#' The function read the fasta file in each core gene and extract the
#' references species based on the priority order in the priority list.
#' The function search in the fasta file to find the refererences species in
#' priority order of the list. If no references taxon is determined, the
#' function returns NULL
#' @param fasta the path to the fasta file in the core gene
#' @param priorityList A list contains one or many genome ID of the genomes,
#' which were used to build the core set. The genome ID of this list will be
#' stored with an priority order, the tool look at into the fasta file of each
#' core group and determine with the priority order to determine the references
#' species for each core group.
#' @return The function will return the references species. If the function did
#' not find any references species, it will return the value NULL
#' @examples
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' fasta <- paste(coreFolder, "/core_orthologs/test/530670/530670.fa", sep = "")
#' refSpec <- getSpec(fasta, c("HUMAN@9606@1"))
#' print(refSpec)
#' @export
getSpec <- function(fasta, priorityList) {
lines <- readLines(fasta)
check <- 0
for (genomeID in priorityList) {
for (i in 1:length(lines)) {
if (i %% 2 == 1) {
splited <- strsplit(lines[i], "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
refGenome <- splited[2]
if (refGenome == genomeID) {
check <- 1
if (check == 1) {
if (check == 0) {
#' The function determines the priority order of a list of taxa based on the
#' taxonomic distance between the taxa in the list and a given taxon
#' @param query The genome ID of the interested genome
#' @param refSet the list of genome ID of the core genomes
#' @return The list of core genomes'ID with a priority order based on the
#' taxanomic distance
#' @export
autofindPriority <- function(query, refSet) {
position <- function(i, j, n) {
return(n * (i - 1) - i * (i - 1) / 2 + j - i)
swap <- function(i, j, set) {
x <- set[i]
y <- set[j]
set[i] <- y
set[j] <- x
queryNcbi <- strsplit(query, "@", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
refNcbiSet <- lapply(refSet, function(genomeID) {
return(strsplit(genomeID, "@", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])
refNcbiSet <- unlist(refNcbiSet)
if (queryNcbi %in% refNcbiSet) {
check <- 1
ncbiSet <- c()
for (ncbi in refNcbiSet) {
if (ncbi != queryNcbi) {
ncbiSet <- c(ncbiSet, ncbi)
refNcbiSet <- c(queryNcbi, ncbiSet)
} else {
check <- 0
refNcbiSet <- c(queryNcbi, refNcbiSet)
cl <- taxize::classification(refNcbiSet, db = "ncbi")
tree <- taxize::class2tree(cl)
n <- length(refNcbiSet)
distanceSet <- unlist(lapply(2:n, function(i, distmat, n) {
return(distmat[position(1, i, n)])
distmat = tree$distmat,
n = n
for (i in 1:(n - 2)) {
min <- distanceSet[i]
index <- i
for (j in (i + 1):(n - 1)) {
if (distanceSet[j] < min) {
min <- distanceSet[j]
index <- j
distanceSet <- swap(i, index, distanceSet)
refNcbiSet <- swap(i + 1, index + 1, refNcbiSet)
if (check == 0) {
refNcbiSet <- refNcbiSet[2:length(refNcbiSet)]
refSet <- unlist(lapply(refNcbiSet,
function(ncbi, refSet) {
r <- NULL
for (take in refSet) {
n <- strsplit(take, "@", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
if (n == ncbi) {
r <- take
refSet = refSet
#' This function arrange the completeness output of the interested
#' genome into the corresponding folder in the output folder
#' @param completenessOuput a list contains the completeness output. The full
#' table, missing table and the ignored table
#' @param output The directory which contains the output directory
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param genomeName the name of the interested genome
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "len"
#' @export
arrangeCompletenessOutput <- function(
completenessOutput, output, coreSet, genomeName, scoreMode
) {
if (!endsWith(output, "/")) {
output <- paste(output, "/", sep = "")
outDir <- paste(
output, "fcatOutput", "/", coreSet, "/", genomeName, sep = ""
if (scoreMode == "len") {
subScoreModeDir <- paste(outDir, "/", "mode_len", sep = "")
} else {
subScoreModeDir <- paste(
outDir, "/", "mode", as.character(scoreMode), sep = "")
if (!dir.exists(subScoreModeDir)) {
dir.create(subScoreModeDir, recursive = TRUE)
## Printing summary text
summaryTable <- translateReport(
genomeName, completenessOutput[[1]], scoreMode
summaryFile <- paste(subScoreModeDir, "/", "summary.txt", sep = "")
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t"
paste(subScoreModeDir, "/", "full_table.txt", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
paste(outDir, "/", "missing.txt", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
paste(outDir, "/", "ignored.txt", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
#' The function take a path to a genome fasta file and its FAS annotation
#' file (if the annotation file is not provided, the funtion will compute it)
#' and compute the detailed report of the completeness of the genome
#' @usage
#' computeReport(
#' genome, fasAnno, root, coreSet, extend = FALSE,
#' scoreMode, priorityList = NULL, cpu, computeOri = FALSE,
#' blastDir = NULL, weightDir = NULL, cleanup = FALSE,
#' reFdog = FALSE, fdogDir = NULL, ppDir = NULL
#' )
#' @param genome The path to the genome fasta file
#' @param fasAnno The path to the fas annotation file. It can equal NULL
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param extend The output of the function is a phylogenetic profile of the
#' interested genome. It contains 4 files, .phyloprofile, .extended.fa,
#' _reverse.domains and _forward.domains. If extend = TRUE, the files will be
#' appended into the old files in the folder output of the core directory or in
#' the inputed folder by the user with the argument ppDir. If there is no old
#' files in the folder, the output files of the function will be writen in the
#' new files.
