
Defines functions summspm ssq spm spmMult spmphaseplot simpfox simpspm robustSPM plot.spmdat plotlag negLL makespmdata getrmse getlag fitSPM displayModel checkspmdata bootspm altnegLL

Documented in altnegLL bootspm checkspmdata displayModel fitSPM getlag getrmse makespmdata negLL plotlag plot.spmdat robustSPM simpfox simpspm spm spmMult spmphaseplot ssq summspm

# Sun May 14 14:12:13 2017 ------------------------------
#  codeutils::listFunctions("C:/A_CSIRO/Rcode/datalowSA/R/spm.r")

#' @title altnegLL calculate the normal negative log-likelihood
#' @description altnegLL calculates negLL using the simplification
#'    from Haddon (2011) using the ssq calculated within the function
#'    spm
#' @param inp a vector of model parameters (r,K,Binit)
#' @param indat a matrix with at least columns 'year', 'catch', and 'cpue'
#' @return a single value the negative log-likelihood
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' head(fish,15)
#' colnames(fish) <- tolower(colnames(fish)) 
#' pars <- c(r=0.242,K=5170,Binit=2840) 
#' altnegLL(pars,fish)  # should be -12.1249
#' }
altnegLL <- function(inp,indat) {  #inp=pars; indat=fish
   out <- spm(inp,indat)$outmat
   Nobs <- length(which(indat[,"cpue"] > 0))
   sigma <- sqrt(sum(out[,"ssq"])/Nobs)
   negLL <- (Nobs/2)*(log(2*pi) + 2*log(sigma) + 1)
} # end of altnegLL

#' @title bootspm conducts a bootstrap analysis on a spm model
#' @description bootspm conducts a bootstrap analysis on a spm model. It does 
#'     this by saving the original fishery data, estimating the cpue residuals,
#'     and multiplying the optimum predicted CPUE by a bootstrap sample of the
#'     log-normal residuals (Haddon, 2011, p311). This bootstrap sample of CPUE
#'     replaces the original fish[,"cpue"] and the model is re-fitted. This is 
#'     repeated iter times and the outputs reported ready for the derivation of
#'     percentile confidence intervals. The optimum solution is used as the 
#'     first bootstrap replicate (it is standard practice to include the 
#'     original fit in the bootstrap analysis). If 1000 replicates are run this
#'     procedure can take a couple of minutes on a reasonably fast computer. A
#'     comparison of the mean with the median should provide some notion of any
#'     bias in the mean estimate.
#' @param optpar The optimum model parameters from an earlier analysis
#' @param fishery the fishery data containing the original observed cpue values
#' @param iter the number of boostrap replicates to be run
#' @param schaefer default is TRUE, determines whether a Schaefer or a Fox model
#'     is run
#' @return a list of two matrices. One contining the bootstrap parameters and 
#'     the other containing some of the dynamics, including the ModelB, the 
#'     bootstrap CPUE sample, the Depletion, and the annual harvest rate.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  data(dataspm)
#'  pars <- c(r=0.2,K=6000,Binit=2800)
#'  ans <- fitSPM(pars,dataspm$fish,schaefer=TRUE,maxiter=1000)
#'  boots <- bootspm(ans$par,fishery=dataspm$fish,iter=500,schaefer=TRUE)
#'  dynam <- boots$dynam
#'  bootpar <- boots$bootpar
#'  MSY <- bootpar[,"r"]*bootpar[,"K"]/4
#'  Depl <- dynam[,length(fish[,"year"]),"Depletion"] # pick the last year
#'  bootpar <- cbind(bootpar,MSY,Depl)
#'  rows <- colnames(bootpar)
#'  columns <- c(c(0.025,0.05,0.5,0.95,0.975),"Mean")
#'  bootCI <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(rows),ncol=length(columns),
#'                 dimnames=list(rows,columns))
#'  for (i in 1:length(rows)) { 
#'    tmp <- sort(bootpar[,i])
#'    qtil <-  quantile(tmp,probs=c(0.025,0.05,0.5,0.95,0.975),na.rm=TRUE)
#'    bootCI[i,] <- c(qtil,mean(tmp,na.rm=TRUE))
#'  }
#'  round(bootCI,3)
#' }
bootspm <- function(optpar,fishery,iter=100,schaefer=TRUE) {
 #  optpar=bestFox$par;fishery=fish;iter=10;schaefer=FALSE
   out <- spm(inp=optpar,indat=fishery,schaefer=schaefer)
   outmat <- out$outmat
   years <- fishery[,"year"]
   nyrs <- length(years)
   pickyr <- which(outmat[,"CPUE"] > 0)
   cpueO <- outmat[pickyr,"CPUE"]
   predO <- outmat[pickyr,"PredCE"]  # original values
   resids <- cpueO/predO
   varib <- c("r","K")
   if (length(optpar) > 2) varib <- c("r","K","Binit")
   bootpar <- matrix(0,nrow=iter,ncol=length(varib),dimnames=list(1:iter,varib))
   columns <- c("ModelB","BootCE","PredCE","Depletion","Harvest")
   dynam <- array(0,dim=c(iter,nyrs,length(columns)),
   dynam[1,,] <- outmat[,c(1,3,4,7,8)]
   bootpar[1,] <- optpar
   negpar <- 0
   for (i in 2:iter) { # i = 2
      cpueOB <- rep(NA,nyrs) # bootstrap sample
      cpueOB[pickyr] <- predO * sample(resids)
      fishery[,"cpue"] <- cpueOB
      outspm <- fitSPM(optpar,fishery,schaefer=schaefer,maxiter=1000)
      if (any(outspm$par < 0)) negpar <- negpar + 1
      bootpar[i,] <- outspm$par 
      out <- spm(inp=outspm$par,indat=fishery,schaefer=schaefer)
      dynam[i,,] <- out$outmat[,c(1,3,4,7,8)]
   if(schaefer) p <- 1 else p <- 1e-8
   MSY <- (bootpar[,"r"]*bootpar[,"K"])/((p+1)^((p+1)/p))
   Depl <- dynam[,nyrs,"Depletion"]
   Harv <- dynam[,nyrs,"Harvest"]
   bootpar <- cbind(bootpar,MSY,Depl,Harv)
} # end of bootspm

