #   if(!is.null(measures_property_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_property_corresp))
  #     output_matches <-
  #       .find_ids(dataset = new_data,
  #               col_new = c(col_names_property_corresp[k], col_name_id_corresp),
  #               id_col_nbr = 2,
  #               type_data = "trait")
  #   matches <-
  #     output_matches[[2]][[1]]
  #   if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {
  #     matches <-
  #       matches %>%
  #       dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
  #     matches <-
  #       .add_modif_field(matches)
  #     all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))
  #     if(col_name_id_corresp %in% c("id_n", "id_old")) {
  #       ids_traits_measures <-
  #         output_matches[[1]] %>%
  #         dplyr::filter(id %in% all_id_match) %>%
  #         dplyr::select(dplyr::contains("id_trait_measures"))
  #       matches <-
  #         matches %>%
  #         dplyr::mutate(id = dplyr::pull(ids_traits_measures))
  #     }
  #     if(dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_traits_measures") %>%
  #       dplyr::filter(id_trait_measures %in% !!matches$id) %>%
  #       dplyr::distinct(traitid) %>%
  #       dplyr::collect() %>%
  #       nrow()>2) stop("more than one trait to be updated whereas only one expected")
  #     if(!is.null(trait_values_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_trait_corresp))
  #       field <- "traitvalue"
  #     if(!is.null(measures_property_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_property_corresp))
  #       field <- col_names_property_corresp[k]
  #     ## create a temporary table with new data
  #     DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "temp_table", matches,
  #                       overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)
  #     var_new <- matches %>%
  #       dplyr::select(dplyr::contains("_new")) %>%
  #       colnames()
  #     query_up <-
  #       paste0("UPDATE data_traits_measures t1 SET (", field ,", date_modif_d, date_modif_m, date_modif_y) = (t2.", var_new, ", t2.date_modif_d, t2.date_modif_m, t2.date_modif_y) FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.id_trait_measures = t2.id")
  #     rs <-
  #       DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb, query_up)
  #     cat("Rows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))
  #     rs@sql
  #     DBI::dbClearResult(rs)
  #     if(add_backup) {
  #       field <- col_names_trait_corresp[k]
  #       ids_measures <- matches$id
  #       all_rows_to_be_updated <-
  #         dplyr::tbl(mydb, "data_traits_measures") %>%
  #         dplyr::filter(id_trait_measures %in% ids_measures) %>%
  #         dplyr::collect()
  #       colnames_measures <-
  #         dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_traits_measures") %>%
  #         dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type, -id_fol_up_traits_measures) %>%
  #         dplyr::collect() %>%
  #         dplyr::top_n(1) %>%
  #         colnames()
  #       all_rows_to_be_updated <-
  #         all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
  #         dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(colnames_measures))
  #       all_rows_to_be_updated <-
  #         all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
  #         tibble::add_column(date_modified=Sys.Date()) %>%
  #         tibble::add_column(modif_type=field)
  #       print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>% dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))
  #       DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_traits_measures",
  #                         all_rows_to_be_updated, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
  #     }
  #   }else{
  #     if(launch_update & nrow(matches)==0) cat("\n No new values found")
  #   }
  #   all_corresponding_matches[[k]] <- output_matches[[2]][[1]]
  #   if(!is.null(trait_values_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_trait_corresp)) names(all_corresponding_matches)[k] <- col_names_trait_corresp[k]
  #   if(!is.null(measures_property_new_data) & !is.null(col_names_property_corresp)) names(all_corresponding_matches)[k] <- col_names_property_corresp[k]
  # }
  # return(all_corresponding_matches)

update_trait_measures <- function(new_data,
                                  col_names_select = NULL,
                                  col_names_corresp = NULL,
                                  launch_update = FALSE,
                                  add_backup = TRUE,
                                  ask_before_update = FALSE,
                                  only_new_ident = FALSE) {

  if (exists("mydb_taxa")) rm(mydb_taxa)
  if (!exists("mydb_taxa")) call.mydb.taxa()

  all_colnames_rec <-
    try_open_postgres_table(table = "table_traits_measures", con = mydb_taxa) %>%
    # dplyr::tbl(mydb, "table_traits_measures") %>%

  if (is.null(col_names_select))
    col_names_select <- names(new_data)

  if (is.null(col_names_corresp))
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select

