
Defines functions referencecn.mops .referencecn.mops

Documented in referencecn.mops

# Copyright (C) 2011 Klambauer Guenter 
# <klambauer@bioinf.jku.at>

#cn.mops for given references
.referencecn.mops <- function(x,lambda,I = c(0.025,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4), 
		classes=c("CN0","CN1","CN2","CN3","CN4","CN5","CN6","CN7","CN8"), cov,
		alpha.prior=c(0.1,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1)) {
	N <- length(x)
	if (all(x<=minReadCount) & lambda <= minReadCount) {
		n <- length(I)
		idxCN2 <- which(classes=="CN2")
		alpha.est <- rep(0,n)
		alpha.est[idxCN2] <- 1
		expCN <- rep(classes[idxCN2],N)
		ini <- 0
		ExpLogFoldChange <- rep(0,N)
		if (returnPosterior){
			post.ik <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=N)
			post.ik[idxCN2, ] <- 1
			l <-  list ("lambda"=lambda*I, "alpha"=alpha.est, "expectedCN"=expCN,
		} else {
			l <-  list ("lambda"=lambda*I, "alpha"=alpha.est, "expectedCN"=expCN,
	} else {
		#if (adjL){
			# experimental-- deactivated
			#lmu <- lambda
			#lvar <- lmu/M*1/priorImpact
			#lambda <- 0.5*(lmu-M*lvar)+sqrt((lmu-M*lvar)^2/4+lvar*sum(x))
		if (N>1){
			alpha.ik <- (sapply(I,function(ii) 
			alpha.ik <- pmax(alpha.ik,1e-100)
			alpha.ik <- alpha.ik*alpha.prior
			alpha.ik <- t(alpha.ik/rowSums(alpha.ik))
			alpha.est <- rowMeans(alpha.ik)
			expCN <- classes[apply(alpha.ik,2,function(x) which(x==max(x))[1] )]
			ini <- mean(abs(log2(I)) %*% alpha.ik)
			ExpLogFoldChange <-  log2(I) %*%  alpha.ik
		} else {
			alpha.ik <- (sapply(I,function(ii) 
			alpha.ik <- pmax(alpha.ik,1e-100)
			alpha.ik <- alpha.ik*alpha.prior
			alpha.ik <- alpha.ik/sum(alpha.ik)
			alpha.est <- (alpha.ik)
			expCN <- classes[ which.max(alpha.ik)][1]
			ini <- mean(abs(log2(I)) %*% alpha.ik)
			ExpLogFoldChange <-  log2(I) %*%  alpha.ik
		if (returnPosterior){
			l <-  list ("lambda"=lambda*I, "alpha"=alpha.est, "expectedCN"=expCN, 
					"sini"=ExpLogFoldChange, "ini"=ini, "post"=alpha.ik)
		} else {
			l <-  list ("lambda"=lambda*I, "alpha"=alpha.est, "expectedCN"=expCN, 
					"sini"=ExpLogFoldChange, "ini"=ini, "post"=NA)

#' @title Copy number detection in NGS data with in a control versus cases 
#' setting. 
#' @name referencecn.mops
#' @description This function performs the an alternative version of the
#' cn.mops algorithm adapted to a setting of control versus cases
#' @param cases Either an instance of "GRanges" or a raw data matrix, where
#' columns are interpreted as samples and rows as genomic regions. An entry is
#' the read count of a sample in the genomic region.
#' @param controls Either an instance of "GRanges" or a raw data matrix, where
#' columns are interpreted as samples and rows as genomic regions. An entry is
#' the read count of a sample in the genomic region.
#' @param I Vector positive real values that contain the expected fold change
#' of the copy number classes.  Length of this vector must be equal to the 
#' length of the "classes" parameter vector. For human copy number polymorphisms 
#' we suggest to use the default I = c(0.025,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,8,16,32,64).
#' @param classes Vector of characters of the same length as the parameter
#' vector "I". One vector element must be named "CN2". The names reflect the 
#' labels of the copy number classes. 
#' Default = paste("CN",c(0:8,16,32,64,128),sep="").
#' @param priorImpact Positive real value that reflects how strong the prior
#' assumption affects the result. The higher the value the more samples will
#' be assumed to have copy number 2. Default = 1.
#' @param cyc Positive integer that sets the number of cycles for the algorithm.
#' Usually after less than 15 cycles convergence is reached. Default = 20.