#' @title checkspmdata ensures the input data contains the necessary columns
#' @description checkspmdata ensures the input fishery data contains the
#'     year, catch, and cpue columns necessary for a SPM analysis.
#' @param infish the data.frame containing columns of data
#' @return a 3 x 2 matrix with vaiable and true or false for presence
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' checkspmdata(fish)
#' }
checkspmdata <- function(infish) { # infish=fish
   colnames(infish) <- tolower(colnames(infish))
   columns <- colnames(infish)
   existvec <- function(pattern,x) {
      a1 <- grep(pattern,columns)
      if (length(a1) > 0) return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)
   rows <- c("year","catch","cpue")
   ans <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=length(rows),ncol=2,
   ans[,1] <- rows; ans[,2] <- FALSE
   #  check the required columns are present
   if (existvec("year",columns)) ans[1,"Present"] <- TRUE
   if (existvec("catch",columns)) ans[2,"Present"] <- TRUE
   if (existvec("cpue",columns)) ans[3,"Present"] <- TRUE
} # end of checkspmdata

#' @title displayModel plots the model fit given the parameters and data
#' @description displayModel takes a set of parameters and the spmdat matrix
#'     and plots the predicted depletion, catch, the surplus production, and
#'     the CPUE and the model fit to CPUE,
#' @param inp a vector of model parameters (r,K,B0)
#' @param indat a matrix with at least columns 'year', 'catch', and 'cpue'
#' @param schaefer if TRUE, the default, then the Schaefer SPM is used. If FALSE
#'     then an approximate Fox SPM would be used
#' @param extern defaults to FALSE, determines whether to plot the graphs
#'     in a separate window
#' @param limit defaults to the Commonwealth limit of 0.2B0.
#' @param target defaults to the Commonwealth target of 0.48B0. It determines
#'     the green line plotted on the exploitable biomass plot.
#' @param addrmse default is FALSE but if set TRUE this will add the loess
#'     curve to the CPUE trend for comparison with the fitted line
#' @param filename default is empty. If a filename is put here a .png file
#'     with that name will be put into the working directory. 
#' @param resol the resolution of the png file, defaults to 200 dpi
#' @param fnt the font used in the plot and axes. Default=7, bold Times. Using
#'     6 gives Times, 1 will give SansSerif, 2 = bold Sans
#' @param plotout should one generate a plot or only do the calculations; default
#'     is TRUE
#' @return invisibly a list of the dynamics, production curve, MSY, and Bmsy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' plotfish(fish,glb) 
#' pars <- c(0.264,4740,3064) 
#' ans <- displayModel(pars,fish,schaefer=FALSE) 
#' bestSP <- optim(par=pars,fn=negLL,callfun=simpspm,indat=fish,schaefer=FALSE) 
#' outoptim(bestSP) 
#' ans <- displayModel(bestSP$par,fish,schaefer=FALSE) 
#' str(ans) 
#' }
displayModel <- function(inp,indat,schaefer=TRUE,extern=FALSE,limit=0.2,
                         resol=200,fnt=7,plotout=TRUE) {
   # inp <- bestSPM$par; indat=fish;schaefer=TRUE;extern=TRUE;limit=0.2;
   # target=0.48;addrmse=TRUE;filename="";resol=200;fnt=7;plotout=FALSE
   lenfile <- nchar(filename)
   if (lenfile > 3) {
      end <- substr(filename,(lenfile-3),lenfile)
      if (end != ".png") filename <- paste0(filename,".png")
   colnames(indat) <- tolower(colnames(indat))
   if(schaefer) p <- 1 else p <- 1e-8
   out <- spm(inp=inp,indat=indat,schaefer = schaefer)
   ans <- out$outmat
   yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(ans))
   depl <- ans[,"Depletion"] # for depletion plot  
   rmse <- list(rmse=NA,predictedCE=NA) # for cpue plot
   rmseresid <- NA
   unfishedB <- out$parameters[2]    # for production results
   minB <- 100
   x <- seq(minB,unfishedB,length.out = 100)
   pars <- out$parameters
   y <- ((pars[1]/p)*x*(1-(x/pars[2])^p))
   pick <- which.max(y)
   pickLRP <- which.closest(limit*pars[2],x)
   pickTRP <- which.closest(target*pars[2],x)
   msy <- y[pick]
   Bmsy <- x[pick]
   Blim <- x[pickLRP]
   Btarg <- x[pickTRP]
   Ctarg <- y[pickTRP] # end of production results
   xd <- x/unfishedB
   Dmsy <- xd[pick]
   Dcurr <- tail(depl,1)
   if (plotout) {
      if ((extern) & (lenfile == 0)) { # plot to a window external to RStudio
         if (names(dev.cur()) %in% c("null device", "RStudioGD"))
            dev.new(width = 6, height = 5.5, noRStudioGD = TRUE)
      par(mfrow= c(3,2))
      par(cex=0.85, mgp=c(1.25,0.35,0), font.axis=7,font.lab=7,font=7)
      # plot 1 Depletion through time
      ymax <- max(depl) * 1.025
           panel.first = grid())
      title(ylab=list("ExploitB Depletion", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7),
            xlab=list("Years", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7))
      # plot2 Catch
      ymax <- max(ans[,"Catch"],na.rm=T)*1.025
           yaxs="i",panel.first = grid())
      title(ylab=list("Catch (t)", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7),
            xlab=list("Years", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7))
      # Plot 3 CPUE
      nyr <- length(yrs)
      celoc <- grep("CPUE",colnames(ans))
      predloc <- grep("PredCE",colnames(ans))
      nce <- length(celoc)
      if (nce > 1) {
         obsce <- rep(NA,nyr)
         for (i in 1:nce) {
            pick <- which(ans[,celoc[i]] > 0)
            obsce[pick] <- ans[pick,celoc[i]]
      } else {
         obsce <- ans[,celoc]
      pickCE <- which(obsce > 0)
      ymax <- max(ans[,c(celoc,predloc)],na.rm=T)*1.025
        ylim=c(0,ymax),yaxs="i",xlim=range(yrs),panel.first = grid())
      if (nce > 1) {
         for (i in 2:nce) lines(yrs,ans[pickCE,predloc[i]],col=2,lwd=2)   
      if (addrmse) {
         rmse <- getrmse(indat)
      title(ylab=list("Scaled CPUE", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7),
            xlab=list("Years", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7))
      text(min(yrs),ymax*0.2,paste("p = ",p,sep=""),font=7,cex=1.0,pos=4)
      text(min(yrs),ymax*0.1,paste("MSY = ",round(out$msy,3),sep=""),font=7,cex=1.0,pos=4)
      #plot4 Production curve
      ymax <- getmaxy(y)
           panel.first = grid())
      text(Bmsy*1.05,ymax*0.1,paste("Bmsy = ",round(Bmsy,3),sep=""),font=7,cex=1.0,pos=4)
      title(ylab=list("Surplus Production", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7),
            xlab=list("Biomass", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7))
      # plot5 cpue residuals
      resid <- ans[pickCE,"CPUE"]/ans[pickCE,"PredCE"]
      nresid <- length(resid)
      ymax <- getmaxy(resid)
      ymin <- getminy(resid,mult=1.1)
      plot(yrs[pickCE],resid,"n",ylim=c(ymin,ymax),ylab="LN Residuals",xlab="Years")
      rmseresid <- sqrt(sum(resid^2)/nresid)
      text(min(yrs[pickCE]),ymin*1.05,paste("rmse = ",round(rmseresid,3),sep=""),
      #plot6 depletion production curve from biomass one
      ymax <- getmaxy(y)   
           panel.first = grid())
      title(ylab=list("Surplus Production(t)", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7),
            xlab=list("Depletion", cex=1.0, col=1, font=7))   
      if (lenfile > 0) {
         outfile <- paste0(getwd(),"/",filename)
   result <- list(out,cbind(x,y),rmseresid,msy,Bmsy,Dmsy,Blim,Btarg,Ctarg,
   names(result) <- c("Dynamics","BiomProd","rmseresid","MSY","Bmsy",
}  # end of displayModel

