
## wald.R
## This a collection of functions designed to facilitate testing hypotheses
## with Wald tests.
## The methods are readily extended to any fitting method that returns a vector
## of estimated parameters and an estimated variance matrix.
## Extensions are implemented through the 'getFix' generic function.

## see also Leff
## Changes:
## 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit) in a number of 'getFix' methods
## October 2, 2011:  modified 'wald' to better handle rank-deficient models
##                   previously columns of L and columns and rows of vcov
##                   corresponding to NAs in beta were deleted ignoring the
##                   possibility that L beta is not estimable if any
##                   non-zero element of L multiplies an NA in beta.
## 2013 06 18: added df argument to wald to override denominator dfs. Useful
##             for saturated binomial fits or other binomials where residual
##             dfs are not appropriate.
## 2013 09 17: added getFix.multinom with df = Inf

#' General linear hypothesis -- now deprecated -- use wald instead
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param \dots %% ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (...) 
#' wald(...)
#' @export
#' @export
glh <- function( ...) wald( ...)    # previous name for 'wald' function

#' General Linear Hypothesis for the 'fixed' portion of a model with Wald test
#' Tests a general linear hypothesis for the linear fixed portion of a model.
#' The hypothesis can be specified in a variety of ways such as a hypothesis
#' matrix or a pattern that is used as a regular expression to be matched with
#' the names of coefficients of the model. A number of tools are available to
#' facilitate the generation of hypothesis matrices.
#' \verb{ General Linear Hypothesis with Wald test for lm, glm, lme, nlme and
#' lmer objects.  Can be extended to other objects (e.g.) 'glm' by writing
#' 'getFix.glm'
#' Usage:
#' wald ( fit, L ) where L is a hypothesis matrix
#' wald ( fit, 'pat' ) where 'pat' a regular expression (see ?regex) used to
#' match names of coefficients of fixed effects.  e.g. wald( fit, ':.*:') tests
#' all 2nd and higher order interactions.
#' wald ( fit, c(2,5,6)) to test 2nd, 5th and 6th coefficients.
#' wald ( fit, list( hyp1= c(2,5,6), H2 = 'pat')) for more than one hypothesis
#' matrix
#' There are number of functions to help construct hypothesis matrices:
#' Lform ( fit, list(expr1, expr2, ..., exprk), data = dframe) creates an L
#' matrix by evaluating expr1, expr2, ..., exprk in the dframe environment to
#' generate the k columns of the L matrix. 'dframe' is model.frame(fit) by
#' default. See the example below to estimate a derivative.
#' Creates an L matrix using formulas evaluated in 'data' for each column of
#' the L matrix Example:
#' library(car) fit <- lm( income ~ (education + I(education^2) )* type,
#' Prestige) summary(fit)
#' . . .  Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 891.3
#' 23889.1 0.037 0.97032 education 210.0 5638.8 0.037 0.97037 I(education^2)
#' 38.3 328.3 0.117 0.90740 typeprof 191523.2 63022.0 3.039 0.00312 ** typewc
#' 25692.3 73888.0 0.348 0.72887 education:typeprof -28133.0 10236.0 -2.748
#' 0.00725 ** education:typewc -4485.4 14007.9 -0.320 0.74956
#' I(education^2):typeprof 1017.5 451.8 2.252 0.02679 * I(education^2):typewc
#' 170.9 671.6 0.255 0.79967 . . .
#' # estimate the marginal value of education for each # occupation in the data
#' set
#' L <- list( 'marginal value of education' =Lform( fit, form = list(0, 1, 2 *
#' education, 0, 0, type == 'prof', type == 'wc', 2 * education * (type ==
#' 'prof'), 2 * education * (type == 'wc')), data = Prestige)) wald( fit, L )
#' chat <- coef( wald( fit, L ), se = 2) xyplot( coef +coefp+coefm ~ education
#' | type, cbind(Prestige,chat)[order(Prestige$education),], type = 'l')
#' xyplot( chat~ education | type, Prestige)
#' # This approach can be used to predict responses with a fitting method that
#' has a # 'model.matrix' method but does not have a 'predict' method or does
#' not return # estimated standard errors with its 'predict' method.
#' datafit <- model.frame(fit) # or just the data frame used for the fit ww <-
#' wald(fit, model.matrix(fit)) datafit <- cbind(datafit, coef(ww, se =2)) #
#' ...etc as above
#' # To extend the 'wald' function to a new class of objects, one needs to
#' write a 'getFix' # method to extract estimated coefficients, their estimated
#' covariance matrix, and the # denominator degrees of freedom for each
#' estimated coefficient. The getFix method for # glm objects is:
#' getFix.glm <- function(fit,...) { ss <- summary(fit) ret <- list() ret$fixed
#' <- coef(fit) ret$vcov <- vcov(fit) ret$df <- rep(ss$df.residual,
#' length(ret$fixed)) ret }
#' # and for 'mipo' objects in the packages 'mice':
#' getFix.mipo <- function( fit, ...){ # # pooled multiple imputation object in
#' mice # 'wald' will use the minimal df for components with non-zero weights #
#' -- this is probably too conservative and should be improved # ret <- list()
#' ret$fixed <- fit$qbar ret$vcov <- fit$t ret$df <- fit$df ret } }
#' @param fit a model for which a \code{getFix} method exists. %% ~~Describe
#' \code{fit} here~~
#' @param Llist a hypothesis matrix or a pattern to be matched or a list of
#' these %% ~~Describe \code{Llist} here~~
#' @param clevel level for confidence intervals %% ~~Describe \code{clevel}
#' here~~
#' @param data used for 'data' attribute of value returned %% ~~Describe
#' \code{data} here~~
#' @param debug %% ~~Describe \code{debug} here~~
#' @param maxrows maximum number of rows of hypothesis matrix for which a full
#' variance-covariance matrix is returned %% ~~Describe \code{maxrows} here~~
#' @param full if TRUE, the hypothesis matrix is the model matrix for
#' \code{fit} such that the estimated coefficients are the predicted values for
#' the fixed portion of the model. This is designed to allow the calculation of
#' standard errors for models for which the \code{predict} method does not
#' provide them. %% ~~Describe \code{full} here~~
#' @param fixed if \code{Llist} is a character to be used a regular expression,
#' if \code{fixed} is TRUE \code{Llist} is interpreted literally, i.e.
#' characters that have a special meaning in regular expressions are
#' interpreted literally. %% ~~Describe \code{fixed} here~~
#' @param invert if \code{Llist} is a character to be used a regular
#' expression, \code{invert == TRUE} causes the matches to be inverted so that
#' coefficients that do not match will be selected. %% ~~Describe \code{invert}
#' here~~
#' @param method 'svd' (current default) or 'qr' is the method used to find the
#' full rank version of the hypothesis matrix.  'svd' has correctly identified
#' the rank of a large hypothesis matrix where 'qr' has failed.
#' @param help obsolete %% ~~Describe \code{help} here~~
#' @return An object of class \code{wald}, with the following components 
#' @seealso \code{\link{Lform}}, \code{\link{xlevels}}, \code{\link{dlevels}},
#' \code{\link{Lall}},\code{\link{Lc}},\code{\link{Lequal}},
#' \code{\link{Ldiff}},\code{\link{Lmu}},\code{\link{Lmat}},\code{\link{Lrm}},
#' \code{\link{Leff}}, \code{\link{as.data.frame.wald}}. To extend to new
#' models see \code{\link{getFix}}. To generate hypothesis matrices for general
#' splines see \code{\link{gsp}} and \code{\link{sc}}. %% ~~objects to See Also
#' as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' # The derivative with respect
#' # to ses could be evaluated at each point in the following:
#' data(hs)
#' require( nlme )
#' fit <- lme( mathach ~ (ses + I(ses^2)) * Sex, hs, random = ~ 1 + ses | school)
#' wald( fit, 'Sex')  # sig. overall effect of Sex
#' wald( fit, ':Sex') # but no evidence of interaction with ses
#' wald( fit, '\\^2') # nor of curvature
#' # but we continue for the sake of illustration
#' L <- Lform( fit, list( 0, 1, 2*ses, 0, Sex == 'Male', (Sex == 'Male')*2*ses), hs)
#' L
#' (ww <- wald ( fit, L ))
#' wald.dd <- as.data.frame(ww, se = 2)
#' head( wald.dd )
#' require(lattice)
#' xyplot( coef + U2 + L2 ~ ses | Sex, wald.dd,
#'  main= 'Increase in predicted mathach per unit increase in ses')
#' @export
wald <- function(fit, Llist = "",clevel=0.95, data = NULL, debug = FALSE , maxrows = 25,
     full = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, invert = FALSE, method = 'svd',df = NULL) {
        if (full ) return( wald ( fit, model.matrix(fit)))
          dataf <- function(x,...) {
           x <- cbind(x)
           rn <- rownames(x)
           if( length( unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
     as.dataf <- function(x,...) {
           x <- cbind(x)
           rn <- rownames(x)
           if( length( unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL

     unique.rownames <- function(x) {
                ret <- c(tapply(1:length(x), x , function(xx) {
                    if ( length(xx) == 1) ""
                    else 1:length(xx)
                })) [tapply(1:length(x),x)]
                ret <- paste(x,ret,sep="")
#      if(debug) disp( Llist)
     if( is.character(Llist) ) Llist <- structure(list(Llist),names=Llist)
     if(!is.list(Llist)) Llist <- list(Llist)

     ret <- list()
     fix <- getFix(fit)
#      if(debug) disp(fix)
     beta <- fix$fixed
     vc <- fix$vcov

     dfs <- if(is.null(df) ) fix$df else df + 0*fix$df
#      if(debug) disp(Llist)
     for (ii in 1:length(Llist)) {
         ret[[ii]] <- list()
         Larg <- Llist[[ii]]
#          if(debug) {
#               disp(ii)
#               disp(Larg)
#          }
         L <- NULL
         if ( is.character(Larg)) {
            L <- Lmat(fit,Larg, fixed = fixed, invert = invert)
         } else {
            if ( is.numeric(Larg)) {
               if ( is.null(dim(Larg))) {
                  if(debug) disp(dim(Larg))
                  if ( (length(Larg) < length(beta)) && (all(Larg>0)||all(Larg<0)) ) {
                        L <- diag(length(beta))[Larg,]
                        dimnames(L) <- list( names(beta)[Larg], names(beta))
                  } else L <- rbind( Larg )
               else L <- Larg
#          if (debug) {
#             disp(Larg)
#             disp(L)
#          }
         ## Delete coefficients that are NA
         Ldata <- attr( L , 'data')

         ## identify rows of L that are not estimable because they depend on betas that are NA
         Lna <- L[, is.na(beta), drop = FALSE]
         narows <- apply(Lna,1, function(x) sum(abs(x))) > 0

         L <- L[, !is.na(beta),drop = FALSE]
         attr(L,'data') <- Ldata
         beta <- beta[ !is.na(beta) ]

         ## Anova
         if( method == 'qr' ) {
             qqr <- qr(t(na.omit(L)))
             #Qqr <- Q(t(L))
             L.rank <- qqr$rank
             #L.rank <- attr(Qqr,'rank')
             #L.miss <- attr(Qqr,'miss')
             if(debug)disp( t( qr.Q(qqr)))
             L.full <- t(qr.Q(qqr))[ 1:L.rank,,drop=FALSE]
             #L.full <- t(Qqr[!L.miss,])[ 1:L.rank,,drop=F]
         } else if ( method == 'svd' ) {
              if(debug) disp(L)
#              if(debug)disp( t(na.omit(t(L))))
#              sv <- svd( t(na.omit(t(L))) , nu = 0 )
             sv <- svd( na.omit(L) , nu = 0 )

              if(debug)disp( sv )
             tol.fac <- max( dim(L) ) * max( sv$d )
             if(debug)disp( tol.fac )
             if ( tol.fac > 1e6 ) warning( "Poorly conditioned L matrix, calculated numDF may be incorrect")
             tol <- tol.fac * .Machine$double.eps
             if(debug)disp( tol )
             L.rank <- sum( sv$d > tol )
             if(debug)disp( L.rank )
             if(debug)disp( t(sv$v))
             L.full <- t(sv$v)[seq_len(L.rank),,drop = FALSE]
         } else stop("method not implemented: choose 'svd' or 'qr'")

         # from package(corpcor)
         # Note that the definition tol= max(dim(m))*max(D)*.Machine$double.eps
         # is exactly compatible with the conventions used in "Octave" or "Matlab".

         if (debug && method == "qr") {

         if (debug) disp(L.full)
         if (debug) disp( vc )

         vv <-  L.full %*% vc %*% t(L.full)
         eta.hat <- L.full %*% beta
         Fstat <- (t(eta.hat) %*% qr.solve(vv,eta.hat,tol=1e-10)) / L.rank
         included.effects <- apply(L,2,function(x) sum(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE)) != 0
         denDF <- min( dfs[included.effects])
         numDF <- L.rank
         ret[[ii]]$anova <- list(numDF = numDF, denDF = denDF,
                         "F-value" = Fstat,
                         "p-value" = pf(Fstat, numDF, denDF, lower.tail = FALSE))
         ## Estimate
         etahat <- L %*% beta
        # NAs if not estimable:
        etahat[narows] <- NA
         if( nrow(L) <= maxrows ) {
              etavar <- L %*% vc %*% t(L)
              etasd <- sqrt( diag( etavar ))
         } else {
              etavar <- NULL
              etasd <- sqrt( apply( L * (L%*%vc), 1, sum))

         denDF <- apply( L , 1 , function(x,dfs) min( dfs[x!=0]), dfs = dfs)

         aod <- cbind( Estimate=c(etahat),
             Std.Error = etasd,
             DF = denDF,
             "t-value" = c(etahat/etasd),
             "p-value" = 2*pt(abs(etahat/etasd), denDF, lower.tail =FALSE))
          colnames(aod)[ncol(aod)] <- 'p-value'
       if (debug ) disp(aod)
       if ( !is.null(clevel) ) {
           hw <- qt(1 - (1-clevel)/2, aod[,'DF']) * aod[,'Std.Error']
           aod <- cbind( aod, LL = aod[,"Estimate"] - hw, UL = aod[,"Estimate"] + hw)
           if (debug ) disp(colnames(aod))
           labs <- paste(c("Lower","Upper"), format(clevel))
           colnames(aod) [ ncol(aod) + c(-1,0)] <- labs
       if (debug ) disp(rownames(aod))
       aod <- as.dataf(aod)

       rownames(aod) <- rownames(as.dataf(L))
       labs(aod) <- names(dimnames(L))[1]
       ret[[ii]]$estimate <- aod
       ret[[ii]]$coef <- c(etahat)
       ret[[ii]]$vcov <- etavar
       ret[[ii]]$L <- L
       ret[[ii]]$se <- etasd
       ret[[ii]]$L.full <- L.full
       ret[[ii]]$L.rank <- L.rank
       if( debug ) disp(attr(Larg,'data'))
       ret[[ii]]$data <- attr(Larg,'data')
  names(ret) <- names(Llist)
  attr(ret,"class") <- "wald"

