
Defines functions assessComplexFeaturesWithSEC annotateComplexFeatures assessComplexFeatures readManualAnnotationFile apexStringToDF createManualComplexAnnotations mergeRTs mergeManualComplexAnnotations calcTPR calcFPR makeROCWithSEC makeROC plotROC annotateComplexFeaturesAlt

Documented in annotateComplexFeatures annotateComplexFeaturesAlt apexStringToDF assessComplexFeaturesWithSEC calcFPR calcTPR createManualComplexAnnotations makeROC makeROCWithSEC mergeManualComplexAnnotations mergeRTs plotROC readManualAnnotationFile

# Due to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24501245/data-table-throws-object-not-found-error

#' Check for each feature in `detected.features` if there is another feature in
#' `true.positive.features` that is close to it. The endresult is a DF of feature
#' retention times that are flagged with either 'FP', 'TP', 'TN', or 'FN'.
#' @param true.positive.features data.table of true, manually annotated features.
#'        The DF must have the columns: 'complex_id', 'rt'.
#' @param detected.features data.table of detected features.
#'        The DF must have the columns: 'complex_id', 'center_rt'.
#' @param feature.vicinity.tol A number that indicates how close an
#'        experimentally determined feature has to be to a manually annotated one, to
#'        still count as a true positive.
#'        experimentally determined feature has to be to a manually annotated one, to
#'        still count as a true positive.
#' @param all.complexes A list of unique complex ids that should be checked for
#'        features. Every SEC position for each of those
#'        complexes will be checked for a detected feature.
#' @return A data.table with the columns: 'complex_id', 'rt', 'type', where
#'         type is of type character an is either 'FP', 'FN', 'TP', 'TN'.
#' @examples 
#' manual.annotations.raw <- readManualAnnotationFile(annotations.1.raw)
#' manual.annotations <-
#'     createManualComplexAnnotations(
#'      manual.annotations.1.raw, 'apexes_partially_observed') 
#' detected.features <- fread('cprophet_output/sec_complexes.tsv')
#' assessed.feats <-
#'     assessComplexFeaturesWithSEC(manual.annotations,
#'                                  detected.features, all.complexes)
#' @export
assessComplexFeaturesWithSEC <- function(true.positive.features,
                                  min.rt, max.rt,
                                  feature.vicinity.tol=5) {
    complex.ids <- unique(detected.features$complex_id)
    # Helper function to create factors for true positives etc. 

    fac <- function(t) {
        factor(t, levels=c('TN', 'FN', 'TP', 'FP'))
    # All possible RTs where a feature could elute
    possible.rt <- seq(min.rt, max.rt)

    do.call(rbind, lapply(theoretically.possible.complexes,
                          function(cid) {
        # Declare integer vectors of true positives/false positives/false
        # negatives/true negatives/ that are build up in the following loops.
        TPs <- integer(0)
        FPs <- integer(0)
        FNs <- integer(0)
        TNs <- integer(0)

        rt.true <- true.positive.features[complex_id == cid, ]$rt
        rt.exp <- round(detected.features[complex_id == cid, ]$center_rt, 0)
        is.decoy.complex <- grepl('^DECOY', cid)

        features.present <- length(rt.true) != 0
        features.detected <- length(rt.exp) != 0

        # If there are no manual annotations for this complex and no features
        # were detected, all features were correctly identified as being
        # not there, i.e. negative.
        if (!features.present && !features.detected) {
            # TNs <- possible.rt
        # If there are no features present, but the algorithm detected some
        # nonetheless, those are false positives.
        else if (!features.present && features.detected) {
            FPs <- rt.exp
            # TNs <- setdiff(possible.rt, rt.exp)
        # If there are true features, but the algorithm didn't detect any,
        # all of those are automatically false negatives.
        else if (features.present && !features.detected) {
            FNs <- rt.true
        # There are features and some may have been detected,
        # check which ones are close enough to be a TP.
        else {
            # Check for each feature RT...
            for (t.exp in rt.exp) {
                most.proximate.true.rt <- integer(0)
                smallest.delta.encountered <- Inf
                # is the experimental rt close to some of the annotated ones?
                for(t.true in rt.true) {
                    t.delta <- abs(t.true - t.exp)
                    if (t.delta <= feature.vicinity.tol
                            && t.delta < smallest.delta.encountered) {
                        # This is the closest annotated RT to the experimental one.
                        # Save it.
                        most.proximate.true.rt <- t.true
                        smallest.delta.encountered <- t.delta
                # Check if there was any annotated value that could be assigned to this
                # experimental rt.
                no.corresponding.true.rt.found <- length(most.proximate.true.rt) == 0
                if (no.corresponding.true.rt.found) {
                    # No, this must be a false positive.
                    FPs <- c(FPs, t.exp)
                } else {
                    # Yes, this must be a true positive.
                    TPs <- c(TPs, t.exp)
                    # Remove the annotated vaue from the list so that it won't get
                    # assigned to another feature rt of the same complex.
                    # rt.true <- setdiff(rt.true, most.proximate.true.rt)
            # All those annotated RT values that were not assigned (i.e. were also not
            # removed from the original array) by the setdiff call above are by
            # definition false negatives.
            FNs <- rt.true