#' @title fitSPM fits a surplus production model
#' @description fitSPM fits a surplus production model (either Schaefer or Fox)
#'     by applying optim twice. Being automated it is recommended that this only 
#'     be used once plausible initial parameters have been identified (through 
#'     rules of thumb or trial and error). It uses negLL to apply a negative 
#'     log-likelihood, assuming log-normal ressidual errors. The output object 
#'     is the usual object output from optim. The $par values can be used in 
#'     displayModel to plot the outcome, or in bootspm to conduct bootstrap
#'     sampling of the residuals from the CPUE model fit to gain an appreciation 
#'     of any uncerainty in the analysis. It uses the magnitude function to set
#'     the values of the parscale parameters.
#' @param pars the initial parameter values to start the search for the optimum
#' @param fish the matrix containing the fishery data 'year', 'catch', and
#'     'cpue' as a minimum. 
#' @param schaefer if TRUE, the default, then simpspm is used to fit the 
#'     Schaefer model. If FALSE then the Fox model is fitted.
#' @param maxiter the maximum number of iterations to be used in each optim run
#' @return an optim output object as a list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  data(dataspm)
#'  pars <- c(r=0.2,K=6000,Binit=2800)
#'  ans <- fitSPM(pars,dataspm$fish,schaefer=TRUE,maxiter=1000)
#'  outoptim(ans)
#'  ansF <- fitSPM(pars,dataspm$fish,schaefer=FALSE,maxiter=1000) 
#'  outoptim(ansF)
#' }
fitSPM <- function(pars,fish,schaefer=TRUE,maxiter=1000) { # schaefer=TRUE,maxiter=1000
   # fitfun <- simpfox
   # if (schaefer) fitfun <- simpspm
   parscl <- magnitude(pars)
   bestSP <- optim(par=pars,fn=negLL,callfun=simpspm,indat=fish,schaefer=schaefer,
                   control=list(maxit = maxiter, parscale = parscl))
   parscl <- magnitude(bestSP$par)
   best2 <- optim(par=pars,fn=negLL,callfun=simpspm,indat=fish,schaefer=schaefer,
                  control=list(maxit = maxiter, parscale = parscl))
} # end of fitSPM

#' @title getlag is used to look for the response of cpue to previous catches
#' @description getlag is a wrapper for the ccf function (cross correlation) 
#'     that is used within the spm and aspm analyses to determine at what 
#'     negative lag, if any, cpue data is informative about the stock dynamics 
#'     beyond any information already available in the catch data. 
#'     If the cpue is directly correlated with catches (lag=0 has a strong 
#'     correlation) then cpue will not add much more information to an analysis. 
#'     Only if there is a significant negative correlation is it likely that the 
#'     cpue will increase the information available and make it more likely that 
#'     a spm or aspm may be able to be fitted meaningfully to the available data. 
#'     If there is no significant negative correlations then it becomes much 
#'     more unlikely than a valid model fit will be possible. The getlag 
#'     function first finds those rows for which both catch and cpue have values
#'     and then it runs the analysis. Thus, you cannot have gaps in your cpue
#'     data although there can be catches at the start or end or both for which
#'     there are no cpue data.
#' @param fish the matrix or data.frame containing the fishery data (year, catch,
#'     and cpue)
#' @param maxlag the lag.max parameter for the ccf function; defaults to 10 
#' @param plotout should a plot be made immediately; defaults to TRUE. If FALSE 
#'     then, assuming the result of the analysis is put into an object called
#'     'ans' a call to plot(ans) will generate the required plot.
#' @param indexI if there are more than one time-series of cpue/indices then
#'     this parameter selects which to use
#' @return an object of class acf, which can be plotted
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' year <- 1985:2008
#' catch <- c(1018,742,868,715,585,532,566,611,548,499,479,428,657,481,645,961,
#'            940,912,955,935,940,952,1030,985)
#' cpue <- c(0.6008,0.6583,0.6791,0.6889,0.7134,0.7221,0.7602,0.7931,0.8582,
#'           0.8876,1.0126,1.1533,1.2326,1.2764,1.3307,1.3538,1.2648,1.2510,
#'           1.2069,1.1552,1.1238,1.1281,1.1113,1.0377)
#' dat <- makespmdata(cbind(year,catch,cpue))
#' out <- getlag(dat,plotout=FALSE)
#' plot(out,lwd=3,col=2)
#' }
getlag <- function(fish,maxlag=10,plotout=TRUE,indexI=1) { # fish=dat; maxlag=10;plotout=TRUE
   pickI <- grep("cpue",colnames(fish))
   pick <- which((fish[,"catch"] > 0) & (fish[,pickI[indexI]] > 0))
   ans <- ccf(x=fish[pick,"catch"],y=fish[pick,pickI[indexI]],lag.max=maxlag,main="",
} # end of getlag