#' @param parallel How many cores are used for the computation. If set to zero
#' than no parallelization is applied. Default = 0.
#' @param norm The normalization strategy to be used. 
#' If set to 0 the read counts are not normalized and cn.mops does not model 
#' different coverages. 
#' If set to 1 the read counts are normalized. 
#' If set to 2 the read counts are not normalized and cn.mops models different
#' coverages. (Default=1).
#' @param normType Mode of the normalization technique. Possible values are 
#' "mean","min","median","quant", "poisson" and "mode". 
#' Read counts will be scaled sample-wise. Default = "poisson".
#' @param sizeFactor  By this parameter one can decide to how the size factors 
#' are calculated.
#' Possible choices are the the mean, median or mode coverage ("mean", "median", "mode") or any quantile 
#' ("quant").
#' @param normQu Real value between 0 and 1.  
#' If the "normType" parameter is set to "quant" then this parameter sets the 
#' quantile that is used for the normalization. Default = 0.25. 
#' @param quSizeFactor Quantile of the sizeFactor if sizeFactor is set to "quant".
#' 0.75 corresponds to "upper quartile normalization". Real value between 0 and 1. Default = 0.75.
#' @param upperThreshold Positive real value that sets the cut-off for copy
#' number gains. All CNV calling values above this value will be called as 
#' "gain". The value should be set close to the log2 of the expected foldchange
#' for copy number 3 or 4. Default = 0.5.
#' @param lowerThreshold Negative real value that sets the cut-off for copy
#' number losses. All CNV calling values below this value will be called as 
#' "loss". The value should be set close to the log2 of the expected foldchange
#' for copy number 1 or 0. Default = -0.9.
#' @param minWidth Positive integer that is exactly the parameter "min.width"
#' of the "segment" function of "DNAcopy". minWidth is the minimum number 
#' of segments a CNV should span. Default = 3.
#' @param segAlgorithm Which segmentation algorithm should be used. If set to
#' "DNAcopy" circular binary segmentation is performed. Any other value will
#' initiate the use of our fast segmentation algorithm. Default = "DNAcopy".
#' @param minReadCount If all samples are below this value the algorithm will
#' return the prior knowledge. This prevents that the algorithm from being 
#' applied to segments with very low coverage. Default=1. 
#' @param verbose Flag that decides whether referencecn.mops gives status
#' if (verbose>0) messages. Default=1.
#' @param returnPosterior Flag that decides whether the posterior probabilities
#' should be returned. The posterior probabilities have a dimension of samples
#' times copy number states times genomic regions and therefore consume a lot
#' of memory. Default=FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional parameters will be passed to the "DNAcopy"
#' or the standard segmentation algorithm.
#' @examples 
#' data(cn.mops)
#' referencecn.mops(X[1:200, ],apply(X[1:200, ],1, median))
#' referencecn.mops(X[1:200, ],apply(X[1:200, ],1, median),parallel=2)
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterEvalQ
#' @importFrom parallel parApply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster 
#' @return An instance of "CNVDetectionResult".
#' @author Guenter Klambauer \email{klambauer@@bioinf.jku.at}
#' @export

referencecn.mops <- function(cases,controls,
		I = c(0.025,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,8,16,32,64),
		priorImpact = 1,cyc = 20,parallel=0,
		norm=1, normType="poisson",sizeFactor="mean",normQu=0.25, quSizeFactor=0.75,
		minWidth=4,segAlgorithm="DNAcopy",minReadCount=1, verbose=1,
	############ check input ##################################################
	if (verbose>0) message("NOTE: The default parameters are adjusted for \"tumor-vs-normal\"!")
	if (is.vector(cases))
		cases <- matrix(cases,ncol=1)
	if (is.vector(controls))
		controls <- matrix(controls,ncol=1)
	if(any(class(cases)=="GRanges") & any(class(controls)=="GRanges")){
		inputType <- "GRanges"
		cases <- sortSeqlevels(cases)
		controls <- sortSeqlevels(controls)
		if (length(cases)!=length(controls)){
			stop("Cases and controls must have the same length.")
		if (!(all(cases==controls))){
			stop("Cases and controls must have the same ranges.")
		if (length(IRanges::unique(strand(cases))) >1){
			stop(paste("Different strands found in GRanges object. Please make",
							"read counts independent of strand."))
		if (length(IRanges::unique(strand(controls))) >1){
			stop(paste("Different strands found in GRanges object. Please make",
							"read counts independent of strand."))