  if (length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == names(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_colnames_rec))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in table_records"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if(!any(id_db == c("id_trait_measures")))
    stop("id for matching should be id_trait_measures")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data %>%
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  output_matches <-
      dataset = new_data_renamed,
      col_new = col_names_corresp,
      id_col_nbr = id_col,
      type_data = "sp_trait_measures"

  matches_all <-

  if (any(names(matches_all) == "idtax")) {

    if (nrow(matches_all$idtax_n) > 0) {

      tax_new <-
          ids = matches_all$idtax$idtax_new,
          verbose = T,
          check_synonymy = T,
          class = NULL,
          extract_traits = FALSE

      if (!any(is.na(matches_all$idtax$idtax_old))) {
        tax_old <-
            ids = matches_all$idtax$idtax_old,
            verbose = TRUE,
            check_synonymy = TRUE,
            class = NULL
      } else{
        tax_old <-
            ids = 1,
            verbose = TRUE,
            check_synonymy = TRUE,
            extract_traits = FALSE
          ) %>%

      matches_all$idtax <-
        matches_all$idtax %>%
          tax_new %>%
            dplyr::select(idtax_n, tax_fam, tax_gen, tax_sp_level),
          by = c("idtax_new" = "idtax_n")
        ) %>%
          tax_gen_new = tax_gen,
          tax_sp_level_new = tax_sp_level,
          tax_fam_new = tax_fam

      matches_all$idtax <-
        matches_all$idtax %>%
          tax_old %>%
            dplyr::select(idtax_n, tax_fam, tax_gen, tax_sp_level),
          by = c("idtax_old" = "idtax_n")
        ) %>%
          tax_gen_old = tax_gen,
          tax_sp_level_old = tax_sp_level,
          tax_fam_old = tax_fam



  print(lapply(matches_all, function(x) as.data.frame(x)))

  # if(only_new_ident) {
  #   if (nrow(matches_all$idtax_n) > 0) {
  #     confirm_new_ident <- TRUE
  #   } else{
  #     confirm_new_ident <- FALSE
  #   }
  # }else{
  #   if (any(unlist(lapply(matches_all, nrow)) > 0)) {
  #     confirm_new_ident <- TRUE
  #   } else{
  #     confirm_new_ident <- FALSE
  #   }
  # }

  if(ask_before_update & confirm_new_ident) {

    confirm <-
      askYesNo(msg = 'Confirm update ?')



    confirm <- TRUE


  if(confirm & confirm_new_ident) {

    for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

      field <- names(matches_all)[i]
      var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
      matches <- matches_all[[i]]

      if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {

        matches <-
          matches %>%
          dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
        matches <-

        all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

        if(add_backup) {

          # quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))
          # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          #   dplyr::tbl(mydb, "table_records") %>%
          #   dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%
          #   dplyr::collect()
          # colnames_plots <-
          #   dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_table_records")  %>%
          #   dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type) %>%
          #   dplyr::collect() %>%
          #   dplyr::top_n(1) %>%
          #   colnames()
          # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          #   all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
          #   dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(colnames_plots))
          # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
          #   all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
          #   tibble::add_column(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
          #   tibble::add_column(modif_type = field)
          # print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
          #         dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))
          # DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_table_records",
          #                   all_rows_to_be_updated, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

        ## create a temporary table with new data
        DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb_taxa, "temp_table", matches,
                          overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

        query_up <-
          paste0("UPDATE table_traits_measures t1 SET (", field,", date_modif_d, date_modif_m, date_modif_y) = (t2.", var_new, ", t2.data_modif_d, t2.data_modif_m, t2.data_modif_y) FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.",
                 id_db," = t2.id")

        rs <-
          DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb_taxa, query_up)

        cat("\nRows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

      } else{

        if (launch_update & nrow(matches) == 0)
          cat("\n No new values found")


  if(ask_before_update & !confirm)
    message("\n NO Update Done")



update_trait_table <- function(new_data,
                               col_names_select = NULL,
                               col_names_corresp = NULL,
                               launch_update = FALSE,
                               add_backup = TRUE) {

  if (exists("mydb_taxa")) rm(mydb_taxa)
  if (!exists("mydb_taxa")) call.mydb.taxa()

  all_colnames_traits <-
    dplyr::tbl(mydb_taxa, "table_traits") %>%

  if (is.null(col_names_select) & is.null(col_names_corresp))
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select <- names(new_data)