#' @title getrmse calculates the rmse of the input 'invar' series
#' @description getrmse calculates the rmse of the input invar series (defaults
#'     to 'cpue') against an input 'year' time series. This is primarily
#'     designed to generate a more feasible estimate of the intrinsic
#'     variability of a cpue time-series that may be obtained from a cpue
#'     standardization
#' @param indat the matrix, spmdat, or data.frame containing both a 'year'
#'     column and an invar column (default to 'cpue')
#' @param invar the column whose rmse is wanted; defaults to 'cpue'
#' @param inyr the column that points to the year name
#' @return a list of the rmse and the loess predicted values of the invar for
#'     each year in the time-series
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' year <- 1986:1995
#' cpue <- c(1.2006,1.3547,1.0585,1.0846,0.9738,1.0437,0.7759,1.0532,1.284,1.3327)
#' dat <- as.matrix(cbind(year,cpue))
#' getrmse(dat,invar="cpue")  # should be 0.08856596
#' getrmse(dat,invar="cpue")$rmse
#' }
getrmse <- function(indat,invar="cpue",inyr="year"){  # indat=fish; invar="cpue"; inyr="year"
   if(iscol(inyr,indat) & iscol(invar,indat)) {
      nyr <- dim(indat)[1]
      predictedCE <- rep(NA,nyr)
      varloc <- grep(invar,colnames(indat))
      nvar <- length(varloc)
      if (nvar > 1) {
         obsvar <- rep(NA,nyr)
         for (i in 1:nvar) {
            pick <- which(indat[,varloc[i]] > 0)
            obsvar[pick] <- indat[pick,varloc[i]]
      } else {
         obsvar <- indat[,varloc]
      picky <- which(obsvar > 0)
      model <- loess(obsvar[picky] ~ indat[picky,inyr])
      predictedCE[picky] <- model$fitted
      rmse <- sqrt(sum(model$residuals^2)/model$n)
   } else {
      cat("Input data should contain both 'year' and 'cpue'  \n")
} # end of getrmseCE

#' @title makespmdata puts together correctly formatted data for SPM analysis
#' @description makespmdata takes an input data set and out of it puts together
#'     the three vectors of the years, the catch, and the CPUE, in that order,
#'     to be analysed using surplus production modelling. The output matrixc is
#'     put into a suitable format, having column headings 'year', 'catch', and
#'     'cpue' and gives it the class spmdat (which has a plot method).
#' @param indata either the list obtained from readdata or the data.frame 'fish'
#'     from with the list obtained from readdata. Alternatively a simple matrix
#'     containing at least vectors of year, catch, and cpue with those column
#'     headings.
#' @param yearcol the column name of the column containng the years
#' @param catchcol the column name of the column containng the catch data
#' @param cpuecol the column name of the column containng the cpue data
#' @return a matrix of class 'spmdat', which has the correct formatting for
#'     use with the spm related functions in datalowSA
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yrs <- 2000:2010
#' catches <- rnorm(length(yrs),mean=150,sd=5)
#' ce <- rnorm(length(yrs),mean=20,sd=1)
#' makemat <- cbind(year=yrs,catch=catches,cpue=ce)
#' dat <- makespmdata(makemat)
#' dat
#' }
makespmdata <- function(indata,yearcol="year",catchcol="catch",cpuecol="cpue") { 
   if (is.list(indata)) {
      if (!is.null(indata$fish)) work <- indata$fish
   } else {
      work <- indata
   ans <- checkspmdata(work)
   if (all(ans[,"Present"])) {
      colnames(work) <- tolower(colnames(work))
      spmdat <- as.matrix(cbind(work[,"year"],work[,"catch"],work[,"cpue"]))
      rownames(spmdat) <- work[,"year"]
      colnames(spmdat) <- c("year","catch","cpue")
      class(spmdat) <- "spmdat"
   } else {
      label <- paste0("The fish data.frame appears to be missing ",
                      "from data set input to makespmdata.")
} # end of makespmdata

#' @title negLL  -ve log-likelihood for normally distributed variables
#' @description A generalized functions for calculating the negative
#'    log-likelihood for normally distributed variables. It uses an input
#'    function 'funk' that will calculate predicted values of a dependent
#'    variable from a vector of independent values
#' @param inp a vector containing the parameters being used in funk, plus
#'    an extra sigma which is the standard deviation of the normal random
#'    likelihoods in dnorm
#' @param callfun the function that calculates the predicted values from
#'    the input data
#' @param indat the data set containing the 'year', 'catch', and 'cpue'
#' @param init this defaults to the same as pars - using all parameters
#' @param pickparam a vector identifying the parameters to be fitted; defaults
#'    to all parameters. If some need to be kept constant omit their index
#'    from pickparam.
#' @param schaefer a boolean that determines whether a Schaefer model (p=1) is
#'     used or if FALSE the Fox model (p=1e-08).
#' @return the sum of the negative log-likelihoods using a normal PDF appled
#'    to the log transformed CPUE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' fish
#' colnames(fish) <- tolower(colnames(fish)) 
#' pars <- c(r=0.2,K=6000,Binit=2800)
#' negLL(pars,fish,simpspm,schaefer=FALSE)  # should be -0.8884016
#' negLL(pars,fish,simpspm)  # should be -11.12203
#' }
negLL <- function(inp,indat,callfun,init=inp,
                  pickparam=c(1:length(inp)),schaefer=TRUE) {
   # inp=pars; indat=fish;callfun=simpspm;init=inp;pickparam=c(1:length(inp));schaefer=TRUE
   celoc <- grep("cpue",colnames(indat))
   nce <- length(celoc) 
   param[pickparam] <- inp[pickparam]
   predobs <- callfun(param,indat,schaefer=schaefer)
   ssq <- 0.0
   n <- 0.0
   for (i in 1:nce) {
      pick <- which(indat[,celoc[i]] > 0)
      ssq <- ssq + sum((log(indat[pick,celoc[i]]) - log(predobs[pick,i]))^2,na.rm=TRUE)
      n <- n + length(which(indat[,celoc[i]] > 0))
   pen0 <- penalty0(param[1])
   LL <- (n/2) * (log(2*pi) + 2*log(sqrt(ssq/n)) + 1)
} # end of negLL