		X <- as.matrix(mcols(cases))
		R <- as.matrix(mcols(controls))
		chr <- as.character(seqnames(cases))
		start <- start(cases)
		end <- end(cases)
		rownames(X) <- paste(chr,start,end,sep="_")
		irAllRegions <- IRanges(start,end)
		grAllRegions <- GRanges(chr,irAllRegions,seqinfo=seqinfo(cases))
		grAllRegions <- sortSeqlevels(grAllRegions)
		names(irAllRegions) <- NULL
	} else if (is.matrix(cases) & is.matrix(controls)){
		if (nrow(cases)!=nrow(controls)){
			stop("Cases and controls must have the same length.")
		if (nrow(cases)> 1){
			inputType <- "DataMatrix"
			X <- cases
			R <- controls
			X <- matrix(as.numeric(X),nrow=nrow(X))
			R <- matrix(as.numeric(R),nrow=nrow(R))
			colnames(X) <- colnames(cases)	
			chr <- rep("undef",nrow(X))
			irAllRegions <- IRanges(start=1:nrow(X),end=1:nrow(X))
			grAllRegions <- GRanges(chr,irAllRegions)
		} else{
			X <- cases
			R <- controls
			inputType <- "DataMatrix"
			chr <- "undef"
			irAllRegions <- IRanges(start=1:nrow(X),end=1:nrow(X))
			grAllRegions <- GRanges(chr,irAllRegions)
			parallel <- 0
	} else{
		stop("GRanges object or read count matrix needed as input.")
	#if (!all(isUnique(grAllRegions))) stop(paste("Genomic Ranges must be",
	#					"unique. Check \"all(isUnique(input))\" and remove identical segments."))
	if (any(X<0) | any(!is.finite(X))){
		stop("All values must be greater or equal zero and finite.\n")
	if (any(R<0) | any(!is.finite(R))){
		stop("All values must be greater or equal zero and finite.\n")
	if (!is.numeric(I)) stop("\"I\" must be numeric.")
	if (!is.character(classes)) stop("\"classes\" must be character.")
	if (length(I)!=length(classes)){
		stop("I and classes must have same length!")
	if (!("CN2" %in% classes)){stop("One element of classes must be CN2 .\n")}
	if (!(is.numeric(priorImpact) & length(priorImpact)==1)) 
		stop("\"priorImpact\" be must numeric and of length 1.")
	if (!(is.numeric(cyc) & length(cyc)==1)) 
		stop("\"cyc\" must be numeric and of length 1.")
	if (!(is.numeric(parallel) & length(parallel)==1)) 
		stop("\"parallel\" must be numeric and of length 1.")
	if (!(normType %in% c("mean","min","median","quant","mode","poisson"))){
		stop(paste("Set normalization to \"mean\"",
						"\"min\", \"median\", \"quant\" or \"mode\"."))
	if (!(is.numeric(normQu) & length(normQu)==1)) 
		stop("\"normQu\" must be numeric and of length 1.")
	if (is.logical(norm))
		norm <- as.integer(norm)
	if (!(norm %in% c(0,1,2)))
		stop("\"norm\" must be 0,1 or 2.")
	if (!(is.numeric(lowerThreshold) & length(lowerThreshold)==1)) 
		stop("\"lowerThreshold\" must be numeric and of length 1.")
	if (!(is.numeric(upperThreshold) & length(upperThreshold)==1)) 
		stop("\"upperThreshold\" must be numeric and of length 1.")
	if (!(is.numeric(minWidth) & length(minWidth)==1)) 
		stop("\"minWidth\" must be numeric and of length 1.")
	if (!is.character(segAlgorithm)){
		stop("\"segAlgorithm\" must be \"fastseg\" or \"DNAcopy\"!")
	if (!(is.numeric(minReadCount) & length(minReadCount)==1)) 
		stop("\"minReadCount\" must be numeric and of length 1.")
	if (!is.logical(returnPosterior))
		stop("\"returnPosterior\" must be logical.")	