  if (length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == colnames(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_colnames_traits))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in table_records"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if(!any(id_db == c("id_trait")))
    stop("id for matching should be id_trait")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  output_matches <- .find_ids(dataset = new_data_renamed,
                              col_new = col_names_corresp,
                              id_col_nbr = id_col,
                              type_data = "trait")

  matches_all <-

  for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

    field <- names(matches_all)[i]
    var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
    matches <- matches_all[[i]]

    if(launch_update & nrow(matches)>0) {

      matches <-
        matches %>%
        dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
      # matches <-
      #   .add_modif_field(matches)

      all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

      if(add_backup) {

        # quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))
        # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
        #   dplyr::tbl(mydb, "table_records") %>%
        #   dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%
        #   dplyr::collect()
        # colnames_plots <-
        #   dplyr::tbl(mydb, "followup_updates_table_records")  %>%
        #   dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type) %>%
        #   dplyr::collect() %>%
        #   dplyr::top_n(1) %>%
        #   colnames()
        # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
        #   all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
        #   dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(colnames_plots))
        # all_rows_to_be_updated <-
        #   all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(modif_type = field)
        # print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
        #         dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))
        # DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_table_records",
        #                   all_rows_to_be_updated, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

      ## create a temporary table with new data
      DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb_taxa, "temp_table", matches,
                        overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

      query_up <-
        paste0("UPDATE table_traits t1 SET ", field," = t2.", var_new, " FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.",
               id_db," = t2.id")

      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb_taxa, query_up)

      cat("Rows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

      if(launch_update & nrow(matches)==0) cat("\n No new values found")


#' Update colnam
#' Update colnam table
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param trait_searched string genus name searched
#' @param trait_id string genus name searched
#' @param new_trait_name string new trait name
#' @param new_relatedterm string new relatedterm name
#' @param new_maxallowedvalue numeric new maxallowedvalue
#' @param new_minallowedvalue numeric new minallowedvalue
#' @param new_traitdescription string new traitdescription
#' @param new_expectedunit string new expectedunit
#' @param ask_before_update logical TRUE by default, ask for confirmation before updating
#' @param add_backup logical TRUE by default, add backup of modified data
#' @param show_results logical TRUE by default, show the data that has been modified
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_colnam <- function(colnam_searched = NULL,
                          colnam_id = NULL,
                          new_colnam = NULL,
                          new_surname = NULL,
                          new_family_name = NULL,
                          new_nationality = NULL,
                          ask_before_update = TRUE,
                          add_backup = TRUE,
                          show_results = TRUE)

  if(!exists("mydb")) call.mydb()

  if(all(is.null(c(colnam_searched, colnam_id))))
    stop("\n Provide colnam_searched or colnam_id to update")

  ### checking if at least one modification is asked
  new_vals <- c(new_colnam, new_surname, new_family_name)
  if(!any(!is.null(new_vals))) stop("\n No new values to be updated.")

  ### querying for entries to be modified

  queried_colnam <- query_colnam(id_colnam = colnam_id, pattern = colnam_searched)

  print(queried_colnam %>% as.data.frame())
  if(nrow(queried_colnam)>1) stop("more than one colnam selected, select one")
  if(nrow(queried_colnam)==0) stop("no colnam selected, select one")

  modif_types <-
    vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(queried_colnam))

  new_vals <-
    dplyr::tibble(colnam = ifelse(!is.null(new_colnam), as.character(new_colnam),
                  family_name = ifelse(!is.null(new_family_name), as.character(new_family_name),
                  surname = ifelse(!is.null(new_surname), as.character(new_surname),
                  nationality = ifelse(!is.null(new_nationality), as.character(new_nationality),

  new_vals <-
    replace_NA(vec = new_vals)

  sel_query_colnam <-
    dplyr::bind_rows(new_vals, queried_colnam %>%

  sel_query_colnam <-
    replace_NA(vec = sel_query_colnam)

  comp_vals <-
    apply(sel_query_colnam, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x[1]!=x[2:length(x)])

  if(any(is.na(comp_vals))) comp_vals <- comp_vals[!is.na(comp_vals)]