#' @title plotlag plots the effect of a lag between two variables
#' @description the use of the function ccf can suggest a lagged relationship
#'     between a driver variable and a react(ing) variable. For example, cpue
#'     may respond to catches in a negative manner after a lag of a few years.
#'     One looks for a negative lag, which would imply that the driver variable
#'     influences the react(ing) variable after the given lag has passed. The 
#'     lag is always assumed to be based on yearly intervals, though this can
#'     be changed.
#' @param x the matrix containing columns of the named variables. It must
#'     contain columns with the same names as the driver and react(ing) 
#'     variables
#' @param driver the variable doing the influencing 
#' @param react the variable being influenced
#' @param lag the time lag before the influence is felt
#' @param interval the name of the time-interval variable, default='year'
#' @param filename default is empty. If a filename is put here a .png file
#'     with that name will be put into the working directory. 
#' @param resol the resolution of the png file, defaults to 200 dpi
#' @param fnt the font used in the plot and axes. Default=7, bold Times. Using
#'     6 gives Times, 1 will give SansSerif, 2 = bold Sans
#' @return a list containing some summary results, the anova of the linear 
#'     model fitted in aov, and a summary of the linear model in summ
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' year <- 1985:2008
#' catch <- c(1018,742,868,715,585,532,566,611,548,499,479,428,657,481,645,961,
#'            940,912,955,935,940,952,1030,985)
#' cpue <- c(0.6008,0.6583,0.6791,0.6889,0.7134,0.7221,0.7602,0.7931,0.8582,
#'           0.8876,1.0126,1.1533,1.2326,1.2764,1.3307,1.3538,1.2648,1.2510,
#'           1.2069,1.1552,1.1238,1.1281,1.1113,1.0377)
#' dat <- cbind(year,catch,cpue)
#' out <- plotlag(dat,driver="catch",react="cpue",lag=7)
#' round(out$results,5)
#' out$summ
#' }
plotlag <- function(x, driver="catch",react="cpue",lag=0,interval="year",
   lenfile <- nchar(filename)
   if (lenfile > 3) {
      end <- substr(filename,(lenfile-3),lenfile)
      if (end != ".png") filename <- paste0(filename,".png")
   par(mfrow = c(3,1),mai = c(0.25, 0.45, 0.1, 0.05), oma = c(1.0,0,0,0))
   par(cex = 0.85, mgp = c(1.35, 0.35, 0), font.axis = 7, font = 7, font.lab=7)
   colnames(x) <- tolower(colnames(x))
   nobs <- dim(x)[1]
   # plot 1
   ymax <- max(x[,driver],na.rm=TRUE) * 1.025
        ylab=driver,ylim=c(0,ymax),yaxs="i",panel.first = grid(col="grey"))
   text(x[1,interval],0.9*ymax,paste0("lag = ",lag),cex=1.2,pos=4)
   #plot 2
   ymax <- max(x[,react],na.rm=TRUE) * 1.025
   #plot 3
        ylim=c(0,max(x[,react],na.rm=TRUE)),panel.first = grid(),
   model <- lm(x[(1+lag):nobs,react] ~ x[1:(nobs-lag),driver])
   if (lenfile > 0) {
      outfile <- paste0(getwd(),"/",filename)
   ano <- anova(model)
   summ <- summary(model)
   results <- c(lag=lag,p=ano$`Pr(>F)`[1],
} # end of plotlag

#' @title plot.spmdat S3 method that plots an spmdat data set
#' @description plot.spmdat is an S3 method that plots an spmdat
#'     data set. It plots the catch and CPUE against time
#' @param x a data set that should contain 'year', 'catch', and
#'     'cpue'
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return nothing, but it does generate a new plot
#' @exportMethod plot.spmdat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yrs <- 2000:2010
#' catches <- rnorm(length(yrs),mean=150,sd=5)
#' ce <- rnorm(length(yrs),mean=20,sd=1)
#' makemat <- cbind(year=yrs,catch=catches,cpue=ce)
#' dat <- makespmdata(makemat)
#' plot(dat)
#' }
plot.spmdat <- function(x, ...){
   if (class(x) != "spmdat") warning("Data is not class spmdat")
   if (names(dev.cur()) %in% c("null device","RStudioGD"))
      dev.new(width=6,height=4.5,noRStudioGD = TRUE)
   par(mfrow = c(2,1),mai = c(0.25, 0.45, 0.1, 0.05), oma = c(0,0,0,0))
   par(cex = 0.85, mgp = c(1.35, 0.35, 0), font.axis = 7, font = 7, font.lab=7)
   colnames(x) <- tolower(colnames(x))
   ymax <- max(x[,"catch"],na.rm=TRUE) * 1.025
   plot(x[,"year"],x[,"catch"],type="l",lwd=2,xlab="",ylab="Catch (t)",
   ymax <- max(x[,"cpue"],na.rm=TRUE) * 1.025
} # end of plot.spmdat

#' @title robustSPM conducts a robustness test on the quality of fit of an SPM
#' @description robustSPM conducts a robustness test on the quality of fit of 
#'     an SPM. This is done by using the original optimal model parameters or 
#'     the original guessed parameter values, add random variation to each of 
#'     them, and re-fit the model. This process needs to be repeated multiple 
#'     times. This should enable an analysis of the stability of the modelling 
#'     outcomes. If the optimum parameters are used then add more variation, if
#'     initial guesses are used you may need to select different starting points
#'     so that the random variation covers the parameter space reasonably well.
#' @param inpar the parameter set to begin the trials with
#' @param fish the fisheries data: at least year, catch, and cpue
#' @param glb the global variables containing the spsname
#' @param N the number of random trials to run; defaults to 10, which is too few
#' @param scaler the divisor that sets the degree of normal random variation to 
#'     add to the parameter values; default = 15 the smaller the value the more
#'     variable the outcome
#' @param console print summary statistics to the screen? default = TRUE
#' @param schaefer default = TRUE, which sets the analysis to the Schaefer
#'     model. setting it to FALSE applies the Fox model instead
#' @return a list of results from each run, the range of values across runs, and
#'     the median values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   data(dataspm)
#'   fish <- dataspm$fish
#'   glb <- dataspm$glb
#'   props <- dataspm$props
#'   pars <- c(14,0.19,0.6)
#'   out <- robustSPM(pars,fish,glb,props)
#'   str(out)
#'   print(out$results)
#' }
robustSPM <- function(inpar,fish,glb,N=10,scaler=15,console=TRUE,
                      schaefer=TRUE) {
   #   inpar=bestFox$par;fish=fish;glb=glb;N=10;schaefer=FALSE;scaler=15;console=TRUE
   origpar <- inpar
   if (length(origpar) == 2) {
      pars <- cbind(rnorm(N,mean=origpar[1],sd=origpar[1]/scaler),
      columns <- c("ir","iK","iLike","r","K","-veLL","MSY","Iters")
   } else {
      pars <- cbind(rnorm(N,mean=origpar[1],sd=origpar[1]/scaler),
      columns <- c("ir","iK","iBinit","iLike","r","K","Binit","-veLL",
                   "MSY","Iters")  # prefix i implies input
   results <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=length(columns),dimnames=list(1:N,columns))
   for (i in 1:N) {  
      origLL <-  negLL(pars[i,],fish,callfun=simpspm,schaefer=schaefer)        
      bestSP <- fitSPM(pars[i,],fish,schaefer=schaefer)
      ans <- displayModel(bestSP$par,fish,schaefer=schaefer,plotout=FALSE)
      opar <- bestSP$par
      results[i,] <- c(pars[i,],origLL,bestSP$par,bestSP$value,ans$MSY,
      if (console) cat(i,"   ")
   if (console) cat("\n")
   ordres <- results[order(results[,"-veLL"]),] # see best and worst fit
   bounds <- apply(results,2,range)
   medvalues <- apply(results,2,median)
   if (console) {
      print(bounds)   # see the minimum and maximum)
} # end of robustASMP

