
Defines functions ggplot_plot plot_add_grobs plot_add add_defaults

# Add default scales.
# Add default scales to a plot.
# You shouldn't need to call this function yourself.  If you want to add a
# scale to a plot, use \code{\link{add_scale}}.
# @arguments plot object
# @arguments list of unevaluated aesthetics
# @keyword hplot
# @keyword internal
add_defaults <- function(p, aesthetics) {
	new_aesthetics <- setdiff(names(aesthetics), input(p$scales))

	values <- aesthetics[new_aesthetics]

	for(i in 1:length(new_aesthetics)) {
		s <- match.fun.null(paste("scale", new_aesthetics[i], sep="_"))
		if (is.null(s)) next

		p <- add_scale(p, s(name=deparse(values[i][[1]])))


# Plot add.
# Add graphical objects using specific mapping.
# This is the powerhouse function that you use to actually display
# stuff on your plot.
# You should really keep track of the new plot object that is created
# by this function, but if you're lazy and don't want to, it automatically
# stores the result in the "global" variable \code{.PLOT}
# @arguments plot object
# @arguments data to use
# @arguments how to map data into graphics object
# @arguments arguments passed down to mapping object specifying (eg.) aesthetics to use
# @keyword hplot
# @keyword internal
plot_add <- function(plot, data=NULL, map="point", aesthetics=list(), ...) {
	dots <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$"..."
	aesthetics <- uneval(substitute(aesthetics, parent.frame()))

	plot_add_grobs(plot, grobPromise(map, data, params=list(...), aesthetics=aesthetics))

# Add grobs to plot
# Add grobs to plot grob list
# @arguments plot object
# @arguments matrix of grobs
# @keyword hplot
# @keyword internal
plot_add_grobs <- function(plot, grob_matrix) {
	plot$grobs <- c(plot$grobs, list(grob_matrix))

# Ggplot plot
# Creates a complete ggplot grob.
# Delegates almost everything to its arguments.  Responsible for the
# transformation chain and for collecting everything into one grob with the
# appropriate viewports
# @arguments plot object
# @arguments viewports
# @arguments panels
# @arguments guides
# @arguments should the plot be wrapped up inside the pretty accoutrements (labels, legends, etc)
# @keyword hplot
# @keyword internal
ggplot_plot <- function(plot, viewport=viewport_default(plot, guides, plot$scales), panels=panels_default(plot, grobs), guides=guides_basic(plot, plot$scales), pretty=TRUE) {
	if (length(plot$grobs) == 0) stop("No grobs to plot")

	pre <- lapply(plot$grobs, preprocess_all, plot=plot)
	plot <- add_position(add_position(plot, pre, "x"), pre, "y") # should go into add_defaults
	plot <- add_defaults(plot, plot$defaults)

	update(plot$scales) <- pre

	aes <- map_all(plot$scales, pre)
	grobs <- mapply(make_all_grobs, plot$grobs, aes, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

	plotgrob <- gTree(children=do.call(gList, c(unlist(guides, recursive=FALSE), panels)), childrenvp = viewport, name="plot")
	if (!pretty) return(plotgrob)
	prettyplot(plot, plotgrob)

# Manipulates plot object
# (a bit better for caching later on)
# Updates plot object with grobs needed to draw plot
# pre <- grobs_preprocess(plot)
# plot <- scales_add_defaults(plot)
# plot$scales <- scales_train(plot)
# plot <- grobs_process_scaled(plot)
# plot <- scales_train_combine_map(plot)
# plot <- grobs_map(plot)
# return(plot)
hadley/ggplot1 documentation built on Dec. 1, 2024, 11:23 a.m.