  # modif_types[1:length(modif_types)] <-
  #   paste(modif_types, rep(paste(names(comp_vals)[comp_vals], sep=", "), length(modif_types)), collapse ="__")

  if(any(comp_vals)) {

    cat(paste("\n Number of rows selected to be updated :", nrow(queried_colnam), "\n"))

    if(ask_before_update) {

      .comp_print_vec(vec_1 = sel_query_colnam[2,],
                      vec_2 = sel_query_colnam[1,])

      Q <-
        utils::askYesNo(msg = "Do you confirm you want to update these rows for selected fields?", default = FALSE)
      Q <- TRUE

    if(Q) {

      if(add_backup) {
        message("no back up for this table yet")
        # query_trait <-
        #   query_trait %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(date_modified=Sys.Date()) %>%
        #   tibble::add_column(modif_type=modif_types)
        # DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb, "followup_updates_diconames", query_tax, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)


      # queried_colnam <-
      #   query_trait %>%
      #   dplyr::select(-date_modif_d, -date_modif_m, -date_modif_y)

      # query_trait <-
      #   .add_modif_field(query_trait)

      rs <-
                         statement = "UPDATE table_colnam SET colnam=$2, family_name=$3, surname=$4, nationality=$5 WHERE id_table_colnam = $1",
                         params = list(queried_colnam$id_table_colnam, # $1
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_colnam), as.character(new_colnam),
                                                  queried_colnam$colnam), nrow(queried_colnam)), # $2
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_family_name), as.character(new_family_name),
                                                  queried_colnam$family_name), nrow(queried_colnam)), # $3
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_surname), as.character(new_surname),
                                                  queried_colnam$surname), nrow(queried_colnam)), # $4
                                       rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_nationality), as.character(new_nationality),
                                                  queried_colnam$nationality), nrow(queried_colnam))) # $5


      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb, statement="SELECT *FROM table_colnam WHERE id_table_colnam = $1",
      if(show_results) print(DBI::dbFetch(rs))


    if(!any(comp_vals)) print("No update performed because no values are different.")

  # dbDisconnect(mydb)


#' Update taxonomic data
#' Update taxonomic data
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param genus_searched string genus name searched
#' @param tax_esp_searched string species name searched
#' @param tax_fam_searched string family name searched
#' @param new_tax_gen string new genus name
#' @param new_tax_esp string new species name
#' @param new_full_name_auth string new full name with authors
#' @param new_tax_fam string new family name
#' @param new_tax_rank1 string new rank
#' @param new_tax_name1 string new name of rank1
#' @param new_taxook integer new tax code
#' @param new_morphocat integer new morphocat code
#' @param new_detvalue integer new detvalue code
#' @param new_full_name_no_auth string new full name without authors - if not provided concatenate of new_esp and new_genus
#' @param new_full_name_used string new full_name_used
#' @param new_full_name_used2 string new full_name_used2
#' @param new_id_diconame_good integer if the selected name should be put in synonymy, id of the taxa
#' @param id_search integer id of the taxa searched
#' @param ask_before_update logical TRUE by default, ask for confirmation before updating
#' @param add_backup logical TRUE by default, add backup of modified data
#' @param show_results logical TRUE by default, show the data that has been modified
#' @param no_synonym_modif logical FALSE by default, if TRUE and if the selected taxa is considered as synonym, then this will be modified and the selected taxa will not longer be a synonym
#' @param synonym_of list if the selected taxa should be put in synonymy with an existing taxa, add in a list at least one values to identify to which taxa it will be put in synonymy: genus, species or id
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_dico_name <- function(genus_searched = NULL,
                             tax_esp_searched = NULL,
                             tax_fam_searched = NULL,
                             tax_order_searched = NULL,
                             id_searched = NULL,
                             new_tax_gen = NULL,
                             new_tax_esp = NULL,
                             new_tax_fam = NULL,
                             new_tax_order = NULL,
                             new_tax_rank1 = NULL,
                             new_tax_rank = NULL,
                             new_tax_name1 = NULL,
                             new_tax_famclass = NULL,
                             new_introduced_status = NULL,
                             new_tax_rankesp = NULL,
                             ask_before_update = TRUE,
                             add_backup = TRUE,
                             show_results = TRUE,
                             cancel_synonymy= FALSE,
                             synonym_of = NULL,
                             exact_match = FALSE) {

  if (!exists("mydb_taxa")) call.mydb.taxa()

  if(all(is.null(c(genus_searched, tax_esp_searched,
                   tax_fam_searched, synonym_of,
                   id_searched, new_tax_rankesp)) & !cancel_synonymy))
    stop("Provide the species to be updated or precise new synonymy")

  if(!is.null(new_tax_famclass)) {
    new_id_tax_famclass <-
      try_open_postgres_table(table = "table_tax_famclass", con = mydb_taxa) %>%
      dplyr::filter(tax_famclass == new_tax_famclass) %>%
      dplyr::collect() %>%

    if(length(new_id_tax_famclass) == 0)
      stop("new tax_famclass not recorded in table_tax_famclass")