#' @title simpspm simply calculates the predicted CE for an SPM
#' @description simpspm calculates the predicted CPUE for an SPM model. It
#'     assumes that there is a variable called 'p' in the global environment
#'     and this 'p' variable determines the asymmetry of the production curve.
#'     If p = 1.0 then the SPM is the Schaefer model, if it is 1e-8 it
#'     approximates the Fox model.
#' @param par the parameters of the SPM = r, K, and Binit
#' @param indat the data which needs to include year, catch, and CPUE
#' @param schaefer a logical value determining whether the spm is to be a
#'     simple Schaefer model (p=1) or approximately a Fox model (p=1e-08). The
#'     default is TRUE
#' @return a vector of nyrs of the predicted CPUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' fish
#' colnames(fish) <- tolower(colnames(fish)) 
#' pars <- c(r=0.242,K=5170,Binit=2840) 
#' predCE <- simpspm(pars,fish) 
#' cbind(fish[,"year"],fish[,"cpue"],predCE)
#' }
simpspm <- function(par,indat,schaefer=TRUE) { # par=pars; indat=fish; schaefer=TRUE
   celoc <- grep("cpue",colnames(indat))
   nce <- length(celoc)
   nyrs <- length(indat[,"year"])
   biom <- numeric(nyrs)
   catch <- indat[,"catch"]
   predCE <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyrs,ncol=nce)
   r <- max(par[1],0.01)
   K <- par[2]
   biom[1] <- par[2]
   if (length(par) > 2) biom[1] <- par[3]
   #p is the location of mode parameter 1 = Schaefer, 1e-8 ~ Fox model
   if(schaefer) p <- 1 else p <- 1e-8
   for (index in 2:nyrs) {
      Bt <- biom[index-1]
      biom[index] <- max(Bt + ((r/p)*Bt*(1-(Bt/K)^p)-catch[index-1]),40)
   for (i in 1:nce) {
      pick <- which(indat[,celoc[i]] > 0)
      qcontrib <- log(indat[pick,celoc[i]]/biom[pick]) # log(CE/Bt) each year's contrib to q
      q1 <- exp(mean(qcontrib,na.rm=TRUE))
      predCE[pick,i] <- biom[pick] * q1
} # end of simpspm

#' @title simpfox simply calculates the predicted CE for an SPM; deprecated
#' @description simpfox calculates the predicted CPUE for a Fox SPM model. This
#'     function is now deprecated and instead a schaefer parameter (TRUE or 
#'     FALSE) has been introduced into simpspm
#' @param par the parameters of the SPM = r, K, and Binit
#' @param indat the data which needs to include year, catch, and CPUE
#' @return a vector of nyrs of the predicted CPUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' fish
#' colnames(fish) <- tolower(colnames(fish)) 
#' pars <- c(r=0.138,K=6129,Binit=2757) 
#' predCE <- simpfox(pars,fish)
#' cbind(fish[,"year"],fish[,"cpue"],predCE)
#' print("")
#' print("Deprecated, use simpspm and schaefer=FALSE instead.")
#' }
simpfox <- function(par,indat) {  # par <- c(0.39,4159.0); indat=fish
   nyrs <- length(indat[,"year"])
   biom <- numeric(nyrs)
   r <- par[1]
   lnK <- log(par[2])
   biom[1] <- par[2] 
   if (length(par) > 2) biom[1] <- par[3]
   for (index in 2:nyrs) {  # Calculate the predicted stock biomass
      Bt <- biom[index-1]
      biom[index] <- max(Bt + (lnK*r*Bt*(1-(log(Bt)/lnK))-indat[(index-1),"catch"]),100)
   qcontrib <- log(indat[,"cpue"]/biom) # log(CE/Bt) each year's contrib to q
   q1 <- exp(mean(qcontrib,na.rm=TRUE))
   predCE <- biom * q1
} # end of simpfox

#' @title spmphaseplot - plots the phase plot of harvest rate vs biomass
#' @description spmphaseplot uses the output from displayModel to plot up 
#'     the phase plot of harvest rate vs Biomass, marked with the limit and
#'     default targets. It identifies the start and end years (green and red
#'     dots) and permits the stock status to be determined visually. It also 
#'     plots out the catch time-series and harvest rate time-series to aid in
#'     interpretation of the phase plot.
#' @param answer the object output by the function displayModel, containing the
#'     production curve, the fishery dynamics (predicted harvest rate and 
#'     biomass through time).
#' @param Blim the limit reference point, defaults to 0.2 so that 0.2B0 is used.
#' @param Btarg what target reference point will be used in the phase plot. A 
#'     default of 0.5 is used.
#' @param filename default is empty. If a filename is put here a .png file
#'     with that name will be put into the working directory. 
#' @param resol the resolution of the png file, defaults to 200 dpi
#' @param fnt the font used in the plot and axes. Default=7, bold Times. Using
#'     6 gives Times, 1 will give SansSerif, 2 = bold Sans
#' @return an invisible list of B0, Bmsy, Hmsy, and Hlim.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   data(dataspm)
#'   fish <- dataspm$fish
#'   pars <- c(0.164,6740,3564)
#'   bestSP <- optim(par=pars,fn=negLL,callfun=simpspm,indat=fish)
#'   ans <- displayModel(bestSP$par,fish,schaefer=TRUE,addrmse=TRUE)
#'   str(ans)
#'   outs <- spmphaseplot(ans,fnt=7)
#'   str(outs)
#' }
spmphaseplot <- function(answer,Blim=0.2,Btarg=0.5,filename="",resol=200,fnt=7) {
 #  answer=ans; Blim=0.2;Btarg=0.48;filename="";resol=200;fnt=7
   lenfile <- nchar(filename)
   if (lenfile > 3) {
      end <- substr(filename,(lenfile-3),lenfile)
      if (end != ".png") filename <- paste0(filename,".png")
   prod <- answer$BiomProd
   rK <- answer$Dynamics$parameters
   B0 <- rK[2] 
   Bmsy <- answer$Bmsy
   fishery <- answer$Dynamics$outmat
   Hmsy <- answer$MSY/answer$Bmsy
   Hmax <- getmaxy(fishery[,"Harvest"])
   numval <- length(which(fishery[,"Harvest"] > 0))
   pickD <- which.closest(0.2*B0,prod[,"x"])
   Hlim <- prod[pickD,"y"]/prod[pickD,"x"]
   par(cex=0.85, mgp=c(1.35,0.35,0), font.axis=fnt,font=fnt,font.lab=fnt)  
        ylab="Annual Harvest Rate",ylim=c(0,Hmax),yaxs="i",xlim=c(0,B0))
   # plot the catch and harvets rates
   yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(fishery))
   cmax <- getmaxy(fishery[,"Catch"])
   hmax <- getmaxy(fishery[,"Harvest"])
   ym2 <- round(hmax,2)
   axis(side=4,at=seq(0,ym2,length=3),labels = seq(0,ym2,length=3))
   mtext("Catch (t)",side=2,outer=F,line=1.2,font=fnt,cex=1.0,col=2) 
   mtext("Harvest Rate",side=4,outer=F,line=1.1,font=fnt,cex=1.0,col=4) 
   if (lenfile > 0) {
      outfile <- paste0(getwd(),"/",filename)
   result <- list(B0=B0,Bmsy=Bmsy,Hmsy=Hmsy,Hlim=Hlim)
} # end of spmphaseplot