        # The true negatives are all other RTs that aret a FP, FN or TP.
        TNs <- setdiff(possible.rt, c(TPs, FPs, FNs))

        # Build a dataframe of the feature rts and add a character indicator
        # flag to what type they belong. 
        # The if expression takes care of the situation where one of the rt
        # vectors has length 0. In that case the whole DF should have 0 rows.
        classifed.rts <- rbind(
            data.frame(rt=FNs, type=(if (length(FNs) > 0) fac('FN') else character(0))),
            data.frame(rt=TPs, type=(if (length(TPs) > 0) fac('TP') else character(0))),
            data.frame(rt=FPs, type=(if (length(FPs) > 0) fac('FP') else character(0))),
            data.frame(rt=TNs, type=(if (length(TNs) > 0) fac('TN') else character(0)))

        classifed.rts$complex_id <- cid


#' Annotate complex features using the manually annotated CORUM
#' complexes.
#' Each row will get an additional column `is_true_positive`.
#' @param detected.features A data.table holding the features as output
#' by cprophet PC.
#' @param manual.annotations A data.table with the columns 'complex_id', 'rt'.
#'        The built in data sets like `manual.annotation.full` can be used
#'        here.
#' @param feature.vicinity.tol A numeric value that specifies how near an
#'                             experimental feature has to be to a manually
#'                             annotated one to count as a true positive
#' @return The same data.table with a new column 'is_true_positive'.
annotateComplexFeatures <- function(detected.features,
                                    feature.vicinity.tol=5) {
    n.features <- nrow(detected.features)
    feature.annotations <- detected.features
    # Remove features that have a center_rt that is within 1 unit.
    # If those features are not removed, only one of them can be a TP, all
    # others will be FP. Since each SEC number that is not TRUE is FALSE, we
    # have to evaluate RTs on an integer basis. Otherwise the calculation
    # ALL_SEC_OF_ALL_COMPLEXES - TP - FP - FN will not equal TN, since FP might
    # be arbitrarily large.
    feature.annotations[, center_rt := round(center_rt, 0)]
    # TODO: Now to something like, but this doesn't work
    setkey(feature.annotations, c('complex_id', 'center_rt'))
    feature.annotations <- unique(feature.annotations)
    false.negatives <- list()
    for (idx in seq(n.features)) {
        cat(sprintf('Comparing complex feature to manual annotations (%d / %d)', idx, n.features), '\n')
        cid <- detected.features[idx, complex_id]
        rt.true <- manual.annotations[complex_id == cid, ]$rt
        # rt.exp <- round(detected.features[complex_id == cid, ]$center_rt, 0)
        rt.exp <- detected.features[complex_id == cid, ]$center_rt

        features.present <- length(rt.true) != 0
        features.detected <- length(rt.exp) != 0