#' @export
wald2 <- function(fit, Llist = "",clevel=0.95, data = NULL, debug = FALSE , maxrows = 25,
                 full = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, invert = FALSE, method = 'svd',df = NULL, RHS = 0) {
#' GM: 2015 08 11:  to do:
#'  Experimental version of wald with RHS
#' NEEDS to be restructured with
#' 1. printing must show RHS
#' 2. needs to work with a list as second argument
#' 3. should redo handling of list so RHS is in list and so
#'    list handing is outside main function

    if (full ) return( wald ( fit, model.matrix(fit)))
  dataf <- function(x,...) {
    x <- cbind(x)
    rn <- rownames(x)
    if( length( unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
  as.dataf <- function(x,...) {
    x <- cbind(x)
    rn <- rownames(x)
    if( length( unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL

  unique.rownames <- function(x) {
    ret <- c(tapply(1:length(x), x , function(xx) {
      if ( length(xx) == 1) ""
      else 1:length(xx)
    })) [tapply(1:length(x),x)]
    ret <- paste(x,ret,sep="")
  #      if(debug) disp( Llist)
  if( is.character(Llist) ) Llist <- structure(list(Llist),names=Llist)
  if(!is.list(Llist)) Llist <- list(Llist)

  ret <- list()
  fix <- getFix(fit)
  #      if(debug) disp(fix)
  beta <- fix$fixed
  vc <- fix$vcov

  dfs <- if(is.null(df) ) fix$df else df + 0*fix$df
  #      if(debug) disp(Llist)
  for (ii in 1:length(Llist)) {
    ret[[ii]] <- list()
    Larg <- Llist[[ii]]
    #          if(debug) {
    #               disp(ii)
    #               disp(Larg)
    #          }
    L <- NULL
    if ( is.character(Larg)) {
      L <- Lmat(fit,Larg, fixed = fixed, invert = invert)
    } else {
      if ( is.numeric(Larg)) {
        if ( is.null(dim(Larg))) {
          if(debug) disp(dim(Larg))
          if ( (length(Larg) < length(beta)) && (all(Larg>0)||all(Larg<0)) ) {
            L <- diag(length(beta))[Larg,]
            dimnames(L) <- list( names(beta)[Larg], names(beta))
          } else L <- rbind( Larg )
        else L <- Larg
    #          if (debug) {
    #             disp(Larg)
    #             disp(L)
    #          }
    ## Delete coefficients that are NA
    Ldata <- attr( L , 'data')

    ## identify rows of L that are not estimable because they depend on betas that are NA
    Lna <- L[, is.na(beta), drop = FALSE]
    narows <- apply(Lna,1, function(x) sum(abs(x))) > 0

    L <- L[, !is.na(beta),drop = FALSE]
    attr(L,'data') <- Ldata
    beta <- beta[ !is.na(beta) ]

    ## Anova
    if( method == 'qr' ) {
      qqr <- qr(t(na.omit(L)))
      #Qqr <- Q(t(L))
      L.rank <- qqr$rank
      #L.rank <- attr(Qqr,'rank')
      #L.miss <- attr(Qqr,'miss')
      if(debug)disp( t( qr.Q(qqr)))
      L.full <- t(qr.Q(qqr))[ 1:L.rank,,drop=FALSE]
      #L.full <- t(Qqr[!L.miss,])[ 1:L.rank,,drop=F]
    } else if ( method == 'svd' ) {
      if(debug) disp(L)
      #              if(debug)disp( t(na.omit(t(L))))
      #              sv <- svd( t(na.omit(t(L))) , nu = 0 )
      sv <- svd( na.omit(L) , nu = 0 )

      if(debug)disp( sv )
      tol.fac <- max( dim(L) ) * max( sv$d )
      if(debug)disp( tol.fac )
      if ( tol.fac > 1e6 ) warning( "Poorly conditioned L matrix, calculated numDF may be incorrect")
      tol <- tol.fac * .Machine$double.eps
      if(debug)disp( tol )
      L.rank <- sum( sv$d > tol )
      if(debug)disp( L.rank )
      if(debug)disp( t(sv$v))
      L.full <- t(sv$v)[seq_len(L.rank),,drop = FALSE]
    } else stop("method not implemented: choose 'svd' or 'qr'")

    # from package(corpcor)
    # Note that the definition tol= max(dim(m))*max(D)*.Machine$double.eps
    # is exactly compatible with the conventions used in "Octave" or "Matlab".

    if (debug && method == "qr") {

    if (debug) disp(L.full)
    if (debug) disp( vc )

    vv <-  L.full %*% vc %*% t(L.full)
    eta.hat <- L.full %*% beta
    Fstat <- (t(eta.hat) %*% qr.solve(vv,eta.hat,tol=1e-10)) / L.rank
    included.effects <- apply(L,2,function(x) sum(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE)) != 0
    denDF <- min( dfs[included.effects])
    numDF <- L.rank
    ret[[ii]]$anova <- list(numDF = numDF, denDF = denDF,
                            "F-value" = Fstat,
                            "p-value" = pf(Fstat, numDF, denDF, lower.tail = FALSE))
    ## Estimate
    etahat <- L %*% beta-RHS
    # NAs if not estimable:
    etahat[narows] <- NA
    if( nrow(L) <= maxrows ) {
      etavar <- L %*% vc %*% t(L)
      etasd <- sqrt( diag( etavar ))
    } else {
      etavar <- NULL
      etasd <- sqrt( apply( L * (L%*%vc), 1, sum))

    denDF <- apply( L , 1 , function(x,dfs) min( dfs[x!=0]), dfs = dfs)

    aod <- cbind( Estimate=c(etahat),
                  Std.Error = etasd,
                  DF = denDF,
                  "t-value" = c(etahat/etasd),
                  "p-value" = 2*pt(abs(etahat/etasd), denDF, lower.tail =FALSE))
    colnames(aod)[ncol(aod)] <- 'p-value'
    if (debug ) disp(aod)
    if ( !is.null(clevel) ) {
      hw <- qt(1 - (1-clevel)/2, aod[,'DF']) * aod[,'Std.Error']
      aod <- cbind( aod, LL = aod[,"Estimate"] - hw, UL = aod[,"Estimate"] + hw)
      if (debug ) disp(colnames(aod))
      labs <- paste(c("Lower","Upper"), format(clevel))
      colnames(aod) [ ncol(aod) + c(-1,0)] <- labs
    if (debug ) disp(rownames(aod))
    aod <- as.dataf(aod)

    rownames(aod) <- rownames(as.dataf(L))
    labs(aod) <- names(dimnames(L))[1]
    ret[[ii]]$estimate <- aod
    ret[[ii]]$coef <- c(etahat)
    ret[[ii]]$vcov <- etavar
    ret[[ii]]$RHS <- RHS
    ret[[ii]]$L <- L
    ret[[ii]]$se <- etasd
    ret[[ii]]$L.full <- L.full
    ret[[ii]]$L.rank <- L.rank
    if( debug ) disp(attr(Larg,'data'))
    ret[[ii]]$data <- attr(Larg,'data')
  names(ret) <- names(Llist)
  attr(ret,"class") <- "wald"

#' Print method for wald objects
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param x %% ~~Describe \code{x} here~~
#' @param round %% ~~Describe \code{round} here~~
#' @param pround %% ~~Describe \code{pround} here~~
#' @param \dots %% ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (x, round = 6, pround = 5, ...) 
#' {
#'     pformat <- function(x, digits = pround) {
#'         x <- format(xx <- round(x, digits))
#'         x[as.double(xx) == 0] <- paste(c("<.", rep("0", digits - 
#'             1), "1"), collapse = "")
#'         x
#'     }
#'     rnd <- function(x, digits) {
#'         if (is.numeric(x)) 
#'             x <- round(x, digits = digits)
#'         format(x)
#'     }
#'     for (ii in 1:length(x)) {
#'         nn <- names(x)[ii]
#'         tt <- x[[ii]]
#'         ta <- tt$anova
#'         ta[["p-value"]] <- pformat(ta[["p-value"]])
#'         print(as.data.frame(ta, row.names = nn))
#'         te <- tt$estimate
#'         rowlab <- attr(te, "labs")
#'         te[, "p-value"] <- pformat(te[, "p-value"])
#'         if (!is.null(round)) {
#'             for (ii in 1:length(te)) {
#'                 te[[ii]] <- rnd(te[[ii]], digits = round)
#'             }
#'         }
#'         labs(te) <- rowlab
#'         print(te, digits = round, ...)
#'         cat("\n")
#'     }
#'     invisible(x)
#'   }
#' @export
print.wald <- function(x,round = 6, pround = 5,...) {
    pformat <- function(x, digits = pround) {
        x <- format(xx <- round(x,digits))
        x[ as.double(xx) == 0 ] <- paste(c("<.",rep('0',digits-1),'1'),collapse="")
    rnd <- function(x,digits) {
        if (is.numeric(x)) x <- round(x,digits=digits)
             for( ii in 1:length(x)) {
                  nn <- names(x)[ii]
                  tt <- x[[ii]]
                  ta <- tt$anova

                  ta[["p-value"]] <- pformat(ta[["p-value"]])
                  te <- tt$estimate
                  rowlab <- attr(te,"labs")

                  te[,'p-value'] <- pformat( te[,'p-value'])
                  if ( !is.null(round)) {
                     for ( ii in 1:length(te)) {
                         te[[ii]] <- rnd(te[[ii]],digits=round)
                  labs(te) <- rowlab