  } else {
    new_id_tax_famclass = NULL

  ### checking if at least one modification is asked
  new_vals <- c(new_tax_gen = new_tax_gen,
                new_tax_esp = new_tax_esp,
                new_tax_order = new_tax_order,
                new_tax_fam = new_tax_fam,
                new_introduced_status = new_introduced_status,
                new_id_tax_famclass = new_id_tax_famclass,
                new_tax_rank = new_tax_rank,
                new_tax_rank1 = new_tax_rank1,
                # new_a_habit = new_habit,
                new_tax_rankesp = new_tax_rankesp)

  if (!any(!is.null(new_vals)) &
      is.null(synonym_of) &
    stop("\n No new values to be updated.")

  ## if the modif is a change in synonymy, show synonyms
  # if(cancel_synonymy | !is.null(synonym_of)) {
  #   show_synonymies <- TRUE
  # }else{
  #   show_synonymies <- FALSE
  # }

  ### querying for entries to be modified
  if(is.null(id_searched)) {

    cat(paste("\n", genus_searched, " - ", tax_esp_searched, "-", tax_fam_searched))
    query_tax <-
        genus = genus_searched,
        species = tax_esp_searched,
        family = tax_fam_searched,
        order = tax_order_searched,
        check_synonymy = FALSE,
        exact_match = exact_match,
        extract_traits = FALSE

  } else {

    query_tax <-
        ids = id_searched,
        check_synonymy = FALSE,
        class = NULL,
        extract_traits = FALSE


  if(is.null(query_tax)) query_tax <- dplyr::tibble()

  if (nrow(query_tax) > 0) {

    cli::cli_alert_info(cli::col_blue("{nrow(query_tax)} taxa selected"))
    print(query_tax %>% as.data.frame())
    nrow_query = TRUE

  } else{

    nrow_query = FALSE


    modif_types <-
    vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(query_tax))

  ## if the modification does not concern synonymies, check if provided values are different for those existing
  if(nrow_query & !cancel_synonymy & is.null(synonym_of)) {

    query_tax_n <- query_tax
    col_new <- c()
    for (i in c(
    )) {
      if (any(i == gsub("new_", "", names(new_vals)))) {
        col_new <- c(col_new, i)
        var <- enquo(i)
        query_tax_n <-
          query_tax_n %>%
          dplyr::mutate(!!var := new_vals[grep(i, names(new_vals))])

    query_tax_n <-
      query_tax_n %>%

    # new_vals <-
    #   dplyr::tibble(
    #     tax_order = ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_order), new_tax_order, query_tax$tax_order),
    #     tax_fam = ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_fam), as.character(new_tax_fam), query_tax$tax_fam),
    #     tax_gen = ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_gen), as.character(new_tax_gen), query_tax$tax_gen),
    #     tax_esp = ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_esp), as.character(new_tax_esp), query_tax$tax_esp),
    #     tax_rank1 = ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_rank1), new_tax_rank1, query_tax$tax_rank01),
    #     tax_name1 = ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_name1), new_tax_name1, query_tax$tax_nam01),
    #     introduced_status = ifelse(!is.null(new_introduced_status), new_introduced_status, query_tax$introduced_status)
    #                 )

    # query_tax_n <-
    #   query_tax_n %>%
    #   replace(., is.na(.), -9999)

    query_tax_n <-
      query_tax_n %>%
                ~ tidyr::replace_na(. , -9999)) %>%
                ~ tidyr::replace_na(. , "-9999"))

    sel_query_tax <-
      dplyr::bind_rows(query_tax_n, query_tax %>%

    # sel_query_tax <-
    #   sel_query_tax %>%
    #   replace(., is.na(.), -9999)

    sel_query_tax <-
      sel_query_tax %>%
                ~ tidyr::replace_na(. , -9999)) %>%
                ~ tidyr::replace_na(. , "-9999"))


    comp_vals <-
        MARGIN = 2,
        FUN = function(x)
          unique(x[nrow(query_tax_n)]) != x[(nrow(query_tax_n) + 1):length(x)]

