#' @include MergeEnv-methods.R
# Class: MergeEnv ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Constructor for \code{\link[=MergeEnv_]{MergeEnv}} objects.
#' @param x A \code{\link[=DR2S_]{DR2S}} object.
#' @param threshold When do we call a variant a variant.
#' @return A \code{\link[=MergeEnv_]{MergeEnv}} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###
MergeEnv <- function(x, threshold) {
assert_that(is(x, "DR2S"))
if (missing(threshold)) {
threshold <- x$getThreshold()
MergeEnv_$new(x, threshold)
#' Class \code{"MergeEnv"}
#' @docType class
#' @usage MergeEnv(x, threshold)
#' @field threshold \code{[numeric]}; when do we call a variant a variant.
#' @field x \code{[\link[=DR2S_]{DR2S}]}; the original \code{DR2S} object.
#' @field threshold When do we call a variant a variant.
#' @keywords data internal
#' @return Object of \code{\link[R6]{R6Class}} representing a MergeEnv.
#' @section Public Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{x$init(hapEnv)}}{Intialise a \code{HapEnv}}
#' \item{\code{x$walk(hapEnv, until = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)}}{Perform a SNP
#' walk along the consensus matrices until there are no SNPs to be walked
#' \code{until = FALSE}, until a certain position (\code{until = 1234}), or
#' one step at a time (\code{until = NULL}).}
#' }
MergeEnv_ <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "MergeEnv",
public = list(
threshold = NA_real_,
hptypes = NA,
x = NA,
initialize = function(x, threshold = x$getThreshold()) {
assert_that(is(x, "DR2S"))
self$hptypes <- foreach(hptype = x$getHapTypes(),
.final = function(h)
setNames(h, x$getHapTypes())) %do% {
structure(as.environment(list(haplotype = hptype)), class = "HapEnv")
#threshold <- max(c(threshold, 0.2))
threshold <- max(c(threshold, 0.3))
self$threshold = threshold
self$x = x
isInitialised = function(hapEnv) {
hapEnv <- match.arg(hapEnv, self$x$getHapTypes())
getHapEnv = function(hapEnv) {
hapEnv <- match.arg(hapEnv, self$x$getHapTypes())
currentVariant = function(envir) {
if (!is.null(envir$currentVariant)) {
} else NULL
print = function(left = 3, right = left, ...) {
for (hapEnv in self$hptypes) {
self$showMatrix(envir = hapEnv, left = left, right = right)
## self$init() ####
MergeEnv_$set("public", "init", function(hapEnv) {
hapEnv <- match.arg(hapEnv, self$x$getHapTypes())
envir <- self$hptypes[[hapEnv]]
readtype <- ifelse(self$x$hasShortreads(), "SR", "LR")
if (readtype == "SR") {
lr <- consmat(self$x$mapFinal$LR[[hapEnv]]$pileup, prob = FALSE)
sr <- consmat(self$x$mapFinal$SR[[hapEnv]]$pileup, prob = FALSE)
rs <- .equaliseConsmat(lrm = lr, srm = sr)
envir$LR <- rs$lrm
envir$SR <- rs$srm
else if (readtype == "LR") {
envir$LR <- consmat(self$x$mapFinal$LR[[hapEnv]]$pileup, prob = FALSE)
envir$SR <- NULL
apos <- foreach(rt = c("LR", "SR"), .combine = c) %do% {
# threshold <- ifelse(rt == "LR", max(c(threshold, 0.2)), threshold)
# rt = "LR"
.ambiguousPositions(envir[[rt]], self$threshold, TRUE)
apos <- unique(sort(apos))
envir$POSit = itertools::ihasNext(iterators::iter(apos))
envir$variants = list()
envir$pos = 1L
envir$currentVariant = NULL
envir$init = TRUE
## self$walkOne() ####
MergeEnv_$set("public", "walkOne", function(hapEnv, verbose = FALSE) {
hapEnv <- match.arg(hapEnv, self$x$getHapTypes())
if (!self$isInitialised(hapEnv)) {
envir <- self$getHapEnv(hapEnv)
if (verbose) {
cat("\nConsensus sequence:\n")
## self$walk() ####
MergeEnv_$set("public", "walk", function(hp, verbose = FALSE) {
hp <- match.arg(hp, self$x$getHapTypes())
if (!self$isInitialised(hp)) {
envir <- self$getHapEnv(hp)
# while (stepThrough(envir)) {
while (private$stepThrough(envir)) {
if (verbose) {
cat("\nConsensus sequence:\n")
## private$stepThrough() ####
MergeEnv_$set("private", "stepThrough", function(envir) {
# stepThrough <- function(envir) {
if (!itertools::hasNext(envir$POSit)) {
envir$pos <- ifelse(!is.null(envir$SR),
iterators::nextElem(envir$POSit) + offsetBases(envir$SR),
iterators::nextElem(envir$POSit) + offsetBases(envir$LR))
# message(envir$pos)
# envir$pos <- 962
# p <- envir$pos
# x <- yield(envir)
rs <- disambiguateVariant(x = yield(envir), threshold = self$threshold)
.update(envir) <- rs
## self$showConsensus() ####
MergeEnv_$set("public", "showConsensus", function(envir,
pos, left = 6, right = left,
offsetBases = 0) {
# debug
# envir <- self$a
if (is.null(envir$init)) {
cat("Haplotype", envir$haplotype, "not initialised.")
