#' The function to classify a founded ortholog from its information like FAS
#' scores, the appearance frequence of the core gene in phylogenetic profile,
#' etc.
#' @param fasF the forward fas score of the ortholog
#' @param fasB the backward fas score of the ortholog
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param coreGene the ID of the core group
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @param f the appearance frequence of the core gene in the phylogenetic
#' profile
#' @param priorityList A list contains one or many genome ID of the genomes,
#' which were used to build the core set. The genome ID of this list will be
#' stored with an priority order, the tool look at into the fasta file of each
#' core group and determine with the priority order to determine the references
#' species for each core group.
#' @return the status of the ortholog of the core gene. It can be "similar",
#' "dissimilar", "duplicated, similar" or "duplicated, dissimilar"
#' #' @examples
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' status <- assessStatus(
#' 0.7, 0.9, coreFolder, "test", "530670",
#' scoreMode = 2, f = 1, priorityList = c("HUMAN@9606@1"))
#' print(status)
#' @export
assessStatus <- function(
fasF, fasB, root, coreSet, coreGene, scoreMode, f, priorityList) {
if (scoreMode == 1) {
fas <- (fasF + fasB) / 2
cutoff <- read.table(
root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/",
coreGene, "/", "fas_dir", "/", "score_dir", "/",
sep = ""
header = TRUE,
sep = "\t"
cutoffValue <- cutoff[1, 2]
if (scoreMode == 2) {
fas <- (fasF + fasB) / 2
refSpec <- getSpec(
paste(root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/",
coreGene, "/", coreGene, ".fa",
sep = ""
cutoff <- read.table(
root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/", coreGene, "/",
"fas_dir", "/", "score_dir", "/", "2.cutoff",
sep = ""
header = TRUE,
sep = "\t"
subCutoff <- subset(cutoff, taxa == refSpec)
cutoffValue <- subCutoff[1, 2]
if (scoreMode == 3) {
fas <- (fasF + fasB) / 2
refSpec <- getSpec(
paste(root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/",
coreGene, "/", coreGene, ".fa",
sep = ""
meanTable <- read.table(
root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/", coreGene, "/",
"fas_dir", "/", "score_dir", "/", "1.cutoff",
sep = ""
header = TRUE,
sep = "\t"
lcl <- meanTable[2, 2]
ucl <- meanTable[3, 2]
if (fas < lcl) {
status <- "dissimilar"
} else {
status <- "similar"
if (scoreMode != 3) {
if (fas < cutoffValue) {
status <- "dissimilar"
} else {
status <- "similar"
if (f >= 2) {
status <- paste("duplicated", ",", status)
#' The function to calculate the cutoff value based on standard deviation of
#' the length for each core group. This function will be used in score mode
#' "busco"
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param coreGene the ID of the core gene
#' @return a list that contains the mean length and the standard deviation of
#' the length of the core gene
#' @examples
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' cutoff <- calculateBuscoCutoff(coreFolder, "test", "530670")
#' print(cutoff)
#' @export
calculateBuscoCutoff <- function(root, coreSet, coreGene) {
if (!endsWith(root, "/")) {
root <- paste(root, "/", sep = "")
seedFasta <- readLines(
root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/",
coreGene, "/", coreGene, ".fa",
sep = ""
i <- 1:length(seedFasta)
seedFasta <- seedFasta[i[i %% 2 == 0]]
lengthSet <- lapply(
function(seq) {
lengthSet <- unlist(lengthSet)
meanLength <- mean(lengthSet)
standardDeviation <- sqrt(mean((lengthSet - meanLength)**2))
return(list(meanLength, standardDeviation))
#' The function to classify the founded ortholog based on its length
#' @param orthoLength the length of the ortholg sequence
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param coreGene the ID of the core gene
#' @param f the appearance frequence of the core gene in the phylogenetic
#' profile
#' @return the status of the core gene, it can be "fragmented", "complete",
#' "duplicated, complete" or "duplicated, fragmented"
#' @examples
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' status <- assessBusco(600, coreFolder, "test", "530670", f = 1)
#' print(status)
#' @export
assessBusco <- function(orthoLength, root, coreSet, coreGene, f) {
cutoff <- calculateBuscoCutoff(root, coreSet, coreGene)
if (cutoff[[2]] != 0) {
score <- (orthoLength - cutoff[[1]]) / cutoff[[2]]
if (score > 1 || score < (-1)) {
status <- "fragmented"
} else {
status <- "complete"
} else {
score <- orthoLength - cutoff[[1]]
if (score == 0) {
status <- "complete"
} else {
status <- "fragmented"
if (f >= 2) {
status <- paste("duplicated", ",", status)
return(list(status, cutoff[[1]], cutoff[[2]]))
#' Determine if a core gene was ignored by the tool because of the unknown
#' references species
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param coreGene the ID of the core gene
#' @param priorityList A list contains one or many genome ID of the genomes,
#' which were used to build the core set. The genome ID of this list will be
#' stored with an priority order, the tool look at into the fasta file of each
#' core group and determine with the priority order to determine the references
#' species for each core group.
