
Defines functions estimate_lasso_parameters

Documented in estimate_lasso_parameters

#' Estimate Lasso regression parameters
#' Determine the lambda in lasso procedure emperically
#' @param predictor A signature matrix
#' @param p_star_hat The regression target  
#' @param gamma Hyperparameter for adaptive LASSO
#' @param penalty A vector of relative penalties on signatures
#' @param prior A vector of relative penalties on signatures given as prior
#' @param adaptive Boolean variable, perform adaptive LASSO or not
#' @param sd_multiplier How many SD should be tolerated from min MSE
#' @param elastic_net Use Elastic_net instead of LASSO?
#' @return Returns a list of updated parameters including lambda picked, 
#' predictors used, a sequence of lambdas searched, alpha (elastic net) 
#' picked and the OLS fitting results (for adpative LASSO)

estimate_lasso_parameters <- function(predictor, p_star_hat, gamma, penalty, 
                                        prior, adaptive, sd_multiplier, 
                                        elastic_net = F) {
    lambda_min1se <- 0
    alpha_min1se <- 1
    alpha_seq <- seq(1, 0.1, -0.1)
    if (adaptive) {
        ols_fit <- nnls(predictor, p_star_hat)
        predictor <- data.matrix(predictor[, ols_fit$x > 0])
        penalty <- 1 / (ols_fit$x[ols_fit$x > 0])^gamma * prior[ols_fit$x > 0]
    if (!is.vector(predictor) && ncol(predictor) > 1) {
        Y <- p_star_hat
        X <- predictor
        n <- ncol(predictor)
        if (elastic_net) {
            lambda_alpha <- NULL
        predict_sse <- NULL
        K <- nrow(predictor)
        lambda_max <- log10(max(glmnet(X, Y, alpha = 1, 
                                        intercept = F, 
                                        lower.limit = 0, 
                                        penalty.factor = 
        lambda_seq <- 10^seq(lambda_max, lambda_max - 8, -0.05)
        for (h in seq(1, 20)) {
            while (TRUE) {
                group <- NULL
                for (g in seq(1, 6)) {
                  group <- c(group, sample(rep(seq(1, 8), 2)))
                flag <- 0
                for (k in seq(1, 8)) {
                  if (var(p_star_hat[which(group != k)]) == 0) {
                    flag <- 1
                  if (0 %in% apply(predictor[which(group != k), ], 2, var)) {
                    flag <- 1
                if (flag == 0) {
            for (g in seq(1, 8)) {
                train_set <- p_star_hat[which(group != g)]
                test_set <- p_star_hat[which(group == g)]
                train_predictor <- predictor[which(group != g), ]
                test_predictor <- predictor[which(group == g), ]
                if (elastic_net) {
                    lambda_alpha_search <- NULL
                    predict_sse_alpha_search <- NULL
                    for (a in alpha_seq) {
                        lambda_max <- log10(max(glmnet(X, Y, alpha = a, 
                                            intercept = F, lower.limit = 0, 
                                            penalty.factor = penalty)$lambda))
                        lambda_seq <- 10^seq(lambda_max, lambda_max - 8, -0.05)
                        fit <- glmnet(train_predictor, train_set, alpha = a, 
                                        intercept = F, lower.limit = 0, 
                                        lambda = lambda_seq, 
                                        penalty.factor = penalty)
                        fit_predict <- predict(fit, test_predictor, alpha = a, 
                                                intercept = F, lower.limit = 0, 
                                                penalty.factor = penalty)
                        predict_sse_alpha_search <- c(predict_sse_alpha_search, 
                                                    apply(fit_predict, 2, 
                                                    function(x) sum(x - 
                       lambda_alpha_search <- c(lambda_alpha_search, lambda_seq)
                    lambda_alpha <- rbind(lambda_alpha, lambda_alpha_search)
                    predict_sse <- rbind(predict_sse, predict_sse_alpha_search)
                } else {
                    a <- 1

                    fit <- glmnet(train_predictor, train_set, alpha = 1, 
                                    intercept = F, lower.limit = 0, 
                                    lambda = lambda_seq, 
                                    penalty.factor = penalty)
                    fit_predict <- predict(fit, test_predictor, alpha = 1, 
                                            intercept = F, lower.limit = 0, 
                                            penalty.factor = penalty)
                    predict_sse <- rbind(predict_sse, apply(fit_predict, 2, 
                                            function(x) sum(x - test_set)^2))
        predict_mse <- apply(predict_sse, 2, mean)
        predict_mse_1sd <- apply(predict_sse, 2, sd)
        # minor difference (min+sd_at_min) or (min + sd_at_oth_lambda)
        # the latter gives sparser results  (used in cv.glmnet)
        mse_max_allowed <- (predict_mse + sd_multiplier * 
        # mse_max_allowed <- min(predict_mse) + sd_multiplier * predict_mse_1sd
        if (elastic_net) {
            idx <- which(predict_mse <= mse_max_allowed)
            alpha_min1se <- max(sort(rep(alpha_seq, length(lambda_seq)), 
                                        decreasing = T)[idx])
            idx_col <- which(sort(rep(alpha_seq, length(lambda_seq)), 
                                        decreasing = T) == alpha_min1se)
            idx <- intersect(idx, idx_col)
            lambda_min1se <- max(lambda_alpha[1, idx])
        } else {
            lambda_min1se <- max(lambda_seq[which(predict_mse <= 
        return(list(lambda_min1se = lambda_min1se, penalty = penalty, 
                    predictor = predictor, lambda_seq = lambda_seq, 
                    alpha_min1se = alpha_min1se, ols_fit = ols_fit))
    return(list(lambda_min1se = lambda_min1se, penalty = penalty, 
                predictor = predictor, lambda_seq = NULL, 
                alpha_min1se = alpha_min1se, ols_fit = ols_fit))
gersteinlab/siglasso documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 8:45 p.m.