# devtools::install_github("danielbraas/MetabFUN")
# devtools::install_github("juyeki/MetabR")
#Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME = "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-11.0.8\\")
###### parameters ######
#data_dir <- "M:/TraceFinderData/4.0/Projects/Cells/Nakamura Lab/JN-08202020_7-12_Gln_Vanq" #Klara
#output_dir <- "M:/TraceFinderData/4.0/Projects/Cells/Nakamura Lab/JN-08202020_7-12_Gln_Vanq/test2" #Klara
#mac paths
data_dir <- "/Users/tgraeber/Dropbox/glab/Metabolomics Center/Metabolomics Pipeline Scripts and Notes/workspace/Projects/Cells/Nakamura JN-08202020_7-12_Gln_Vanq"
output_dir <- "/Users/tgraeber/Dropbox/glab/Metabolomics Center/Metabolomics Pipeline Scripts and Notes/workspace/Projects/Cells/Nakamura JN-08202020_7-12_Gln_Vanq/test3/default"
#set tracer_type to: "full", "partial", or "none"
tracer_type <- "full"
diff_computers <- FALSE
ifelse (grepl("ICS", data_dir), ICS <- TRUE, ICS <- FALSE)
#set natural isotope abundance parameters
if (tracer_type == "full" || tracer_type == "partial") {
#turn on one of these options
if (1) {
isotope_correction_flag = "default" #for using the 2010 Moseley et al. BMC Bioinformatics method PMID:20236542 (first method used by the UCLA Metabolomics Center)
#if true, remove non-M0 MID values going from zero to non-zero unless the increase is above the indicated threshold
#in part done because values like 10e-20 will show up in R ggplot barplots
isotope_correction_remove_small_values_flag = FALSE
# threshold below is a MID value, meaning it is a percentage
# typical value 0.1, typical range 0.01 - 1
isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold = 0.1
if (isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold > 1) {stop("please double check that you want to use a large threshold")}
} else if (0) {
isotope_correction_flag = "IsoCorrectoR" #for using the IsoCorrectoR method, via our correct_iso function
label <- "C"
correct_for <- "C"
} else if (0) {
isotope_correction_flag = "force_uncorrected"
} else {
stop("need to set isotope_correction_flag")
###### process input data ######
#Abbreviation Data
#Abbrev <- read_sheet("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/118M3rvfJAOQrOoYEHZVjEFg_k0CMwK9i8wq56u_ZXP4/edit?ts=5eaa1a9e#gid=220628921")
#Abbrev <- read_sheet("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1He49QJYE1ld0VUgzNTNht-AuoznydEL9ysjCPRkgk1Y/edit#gid=220628921")
### Read in the most recent version of Abbrev
#Abbrev <- read_excel("C:/Users/FTsang/Downloads/Abbrev_NEW2 (1).xlsx")
Abbrev <- read_excel("/Users/tgraeber/Dropbox/glab/Metabolomics Center/Metabolomics Pipeline Scripts and Notes/workspace/Abbrev_NEW2.xlsx")
Abbrev <- Abbrev[-c(248,249),]
#Title <- gsub('.xls[x]?','', list.files(pattern='.xls[x]?'))
Title <- gsub('.xls[x]?','', list.files(pattern='[Ss]ample.*.xls[x]?'))
Title <- Title
Title <- gsub('_sample info sheet|_sample info|sample form|_sampleinfosheet|_Sampleinfosheet', '', Title)
Title <- gsub(' ', '', Title)
#info <- read_excel(list.files()[grep('.xls[x]?',list.files())])
info <- read_excel(list.files()[grep('[Ss]ample.*.xls[x]?',list.files())])
#info$Condition <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", info$Condition)
info$Condition <- gsub('/', '-', info$Condition)
info$Condition <- gsub('_', '-', info$Condition)
info$Sample <- gsub('-', '.', info$Sample)
info$Condition <- factor(info$Condition, levels = unique(info$Condition))
samples <- info$Sample
samples <- samples[!grepl(paste0("QC", collapse = "|"), samples)]
folder.name <- gsub('(.)*Projects/', '', data_dir) %>% gsub('/', '-', .)