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
#' @examples
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' check <- filterIgnore(coreFolder, "test", "530670", c("HUMAN@9606@1"))
#' print(check)
#' @export
filterIgnore <- function(root, coreSet, coreGene, priorityList) {
if (!endsWith(root, "/")) {
root <- paste(root, "/", sep = "")
fasta <- paste(root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/", coreGene, "/",
coreGene, ".fa",
sep = ""
check <- getSpec(fasta, priorityList)
if (is.null(check)) {
} else {
#' Create the report of the completeness of a genome based on its
#' phylogenetic profile to the interested core set
#' @param pp the phylogenetic profile of the genome in data.frame
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @param priorityList A list contains one or many genome ID of the genomes,
#' which were used to build the core set. The genome ID of this list will be
#' stored with an priority order, the tool look at into the fasta file of each
#' core group and determine with the priority order to determine the references
#' species for each core group.
#' @return the report in data frame
#' @examples
#' ## Create a pseudo phylogenetic profile table
#' geneID <- c("530670", "530730")
#' ncbiID <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi9606")
#' orthoID <- c("530670|HUMAN@9606@3|Q16526|1", "530730|HUMAN@9606@3|P05091|1")
#' FAS_F <- c(1, 1)
#' FAS_B <- c(1, 1)
#' pp <- data.frame(geneID, ncbiID, orthoID, FAS_F, FAS_B)
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' ## Translate phylogenetic profile to a detailed report
#' report <- reportSingle(pp, coreFolder, "test", 2, c("HUMAN@9606@1"))
#' print.data.frame(report)
#' @export
reportSingle <- function(pp, root, coreSet, scoreMode, priorityList) {
if (!endsWith(root, "/")) {
root <- paste(root, "/", sep = "")
coreGeneList <- list.dirs(
paste(root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, sep = ""),
recursive = FALSE,
full.names = FALSE
frequency <- table(pp$geneID)
if (scoreMode != "len") {
status <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(pp),
i, frequency, pp, scoreMode, root, coreSet, priorityList
) {
fasF <- pp[i, 4]
fasB <- pp[i, 5]
coreGene <- pp[i, 1]
f <- frequency[as.character(coreGene)]
s <- assessStatus(
fasF, fasB, root, coreSet,
coreGene, scoreMode, f,
frequency = frequency,
pp = pp,
scoreMode = scoreMode,
root = root,
coreSet = coreSet,
priorityList = priorityList
} else {
status <- lapply(1:nrow(pp),
function(i, frequency, pp, root, coreSet) {
orthoLength <- pp[i, 4]
coreGene <- pp[i, 1]
f <- frequency[as.character(coreGene)]
info <- assessBusco(
orthoLength, root, coreSet,
coreGene, f
r <- data.frame(
status = c(info[[1]]),
mean_length = c(info[[2]]),
standard_deviation = c(info[[3]])
frequency = frequency,
pp = pp,
root = root,
coreSet = coreSet
status <- do.call("rbind", status)
missingGene <- setdiff(coreGeneList, unique(pp$geneID))
if (length(missingGene) != 0) {
missingStatus <- unlist(lapply(missingGene,
function(gene, root, coreSet, priorityList) {
check <- filterIgnore(root, coreSet, gene, priorityList)
if (check == TRUE) {
} else {
root = root,
coreSet = coreSet,
priorityList = priorityList
if (scoreMode != "len") {
report <- data.frame(
geneID = pp$geneID, orthoID = pp$orthoID, status,
FAS_F = pp$FAS_F, FAS_B = pp$FAS_B
missingTable <- data.frame(
geneID = missingGene, orthoID = NA,