#' @title spmMult - calculates the dynamics using a Schaefer or Fox model
#' @description spmMult calculates the dynamics using a Schaefer of Fox model.
#'     The outputs include  predicted Biomass, year, catch, cpue, predicted
#'     cpue, contributions to q, ssq, and depletion levels. Generally it
#'     would be more sensible to use simpspm when fitting a Schaefer model and
#'     simpfox when fitting a Fox model
#'     as those functions are designed to generate only the predicted cpue
#'     required by the functions ssq and negLL, but the example shows how it
#'     could be used. the function spm is used inside 'displayModel'
#'     and could be used alone, to generate a fullist of model outputs
#'     after the model has been fitted.
#' @param inp a vector of 2 or 3 model parameters (r,K) or (r,K,Binit), you 
#'     would use the latter if it was suspected that the fishery data started
#'     after some initial depletion had occurred.
#' @param indat a matrix with at least columns 'year', 'catch', and 'cpue'
#' @param schaefer a logical value determining whether the spm is to be a
#'     simple Schaefer model (p=1) or approximately a Fox model (p=1e-08). The
#'     default is TRUE
#' @return a list of five objects; outmat the matrix with the dynamics results,
#'     q catchability, msy the maximum sustainable yield, the parameter values,
#'     and sumout, which contains r, K, B0, msy, p, q, Depl, FinalB, and InitDepl
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' year <- 1985:2008
#' catch <- c(1018,742,868,715,585,532,566,611,548,499,479,428,657,481,645,961,
#'            940,912,955,935,940,952,1030,985)
#' cpue <- c(0.6008,0.6583,0.6791,0.6889,0.7134,0.7221,0.7602,0.7931,0.8582,
#'           0.8876,1.0126,1.1533,1.2326,1.2764,1.3307,1.3538,1.2648,1.2510,
#'           1.2069,1.1552,1.1238,1.1281,1.1113,1.0377)
#' dat <- makespmdata(cbind(year,catch,cpue))
#' pars <- c(0.35,7800,3500)
#' ans <- displayModel(pars,dat)
#' bestSP <- optim(par=pars,fn=ssq,callfun=simpspm,indat=dat)
#' bestSP
#' ans <- displayModel(bestSP$par,dat,schaefer=TRUE)
#' str(ans)
#' }
spmMult <- function(inp,indat,schaefer=TRUE) { #  inp=pars; indat=fish; schaefer=TRUE
   celoc <- grep("cpue",colnames(indat))
   nce <- length(celoc)
   years <- indat[,"year"]
   catch <- indat[,"catch"]
   nyrs <- length(years)
   biom <- numeric(nyrs)
   predCE <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyrs,ncol=nce)
   qs <- numeric(nce)
   columns <- c(c("ModelB","Catch"),paste0("CPUE",1:nce),paste0("PredCE",1:nce),
   answer <- matrix(0,nrow=nyrs,ncol=length(columns),dimnames=list(years,columns))
   answer[,"Catch"] <- indat[,"catch"]
   # columns <- c("ModelB","Catch","CPUE","PredCE","Exp_q","ssq","Depletion","Harvest")
   # answer <- matrix(0,nrow=nyrs,ncol=length(columns),dimnames=list(years,columns))
   # answer[,"Catch"] <- catch
   # answer[,"CPUE"] <- cpue
   r <- max(inp[1],0.01)
   K <- inp[2]
   biom[1] <- inp[2]
   if (length(inp) > 2) biom[1] <- inp[3] 
   if(schaefer) p <- 1 else p <- 1e-8
   for (index in 2:nyrs) {
      Bt <- biom[index-1]
      biom[index] <- max(Bt + ((r/p)*Bt*(1-(Bt/K)^p)-catch[index-1]),40)
   for (i in 1:nce) {
      pick <- which(indat[,celoc[i]] > 0)
      qcontrib <- log(indat[pick,celoc[i]]/biom[pick]) # log(CE/Bt) each year's contrib to q
      qs[i] <- exp(mean(qcontrib,na.rm=TRUE))
      predCE[pick,i] <- biom[pick] * qs[i]
   answer[,"ModelB"] <- biom
   # answer[,5] <- log(cpue/biom)  # = log(CE/Bt) which is the contribution to q
   # q1 <- exp(mean(answer[,5],na.rm=TRUE))
   # answer[,4] <- (biom) * q1
   # Catchability across years
   #answer[,"ssq"] <- (log(cpue) - log(answer[,"PredCE"]))^2
   answer[,"Depletion"] <- biom/K
   answer[,"Harvest"] <- catch/biom
   for (i in 1:nce) {
      answer[,(2 + i)] <- indat[,celoc[i]]
      answer[,(2 + nce + i)] <- predCE[,i]
   msy <- r*K/((p+1)^((p+1)/p))
   if (length(inp) == 2) { copyp <- c(inp,inp[2]) 
   } else { copyp <-  inp
   sumout <- c(copyp,msy,p,qs,answer[nyrs,"Depletion"],answer[1,"Depletion"],
   names(sumout) <- c("r","K","B0","msy","p","q","FinalDepl","InitDepl","FinalB")
   output <- list(answer,qs,msy,inp,sumout)
   names(output) <- c("outmat","qs","msy","parameters","sumout")
} # End of spmMult