if (missing(pos)) {
pos <- envir$pos
min <- min(pos + offsetBases - left, 1)
lr <- envir$LR[min:(pos + offsetBases + right), , drop = FALSE]
sr <- envir$SR[min:(pos + offsetBases + right), , drop = FALSE]
## Conseq
lcs <- tolower(.makeAmbigConsensus_(lr, threshold = self$threshold,
suppressAllGaps = FALSE, asString = TRUE))
## here
substr(lcs, left + 1, left + 1) <- toupper(substr(lcs, left + 1, left + 1))
scs <- tolower(.makeAmbigConsensus_(sr, threshold = self$threshold,
suppressAllGaps = FALSE, asString = TRUE))
substr(scs, left + 1, left + 1) <- toupper(substr(scs, left + 1, left + 1))
show <- sprintf(" Haplotype %s [%s] \nlr: %s\nsr: %s\n\n",
envir$haplotype, pos, lcs, scs)
## self$showMatrix() ####
MergeEnv_$set("public", "showMatrix", function(envir, pos, left = 6,
right = left, offsetBases = 0) {
if (is.null(envir$init)) {
cat("Haplotype", envir$haplotype, "not initialised.")
if (missing(pos)) {
pos <- envir$pos
min <- min(max(pos + offsetBases - left, 1), 1)
lr <- envir$LR[min:(pos + offsetBases + right), , drop = FALSE]
sr <- envir$SR[min:(pos + offsetBases + right), , drop = FALSE]
lcs <- .makeAmbigConsensus_(lr, threshold = self$threshold,
suppressAllGaps = FALSE, asString = TRUE)
if (!is.null(sr)) {
scs <- .makeAmbigConsensus_(sr, threshold = self$threshold,
suppressAllGaps = FALSE, asString = TRUE)
cat("Haplotype ", envir$haplotype,
"\nLong read map position [", pos + offsetBases,
"] Consensus [", lcs, "]\n")
print(lr, n = NROW(lr), noHead = TRUE, transpose = TRUE)
if (!is.null(sr)) {
cat("Short read map position [", pos + offsetBases, "] Consensus [",
scs, "]\n")
print(sr, n = NROW(sr), noHead = TRUE, transpose = TRUE)
## self$export() ####
MergeEnv_$set("public", "export", function() {
cons <- structure(
foreach(hp = self$x$getHapTypes(),
.final = function(x) stats::setNames(x, self$x$getHapTypes())) %do% {
envir <- self$hptypes[[hp]]
matrix = if (!is.null(envir$SR)) envir$SR else envir$LR,
variants = compact(envir$variants)
## consensus for checking with ambigs
seq = list(foreach(hp = self$x$getHapTypes(),
.final = function(x)
stats::setNames(x, self$x$getHapTypes())) %do% {
cmat <- if (!is.null(self$hptypes[[hp]]$SR)) {
} else {
cseq <- conseq(x = cmat, name = "hap" %<<% hp, type = "ambig", suppressAllGaps = TRUE, threshold = self$threshold)
S4Vectors::metadata(cseq) <- list()
## consensus for remapping without ambigs
noAmbig = list(foreach(hp = self$x$getHapTypes(),
.final = function(x)
setNames(x, self$x$getHapTypes())) %do% {
cmat <- if (!is.null(self$hptypes[[hp]]$SR)) {
} else {
cseq <- conseq(cmat, "hap" %<<% hp, "prob", suppressAllGaps = TRUE)
S4Vectors::metadata(cseq) <- list()
class = c("ConsList", "list")
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
.expandLongreadConsmat <- function(lrm, srm) {
m <- as.matrix(lrm)
if (NCOL(lrm) == 5) {
m <- cbind(m, `+` = 0)
if (length(ins(srm)) > 0) {
insert <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, stats::median(rowSums(m)), 0), ncol = 6)
myIns <- sort(ins(srm))
myIns <- myIns[myIns < nrow(lrm)]
INSit <- itertools::ihasNext(iterators::iter(myIns))
while (itertools::hasNext(INSit)) {
i <- iterators::nextElem(INSit)
m <- rbind(m[seq_len(i - 1), ], insert, m[i:NROW(m), ])
if (! NROW(m) == NROW(srm)){
warning("SR and LR of different length! Check problem file")
if (NROW(m) < NROW(srm)){