    # comp_vals <-
    #   apply(sel_query_tax, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x[1]!=x[2:length(x)])

    if(!is.null(nrow(comp_vals))) {

      query_tax <-
        query_tax[apply(comp_vals, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) any(x)),]
      modif_types <- modif_types[apply(comp_vals, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) any(x))]
      comp_vals <-
        apply(comp_vals, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) any(x))

    } else {

      query_tax <- query_tax


      comp_vals <-

    modif_types[1:length(modif_types)] <-
      paste0(modif_types, rep(paste(names(comp_vals)[comp_vals], sep=", "), length(modif_types)), collapse ="__")

  } else {

    comp_vals <- TRUE


  new_id_diconame_good <- NULL
  if (nrow_query & cancel_synonymy) {
    if (is.na(query_tax$idtax_good_n)) {

      cli::cli_alert_info("This taxa is not considered as synonym. No modification is thus done on its synonymy")
      comp_vals <- FALSE


      new_id_diconame_good <- NA

      modif_types[1:length(modif_types)] <-
        paste(modif_types, "cancel_synonymy", sep="__")



  Q.syn2 <- FALSE
  if(nrow_query & !is.null(synonym_of)) {
    Q.syn <- TRUE

    ## checking if taxa selected is already a synonym of another taxa
    if(!is.na(query_tax$idtax_good_n)) {

      if(query_tax$idtax_good_n != query_tax$idtax_n) {

        query_taxa(ids = query_tax$idtax_good_n)
        Q.syn <-
          utils::askYesNo("Taxa selected is already a synonym of this taxa. Are you sure you want to modify this?", default = FALSE)

    if (Q.syn) {

      ## checking if others names are pointing to the selected taxa as synonyms
      syn_of_new_syn <-
        tbl(mydb_taxa, "table_taxa") %>%
        filter(idtax_good_n == !!query_tax$idtax_n) %>%

      if(nrow(syn_of_new_syn) > 0) {

        cli::cli_alert_info("Some names are considered synonyms of the selected taxa:")

        print(syn_of_new_syn %>%
                dplyr::select(tax_fam, tax_gen, tax_esp, tax_rank01, tax_nam01, idtax_n, idtax_good_n))

        Q.syn2 <-
          utils::askYesNo("Do you confirm to also modify the synonymies of these selected names?", default = FALSE)

          ids_others_names_synonyms <-


      # if(Q.syn2) {

      if (!any(names(synonym_of) == "genus"))
        synonym_of$genus <- NULL
      if (!any(names(synonym_of) == "species"))
        synonym_of$species <- NULL
      if (!any(names(synonym_of) == "id"))
        synonym_of$id <- NULL

      new_syn <-
        query_taxa(genus = synonym_of$genus, species = synonym_of$species,
                   ids =  synonym_of$id, check_synonymy = F)

      if (nrow(new_syn) == 0) {

        cli::cli_alert_warning("No taxa found for new synonymy. Select one.")
        Q.syn <- FALSE


      if(nrow(new_syn) > 1) {

        cli::cli_alert_warning("More than one taxa found for new synonymy. Select only one.")
        Q.syn <- FALSE


      if(nrow(new_syn) == 1) {

        cli::cli_h1("Synonym of:")
        print(new_syn %>% as.data.frame())

        new_id_diconame_good <- new_syn$idtax_n

        modif_types[1:length(modif_types)] <-
          paste(modif_types, "new_synonymy", sep="__")

        # if (is.na(new_syn$a_habit) & !is.na(query_tax$a_habit)) {
        #   cli::cli_alert_info(
        #     cli::bg_magenta(
        #       "habit empty for new good name and not empty for synonym : {query_tax$a_habit}"
        #     )
        #   )
        #   up_habit <-
        #     utils::askYesNo(msg = "Update the new correct name with this habit?")
        #   if (up_habit) {
        #     update_dico_name(
        #       id_searched = new_syn$idtax_n,
        #       new_habit = query_tax$a_habit,
        #       ask_before_update = F
        #     )
        #   }
        # }