        # If there are no features present, but the algorithm detected some
        # nonetheless, those are false positives regardless of their RT.
        if (!features.present && features.detected) {
            feature.annotations[complex_id == cid, is_true_positive := FALSE]
        } else {
            # Check for each feature of this complex...
            feats <- detected.features[complex_id == cid, ]
            for (k in seq(nrow(feats))) {
                t.exp <- rt.exp[k]
                most.proximate.true.rt <- integer(0)
                smallest.delta.encountered <- Inf
                # is the experimental rt close to some of the annotated ones?
                for(t.true in rt.true) {
                    t.delta <- abs(t.true - t.exp)
                    if (t.delta <= feature.vicinity.tol
                            && t.delta < smallest.delta.encountered) {
                        # This is the closest annotated RT to the experimental one.
                        # Save it.
                        most.proximate.true.rt <- t.true
                        smallest.delta.encountered <- t.delta
                # Check if there was any annotated value that could be assigned to this
                # experimental rt.
                no.corresponding.true.rt.found <- length(most.proximate.true.rt) == 0
                if (no.corresponding.true.rt.found) {
                    # No, this must be a false positive.
                    feature.annotations[complex_id == cid & center_rt == t.exp,
                                        is_true_positive := FALSE]
                } else {
                    # Yes, this must be a true positive.
                    feature.annotations[complex_id == cid & center_rt == t.exp,
                                        is_true_positive := TRUE]
                    # Remove the annotated vaue from the list so that it won't get
                    # assigned to another feature rt of the same complex.
                    rt.true <- setdiff(rt.true, most.proximate.true.rt)
            # If there are true RTs left that weren't assigned, then save them
            # since they are false negatives.
            if (length(rt.true) > 0) {
                false.negatives[[cid]] <- data.table(complex_id=cid, rt=rt.true)
        if (any(is.na(feature.annotations[complex_id == cid, is_true_positive]))) {
    # Convert the list of false negatives to a DT
    if (length(false.negatives) == 0) {
        false.negatives <- data.table(complex_id=character(0),
    } else {
        false.negatives <- do.call(rbind, false.negatives)

assessComplexFeatures <- function(true.positive.features,
                                  n.all.complexes) {
    detected.features[, is_decoy := grepl('^DECOY', complex_id)]

    complex.ids.true <- unique(true.positive.features$complex_id)
    complex.ids.detected <- unique(detected.features$complex_id)
    complex.ids.detected.target <-
        unique(detected.features[is_decoy == F, complex_id])
    complex.ids.detected.decoy <-
        unique(detected.features[is_decoy == T, complex_id])

    detected.false.targets <-
            !(complex.ids.detected.target %in% complex.ids.true)

    # TP are all manually annotated complexes that were identified
    TP <- sum(complex.ids.true %in% complex.ids.detected)
    # FN are all manually annotated complexes that were not identified
    FN <- sum(!(complex.ids.true %in% complex.ids.detected))
    # FP are all decoy complexes that were falsely detected as having a feature
    # and all target complexes that were identified buy weren't manually
    # annotated.
    FP <- sum(!(complex.ids.detected %in% complex.ids.true))
    # TN are complexes that weren't detected as P and are not FN.
    TN <- n.all.complexes - (TP + FP + FN)

    c(TP=TP, FN=FN, FP=FP, TN=TN)

#' Read a TSV file where each row corresponds to an annotated complex. 
#' The table must have the columns (in that order):
#' - 'complex_id',
#' - 'apexes_fully_observed'
#' - 'apexes_partially_observed'.
#' - 'n_proteins_in_complex'
#' - 'n_proteins_in_complete_complex'
#' The numbers within the apex columns have to be
#' comma-separated and should not be surrounded by whitespace.
#' @param fname The filename of the TSV file.
#' @return A list of two data.tables:
#'         The component 'annotations' holds the individual annotations.
#'         Whereas 'complexes' holds information about the complex'
#'         completeness.
#' @export
readManualAnnotationFile <- function(fname) {
    annot <- fread(fname, sep='\t', sep2=',',
                   colClasses=c(rep('character', 3), rep('numeric', 2)))
    setnames(annot, c('complex_id',
    list(annotations=annot[, list(complex_id, apexes_fully_observed,
         complexes=annot[, list(complex_id, n_proteins_in_complex,

#' Split a list of apexes like '1,2,3,4' and create a data.frame
#' data.frame(rt=c(1, 2, 3, 4), complex.id=X, apex.type=Y).
#' If no split was possible, NULL is returned.
#' @param complex.id A string identifying the complex.
#' @param sep.apexes A string of comma-separated numbers.
#' @param apex.type A string identifying the type of apex.
#' @return Either NULL or a data.frame.
apexStringToDF <- function(complex.id, sep.apexes, apex.type) {
    rt <- as.numeric(strsplit(sep.apexes, ',')[[1]])
    if (length(rt) > 0) {  # if there was something to split on
        data.frame(complex_id=complex.id, rt=rt)