	if (is.null(colnames(X))){
		colnames(X) <- paste("Case",1:ncol(X),sep="_")
	if (is.null(colnames(R))){
		colnames(R) <- paste("Control",1:ncol(R),sep="_")
	version <- packageDescription("cn.mops")$Version
	params <- list("referencecn.mops",I,
	names(params) <- c("method","folds",
	m <- nrow(X)
	N <- ncol(X)
	M <- ncol(R)
	n <- length(I)
	chrOrder <- unique(chr) #unique chromosome names in alphabetic order
	chrBpts <- cumsum(table(chr)[chrOrder])
	# contains the idx where chromosomes start and end in X
	chrDf <- data.frame(start=c(1,chrBpts[-length(chrBpts)]+1),
	rownames(chrDf) <- chrOrder
	if (m < 100){
		warning(paste("Normalization might not be applicable",
						"for this small number of segments."))
	if (norm==0){
		X.norm <- X
		R.norm <- R
		cov <- rep(1,N)
	} else if (norm==1) {
		if (verbose>0) if (verbose>0) message("Normalizing...")
		XR.norm <- normalizeChromosomes(cbind(X,R),chr=chr,normType=normType,qu=normQu,
		X.norm <- XR.norm[,1:N,drop=FALSE]
		R.norm <- XR.norm[,(N+1):(N+M),drop=FALSE]
		cov <- rep(1,N)
	} else if (norm==2) {
		X.viz <- normalizeChromosomes(X,chr=chr,normType=normType,qu=normQu,
		X.norm <- X
		# robust estimates for the different coverages
		cov <- apply(cbind(X,R),2,function(x) {
					mean(x[which(x>quantile(x,0.05) & x < quantile(x,0.95))])
		if (median(cov)==0)
			stop("Median of the coverages is zero!")
		cov <- cov/median(cov)
		## for R
		covR <- cov[(N+1):(N+M)]
		cov <- cov[1:N]
		R.norm <- t(t(R)/covR)
	} else {
		stop("\"norm\" must be 0,1 or 2.")
	params$cov <- cov
	if (verbose>0) message("Starting local modeling, please be patient...  ")
	if (parallel > 0){
		cl <- parallel::makeCluster(as.integer(parallel),type="SOCK")
	res <- list()
	lambda <- rowMeans(R.norm)
	lambda <- pmax(lambda,1e-5)
	for (chrom in chrOrder){
		if (verbose>0) message(paste("Reference sequence: ",chrom))
		chrIdx <- chrDf[chrom,1]:chrDf[chrom,2]
		#cn.mops params
		#n,N, I set
		idxCN2 <- which(classes=="CN2")
		#function(x,lambda,I = c(0.025,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4), 
		#		classes=c("CN0","CN1","CN2","CN3","CN4","CN5","CN6","CN7","CN8"), cov,
		#			minReadCount=1,returnPosterior=FALSE)
		alpha.prior <- rep(1,length(I))
		alpha.prior[which(classes=="CN2")] <- 1+priorImpact
		alpha.prior <- alpha.prior/sum(alpha.prior)
		if (parallel==0){
			resChr <- lapply(1:length(chrIdx),function(i)
						.referencecn.mops(X.norm[chrIdx[i], ,drop=FALSE],lambda=
		} else {
			resChr <- parallel::parLapply(cl,1:length(chrIdx),function(i)
						.referencecn.mops(X.norm[chrIdx[i], ,drop=FALSE],lambda=
		res <- c(res, resChr)
	if (parallel > 0) parallel::stopCluster(cl) 
	## Postprocess result
	L <- t(sapply(res,.subset2,1))
	rownames(L) <- rownames(X)
	colnames(L) <- classes
	params$L <- L
	A <- t(sapply(res,.subset2,2))
	rownames(A) <- rownames(X)
	colnames(A) <- classes
	params$A <- A
	if (N==1){
		CN <- matrix(sapply(res,.subset2,3),ncol=1)
		rownames(CN) <- rownames(X)
		colnames(CN) <- colnames(X)
		sINI <- matrix(sapply(res,.subset2,4),ncol=1)
		rownames(sINI) <- rownames(X)
		colnames(sINI) <- colnames(X)
	} else {
		CN <- t(sapply(res,.subset2,3))
		rownames(CN) <- rownames(X)
		colnames(CN) <- colnames(X)
		sINI <- t(sapply(res,.subset2,4))
		rownames(sINI) <- rownames(X)
		colnames(sINI) <- colnames(X)
	INI <- (sapply(res,.subset2,5))
	names(INI) <- rownames(X)
	if (returnPosterior){
		tt <- try(post <- array(dim=c(m,n,N)))
		if (inherits(tt,"try-error")){
			if (verbose>0) message("Posterior too large for array extent.")