#' Transform output of a Wald test into a data frame
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param obj %% ~~Describe \code{obj} here~~
#' @param se %% ~~Describe \code{se} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (obj, se = FALSE) 
#' {
#'     if (length(obj) == 1) {
#'         if (is.null(dd <- obj[[1]]$data)) 
#'             return(NULL)
#'         cf <- obj[[1]]$coef
#'         ret <- if (is.logical(se)) {
#'             if (se) 
#'                 data.frame(dd, coef = cf, se = obj[[1]]$se)
#'             else data.frame(dd, coef = cf)
#'         }
#'         else if (se > 0) {
#'             data.frame(dd, coef = cf, coefp = cf + se * obj[[1]]$se, 
#'                 coefm = cf - se * obj[[1]]$se, se = obj[[1]]$se)
#'         }
#'     }
#'     else ret <- sapply(obj, as.data.frame.wald)
#'     ret
#'   }
#' @export
as.data.frame.wald <- function( obj, se , digits = 3 , sep = "" , which = 1 ) {
# modified by GM 2010_09_20 to avoid problems with coefs with duplicate rownames
         dataf <- function(x,...) {
           x <- cbind(x)
           rn <- rownames(x)
           if( length( unique(rn)) < length(rn)) rownames(x) <- NULL
         obj = obj [which]
         if ( length(obj) == 1) {

            cf <- obj[[1]]$coef
            ret <- if ( missing(se)) data.frame( coef = cf, se = obj[[1]]$se)
            else {
               if ( is.null( names(se))) names(se) <-
                             sapply(se,function(x) as.character(round(x,digits)))
               SE <- obj[[1]]$se
               SEmat <- cbind(SE) %*% rbind(se)
               cplus <- cf + SEmat
               cminus <- cf - SEmat
               colnames(cplus) <- paste( "U",colnames(cplus),sep=sep)
               colnames(cminus) <- paste( "L",colnames(cminus),sep=sep)
               ret <- data.frame( coef = cf)
               ret <- cbind( ret, cplus, cminus)
            if( is.null(dd <- obj[[1]]$data)) return( ret)
            else return( cbind(ret, dd))
         else ret <- lapply( obj, as.data.frame.wald)

#' Extract coefficients from Wald object
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param obj %% ~~Describe \code{obj} here~~
#' @param se %% ~~Describe \code{se} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (obj, se = FALSE) 
#' {
#'     if (length(obj) == 1) {
#'         ret <- ret <- obj[[1]]$coef
#'         if (is.logical(se) && (se == TRUE)) {
#'             ret <- cbind(coef = ret, se = obj[[1]]$se)
#'         }
#'         else if (se > 0) {
#'             ret <- cbind(coef = ret, coefp = ret + se * obj[[1]]$se, 
#'                 coefm = ret - se * obj[[1]]$se)
#'             attr(ret, "factor") <- se
#'         }
#'     }
#'     else ret <- sapply(obj, coef.wald)
#'     ret
#'   }
#' @export
coef.wald <- function( obj , se = FALSE ) {
         if ( length(obj) == 1) {
            ret <-
            ret <- obj[[1]]$coef
            if ( is.logical(se) && (se == TRUE) ) {
               ret <- cbind( coef = ret, se = obj[[1]]$se)

            } else if ( se > 0 ){
               ret <- cbind( coef = ret, coefp = ret+se*obj[[1]]$se,
                      coefm = ret - se*obj[[1]]$se)
               attr(ret,'factor') <- se
         else ret <- sapply( obj, coef.wald )

##   Functions to perform a GLH on lm, lme or lmer models
##   August 13, 2005
##   Lmat: generate a hypothesis matrix based on a pattern
##   glh
##   Lmat
##   Ldiff
##   getFix
##   print.glh

#' Get information on fixed effects from a model object
#' \code{getFix} extracts coefficients, covariance matrix and degrees of
#' freedom from model objects. Its main purpose is to extract information need
#' by the \code{wald} function. To extend the wald function to a new class of
#' objects, it is merely necessary to write a method for \code{getFix}.
#' @aliases getFix getFix.default getFix.glm getFix.glmer getFix.lm getFix.lme
#' getFix.lmer getFix.mer getFix.mipo getFix.rdc getFix.rdc.lm getFix.rdc.lmer
#' getFix.multinom
#' @param fit A fitted model object
#' @param \dots Other arguments [unused]
#' @return Returns a list with the following components: %% If it is a LIST,
#' use \item{fixed}{Fixed effect parameter estimates} \item{vcov}{Covariance
#' matrix of the parameters} \item{df}{denominator degrees of freedom for each
#' effect} %% ...
#' @author Georges Monette
#' @seealso \code{\link{wald}}
#' @keywords manip models
#' @examples
#' fit <- lme( mathach ~ (ses + I(ses^2)) * Sex, hs, random = ~ 1 + ses| school)
#' getFix(fit)
#' data(Prestige, package="car")
#' mod.prestige <- lm(prestige ~ education + income, data=Prestige)
#' getFix(mod.prestige)
#' @export
getFix <- function(fit,...) UseMethod("getFix")

#' @export
getFix.multinom <- function(fit,...) {
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- c(t(coef(fit)))
  ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
  names(ret$fixed) <- rownames(ret$vcov)
  df <- nrow(na.omit(cbind(fit$residuals))) - length(ret$fixed)
  ret$df <- rep( df, length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.lm <- function(fit,...) {
       ss <- summary(fit)
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- ss$sigma^2 * ss$cov.unscaled
       ret$df <- rep(ss$df[2], length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.glm <- function(fit,...) {
       ss <- summary(fit)
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
       ret$df <- rep(ss$df.residual, length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.lme <- function(fit,...) {
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- nlme::fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- fit$varFix
       ret$df <- fit$fixDF$X

#' @export
getFix.gls <- function(fit,...) {
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <-coef(fit)
  ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
  ds <- fit$dims
  df <- ds[[1]] - sum( unlist( ds[-1]))
  ret$df <- rep(df, length(coef(fit)))

#' @export
getFix.lmer <- function(fit,...) {
  # 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit)
  ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix( vcov(fit) )
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.glmer <- function(fit,...) {
  # 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit)

  ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(fit))
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.mer <- function(fit,...) {
  # 2014 06 04: changed fit@fixef to fixef(fit)

       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(fit))
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.zeroinfl <- function(fit,...){
       ret <- list()
       ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
       ret$vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(fit))
       # ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)
       ret$df <- rep( Inf, length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.mipo <- function( fit, ...){
  # pooled multiple imputation object in mice
  # uses the minimal df for components with non-zero weights
  # -- this is probably too conservative and should
  # improved
  ret <- list()
  ret$fixed <- fit$qbar
  ret$vcov <- fit$t
  ret$df <- fit$df