#' @title spm - calcuates the dynamics using a Schaefer or Fox model
#' @description spm calculates the dynamics using a Schaefer of Fox model.
#'     The outputs include  predicted Biomass, year, catch, cpue, predicted
#'     cpue, contributions to q, ssq, and depletion levels. Generally it
#'     would be more sensible to use simpspm when fitting a Schaefer model and
#'     simpfox when fitting a Fox model
#'     as those functions are designed to generate only the predicted cpue
#'     required by the functions ssq and negLL, but the example shows how it
#'     could be used. the function spm is used inside 'displayModel'
#'     and could be used alone, to generate a fullist of model outputs
#'     after the model has been fitted.
#' @param inp a vector of 2 or 3 model parameters (r,K) or (r,K,Binit), you 
#'     would use the latter if it was suspected that the fishery data started
#'     after some initial depletion had occurred.
#' @param indat a matrix with at least columns 'year', 'catch', and 'cpue'
#' @param schaefer a logical value determining whether the spm is to be a
#'     simple Schaefer model (p=1) or approximately a Fox model (p=1e-08). The
#'     default is TRUE
#' @return a list of five objects; outmat the matrix with the dynamics results,
#'     q catchability, msy the maximum sustainable yield, the parameter values,
#'     and sumout, which contains r, K, B0, msy, p, q, Depl, FinalB, and InitDepl
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' year <- 1985:2008
#' catch <- c(1018,742,868,715,585,532,566,611,548,499,479,428,657,481,645,961,
#'            940,912,955,935,940,952,1030,985)
#' cpue <- c(0.6008,0.6583,0.6791,0.6889,0.7134,0.7221,0.7602,0.7931,0.8582,
#'           0.8876,1.0126,1.1533,1.2326,1.2764,1.3307,1.3538,1.2648,1.2510,
#'           1.2069,1.1552,1.1238,1.1281,1.1113,1.0377)
#' dat <- makespmdata(cbind(year,catch,cpue))
#' pars <- c(0.35,7800,3500)
#' ans <- displayModel(pars,dat)
#' bestSP <- optim(par=pars,fn=ssq,callfun=simpspm,indat=dat)
#' bestSP
#' ans <- displayModel(bestSP$par,dat,schaefer=TRUE)
#' str(ans)
#' }
spm <- function(inp,indat,schaefer=TRUE) { #  inp=pars; indat=fish; schaefer=TRUE
   years <- indat[,"year"]
   catch <- indat[,"catch"]
   cpue <- indat[,"cpue"]
   nyrs <- length(years)
   biom <- numeric(nyrs)
   predCE <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyrs,ncol=1)
   columns <- c("ModelB","Catch","CPUE","PredCE","Exp_q","ssq","Depletion","Harvest")
   answer <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyrs,ncol=length(columns),dimnames=list(years,columns))
   answer[,"Catch"] <- catch
   answer[,"CPUE"] <- cpue
   r <- max(inp[1],0.01)
   K <- inp[2]
   biom[1] <- inp[2]
   if (length(inp) > 2) biom[1] <- inp[3] 
   if(schaefer) p <- 1 else p <- 1e-8
   for (index in 2:nyrs) {
      Bt <- biom[index-1]
      biom[index] <- max(Bt + ((r/p)*Bt*(1-(Bt/K)^p)-catch[index-1]),40)
   answer[,"ModelB"] <- biom   
   pick <- which(cpue > 0)
   qcontrib <- log(cpue[pick]/biom[pick]) # log(CE/Bt) each year's contrib to q
   q1 <- exp(mean(qcontrib,na.rm=TRUE))
   predCE <- biom * q1    # apply same catchability across all years
   answer[pick,"Exp_q"] <- qcontrib  # = log(CE/Bt) which is the contribution to q
   answer[,"PredCE"] <- predCE
   answer[pick,"ssq"] <- (log(cpue[pick]) - log(answer[pick,"PredCE"]))^2
   answer[,"Depletion"] <- biom/K
   answer[,"Harvest"] <- catch/biom
   msy <- r*K/((p+1)^((p+1)/p))
   if (length(inp) == 2) { copyp <- c(inp,inp[2]) 
   } else { copyp <-  inp
   sumout <- c(copyp,msy,p,q1,answer[nyrs,"Depletion"],answer[1,"Depletion"],
   names(sumout) <- c("r","K","B0","msy","p","q","FinalDepl","InitDepl","FinalB")
   output <- list(answer,q1,msy,inp,sumout)
   names(output) <- c("outmat","q","msy","parameters","sumout")
} # End of spm

#' @title ssq a generalized function for summing squared residuals
#' @description ssq is a generalized function for summing squared
#'     residuals which is designed for ease of use in optim (or
#'     dfoptim's nmk)
#' @param inp a vector of parameters used by the input function 'funk'
#' @param indat the data set containing the 'year', 'catch', and 'cpue'
#' @param callfun the function that calculates the predicted values from
#'    the input data
#' @return a single number (scaler) that is the sum of squared
#'     residuals between the obs cpue and those calculated by infun
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' fish
#' colnames(fish) <- tolower(colnames(fish)) 
#' pars <- c(r=0.2,K=6000,Binit=2800)
#' ssq(pars,fish,simpfox)  # should be 1.713938
#' ssq(pars,fish,simpspm)  # should be 0.8856442
#' }
ssq <- function(inp,indat,callfun) {  # indep=age; dep=length
   pred <- callfun(inp,indat)  # infun will be simpspm or simpfox
   return(sum((log(indat[,"cpue"]) - log(pred))^2,na.rm=TRUE))
} # end of general ssq

#' @title summspm extracts critical statistics from output of displayModel
#' @description summspm extracts critical statistics from output of displayModel.
#'     In particular it pulls out the catchability q, teh MSY, Bmsy, Dmsy, Blim, 
#'     Btarg, Ctarg. and Dcurr.
#' @param ans the object output from the function displayModel used to plot
#'     the output of a surplus production analysis
#' @return a matrix of statistics relating to MSY, expected yields, and 
#'     depletion levels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' plotfish(fish,glb) 
#' pars <- c(0.264,4740,3064) 
#' ans <- displayModel(pars,fish,schaefer=FALSE) 
#' bestSP <- optim(par=pars,fn=negLL,callfun=simpspm,indat=fish,schaefer=FALSE) 
#' outoptim(bestSP) 
#' ans <- displayModel(bestSP$par,fish,schaefer=FALSE) 
#' summspm(ans)
summspm <- function(ans) {
   output <- c(ans$Dynamics$q,ans$MSY,ans$Bmsy,ans$Dmsy,ans$Blim,ans$Btarg,
   output <- as.matrix(cbind(1:8,round(output,5)))
   rownames(output) <- c("q","MSY","Bmsy","Dmsy","Blim","Btarg",
   colnames(output) <- c("Index","Statistic")
} # end of summspm
haddonm/datalowSA documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:40 p.m.