#' Given a DF with columns 'complex_id', and another column holding 
#' comma-separated strings of numbers, create a long list style DF
#' where each row corresponds to a number.
#' @param annotations A data.frame with columns 'complex_id' and a second
#'                    column with comma-separated retention times of the
#'                    complex features.
#' @param apex.col.name The name of the column that holds the retention
#'                      times.
#' @return A data.table with the following columns: 'complex_id', 'rt'.
#' @examples
#' manual.annotations.raw <- readManualAnnotationFile('somefile.tsv')
#' manual.annotations <-
#'     createManualComplexAnnotations(manual.annotations.raw$annotations, 
#'                                    'apexes_partially_observed') 
#' @export
createManualComplexAnnotations <- function(annotations, apex.col.name) {
    dframes.list <- mapply(apexStringToDF, annotations$complex_id,
    # combine a list of dataframes into one large dataframe.
    # rbind will ignore entries that are NULL.
    apex.df <- as.data.table(do.call(rbind, dframes.list))
    rownames(apex.df) <- NULL

#' Merge to vectors of numbers in such a way that the output won't
#' contain numbers of the second vector that are within a interval
#' [i - window, i + window] for each number i in the first vector.
#' As an example, mergeRTs(c(1, 5), c(2, 3)) will result in c(1, 3, 5).
mergeRTs <- function(rts1, rts2, window=1) {
    ref.rts.with.spacings <- c(
        sapply(seq(window), function(i) {
            c(rts1 - i, rts1 + i)
    other.rts <- setdiff(rts2, ref.rts.with.spacings)
    merged.rts <- c(rts1, other.rts)
stopifnot(setequal(mergeRTs(c(1, 5), c(3, 2)), c(1, 5, 3)))
stopifnot(setequal(mergeRTs(c(1, 5), c(3, 2), window=2), c(1, 5)))
stopifnot(setequal(mergeRTs(integer(0), c(3, 2)), c(3, 2)))
stopifnot(setequal(mergeRTs(c(3, 2), integer(0)), c(3, 2)))

#' Merge the RTs for apexes of `apex.type` for two DTs.
#' dt1 is treated as the reference DT.
#' Merge two data.tables where each row corresponds to manually annotated
#' complex feature.
#' The table must have the columns: 'complex_id' and 'rt'.
#' @param dt1 The first DT.
#' @param dt2 The second DT.
#' @examples
#' manual.annotations.1.raw <- readManualAnnotationFile(annotations.1.raw)
#' manual.annotations.2.raw <- readManualAnnotationFile(annotations.2.raw)
#' manual.annotations.1 <-
#'     createManualComplexAnnotations(manual.annotations.1.raw$annotations,
#'                                    'apexes_partially_observed') 
#' manual.annotations.2 <-
#'     createManualComplexAnnotations(manual.annotations.2.raw$annotations, 
#'                                    'apexes_partially_observed') 
#' manual.annotations <- mergeManualComplexAnnotations(manual.annotations.1,
#'                                                     manual.annotations.2)
#' @export
mergeManualComplexAnnotations <- function(dt1, dt2) {
    complex.ids <- unique(dt1$complex_id)
    do.call(rbind, lapply(complex.ids, function(cid) {
        ref.rts <- dt1[complex_id == cid, ]$rt
        other.rts <- dt2[complex_id == cid, ]$rt
        merged <- mergeRTs(ref.rts, other.rts)
        if (length(merged) > 0) {
            data.table(complex_id=cid, rt=merged)
        } else {

#' Calculate the true positive rate (== recall)
calcTPR <- function(dt) {
    fn <- dt[type == 'FN', .N]
    tp <- dt[type == 'TP', .N]
    tp / (tp + fn)  # TP / P 

#' Calculate the false positive rate (== 1 - specificity)
calcFPR <- function(dt) {
    fp <- dt[type == 'FP', .N]
    tn <- dt[type == 'TN', .N]
    fp / (tn + fp)  # FP / N

