Defines functions hla_dat_sq hla_dat_ft hla_dat_de hla_dat_id calc_consensus_string exon_distance_matrix length.HLAGene names.HLAGene `[.HLAGene` HLAGene

Documented in HLAGene

#' @include HLAAllele.R

# Class: HLAGene ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Constructor for [HLAGene][HLAGene_] objects.
#' @param locusname <[character]>; a valid HLA gene name.
#' @param db_version <[character]>; IPD-IMGT/HLA version (e.g.: 3.28.0, 3.18.0, ...)
#' @param db_path <[character]>; Location of local IPD-IMGT/HLA repository. Defaults to \file{~/local/db/IMGTHLA}.
#' @param ... Passed on to the initialiser.
#' @return A [HLAGene][HLAGene_] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- HLAGene("DPB1")
#' db_version(x)
#' locusname(x)
#' length(x)
#' ## extract alleles with complete sequences
#' x[is_complete(x)]
#' ## extract all Common alleles
#' x[cwd_status(x) == "Common"]
#' }
HLAGene <- function(locusname, db_version = "Latest", db_path = getOption("hlatools.local_repos"), ...) {
  HLAGene_$new(locusname, db_version, db_path, ...)

#' R6 Class `"HLAGene"`
#' A container for the allelic information of an HLA gene.
#' @importFrom XVector subseq subseq<-
#' @import foreach
HLAGene_ <- R6::R6Class("HLAGene",
  public = list(
    #' @description
    #' Create a new HLAgene object.
    #' @param locusname Name of locus.
    #' @param db_version Version number of IPD-IMGT/HLA release or "Latest".
    #' @param db_path Local path to IPD-IMGT/HLA.
    #' @param ncores How many cores are used for parsing the data.
    #' @param with_dist Calulate Levenshtein distances between all alleles.
    #' @return A new `HLAgene` object.
    initialize = function(locusname,
                          db_path = getOption("hlatools.local_repos"),
                          ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 2,
                          with_dist = FALSE) {
      if (db_version != "Latest") {
        checkout_db_version(db_version, db_path)
        on.exit(checkout_db_version("Latest", db_path))
      doc         <- read_hla_xml(db_path)
      lcn         <- match_hla_locus(locusname)
      private$htv <- utils::packageVersion("hlatools")
      private$dbv <- numeric_version(xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "//d1:alleles/d1:allele[1]/d1:releaseversions"), "currentrelease"))
      private$lcn <- lcn
      private$all <- parse_hla_alleles(doc, locusname = lcn, ncores)
      if (with_dist) {
        private$dmt <- exon_distance_matrix(private$all, verbose = TRUE)
        private$cns <- calc_consensus_string(private$all, private$lcn, verbose = TRUE)

    #' @description
    #' Display a HLAgene object.
    print = function() {
      fmt0 <- "IPD-IMGT/HLA database <%s>; Locus <%s>\n"
      cat(sprintf(fmt0, self$get_db_version(), self$get_locusname()))

    ## getters and setters
    #' @description
    #' The package version under which a HLAGene object was created.
    get_hlatools_version = function() {

    #' @description
    #' The IPD-IMGT/HLA database version.
    get_db_version = function() {

    #' @description
    #' The name of the HLA locus.
    get_locusname = function() {

    #' @description
    #' A [HLAAllele] object.
    #' @param allele The allele code.
    get_alleles = function(allele) {
      if (missing(allele)) {
      allele <- if (is.character(allele)) {
        expand_hla_allele(allele, self$get_locusname())
      } else allele

    #' @description
    #' Has a distance matrix between all alleles been calculated?
    has_distances = function() {

    #' @description
    #' Calculate a distance matrix between all alleles based on the available exon sequences.
    calculate_exon_distance_matrix = function() {
      private$dmt <- exon_distance_matrix(private$all, verbose = TRUE)
      private$cns <- calc_consensus_string(private$all, private$lcn, verbose = TRUE)