if (ICS)
files <- "ICS/ICS.csv"
} else
files <- c("AA/AA.csv", "CoAs/CoAs.csv", "Currency/Currency.csv", "dNTPs/dNTPs.csv", "FA/FA.csv", "Glycolysis/Glycolysis.csv", "Hexosamine/Hexosamine.csv", "NTPs/NTPs.csv", "PPP/PPP.csv", "TCA/TCA.csv","Urea/Urea.csv")
# files <- c("AA/AA-2.csv", "CoAs/CoAs-2.csv", "Currency/Currency-2.csv", "dNTPs/dNTPs-2.csv", "FA/FA-2.csv", "Glycolysis/Glycolysis-2.csv", "Hexosamine/Hexosamine-2.csv",
# "NTPs/NTPs-2.csv", "PPP/PPP-2.csv", "TCA/TCA-2.csv","Urea/Urea-2.csv")
if (sum(grepl('ICS',files)) > 0) Title <- paste0('ICS-', Title)
data <- lapply(files, read.csv, header=T, na.strings = c("N/F",'N/A'))
if (!diff_computers)
data <- do.call(rbind, data)
} else
data <- do.call(rbind.fill, data)
detach(package:plyr, unload=TRUE)
data$Experiment <- folder.name
data[,1] <- NULL
write.csv(data, 'all data raw.csv', row.names=F)
data <- data %>%
dplyr::select(Compound, Filename, Area) %>%
spread(Filename, Area)
#info$Sample <- colnames(data)[2:17]
#info$Sample <- colnames(data)[-1]
keep <- gsub("\\.", "-", info$Sample)
keep <- c("Compound", keep)
data <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% keep)]
### Move QC columns behind actual samples
### data <- data[,c(1, which(grepl("SL-", colnames(data))), which(grepl("QC-", colnames(data))))]
data_temp <- filter_data(data, info)
data$Compound = as.character(data$Compound)
for (i in 1:length(data$Compound)){ #loop through IDs and fill up with Ms
if (grepl(" M[0-9]+$", data$Compound[i])==FALSE) data$Compound[i]=paste(data$Compound[i],"M0")}
Used_ID <- gsub(" M[0-9]+$| Std", "", data$Compound)
name_split <- regexpr("M[0-9]+$|Std",data$Compound)
Iso <-regmatches(data$Compound, name_split)
data <- data.frame(Used_ID, Iso, data[,2:length(data)])
data <- data %>% select(-grep('QC_|QC.', colnames(data)), grep('QC_|QC.', colnames(data)))
data_output <- left_join(x = data, y = Abbrev, by = "Used_ID")
data_output <- data_output %>% dplyr::rename(Name = Abb)
#data_output <- data_output %>% select(Name, Used_ID, KEGG.ID, Pathway, Nr.C, Iso, info$Sample)
info$Sample <- gsub("-",".",info$Sample)
data_output <- data_output %>% select(Name, Used_ID, KEGG.ID, Vanq.Method, Nr.C, Iso, info$Sample)
if(tracer_type == "none")
data_output <- subset(data_output, Iso == "M0" | Iso =="M1")
data_output <- data_output[!is.na(data_output$Nr.C),]
isotopes <- rep(NA, max(data_output$Nr.C))
for (i in 1:(length(isotopes)+1))
isotopes[i] <- paste0("M", as.character(i-1))
data_output <- data_output %>%
mutate(Iso = factor(Iso, levels = isotopes)) %>%
arrange(Name, Iso)
num_samples <- sum(!grepl('QC',info$Sample))
#data(anno, package="MetabR")
# data(package = "MetabR") #lists what is available
#load(file = "/Users/tgraeber/Dropbox/glab/Metabolomics Center/Metabolomics Pipeline Scripts and Notes/pipeline scripts/githup sets - metabolomics R pipeline/MetabR-master/data/anno.rda")
for (i in 1:nrow(Anno))
data_output$Used_ID[as.character(data_output$Name) == Anno$abbrev[i]] <- as.character(Anno$full_name[i])
levels(data_output$Iso) <- c(levels(data_output$Iso), "Std")
data_output$Iso[ which(is.na(data_output$Iso))] <- "Std"
data_output <- rbind(c(rep(NA, 6), as.vector(info$Condition[1:num_samples]), rep(NA, (ncol(data_output) - 6 - num_samples))), data_output)
data_output <- data_output[,c(1:(num_samples + 6), grep(pattern = "QC.blank", x = colnames(data_output)),
grep(pattern = "QC.250K|QC.50K", x = colnames(data_output)), grep(pattern = "QC_|QC.0", x = colnames(data_output)))]
combined_sample_condition <- c()
for (i in 7:(num_samples+6))
x <- paste(colnames(data_output)[i], data_output[1,i], sep=" - ")
combined_sample_condition <- c(combined_sample_condition, x)
write.xlsx(x = data_output, file = paste0(Title, "_raw data table.xlsx"), row.names = F, col.names = T, showNA = F)
info <- info[!grepl("QC.blank", info$Sample), ]
data <- data_temp
data <- data[ , -which(grepl('QC.blank', colnames(data)))]
data$Compound = as.character(data$Compound)
for (i in 1:length(data$Compound)){ #loop through IDs and fill up with Ms