			post <- array(NA,dim=c(1,1,1))
		} else {
			post.tmp <- t(lapply(res,.subset2,6))
			for (i in 1:m){
				post[i, ,] <- post.tmp[[i]]
			dimnames(post) <- list(NULL,classes,colnames(X))
	} else {
		post <- array(NA,dim=c(1,1,1))
	if (m>5){
		if (verbose>0) message("Starting segmentation algorithm...")
		if (segAlgorithm=="DNAcopy"){
			if (verbose>0) message("Using \"DNAcopy\" for segmentation.")
			if (!exists("eta")){eta <- 0.05}
			if (!exists("nperm")){nperm <- 10000}
			if (!exists("alpha")){alpha <- 0.01}
			if (minWidth > 5){
				if (verbose>0) message("For DNAcopy the maximum \"minWidth\" is 5.")
				if (verbose>0) message("Resetting \"minWidth\" to 5.")
				minWidth <- 5
			DNAcopyBdry <- DNAcopy::getbdry(eta=eta,nperm=nperm,tol=alpha,
			if (parallel==0){
				resSegm <- apply(sINI,2,.segmentation,
			} else {
				cl <- parallel::makeCluster(as.integer(parallel),type="SOCK")
				resSegm <- parallel::parApply(cl,sINI,2,.segmentation,
			#resSegm <- lapply(resSegm,function(x) x <- x[order(x$chr,x$start), ])
			segDf <- cbind(do.call(rbind,resSegm),
			segDf$CN <- NA
			colnames(segDf) <- c("chr","start","end","mean","median","sample","CN")
			segDf <- segDf[ ,c("chr","start","end","sample","median","mean","CN")]			
			segDf <- segDf[order(match(segDf$chr,chrOrder),match(segDf$sample,colnames(X)),segDf$start), ]
			callsS <- matrix(NA,nrow=m,ncol=N)
			colnames(callsS) <- colnames(X)
			for (chrom in chrOrder){
				chrIdx <- chrDf[chrom,1]:chrDf[chrom,2]
				segDfTmp <- subset(segDf,chr==chrom)
				callsS[chrIdx, ] <- 
			segDfSubset <- segDf[which(
							segDf$mean >= upperThreshold |
									segDf$mean <= lowerThreshold), ]
			segDfSubset <- segDfSubset[which(
							(segDfSubset$end-segDfSubset$start+1) >= minWidth), ]
		} else {
			if (verbose>0) message("Using \"fastseg\" for segmentation.")
			resSegmList <- list()
			segDf <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
			callsS <- matrix(NA,nrow=m,ncol=N)
			colnames(callsS) <- colnames(X)
			for (chrom in chrOrder){
				chrIdx <- chrDf[chrom,1]:chrDf[chrom,2]
				if (parallel==0){
					resSegmList[[chrom]] <- apply(sINI[chrIdx, ,drop=FALSE],2,
				} else {
					cl <- parallel::makeCluster(as.integer(parallel),type="SOCK")
					resSegmList[[chrom]] <- parallel::parApply(cl,sINI[chrIdx, ,drop=FALSE],2,
				segDfTmp <- cbind(do.call(rbind,resSegmList[[chrom]]),
				segDfTmp$chr <- chrom
				callsS[chrIdx, ] <- 
				segDf <- rbind(segDf,segDfTmp)
			segDf <- data.frame(segDf,"CN"=NA,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)		
			colnames(segDf) <- c("start","end","mean","median","sample",
			segDf <- segDf[ ,c("chr","start","end","sample","median","mean","CN")]
			segDfSubset <- segDf[which(segDf$mean >= upperThreshold
									| segDf$mean <= lowerThreshold), ]	
			segDfSubset <- 
											>= minWidth), ]
		if (nrow(segDfSubset)>0){
			# Assembly of result object
			r <- new("CNVDetectionResult")
			cnvrR <- GenomicRanges::reduce(GRanges(seqnames=segDfSubset$chr,
			cnvrR <- sortSeqlevels(cnvrR)
			cnvrCN <- matrix(NA,ncol=N,nrow=length(cnvrR))
			colnames(cnvrCN) <- colnames(X) 
			sampleNames <- segDfSubset$sample
			if (inputType=="GRanges"){
				ir <- IRanges()
				irCNVR <- IRanges()