status = missingStatus, FAS_F = NA, FAS_B = NA
report <- rbind(report, missingTable)
} else {
report <- data.frame(
geneID = pp$geneID, orthoID = pp$orthoID,
status = status$status, length = pp$length,
mean_length = status$mean_length,
standard_deviation = status$standard_deviation
missingTable <- data.frame(
geneID = missingGene, orthoID = NA,
status = missingStatus, length = NA,
mean_length = NA,
standard_deviation = NA
report <- rbind(report, missingTable)
} else {
missingTable <- NULL
if (scoreMode != "len") {
report <- data.frame(
geneID = pp$geneID, orthoID = pp$orthoID, status,
FAS_F = pp$FAS_F, FAS_B = pp$FAS_B
} else {
report <- data.frame(
geneID = pp$geneID, orthoID = pp$orthoID,
status = status$status, length = pp$length,
mean_length = status$mean_length,
standard_deviation = status$standard_deviation
ignoredTable <- subset(missingTable, status == "ignored")
missingTable <- subset(missingTable, status == "missing")
return(list(report, missingTable, ignoredTable))
#' Translate the report table into a frequence table, which tell the user,
#' how many "dissimilar", "simillar", "missing", etc.
#' @param genomeID the genome ID of the interested genome
#' @param report the report of the completeness of the interested genome based
#' on its phylogenetic profile
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @return A frequency table of the completeness of the interested genome in
#' data.frame
#' @examples
#' ## Create a pseudo phylogenetic profile table
#' geneID <- c("530670", "530730")
#' ncbiID <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi9606")
#' orthoID <- c("530670|HUMAN@9606@3|Q16526|1", "530730|HUMAN@9606@3|P05091|1")
#' FAS_F <- c(1, 1)
#' FAS_B <- c(1, 1)
#' pp <- data.frame(geneID, ncbiID, orthoID, FAS_F, FAS_B)
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' ## Translate phylogenetic profile to a detailed report
#' report <- reportSingle(pp, coreFolder, "test", 2, c("HUMAN@9606@1"))
#' ## Translate the report table to a frequency table
#' frequencyTable <- translateReport("HUMAN@9606@3", report, 2)
#' print.data.frame(frequencyTable)
#' @export
translateReport <- function(genomeID, report, scoreMode) {
if (scoreMode == "len") {
frequency <- table(report$status)
complete <- frequency["complete"]
fragmented <- frequency["fragmented"]
missing <- frequency["missing"]
ignored <- frequency["ignored"]
if (is.na(complete)) {
complete <- 0
if (is.na(fragmented)) {
fragmented <- 0
if (is.na(missing)) {
missing <- 0
if (is.na(ignored)) {
ignored <- 0
duplicated <- length(unique(report$geneID)) -
complete - fragmented - missing - ignored
translated <- data.frame(
genomeID = c(genomeID),
complete = c(complete),
fragmented = c(fragmented),
missing = c(missing),
duplicated = c(duplicated),
ignored = c(ignored)
} else {
frequency <- table(report$status)
similar <- frequency["similar"]
dissimilar <- frequency["dissimilar"]
missing <- frequency["missing"]
ignored <- frequency["ignored"]
if (is.na(similar)) {
similar <- 0
if (is.na(dissimilar)) {
dissimilar <- 0
if (is.na(missing)) {
missing <- 0
if (is.na(ignored)) {
ignored <- 0
duplicated <- length(unique(report$geneID)) - similar -
dissimilar - missing - ignored
translated <- data.frame(
genomeID = c(genomeID),
similar = c(similar),
dissimilar = c(dissimilar),
missing = c(missing),
duplicated = c(duplicated),
ignored = c(ignored)
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