if (grepl(" M[0-9]+$", data$Compound[i])==FALSE) data$Compound[i]=paste(data$Compound[i],"M0")}
Used_ID <- gsub(" M[0-9]+$| Std", "", data$Compound)
name_split <- regexpr("M[0-9]+$|Std",data$Compound)
Iso <-regmatches(data$Compound, name_split)
data <- data.frame(Used_ID, Iso, data[,2:length(data)])
data <- data %>% select(-grep('QC_|QC.', colnames(data)), grep('QC_|QC.', colnames(data)))
### Don't plot Norvaline in the ISTD plots
std <- make_istd(data, remove = FALSE)$Std
std <- std[std$Used_ID != "Norvaline",]
info_ordered <- info[order(info$Run.Order),]
istd_title <- paste0("QC-ISTDs with 50ks-", Title, ".pdf")
} else
istd_title <- paste0("QC-ISTDs with 250ks-", Title, ".pdf")
plot_istd(Std = std, info = info_ordered, title = istd_title)
#ISTD plot with only samples
data <- data[ , !grepl('QC.', colnames(data))]
info <- info[!grepl("QC.", info$Sample), ]
std <- make_istd(data, remove = TRUE)$Std
std <- std[std$Used_ID != "Norvaline",]
data <- make_istd(data, remove = TRUE)$data
info_ordered <- info[order(info$Run.Order),]
plot_istd(Std = std, info = info_ordered, title = paste0("QC-ISTDs-", Title, ".pdf"))
#removing standards
data <- filter(data, !(grepl('Std', data$Iso) & data$Used_ID != "Norvaline"))
#data <- filter(data, !(grepl('Std', data$Iso)))
data$Used_ID <- as.character(data$Used_ID)
data$Iso <- factor(data$Iso, levels=paste0('M',0:50))
data <- plyr::arrange(data, Used_ID, Iso)
#getting sample conditions
Freq <- data.frame(table(info$Condition))
Freq <- Freq[Freq$Freq != 0, ]
Sample.Name <- vector()
for (i in 1:nrow(Freq)){
for (j in 1:Freq$Freq[i]){
Sample.Name <- append(Sample.Name, paste(Freq$Var1[i], j, sep='_'))
info$Sample.Name <- Sample.Name
num_conditions <- length(unique(info$Condition))
#adding conditions to data
new_colnames <- info$Sample
non_blanks_names <- new_colnames[!grepl(paste0("blank",collapse="|"),new_colnames)]
blanks_names <- new_colnames[grepl(paste0("blank",collapse="|"),new_colnames)]
col.order <- c("Used_ID","Iso",non_blanks_names,blanks_names)
col.order <- gsub("-",".",col.order)
data <- data[,col.order]
for (i in 1:length(info$Sample.Name))
colnames(data)[i+2] <- info$Sample.Name[i]
info_ordered <- info[order(info$Run.Order),]
#Creating Norvaline Plot
Norv <- data %>%
filter(Used_ID=='Norvaline') %>%
gather(Sample, Norv,-Used_ID, -Iso) %>%
pdf(file = paste0("QC-Norvaline-", Title, ".pdf"), width=12, height=9, pointsize=12)
norv_plot<-data %>%
filter(Used_ID=='Norvaline') %>%
gather(Sample, Value,-Used_ID, -Iso) %>%
mutate(Sample=factor(Sample, levels=info_ordered$Sample.Name)) %>%
dplyr::select(Sample, Value) %>%
ggplot(., aes(Sample, Value)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
geom_line(aes(as.integer(Sample), Value), color='blue') +
labs(x='Sample Name',y='Response',title='Norvaline Response') +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, hjust=1)) + scale_x_discrete(limit = info_ordered$Sample.Name)
print(norv_plot) #print statement is required to plot within if statements, loops, functions
#Normalizing Norvaline
if (length(Norv)==0){
Norv <- rep(1, length(samples))
#Norv <- rep(1,nrow(samples))
print("No norvaline")
norm <- data
norm <- norm[!norm$Used_ID=="Norvaline",]
to_normalize <- !(all(is.na(info$Cell.Number)))
if(length(unique(info$Cell.Number)) == 1)
to_normalize <- FALSE
if (to_normalize & is.numeric(info$Cell.Number)==F) print('Problem: You need to convert the Cell.Number column')
for (i in 1: length(info$Cell.Number)){
for (j in 1: nrow(norm)) norm[j,i+2]=norm[j,i+2]/info$Cell.Number[i]
info$Cell.Number <- 1
data2 <- norm %>%
gather(Exp, Value, -Used_ID, -Iso) %>%
separate(Exp, c('Condition', 'Exp'), sep='_') %>%
left_join(., Abbrev, by='Used_ID') %>%
dplyr::rename(Name = Abb) %>%
dplyr::select(Name, Iso, Condition, Exp, Value, KEGG.ID, Nr.C, everything())
data2$Condition <- factor(data2$Condition, levels=as.character(unique(data2$Condition)))
data2$Exp <- paste0('Exp', data2$Exp)
NA_Names <- data2 %>%
group_by(Name) %>%
NA_potential=n()) %>%
filter(NA_list==NA_potential) %>%
data2 <- data2 %>%
filter(!(Name %in% NA_Names$Name))
data2$Name <- as.character(data2$Name)