#' Generic 'vcov' extended to 'lmer' objects
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (fit) 
#' {
#'     getFix(fit)$vcov
#'   }
#' @export
Vcov <- function(fit) {

#' Correlation matrix of fixed effects
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (fit) 
#' {
#'     vc <- cov2cor(getFix(fit)$vcov)
#'     svds <- svd(vc)$d
#'     attribute(vc, "conditionNumber") <- svds[1]/svds[length(svds)]
#'     vc
#'   }
#' @export
Vcor <- function(fit) {
     vc <- cov2cor(getFix(fit)$vcov)
     svds <- svd(vc)$d
     attribute(vc,'conditionNumber') <- svds[1]/svds[length(svds)]

###  getFix: function designed to be used internally to get coef, var(coef) and df.resid

#' @export
getFix.rdc <- function(fit, ...) UseMethod("getFix")

#' @export
getFix.rdc.lmer <- function(fit, ...) {
            ret <- list()
            ret$fixed <- fixef(fit)
            ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
            ret$df <- Matrix:::getFixDF(fit)

#' @export
getFix.rdc.lm <- function(fit, ...) {
          ret <- list()
          ret$fixed <- coef(fit)
          ret$vcov <- vcov(fit)
          ret$df <- fit$df.residuals

#' @export
getFix.MCMCglmm <- function(fit,...) {
    ret <- list()
    ret$fixed <- apply(fit$Sol, 2, mean)
    ret$vcov <- var( fit $ Sol)
    ret$df <- rep(Inf, length(ret$fixed))

#' @export
getFix.default <- function(fit, ...) stop(paste("Write a 'getFix' method for class",class(fit)))

#  getData is to lme what model.frame is to lm
#  getData is implemented as a method in nlme
#  so we just add a method for 'lm' objects

#' @export
getData <- function(x,...) UseMethod("getData")
#' @export
getData.lmer <- function(x,...) x@frame
#' @export
getData.lme <- function(x,...) nlme:::getData.lme(x,...)
#' @export
getData.lm <- function(x,...) model.frame(x,...)

# get the names of variables that are factors

#' @export
getFactorNames <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("getFactorNames")

#' @export
getFactorNames.data.frame <- function(object,...) {
     names(object)[ sapply(object, is.factor)  ]

#' @export
getFactorNames.default <- function(object,...) getFactorNames( getData(object))

## print method for objects of class 'cat'

#' Print method for 'cat' objects
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param x %% ~~Describe \code{x} here~~
#' @param \dots %% ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (x, ...) 
#' {
#'     cat(x, ...)
#'     invisible(x)
#'   }
#' @export
print.cat <- function(object,...) {


#' Hypothesis matrix generated by expressions %% ~~function to do ... ~~
#' Creates an L matrix using expressions evaluated in 'data' for each column of
#' the L matrix %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function
#' does. ~~
#' If \code{Lform} is called with only a \code{fit} argument, it outputs code
#' consisting of an expression that would, if used as the \code{fmla} argument
#' to \code{Lform} would generate the full design matrix for the linear model.
#' If \code{Lform} is call with two or three arguments, it generates a
#' hypothesis matrix by evaluating the expressions in \code{form} in the
#' environment \code{data}. The function \code{M} is designed to facilitate the
#' generation of blocks of the hypothesis matrix corresponding to main effects
#' or interaction effects of factors.  \verb{ Creates a linear hypothesis
#' matrix, i.e. an L matrix, using formulas evaluated in 'data' for each column
#' of the L matrix. This approach lends itself to creating hypotheses and
#' estimates based on data such as partial derivatives with respect to
#' variables evaluated at each data point.
#' An example is the estimation of growth rates in longitudinal models.
#' library(car) library(spida) fit <- lm( income ~ (education + I(education^2)
#' )* type, Prestige) summary(fit)
#' . . .  Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 891.3
#' 23889.1 0.037 0.97032 education 210.0 5638.8 0.037 0.97037 I(education^2)
#' 38.3 328.3 0.117 0.90740 typeprof 191523.2 63022.0 3.039 0.00312 ** typewc
#' 25692.3 73888.0 0.348 0.72887 education:typeprof -28133.0 10236.0 -2.748
#' 0.00725 ** education:typewc -4485.4 14007.9 -0.320 0.74956
#' I(education^2):typeprof 1017.5 451.8 2.252 0.02679 * I(education^2):typewc
#' 170.9 671.6 0.255 0.79967 . . .
#' # estimate the marginal value of occupation for each occupation in the data
#' set
#' L <- list( 'marginal value of education' =Lform( fit, form = list(
#' 0,1,2*education, 0,0, type == 'prof', type == 'wc', 2*education
#' *(type=='prof'), 2* education * (type == 'wc')), data = Prestige)) wald(
#' fit, L ) chat <- coef( wald( fit, L ), se = 2) xyplot( coef +coefp+coefm ~
#' education | type, cbind(Prestige,chat)[order(Prestige$education),], type =
#' 'l') xyplot( chat~ education | type, Prestige) }
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @aliases Lform M M.factor M.default *.M <.factor <=.factor >.factor
#' >=.factor
#' @param fit a fitted model with a 'getFix' method. %% ~~Describe \code{fit}
#' here~~
#' @param expr.list a list of expressions with one component for each column
#' (or groups of columns) of the hypothesis matrix corresponding to each term
#' of the model. A term with multiple degrees of freedom can either be
#' generated as separate single terms or with an expression that evaluates to a
#' suitable matrix. %% ~~Describe \code{form} here~~
#' @param data the data frame in which expressions are evaluated. %% ~~Describe
#' \code{data} here~~
#' @param formula as an argument of \code{M}, a one-sided formula defining a
#' main effect or an interaction term involving factors.
#' @param expr as an argument of \code{M}, an expression that can be evaluated
#' in each row of \code{data} to form element(s) of the corresponding row of
#' \code{L}.  formula defining a main effect or an interaction term involving
#' factors.
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso \code{\link{wald},\link{Leff}} and \code{\link{Lfx}} for a new
#' improved but experimental version.
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'       library(car)
#'       mod <- lm( income ~ (education + I(education^2) )* type, Prestige)
#'       summary(mod)
#'       # estimate the marginal value of an extra year of education for a
#'       # range of years for each type
#'       years.type <- expand.grid( education = seq(6,18,2), type = levels(Prestige$type))
#'       Lf <- Lform( mod,
#'          list( 0, 1, 2*education, 0, 0, type =="prof", type =="wc",
#'             2*education*(type =="prof"), 2*education*(type =="wc")),
#'          years.type)
#'       Lf
#'       ww <- wald( mod, Lf)
#'       ww
#'       ytderiv <- as.data.frame( ww, se = 2)
#'       head( ytderiv )
#'       xyplot( coef ~ education, ytderiv, groups = type, type = 'l',
#'               auto.key = list(columns = 3, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
Lform <- function( fit, form, data = getData(fit)) {
 # 2011-12-01: replaced with version below
      if (missing(form)) return ( Lcall(fit))
      gg <- getFix(fit)
      Lsub <- do.call(cbind,eval( substitute( form ), data))
      if( (nrow(Lsub) != nrow( data))) {
          if ((nrow(Lsub)==1)) Lsub <- Lsub[rep(1,nrow(data)),]
          else stop('nrow(Lsub) != nrow(data)')
      if( is.null( colnames(Lsub))) colnames(Lsub) <- rep('',ncol(Lsub))
      L <- matrix( 0, nrow = nrow(Lsub), ncol = length( gg$fixed))
      rownames(L) <- rownames(data)
      colnames(L) <- names( gg$fixed)
      Lpos <- Lsub[, colnames(Lsub) == '', drop = FALSE]
      # disp(Lpos)
      Lnamed <- Lsub[ , colnames(Lsub) !='', drop  = FALSE]
      # disp(Lnamed)
      for ( ip in seq_len( ncol( Lpos ))) L[,ip] <- Lpos[,ip]
      if ( ncol( Lnamed ) > 0 ) {
         if ( length( unknown <- setdiff( colnames(Lnamed) , colnames(L)))) {
              stop( paste("Unknown effect(s):" , unknown, collapse = " "))
         for ( nn in colnames(Lnamed)) L[,nn] <- Lnamed[,nn]
      attr(L,"data") <- data

