
Defines functions oncoprint long2wide getSortedMatrix incrementMatrix memoSort

Documented in getSortedMatrix incrementMatrix memoSort oncoprint

#' function to create an oncoprint plot
#' @param A dataframe containing the alterations
#' @param keys list with the following elements: splicing, somatic, 
#' germline, amp, del, upreg, downreg
#' @param sortGenes boolean whether or not to sort the genes, default TRUE
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot labs scale_alpha_manual scale_fill_manual theme theme_minimal geom_tile element_text aes element_blank
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @export
oncoprint <- function(A, 
                      keys = list(somatic = "MUT", germline = "GERMLINE", amp = "AMP", 
                                  del = "HOMDEL", upreg = "UP", downreg = "DOWN", 
                                  splicing = "SPLICING"), 
                      sortGenes = TRUE){
  M <- long2wide(A)
  M.sorted <- getSortedMatrix(M,keys,sortGenes)
  mutmat <- M.sorted$mutmat
  alterations <- M.sorted$alterations
  genes <- M.sorted$genes
  samples <- M.sorted$samples

  # order alterations and samples based on matrix
  alterations$gene <- factor(alterations$gene, levels=rev(rownames(mutmat)))
  alterations$sample <- factor(alterations$sample, levels=colnames(mutmat))
  # create background ie cases with no alteration found
  background <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=length(samples), nrow=length(genes)))
  colnames(background) <- samples
  background$gene <- factor(genes, levels=rev(rownames(mutmat)))
  background.m <- gather(background, sample, alteration, -gene)
  background.m$sample <- factor(background.m$sample, levels=colnames(mutmat))
  plot.params <- data.frame(alteration = c("amp","del","somatic","splicing",
                            size = c(2,2,1,1,1,2,2),
                            width = c(.9,.9,.9,.9,.9,.9,.9),
                            height = c(.9,.9,.4,.95,.4,.9,.9))
  alterations <- merge(alterations,plot.params)
  plot.fill <- c("amp" = "firebrick", "del" = "blue", "upreg" = NA, "downreg" = NA,
                 "splicing" = "forestgreen", "germline" = "purple", "somatic" = "#36454F")
  plot.alpha <- c("amp" = 0.6, "del" = 0.6, "upreg" = 0.6, "downreg" = 0.6,
                  "splicing" = 0.6, "germline" = 1, "somatic" = 1)
  ggplot() + 
    geom_tile(data = background.m, aes(x = sample, y = gene), 
              fill = "#DCDCDC", colour = "white", size = 1.1) + 
    geom_tile(data = alterations, aes(x = sample, y = gene, fill = alteration, 
                                      size = size, width = width, height = height,
                                      alpha = alteration)) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = plot.fill) +
    scale_alpha_manual(values = plot.alpha) +
    theme_minimal() + 
    labs(x = "Sample", y = "Gene") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 9), 
          legend.position = "none",
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

#' @importFrom dplyr %>% group_by mutate select
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
long2wide <- function(alterations) {
  colnames(alterations) <- c("sample", "gene", "alteration")
  alterations <- alterations %>%
    group_by(sample, gene) %>%
    mutate(alterations = paste(alteration, collapse = ";")) %>%
    select(sample, gene, alterations) %>%
  wide <- spread(alterations, sample, alterations) %>%
  rownames(wide) <- wide[,"gene"]
  wide <- wide[,-1]

#' Function to order the alteration matrix to evidence the mutual exclusion pattern.
#' @param M mutation matrix
#' @param keys list with the following elements: splicing, somatic, 
#' germline, amp, del, upreg, downreg
#' @param sortGenes boolean whether or not to sort the genes, default TRUE
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
getSortedMatrix <- function(M, keys=list(somatic="MUT", germline="GERMLINE", amp="AMP", 
                                         del="HOMDEL", upreg="UP", downreg="DOWN", 
                                         splicing="SPLICING"), sortGenes=TRUE){
  # convert from wide to long format
  Mdf <- as.data.frame(M, stringsAsFactors = F)
  Mdf$sample <- rownames(Mdf)
  all <- gather(Mdf, gene, alteration, -sample)
  genes <- na.omit(unique(as.character(all$gene)))
  samples <- na.omit(unique( as.character(all$sample) ))
  # create data structure for each alteration in a list
  alterations <- list()
  for( a in names(keys) ){
    df <- all[ grep(pattern = keys[[a]], all$alteration) ,]
    if(nrow(df) > 0 ){
      df$alteration <- a
      alterations[[a]] <- df
  alterations <- do.call("rbind",alterations)
  ## create numerical mutation matrix
  mutmat <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=length(samples), nrow=length(genes)))
  colnames(mutmat) <- samples
  rownames(mutmat) <- genes
  # from https://github.com/gideonite/WIP/blob/gh-pages/oncoprint/MemoSort.js
  # // sorting order : amplification, deletion, mutation, splicing, mrna, rppa
  # // mutation > 0
  # // amp > del > 0
  scoringMatrix <- c("amp" = 128, "del" = 64, "somatic" = 32, "splicing" = 25, 
                     "germline" = 16, "up" = 8, "downreg" = 4)
  mutmat <- incrementMatrix(M=mutmat, events=alterations, scoring=scoringMatrix)
  mutmat <- memoSort(mutmat, sortGenes = sortGenes)

#' Function to increment gene matrix
#' @param M data frame, colnames=samples, rownames=genes
#' @param events data frame. Needs columns sample and gene
#' @param scoring number by which to increment
incrementMatrix <- function(M, events, scoring){
  for(k in 1:nrow(events)){
    alteration <- events$alteration[k]
    increment <- as.numeric(scoring[alteration])
    gene <- as.character(events$gene[k])
    sample <- as.character(events$sample[k])
    idx.g <- which(rownames(M)==gene)
    idx.s <- which(colnames(M)==sample)
      M[idx.g,idx.s] <- M[idx.g,idx.s] + increment

#' Function to sort gene mutation matrix
#' from https://gist.github.com/dakl/5974ac1d78dac88c1c78
#' @param mutmat matrix, genes as rows, samples as columns
#' @param sortGenes boolean wheather or not to sort genes (rows)
memoSort <- function(mutmat, sortGenes=TRUE) {
  # order rows
    geneOrder <- sort(rowSums(mutmat), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix;
  } else {
    geneOrder <- 1:nrow(mutmat)
  # order columns
  scoreCol <- function(x) {
    score <- 0;
    for(i in 1:length(x)) {
      if(x[i]) {
        score <- score + 2^(20+length(x)-i);        
    score <- score + sum(x*(length(x):1))
  scores <- apply(mutmat[geneOrder, ], 2, scoreCol);
  sampleOrder <- order(scores, decreasing = TRUE)# sort(scores, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix;
  mutmat <- mutmat[geneOrder, sampleOrder]
  firstRow <- mutmat[1,]
  new.order <- c()
  for(i in unique(as.numeric(firstRow))){
    sub.mutmat <- mutmat[2:nrow(mutmat),firstRow==i]
    if (is.vector(sub.mutmat))
      new.order <- c(new.order, colnames(mutmat)[firstRow==i])
    else if (is.data.frame(sub.mutmat) & nrow(sub.mutmat)==2) 
      new.order <- c(new.order, colnames(mutmat)[firstRow==i])
    else {
      sub.mutmat <- memoSort(sub.mutmat, sortGenes = FALSE)
      new.order <- c(new.order, colnames(sub.mutmat))
  mutmat <- mutmat[,new.order]
hclimente/find.me documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:08 p.m.