    #' @description
    #' Get the full-length allele that is closest to the query allele, based on the
    #' available exon sequences.
    #' @param allele The allele code.
    #' @param partially If `TRUE` match partial allele names.
    get_closest_complete_neighbor = function(allele, partially = TRUE) {
      i <- match_alleles(allele, self, partially)
      if (length(i) == 0) {
        stop("Allele ", dQuote(allele), " not found.", call. = FALSE)

      ## get indices of full-length alleles
      completes <- which(is_complete(self))
      if (any(i %in% completes)) {
        ## return name of first allele amongst matching full-length alleles
        i <- i[i %in% completes]

      if (!self$has_distances()) {

      ## report the full-length with min(sum(dist)) from query alleles
      dmi <- private$dmt[i, completes, drop = FALSE]

    #' @description
    #' Get the reference sequence for query allele extended to full length by
    #' filling up missing sequence information with the closest complete neighbour.
    #' @param allele The allele code.
    get_reference_sequence = function(allele) {
      ref <- self$get_closest_complete_neighbor(allele)
      if (allele == ref) {
        ref <- self$get_alleles(allele)
        sref <- Biostrings::BStringSet(sequences(ref)[[1]])
        names(sref) <- as(features(ref)[[1]], "character")
      } else {
        ref <- self$get_alleles(ref)
        alt <- self$get_alleles(allele)
        fref <- features(ref)[[1]]
        falt <- features(alt)[[1]]
        sref <- Biostrings::BString(tolower(sequences(ref)[[1]]))
        salt <- Biostrings::BString(toupper(sequences(alt)[[1]]))
        i <- match(names(falt), names(fref))
        Rref <- iterators::iter(ranges(fref)[i, ])
        Ralt <- iterators::iter(ranges(falt))
        while (hlatools::hasNext(Rref) && hlatools::hasNext(Ralt)) {
          rref <- iterators::nextElem(Rref)
          ralt <- iterators::nextElem(Ralt)
          Biostrings::subseq(sref, start(rref), end(rref)) <- Biostrings::subseq(salt, start(ralt), end(ralt))
        sref <- Biostrings::BStringSet(sref)
        names(sref) <- as(merge(x = fref, y = falt), "character")

    #' @description
    #' Get the reference sequences for all allele extended to full length by
    #' filling up missing sequence information with the closest complete neighbours.
    #' @param allele The allele code.
    get_all_reference_sequences = function(allele) {
      allele <- expand_hla_allele(allele, self$get_locusname())
      complete_alleles <- allele_name(self$get_alleles(is_complete(self)))
      if (allele %in% complete_alleles) {
        ref <- self$get_alleles(allele)
        sref <- Biostrings::BStringSet(sequences(ref)[[1]])
        names(sref) <- as(features(ref)[[1]], "character")
      } else {
        alt  <- self$get_alleles(allele)
        refs <- self$get_alleles(complete_alleles)
        falt <- features(alt)[[1]]
        frefs <- features(refs)
        salt <- Biostrings::BString(toupper(sequences(alt)[[1]]))
        srefs <- Biostrings::BStringSet(tolower(sequences(refs)))
        foreach(fref = frefs, sref = srefs, .combine = "c") %do% {
          i <- match(names(falt), names(fref))
          Rref <- iter(ranges(fref)[i, ])
          Ralt <- iter(ranges(falt))
          while (hlatools::hasNext(Rref) && hlatools::hasNext(Ralt)) {
            rref <- nextElem(Rref)
            ralt <- nextElem(Ralt)
            subseq(sref, start(rref), end(rref)) <- subseq(salt, start(ralt), end(ralt))
          sref <- Biostrings::BStringSet(sref)
          names(sref) <- as(merge(x = fref, y = falt), "character")

    #' @description
    #' Get the reference sequence for query allele extended to full length by
    #' filling up missing sequence information with the closest complete neighbour
    #' formatted as a GenBank Feature Table.
    #' @param allele The allele code.
    get_reference_sequence_as_ft = function(allele) {
      allele <- expand_hla_allele(allele, self$get_locusname())
      x <- self$get_reference_sequence(allele)