# 2012 12 04
# Plan for Lform

# 2012 12 05: Lform becomes Lex to acknowledge the fact that it uses
# expressions instead of formulas

#' Generate a hypothesis matrix
#' Generates a hypothesis matrix to test whether a group of coefficients in a
#' linear model are jointly zero, selecting the coefficients that match a
#' regular expression.
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param pattern %% ~~Describe \code{pattern} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (fit, pattern) 
#' {
#'     umatch <- function(pat, x) {
#'         ret <- rep(0, length(pat))
#'         for (ii in 1:length(pat)) {
#'             imatch <- grep(pat[ii], x)
#'             if (length(imatch) != 1) {
#'                 cat("\nBad match of:\n")
#'                 print(pat)
#'                 cat("in:\n")
#'                 print(x)
#'                 stop("Bad match")
#'             }
#'             ret[ii] <- imatch
#'         }
#'         ret
#'     }
#'     if (is.character(fit)) {
#'         x <- pattern
#'         pattern <- fit
#'         fit <- x
#'     }
#'     fe <- getFix(fit)$fixed
#'     ne <- names(fe)
#'     if (is.character(pattern)) {
#'         L.indices <- grep(pattern, names(fe))
#'         ret <- diag(length(fe))[L.indices, , drop = F]
#'         rownames(ret) <- names(fe)[L.indices]
#'         labs(ret) <- "Coefficients"
#'     }
#'     else if (is.list(pattern)) {
#'         ret <- matrix(0, nrow = length(pattern), ncol = length(fe))
#'         colnames(ret) <- ne
#'         for (ii in 1:length(pattern)) {
#'             Lcoefs <- pattern[[ii]]
#'             pos <- umatch(names(Lcoefs), ne)
#'             if (any(is.na(pos))) 
#'                 stop("Names of L coefs not matched in fixed effects")
#'             ret[ii, pos] <- Lcoefs
#'         }
#'         rownames(ret) <- names(pattern)
#'     }
#'     labs(ret) <- "Coefficients"
#'     ret
#'   }
#' @export
Lmat <- function(fit, pattern, fixed = FALSE, invert = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
     # pattern can be a character used as a regular expression in grep
     # or a list with each component generating  a row of the matrix
     umatch <- function( pat, x ) {
            ret <- rep(0,length(pat))
            for ( ii in 1:length(pat)) {
                imatch <- grep(pat[ii], x, fixed= fixed, invert = invert)
                if ( length(imatch) != 1) {
                   cat("\nBad match of:\n")
                   stop("Bad match")
                ret[ii] <- imatch
     if ( is.character(fit)) {
        x <- pattern
        pattern <- fit
        fit <- x
     fe <- getFix(fit)$fixed
     ne <- names(fe)
     if (is.character(pattern)) {
        L.indices <- grep(pattern,names(fe))
        ret <- diag( length(fe)) [L.indices,,drop = FALSE]
        if (debug) disp(ret)
        rownames(ret) <- names(fe) [L.indices]
        labs(ret) <- "Coefficients"
     } else if (is.list(pattern)){
        ret <- matrix(0, nrow = length(pattern), ncol = length(fe))
        colnames(ret) <- ne
        for ( ii in 1:length(pattern)) {
            Lcoefs <- pattern[[ii]]
            pos <- umatch(names(Lcoefs), ne)
            if ( any( is.na(pos))) stop("Names of L coefs not matched in fixed effects")
            ret[ii, pos] <- Lcoefs
        rownames(ret) <- names(pattern)
      labs(ret) <- "Coefficients"

#' Older version of Ldiff
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param pat %% ~~Describe \code{pat} here~~
#' @param levnames %% ~~Describe \code{levnames} here~~
#' @param reflevel %% ~~Describe \code{reflevel} here~~
#' @param cut %% ~~Describe \code{cut} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (fit, pat, levnames = c(reflevel, substring(rownames(L), 
#'     cut + 1)), reflevel = "<ref>", cut = nchar(pat)) 
#' {
#'     L <- Lmat(fit, pat)
#'     nam <- rownames(L)
#'     n <- nrow(L)
#'     if (n < 2) 
#'         return(L)
#'     plus <- unlist(apply(rbind(2:n), 2, seq, n))
#'     minus <- rep(1:(n - 1), (n - 1):1)
#'     Lp <- L[plus, ]
#'     Lm <- L[minus, ]
#'     Lret <- rbind(L, Lp - Lm)
#'     rn <- paste(levnames[c(1:n, plus) + 1], levnames[c(rep(0, 
#'         n), minus) + 1], sep = " - ")
#'     rownames(Lret) <- rn
#'     Lret
#'   }
#' @export
Ldiff.old <- function(fit, pat, levnames = c(reflevel,substring(rownames(L),cut+1)),
                       reflevel = "<ref>", cut = nchar(pat)) {
         L <- Lmat(fit, pat)
         nam <- rownames(L)
         n <- nrow(L)
         if(n < 2) return(L)
         plus <- unlist( apply( rbind( 2:n), 2, seq, n))
         minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
         Lp <- L[ plus, ]
         Lm <- L[ minus, ]
         Lret <- rbind( L, Lp - Lm)
         rn <- paste( levnames[ c(1:n,plus) + 1], levnames[ c(rep(0,n), minus)+1], sep = " - ")
         rownames(Lret) <- rn

#' Version of Ldiff used in RDC
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param nam %% ~~Describe \code{nam} here~~
#' @param ref %% ~~Describe \code{ref} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (fit, nam, ref = "no longer used") 
#' {
#'     Lm <- Lmu(fit, nam)
#'     levs <- rownames(Lm)
#'     n <- nrow(Lm)
#'     if (n < 2) 
#'         return(Lm)
#'     plus <- unlist(apply(rbind(2:n), 2, seq, n))
#'     minus <- rep(1:(n - 1), (n - 1):1)
#'     Lret <- Lm[plus, ] - Lm[minus, ]
#'     rn <- paste(levs[plus], levs[minus], sep = " - ")
#'     rownames(Lret) <- rn
#'     Lret
#'   }
#' @export
Ldiff.rdc <- function( fit, nam , ref = "no longer used") {
      # based on Lmu
      # Tests all pairwise difference in factor with model with Intercept term
      Lm <- Lmu(fit, nam)
      levs <- rownames(Lm)
      n <- nrow(Lm)
      if (n < 2) return (Lm)
      plus <- unlist( apply ( rbind(2:n), 2, seq, n))
      minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
      Lret <- Lm[plus,] - Lm[minus,]
      rn <- paste( levs [plus], levs[minus] , sep = " - ")
      rownames(Lret) <- rn