      # }

  } else {

    Q.syn <- TRUE


  # if(!any(comp_vals)) stop("No update performed because no values are different.")

  if(any(comp_vals) & Q.syn & nrow_query) {

    cat(paste("\n Number of rows selected to be updated :", nrow(query_tax), "\n"))

    if(ask_before_update) {

      Q <-
        utils::askYesNo(msg = "Do you confirm you want to update these rows for selected fields?", default = FALSE)

    } else{

      Q <- TRUE


    if(Q) {

      if(add_backup) {

        query_tax <-
          query_tax %>%
          mutate(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
          mutate(modif_type = modif_types) %>%
          dplyr::select(-tax_sp_level, -tax_infra_level, -tax_infra_level_auth)

        DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb_taxa, "followup_updates_table_taxa",
                          query_tax, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

        if(Q.syn2) {
          syn_of_new_syn <-
            syn_of_new_syn %>%
            mutate(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
            mutate(modif_type = modif_types)

          DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb_taxa, "followup_updates_table_taxa",
                            syn_of_new_syn, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)


      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb_taxa, statement="UPDATE table_taxa SET tax_fam=$2, tax_gen=$3, tax_esp=$4, tax_order=$5, idtax_good_n=$6, tax_rank01=$7, tax_nam01=$8, introduced_status=$9, id_tax_famclass=$10, tax_rank=$11, tax_rankesp=$12 WHERE idtax_n = $1",
                         params= list(query_tax$idtax_n, # $1
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_fam), new_tax_fam, query_tax$tax_fam), nrow(query_tax)), # $2
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_gen), new_tax_gen, query_tax$tax_gen), nrow(query_tax)), # $3
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_esp), new_tax_esp, query_tax$tax_esp), nrow(query_tax)), # $4
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_order), new_tax_order, query_tax$tax_order), nrow(query_tax)), # $5
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_id_diconame_good), new_id_diconame_good, query_tax$idtax_good_n), nrow(query_tax)), # $6
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_rank1), new_tax_rank1, query_tax$tax_rank01), nrow(query_tax)), # $7
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_name1), new_tax_name1, query_tax$tax_nam01), nrow(query_tax)), # $8
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_introduced_status), as.character(new_introduced_status), query_tax$introduced_status), nrow(query_tax)), # $9
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_id_tax_famclass), new_id_tax_famclass, query_tax$id_tax_famclass), nrow(query_tax)), # $10
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_rank), new_tax_rank, query_tax$tax_rank), nrow(query_tax)), # $11
                                      # rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_habit), new_habit, query_tax$a_habit), nrow(query_tax)),  # $12
                                      rep(ifelse(!is.null(new_tax_rankesp), new_tax_rankesp, query_tax$tax_rankesp), nrow(query_tax))))  # $12


      rs <-
        DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb_taxa, statement="SELECT *FROM table_taxa WHERE idtax_n = $1",
      if(show_results) print(DBI::dbFetch(rs))

      if(Q.syn2) {
        message("\n updating synonymies for others taxa")
        rs <-
          DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb_taxa, statement="UPDATE table_taxa SET idtax_good_n=$2 WHERE idtax_n = $1",
                           params= list(ids_others_names_synonyms, # $1
                                                   new_id_diconame_good, syn_of_new_syn$idtax_good_n),
                                            nrow(syn_of_new_syn)) # $2


        rs <-
          DBI::dbSendQuery(mydb_taxa, statement="SELECT *FROM table_taxa WHERE idtax_n = $1",
        if(show_results) print(DBI::dbFetch(rs))




    cli::cli_h2("No update")

    if(nrow(query_tax)==0) cli::cli_alert_warning("No update because no taxa found.")

    if(!any(comp_vals)) cli::cli_alert_warning("No update performed because no values are different.")

    if(!Q.syn) cli::cli_alert_warning("No update because new synonymy not correctly defined.")

    if(!nrow_query) cli::cli_alert_warning("No updates because none taxa were found based on query parameters (genus/species/family/id)")