data2 <- data2[!is.na(data2$Name),]
if(tracer_type == "none")
data2 <- subset(data2, Iso == "M0" | Iso =="M1")
output_file <- paste0(Title, "_raw data table-Filtered and Normalized.xlsx")
output_file <- paste0(Title, "_raw data table-Filtered.xlsx")
data2_output <- data2
data2_output$rep <- gsub(pattern = 'Exp', replacement = '', x = data2_output$Exp)
data2_output$Sample <- paste(data2_output$Condition, data2_output$rep, sep = "_")
data2_output$Condition <- NULL
data2_output$Exp <- NULL
data2_output$rep <- NULL
data2_output <- data2_output %>% spread(Sample, Value)
data2_output$Rt <- NULL
data2_output <- data2_output[,c('Name', 'Used_ID', 'KEGG.ID', 'Vanq.Method', 'Nr.C', 'Iso',info$Sample.Name)]
colnames(data2_output) <- c(colnames(data2_output)[1:6], info$Sample)
data2_output <- data2_output[order(data2_output$Name),]
num_samples <- sum(!grepl('QC',info$Sample))
for (i in 1:nrow(Anno))
data2_output$Used_ID[as.character(data2_output$Name) == Anno$abbrev[i]] <- as.character(Anno$full_name[i])
data2_output <- rbind(c(rep(NA, 6), as.vector(info$Condition[1:num_samples]), rep(NA, (ncol(data_output) - 6 - num_samples))), data2_output)
for (i in 7:(num_samples+6)){
x<-paste(colnames(data2_output)[i],data2_output[1,i],sep=" - ")
data2_output <- data2_output[-1,]
for(i in 7:ncol(data2_output))
data2_output[,i] <- as.numeric(data2_output[,i])
data2_output[,i] <- round(data2_output[,i])
write.xlsx(x = data2_output, file = output_file, row.names = F, col.names = T, showNA = F)
temp <- (data %>% group_by(Used_ID) %>% filter(n() == 1))
temp <- left_join(temp, Abbrev, by = 'Used_ID')
only_M0 <- temp$Abb
select <- dplyr::select
data4 <- RelAmounts(data2, anova = TRUE, output = T)
### Try changing NaN and Inf values in data4 columns CV, Norm_Av, and Norm_Std to NA
#data4$CV[!is.finite(data4$CV)] <- NA
#data4$Norm_Av[!is.finite(data4$Norm_Av)] <- NA
#data4$Norm_Std[!is.finite(data4$Norm_Std)] <- NA
# Just close R and rerun if error appears regarding "n()" - seems to have to do with the order packages are loaded into the environment
RelA <- make_matrix(data4)
colors <- c("turquoise","red","plum4","steelblue1","red4","springgreen2","slateblue2","sienna1","darkgreen","lightpink1","navy","olivedrab1",
###### make MID, FC and data_labeled dataframes and execute natureal abundance correction ######
if(tracer_type == "full" || tracer_type == "partial")
print(paste0("making MID files, and performing natural isotope correction (",isotope_correction_flag,")"))
if (isotope_correction_flag == "default") {
if (!isotope_correction_remove_small_values_flag) {
data3 <- make_MID(data2) #make_Mid also executes the natural isotope abundance corrections using an interative algorithm
#data3 <- make_MID_tg(data2) #make_Mid also executes the natural isotope abundance corrections using an interative algorithm
} else {
#if true, remove non-M0 MID values going from zero to non-zero unless the increase is above the indicated threshold
#in part done because values like 10e-20 will show up in R ggplot barplots
dir.name = paste0(output_dir,"/corrected_remove",isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold)
if (!dir.exists(dir.name)) {dir.create(dir.name)}
data3 <- make_MID2(data2, isotope_correction_remove_small_values_flag, isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold) #make_Mid also executes the natural isotope abundance corrections using an interative algorithm
# #older attempt, but in the end easier to do this in the Make_MID function (before statistical metrics are applied)
# if (0 & isotope_correction_remove_small_values_flag) {
# #if true, remove non-M0 MID values going from zero to non-zero unless the increase is above the indicated threshold
# #in part done because values like 10e-20 will show up in R ggplot barplots
# dir.name = paste0(output_dir,"/corrected_remove",isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold)
# if (!dir.exists(dir.name)) {dir.create(dir.name)}
# setwd(dir.name)
# # setwd(output_dir)
# data3_uncorr <- make_MID_uncorrected(data2)
# data3_uncorr.temp <- data3_uncorr[,grepl("Name|Condition|Iso|Exp|MID",colnames(data3_uncorr))]
# colnames(data3_uncorr.temp) <- gsub("((Exp|MID)\\d+)","\\1.uncorr",colnames(data3_uncorr.temp))
# data3.temp <- merge(data3,data3_uncorr.temp,by=c("Name","Condition","Iso"))
# mids <- colnames(data3.temp)[grepl("^MID\\d+$", colnames(data3.temp))]
# for (mid in mids) {
# mid.uncorr = paste0(mid,".uncorr")
# exp = gsub("MID","Exp",mid)
# exp.uncorr = paste0(exp,".uncorr")
# #print(mid) ; print(mid.uncorr) ; print(exp)
# #not M0, MID went from zero to non-zero, and new MID is less than the threshold for cutting
# also_remove_values=1 #remove the corrected peak integration values, as well as the MID values
# if (also_remove_values) {
# data3.temp[(data3.temp$Iso!="M0" & data3.temp[,mid]!=0 & data3.temp[,mid.uncorr]==0 & is.na(data3.temp[,exp.uncorr]) &
# (format(data3.temp[,mid],scientific=F) < isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold)),
# c(exp, mid)] <- c(NA, NA)
# } else {
# data3.temp[(data3.temp$Iso!="M0" & data3.temp[,mid]!=0 & data3.temp[,mid.uncorr]==0 &
# (format(data3.temp[,mid],scientific=F) < isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold)),
# mid] <- NA
# }
# }
# # data3.temp[(data3.temp$Name=="HMG-CoA" & data3.temp$Iso=="M6"),grepl("Iso|Exp|MID",colnames(data3.temp))][1:5,]
# # data3.temp[(data3.temp$Name=="HMG-CoA" & data3.temp$Iso=="M20"),grepl("Iso|Exp|MID",colnames(data3.temp))][1:5,]
# # data3.temp[(data3.temp$Name=="HMG-CoA" & data3.temp$Iso=="M20"),grepl("Iso|Exp|MID",colnames(data3.temp))][1,9]
# # test.matrix <- data3.temp[(data3.temp$Name=="HMG-CoA" & data3.temp$Iso=="M20"),grepl("Iso|Exp|MID",colnames(data3.temp))]
# #
# # test.matrix[grepl("^(MID|Exp)\\d+", colnames(test.matrix))] <- format(test.matrix[grepl("^(MID|Exp)\\d+", colnames(test.matrix))],scientific=F)
# #
# # for (mid in mids) {
# # mid.uncorr = paste0(mid,".uncorr")
# # exp = gsub("MID","Exp",mid)
# # exp.uncorr = paste0(exp,".uncorr")
# # test.matrix[(test.matrix$Iso!="M0" & test.matrix[,mid]!=0 & test.matrix[,mid.uncorr]==0 & is.na(test.matrix[,exp.uncorr]) &
# # (test.matrix[,mid] < isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold)),
# # c(exp, mid)] <- c(NA, NA)
# # }
# # test.matrix
# #
# # (test.matrix$Iso!="M0" & test.matrix[,mid]!=0 & test.matrix[,mid.uncorr]==0 & is.na(test.matrix[,exp.uncorr]) &
# # (test.matrix[,mid] < isotope_correction_remove_small_values_threshold))
# #
# # class(test.matrix[,mid])
# for (mid in mids) {
# mid.uncorr = paste0(mid,".uncorr")
# exp.uncorr = gsub("MID","Exp",mid.uncorr)
# data3.temp[,exp.uncorr] <- NULL
# data3.temp[,mid.uncorr] <- NULL
# }
# data3_corr_no_removals <- data3 # data3 <- data3_corr_no_removals
# data3 <- data3.temp
# }
# tfdata2 <- data2
# tfdata3 <- data3
# save(tfdata2, file = "tracefinder_data2.rda")
# save(tfdata3, file = "tracefinder_data3.rda")
# load("tracefinder_data2.rda")
# load("tracefinder_data3.rda")
} else if (isotope_correction_flag == "IsoCorrectoR" || isotope_correction_flag == "force_uncorrected") {
#uncorrected & correction using correct_iso / IsoCorrectoR
if (isotope_correction_flag == "force_uncorrected") {
dir.name = paste0(output_dir,"/uncorrected")
if (!dir.exists(dir.name)) {dir.create(dir.name)}
# setwd(output_dir)
data3_uncorr <- make_MID_uncorrected(data2)
#save(data3_uncorr, file = "tracefinder_data3_uncorr.rda")
data3_corr <- data3
data3 <- data3_uncorr
if (isotope_correction_flag == "IsoCorrectoR") {
dir.name = paste0(output_dir,"/corrected_IsoCorrectoR")
if (!dir.exists(dir.name)) {dir.create(dir.name)}
# setwd(output_dir)
data2_isocorrector <- correct_iso2_tg(data3_uncorr, label, correct_for)
colnames(data2_isocorrector)[colnames(data2_isocorrector) == "Corrected_Value"] <- "Value"
data3_isocorrector <- make_MID_uncorrected(data2_isocorrector)
#save(data2_isocorrector, file = "tracefinder_data2_isocorrector.rda")
#save(data3_isocorrector, file = "tracefinder_data3_isocorrector.rda")
data3 <- data3_isocorrector
MID <- make_matrix(data3)
if(tracer_type == "full")
FC <- make_FC(data3)
FC_mat <- make_matrix((FC))
if(tracer_type == "partial")