#' Hypothesis matrix for ...
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param pat %% ~~Describe \code{pat} here~~
#' @param levnames %% ~~Describe \code{levnames} here~~
#' @param reflevel %% ~~Describe \code{reflevel} here~~
#' @param cut %% ~~Describe \code{cut} here~~
#' @param verbose %% ~~Describe \code{verbose} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (fit, pat, levnames = c(reflevel, substring(rownames(L), 
#'     cut + 1)), reflevel = "<ref>", cut = nchar(pat), verbose = F) 
#' {
#'     L <- Lmat(fit, pat)
#'     nam <- rownames(L)
#'     n <- nrow(L)
#'     zm <- matrix(1:n, nrow = n, ncol = n)
#'     plus <- zm[col(zm) < row(zm)]
#'     minus <- rep(1:(n - 1), (n - 1):1)
#'     Lp <- L[plus, ]
#'     Lm <- L[minus, ]
#'     Lret <- rbind(L, Lp - Lm)
#'     pnames <- levnames[c(1:n, plus) + 1]
#'     mnames <- levnames[c(rep(0, n), minus) + 1]
#'     if (verbose) {
#'         print(levnames)
#'         print(plus)
#'         print(minus)
#'         print(Lp)
#'         print(Lm)
#'         print(L)
#'         print(Lret)
#'         print(pnames)
#'         print(mnames)
#'     }
#'     rn <- paste(levnames[c(1:n, plus) + 1], levnames[c(rep(0, 
#'         n), minus) + 1], sep = " - ")
#'     rownames(Lret) <- rn
#'     Lret
#'   }
#' @export
Ldiff <- function( fit, pat, levnames = c(reflevel,substring(rownames(L),cut+1)),
         reflevel ="<ref>", cut=nchar(pat),verbose=F) {
      L <- Lmat(fit, paste("^",pat,sep=""))
      nam <- rownames(L)
      n <- nrow(L)
      zm <- matrix(1:n,nrow=n,ncol=n)
      plus <- zm[ col(zm) < row(zm)]
      minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
      Lp <- L[plus,]
      Lm <- L[minus,]
      Lret <- rbind( L, Lp - Lm)
         pnames <- levnames [ c(1:n, plus) +1]
      mnames <- levnames [ c(rep(0,n), minus) + 1]
      if (verbose) {
      rn <- paste( levnames[ c(1:n,plus)+1], levnames[ c(rep(0,n),minus) + 1], sep = " - ")
      rownames(Lret) <- rn

#' Estimate predicted response for a factor level.
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param nam %% ~~Describe \code{nam} here~~
#' @param verbose %% ~~Describe \code{verbose} here~~
#' @export
Lmu <- function(fit, nam, verbose = 0) {
       ## "Works only if 'nam' is a factor and a main effect and model has Intercept")
       if ( class(fit) != 'lmer' ) stop( "only implemented for lmer")
       v <- fit@frame[[nam]]
       if( !is.factor(v)) stop ("nam needs to specify the name of a factor")
       levs <- levels(v)
       if( verbose > 0) print(levs)
       cmat <- contrasts(v)
       if( verbose > 0) print(cmat)
       #  print(cmat)
       fe <- getFix(fit)$fixed
       if( verbose > 0) print(fe)
       if ( substring(nam,1,1) != '^') nam <- paste("^",nam,sep="")
       L.indices <- grep(nam,names(fe))
       if( verbose > 0) print(L.indices)
       L <- matrix(0,nrow=length(levs), ncol = length(fe))

       colnames(L) <- names(fe)
       if( verbose > 0) print(L)
          rownames(L) <- levs
       L[,L.indices] <- cmat
       if('(Intercept)' %in% colnames(L)) L[,'(Intercept)'] <- 1

#' Hypothesis matrix for lmer objects: comparisons with reference level
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param nam %% ~~Describe \code{nam} here~~
#' @param ref %% ~~Describe \code{ref} here~~
#' @param verbose %% ~~Describe \code{verbose} here~~
#' @export
Lc <- function(fit, nam, ref = 1, verbose = 0) {
       ## Comparisons with one level
       ## Use Lmu
       ## "Works only if 'nam' is a factor and a main effect and model has Intercept?")
       if ( class(fit) != 'lmer' ) stop( "only implemented for lmer")
       L <- Lmu( fit, nam)
       Lref <- L[ ref,,drop = FALSE]
       index <- 1:nrow(L)
       names(index) <- rownames(L)
       refind <- index[ref]
       if (length(refind) != 1) stop( paste( ref, "does not refer to a single level"))
       Lret <- L[-refind,]
       Lret <- Lret - cbind( rep(1,nrow(Lret))) %*% Lref
       attr(Lret,"heading") <- paste("Comparisons with reference level:", rownames(L)[refind])

#' Construct hypothesis matrix to test repeated measures factor effects
#' Construct hypothesis matrix to test repeated measures factor effects
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param nam %% ~~Describe \code{nam} here~~
#' @param vals %% ~~Describe \code{vals} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (fit, nam, vals = 1:nrow(L.mu)) 
#' {
#'     L.mu <- Lmu(fit, nam)
#'     pp <- cbind(1, Poly(vals, nrow(L.mu) - 1))
#'     ortho <- Q(pp)[, -1]
#'     ortho <- ortho[, -1]
#'     maxp <- max(5, nrow(L.mu))
#'     colnames(ortho) <- c("linear", "quadratic", "cubic", paste("^", 
#'         4:maxp, sep = ""))[1:ncol(ortho)]
#'     L <- t(ortho) %*% L.mu
#'     L
#'   }
#' @export
Lrm <- function(fit, nam, vals = 1:nrow(L.mu)) {
    ## Repeated measures polynomial contrasts
    ## Uses Lmu
    ## "Works only if 'nam' is a factor and a main effect and model has Intercept?")
    L.mu <- Lmu(fit, nam)
    # print(L.mu)
    pp <- cbind( 1, Poly(vals, nrow(L.mu) -1))
    # print(pp)
    ortho <- Q(pp)[,-1] # (linear, quad, etc.)
    # print(ortho)
    ortho <- ortho[,-1]
    maxp <- max( 5, nrow(L.mu))
    colnames(ortho) <- c('linear','quadratic','cubic', paste("^",4:maxp,sep=''))[1:ncol(ortho)]
    L <- t(ortho) %*% L.mu
# Lrm(fit, "SRH94")

#' @export
Lcall <- function( fit , factors = getFactorNames(fit), debug = F){

      nams <- names(getFix(fit)$fixed)

      nams <- gsub( "^", ":", nams)   # delineate terms
      nams <- gsub( "$", ":", nams)   # delineate terms
      for ( ff in factors)   {
          ff.string <- paste( ff, "([^:]*)" , sep = '')
          if(debug) disp( ff.string)
          ff.rep <- paste(ff, " == \\'\\1\\'", sep = '')
          if(debug) disp(ff.rep)
          nams <- gsub( ff.string, ff.rep, nams)
     # for ( ii in seq_along(matrix)) {
     #     mm.all   <- paste( "(:",names(matrix)[ii], "[^\\)]*\\))",sep='')
     #     mm.match <- paste( "(",names(matrix)[ii], "[^\\)]*\\))",matrix[ii], sep ='')
     #     mm.rep   <- paste( "\\1")
     #     which.null <- grepl( mm.all, nams) mm.null  <-
     # }
      nams <- sub("(Intercept)", 1, nams)
      nams <- gsub( "^:","(",nams)
      nams <- gsub( ":$",")",nams)
      nams <- gsub( ":", ") * (", nams)
      #if(comment) nams <- paste( nams, "  #",nams)
      nams <- paste( "with (data, \n cbind(", paste( nams, collapse = ",\n"), ")\n)\n", collapse = "")
      class(nams) <- 'cat'

#' Hypothesis matrix for equality of factor level effects
#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param fit %% ~~Describe \code{fit} here~~
#' @param pat %% ~~Describe \code{pat} here~~
#' @export
Lequal <- function(fit, pat) {
       # Test for equality within levels of pat using all differences
         L <- Lmat(fit, pat)
         nam <- rownames(L)
         n <- nrow(L)
         if(n < 2) return(L)
         plus <- unlist( apply( rbind( 2:n), 2, seq, n))
         minus <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
         Lp <- L[ plus, ]
         Lm <- L[ minus, ]
         Lret <- rbind( Lp - Lm)
         rn <- paste( nam[plus], nam[minus], sep = " - ")
         rownames(Lret) <- rn

#Lc <- function(fit, vec ){
#   fe <- getFix(fit)$fixed
#   ret <- 0 * fe
#   if ( is.null(names(vec))) ret[] <-
# Lmu(fit,"SRH")

