
Defines functions ggplot ggplot.default print.ggplot1 defaultaesthetics setfacets setdata

Documented in defaultaesthetics ggplot ggplot.default setdata setfacets

#' Create a new ggplot
#' This function creates the basic ggplot object which you can then
#' furnish with graphical objects.  Here you will set
#' up the default data frame, default aesthetics and the formula that
#' will determine how the panels are broken apart.  See \code{\link[reshape]{cast}}
#' for more details on specifying the facetting formula and margin arguments.
#' Note that ggplot creates a plot object without a "plot": you need to
#' grobs (points, lines, bars, etc.) to create something that you can see.
#' Steps to create a plot:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item Create a new plot.  (\code{p <- ggplot(mtcars, aesthetics=list(y=hp, x=mpg))})
#'  \item Set scales (if necessary)
#'  \item Add grobs to the plot (\code{ggpoint(p)})
#' }
#' Simple grobs:
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggabline}}: line with given slope and intercept
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggarea}}: area (polygons with base on y=0)
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggbar}}: bars (stocked and dodgted)
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggjitter}}: jittered points (useful for discrete data)
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggline}}: lines (paths sorted by x-axis values)
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggpath}}: paths
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggpoint}}: points
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggribbon}}: ribbon
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggtext}}: text
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggtile}}: tiles, like a levelplot
#' }
#' Complex grobs:
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggboxplot}}: box plot
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggcontour}}: contour lines
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggdensity}}: 1d density plot (continuous analogue of histogram)
#' 	\item \code{\link{gg2density}}: 2d density countours
#' 	\item \code{\link{gghistogram}}: histogram
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggquantile}}: quantile lines from a quantile regression
#' 	\item \code{\link{ggsmooth}}: smooths from any model family
#' }
#' Look at the documentation of these objects to see many examples of ggplot
#' in action.
#' You will also want to add scales to the basic plot to give finer control
#' over how the data values are mapped to aethetics attributes of the grobs.
#' For scales that control position of the points see:
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item \code{\link{pscontinuous}}: continuous scales (with optional transformation)
#' 	\item \code{\link{pscategorical}}: categorical scales
#' }
#' For other scales, see:
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item \code{\link{sccolour}}: colour categorical variables using Brewer colour scales (see also \'code{\link{scfill}})
#' 	\item \code{\link{scgradient}}: colour continuous scales with a gradient (see also \code{\link{scfillgradient}})
#' 	\item \code{\link{schcl}}: map continuous variable to hue, chroma or luminance components (see also \code{\link{scfillhcl}})
#' 	\item \code{\link{scmanual}}: no automatic conversion, uses raw values directly
#' 	\item \code{\link{sclinetype}}: line type (solid, dashed, dotted, etc.)
#' 	\item \code{\link{scrgb}}: map continuous variable to red, green or blue components (see also \code{\link{scfillrgb}})
#' 	\item \code{\link{scshape}}: point shape (glyph)
#' 	\item \code{\link{scsize}}: point or line size
#' }
#' ggplot is different from base and lattice graphics in how you build up the plot.
#' With ggplot you build up the plot object (rather than the plot on the screen as
#' in base graphics, or all at once as in lattice graphics.)
#' Each of the grob and scale functions adds the grob to the plot and returns
#' the modified plot object.  This lets you quickly experiment with different
#' versions of the plot, using different grobs or scales.  You can see how this
#' works in the examples
#' You can also use \code{summary} to give a quick description of a plot.
#' If you want to change the background colour, how the panel strips are displayed,
#' or any other default graphical option, see \code{\link{ggopt}}.
#' @param data default data frame
#' @param aesthetics default list of aesthetic mappings (these can be colour, size, shape,
#'    line type -- see individual grob functions for more details)
#' @param ... Not used
#' @inheritParams setfacets
#' @seealso \url{http://had.co.nz/ggplot}, \code{\link[reshape]{stamp}},
#'   \code{\link[reshape]{cast}}, \code{\link{ggopt}}
#' @import grid
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("tips", package = "reshape")
#' p <- ggplot(tips)
#' summary(p)
#' ggpoint(p, aesthetic = list(y = tip, x = total_bill))
#' p <- ggplot(tips, aesthetic = list(y = tip, x = total_bill))
#' p$title <- "Tips"
#' summary(p)
#' ggpoint(p)
#' ggpoint(p, colour = "darkgreen", size = 3)
#' ggpoint(p, list(colour = sex))
#' ggpoint(ggplot(tips, formula = . ~ sex, aesthetics = list(y = tip, x = total_bill)))
#' # Create complex plots from simple components
#' p <- ggplot(tips, formula = smoker ~ sex, aesthetics = list(y = tip, x = total_bill))
#' p %>% ggpoint()
#' p %>%
#'   ggpoint() %>%
#'   ggsmooth()
#' p %>%
#'   ggpoint() %>%
#'   ggsmooth(method = lm, formula = y~x)
#' p %>%
#'   ggpoint() %>%
#'  ggabline(slope = c(0.1,0.15,0.2))
#' (p2 <- ggabline(ggpoint(p, aes = list(colour = tip/total_bill)), slope = c(0.1, 0.15, 0.2)))
#' summary(p2)
#' scgradient(p2)
#' scgradient(p2, midpoint = 0.15, high = "green", mid = "yellow")
#' p <- ggplot(tips, formula = sex ~ smoker, aesthetics = list(x = tip / total_bill), margins = TRUE)
#' gghistogram(p)
#' gghistogram(p, scale = "density", breaks = seq(0, 1, length = 20))
#' ggdensity(gghistogram(p))
#' p <- ggplot(tips, formula = . ~ smoker, aesthetics = list(x = sex, y = tip))
#' ggboxplot(p)
#' ggjitter(ggboxplot(p))
ggplot <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("ggplot")

