
Defines functions calcRec pairwRF

Documented in calcRec pairwRF

#' Recombination frequencies computation
#' Calculate recombination frequencies for a whole matrix
#' @param input Matrix of genotypes. Rows represent markers.
#' Columns represent samples.
#' @param ploidy Ploidy level of the organism.
#' @param sparse Logical, if the matrix is a sparse matrix or not.
#' @param ... arguments are forwarded to \code{pairwRF}.
#' @return Matrix of pairwise recombination frequencies.
#' @examples
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetraGen <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, ploidy = 4)
#' calcRec(simTetraGen, 4)
#' @export
calcRec <- function(input, ploidy, sparse = FALSE, ...) {
  nMark <- nrow(input)
  com <- utils::combn(1:nMark, 2)
  vec <-
      MARGIN = 2,
      FUN = function(x)
        pairwRF(input[x,], ploidy, ...)
  if (sparse) {
    if (!requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Matrix needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)
    mat <-
                     nrow = nMark,
                     ncol = nMark,
                     sparse = TRUE)
    mat[lower.tri(mat)] <- 0.5 - vec
  } else{
    mat <- matrix(0.5, nrow = nMark, ncol = nMark)
    ind <- upper.tri(mat)
    mat[lower.tri(mat)] <- vec
    mat[ind] <- t(mat)[ind]
    diag(mat) <- 0
  rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- rownames(input)

#' Pairwise recombination frequency calculation
#' Calculates the pairwise recombination frequencies for two given markers.
#' Heuristic approach, assuming minimal recombination between markers.
#' @param input Matrix with two rows of genotypes. Each row is one marker.
#' @param ploidy Ploidy level of the organism.
#' @return Numeric value of recomination between the two markers.
#' @keywords internal
pairwRF <- function(input,
                    ploidy = 4,
                    na.penalty = 0) {
  n <- ncol(input)
  a1 <- input[1,]
  a2 <- input[2,]
  nas <- sum(is.na(a1 + a2))
  aa <- sum(abs(a1 - a2), na.rm = T) + nas * na.penalty
  ab <- sum(abs(a1 - (ploidy - a2)), na.rm = T) + nas * na.penalty
  if (!(aa + ab) == 0) {
    r <- min(aa, ab)
    theta <- r / (aa + ab)
  } else{
grafab/pergola documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:18 a.m.