				for (chrom in chrOrder){
					chrIdx <- chrDf[chrom,1]:chrDf[chrom,2]
					inputChr <- cases[chrIdx]
					segDfSubsetChr <- subset(segDfSubset,chr==chrom)
					cnvrRChr <- cnvrR[which(as.character(
					if (nrow(segDfSubsetChr) >0){
						ir <- c(ir,IRanges(start(inputChr)[
						irCNVR <- c(irCNVR,IRanges(start(inputChr)[
			} else if (inputType=="DataMatrix"){
				ir <- IRanges(start=segDfSubset$start,end=segDfSubset$end)
				irCNVR <- IRanges(start=start(cnvrR),end=end(cnvrR))
			rd <- GRanges(seqnames=segDfSubset$chr,ir,
			rd <- sortSeqlevels(rd)
			cnvr <- GRanges(seqnames=seqnames(cnvrR),irCNVR,
			cnvr <- sortSeqlevels(cnvr)
			mcols(cnvr) <- cnvrCN
			if (norm==2){
				r@normalizedData    <- X.viz		
			} else {
				r@normalizedData    <- X.norm			
			r@localAssessments  <- sINI
			r@individualCall   	<- callsS
			r@iniCall        	<- INI
			r@cnvs				<- rd
			r@cnvr				<- cnvr
			if (inputType=="GRanges"){
				irS <- IRanges()
				for (chrom in chrOrder){
					chrIdx <- chrDf[chrom,1]:chrDf[chrom,2]
					inputChr <- cases[chrIdx]
					segDfChr <- subset(segDf,chr==chrom)
					if (nrow(segDfChr) >0 ){
						irS <- c(irS,IRanges(start(inputChr)[segDfChr$start],
				r@segmentation 			<- GRanges(seqnames=segDf$chr,
				r@segmentation 	<- sortSeqlevels(r@segmentation)
			} else if (inputType=="DataMatrix"){
				r@segmentation <- GRanges(seqnames=segDf$chr,
				r@segmentation 	<- sortSeqlevels(r@segmentation)
			r@gr <- grAllRegions
			r@posteriorProbs 	<- post
			r@params			<- params
			r@integerCopyNumber	<- CN
			r@sampleNames		<- colnames(X)
		} else {
			if (verbose>0) message(paste("No CNVs detected. Try changing \"normalization\",", 
							"\"priorImpact\" or \"thresholds\"."))
			# Assembly of result object
			r <- new("CNVDetectionResult")
			if (inputType=="GRanges"){
				irS <- IRanges()
				for (chrom in chrOrder){
					chrIdx <- chrDf[chrom,1]:chrDf[chrom,2]
					inputChr <- cases[chrIdx]
					segDfChr <- subset(segDf,chr==chrom)
					if (nrow(segDfChr) >0 ){
						irS <- c(irS,IRanges(start(inputChr)[segDfChr$start],
				r@segmentation 			<- GRanges(seqnames=segDf$chr,
						irS, seqinfo=seqinfo(grAllRegions),
				r@segmentation 	<- sortSeqlevels(r@segmentation)
			} else if (inputType=="DataMatrix"){
				r@segmentation 			<- GRanges(seqnames=segDf$chr,
				r@segmentation 	<- sortSeqlevels(r@segmentation)
			r@gr <- grAllRegions
			if (norm==2){
				r@normalizedData    <- X.viz		
			} else {
				r@normalizedData    <- X.norm			
			r@localAssessments  <- sINI
			r@individualCall   	<- callsS
			r@iniCall        	<- INI
			r@posteriorProbs 	<- post
			r@params			<- params
			r@integerCopyNumber	<- CN
			r@sampleNames		<- colnames(X)
	} else {
		if (verbose>0) message(paste("Less than five genomic segments considered, therefore no",
						" segmentation."))	
		# Assembly of result object
		r <- new("CNVDetectionResult")	#
		r@gr <- grAllRegions
		if (norm==2){
			r@normalizedData    <- X.viz		
		} else {
			r@normalizedData    <- X.norm			
		r@localAssessments  <- sINI
		r@individualCall   	<- sINI
		r@params			<- params
		r@integerCopyNumber	<- CN
		r@sampleNames		<- colnames(X)
gpovysil/cn.mops documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 12:45 p.m.