#' @export
#' @rdname ggplot
ggplot.default <- function(data = NULL, aesthetics=list(), formula = . ~ ., margins=FALSE,...) {
	p <- structure(list(
		data = data,
		grobs = list(),
		scales = scales(),
		defaults = uneval(substitute(aesthetics)),
		title = "",
		fixedaspect = FALSE
	), class="ggplot1")

	p$xlabel <- if (!is.null(p$defaults$x)) deparse(p$defaults$x) else ""
	p$ylabel <- if (!is.null(p$defaults$y)) deparse(p$defaults$y) else ""

	if (inherits(formula, "formula")) formula <- deparse(substitute(formula))
	setfacets(p, formula, margins)

#' @export
print.ggplot1 <- function(x, newpage = is.null(vp), vp = NULL, save=ggopt()$save, ...) {
	if (newpage) grid.newpage()
	if (is.null(vp)) {
		grid.draw(ggplot_plot(x, ...))
	} else {
		grid.draw(ggplot_plot(x, ...))

# Plot modification -------------------------------------------------------

#' Modify the default aesthetics for a plot
#' @param plot plot object
#' @param aesthetics new list of aesthetics
#' @return modified plot object
#' @export
defaultaesthetics <- function(plot, aesthetics) {
  plot$defaults <- defaults(uneval(substitute(aesthetics)), plot$defaults)

#' Set facetting formula and margins for a plot
#' @param p plot object
#' @param formula formula describing row and column layout, see
#'  \code{\link[reshape]{cast}} for more details
#' @param margins a vector of names giving which margins to display, can include
#'   \code{grand_row} and \code{grand_col} or us TRUE to display all margins
#' @export
setfacets <- function(p, formula = . ~ . , margins = FALSE) {
	if (inherits(formula, "formula")) formula <- deparse(substitute(formula))
	vars <- reshape::cast_parse_formula(formula, names(p$data))

	p$formula <- formula
	p$margins <- margins
	p$facet <- stamp(p$data, p$formula, function(x) 0, margins=p$margins)
	p$conditions <- as.vector(unlist(vars))


#' Set the default data set for a plot object
#' @param p plot object
#' @param data new data set
#' @export
setdata <- function(p, data) {
  p$data <- data
  vars <- reshape::cast_parse_formula(p$formula, names(p$data))

	p$facet <- stamp(p$data, p$formula, function(x) 0, margins=p$margins)
	p$conditions <- as.vector(unlist(vars))

hadley/ggplot1 documentation built on Aug. 19, 2019, 2:42 p.m.