#' Update diconame data based on id of taxa
#' Update diconame _ one or more entry at a time
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gilles.dauby@@ird.fr}
#' @param new_data tibble
#' @param col_names_select vector string of new_data to be used for update
#' @param col_names_corresp vector string of corresponding fields to update
#' @param id_col integer indicate which name of col_names_select is the id for matching data
#' @param launch_update logical if TRUE updates are performed
#' @param add_backup logical whether backup of modified data should be recorded
#' @return No return value individuals updated
#' @export
update_dico_name_batch <- function(new_data,
                                   col_names_select = NULL,
                                   col_names_corresp = NULL,
                                   id_col = 1,
                                   launch_update = FALSE,
                                   add_backup = TRUE,
                                   ask_before_update = FALSE) {

  if (exists("mydb_taxa")) rm(mydb_taxa)
  if (!exists("mydb_taxa")) call.mydb.taxa()

  if (is.null(col_names_select)) {
    col_names_select <- names(new_data)
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_select is set as all names of new_data")

  if (is.null(col_names_corresp)) {
    col_names_corresp <- col_names_select
    cli::cli_alert_info("col_names_corresp is set to names of col_names_select (it should be names of columns of table_taxa")

  all_colnames_tx <-
    try_open_postgres_table(table = "table_taxa", con = mydb_taxa) %>%

  if (length(col_names_select) != length(col_names_corresp))
    stop("col_names_select and col_names_corresp should have same length")

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_select))
    if(!any(col_names_select[i] == colnames(new_data)))
      stop(paste(col_names_select[i], "not found in new_data"))

  for (i in 1:length(col_names_corresp))
    if(!any(col_names_corresp[i] == all_colnames_tx))
      stop(paste(col_names_corresp[i], "not found in table_taxa"))

  id_db <- col_names_corresp[id_col]

  if(!any(id_db == c("idtax_n")))
    stop("id for matching should be idtax_n")

  new_data_renamed <-
    .rename_data(dataset = new_data,
                 col_old = col_names_select,
                 col_new = col_names_corresp)

  output_matches <-
      dataset = new_data_renamed,
      col_new = col_names_corresp,
      id_col_nbr = id_col,
      type_data = "taxa"

  matches_all <-

  if(ask_before_update) {

    confirm <-
      askYesNo(msg = 'Confirm update ?')



    confirm <- TRUE


  if(confirm) {

    for (i in 1:length(matches_all)) {

      field <- names(matches_all)[i]
      var_new <- paste0(field, "_new")
      matches <- matches_all[[i]]

      if(launch_update & nrow(matches) > 0) {

        matches <-
          matches %>%
          dplyr::select(id, dplyr::contains("_new"))
        matches <-

        all_id_match <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::select(matches, id))

        if(add_backup) {

          quo_var_id <- rlang::parse_expr(quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_db)))

          all_rows_to_be_updated <-
            dplyr::tbl(mydb_taxa, "table_taxa") %>%
            dplyr::filter(!!quo_var_id %in% all_id_match) %>%

          colnames_plots <-
            dplyr::tbl(mydb_taxa, "followup_updates_table_taxa")  %>%
            dplyr::select(-date_modified, -modif_type) %>%
            dplyr::collect() %>%
            dplyr::top_n(1) %>%

          all_rows_to_be_updated <-
            all_rows_to_be_updated %>%

          all_rows_to_be_updated <-
            all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
            mutate(date_modified = Sys.Date()) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(modif_type = field)

          print(all_rows_to_be_updated %>%
                  dplyr::select(modif_type, date_modified))

          DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb_taxa, "followup_updates_table_taxa",
                            all_rows_to_be_updated, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

        ## create a temporary table with new data
        DBI::dbWriteTable(mydb_taxa, "temp_table", matches,
                          overwrite=T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8", row.names=F)

        query_up <-
          paste0("UPDATE table_taxa t1 SET (", field,", data_modif_d, data_modif_m, data_modif_y) = (t2.", var_new, ", t2.date_modif_d, t2.date_modif_m, t2.date_modif_y) FROM temp_table t2 WHERE t1.",
                 id_db," = t2.id")

        rs <-
          DBI::dbSendStatement(mydb_taxa, query_up)

        cat("\nRows updated", RPostgres::dbGetRowsAffected(rs))

      } else {

        if (launch_update & nrow(matches) == 0)
          cat("\n No new values found")


  if(ask_before_update & !confirm)
    cli::cli_alert_warning('No Update Done')


gdauby/bdd_plots_central_africa documentation built on April 12, 2024, 1:15 a.m.