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @param priorityList A list contains one or many genome ID of the genomes,
#' which were used to build the core set. The genome ID of this list will be
#' stored with an priority order, the tool look at into the fasta file of each
#' core group and determine with the priority order to determine the references
#' species for each core group.
#' @param cpu determines the cores that fDOG and fdogFAS will uses to be run
#' parallel
#' @param blastDir The user can replace the blast_dir folder in the core
#' directory by specifying it in this argument. By default is NULL
#' @param weightDir The user can replace the weight_dir folder in the core
#' directory by specifying it in this argument. By default is NULL
#' @param outDir The user can specify the directory to save the output report
#' file of the completeness of the interested genome by specifying the path
#' to the folder in this argument. By default is NULL
#' @param cleanup The fDOG's output is a set of phylogenetic profile of each
#' core group to the interested genome. The phylogenetic profile will be stored
#' into a folder in the core set. The function will merge all the small
#' phylogenetic profile, calculate the FAS score or length to have the whole
#' phylogenetic profile of the interested genome to the core set. This fDOG's
#' output can be reused for all score modes. When cleanup is set to TRUE, the
#' fDOG's output will not be stored to be reused but to be removed
#' @param output The directory which contains the output directory
#' @return a report of the completeness of the interested genome with detailed
#' information of every core genes in the core set. Which core gene is "similar"
#' , which is "dissimilar", "duplicated" and "missing"
#' @examples
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' genome <- system.file("extdata", "HUMAN@9606@3.fa", package = "fCAT")
#' fasAnno <- system.file("extdata", "HUMAN@9606@3.json", package = "fCAT")
#' report <- computeReport(genome, fasAnno, coreFolder, "test",
#' scoreMode = 2, priorityList = c("HUMAN@9606@1"), cpu = 4,
#' output = getwd()
#' )
#' print.data.frame(report)
#' @export
computeReport <- function(
genome, fasAnno, root, coreSet, extend = FALSE,
scoreMode, priorityList = NULL, cpu, computeOri = FALSE,
blastDir = NULL, weightDir = NULL, output
) {
startTime <- Sys.time()
if (!endsWith(root, "/")) {
root <- paste(root, "/", sep = "")
if (!endsWith(output, "/")) {
output <- paste(output, "/", sep = "")
outDir <- paste(output, "fcatOutput", "/", coreSet, "/", sep = "")
splited <- strsplit(genome, "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
splited <- splited[length(splited)]
genomeName <- strsplit(splited, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
if (scoreMode == 1) {
ppPath <- paste(
outDir, genomeName, "/", "phyloprofileOutput", "/", "mode1",
".phyloprofile", sep = "")
} else {
if (scoreMode == "len") {
ppPath <- paste(
outDir, genomeName, "/", "phyloprofileOutput", "/", "len",
".phyloprofile", sep = "")
} else {
ppPath <- paste(
outDir, genomeName, "/", "phyloprofileOutput", "/", "other",
".phyloprofile", sep = "")
if (file.exists(ppPath)) {
placeSeedCheck <- 0
pp <- read.table(ppPath, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
} else {
placeSeedCheck <- 1
placeSeed(genome, fasAnno, root, computeOri, weightDir)
if (scoreMode == "len") {
pp <- runFdogBusco(
root, coreSet, extend, scoreMode, priorityList, cpu,
blastDir, weightDir, output
} else {
pp <- runFdog(
root, coreSet, extend, scoreMode, priorityList, cpu,
blastDir, weightDir, output
pp <- extractPP(pp, genomeName)
completenessOutput <- reportSingle(
pp, root, coreSet, scoreMode, priorityList
completenessOutput, output, coreSet, genomeName, scoreMode
if (placeSeedCheck == 1) {
paste(root, "query_taxon", "/", genomeName, sep = ""),
recursive = TRUE
if (computeOri == FALSE) {
if (!is.null(weightDir)) {
if (!endsWith(weightDir, "/")) {
weightDir <- paste(weightDir, "/", sep = "")
paste(weightDir, genomeName, ".json", sep = "")
} else {
root, "weight_dir", "/", genomeName, ".json", sep = ""
endTime <- Sys.time()
print("Running time:")
print(endTime - startTime)
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