    #' @description
    #' Get the reference sequences for all allele extended to full length by
    #' filling up missing sequence information with the closest complete neighbours
    #' formatted as a GenBank Feature Table.
    #' @param allele The allele code.
    get_all_reference_sequences_as_ft = function(allele) {
      allele <- expand_hla_allele(allele, self$get_locusname())
      x <- self$get_all_reference_sequences(allele)
      n <- length(x)
      rs <- character(n)
      for (i in seq_len(n)) {
        rs[i] <- sprintf(
      paste0(rs, collapse = "")

    #' @description
    #' TODO: Documentation
    #' @param verbose Emit progress messages.
    get_extended_reference_set = function(verbose = FALSE) {
      iAlleles  <- iterators::iter(names(self))
      # (allele <- iterators::nextElem(iAlleles))
      # (ccn  <- self$get_closest_complete_neighbor(allele))
      rset <- foreach(allele = iAlleles, .combine = "c") %do% {
        if (verbose)
          message(allele, " -> ", appendLF = FALSE)
        ccn  <- self$get_closest_complete_neighbor(allele)
        if (verbose)
          message(ccn, appendLF = TRUE)
        if (allele == ccn) {
        } else {
          refcoord <- character(0)
          offset   <- 0
          ref  <- self$get_alleles(ccn)
          alt  <- self$get_alleles(allele)
          fref <- features(ref)[[1]]
          falt <- features(alt)[[1]]
          sref <- sequences(ref)[[1]]
          salt <- sequences(alt)[[1]]
          i    <- match(names(falt), names(fref))
          Rref <- iterators::iter(ranges(fref)[i, ])
          Ralt <- iterators::iter(ranges(falt))
          while (hlatools::hasNext(Rref) && hlatools::hasNext(Ralt)) {
            rref <- iterators::nextElem(Rref)
            ralt <- iterators::nextElem(Ralt)
            sr    <- start(rref) + offset
            er    <- end(rref) + offset
            ## if feature widths in reference and allele differ offset
            ## subsequent feature coordinates accordingly
            wr   <- width(rref)
            wa   <- width(ralt)
            offset <- offset - (wr - wa)
            refcoord <- c(refcoord, paste0(sr, ":", er - (wr - wa)))
            Biostrings::subseq(sref, sr, er) <- Biostrings::subseq(salt, start(ralt), end(ralt))
          sref <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(sref)
          names(sref) <- paste0(allele, " ", ccn, " ", paste0(refcoord, collapse = "|"))

  private = list(
    htv = NULL, # [package_version]; hlatools package version
    dbv = NULL, # [numeric_version]; IPD-IMGT/HLA database version
    lcn = NULL, # [character]; locus name
    all = NULL, # [HLAAllele]; alleles
    dmt = NULL, # [matrix]; distance matrix based on exon 2 (it's the only one that is always present)
    cns = NULL  # [DNAStringSet]; consensus sequence based on all full-length alleles

# Formal Methods (S4) -----------------------------------------------------


setMethod("sequences", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("features", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("elementMetadata", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, use.names = FALSE, ...) {

setMethod("allele_id", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("allele_name", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("g_group", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("p_group", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("cwd_status", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("ethnicity", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("sample_name", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("is_complete", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("is_lsl", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {
  pttrn <- ".*DKMS-LSL.*$"
  grepl(pttrn, elementMetadata(x)$sample)

setMethod("exon", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, exon = NULL, ...) {
  exon(x$get_alleles(), exon = exon, ...)

setMethod("intron", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, intron = NULL, ...) {
  intron(x$get_alleles(), intron = intron, ...)

setMethod("utr", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, utr = NULL, ...) {
  utr(x$get_alleles(), utr = utr, ...)

setMethod("noutr", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {
  noutr(x$get_alleles(), ...)

setMethod("locusname", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("hlatools_version", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

setMethod("db_version", signature(x = "HLAGene"), function(x, ...) {

# S3 methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
`[.HLAGene` <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {

#' @export
names.HLAGene <- function(x) {

#' @export
length.HLAGene <- function(x) {

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

exon_distance_matrix <- function(x, verbose = TRUE) {
    requireNamespace("DECIPHER", quietly = TRUE)
  exon <- exon(x, NULL)
  names(exon) <- strsplitN(names(exon), "|", 1, fixed = TRUE)
  aln  <- DECIPHER::AlignSeqs(exon, iterations = 0, refinements = 0,
                              restrict = c(-500, 2, 10), verbose = verbose)
  dm <- DECIPHER::DistanceMatrix(aln,
                                 includeTerminalGaps = FALSE,     # terminal gaps are not included into the calculation of distance.
                                 penalizeGapLetterMatches = TRUE, # gap-to-letter matches are included in the total length used to calculate distance
                                 penalizeGapGapMatches = FALSE,   # gap-to-gap matches are not included in the total length used to calculate distance
                                 processors = NULL,               # auto-detect the number of available processors.
                                 verbose = verbose)

# calc_exon2_distance <- function(x, verbose = TRUE) {
#   stopifnot(requireNamespace("DECIPHER", quietly = TRUE))
#   name <- "Exon 2"
#   df <- as.data.frame(ranges(features(x)))
#   df <- df[df$names == name, c("start", "end")]
#   exon2 <- subseq(sequences(x), df$start, df$end)
#   aln <- DECIPHER::AlignSeqs(exon2, iterations = 0, refinements = 0,
#                              restrict = c(-500, 2, 10), verbose = verbose)
#   DECIPHER::DistanceMatrix(aln, includeTerminalGaps = TRUE, verbose = verbose)
# }

calc_consensus_string <- function(x, locusname = "", verbose = TRUE) {
    requireNamespace("DECIPHER", quietly = TRUE),
    requireNamespace("Biostrings", quietly = TRUE)
  NUC <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
  seqs <- sequences(x[is_complete(x)])
  aln <- DECIPHER::AlignSeqs(seqs, verbose = TRUE)
  cm <- t(Biostrings::consensusMatrix(aln))[, NUC]
  cm <- sweep(cm, 1, .rowSums(cm, NROW(cm), NCOL(cm)), `/`)
  cseq <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(paste0(NUC[apply(cm, 1, which.max)], collapse = ""))
  names(cseq) <- trimws(paste0(locusname, " consensus"))

hla_dat_id <- function(x) {
  paste0("ID   HLAxxxxx; SV 1; standard; DNA; HUM; ", width(x), " BP.")

hla_dat_de <- function(x) {
  s <- names(x)
  s <- strsplit(s, "~", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
  s <- strsplitN(strsplit(s, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], "[.]", 1)
  s <- if (length(s) > 1) {
    paste0("DE   ", s[1], "[", strsplitN(s[2], "*", 2, fixed = TRUE), "]")
  } else {
    paste0("DE   ", s)
  paste0(s, ", Human MHC sequence")

hla_dat_ft <- function(x) {
  tbl <- as(names(x), "HLARanges")
  nm <- names(tbl)
  nm <- ifelse(grepl("UTR$", nm), "UTR", nm)
  keys     <- strsplitN(nm, " ", 1)
  numbers  <- strsplitN(nm, " ", 2)
  keys     <- ifelse(keys == "UTR", keys, tolower(keys))
  numbers  <- ifelse(numbers == "UTR", "", numbers)
  foreach(k = keys, s = start(tbl), e = end(tbl), n = numbers, .combine = "paste0") %do% {
    l1 <- sprintf("FT   %-16s%s..%s\n", k, s, e)
    l2 <- if (nzchar(n)) {
      sprintf('FT                   /number="%s"\n', n)
    } else ""
    paste0(l1, l2)

hla_dat_sq <- function(x) {
  l <- Biostrings::width(x)
  l1 <- paste0("SQ   Sequence ", l, " BP;\n")
  i <- seq(1, l, by = 60)
  if (i[length(i)] == l) {
    i <- i[-length(i)]
  j <- unique(c(seq(61, l, by = 60), l))
  l2 <- paste0(vapply(Biostrings::substring(x, i, j), function(x) paste0("     ", paste0(
    substring(x, c(1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51), c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)),
    collapse = " "
  )), FUN.VALUE = ""), collapse = "\n")
  l3 <- "\n//"
  paste0(l1, l2, l3)
gschofl/hlatools documentation built on July 2, 2021, 10:59 a.m.