data_labeled <- make_data_labeled(data3)
data_labeled_mat <- make_matrix(data_labeled)
###### output plots ######
print("making output plots")
RelA <- RelA[which(rownames(RelA) != "ADPfromATP"),]
make_heatmap(RelA, info)
make_heatmap(RelA, info, cluster_samples = F)
MID <- MID[which(rownames(MID) != "ADPfromATP"), ]
data_labeled_mat <- data_labeled_mat[which(rownames(data_labeled_mat) != "ADPfromATP"), ]
FC_mat <- FC_mat[which(rownames(FC_mat) != "ADPfromATP"), ]
if(tracer_type == "full" || tracer_type == "partial")
make_heatmap(MID, info)
if(tracer_type == "full")
make_heatmap(FC_mat, info)
if(tracer_type == "partial")
make_heatmap(data_labeled_mat, info)
if(tracer_type == "full")
make_heatmap(FC_mat, info, cluster_samples = F)
if(tracer_type == "partial")
make_heatmap(data_labeled_mat, info, cluster_samples = F)
samples <- info
if(tracer_type == "full" || tracer_type == "partial")
if(tracer_type == "full")
if(tracer_type == "partial")
names(data4)[names(data4) == "Norm_Av"] <- "RelAmounts_Ave"
names(data4)[names(data4) == "Norm_Std"] <- "RelAmounts_Std"
names(data3)[names(data3) == "Norm_Av"] <- "RelAmounts_Ave"
names(data3)[names(data3) == "Norm_Std"] <- "RelAmounts_Std"
names(FC)[names(FC) == "Norm_Av"] <- "RelAmounts_Ave"
names(FC)[names(FC) == "Norm_Std"] <- "RelAmounts_Std"
names(data_labeled)[names(data_labeled) == "Norm_Av"] <- "RelAmounts_Ave"
names(data_labeled)[names(data_labeled) == "Norm_Std"] <- "RelAmounts_Std"
#nonpathway metabolites
CoAs <- c(CoAs, "Isobutyryl-CoA")
pathway <- c(glycolysis, TCA, PPP, Curr, Cys, AA, FA, Hex, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, Uracil, Fru, CoAs)
all_data4 <- unique(data4$Name)
non_data4 <- setdiff(all_data4, pathway)
all_data3 <- unique(data3$Name)
non_data3 <- setdiff(all_data3, pathway)
all_data_labeled <- unique(data_labeled$Name)
non_data_labeled <- setdiff(all_data_labeled, pathway)
all_FC <- unique(FC$Name)
non_FC <- setdiff(all_FC, pathway)
non_data4 <- split(non_data4, ceiling(seq_along(non_data4)/20))
non_data3 <- split(non_data3, ceiling(seq_along(non_data3)/20))
non_data_labeled <- split(non_data_labeled, ceiling(seq_along(non_data_labeled)/20))
non_FC <- split(non_FC, ceiling(seq_along(non_FC)/20))
data4 <- check_50(data4)
data3 <- check_50(data3)
data_labeled <- check_50(data_labeled)
FC <- check_50(FC)
for (metab in unique(data4$Name))
if(all(is.na(data4[which(data4$Name == metab), 'RelAmounts_Ave'])))
data4 <- data4[-which(data4$Name == metab), ]
##making graphs
plotname <- paste0(Title, "-Plots All.pdf")
if(tracer_type == "none")
plotname <- paste0(Title, "-Plots RelAmounts.pdf")
pdf(file = plotname, width=14, height=10, pointsize=12)
bar_update_manual('glycolysis',data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual('glycolysis',data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual('glycolysis',data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual('glycolysis',FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("TCA",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("TCA",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("TCA",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("TCA",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("PPP",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("PPP",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("PPP",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("PPP",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Curr",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Curr",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Curr",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Curr",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Cys",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Cys",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Cys",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Cys",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("AA",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("AA",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("AA",