#' @export
Lall <- function( fit , nam ) {
        if ( class(fit) != 'lmer' ) stop( "only implemented for lmer")
        v <- fit@frame[[nam]]
        if( !is.factor(v)) stop ("nam needs to specify the name of a factor")
        lev0 <- levels(v)[1]
        ret <-list()
        namf <- nam
        if ( substring(namf,1,1) != "^") namf <- paste("^", namf, sep ="")
        ret[[ nam ]] <- Lmat( fit, namf)
        ret[[ paste(nam,"mu",sep = '.') ]] <- Lmu(fit,nam)
        ret[[ paste(nam,"diff",sep = '.') ]] <- Ldiff( fit , nam)


#' Create 'derivatives' and 'means' of factors to generate, for example,
#' pairwise differences or centres of existing factor for prediction
#' The functions \code{xlevels} and \code{dlevels} are primarily intended to
#' create arguments for \code{expand.grid} to create 'prediction' or 'effect
#' data frames', to generate wald tests and estimates of specific effects in
#' models with interactions,
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @aliases xlevels dlevels Pmat Pmat_diffmat
#' @param f a factor or otherwise a vector interpreted as the levels of a
#' factor %% ~~Describe \code{f} here~~
#' @param type one or more types of contrasts ('derivative') or means (convex
#' combinations) of factor levels
#' @param all for some values of \code{type}, indicates whether to use all
#' contrasts. e.g. \code{type = "pairwise"} will produce pairwise comparisons
#' in both directions if \code{all == TRUE}
#' @param sep can add spaces in constructed factor levels
#' @param w weights used for each factor level in creating contrasts
#' differentiating a factor level from others. Weights corresponding to
#' frequencies in the data frame result in effects corresponding to type II
#' effects while equal weights correspond to type III effects for interacting
#' specific effects %% ~~Describe \code{w} here~~
#' @return %% ~Describe the value returned %% If it is a LIST, use %%
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author %% ~~who you are~~
#' @seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#' ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#' @export
xlevels <- function(f,   type = c("raw","<mean>"),
        all = FALSE, sep = '') {
      # produces the equivalent of differentiation for a factor
      # optionally pairwise differences,
      # differences from the mean of other levels
      # or the difference from the weighted mean of other levels

      # BUG?: assumes no hyphens in original factor -> change sep

      if( !is.factor (f))   f <- factor( f, levels = f)
      cmat <- contrasts(f)
      nams <- levels(f)
      n <- length(nams)
      Pmats <- lapply(  type, function(x) Pmat( f, x, all = all, sep = sep))
      Pmat <- do.call( rbind, Pmats)
      Cmat <- Pmat %*% cmat
      if( length(unique(rownames(Cmat))) == 1)  single <- TRUE else single <- FALSE
      if (single) Cmat <- rbind( Cmat,'___' = 0 )     #   CHANGE THIS
      fr <- factor(rownames(Cmat), levels=unique(rownames(Cmat)))
      contrasts(fr,n-1) <- Cmat
      names(fr) <- fr
      if (single) fr <- fr[-length(fr)]

#' @export
dlevels <- function(f, type = "pairwise", all = FALSE, sep = '') {
      # produces the equivalent of differentiation for a factor
      # optionally pairwise differences,
      # differences from the mean of other levels
      # or the difference from the weighted mean of other levels

      # BUG?: assumes no hyphens in original factor -> change sep

      if( !is.factor (f))   f <- factor( f, levels = f)
      cmat <- contrasts(f)
      nams <- levels(f)
      n <- length(nams)
      Pmats <- lapply(  type, function(x) Pmat( f, x, all = all, sep = sep))
      Pmat <- do.call( rbind, Pmats)
      Cmat <- Pmat %*% cmat
      if( length(unique(rownames(Cmat))) == 1)  single <- TRUE else single <- FALSE
      if (single) Cmat <- rbind( Cmat,'<NULL>' = 0 )     #   CHANGE THIS
      fr <- factor(rownames(Cmat), levels=unique(rownames(Cmat)))
      contrasts(fr,n-1) <- Cmat
      names(fr) <- fr
      if (single) fr <- fr[-length(fr)]

# wtd mean of all but 1
# The common problem in all of the following is the generation of a Pmat matrix
# that combines rows of 'cmat' to achieve what it wants

#' @export
Pmat <- function( f ,
      type = c("factor","raw","mean","(mean)","<mean>","II",
      "cen","cent","center","centre","<centre>" , "<center>" ,
      "(center)","(centre)","III","pairwise",  "<others.m>", "<others.c>",
        "diff", "diffmean","diffc","diffcen","diffcentre","diffcentre"),
        all = FALSE, sep = '')
     if( length(type) > 1) return( do.call( rbind, lapply( type, function( t ) Pmat( f, t))))
     type <- match.arg(type)
     if( ! is.factor(f)) f <- factor( f, levels = unique(f))
     switch( type,
        raw =, factor = {
            ret <- diag(length(levels(f)))
            dimnames(ret) <- list(levels(f),levels(f))
        cen =, cent =, center =, centre = , "III" = , "(centre)" = , "(center)", "<centre>" = , "<center>"  = {
            nlevs = length( levels(f) )
            matrix(rep(1/nlevs, nlevs), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(type, levels(f)))
        mean =, "(mean)"=,  "<mean>"=, "II" = {
            matrix(table(f) / length(f), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(type, levels(f)))
        pairwise = {
            nams <- levels(f)
            n <- length(nams)
            #if( length(nams) == 2) all = TRUE
            if ( all ) { # all comparisons
                plus <- rep( 1:n, n)
                minus <- rep (1:n, each = n)
                drop <- plus == minus
                plus <- plus[!drop]
                minus <- minus[!drop]
            } else {  # no duplicates
                zm <- matrix(1:n, nrow = n, ncol = n)
                plus <- zm[col(zm) < row(zm)]
                minus <- rep(1:(n - 1), (n - 1):1)
            nrows <- length(plus)
            ret <- matrix( 0, nrows, n)
            ret[ cbind(1:nrows,minus) ] <- -1
            ret[ cbind(1:nrows,plus) ] <- 1
            rownames(ret) <- paste( nams[plus],'-', nams[minus], sep='')
            colnames(ret) <- nams
        } ,
        diff =, diffmean =, "<others.m>"= {
          ret <- Pmat_diffmat( table(f)/length(f) )
          rownames(ret) <- paste(rownames(ret),"-<others.m>", sep = sep)
        } ,
        diffcentre =, diffcenter =, diffc =, diffcen = , "<others.c>"= {
          levs <- levels(f)
          w <- rep(1/length(levs), length(levs))
          names(w) <- levs
          ret <- Pmat_diffmat( w )
          rownames(ret) <- paste(rownames(ret),"-<others.c>", sep = sep)

Pmat_diffmat   <- function( w )  {
# generates matrix to apply to contrasts to yield differences
# from means of other levels (perhaps more interesting than pairwise?)
# A utitlity function for 'Pmat'
     ret <- - outer( 1/(1-w) , w, "*")
     diag(ret) <- 1
     dimnames( ret ) <- list( names(w), names(w))

#' @export
wald.transform <- function (x, fun, label = "Transformed coefficients") {
  # transforms estimates and confidence intervals for wald, uses delta method
  # for se
  ant <- x[[1]]$estimate
  coefs <- as.double(ant$Estimate)
#   disp(coefs)
  trs <- numericDeriv( quote(fun(coefs)), 'coefs')
#   disp(trs)
  ant$Estimate <- c(trs)
  derivs <- abs( diag(as.matrix(attr(trs,'gradient'))))
  ant[["Std.Error"]] <- derivs * ant[["Std.Error"]]
  low.ind <- grep("^Lower ", colnames(ant))
  up.ind <- grep("^Upper ", colnames(ant))
  ant[[low.ind]] <- fun(ant[[low.ind]])
  ant[[up.ind]] <- fun(ant[[up.ind]])
  attr(ant,'labs') <- label
  x <- x[1]
  x[[1]]$estimate <- ant
  class(x) <- 'wald'
gmonette/spida15 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:26 a.m.