#' Make ROC curves and treat every SEC position as a possible feature.
#' @param detected.features A dataframe with the columns: 'complex_id', 'rt'
#' @param true.positive.features A dataframe with the columns: 'complex_id', 'rt'
#' @param cutoffs A numeric vector of apex_mw_fit values that should be used to
#'                define if a feature passes the molecular weight test or not
#' @param feature.vicinity.tol A numeric value that specifies how near an
#'                             experimental feature has to be to a manually
#'                             annotated one to count as a true positive
#' @export
makeROCWithSEC <- function(detected.features,
                           feature.vicinity.tol=5) {
    fpr <- numeric(length=length(cutoffs))
    tpr <- numeric(length=length(cutoffs))
    for (i in seq_along(cutoffs)) {
        cat(sprintf('Calculating TPR/FPR. Iteration: %d\n', i))
        cval <- cutoffs[i]
        detected.features.filtered <-
            detected.features[apex_apmw_fit < cval, list(complex_id, center_rt)]
        if (nrow(detected.features.filtered) != 0) {
            all.features <- assessComplexFeaturesWithSEC(
            fpr[i] <- calcFPR(all.features)
            tpr[i] <- calcTPR(all.features)
        } else {
            fpr[i] <- 0
            tpr[i] <- 0
    fpr.order <- order(fpr)

    data.frame(FPR=fpr[fpr.order], TPR=tpr[fpr.order], cutoff=cutoffs[fpr.order])

#' Make a ROC curve.
#' @param detected.features A dataframe with the columns: 'complex_id', 'rt'
#' @param true.positive.features A dataframe with the columns: 'complex_id', 'rt'
#' @param params A numeric vector of apex_mw_fit values that should be used to
#'                define if a feature passes the molecular weight test or not
#' @param n.all.complexes Number of complexes that were inputto cprophet's 
#'        complex detection (this includes decoys).
#' @param subsetFeaturesFunc A function that should receive a feature DT and a
#'        parameter value. It should return the same DT with some rows removed.
#' @export
makeROC <- function(detected.features,
                    subsetFeaturesFunc) {
    fpr <- numeric(length=length(params))
    tpr <- numeric(length=length(params))
    for (i in seq_along(params)) {
        cat(sprintf('Calculating TPR/FPR. Iteration: %d\n', i))
        p <- params[i]
        detected.features.filtered <- subsetFeaturesFunc(detected.features, p)
        detected.features.filtered <-
            detected.features.filtered[, list(complex_id, center_rt)]
        if (nrow(detected.features.filtered) != 0) {
            counts <- assessComplexFeatures(
            fpr[i] <- counts['FP'] / (counts['TN'] + counts['FP'])
            tpr[i] <- counts['TP'] / (counts['TP'] + counts['FN'])
        } else {
            fpr[i] <- 0
            tpr[i] <- 0
    fpr.order <- order(fpr)

    data.frame(FPR=fpr[fpr.order], TPR=tpr[fpr.order], param=params[fpr.order])

#' Plot a ROC curve.
#' @param df A dataframe as returned by makeROCWithSEC
#' @param dynamic.axis If the axis should be adjusted s.t. only visible values
#'                     are shown.
#' @export
plotROC <- function(df, dynamic.axis=TRUE) {
    p <- ggplot(df) +
        geom_point(aes(x=FPR, y=TPR, size=param), alpha=0.5) +
        geom_line(aes(x=FPR, y=TPR)) +
        geom_abline(slop=1, linetype='dashed') +
        xlab('FPR | (1 - specificity)') +
        ylab('TPR | sensitivity')
    if (!dynamic.axis) {
        p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 1)) +
                 scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 1))

#' Annotate complex features by simply checking if there is a manual annotation
#' nearby. This function is faster than `annotateComplexFeatures`, which loops
#' through all the annotations and ensures that only one detected feature can
#' be assigned to one manually annotated feature. 
#' @export
annotateComplexFeaturesAlt <- function(detected.features,
                                       feature.vicinity.tol=5) {
    # Check for each of those complexes how many of its features actually have
    # a manual annotation nearby.
    detected.features <- detected.features
    n.close.enough.rts <- sapply(unique(detected.features$complex_id), function(cid) {
        cat('Comparing features to manual annotations. Current complex: ', cid, '\n')

        rt.true <- manual.annotations[complex_id == cid, ]$rt
        rt.exp <- detected.features[complex_id == cid, ]$center_rt

        for (rt in rt.exp) {
            has.close.enough.manual.rt <- any(abs((rt - rt.true)) <= feature.vicinity.tol)
            detected.features[complex_id == cid & center_rt == rt,
                              is_true_positive := has.close.enough.manual.rt]
hafenr/MACode documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:24 p.m.