flog.info(" fill longreads with gaps from %s to %s",
NROW(m), NROW(srm), name = "info")
add <- ((NROW(m)+1):NROW(srm))
m <- rbind(m, srm[add,])
m[add,] <- rep.int(0, 6*length(add))
} else if (NROW(m) > NROW(srm)){
flog.info(" fill shortreads with gaps from %s to %s",
NROW(srm), NROW(m), name = "info")
add <- ((NROW(srm)+1):NROW(m))
srm <- rbind(srm, m[add,])
srm[add,] <- rep.int(0, 6*length(add))
stopifnot(NROW(m) == NROW(srm))
dimnames(m) <- dimnames(srm)
lrm <- consmat(m, freq = FALSE)
.equaliseConsmat <- function(lrm, srm) {
if (NROW(srm) + length(ins(lrm)) != NROW(lrm) + length(ins(srm))) {
warning("SR and LR consensus matrices differ in length", immediate. = TRUE)
# lm[ins(lrm), ]
# sm[ins(srm), ]
# ref <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(self$x$absPath(self$x$mapFinal$ref[["B"]]))
# ref
# i <- i
# j <- i
# t(lm[(i-6):(i+6), ])
# t(sm[(j-6):(j+6), ])
# Biostrings::subseq(ref, j-9, j+9)
# NROW(lm)
# NROW(sm)
# tail(lm)
# tail(sm)
sm <- as.matrix(srm)
if (NCOL(srm) == 5) {
sm <- cbind(sm, `+` = 0)
if (length(ins(lrm)) > 0) {
insert <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, stats::median(rowSums(sm)), 0), ncol = 6)
myIns <- sort(ins(lrm))
myIns <- myIns[myIns < NROW(srm) + length(ins(lrm))]
INSit <- itertools::ihasNext(iterators::iter(myIns))
if (length(ins(srm)) > 0) {
while (itertools::hasNext(INSit)) {
i <- iterators::nextElem(INSit)
if (i %in% ins(srm))
ins(srm)[ins(srm) > i] <- ins(srm)[ins(srm) > i] + 1
sm <- rbind(sm[seq_len(i - 1), ], insert, sm[i:NROW(sm), ])
} else {
while (itertools::hasNext(INSit)) {
i <- iterators::nextElem(INSit)
sm <- rbind(sm[seq_len(i - 1), ], insert, sm[i:NROW(sm), ])
dimnames(sm) <- list(pos = as.character(1:NROW(sm)),
nucleotide = c("G", "A", "T", "C", "-", "+"))
lm <- as.matrix(lrm)
if (NCOL(lrm) == 5) {
lm <- cbind(lm, `+` = 0)
if (length(ins(srm)) > 0) {
insert <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, stats::median(rowSums(lm)), 0), ncol = 6)
myIns <- sort(ins(srm))
myIns <- myIns[myIns < NROW(lrm) + length(ins(srm))]
INSit <- itertools::ihasNext(iterators::iter(myIns))
if (length(ins(lrm)) > 0) {
while (itertools::hasNext(INSit)) {
i <- iterators::nextElem(INSit)
if (i %in% ins(lrm))
ins(lrm)[ins(lrm) > i] <- ins(lrm)[ins(lrm) > i] + 1
lm <- rbind(lm[seq_len(i - 1), ], insert, lm[i:NROW(lm), ])
} else {
while (itertools::hasNext(INSit)) {
i <- iterators::nextElem(INSit)
lm <- rbind(lm[seq_len(i - 1), ], insert, lm[i:NROW(lm), ])
dimnames(lm) <- list(pos = as.character(1:NROW(lm)),
nucleotide = c("G", "A", "T", "C", "-", "+"))
if (NROW(sm) != NROW(lm)) {
warning("SR and LR of different length! Check problem file")
if (NROW(lm) < NROW(sm)) {
flog.info(" fill longreads with gaps from %s to %s",
NROW(sm), NROW(sm), name = "info")
add <- ((NROW(lm) + 1):NROW(sm))
lm <- rbind(lm, sm[add, ])
lm[add, ] <- rep.int(0, 6*length(add))
} else if (NROW(lm) > NROW(sm)) {
flog.info(" fill shortreads with gaps from %s to %s",
NROW(sm), NROW(lm), name = "info")
add <- ((NROW(sm) + 1):NROW(lm))
sm <- rbind(sm, lm[add, ])
sm[add, ] <- rep.int(0, 6*length(add))
stopifnot(NROW(sm) == NROW(lm))
sm.out <- consmat(sm, freq = FALSE)
ins(sm.out) <- ins(srm)
lm.out <- consmat(lm, freq = FALSE)
ins(lm.out) <- ins(lrm)
list(srm = sm.out, lrm = lm.out)
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