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("AA",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("FA",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("FA",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("FA",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("FA",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Hex",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Hex",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Hex",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Hex",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Adenine",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Adenine",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Adenine",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Adenine",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Cytosine",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Cytosine",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Cytosine",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Cytosine",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Guanine",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Guanine",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Guanine",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Guanine",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Thymine",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Thymine",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Thymine",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Thymine",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Uracil",data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual("Uracil",data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Uracil",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Uracil",FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual('Fru',data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual('Fru',data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("Fru",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual('Fru',FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual('CoAs',data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf")
bar_update_manual('CoAs',data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual("CoAs",data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual('CoAs',FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", only_M0 = only_M0)
#first set
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data4[1])),data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway1")
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data3[1])),data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway1", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data_labeled[1])),data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway1", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_FC[1])),FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway1", only_M0 = only_M0)
#second set
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data4[2])),data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway2")
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data3[2])),data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway2", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data_labeled[2])),data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway2", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_FC[2])),FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway2", only_M0 = only_M0)
#third set
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data4[3])),data4, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway3")
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data3[3])),data3, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway3", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_data_labeled[3])),data_labeled, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway3", only_M0 = only_M0)
bar_update_manual(unname(unlist(non_FC[3])),FC, n = num_conditions, type = "tf", title_type = "nonpathway3", only_M0 = only_M0)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.